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October 10, 1954 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1954-10-10

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'Mr. Jazz' To Present
Musical Jam Session

'Saint Joan
To Be Seen


we~da I/a1nd4krnouwemycenti


Along Tin Pan Alley they refer
to Norman Granz, producer of
"Jazz at the Philharmonic," com-
ing to Ann Arbor Wednesday, as
"Mr. Jazz." This is odd when one
considers that he can't even play
a musical instrument. Still this
36-year-old Californian rules a
jazz empire grossing over five
million dollars a year.
Young Granz first worked as a
quotation clerk some 14 years ago
in the Los Angeles Stock Exchange.
Every now and then he would get
away from it all by rounding up
some jazz musicians, putting on a
jam session and charging admis-
On a memorable night in 1944
at the Los Angeles Philharmonic
Auditorium, Granz tossed a jam-
boree that "shook the rafters."
JATP Is Born
It was the birth of what Granz
tagged "Jazz at the Philharmonic."
In the next ten years, "Jazz at the
Phil" became one of the most
successful enterprises of its kind.
Granz possesses a great amount
of energy and it is all spent on the
jazz he loves. When not busy with
the annual JATP tours on this
continent, in Europe and in lands
across the Pacific, he is busily re-
cording the country's leading jazz
Back in 1944 Granz recorded his

first JATP album, "How High The
Moon." He has since issued 16 al-
bums featuring jazzdom's top mu-
sicians playing under actual con-
cert conditions.
Records Top Artists
Granz has been foremost in re-
cording under studio conditions
the artistry of nearly every lead-
ing jazz musician in the U.S., as
well as the work of gifted newcom-

The jazz scene has been docu-
mented by Granz on film, as well
as on platters. With photographer
Gjon Mili, he produced an Acad-
emy Award winning short, "Jam-
min' the Blues," which is consid-
ered one of the best film treat-
ments of jazz ever made.
As he has been doing for the
last ten years, Granz will personal-
ly emcee the coming JATP con-
cert, which will be presented at 7
and 9:15 p.m. Wednesday evening
at Hill Auditorium.
Star-Studded Program
The star-studded 1954 JATP ag-
gregation heading this way in-
cludes songstress Ella Fitzgerald
and instrumentalists Oscar Peter-
son, Buddy Rich, Dizzy Gillespie,
Louis Bellson, Buddy De Franco,
Flip Phillips, Ray Brown,
Tickets for the two perform-
ances are still available at 3519
Administration Building.


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Forget it! Get boneless control-
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J R.
the girdle that walks and won't ride up


-Daily-John HIrtzei
PROFESSIONAL ADVICE-In the control room of the University
TV studio on Maynard Street, Professor Edward Stasheff of the
speech department instructs students in the operation of television.
TV Pioneer Now Teaches
University SpeechStudents
.n e Here he had a chance to experi-
Ulcers and a love of experimen- ment, to work personally with peo-
tation have brought Prof. Edward pie under him and to direct his
Stasheff, one of the most highly owndshi no.s
regarded men in the speech de- own shows.
partment, to the~ University to Another Promotion
teach his favorite subject, televi- But after one year of this idyllic
sion. position, unhappiness showed it-
Prof. Stasheff started his TV self for a while to Prof. Stasheff in
career as television supervisor for the guise of a promotion. He was
the Board of Education in New appointed assistant program man-
York back in the early days of ager of the station, a desk job
modern TV, when there was only that required him to "assign to
one lens on each camera. people more work than I knew
In 1944, while working for the should be expected of them."
Board, he saw his first TV pro-j Here he developed an ulcer, re-
gram, and immediately realized signed, and went back to the
its possibilities as a medium for Board of Education, where he
education. He made up a format handled the full-time job of su-
for an educational show. Only persivsing three shows a week.
CBS of the three stations he con- After a few months, he was asked
tacted showed an interest in to direct a weekly program for a
broadcasting the show. network show.
Accepts New Position Taking charge. of these two good
After running this series for a sized jobs was less strain on Prof.
year, he became Educational Con- Stasheff than his previous one. He
sultant for CBS in New York. was able to get rid of his ulcer in
Prof. Stasheff said, "I think that four months.
I can honestly call myself a pio- Speaks at University
neer in the industry. Those were In the summer of 1950 he ac-
the days when we needed two cepted an invitation to speak here
cameras, one for close-ups and at a two-day speech conference in
another for long shots. The lights the summer.
in the studio were so hot that we The next summer he taught a
used wooden candles because wax TV course at the University; and
wouldn't last in that heat." in the fall of 1951 started as a full-
In 1948, Prof. Stasheff left his time instructor.
other jobs to become Director of Among Prof. Stasheff's ac-
Religious and Educational pro- complishments are the co-author-
grams for a commercial station. ship of several books and a good
He noted that this was one of the number of awards for his TV pro-
most satisfying times of his life. grams.

Union Sponsors Trip
To Detroit Production
Of Shaw Stage Play
George Bernard Shaw's "Saint
Joan" will be the destination of
the second Union-sponsored trip
of the semester, scheduled for
Tuesday, Oct. 19.
Featuring Jean Arthur, star of
stage and screen, the well-known
historical drama will play at the
Cass Theatre in Detroit.
In the title role, Miss Arthur
portrays the peasant girl who led
an army against the English in
France, and was burned as a he-
retic at the stake in 1431. Joan
was canonized in 1920.
Jean Arthur Stars
Among Miss Arthur's motion
picture roles have been leads in
"Shane" and "You Can't Take It
with You." The actress returned to
the legitimate theatre in 1950 and
scored a brilliant success as J. M.
Barrie's "Peter Pan," breaking all
Broadway records for that play's
past runs.
The Detroit appearance of the
production will be one of the
stops on a thirty week coast-to-
coast tour for the play, called
"Not only Shaw's greatest play,
but one of the greatest plays of
the modern theatre," by John Ma-
son Brown, noted critic.
Orchestra seats will be avail-
able to those making the trip at
a special price of $3.25, including
transportation by bus. Offered to
students and other interested peo-
ple, tickets may be purchased at
the Union Student Offices until
3:30 p.m. Friday.
Buses will leave for the theatre
at 6:30 p.m., Oct. 19th, from the
side door of the. Union. Coeds go-
ing along will be given late per-
mission for that evening.
Mark Gallon, in charge of the
trips, suggests the groups wish-
ing to attend may go as a block.

The engagement of Janice B.
James, daughter of Mrs. Thomas
L. James and the late Mr. James
of Masbury, Ohio, to Robert R.
Miller, son of Mrs. Albert A. Mil-
ler and the late Mr. Miller of
Flint was announced recently at
a family dinner party at Devon
Gables, Detroit.
Miss James graduated from the
University in June, 1952, where
she served as Women's Editor of
The Michigan Daily. She was a
member of Kappa Delta sorority,
Scroll, and Theta Sigma Phi.
Mr. Miller is a graduate of the
college of Engineering and re-
ceived a Master of Business Ad-
ministration degree. He was a
member of Michigamua and Vul-
cans and held the position of
Business Manager of the Michigan
Daily. At present he is a trainee
with General Electric Marketing
The couple will be married No-
vember 6 in Sharon, Pa.

At a cocktail party in their
Grosse Pointe home on Sept. 11,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Michaels an-
nounced the engagement of their
daughter, Wanda Constance, to"
Mr. Harry August Easom, son of
the William G. Easoms, also of
Grosse Pointe.
A member of Alpha Omicron Pi
sorority, Miss Michaels is a senior
in the literary college. She is a
member of Sigma Delta Pi and
served as secretary of the Gilbert
and Sullivan Society.
Mr. Easom, a first-year medical
student, is affiliated with Theta
Delta Chi, Phi Beta. Kappa, Phi
Kappa Phi and Phi Eta Sigma.
He was president of Gilbert and
Sullivan Society.
Wedding plans have been made
for June.
. *,,
Anne K. Stevenson's engage-
ment to Robin L. Hitchcock of
Cambridge, England, was an-
nounced recently at a dinner in
the home of Mr. Hitchcock's sis-
ter, Mrs. James Wiltshire, of Berk-
hamstead, Herts, England.
Miss Stevenson is the daughter
of Prof. and Mrs. Charles L. Stev-
enson of Ann Arbor.
Miss Stevenson is a graduate of
the literary college, where she was
awarded honors in the Hopwood
contests in her freshman, sopho-
more, and senior years. She serv-
ed as poetry editor of Generation
and sat on the Honors Council.
She was a member of Senior So-
ciety, Phi Kappa Phi, and Phi
Beta Kappa.
Mr. Hitchcock graduated from
Queens College, Cambridge Uni-
versity where he wason the var-
sity rugby squad.
The couple plan a summer wed-





CIa re-Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Clare
of New London, Conn., announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Margaret Helen, to William Ar-
thur Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Wood of Ann Arbor.
-Miss Clare is a junior in the lit-
erary college. Mr. Wood graduat-
ed from the University School of
Business Administration. He was
affiliated with Delta Sigma Pi. At
present, he is serving with the
U.S. Army at Camp Chaffee, Ark.
* * *
Shirley Alice Wood's engagement
to Ramsey G. Ludington, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Homer A. Luding-
ton of Fulton, N.Y., was announc-
ed recently by Mr. and Mrs. Stu-
art K. Wood of Fulton.
Miss Wood is a graduate of the
School of Pharmacy. She was a
member of Alpha Omicron Pi and
a charter member of Lambda Kap-
pa Sigma, pharmaceutical sorority.
She served as president of the
student branch of the * American
Pharmaceutical Association.
Mr. Ludington graduated from
the University of Miami Law
School after attending Syracuse
University. He is affiliated with
Sigma Chi and Phi Alpha Delta.
During World War II, he served
with the Navy in the Pacific area.
A summer wedding is planned.
Claudia Moore Smith has
been appointed general chair-
man of the annual Fortnite by
Assembly Association. Other
chairmen are Margo Pauly,
skits; Sue Verb, patrons and
programs; Mary Bauer, publi-
city and Lois Shein, awards and


Petitions Due on Tuesday
For League 'Fill-In' Posts





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Petitions for League "fill-in" po-
sitions are due at 5 p.m. Tues-
day in the Leagu Undergrad of-
Both sophomore and junior;
women are eligible to petition for
League assistant special projects
chairman. Positions open on the
JGP central committee are chor-
al director, tickets chairman, scen-
ery chairman, assistant properties
chairman, dance and assistant
dance chairmen, students chairman
and posters chairman.
Sophomores have an opportu-
nity to petition for Soph Scandals
make-up chairman, as well as for
a post on the interviewing and
nominating committee.
Women living in League houses
are eligible to try for posts on the
League House Judiciary Council.
A member-at-large and a secre-
tary will be chosen from any class
I ,1cn Camp
VOLLEYBALL .- The following
games will be played in the volley-
ball tournament: at 5:10 p.m.
Monday-Elliott vs. Victor Vaugh-
an; Yost I vs. Stockwell III; at
7:15 p.m.-Stockwell II vs. Couzens
II; Mosher II vs. Hobbs House;
Tuesday at 5:10 p.m.-Jordan
III vs. Angell; Alpha Delta Pi vs.
Kappa Kappa Gamma I; at 7:15
p.m.-Fletcher vs. Alpha Phi; Al-
pha Epsilon Phi vs. Pi Beta Phi I.
* s
TENNIS CLUB -- The Tennis
Club will meet at 4:10 p.m. to-
elected members of the Education
School Council will hold their first
meeting at 7:15 p.m. tomorrow.
ganizational meeting of the Mich-
igan Dames scheduled to take place
Tuesday has been postponed until
Tuesday, Oct. 19.
It's the
Cut, shaped to your features.
"--No Appointments Needed.-
The DASCOLA Barbers
near Michigan Theatre

and a junior or senior will be se-
lected as chairman.
Positions are also open as as-
sistants on the Merit-Tutorial
staff. All coeds interested should
call Barb Ubell.
Petition forms are available in
the League Undergrad Office. Each
coed is asked to sign up for an in-
terview when she returns her com-
pleted petition. Interviewing for
all positions will open Wednesday.

9:30 TO 5:30


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