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October 30, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-10-30

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t 4ta
Latest Deadline in the State










x Eisenhower
To Fight
For Jobless
President Gives
Talk in Detroit
Special to The Daily
DETROIT - Pledging that his
administration will fight for every
jobless worker, President Dwight
D. Eisenhower assured a Detroit
audience yesterday that "we are
on the up-grade by every index we
A cheering crowd, estimated by
police at 50,000, packed Cadillac
Square to hear the President say
that "unemployment is heartache;
it is privation; it is discourage-
ment; and we know it. I assure
A you, you have a government with
a heart as well as a head."
Applause interrupted the Pre-
sident here, as it did numerous
other times during his speech. The
talk was part of a one-day tour of
four cities-Cleverand, Louisville
and Wilmington in addition to De-
Hits at Democrats
President Eisenhower hit the 20-
year Democrat administration in
another phase of his talk on un-
employment. He said that in the
last two years the government has
succeeded in changing a war econ-
omy to a peace economy, and that
the number of unemployed now are
one third the number of those un-
employed in 1940, despite the great-
er number of people now.
"I am quite sure we do not want
to pay for false prosperity in the
blood of our sons on the battle-
field," he said, attributing Demo-
cratic prosperity to a war-time
Cites Accomplishments
Citing accomplishments of his ad-
ministration, the President enum-
erated tax cuts, extension of social
security and unemployment insur-
ance benefits, increases in road
building and housing construction
and the St. Lawrence seaway pro-
Urging the return of Sen. Homer
Ferguson to the Senate, the Pre-
sident asked for a Republican vic-
tory at the polls. "I am out today
to try and get as close again as I
can to the people," he said.

'Daily' Fire


--Daily-Don Campbell
More Voters Register
For Off-Year Election
(Editor's Note-This is the fifth in a series on the forthcoming elections)
Approximately 3,500 more voters are registered in Ann Arbor
for the general elections Tuesday than in 1950, last off-year election..
Out of the 23,652 people rgeistered, 15,000 are expected to show
up at the polls to vote for federal, county and state officers' and
register their opinion on various proposals.
The Lottery or 'bingo' amendment which will permit the Legisla-
ture to authorize lotteries to be conducted for charitable purposes,
is an important local issue.
Korean Bonuses
Another proposal that Ann Arborites are interested in, will give

Relief Fund
Collects $89
Cause of Blaze
Still Not Known
Several offers of assistance
have been made and $89 was col-
lected yesterday to help the 14
survivors of Thursday's pre-dawn
fire at 508 Monroe which killed f
two women, one a University stu-
Clothes for the victims may be ...
brought to Rm. 100 of the Stu-
dent Publications Bldg. until noon
today, while canisters for TheQ
Daily's fund-raising campaign for1
the fire victims will be placed
from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. today in x ' 1 1
the Union and Student Publica-
tions Bldg.
Mrs. Marion George, said yes-
terday that she will donate bed- 1952-Lowell Perry (85) Michigan end is brought down by Hoo-
ding, blankets and pillows to any sier defenders in the last Michigan Indiana game, which Michi- I
of the people living in the rav- gan won, 28-13.
ished home. The Salvation Army
reported that they had not been j
contacted by any of the residents "
of the home who needed help. Of- CostOn TellsDculties
ficials there said they would be
glad t oassist the evacuees from
the house. Of Building Inspectiont
Neighbor Provides Room
Former residents of the gutted
three-story frame building have "This incident is something we have been afraid would happen,"
scattered all over Ann Arbor since Ann Arbor City Council member Dean W. Coston commented yes-1
the fire, Robert Sauve comment- terday about the student apartment fire which resulted in the death'
ed. A next-door neighbor, Suave of two people Thursday morning.
has provided room in his home
for Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pratt. Coston, who was active in the council committee for organiza-
They have found an apartment tion of a building inspection department, explained that the hoped- :
and will move tomorrow, he added. for Department of Building and Safety Inspection had been set up
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Zimmerman, earlier this year. "But we are so understaffed that it is almost im-
who barely escaped from the possible to complete an inspection of all the multiple dwelling units ,
house before it was enveloped in in the city," Coston said.
flames, are currently living at the I Would Take Ten Years
home of a relative, Prof. Bleek- s'I' "One man can inspect about
man of the engineering school. s
Thom Shih and his wife are R -LItI~iI1 eight homes per day. With our six
now living at 607 Hill, while Mr.I e or seven man staff it will take us
and Mrs. Emilios Antoniades have iSe es W ill:the next 10 years," Coston ex-
been supplied with an apartment plained. "We have been taking
by friends in the chemistry de- c buildings on which we have re-
partment. J1Ivite Bunche
Presently residing with friends ceived complaints first. But it is
and looking for a permanent place Ralph Bunche, United States re- very difficult to inspect all of
to stay are Robert. McMillan, '55, presentative to the United Nations, the buildings."
Harry Athanson, '55, Joseph will be invited to speak in the The new department can do
Krahl, '55 and Robert Schissel, University's "Religion Today Lec- one of three things when a dwell-
'56. The other men are graduate tureship" in March and J. Robert ing is found to be a fire hazard.
students. Oppenheimer will be invited for "If the property is in immediate
Released from Hospital the series in 1956. peril, we can order it evacuated
Released yesterday from Uni- Dr. Albert Schweitzer, missionary at once. We can order necessary
versity Hospital was David W. doctor to to Belgian Congo, will repairs. Or, if an extremely dan-
Emerson, Grad., who cut his hand also be invited to lecture within gerous condition is apparent, we
while escaping from the burning the next three years. can have the building torn down

tion's number one team, Ohio
State, the men from Bloomington,
Indiana, have dropped games to
Michigan State, Iowa, and Mis-
In last week's encounter with the
Iowa Hawkeyes, the Hoosiers miss-
ed .three touchdown opportunities
while fumbling twice to set up two
Iowa scores. Against Missouri, a
fumble again gave the Tigers their
victory margin, while the Michigan
State Spartans grabbed a one
touchdown victory with the aid
of a 15-yard penalty against In-
diana to produce the winning tally.
With their run of hard luck be-
hind the Hoosiers, the Wolverines
will face a team desperatly seek-
ing a conference victory. After
finishing in the ninth spot in the
Big Ten last year with a 1-5 con-
ference record and a 2-7 over-all
imark, Indiana will be primed for
an upset victory.
Physically Fit
Coach Bernie Crimmins is count-
ing on a physically able team for
the first time this season. His
number one back, quarterback

Cold, Snow
Set for Fans
At Stadium
Blankets, gloves and heavy
coats are in order for today's
Wolverines will meet the Hoo-
siers under the coldest weather
conditions Ann Arbor's football
season has brought to date-with
possible scattered snow added to
40-degree temperatures and cloudy
Crowds at the game, according
to Intercollegiate Athletics Public
Relations Manager Leslie F. Et-
ter, should reach 50,000. A few
have probably been attracted by
the Union's 50th Anniversary
Celebration, and an estimated 2,.
000 will be Indiana fans.
Dad's Weekend

Stadium Hosts
Hoosier Rivalry
Wolverines Out To Protect Big Ten
Win String; Williams Definitely Out
After an intermission of one year, the Michigan football squad
resumes its rivalry with Indiana in the Michigan stadium today.
Kickoff time for the 21st clash between the Hoosiers and the
Wolverines is set for 2 p.m.
The Maize and Blue meet a disheartened Indiana crew who have
lost all but one game so far this season. The lone victory is a
34-6 thumping of the College of the Pacific.
Without Conference Win
Four losses, three of which have just been a case of back luck,
have left the Hoosiers without a conference victory. After a 28-0
thrashing at the hands of the na-G33'

Members of the Inter-Frater-
nity Council on the Louisiana
State College campus have been
issued a warning to remove fire
hazards by the State Fire Mar-
Besides clearing trash and
rubbish from the fraternities,
three other regulations were to
be observed. They were: "No
clothes piled on the floor" and
"Adequate supply of ashtrays."



No Sharp Lines Determine
Areas of Judic Jurisdiction
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third in a series of articles interpreting cur-
rent problems, plans and functions of University student judiciary council.)
A student who breaks a University rule doesn't automatically find
his name set on the agenda of a particular judiciary group.
No sharp lines divide the areas covered by the different organiza-
tions-jurisdiction, in each case, goes to the group most directly
concerned with the violation.
Women who violate drinking and driving regulations are, as a rule,
brought before Joint Judiciary, and to the Women's Judiciary, a divi-
sion of the League, if their offenses pertain to University hours or
specific house rules.
Reputation Cases
But a woman who has committed an especially serous violation,
'involving her reputation, would
probably be called before Women's
Teachier Hits Pnl
Setupto hear cases of a very
o iV tconfidential nature, Women's Panel
Com ing'ote currently includes Dean of Women
Deborah Bacon, Women's Judiciary
As I tCruChairman Sally Stahl, '55, and Jan-
et Rutherford, '55, vice-president
"Tuesday's national election is of Joint Judie.
not one of the most crucial mid- Holding its meetings only when
term elections, despite the tones a definite case arises demanding
of campaign speeches," Prof. Jos- its action, the panel hears only
eph E. Kallenbach of the political about ten cases in an academic
science department commented year, according to Miss Ruther-
yesterday. ford.
Speaking on the issues of the Cases of Embarrassment
coming elections at a discussion As well as cases in which the
sponsored by the International violator's reputation is at stake,
Students Association and the In- Women's Panel handles rule in-
ternational Center, Prof. Kallen- fractions which, if heard before a
bach observed that the Democratic larger group, might embarrass the
Party is not basically at odds with woman.
the President in the foreign policy If, for instance, a 40-year-old
issue. graduate woman student were

$800,000,000 for bonuses to Ko-I
rean War veterans. The Conlin
Plan involves redistribution of
sales tax moneys and has attract-
ed much notice.
On the county level Tuesday,
Washtenaw property owners will!
decide whether they want $110,-
000 in the county general fund to
be transferred to a special fund
to build a juvenlle home.
Second District Contest
Republican incumbent George
Meader and Democrat J. Henry
Owens, head of the romance lan-
guage department at Michigan
State Normal College, are seeking
the House seat in the Second Dis-
trict which includes Washtenaw
Electing its own senator to the
state senate for the first time,
Washtenaw County will be choos-
ing between Republican Lewis G.,
Christman, '15, presently Legisla-
ture Representative from the First
District, and Democrat Lewis C.
Reimann, '16, who is on the Lane
Hall Board of Governors.
Republican George W. Sallade,
president of Ann Arbor city coun-
cil, and Democrat John W. Carr.
III, are running for the state
house of representatives from
Washtenaw County's First Dis-






home with his wife Shirley, who
suffered smoke poisoning and
shock but was not hospitalized.
Ann Arbor Fire Chief Benja-
min Zahn said yesterday the
cause of the fire will probably
never be known. However, he ob-
served that the kitchen in front,
where the fire started, had been
wired very poorly.
Also killed in the 'fire was Eliz-
abeth Vandegrift, Grad., who had
been on a year's leave of absence
from Muskegon High School to
study for a doctoral degree in

Meeting yesterday, the Student
Committee on "Religion Today"
nominated Aldous Huxley, Charles
Malik and Robert Hutchins as al-
ternates for Bunche in that order.
Formerly sponsored by the Mott
Foundation in Flint and now by
the University, the lectureship
brings an outstanding religious per-
sonality to the campus for a week
each year to speak and to meet
with student groups.

The law backs us up completely,"
Coston added.
Once a 'U' Function
Previous to the end of V jrld
War II, the University had spon-
sored investigation of student
apartments. But with the rush of
post-war students, the job became
too big to handle. Matters were
turned over to the city.
Coston said that the University

Considering religion in its larg- "has always been cooperative"
est sense, lectures are geared to and that Dean of Men Walter B.
the meaning of life and questions Rea had promised renewed aid
of interest in this day and age. to the department.

Wind Up Plans for Halloween Invasion

Florian Helinski, has been handi-
capped in his passing because of a
slow mending bruised shoulder.
Olympic Decathlon champion,
Milt Campbell, who fills the right;
half spot, is in the best condi-
tion he has been in all year. He
pulled several knee ligaments ear-
lier in the season. The other half,
Don Domenic, will return to action.
after completely missing the Iowa
game with injuries.
Only doubtful starter is second-
string quarterback Chick Cichow-
ski, who injured his ankle and foot
in the Iowa game.
Crimmins will be counting heav-
ily on Helinski, who has not had
an interception in the 98 passes
he has thrown this season. This
,mark is a new record in the Na-
tional Collegiate Athletic Associa-
tion record books.
M' Riding High
From the Michigan standpoint, a
lot is at stake. The Wolverines,
riding high on a 4-1 record and
three Western Conference victories
against no defeats, are the only un-
defeated Big Ten team except
Ohio State.
To the nation, Coach Bennie Oos-
terbaan has fielded the surprise
team of the year. In the Associat-
ed Press poll of sportswriters last
week the Wolverines were rated
11th in the country. For a team
which was generally predicted to
be sixth in the Big Ten this year,
Oostenbaan has seemingly done the
Physically, the Maize and Blue
are in better shape than they have
been in weeks. Only end Jerry
Williams will definitely miss to-


Fathers of campus sorority and
fraternity members will account
for part of the crowds-nine sor-
orities andnseveral men's groups
have planned annual "Dad's
Weekend" festivities for today and
"Blast From the Past," the an-
nual appearance of the Marching
Band alumni, will entertain spec-
tators before the game. Ex-bands-
men will then join the present
band in a combined performance
of Michiga songs.
At half-time the band will take
the field with a "Victors Around
the World" presentation-demon-
strating the famed march as it
might be arranged in Russia,
Shanghai, India, Hawaii and It-
Possible New Cheer
Head Cheerleader Bill Winkler,
'55, said yesterday that today's
game may bring another innova-
tion-the first use of a new cheer,
"Michigan Special."
Winkler added that responses
this season to the efforts of his
squad have been the most encour-
aging in three years.
Beginning at noon, high school
students and uniformed men and
women in the service may buy
tickets for $1 at Gates 3 and 9.
City Children
Get Leaflets
Urging Care
Get the car's license number.
That's the theme of 10,000 leaf-
lets the Ann Arbor Police Depart-
ment is distributing to city school
Containing a warning against
aggressive strangers and other
safety hazards, the leaflets are be-
ing passed out in assemblies and
classrooms by Sgt. George Sim-
mons of the Department's Youth
Discussing the subject of per-
sonal safety, Simmons does not
attempt to frighten the children
but emphasizes the service they
can perform by reporting offend-
The leaflets warn against ac-

Tonight's the night.
The night when people forget about the major troubles of the
world and start wondering when the lovable little hellions are going
to start soaping the windows.
Even the campaign haranguing will have to soft pedal, as Octo-
ber slowly expires to the plaint of "trick or treat."
Right now, in millions of basements throughout the country,
kids are sharpening rusty nails until they arrive at just the right
tonal quality needed to apply the nail to glass.
Mischief in the Cellar
While mother is upstairs innocently popping corn and pouring
cider, junior is down in the cellar busily stuffing firecrackers into
his skeleton costume.
What costumes there will be. lo longer does a simple mask
over the eyes hold any fascination for these youngsters.
Costumes this Halloween are something to behold. The cowboy
suit has given way to the atomic ranger and you "just ain't a skele-
ton unesins on hone areanintei with iminous naint and they



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