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October 22, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-10-22

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Male Chivalry, Hallowed Tradition

his . ..

MORE THAN ONE Old Grad who shuffles back
to Ann Arbor for a re-kindling of the fires of
bygone days will shed a tear at a custom which has
long since gone the way of short skirts and long
We refer to the now-ancient tradition of not
permitting the fairer sex to use the front door
of the Michigan Union for entrance and exit
purposes. Until 1942, there was a uniformed
guard to enforce this rule down to the final
Today, alas, the doorman is gone, but the rule
remains, and is flagrantly violated every day. For
a few years, the custom held on by force of habit.
This writer can remember how, even in 1949, a
coed thought twice before making the solemn walk
through the State St. portico of the Union.
Now, in the year of our Lord 1954, the custom is
tucked away with freshman beanies and Alf Lan-
don buttons.
It was not through disdain that the founders of
the Union pushed through the Union by-law which
says that the State St. entrance will not be used
by the distaff side. The idea was born out of sheer
courtesy to the ladies: no Michigan worthy of his
mettle would let his girl go outside into the ele-
ments through an un-canopied exit. There is, you
may remember, a canopy over the North exit of the
Union-at the front, none.
The original idea became somewhat forgotten
along the way, however, and it just became plain
old tradition to keep them damn coeds from using
the front egress of the Union.
So a tradition was born at Michigan, and so it
began to die in 1942 when the elderly gentleman
who enforced it at the door passed away.
By now this bit of prose sounds like an "in me-
moriam" piece, and well it may. At a diploma mill
such as this, it is regrettable to see these somewhat
unimportant customs fade away. If anybody is
looking for a hopeless cause to rally behind, this is
a ready-made one.
--Wally Eberhard

Hers ...
THE DAYS of male superiority have passed.
A lingering custom barring women from enter-
ing the Union front door is dying a slow but sure
death in the face of feminine persistence-and per-
haps charm.
It hasn't been easy for a woman, guarded by
naught except her feminine ingenuity, to buck
the storm of protest that the injured male brews
up when he realizes that he may not be as omni-
potent as he imagined.
Man has had to face several great disappoint-
ments in his some-thousand-year-long career. It
was a hard blow to take when Copernicus proved
that the earth wasn't the center of the universe-
but man rallied only to be told by Darwin that his
ancestors had been apes. Recovering from the shock
of this ignoble beginning, he then had to face the
hard Freudian fact that even his subconscious was
beyond his control.
With his superiority challenged, man made a last
desperate stand to protect the one "truth" that re-
mained: that he was better than any little woman
ever could be or hope to be. He decided that woman
couldn't go to school, and then when they could,
that they couldn't be doctors, or lawyers or any-
thing that took "brains." Along about this time
entered the matter of the Union Front Door.
The Union founding fathers may have had sober
reasoning behind their original restriction, but in
the back of their minds was the idea that male
supremacy would still have a stronghold.
Michigan co-eds have proved them wrong. A
subtle and discreet battle to break down the stub -
born male prejudice against the rights of women
has resulted in success. The Michigan co-ed who
enters the front door of the Union ranks with
the brave suffragettes who were out to show that
a woman was every bit as good as a man-and
perhaps better.
In fact, it seems to us that the right of men to
enter the front door of the League is highly ques-
-Debra Durchslag


Lydia Mendelssohn...
Stanley Kimes, bass, with Charles Fisher at the
THE SMALL but appreciative audience in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater last night heard a recital
of excellent vocal works delivered in a manner
which can be described as professional in the best
sense of the word. Much of the distinctive charact-
er of the recital derives from the fact that Mr.
Kimes' voice is a real bass, not a baritone. Al-
though most of the numbers sung lie within ordinary
baritone range, he sang them with a dark, slightly
cavernous vocal quality which colored the entire
program in a way subtly different from any other
recital singing I have heard. His musicianship en-
compassed everything he sang, from Purcell to
Schumann to Dello Joio, and the control of his voice
in the many dynamic and emotional shadings was
something remarkable to hear. Mr. Fisher was a
sympathetic accompanist who carried his part of the
recital creditably.
After beginning with Arne's Come, Let's Be
Merry (marred by some ensemble problems be-
tween singer and pianist) the program continued
with two marvelous songs by Purcell: Next,

Winter Comes Slowly (in which Mr. Kimes, sound-
ed properly sepulchral) and Strike the Viol. The
next group consisted of four beautiful and unusual
songs by the little-known 17th century composer
Falconieri. They are of a meaningful simplicity
which made one want to hear them again soon,
and they were sung sensitively. The seven songs
from Schumann's Dichterliebe cycle which con-
cluded the first half of the program also received
excellent performances by Messrs. Kimes and
Fisher, although it seems to me that the famous
Ich Grolle Nicht needs a peculiar sort of empha-
sis that was lacking.
Lack of space forces me to dismiss the second
half rather summarily. An aria from Salvator Rosa
by Antonio Gomes was sung convincingly, but the
music seemed to me to have little distinction. The
varied moods of a French group (Chausson, Hahn,
and Poulene) were projected clearly, as were a
final group of songs by Vaughn Williams, Dello
Joio, Swanson, Dougherty, and Head. In addition
to the well-known Silent Noon by Vaughn Williams,
two particularly striking songs were the somber but
witty The Assasination, by Dello Joio, and the
fantastic Pierrot, by Swanson.
-Dave Tice

Kay, the likable Secretary of the
Interior, has taken exception to my
calling him generous with the pub-
lic domain apropos of his turning
over 454 acres of the Rogue River
National Forest to a mining com-
pany and his consideration of
plans to release Alaskan oil lands,
now reserved for the Navy and the
Interior Departments, to private
oil exploitation.
The subjects are important ones
and deserve careful consideration.'
Before considering them, how-
ever, I should like to report on an-
other act of generosity which Sec-
retary McKay has in the making.
On the desk of his assistant secre-
tary of the interior, Orme Lewis,
is an order which would open up
the wildlife refuges of the United
States to private oildrilling.
The order has not yet been of-
ficially promulgated and may be
sidetracked following publication of
this column. However, it has been
approved by Secretary McKay's
top advisers, and there is every
indication that it is all but ready
to sign.
Behind the order is the fact that
for some years private oil com-
panies have been maneuvering to
drill inside certain wildlife refuges,
particularly the Okefenokee, Ga.,
refuge. These game preserves
were set aside by Congress for the
specific purpose of preserving the
natural wildlife of the nation, and
the Okefenokee Refuge is a big
swampland abounding in bear,
deer and birds.
Chapman Says No
Some years ago, H.L. Hunt, the
Texasoilman who has been such
an ardent supporter of Senator
McCarthy, approached Secretary
Oscar Chapman, then secretary of
the interior, to obtain leases to
drill on Okefenokee. Chapman
"Congress set that land aside as
a wildlife refuge not to be clut-
tered up with oil derricks," he told
Hunt's representative.
Again, ex-Sen. Burton Wheeler of
Montana approached Chapman
with a proposal to drill for oil on
the Medicine Lake Refuge in Mon-
tana. Again Chapman refused.
However, Wheeler, who is a good
friend of Harry Truman, went over
his head to the President, and
later Truman took it up with his
secretary of the interior. When
Chapman explained the situation,
Truman backed him up 100 per
Now, however, the order which
the oil companies have so long de-
manded, opening up our wildlife
refuges to oil drilling, is all pre-
pared for signature on Assistant
Secretary Lewis's desk.
This is one reason why I believe .
the present secretary of the in-
terior should not object to being
called "generous" Doug McKay.
Slice of Douglas Fir
Here are some other reasons.
When I reported that Doug had
sliced 454 acres of beautiful Doug-
las fir off the Rogue River Na-
tional Forest and turned it over to
the Al Sarena Mining Co. for only
$5 an acre when it should have
brought a total of $170,000-if sold
at all-his able assistant, Larry
Smyth, replied to inquiries that
this had happened some time ago,
and he released a statement at-
tempting to justify the sale.
But Larry carefully glossed over
the fact that previous Democratic

secretaries of the interior had re-
fused to sell this valuable Douglas
tract; also that Doug's GOP cab-
inet colleague, Ezra Benson, was
opposed to the sale; and that all
sorts of backstage wirepulling was
resorted to through Oregon Con-
gressman Ellsworth, a friend of
McKay's, to get the sale okayed.
And it seemed strange indeed
that Congressman Ellsworth in
Oregon should be using his influ-
ence to help out a company in dis-
tant Alabama. In fact, it sounded
like the old days of Maj. Gen.
Harry Vaughan.
Alaskan Oil Lands
Now regarding McKay's plans
for Alaskan oil lands, the genial,
generous secretary of the interior
seemed to be under the impression
that I reported he had already
turned these oil lands over to pri-
vate oil exploitation. I reported no
such thing. I reported that he was
considering releasing them, which
he admitted; and that thanks to
protests from Congress he was at
least not going to open up the
Navy's oil reserves in Alaska.
But I also reported that he was
still seriously considering opening
up the other half of Alaska's oil
lands, namely the Interior De-
partment's 25,000,000-acre oil re-
serve, called "public land order
no. 82," to private drilling.
This is pretty much what Secre-
tary McKay admitted in the very
same breath while calling me
I also reported that career of-
ficials in both the Interior and
Navy Departments were vigorous-

Mass Dismissals...
To the Editor:
IDON'T KNOW much about poli-
tics for I'm just an engineering
student, as can be seen by the in-
ferior English of this letter. But
even I can see the reason for H. C.
Davis's dismissal.
Do you realize what he could
have done to our industries? It
would have been so simple too. All
he had to do was teach us unsus-
pecting engineers calculus upside-
down. Just think what that would
mean. Upside-down bridges, build-
ings sitting on their tops, airplanes
that fly only on their backs, etc.
Very distressing to say the least.
Yes, it's a good thing (the dis-
missal that is). I'm all for the
dismissal of the rest of the math
instructors too. Just flunked one
of those calculus exams.
--R. B. Wallace
* * *
Snuff Said *
To the Editor:
IT IS WITH mixed feelings that
we take note of the presence of
seventeen good, old fashioned,
girls on campus. Little did we
dream of smoking out disciples of
that former leader of fashion, Mrs.
Andrew Jackson. Our anticipation
of the appearance of the Student
Directory is dampened by the fear
that the Misses de Ravignon, Cha-
carestos, Bristol, et al, might bring
their pipes when they call upon
us, and we hasten to warn them
that our chaperones do not ap-
prove of young ladies who use to-
bacco in any form other than
-Dick Putney, Grad.
Al Emery, Grad.
H. Alul and 14 others

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which ane signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Politics and Teaching . .
To the Edifor:
THE CASE of the "three profes-
sors" raises important ques-
tions of principle. With regard to
these, we believe:
No man 'inould be forced to state
his political affiliations or beliefs.
Forcing one man to publically
avow his ideological views and po-
litical actions is not only a viola-
tion of this man's civil rights, but
a threat to the civil liberties of
others. It sets a precedent and in-
timidates' many who might other-
wise have xion-conformist thoughts
or who might desire to express un-
popular ideas.
Removing men from employ-
ment in a, university for their po-
litical covictions and actions
(such as 'failure to discuss one's
politics before a congressional
committee) has the effect of low-
ering the, academic level of the fa-
culty. Presumably a faculty mem-
ber is hired because he is the
best among a group of potential
employees. On the other hand, the
firing of faculty members for rea-
sons not.:relevant to their teaching
qualities. (who were originally hir-
ed becapse of these qualities) will
lead in '"the direction of lowered
academiec standards.
A Communist should have the
right to teach unless he proves his
individural incompetence or lack of
honesty in the classroom. We are
not convinced that all Commun-
ists have engaged in espionage or
have committed some traitorous
act. If there is evidence to the ef-
fect th at some individual has com-
mitted such a crime, Communist
or not,, he should be accused, in-
dicted, and tried in the criminal
courts according to the time-hon-
ored traditions of our land.
-Arnold S. Tannenbaum
E. Scott Maynes

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
officialpublication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication (be-
fore 10 a.m. on saturday).
VOL. LXV, NO. 27
University Directory. It is expected
that the Directory for 1954-55 wll be
ready for distribution Oct. 25. Chair-
men of the various departments and
directors of other units will please
requisition the number of copies re-
quired for University campus use. Re-
quisitions should be sent to the Pur-
chasing Department and delivery will
be made by campus mail. If individuals
wish a copy for home use the Direc-
tory will be available by payment of
75c at the Cashier's Office, Main Floor,
Administration Building.
Business concerns or individuals not
connected with the University desiring
a Directory may purchase a copy at a
cost of $2.00.
The Ford Foundation Fellowship Pro-
gram is now open to students who wish
to study the cultures, histories, and
current problems of Africa, Asia and
the Near East, and the Soviet and East
European areas. The Fellowships are
for postgraduate study or research, ei-
ther in the United States or abroad.
Foreign Study and Research Fellow-
ships are available to United States
citizens and to aliens permanently re-
siding here who can give substantial
evidence of their intention to become
citizens. Awards will be available to
college seniors who will complete their
undergraduate studies during the aca-
demic year 1954-55. Previous study of
the area is not required in order to
qualify. Pre-doctoral and Postdoctoral
awards are also offered. In some cases
awards are offered to persons of prom-
ise or demonstrated ability in their
field or profession whether or not they
have previously specialized in the indi-
cated areas. Further information may
be obtained from the Graduate School,
or by writing to the Ford Foundation,
477 Madison Avenue, New York 22, N.Y.
Late permissionfor women students
who attended the Boston Symphony
concert on Wed., Oct. 20, will be no
later than 11:25 p.m.
Personnel Interviews not Previously
Announced for Week of Oct. 25.
Representatives from the following
companies will inerview at Engineer-
Mon., Oct. 25
U.S. Govt., U.S. Navy, San Francisco
Naval Shipyard, San Francisco, Calif.-
Feb. grads., B.S. & M.S. in Naval Arch.,
Elect., Civil, Marine, Mech. and Arch.
E. for Design & Testing.
Wed., Oct. 27
Chrysler Institute of Engineering,
Detroit, Mich.-Mech., Metal., Elect.,
and Chem. E, Chemistry, & Physics for
Graduate Training Course.
Thurs., Oct. 28
Internat'l Harvester, Chicago, Ill.-
B.S. & M.S. in Mech. E. & E. Mechanics,
and B.S. in Civil, Elect., Indust., Metal.,
and Physics for Design, Development &
Fri., Oct. 29
Hooker Electrochemical Co., Niagra
Falls, N. Y.-Al degrees in Chem. E. for
Research & Development.
Timken Roller Bearing Co., Canton,
Ohio-B.S. & M.S. in Mech., Ind., Me-
tal., & Chem. E. for Research, Design
& Development, Plant Engineering,
Sales & Service Engineering.
Caterpillar Tractor Co., Peoria, Ill.-
B.S. & M.S. ( in Mech., Elect, Civil,
Chem., Metal. Ind. E., and BusAd. for
Product Design, Research & Devel.,
Sales, & Manufacturing.
Lockheed Aircraft Corp., Burbank,
Calif.-Al levels in Aero., Elect., &
Mech. E. for Research, Design & De-
Revere Copper & Brass Inc., Detroit,
Michigan-B.S. in Chem., Metal. E, &
Accounting for Quality Control.
Colgate-Palmolive Co., Jersey City,
N. J.-M.S. & Ph.D. in Chem. & Chem.
E., B.S. (Feb. grads) in Chem., Chem.
E., Mech., Ind., or any E. major for Re-
search & Devel., Manufacturing, &
Interviews Previously Announcei-
Second Notice of Interview
Through Wed., Oct. 27:
Mon., Oct. 25
United Aircraft Corp., Sikorsky Air-
craft, Bridgeport, Conn.-B.S. & M.S
in Elect.,rAero., Civil, Mech., and Engr.
Mech. for Development, Test, Design
Flight Research, Dynamics, Vibrations,
Hydraulics, Structures, Aerodynamics,
and Electronics.

Rohm & Haas Co., Philadelphia, Pa.-
All degrees in Engr., Physics, Chem., &
Bus.Ad. for Research & Development
Engineering, Production, Sales, Business
& Mgt.
Socony-Vacuum Oil Co., Inc., New
York, N.Y. - B.S. in Mech. E. an
B.S. & M.S. in Chem. E. for Research
& Development, Refinery Process &
Project, and Engr.
Wagner Electric Corp., St. Louis, Mo.
-B.S. Elect. & Mech. E. for Electrical
& Automotive Engineering and En.
gineering Sales.
U.S. Naval Labs in Calif., including
U.S. Naval Air Missile Test Center-
Point Mugu, U.S. Naval Ordnance Lab
-Corona, U.S. Naval Ordnance Tes
Station-China Lake & Pasadena, in-
terviewing all degrees in Aero., Chem.
Elect., Ind., Mech., Engr., Mech., Engr.
Math. and Engr. Physics for Research,
Development, Design, Test & Eval-
E. I. DuPont Denemours & Co., Wil-
mington 98, Dela.-B.S. & M.S. h
Chem., Ind., Mech., Metal., possibly
, Civil or Elect. Engr., and Engr. Mech.
S and Engr. Physics for Development, Re-
S search, Design, Plant Engr., Production
& Sales.
Tues., Oct. 26
U.S. Naval Labs in Calif.-See above.
E. I. DuPont Denemours & Co., Wil-
mington 98, Dela.-Se& above.,
r Sperry Corp., Sperry Gyroscope Co.
Great Neck, N. Y.--All levels in Elect
C Mech., and Aero. Engr., Engineering
Physics and Math, for Research, De-
- velopment, & Production Engr.
Allied Chemical & Dye Corp., General
Chem. Div., River Rouge, Mich.-B.S. &
M.S. in Chem. & Mech. E. and Cher

tal., Mech. Ind., Elect., & Civil Engr.
for Manufacturing, Research & De-
McDonnel Aircraft Corp., St. Louis,
Mo.-Al1 levels in Aero., Civii, Elect.,
Ind., Mech., and Engr. Math, Mechan-
ics & Physics for Design, Development
& Production.
Ethyl Corp., Ferndale, Detroit, Mich.
-B.S. & M.S. in Mech. E. and Engr.
Physics for Research-Product Appli-
cation or Technical Service.
Students wishing to make appoint-
ments for interviews with any of the
above should contact the Engr. Place-
ment Office, 248 West Engr., ext. 2182.
Representatives from the following
companies will conduct personal inter-
views at the Bureau of Appointments:
Tues., Oct. 26
Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., Toledo,
Ohio-Feb. & June Graduates in LS&A
and BusAd for Training Program in
Purchasing, Advertising, Personnel,
Cost Control, and Manufacturing.
Wed., Oct. 27
Michigan Civil Service Commission-
Anyone in any department except
Engr. for various positions including
county welfare work. Positions are
open in Social Work, Psych., Social
Science, Pol. Sci., Econ., BusAd., Ac-
counting, Statistics, Nursing, Spec. Ed.,
Phys. Ed., Lib. Sci., and Journalism,
Chem., Etc.
Students wishing to make appoint-
ments for interviews with any of the
above companies should contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., ext. 371.
The Rackham Arthritis Unit and the
Department of Biological Chemistry an-
nounce a Lecture by Dr. Luis F. Leloir
of Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquim-
icans Fundacion Camomar. "The Role
of Uridine Nucleotides in Metabolism."
4:00 p.m. Fri., Oct. 22. Room 1300 Chem-
istry Building.
"The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial."
Paul Douglas, Wendell Corey and Steve
Brodie star in Herman Wouk's dramatic
adaption of his Pulitzer Prize winning
novel "The Caine Mutiny" tonight and
tomorrow, 8:30 pm. in Hill auditorium.
Sponsored by the University of Michi-
gan Lecture Course, tonight's per-
formance is on the regular Course
while an extra performance has been
scheduled for Sat, night. Tickets are
still available for the Sat. show and
may be purchased at the Auditorium
box office, which is open today and
tomorrow 10:00 a.m.-8:30 p.m.
Academic Notices
M.A. Language Examination in His.
tory. Fri., Oct. 22, 4:15-5:15 p.m. 429
Mason Hall. Sign list in History Office.
Can bring a dictionary.
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: The freshman five-
week progress reports are due Fri.,
Oct. 22, in the Faculty Counselors Of-
fice for Freshmen and Sophomores,
1210 Angell Hall.
To Instructors of Engineering Fresh-
men: Five-week grades for all Engineer-
ing Freshmen are due in the Secre-
tary's Office, 263 West Engineering
Building on Mon., Oct. 25.
Doctoral Examination for Harold Her-
bert Benjamin, Education; thesis:
"The Role of the Hypothesis in Select-
ed Histories of American Education,
1912-1951," Fri., Oct. 22, 4024 University
High School, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman,
Claude Eggertsen.


"Hi, Everybody - What's Cooking?"





Doctoral Eamination for Robert
George Craig, Chemistry; thesis: "En-
ergy of Immersion of Graphite Pow-
ders with Different Liquids: Free Sur-
face Energy Changes on Solids Deter-
mined by an Absorption Method," Fri.,
Oct. 22, 1565 Chemistry Bldg., at 2:00
p.m. Chairman, F. E. Bartell.,
Doctoral Examination for Zelia Ste-0'
phens Evans, Education; thesis: "A-
Study of Difficulties Encountered by
Selected Student Teachers and Begin-
ning Teachers of the Elementary Di-
vision of Alabama State College with
Implications for the Teacher-Education
Program," Fri., Oct. 22, West Council
Room, Rackham Bldg., at 8:45 a.m,
Chairman, G. M. Wingo.
Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., Oct.
22, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Dr. Dean
B. McLaughlin will speak on "A New
Theory of the Martian Surface."
Law School Admission Test: Applica-
tion blanks for the Nov. 13 adminis-
tration of the Law School Admission
Test are now available at 110 Rackham
Building. Application blanks are due
in Princeton, N.J. not later than Nov.

Yntte/p,'etilt9 the fleei'4

At Architecture Auditorium
If the clips of silent movies shown in "Dream-
boat" are any indication of the humor that can be
produced without sound there was no reason for
anybody to spend his money in Vitaphone stock
back in the twenties.
The movie is Hollywood at its satirical best. It
was made at the time when television was still an
"upstart" threatening the hand that fed it, the
motion picture.
Indeed the new marvel of electronic communi-
cation is referred to as "the thing that causes peo-
ple who dwell under the same roof to completely
ignore each other."
The highpoint of the picture is Clifton Webb.
That is, Clifton Webb portraying a whole series of

Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
Student Publications.

phrenetic Valentino-like caricatures from the'si-
lent movies.
Webb is cast as a college professor who has "in-
stilled the love of literature in the young" for
twenty years. "The young," in return, have affec-
tionately dubbed him "Old Iron Heart."
Peacefully following the life of the academician,
Webb is suddenly confronted with the fact that he
is none other than Bruce Blair, silent movie hero.
What's more, the whole campus knows it.
Webb and his bookish daughter (Ann Francis)
hurry to New York to obtain an injunction against
the showing of his old films on television.
He is confronted by his former co-star Gloria
Marlowe (Ginger Rogers) and fast talking Sam
Leavitt (Fred Clark) her agent.
Ginger and Clark try to talk Webb into consent-
ing to let the films appear on television. Webb re-
fuses. Ginger pleads pauperism unless Webb will
allow the films to continue. Webb considers.
Webb reconsiders when he finds out that Ginger
is really rich having "saved her money since she was
eighteen when there was no income tax."
The finale occurs with him bringing a television
set into court to act as his witness. As sort of an
anticlimax we are shown a portion of Webb's film
"Sitting Pretty" to prove that even Bruce Blair can
make a go of contemporary Hollywood.
The plot isn't really important. What really is
vital and sets the audience to screaming with
laughter is Webb.
Webb is a Pancho Villa type hero who gets the
girl only after fighting off the entire population of
Mexico. Webb as Beau Geste who kills Arab legions
by day and woos "the girl at the Golden Scimitar"
by night. Webb as Scaramouche who drives his
coach over chasms by sheer exuberance.
Webb as the hero who always gets the heroine in
the end and winds up kissing her progressively
from finger tips to lips to the strains of "Avalon" a

Associated Press News Analyst+
ALREADY virtually assured by
her predominant contribu-
tions, continued American com-
mand of allied forces in Europe
would be cinched by one of the ar-
rangements now being worked out
in Paris in connection with estab-
lishment of the Western Europe-
an Union.
This is a provision that, in case
of war, the Supreme Allied Com-
mander would take complete
charge of distribution of supplies
for all armies.
Commander Power
This is of primary importance
to France and Germany, since it
means the commander will have
the power to clamp down immedi-
ately on the supplies of any ally
mit the receipt of the Saltonstall
Oil Companies Favored
It's not entirely the fault of
Doug McKay, but it so happens
that the oil companies seem to be
the parties getting just about all
they want out of the Eisenhower
administration. The New York
Journal of Commerce, not exactly
a radical newspaper, noted the
other day thatsthe oil industry was
the only industry which scored a
perfect batting average in Con-
gress. The oil companies intro-
duced three bills at the last ses-
sion and got all three passed.
They increased their right to
drill on government-owned lands.

which might decide to make war
on another.
Batt it also means that nei-
ther a Frenchman nor a Ger-
mar would be given such pow-
ers, leaving only Britain as a
posidble contender for the com-
marbd, a contention she did not
make in World War TI when her
comtmitment was vastly greater
thalu it is to NATO or to WEU.
A s; the series of conferences
progi'essed at Paris the prospect
that 'the new European defense ar-
rangpment would be worked out
this 'week began to be accepted as
a fact, although France and Ger-
many still had not settled all of
their differences over the Saar.
France OK's Saar Exports
Orne important step was taken,
however, when France agreed to
pern:&it a considerable increase in
Saar exports to Germany.
Tbis has been an important is-
sue with the Saarlanders them-
selvtes who, though basically Ger-
man, are satisfied with their prof-
itahle economic ties with France
Th y want to be able to buy more
consumer goods from Germany
wlaere they can get better prices
on automobiles and numerous
otbir items.
Easier for Chancellor
' tis also maintains a tie be.
twieen the Saar and Germany
which makes it politically easie
for' Chancellor Adenauer to rec-
og:rtize the French-Saar economi
inegration on which France in-
France is insisting on the
q m. cv++laman+ efre fiMn arc


Logic Seminar-Fri., Oct. 22 at 4:00
p.m. In 443 Mason Hail. J. W. Addison
will speak on "Measuring Non-effect-
Student Recital: Camilla Heller, vi-a.
loncellist, will present a recital in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Bachelor of Music at 8:30
p.m. Sun., Oct. 24, in Auditorium A,
Angell Hail. A pupil of Oliver Edel,
Miss Heller will play Vaentini's Sonata
in E major, Schubert's Sonata inA
minor, Hindemith's Sonata, Op. 25, No.
3 (for cello alone) and Rachmaninoff's
Sonata in G Minor, Op. 19. The
program will be open to the public
without charge.,
Events Today
Design Committee of the Block °M"
Section of the Wolverine Club will hold
its weekly meeting today in Room 3-B
of the Michigan LhIon, between 3:00
and 5:00. All those who have signed
up for the committee are required to
be there. Anyone else who is inter-
ested in this type of work is invited
to attend.
Westminster Student Fellowship is
having open house in the Presbyterian
student center from 8:00 to 12:00 p.m.,
Fri., Oct. 22.hThere willbe a brief
meeting of those interested in can-
vassing to raise the budget at 8:00 p.m.
Psychology Club. There will be an
important business meeting, of concern
to all Psych Club members, followed by
a movie, "The Steps of Age," Fri., Oct.
22, at 3:15 p.m. in room 3427 Mason


Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig...........................Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers.................««,...........City Editor
Jon Sobeloff . . .............Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs......................Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad...............................Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart...............................Associate Editor
Dave Livingston..............................Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin...................Associate Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer.............Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz......*..... .............. ...... Women's Editor
Joy Squires.......................Associate Women's Editor
Janet Smith......................Associate Women's Editor
Dean Morton............................Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak........... ...............Business Manager
Phil Brunskill...................Associate Business Manager



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