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October 15, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-10-15

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Latest Deadline in the State

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IHC Volunteers
Help for Flu Test
Joins IFC To Support Experiment;
Innoculations To Be Given Nov. 1-6
Inter-House Council members last night joined fraternity presi-
dents in support of volunteering assistance for the program to test
the effectiveness of flu vaccine.
IHC agreed by a large majority to volunteer services to University
health authorities. The motion passed the Fraternity Presidents As-
sembly last Tuesday.
Four thousand volunteers are needed for the controlled flu vac-
cine study to be organized by the Health Service in conjunction with
the School of Public Health.
At Health Service'
Innoculations will be administered from Nov. 1-6 in the north
f end of Health Service. Either one-half or one-third of the students will
receive shots of flu vaccine while

Still Dogs
Sec. Wilson
Nixon Declares
'Plus' for GOP
By The Associated Press
Repercussions from Secretary of
Defense Charles E. Wilson's dis-
sertation on dogs still echoed the
political front yesterday, with Vice-
President Richard M. Nixon pre-
dicting the whole thing would wind,
up as a "plus" item in the GOP
Wilson himself has apologized
for his remarks at a Detroit news
conference Monday. He told a Re-
publican rally in Chicago Wednes-
day night that he "made a mis-
take -an unfortunate mistake -
bringing up those bird dogs at the
same time I was talking about peo-
But the defense chief added that
his meaning was "distorted by our
left wing opponents."
E Detroit Remarks









A a ~

World News
By The Associated Press


Nears Coast
Of Carolina
HATTERAS, N.C. V - Hurri-
cane' Hazel, gaining speed and ex-
pected to move still faster, aimed
its death-dealing fury at the North
Carolina coast last night.
The season's most vicious tropi-
cal storm, with winds of 130-miles
an hour and moving north-north-
k west at 25 to 30 m.p.h., was ex-
pected to strike land near Wilming-
ton, N.C., about 5 a.m. The Mia-
mi Weather Bureau warned that
winds would increase along the
coast north of the storm through-
out the night.
Coastal dwellers from Wilming-
ton, N.C., northward worked fe-
verishly to prepare against the 130-
mile wind which caused uncounted
deatpi and destruction as it lum-
bered through the Caribbean.
Storm-wary New Englanders, al-
ready. battered by two death-deal-
ing hurricanes this year, hurried
preparations against Hazel just
in case the storm maintained its
course and hit there,
' All along the coast from Charles-
ton, S.C., to Block Island storm
warnings were hoisted and the
Weather Bureau cautioned against
dangerous winds and high tides.
The Weather Bureau said Hazel
was centered about 275 miles east
of Daytona Beach, Fla., and 'about
350 miles southeast of Wilmington
at 8 p.m.
A Navy reconnaissance plane
planned to keep tabs on the hurri-
cane by radar throughout the
Sedition Laws
Before Court
WASHINGTON {(N - Whether
States may prosecute alleged sub-
versives under their own sedition
laws or must leave the field ex-
clusively to the federal govern-
ment will be decided by the Su-
preme Court.
The court, in its first business
session of the new term, agreed
yesterday to review a Pennsylva-
nia Supreme Court decision throw-
ing out the conviction of Stee
Nelson, w e s t d r n Pennsylvania
Communist party leader, en charg-
es of violating the state's sedition
The Pennsylvania court ruled
that sedition against the United
States is a federal offense and can
be prosecuted only in federal
Last Chance
For Pictures
Today is the last day to sign up
for Senior pictures.
Students may sign up between
9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on the Diag and
between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. at the
Student Publications Bldg. Seniors
who have missed appointments and
have not arranged another time to
have their pictures taken have
been urged to make appointments
today since Monday is the last day
pictures will be taken.
Proofs should be returned imme-
diately from 12 noon to 5:30 p.m.
and 6:30 to 9 p.m. Monday through
Friday, to the Student Publica-
tions Bldg., according to Dick Har-

the remaining receive a non-af-
fective injection.
SStudens taking part in the ex-
periment will not be informed of
the contents of their innoculation.
Director of University HealthI
Service Dr. Warren Forsythe em-
phasized that students desiring flu
vaccine may receive it without be-
coming part of the experiment.
Expect December Epidemic
Four to six weeks are necessary
for the immunity derived from the
vaccine to accumulate. Since
Health officials expect a possible
flu epidemic in December the
shots will be administered in early
November so that immunity will
have time to develop in flu vac-
cine innoculated students.
Because of the careful supervi-
sion necessary and santiation
problems, mobile units will not be
used for the experiment.
Pan-Hellenic officials will ask
sorority presidents to volunteer
support of the tests at their meet-
ing Tuesday.
Controlled studies on old vac-
cines have taken place in the past
but the former vaccines offered far
from complete protection.
IHC to Buy Trophy
In other business last night IHC
voted to buy a homecoming tro-
phy to be awarded to the best
homecoming display among the
Quadrangle dormitories.
A new trophy will be awarded
each year to the winning house.
Members gave the cabinet pow-
er to appoint a committee to orig-
inate judging rules and to do the
actual judging for the contest.
Suzanne Buchman, '58SM, was
elected new IHC recording secre-
tary replacing Sandy Hoffman,,
'56. Miss Hoffman resigned because
of her new duties as Student Leg-
islature Publicity Chairman.
Harlod Lynde, '55, Allen Smith,
'55, and Peter Goldstein, '56, were
appointed to the Inter-House
Council judiciary.

LONDON-The Churchill gov-
ernment yesterday stepped into
the two-week-old London dock
strike which has cut deeply into
Britain's vital shipping industry.
Prime Minister Churchill sum-
moned a special cabinet meeting,
and later Sir Walter Monckton,
,minister of labor, asked water-

Discussing one aspect of the un- front employers and union repre-
employment situation at the De- sentatives to meet with him sep-
troit conference, Wilson had re-, arately Friday.
marked, "and I've got a lot of * ' .
sympathy for people where a sud-S
1M quae . . .

Russia Barks
..LONDON (/P)-Moscow radio
told the Soviet people last
night that U.S. Secretary of
Defense Charles E. Wilson had
called Americans unemployed
Commentator Valentine Zor-
in devoted 400 words to "the
scandal" he said had stemmed
from Wilson's comments at
Detroit Monday.
"Wilson . . . attacked the
American unemployed . . . by
accusing them grossly and call-
ing them-dogs," the broad-
cast monitored here said.

DETROIT, Oct. 14-At least
five persons connected with the
recent Square D strike were re-
ported yesterday to have been
subpoenaed to appear before the
House Un-American Activities
Committee when it returns to
Michigan next year.
Names of those summoned were
not given out. The subpoenas were
served by Donald Appell, commit-
tee investigator who was sent to
Detroit by Rep. Kit Clardy (R-
Mich.), a committee member.
Skyscraper Sale...

--Daily-Dean Morton
AWARD WINNER: George Mason, president of Scott House, South Quad, accepts the Phi Eta
Sigma award for his house from University Vice-President James A. Lewis. The trophy is given
yearly to the men's residence hall achieving the highest scholastic average. Scott "House at-
tained an average of 2.60 for the past school year. Scott House also- won the South Quad, trophy
for scholastic achievement. The awards were made following a dinner yesterday at which Vice-
President and Mrs. Lewis, Dean of Men Waiter B. Rea, South Quad Resident Director Peter A.
Ostafin and Mrs. Ostafin, and Arthur Kanges, President of the South Quad Council were among
those present. Those honored at the dinner were three of the men who helped their house
attain its record by getting 4.0 averages: Colin Fisher, '56; Mark Jaffe, '57, and Richard Hausler, '57.



den change catches 'em-but I've
always liked bird dogs better than
kennel dogs. You know, one who'll
get out and hunt for food rather'
than sit on his fanny and yell."
This brought a roar of protest'
from union leaders, Democrats and
even some members of Wilson's
own party.
Wilson returned last night from
his turbulent speech making trip
saying that he hoped his campaign-
ing was "wound up."
No More Speeches
He told reporters, who. met him
at the airport, that he knew of no
p 1 a n s for additional political
speeches. Obviously referring to
the controversy that grew out of
his press conference remarks
about dogs and the unemployed, he
said with a grin "I'm not in the
humor" to make any more politi-
cal speeches.
He was asked if he regarded the
bird dog incident as closed.
He said: "I would think so."
Wilson said he hoped the "Presi-
dent wasn't worried about it; he
has enough to worry about." In
answer to a question, he said he
had not talked with President
Dwight D. Eisenhower since the
controversy arose.
Nixon Claims Distortion
Nixon, in Houston, Tex., on a
speech-making tour ,told a news
conference yesterday that left wing
elements and "dumbocrats" dis-
torted Wilson's statement, withthe
first "bark" coming from CIO
President Walter Reuther.

NEW YORK-The Empire State
Building, tallest skyscraper in the
world, yesterday became the prop-
erty of one man-Col. Henry
Crown, Chicago industrialist.
It was the second time in the
building's 23-year history that one
man has owned it. John J. Ras-
kob, industrialist and General
Motors executive, built the struc-
ture and held it in personal own-
ership until his death in 1950.
* * *
Legion & UNESCO
tive committee of the American
Legion, voting 51-6, rejected a bid
to seat a representative on the
U.S. Commission to UNESCO, a
legion spokesman said yesterday.
MILWAUKEE -- The 258-foot
Dutch cargo ship, Prins Willem
V, sang in Lake Michigan yester-
day after colliding with a tug, but
all aboard were believed rescued.
* * *
'Jury Indict ment ...
NEW YORK-A federal grand
jury yesterday indicted three per-
sons, including leftist author-lec-
turer Corliss Lamont, for refusing
to answer questions of the Mc-
Carthy Senate subcommittee.

Prof. Ward Suggests


Red China Recognition'
Prof. Robert E. Ward of the political science department suggest-
ed that the United States withdraw support from Formosa and rec-
ognize Red China at a meeting of the Young Democrats yesterday.
Speaking on "The Formosan Situation and Its Effect on the
Far East," the specialist in Asian affairs explained that Formosa isn't
a valuable link in the Asian defense chain and it isn't valuable to Red

Never Too
IOLA, Kan. (')-An Iola man
who will be 100 years old next
May was granted a divorce yes-
terday and was told he must,
not get married again within
the next six months.
Thomas K. Kimzey asked for
the decree and told Judge Spen-
cer Gard he wanted to get the
divorce before he is 100 years
Kimzey and his wife, Mrs.
Clara Kimzey, 70, were married
in Pickneyville, Ill., in 1945.
They lived together at Iola un-
til 1952 when, Kimzey said, she
left him.

Davis Says
Issue Not
Yet Closed
Policy of AAUP
Cited in Case
Secretary of the University Re-
gents Herbert G. Watkins said
yesterday that the Regents had
decided against giving severance
pay to former mathematics In-
structor H. Chandler Davis at its
meeting of Aug. 26.
He said the matter was a closed
Davis, when hearing of Wat-
kins' comment last 'niglit, said
that the matter was not a closed
"It is unheard of," said Davis,
"for a University, especially one
such as the University of Michi-
gan, to refuse severance pay. I
consider Prof. Nickerson and I en-
titled to severance pay as provided.
by the AAUP statement of policy."
AAUP Statement
According to this statement, en-
dorsed by the American Associa-
tion of University Professors in
1941, "teachers on continuous ap-
pointment whop are dismissed for
reasons not involving moral tur-
pitude.should receive their salaries
for at least a year from the date
of notification of dismissal wheth-
er or not they are continued in
their duties at the institution."
Watkins said that Davis was no-
tified of the Regents decision on
the severance pay issue in a Sept.
28 letter written by the Secretary4.
Davis said that the crucial word
in that letter is "indicated." Ac-
cording to the letter, he said, the
Regents had only "indicated" that
there would be no compensation.
Director of University Relations,
Arthur L. Brandon, commented
yesterday that the problem for the
University concerning severance
pay was "where to get the mon-
The University has no set policy
on the .question of compensation,
he added.
Jelin Clarifies Question
Meanwhile Steve Jelin, '55, Stu-
dent Legislature President, yester-
day attempted to clear up the ques-
tion of Davis' failure .to appear at
Wednesday night's SL meeting.
Jelin said that previous to the
meeting he and Davis had decided
that it would be "difficult and un-
necessary" for Davis to appear.
The former mathematics instruc-
tor had been expected at the meet-
ing to clarify certain points on the
severance pay motion which SL,
-was considering.
Earlier Wednesday, according to
Jelin, Dean of Men Walter'B. Rea
had told the SL President that his
office and other administrative of-
fices had been receiving many calls
from administration and faculty
members questioning the SL right
to hear Davis at an open meet-
ing, and the SL right to consider
severance pay for a faculty mem-.
ber at all.
"Unjustified. Projection"
Last night Dean Rea said, "I
thought it was an unjustified pro-
jection of SL's interest into the
academic area." He added that he,
thought the problem was one un-
related to students.
However both Dean Rea and
Jelin said that the questioi of
whether Davis would be invited
to speak was not resolved at their
discussion. Jelin said it was as a
result of the agreement between
IDavis and himself that Davis' at-

tendance at the meeting was un-
necessary to consider the motion.
Instead, whatever facts that
were thought' necessary for de-
bate were relayed by Davis to SL
treasurer Larry Harris, '56.
The motion proposing compen-
sation for Davis was sent back to
committee for further study Wed-
nesday by an SL vote of 26-3.

Just Tired
Of School
500 students went on the ram-
page in Mexico City yesterday
for no apparent reason, break-
ing into movie theaters and
trying to take over a bus. Po-
lice broke up the disorders and
arrested 31. No one was hurt.
Some of the students said
they weren't celebrating any-
thing or protesting anything--
just tired of going to school.

Postmaster Flans
Salary Demands
ter General' Arthur E. Summerfield
said last night a demand for sal-
ary increases for postal workers
will be renewed when Congress
Addressing the convention of
the national Assn. of postmasters
in Convention Hall, Summerfield
said an increase in postage rates
would be linked with the salary de-'


China for offensive purposes.
"The Communists can strike just
as effectively from the mainland,"
he commented.
Troops Ineffective
Although Formosa was sold to
Americans as a "bastion of
strength," Prof. Ward warned that
Chiang's former real-guard forces
totaling 600,000 are too old for
effective servict, ana no potential
for added manpower is available.
Prof. Ward urged that Formosa
be used as a bargaining point
with the Chinese Communists to
secure some stability in the Far
East. He further commented that
the issues of recognizing Red Chi-
na or of ,its admittance to the UN
could be bargaining points for set-
tlement, of the Indo-China con-
Reds Prefer Hot Issue
Refering to the Quemoy clash,
Prof. Ward asserted, "It is to the
advantage of the Communists to
keep the Formosa issue hot to act
as a possible wedge between Brit-
ish-American relations. "The Brit-
ish are very touchy about the For-
mosan problem," he added.
Continuing, he expressed doubt
whether Chinese Reds will ser-
iously carry through an attack
on Formosa "if they can do so well
politically without it."


1,000 Students To Leave'
For Northwestern Game
An estimated 1,000 University students will wend their way to
Evanston, Ill., this week-end for the Michigan-Northwestern footballj
Weather forecasts for the Chicago area tomorrow call for partly
cloudy skies with afternoon temperatures in the 50-60 degree range.
By Train, Bus
Officials at the New York Central railroad ticket office esti-
mated some 500 persons would take trains from the local station
bound for Chicago today. Ticket agents at the local bus station
had no estimate of passengers for today, but noted an increased
number of inquiries about departures for the Windy City.
The Michigan Marching Band under the direction of Prof.
William D. Revelli leaves at 8 a.m. today to participate in pre-
game and half-time festivities at the game.
Five busses will carry the band from Harris Hall at 11:45 a.m.
The band will halt for lunch at Niles, Mich. Estimated arrival time
a. fli- -ntalghvrm.n, in -. hie nyis 2 10 9.' m. (Cepntral gStandrd~

Russia Ready To Back Move
For Further Atomic Talks
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (M),-The 'Soviet Union was reported
yesterday to be ready to back a Western resolution to back a West-
ern resolution for further secret negotiations on disarmament and
atomic control if some minor changes are made in the proposal.
The changes were said to put more reference to Moscow's new
disarmament plan in the resolution and thus make certain it would
be studied by the proposed five-power group.
Russia's-Andrei Y. Vishinsky conferred with Paul Martin, Canadian
minister of health and welfare,
who originally introduced the res- SEC URITY CO M
olution. It now is sponsored also
by the United States, Britain and
F Diplomatic sources said Martin State Unemr
was consulting his government
and that delegates of the 'United
States, Britain and France also By LEE MARKS
were studying the Russian sug- A critical unemployment situa-
gestions. These five countries tion exists in Michigan according
would make the five-power group to reports from.the Michigan- Em-
to be set up under terms of the ployment Security Commission.
Western resolution. However, while unemployment
The Russian conditions may be has been rising steadily during the}

Supreme Court
Refuses Case
preme Court yesterday refused to
review a decision banning distri-
bution of Bibles to children in the
public schools of New Jersey.
The decision was given by the
New Jersey Supreme Court, which
referred to the doctrine of sep-
aration of church and state, in
both the federal and state con-
In a test case, the Gideons of-
fered Bibles to school children in
Rutherford, N.J., and the school
board approved the distribution to
pupils whose parents signed re-
quests. A Jewish parent, Bernard
Tudor obtained an injunction
against the distribution and the
injunction was upheld by New
Jersey Supreme Court.

ployment Reported Critical

cent of Michigan's total labor
force, numbering 2,792,000, were
unemplayed. In Detroit's metro-
politan area, 195,000 workers, rep-
resenting 13.1 per cent of the labor
force, were out of work.
Temporarily Laid Off
Guy A. Tracy, director of

and subsequent recalls which nor-
mally accompany auto model
Different Conceptions
Different conceptions of what
constitutes unemployment caused a
substantial difference between un-
employment figures of the Michi-
cya n n ' ant Qaenrit+'. Cnm-

accepted by the West in an at- last few months, increased auto



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