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October 13, 1954 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1954-10-13

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Let's Have Some Parties:
Suggestion for SL
See Page 4


Latest Deadline in the State


_ F S




Clark Holds
View on Yalu
Says Korea Pact
Led to Indochina
Expressing agreement with Gen.
Douglas A. MacArthur's views on
the Korean War, Gen. Mark Clark
said last night, "I don't think Rus-
sia would have come in if we had
bombed beyond the Yalu River."
A packed Hill Auditorium audi-
ence heard the General, who
signed the Panmunjom agreement,
declare that if we had won a deci-
sive victory in Korea there would
have been. no Indo-China problem.
"The longer we wait for a show-
down (with the Russians) the moreI
costly it will be," he said.
Americans Still Held
In my opinion more than 3,000
UN personnel, including more than
1,000 Americans are still being held
by the Communists, Gen. Clark
"We Jave positive proof that
they were Communist prisoners,"
he declared, 'yet they were not
mentioned in the lists of prisoners
returned in the prisoner ex-
Discussing the threat of Presi-
dent Syngman Rhee to "go it
alone" if we do not unify his
country the ex-Commander-in-Chief
of the United Nations forces in
d f





To Hear Davis

To Review
SGC Plan
Will Discuss
Changes Oct.20
Student Affairs Vice-President
James A. Lewis yesterday an-
nounced membership of a 13-mai
committee to review suggested
changes in the Student Govern-
ment Council proposal.
The new group, formed after
discussions between Vice-Presi-
dent Lewis, Student Legislature
President Steve Jelin, '55, and
Prof. Earl W. Britton of the en-
gineering college, will meet October
20 to consider changes in the SGC
Student members of the com-
mittee on student government in-
clude Jelin; League President Lucy
Landers, '55; Union President Tom
Leopold. '55 and Daily Managing
Editor Eugene Hartwig, '55.
Faculty Listed
Faculty members are Prof. Brit-
ton, Dean Earl V. Moore of the mu-
sic school, Prof. Kenneth L. Jones,
chairman of the botany depart-
ment and Dean Walter T. Emmons
of the engineering college.
Completing the study group are


On SeverancePay Issue


Chicago Flood Diminishes;
Rain Deluges Ann Arbor

To Assist Flu'
Vaccine Tests
IFC Anounces
Meeting, Deadline
Fraternity presidents voted last
night to volunteer the services of
the fraternity system for a pro-
gram designed to test the effect-
iveness of flu vaccine.
The motion to the presidents last
night, presented by Joe Whiteman,
'55, president of Beta Theta Pi,
was qualified . . . "provided that
the health department is willing
to accommodate such a program;
that such a program would be en-
tirely voluntary and completely
non-injurious; and that the pro-
gram can be set up on a decen-
tralized basis to facilitate the
Presidents OK
The program passed by a large
John Baity, '54, Interfraternity
Council President, who has been
instrumental in coordinating the
arrangement with the health de-
partment, explained the motion to
the Presidents before discussion
It was also approved last night
that' members of Michigan State's
Interfraternity Council would be in
attendance at the next Fraternity
Presidents' Assembly, October 26.
State IFC to Visit

C&E Motion
To Propose
Year's. Pay
Committee Cites
Moral Obligation
H. Chandler Davis, former Uni-
versity mathematics instructor
who was dismissed from the fac-
ulty in August will be at the Stu-
dent Legislature meeting tonight
to discuss the question of proposed
severance pay - for himself and
Prof. Mark Nickerson, who has
also been dismissed.
SL will at the time consider a,
Culture and Education Commit-
tee motion stating that "Prof.
Nickerson and Mr. Davis should
receive a year's compensation from
the date bf notification of dis-
Davis said that he had been
asked to answer questions on sev-
erance pay only. He added that he
was not prepared to discuss the
dismissal in general.
Under Judication
At the present time, Davis' legal
case is under judication, which is
another reason for the necessity
to restrict the discussion to con-
tract, tenure, appointment, and
severance pay.
The SL motion, which will be
made by Paul Dormont, '55, and
Hank Berliner, '56, states that the
"University has a moral obliga-
tion to uphold the welfare of its
"We do not feel that the cir-
cumstances of their suspensions
remove the University from its

former SL President Bob Neary,
By JOEL BERGER1 '54, and alumni members Al Blum-
Rain, water and H 2 O. rosen, '53L, and Clyde Recht, '48.1
These all add up to the same thing, and in the case of Chicago, The 13-member group will meet
the addition has been almost too much. Summed up, they gave the to consider revisions suggested by
metropolis the century's worst raingtorms and flood. Vice-President Lewis, Jelin .and
Here in Ann Arbor, water has been dumped from the clouds at Prof. Britton designed to meet
an astonishing rate so far this month. By yesterday, four and a questions about the plan raised
half inches of rain had been measured by the government. weather by SL and the Regents' Study
bureau at Willow Run, easily surpassing the normal October rain- committee in Septem erl
fall of 2.17 inches. According to Vice - Presidentj
Biggest Rain Here in 8 Years Lewis the work of the small com-
Weather bureau officials said yesterday that so far this month mittee is completed and a concen-
the rainfall there has been the largest since the bureau was first sus has been -reached on a number
established eight years ago. of points so that the plan can be

-Daily--Dean Morton
Music Has N Purpose,
Says Vaughan Williams

Ralph Vaughan Williams, introduced by Dean Earl V. Moore of
the School of Music as the "Dean of English Composers," told an
overflowing audience in Auditorium A yesterday that "music serves

Today's forecast for Ann Arbor is partly
with a high expected of 60 to 65 degrees. Show
again over the weekend, the weatherman add4

,s >
{Union Party
S Procrastination"Costly To H onor
Korea said, "he has no capacity"
to do so. .
The General cited the position -lisnhower
taken by our allies in the Korean.
conflict as one of the reasons we-


did not achieve a decisive vic-
Reds Unimpressed
Although it is good to have al-
lies, he said, he did not feel the
Russians were impressed by UN
contributions to the war of 33,000
Pointing to the post-armistice
conference at Panmunjom with the
Reds, which failed to come to any
agreement Gen. Clark said, "Po-
litical Conferences solve nothing."
The Communist understands only
"a big stick," he said, "and we
have not confronted him with suf-
ficient force in the last few years."
Dean t o Talk
On Atom Law
Today, Thursday and Friday,
Dean E. Blythe Stason of the law
school will attend a conference on
atomic energy sponsored by the
National Industrial Conference
Held in New York City, this is
the third annual conference on
atomic energy law.
Dean Stason has been asked to
comment at some length on deci-
sions reached at the talks and to
summarize the discussions at the
conclusion of a round table panel
which he will conduct.
Today, Dean Stason will act as
chairman of a round table session
entitled "Significance of the Pa-
tent and Licensing Amendments
to the Atomic Energy Act."
The National Industrial Confer-
ence Board is a New York organi-
zation which conducts conferences
of interest to industry.
According to Mrs. Doris Mc-
Laughlin, secretary to the Secre-
tary of the, law school, "It is an
organization of industries with an
educational rather than a propa-
gandist function-a clearing house
for new ideas."
Approximately 3,000 industrial-
ists, engineers and lawyers will at-
tend the conference. Dean Stason
is the only college professor on the

A birthday party in honor of
President Dwight D. Eisenhower,1
sponsored by the Young Republi-
cans, will begin at 8 p.m. tonightl
in the Union ballroom.t
The President will be 64 yearsI
old tomorrow.
Sen. Charles Potter, who willj
discuss "The Importance of Elect-
ing a Republican Congress," will1
be among the guests. Others will
include gubernatorial aspirant Don-Y
ald S. Leonard, Second District
Rep. George Meader, and Douglas,
Reading, Republican county chair-
man. Members of the Board ofj
Control of the State Federation of{
Young Republicans are also ex-
pected to attend.-I
Leonard and Michigan Attorney-
General Frank Millard will speak
on general state issues.
IT*he purpose of the meeting is to
"introduce firstdvoters and stu-
dents to the leading political fig-
ures in the state government,"
said Malcolm Schlusberg, '55, pres-
ident of the campus chapter of the
James Locke, '55, is general
chairman of the event.
A dinner in honor of Sen. Potter
and Millard will be held at the
Union preceding the celebration.
The rally is open to the public,

will dampen
4 p.m. today.
In Chicago,
rain means n
clothes for r
pectedly outs
their homes
suburbs and
ands of pers
Sen. Paul
has asked P
Eisenhower t
gency fundsj
the Chicago
have resulted
engaged in cl1
the flood cris
Eller stood
yesterday wl
mission cut
They put1
and the rest
with the vin
in Yugoslavi
British - A

cloudy and cooler referred to the full study group for
ers will probably hit consideration.
ed, while some rain "The three-man committee has
Ann Arbor around done a job of editing and sifting.
- The essence of the SGC (Laing
however, the recent Plan) remains the same," he said.
nore than just soggy First item on the agenda of the
eople caught unex- October 20 meeting will be to de-
ide when the storms termine how the group will pro-
ceed and whether to bring in other
were driven from students, faculty and administra-
in the city and its tors to present their views.
hundreds of thous- ' Among questions raised by the
hundwres ofthou- Regents' committee at the Sep-
ons were inconven- tember meeting was whether the
H. Douglas (D-Ill.) Laing Plan comprised a sufficient
Hresident Dwight D. constitution for a student govern-
o provide for emer-
for disaster relief in
area. Four deaths BLOOD DRIVE:
1 from flood waters
the city has been Contest Set
eanup operations and
is appears to be di- ,
The University's chapter of Al-
se Split pha Phi Omega national service
sfraternity has accepted the chal-
lenge of the Michigan State Col-
{R'}-Farmer Luca lege chapter to participate in a
disconsolately by blood dirivecompetition, according
hile an Allied Com- to president Sherwin Sokolov, '56.
his house in two. Issued jointly by the MSC chap-
the kitchen in Italy ter of Alpha Phi Omega and the
of the house, along Spartan Women's League, the
eyard and ox stall, challenge will determine which
a. school can secure the largest per-
lmerican - Yugoslav centage of blood during a one-'


The meeting will be par
State's visit to the University
inspect the IFC operation her
Robert Knutson, '56, IFC Rush
Chairman told presidents the

t of
y to

absolutely no purpose."
"When I am asked to justify it
I say is that it's axiomatic. That's all
Speaking here on his 82nd4-
birthday, he defined music as an,
"attempt to reach ultimate reali-
ties through beautiful and ordered i

suts of al rushin i ,' responsibility to compensate these
~UL k tII gjiH. sound." - me.olwngterdsmsaat
A record total of 1,019 men reg- Began in Rituals men following their dismissal, aft-
istered for rushing, with slightly The foundation of music was inR o u Up er having initially contracted for
more than half of the registrants ceremonial. rituals," he noted their services," the motion con-
pledging. The final pledge total as "Priests adapted secular music to PRETORIA, South Africa - tinues.
announced yesterday is 515. the ecclesiastical needs, because Prime Minister Daniel F. Malan's AAUP Endorsement
This eclipsed last year's total of the ceremonies without music decision to retire left his follow- The SL motion mentions a
486 but fell short of the 1949 record lacked significance. ers alternately surprised and statement endorsed by the Amer-
of 535. Knutson also announced "Inspiration and originality are stunned yesterday. ican Association of University Pro-
that informal rushing will begin not entities - in themselves;" he But they were determined to fessors in 1941 which reads:
at 5 p.m. Minday. I added. "It should come from the carry on under his Nationalist "Teachers on continuous ap-
Today's Plans Announced inner nature and the composer 1.Party, with its leadership and the pointment who are dismissed for
John Calvin, '56, Interfraternity should not try to go further into Prime Ministry expected to fall reasons not involving moral tur-
Council Publicity Chairman, an- dissonance than the next man." to Malan's deputy, Nikolaas C. pitude should receive their salaries
nounced yesterday that a tryout "New music must be built on a I Havenga. for at least a year from the date
meeting will be held at 4 p.m. to-- foundation of the well-trodden * * * of notification of dismissal wheth-
day in Rm. 3-C of the Union. road." he continued. "But music UNITED NATIONS, N.Y.-Unit- er or not they are continued -in
Also there will be a joint IFC- that is new for the sake of being ed States urged the United Na- their duties at the institution."
Inter-House Council coffee hour be- new will soon become outmoded tions yesterday to take a long and According to a letter written to
ginning at 4 p.m. today in Rm. and the composers' must find a inquiring look at Russia's new Davis by Secretary of the Regents
3 M-N of the Union. new way of shocking the bour- disaripament proposals and once Herman G. Watkins, dated Sept.
Deadline for petitions for Gener- geois," added Vaughan Williams. more pledged itself to use atomic 28, it was "indicated" at the Aug.
al Chairmen of Greek Week and Seek Emotion Expression weapons only in defense against 26 Regents meeting (in which the
the IFC Ball is 5 p.m. today. -cIn the way of advice to young aggression. decision for dismissal was made)
composers, Vaughan Williams said DETROIT - Defense Secretary hnpay,
that they should "try not to be Charles E. Wilson said yesterday ,SL's meeting is scheduled for
Buc et Drive original in the narrowest sense of he intended no slur against jobless 7:30 p.m. today in Strauss Dining
the -word. It is hard to find the workers in an offhand "dog" story Rm. of East Quadrangle.
trKeeAp" u esi o"f your emotions. he told newsmen here. Special guests at the meeting.
OSDo not rest until you find it." Monday's news conference was will be National Students' Asso
Commenting on American and devoted largely to a denial by Wil- ciation President Harry Lunn, '54,
EnglSA sisexrusic, streu rn Wilia s hsee fvoedinth aar- an PaesydLngsHoreyLnAice
At I eetng Englsh music, Vaughan Williams son of charges that General Mo- former Daily Managing Editor,
(""')said "Both countries must return tors has been favored in the award- and Wally Longshore, NSA Vice..
to the true path; not the folk- ing of defense contracts. P
Student Affairs Committee yes- song policy, but the enrichment * * President in charge of national
te-day appioved the World Univei- of a native impulse. RIO DE JANIERO, Brazil - Lunn and Longshore will take
sity Service bucket drive October He is on a brief lecture tour John S. Knight, U.S. publisher, part in an NSA report concernin
20-21 and extended women's clos- before he begins a visiting profes- yesterday received the 1954 La gtn goverent a niera-
ing hours to 1:30 a.m. October 30 sorship at Cornell University Prensa award for outstanding tion and the role of students in
to accommodate the Union's Fif- where he will remain until De- service in furthering interameri- an bnd the campus mu
tieth Anniversary Dance. ene.cnudrtnig and beyond the campus commu..SCas-eie opaeo iy
SC also decided to place on --- ---- ____ __________nity.
its agenda for the next meeting a
policy review of all-campus buck-
eth srvie foloecid onethondist Acacia Pledges Honored YD Protests
I therevie follwed lngthy i-; ,


is existence " he continued, "all
I know and all I need to know." '
War d ! ew.

Commission painted a yellow
stripe up one side of the house,
across the roof and down the
other side.
It marked the new border
agreed upon by Italy and Yugo-
slavia in settlement of their
nine-year-old Trieste free ter-
ritory dispute.

week period.
MSC will award a plaque to the
winning school.
Registration for the drive has
begun at MSC and a goal of 3,000
pints is expected before October 22.
Sokolov has requested all inter-
ested University students and per-
sonnel to contact Alpha Phi Ome-
ga office at NO 3-3112


Irma Hurley To Star as'

(:'nn l 1

"A rather affected young wom-I
an, but underneath pretty much of
a good kid," is the description
Irma Hurley gives of Raina, the
leading character in Bernard
Shaw's "Arms and the Man."
Miss Hurley will play the role
of the girl "whose idea of romance
is all sweetness and light" in the
Dramatic Art Center's production
of the play, opening Oct. 21.
Coming to Ann Arbor after three
years as a resident actress in the
Hegerow Theater, a repertory com-
pany in Moylan, Pa., Miss Hurley
is a member of the Center's per-

V_-V V.FF~Ai £ .. I-'l cussion of the request for the WUS
drive later this month.
a drama school "you learn what roups Recognized
you are doing, how to do it, and Recognition was extended to the
why." Student Chapter of the Soil Con-
A college student's energies are servation Society of America and
spread in learning about other as- t Seventh Day Adventist Stu-
pects of theater production which
are useful but not directly con- A request to'recognize the Sopho-
nected with acting, she explained. nmor-e Engineering Council was
postponed until the group clarifies
First Character Roles its status in the college with re-
While at Hegerow Miss Hurley spect to the Engineering Council.
usually played character ingenue The committee extended its ten-
roles. Her first part after joining tative approval of the Panhellenic
the company was Sonya in Anton constitution pending. submission of
Chekhov's "Uncle Vanya," which a new constitution by Panhel. Ap-
she termed a "beautiful role." proval was given the revised con-
The young actress also played stitution of the Young Republi-

An "emphatic protegt" against
the dismissal of Professor Mark
Nickerson and H. Chandler Davis
was passed unanimously at the
.meeting of the Young Democrats
last night, according to YD presi-
dent Ralph Goldberg, '56.
The resolution read as follows:
"We register emphatic protest
against the procedure of and dis-
missal of Professor Nickerson and
Davis. We feel that this mars the
integrity - of the University as it
violates the basic concepts of aca-
demic freedom in permitting per-
sonal beliefs rather than profes-
sional competence to constitute the

. , , ;


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