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November 03, 1954 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1954-11-03

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Democrats Take Early
Lead, May Gain Control


(Continued from Page 1)
Thurmond Wins Write-in
S t r o m Thurmond, 1948 presi-
dential candidate of the States'
Rights party, was elected U.S. sen-
ator in a Democratic write-in
It was the first time in history
that anyone had been elected to
either house of Congress as a
write-in candidate.
Thurmond defeated E d g a r
Brown, who was nominated by the
South Carolina Democratic Exec-
utive Committee, two days after
the Sept. 1 death of Sen. Burnet
Oklahoma: Sen. Robert S.
KERR (D), defeated Fred M.
Mock (R).
New Hampshire: Sen. Styles
BRIDGES (R), defeated Gerald
L. Morin (D) for full term.
New Hampshire: Norris COT-
TON (R) defeated Stanley J. Bet-

Vote Leaflet
DETROIT (R) - Fair election
practices committee, appointed
jointly by Gov. G. Mennen Wil-
liams and Donald S. Leonard to
make sure religious and racial is-
sues were kept out of the Michi-
gan gubernatorial campaign, to-
day condemned authors of a pam-
phlet being distributed in the 13th
congressional district.
On the surface, the pamphlet
urged Negro voters to support
Charles Diggs, a Negro Democrat,
who is running against Republican
Landon S. Knight. It was based
primarily on an appeal to Negroes
to support the Negro candidate.
Headed by Rt. Rev. Richard S.
Emrich, Episcopal Bishop of Mich-
igan, the governor'shcommittee
said in a statement the pamphlet
"oversteps all bounds of decency."
The committee said: "The leaf-
let is released in the 13th District
in predpminantly white neighbor-
hoods and shows pictures of sev-
eral Negro candidates. The exam-
ination of this leaflet' makes it
obvious that some persons have
deliberately planted this piece of
un-American literature in an at-
tempt to use racial prejudice
against Democratic candidates."
Ethics Topic
Of Murray's
talk in Series
The Rev. Fr. John Courtney
Murray, Professor of theology at
Woodstock College in Maryland,
will be the first of three national-
ly-known religious leaders to lec-
ture in the annual "This I Believe"
lie will speak at 8:30 p.m. today
in Auditorium A, Angell Hall. i
Representing the Roman Catho-
lic point of view, Father Murray
will center his talk around the
theme of the series, "Ethics-By
God or Man."
Recipient of the Cardinall Spell-
man Award for his contribution to
theological scholarship, Father
Courtney is editor of Theological
Studies and member of the Ameri-
can Political Science Association
and the Catholic Association for
International Peace.
The annual religious series is
sponsored by the Student Religious
Association and the Campus Re-
ligious Council.

ley (D), short term ending Jan.
3, 1957.
West Virginia: Sen. Matthew
M. Neely (D) defeated Tom Swee-
ny (R).
Mississippi: Sen. James O.
Eastland (D) defeated James
White (R).
Rhode Island: Sen. Theodore F.
Green (D) defeated Walter I.
Sundlum (R).
Texas: Lyndon B. Johnson (D)
defeated Carlos G. Watson (R).
Democrats Hold South
North Carolina: W. Kerr Scott
(D), defeated Paul C. West (R).
North Carolina: Sen. Sam J. Er-
vin (D), unopposed for short term.
Louisiana: Sen. Allen J. Ellen-
der (D), unopposed.
Arkansas: Sen. John J. Mc
Clellan (D), unopposed.
Georgia: Sen. Richard B. Rus-
sell (D), unopposed.
Delaware: Sen. J. Allen Frear
Jr. (D) defeated Herbert B. War-
burton (R).
Alabama: Sen. John J. Spark-
man (D), defeated J. Foy Guin
Virginia: Sen. A. Willis Rob-
ertson (D), no Republican opposi-
Tennessee: Sen. Estes Kefauver
(D), defeated Thomas P. Wall Jr.
Kansas: Andrew F. Schoeppel,
(R) defeated George McGill (D).
Maine: Sen. Margaret Chase
Smith (R). Elected Sept. 13.
Rep. Harold Velde (R-Ill.) chair-
man of the House Un-American
Activities Committee was elected
to another term yesterday de-
feating Howard S. Beeny of Pe-
oria, Democratic chairman of Pe-
oria County.
Control of the House at 2 a.m.
today lined up as follows:
Pennsylvania: 16 Democrats, 8
Iowa: 3 Republicans
New Jersey: 4 Democrats, 4 Re-
Maryland; 1 Republican, 2 Dem-
Michigan: 1 Republican
Wisconsin; 1 Democrat
Missouri: 6 Democrats, 1 Re-
New York: 4 Democrats, 22 Re-
Massachusetts: 1 Democrat
Ohio: 4 Democrats, 3 Republi-
Illinois: 4 Democrats, 4 Republi-
Rhode Island: 2 Democrats
North Dakota: 1 Republican
Mississippi: 2 Democrats
Kansas: 1 Republican
Texas: 2 Democrats
Florida: 6 Democrats, Repub-
Virginia: Republican
Georga: 2 Democrats
Oklahoma: 4 Democrats
West Virginia: 2 Democrats
North Carolina: 1 Republican
Idaho: 1 Republican
Utah: 1 Republican
Louisiana: 1 Democrat
Arizona: 1 Democrat
SL Sets Deadline
For Referenda
Student Legislature Election Di-
rector David Levy, '57, announced
yesterday that referenda for the
all campus elections of Dec. 8 and
9 will be accepted today through
November 20 at the offices in
Quonset Hut A.
Any referendum requested by pe-
tition to the SL by 1,200 students
will be placed on the ballot at
the all-campus election.
Referenda requested by a peti-
tion to SL by 600 students, secur-
ing approval of one fourth of the
total SL membership will also be
placed on the bllot.
Levy further asked all those
with potential referenda to prepare
them immediately so that they

will not be cut off by the Nov.
20 deadline.
The Theosophical Society
n Ann Arbor
public lecture

Eye Flaws
Neglect of children's visual er-
rors will show up in their posture,
manual dexterity, intelligence and
Because children don't know
what normal vision is, they don't
know what something is wrong
With their eyes.
Even in schools where visual
screening is used to test children's
eyes, according to the Better Vis-
ion Institute in New York City, a
really thorough analysis is not pro-
vided ... wise parents must watch
their children for signs of eye
Early school age children are
especially apt to strain their eyes,
which are still immature and vul-
nerable. School work, for them, is
of a near point of work type, and
a stAlin on young eyes.
Farsightedness Common
Farsightedness is c o m m o n
among younger children because
their eyes are so short from front
to back that they don't bring light
rays to a focus on the retina.
Fortunately the child has the
ability to change the shape of his
eye's lens so that it performs the
focusing job. Still this is hard for
him, and long concentration on ex-
acting work is not good.
Reading books with large print,
held upright at a distance of 15
inches, and reading for short in-
tervals is the best way for chil-
dren to read, according to the Bet-
ter Vision Institute.
Other visual problems common
among children are nearsighted-
ness, which can be corrected by
proper glasses, crossed eyes, and
Regular Check Ups Advised
Regular eye check ups by a vis-
ual specialist are the best way to
prevent eye trouble. This should
be done at the age of three or four,
when the child enters school and
periodically after that.
The Better Vision Institute has
tricks for the middle aged person
as well, who needs more and more
light to see clearly.
By cupping his hand into a tiny
pinhole, and looking through it,
people over 40 years old can us-
ually distinguish phone numbers
in a dim liht.
Unfortunately this is a makeshift
emergency measure. Professional-
ly prescribed eyeglasses are the
only thing which can fill the daily
visual needs of such a person.
Help for Middle Aged
Trifocals are one answer, ac-
cording to many people 50 years
old with an average age of 56.3,
who have tried them so far.
These are continuous vision
lenses, which provide three zones
of seeing, the near, the middle
and the far.
Greatest enthusiasm about tri-
focals come from those whose oc-
cupations require unusual postures
or frequent changes in working
distance, such as shoe salesmen,
subway engineers, and factory ma-
chinery cleaners.
Menderhall Plans
Bible Talk Today
Prof. George E. Mendenhall of
the Department of Near Eastern
Studies will speak at 8 p.m. to-
day at the Hillel Bldg. on "The His-
torical and Ethical Sense of the

The lecture is the first in a se-
ries entitled "The Legacy of Is-
rael," sponsored by Hillel Foun-

Ple4ges Sell Flags

Letter Fad
May Break
Mail Laws
(Continued from Page 1)

December Election To Suit
Either SL or SGC System

--Courtesy Ann Arbor News
FLAG SALE--Fred Lyons, '57, Carol DeBruin, '57, and Mrs. Car-
ol Black display one of flags being sold by Fraternity and Sorori-
ty pledges to help the Junior Chamber of Commerce raise $13,400
for a new outdoor Ann Arbor swimming pool. Co-sponsored by
Junior Interfraternity Council and Junior Pan-Hellenic, more than
600 pledges are taking part in the sale which began Monday, con-
tinued yesterday and will be concluded today and tomorrow.
Campuus Calendar
v -_4

develop, since the mails cannot be
used to aid illegal enterprises."
Conflicting rumors showed the
letters may have started either at
the University of Wisconsin or
Notre Dame.
Letters on MSC's campus were
mostly from Notre Dame, where
an assistant football coach and
several players signed them but
several students said that Notre
Dame received chain letters from
East Gets Letters
Both MSC and University stu-
dents said they had sent or
brought letters to a number of
Eastern schools, including Har-
vard, Yale and Princeton. Ohio
State and other Big Ten schools
may also have received them.
Students at MSC claimed it took
three days to sweep the campus.
One student reported a return of
$480 in only four days while oth-
ers said they had heard of large
"clean-ups" at Notre Dame.
Strike It Rich
A fraternity president at State
said, "From the looks of things,
this is the latest way to strike it
Dean of Men Walter B. Rea point-
ed out several fallacies showing
this was not necessarily true. First'
there is no guarantee that the
buyer will send $5.00 to the num-
ber one man.
Also, letters can be manipulated
and falsified to cut out names and
substitute others, giving all the
profits to one man.
Prof. James A. Nyswander of

disapproved by the students, the
top 23 winners would be elected
to SL, and the Student Legislature
would remain the governing body
on campus.
Sweep County
(Continued from Page 1)
12,379 votes in his bid for the
sheriff's post, while Democrat
Lawrence Oltersdorf had 8,062
votes tabulated from Ypsilanti and
Ann Arbor.
Luella M. Smith, seeking her'
ninth term as county clerk, was in
front of aspirant Eleanor R.j
Graves, 12,539 votes to 7,170.
Running for register of_ deeds,'
Patricia Hardy polled 12,483 bal-
lots, contrasted to 7,239 ballots for
Democrat William L. Schaules,
Vernor Treasurer
Also benefiting in the apparent
straight-party voting of local Re-
publicans, William F. Vernor had
12,456 votes in the race for county
treasurer. He has completed six
terms in that office. His opponent,j
Garvin P. Brasseur, received 7,147
County coroner for the past 34
years, Republican Edwin C. Ganz-
horn appeared to be re-elected this
morning when he received 12,448
votes to William H. Dickson's
7,592. At one time Dickson held
the coroner's position for three
Running on a special non-parti-
san ballot, incumbent Robert V.
Fink appeared assured o. another
term in the office of circuit court
commissioner. He polled 4,140
votes, compared to 3,403 for Ar-
thur E. Carpenter and 3,370 for
Clan Crawford, Jr. Two offices are
In tabulations for Ann Arbor
only, Republican John H. Flook
had received 9,345 votes against
4,964 for Democrat Harry E. Nor-
ton in his bid for the post of drain
Officers Chosen
Donald Hendricks, Grad., was
elected president of the Graduate
School of Library Science at its
annual el'ection last week.
Other officers are Marilyn Chick-
sowsky, Grad., vice-president, Nan'
Adamson, Grad., secretary and
treasurer Caroline Harris.
Elected to represent the school
on the Graduate Council were Da-
vid Kaser, Grad., and Paul Ed-
lund, Grad.

(Continued from Page 1)

Levy said it was important that
the referendum be counted first
since, according to the Hare elec-
tion system, a different number of
votes would be necessary for elec-
tion to SGC than SL.
As of this morning 28 students
have taken petitions for the elec-
tions. Since there are 23 SL seats
open, petitioning has been extend-
ing to November 6 to increase the
number of candidates,
Should the SGC plan be -
proved Nov. 2,;petitioning will
again be opened for students who
wish to run for the new student
government system, but have not
petitioned for SL.
Varied SL Stands
Legislature members, caught i
the uncertainty of the student
government issue, have expressed
varying viewpoints on whether
they will or will not run for one
or the other government plans.
Ticket Resale
Service To Open
Union ticket resale service will
be open this week to handle tick-
ets for the Illinois game and other
campus events.
Tickets for the football game may
be turned in from 3 to 5 p.m. at
the Union student offices for resale
from 9:45 a.m. to noon Saturday
in the Union lobby. Regularprices
are charged, and student tickets
may not be resold.
Tickets for the Cleveland Sym-
phony concert Sunday or any oth-
er activity may be brought in for
resale. These tickets may be pur-
chased any week day from 3 to 5
p.m., according to Mark Gallon,
'55, student services committee
Generation Plans
Article on Miller
Generation, student inter-arts
magazine; will go on sale next
Wednesday at points all over cam-
Featured in the first of three is-
sues will b.: an article by William
Wiegand, Grad., "Arthur Miller
and the Man Who Knows," and a
children's story written by Larry
Pike, '54, and illustrated by Stu
Ross, '55 A&D.
Generation will publish stories
by Lilia P. Amansec, Grad., Mar-
ein Weingart, '55, and Henry Van
Dyke, winner of a major Hopwood
Award for fiction this year.
Poetry by Lilia P. Amansec,
Grad., Richard E. Braun, '56, Dor-
is Parsons and Mimi Lewert, '55,
will also be included.
Generation trill sell for $.35 per

4 -




THE MIDWEST Institute on Pub-
lic Relations for the Bar will be;
held today.{
Sponsored by the Law School and
the State Bar of Michigan, the In-
stitute will be addressed by Timo-
thy N. Pfeiffer of New York City
on the "Human Side of the P'rac-'
tice of Law," at 9:45 p.m. in Rack-
ham Amphitheater.
Kenneth McFarland, of the pub-
lic relations department of Gener-
al Motors Corporation will address
the luncheon meeting at 2:15 p.m.
in the League.'
A speech by Robert B. L. Mur-;
phy of Madison, Wis., "The Busi-
ness Side of the Practice of Law"
will be given at 2:15 p.m. in the
Rackham Amphitheater.
* * *
JOSE P. LAUREL, Philippine
senator, will be the guest of honor
at a luncheon sponsored by the po-
litical science department at noon
tomorrow in the Union.
Sen. Laurel will give a lecture
at 4 p.m. at Rackham Auditorium
on Philippine-American relations.
* . *
"SOME PROBLEMS of a Scien-
tific Career" will be the topic of
a panel discussion at 8 p.m. tomor-
row in the Rackham Amphitheater.
Von Boeventer
Cites German
Schools' Bias
Edwin von Boeventer, Grad., a
native of Germany, said at yes-
terday's Deutscher Verein program
"teachers who are neither Protes-
tant nor Catholic are discriminated
against" in Germany because of
the existing educational system.
Since most schools are parochial,
he added, teachers who don't be-
long to one of the major faiths
can't get jobs.
Main speaker of the program,
Dr. Alfred Weber, staff member of
a Detroit hospital, also said that
separated schools increase the gap
between Protestant and Catholic
Dr. Weber declared the bridging
of the gap between religions is
one of the chief problems of Chan-
cellor Konrad Adenauer's Chris-
tian-Democrat Union Party.
The CDU, he continued, has
gained great popularity among the
German people by raising their
standard of living after the war.
Richard Glass, '58, explained
some of the problems of an Ameri-
can GI in post-war Germany.

Prof. Marston Bates of the zool%)-
gy department, Prof. Stanley Cain
of the natural resources school,
Prof. Samuel Krimm of the phys-
ics department, Donald Pelz of
Survey Research Center, and Prof.
Frederick Wyatt of the psychology
department .will take part in the
Phi Sigma sponsored panel.


PROF. W.F.H.M. Mommaerts of the mathematics department com-
Western Reserve University will puted mathematical progressions

TY klovul it AAlo7 ,l VG lJlll V L1 oliJ' W 111 I

lecture at 4:15 p.m., tomorrow in
Auditorium C, Angell Hall on "The
Chemical and Molecular Physiolo-
gy of Muscular Contraction." j
* * *
OSCAR Sutermeister, Washing-
ton, D.C. city planner, will speak
at 4 p.m., tomorrow, in the Archi-
tecture Auditorium on "Planning
for Reduction of Urban Vulnera-
AN OPEN house after Satur-
day's Illinois game has been sched-
uled by the Union.
Set for 4:15 to 6:15 p.m., all
students, alumni and their guests
as well as visitors from Illinois
have been invited to attend.
Coffee, milk and doughnuts will
be served, according to Mark Gal-
lon, '55, student services commit-
tee chairman.

proving chain letters could not be
kept going for more than a short
After the original 11 signers
have received their money, 2,048
people will be involved, each oft
whom will potentially involve an-
other 2,048 people.
8 Billion Involved
By the third round, more than
four times the earth's population,
8,589,934,592 people, would have to
buy letters to keep the scheme
John E. Bingley, Assistant to
the Dean of Men, said, "I think
it's a lot of nonsense. I thought
people had gotten over this in the
"The originator always collects
and the suckers wait for their
money," Dean Rea said.




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Daily Classifieds
JANUARY 3-31 ___

This lecture is free and open to
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Wed., Nov. 3, 8:00 P.M.







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