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October 14, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-10-14

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Latest Deadli

Democrats Claim
Trend minVoting
Increase Margin ini Alaska by 16%;
x Republican Hall Cites Local Issues
JUNEAU, Alaska (P)-Alaska Democrats scored an overwhelm-
ing victory in Tuesday's "straw-in-the-wind" election, on the basis of
mounting returns yesterday from all parts of the territory.
The outcome assumed the earmarks of a virtual landslide for leg-
islative seats. Congressional Delegate E. L. Bartlett, remarking that
"Alaska almost always has pointed the way the nation will vote in
November," made this forecast:
"This makes it thoroughly sure the Democrats will organize the
national House of Representatives by some 30 seats."
The Democratic delegate led the way for the party by winning a
sixth term by a margin of 21/2 to 1.
Bartlett drew 72 per cent of the vote in his race with Mrs. Barbara
Dimock, legislator. It compared
with the 56 per cent vote he polled
Forsth in 1952.
1 CloseParallel
In past elections November re-;
sults in the states has paralleled
oe closely Alaska's October pattern
despite the cross-currents of to-.
Ccal feuding and controversy that;
.Irt O ffer mark the territorial campaigning.
In Washington, Leonard W. Hall,
Director of the University Health chairman of the Republican Na-
Service, Dr. Warren Forsythe, con- tional Committee, rejected any idea;
gratulated the Inter-FraternityththeAakvoemgtola
portent for the Nov. 2 election. He
Council yesterday on its motion; said in a statement:
to volunteer the services of fra- "No inference can be drawn
ternities in a controlled flu vac- from the results of the Alaskan
cine study. elections. The issues in that cam-I
Calling the study an opportunity paign had nothing to do with our
for students to learn how medical congressional campaign. ...
knowledge is obtained, he explain- Democratic Delegate
ed that much more information "Alaska has been sending a
on newer vaccines is badly needed. Democrat delegate to the Congressj
The more recent control programs ever since 1933 and the reelec-
are of uncertain worth, he said. tion of the Democrat to this post
Other Studies was certainly no surprise. Reading
Other controlled studies carried any significance into that electiona
on here and elsewhere from 10 to is not justified."
12 years ago indicated that the But Rep. Kirwan (D-O.), chair-
old vaccine had real value, but man of the National Democratic
offered far from complete pro- Congressional Committee, called
tection. the Alaska results "further indi-I
Four thousand volunteers will cations of a Democratic sweep in
be needed, in the study to be car- November."
ried on by the Health Service in Kirwan telegraphed congratula-.
conjunction with the School of tions to Bartlett on "leading thej
Public Health. way to an overwhelming Demo-

Wilson Says
He's Sorry
For Speech
Words Distorted,
Says Secretary
CHICAGO (A')-Secretary of De-
fense Wilson said last night "I
am sorry I made inept remarks"
about dogs while talking about un-
employed workers.
Those remarks, he declared in!
a speech at a Republican fund
raising dinner, "were distorted by
our left wing opponents."
Saying he wanted to "set the
record straigh't," Wilson told his
audience that even Republican
Gov, William Stratton of Illinois
was "disturbed by some incom-
plete press reports of some re-
cent remarks I made in Detroit."
Stratton earlier issued a state-
ment urging that the secretary's
speech in Chicago be cancelled
because of Wilson's reference to
bird dogs which hunt for their
food and kennel dogs which "sit

On Motion
Decides Further
Facts Necessary
By a vote of 26 to 3, the Stu-
dent Legislature last night voted
to send a motion proposing a
year's severance pay to former in-
structor H. Chandler Davis, and

r.__r wr___"_ a r_ _i________ _ _ _t_

on their fanny and yell."
An aide said at the time that
Stratton would boycott the din-
ner. However, the governor an-
nounced later inbthe day that he
not only would attend but would
introduce Wilson.
Illinois' Republican Governor
William G. Stratton was not at Mid-
way airport when Wilson's planeI
landed, but a group of other GOP
leaders were on hand to greet him.I
Monday Remark
Stratton suggested earlier that
Wilson's appearance at the dinner5
be canceled because of the defense
secretary's remark Monday about
"dogs" and unemployment.

Prof. Mark Nickerson, back
committee for further stuy.


The severance pay motion, of-F
fered by Paul Dormont, '55, ex-
pressed "concern over the fact!
that there has been as yet no
statement emanating from admin-
istrative sources in regard to the
proposed severance pay to Prfof.
Mark Nickerson and H. ChandlerI
"We believe," the motion con-
tinued, "that the University has a
moral obligation to uphold theI
welfare of its faculty.
"In accordance with this prin-
ciple we feel that Prof. Nickerson

In a study such as this, one out cratic victory in November."
of two or possibly one out of In the three major divisions'
three students would receive the (districts) in which most of the
actual vaccine. votes were tallied, Democrats were:
Five Kinds of Virus leading for 26 seats in the legis- I
The vaccine which Will be used lature and Republicans leading
is composed of five kinds of virus, for two.
of the A and B types. Flu epi-
demics are caused by the type ,
n reggyIke Celeb rates
A virus and are thought to occur lI e C lb a e
every two years. The last epidemic
was in the lear 1952-53, and there /f
was also one in the winter of 4t . itd y,
The regular injection program, In Good Health
similar to the ones of past years
is also being considered for the DENVER (P)-President Eisen-
week ending October 30 or for DNE )PeietEsn
the week ending November 6. As hower-"enjoying excellent health"
in former years, the flu shots will --turns 64 today in the thick of a
be given at the Health Service political fight where the outcome
during the designated week. might be a big factor in whether
he seeks a second term.
CANVASS: :For a few hours tonight the
President will put aside all thoughtt
of the Republican battle to keep1
IFS iinh el control' of Congress for a quiet
birthday observance with a few'
close friends.
To Aid Chest Then tomorrow he will end an f
eight-week Colorado vacation and
head back to Washington, stop-
Interfraternity Council and Pan- ping in Indianapolis to deliver ac
Hellenic representatives will can- major address on the administra-]
vass one-fifth of Ann Arbor Tues- tion ferm program.z
day while asdisting the city in its
annual Community Chest Drive..
Representatives, including 75 sor-
ority members and a like number
of fraternity men, will stop at 2000
places during the evening, most of
them in the close vicinity of the
Collection Stations
The collected contributions willj
be returned to collection stationsr
located at the Union, League, Mo-
sher Hall, Sigma Alpha Epsilon
and Kappa Sigma fraternities.
Cannisters were placed in -all
fraternity and sorority houses last
weekend for collection from the in-
dividual members. ff: .
Sally Swigert, '56, and Keith
Coates, '56, have been coordinating
the IFC-Pan-Hel portion of the..............., . f.
campaign with that of the rest of >l
Ann Arbo . They have divided the m
district into 23 sections with one : :rr><r_: ~>r:
fraternity man and one sorority . / -
member as co-chairman of each

f ",,


Later in the day, however, Strat- and Dr. Davis should receive a
ton decided to go along with the year's compensation from the date,
decision of the fund-raising spon- of notification of dismissal."
sors to carry out the program and
announced he would introduce Wil- University Responsibility
son, as scheduled. The motion went on to say that
Wilson smiled broadly when he the circumstances of the suspen-
came down the ramp at the air- sions did not remove from the Uni-
port and saw the delegation await- versity responsibility for compen-
ing him. sation, after having initially con-
They included Edward L. Ryer- tracted for their services.
son and Fred M. Gillies, steel ex- It added:- " such severance
ecutives who helped arrange the pay shall be tendered solely in rec-
dinner, and Werner Schroeder, for- ognition of the fulfillment by
mer Illinois GOP national commit- these men of their academic re-
teeman. sponsibilities as teachers. and
Wilson was asked if he had been shall not reflect in any way on the
in touch with President Eisenhow-1 action taken by .the University
er or Governor Stratton as the re- against these men."
sult of the row over his Chicago
apperane. e sad "o."Dormont, speaking for his mo-
appearance. He said "No." tion, said that both Davis andi
Wants Showdown Nickerson's contiacts had a year
In Indianapolis Rep. Ray Mad- to run at the time of dismissal.
den (D-Ind) insisted yesterday on He added that although the Uni-
a showdown on a controversial versity's failure to provide sever-
"bird dog" quip as his price for ance pay was legally under dispute
appearing with President Eisen- at the present time; this was also
hower here tomorrow. ;atmo rise.ttmtiswsas
Madden told a reporter he might John issue.
be "tempted" to cancel his ap-
pearance at an East Chicago meet- pose the motion saying that there
ing that night if he were sure Ei- was "no money available for this
senhower would repudiate the re- purpose . . . and no legal basis"
markemade by Defense Secretary for severance pay.
Charles E. Wilson. Evidently Not Concerned
Some Republicans have demand- Monahan continued that Davis!
ed Wilson be fired from the Cabi- was "evidently not concerned
net for his indirect reference to about the loss of pay, or he would
unemployed workers as "bird have cooperated" (with the fact-
dogs" and "kennel-fed dogs" in a finding committees).
Monday news conference. Larry Harris, '56, SL treasurer,
deMad d himself said thfe Wesi-opposed each paragraph of theI
he is not mentally adapted for the motion separately. He said that the
job-his mind is only on profits University had made a statement
and monopolies." concerning severance pay in a let-
Rep. Shepard Crumpacker of ter from Secretary of the Regents
South Bend, a Republican whose Herman G. Watkins (dated Sept
district also lies in the porthern 28) to Davis.
Indiana industrial belt, also has de- Harris further pointed out that
manded Wilson's dismissal. Davis was not, as the motion had
stated, on continuous appointment.
He referred to a clause in the con-
tract given to Davis saying that
the contract was "renewed sub-
ject to conditions of suspension."
"The facts of the issue weren't
found," said Harris and urged that
f the Dormont motion be referred
f r back to the Culture and Education
Committee where it originated.

ne in the State
Talk ancelled
Sever'anvce Pay Move
j ai 2 ..~Appearance
684 -
Quetions Raised
.~*'-~H. Chandler Davis did not appear
~ .as scheduled before the Student'
Legislature at its regular meeting
i ~last night.
a ,av.is had been invited to speak
6 before SL on points of information
regarding the general questions of
faculty appointment, tenure, and
According to SL President Stve
1cause the needed information was
-Daily-John Hirtzel. obtainable otherwise.
The information was needed In
e reference to a scheduled motion
ec ISOT S ODeeh Denocatson the severance pay of Davis and
Prof. Nickerson.
SLtecircumstances leading to
OnlyCam ai g Isse, S ys Sn. P tte de;cision that Davis' appear-
___________ance was not necessary.
Describing the repercussions of Jelin had been 'contacted by As-
Secretary of Defense Charles E, knowledge of human problems." The meeting was held to cele- sistant -to the Dean of Men John
Wilson's "dog speech as "the Dem- Potter said. "and it is the most brate the birthday of President E. Bingley about 2 p.m. yesterday
ocrats only campaign issue," Sena- important thing wiT~f him that ev 6,i ye isdenhower, who will and asked to come to the Office of
tor Charles Potter said last night oyStudent Affairs to discuss the at-
that "it is most unfortunate that 'Real Prosperity' Citing achievements of the pres- iter of Davis' talk.
Walter Reuther and Gov. Wyilliams. "We are on the verge of the: e n t Republican administration, Bingley and Dean of Men Wal-
who knew the Secretary's real greatest real prosperity the coun iSen. Potter said that we have ter B. Rea had learned of the talk
meaning distorted the story so." try has ever witnessed-including! found we are unable to buy friends in the morning's Daily, and had
Speaking after appearing at the an increase in the standard of liv- by "the liberal use of the Ameri- received phone calls questioning
Young Republican Club meeting at ing." can dollar." It is done by "the re- Ithe advisability of Davis' speaking
the Union Sen. otter said that the . The senator also said that he spect that people of the countries at an open SL meeting.
comments of the press were an "at- felt that "today we are further have of you as a nation and a; When J3dm arrzved, Dean Rea
tempt to put meanings into away from war than we have been: people," he. added and Bingley raised the question as
wvords." "Sec. Wilson has a great for many years." France Needed Ito whether an open meeting with
_______- - __~~~~~~~~~ Stressing the need of France in an off-campus speaker, such as the
:EPEC TE). European defense army, the sen- scheduled SL meeting, should be
ator said that France's rejection ed o the tue
Lof ED was a "great challenge" mittee a
sAto our state department. "In six Jelin replied that the SL has the
weeks John Foster Dulles consum- right to hear any speaker at its
mated the London Pact-not based regular meeting on any subject
Finally See the Sunshinme: con"erenne table." Cmit hti a oe
also enumerated in tpointed out, was due
Ann Arbor residents were gently surprised yesterday to waA the accomplishments of the admin- only to the fact that all of SL's
up and see not olack clouds and rain, but soft sunshine pouring istration a "foreig poicy w h regular business meetings are,
down on local yellow-leaved trees. ha kept us frmfgtixng i h ndo- .
With yesterday afternoon remaining warm and sun-lit, the has given es the largest tax cut in the metin as ithtin the as
weatherman at the Willow Run government weather station pre- history." He also said that "social towehri a.wti h rv
dicted showers this, morning which will end by noon. Cooler security has been expanded . ince of SL to concern itself with
weather is in store for Ann Arborites this afternoon, with the and vocational rehabilitation pro- Iassen Jeein sad that "S
high tnerature predicted to be grams have increased." has the right to concern itself with
in the low 60's. - Gubernatorial aspirant Donald S. any matter which its members
ThHurrorcaine wstneeed11
[ff[ Slightly Cooler Weather Leonard, scheduled to speak at; feel directly affect students as stu-
Although the five-day weathei the ialy, 'was unable to attend. dents." He told them that unani-
e a eforecast won't be released until State Attorney-General Frank mous consent of the membership
E, 0 1 W later today, the weather-man Millard accused Gov. G. Mennen would be necessary before Davis
cautiously predicted slightly cool- Williams of "grabbing hold of a could speak.
PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti UP)- er temperatures for tomorrow and phony issue" in his discussions of Consequences
Unofficial reports said yesterday Saturday. Probably no rain will the highway problems in the state. It was pointed out to Jelin that
Hurricane Hazel razed whole fall between noon today and Sat- "The good condition of the high- there were consequences that

towns, killed or injured hundreds urday afternoon, he added. ways is in spite of the governor, might arise from Davis' speaking
and caused untold damage in its Around Michigan yesterday, the not because of him," he said. to the SL. If not fi'om the Lecture
sweep across Haiti's southwestern heavy rains during the past sev- Committee, then possibly in the
peninsula. eral days have damaged the field form of criticism from various
The only official report to come bean crop. The federal-state crop W10 po th sources, such as those already
through after Tuesday night's reporting service said yesterday phoned to the Office of Student Af-
storm said two were known dead that field work was at a near ' fairs, The baily, and the SL office.
at Aux Cayes, largest city in the standstill because of the wet n F rl E aas After the meeting with Dean Rea
stricken area. Earlier unofficial weather. and Bingley, which all concerned
reports had put the casualties Chicago Cleaning Up Prof. Joseph E. Ward, of the t described as a friendly, unofficial
there at 200 dead and 350 in- Clean-up operations in Chicago political science department. will discussion, Jelin contacted Prof.
jured. were still taking place yesterday discuss "The Formosan Situation James K. Pollock, chairman of the
Other unofficial reports said following the city's worst flood of and Its Effect on the Far East" .Lecture Committee.
Jeremie, the peninsula's second the century. Thousands of peo- at a meeting of the Young Demo. Prof. Pollock, according to Jelin,
largest city, was almost swept in- ple had been idle due to flood- crats 7:30 p.m. tonight in Rm. told him that it was not necessary
to the sea, with 200 dead and in- caused damage of power plants, 3-R of the Union. that Davis' appearance be cleared
jured. There was no breakdown of rendering several large industrial After the talk,. Prof. Ward will through the Lecture Committee.
these casualties. plants incapable of operation. answer questions from the floor. Jelin relayed this information to
Dean Rea.
Dean Rea emphasized last night
42 (CH PTERS,2,146 MEN.that there was no official or un-
official request of Jelin to cancel
;Davis' talk. As Bingley put it,
Fraterities pproacinbIUt he Y "wanted to make sure that
Frater ties ApproaCh Saturation SL knew what it was doing if
they recognizedthat there might
By DAVE BAAD..be consequences."
University social fraternities. At present there are eight mem- all of these fraternities left the Jelin emphasized after the meet-
numbering 42 chapters, are rapid- bers of the National Interfrater- University because' of either de- ing that "no pressure of any kind
ly approaching their membership nit Cofrn foery posess- pression, financia ifes or I was biought to bear to prevent
saturation point. ing chapters at the University cx- failure to reactivate after World Davis' appearance."
Fall rushing which ended last pressing interest in reestablishing War I. But Jelin told SL, "I was warn-
Sunday netted 'the fraternity sys- n campus. In 1932, just before the depres- ed. that if Davis spoke tonight we
tem 515 pledges bringing the total These include Alpha Kappa sion there were sounding the death knell of
Lambda, Delta Phi, Kappa Delta t o a . the Legislature. He said after-
of socially affiliated men to 2146.. i m+ ive o n apus. oc nd9i

Davy Levy, '57, in speaking for
the severance pay motion, re-
ferred to a statement endorsed by
the American Association of Uni-
versity Professors.
According to the statement,
"Teachers on continuous appoint-
ment who are dismissed for rea-
sons not involving moral turpi-
tude" should receive a year's pay,
Ned Simon, '55, motioned that
the issue be given back to commit-
tee because not enough facts were
available for a vote on the Dor-,
mont proposal.
Lunn Speaks on NSA
Special guest at the meeting was
NationlSune int Association Pres-

f ~

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