See Page 4 r
Latest Deadline in the State
a t t
VOL. LXV, No. 15
Hatcher Reports
On Dismissals
Entire Data on Nickerson,Markert,
Davis Cases Given to 'U' Senate
I have called this special meeting of the Senate primarily
in order that I might report to you on the proceedings and their
conclusion involving three members of the University staff who
refused to answer under oath questions about their relationship
to the Communist Party before a Congressional Committee.
Because of the Senate's concern and responsibility in such mat-
ters, I would wish in any event to make this report as a part of
normal procedure. Since the cases were resolved in August while
most of you were away, I desired to take the earliest opportunity
to make this official statement to you. Following this report the
meeting will be open with full opportunity for discussion.
The timing, like the origin of the cases themselves, was a mat-
ter quite beyond our control. We have pursued the cases diligently,
and they have moved as fast as they could consistent with fair
procedure and judicial study by the various bodies concerned with
them. Had the cases come before us last December or January, as
originally indicated, they would have been resolved in the spring
Instead, they were placed before us on May 11, and they were ended
in August.
S * * * .
Free Men Assume Grave Responsibility
I observe once more that nothing more difficult or distressing
can come before a university than conduct of this kind, and that
free men, representing a university, having the protection of the
institution when their cause is honorable, assume a grave respon-
sibility when they throw upon their colleagues and upon the uni-.
versity the burdens inherent in a refusal to answer questions per-
taining to the safety and welfare of this nation on the grounds
that a frank answer might incriminate them. There must be good
and convincing reasons to justify such a stand.
We must keep in mind the context of these inquiries and their
relationship to the grave crises which we have faced and which still
menacingly confront us. We have been through a devastating war;
we have strained our economy and expended some $87 billion in a
global struggle for survival against a ruthless communist attack
and imperialistic expansion; our young men have been conscripted
in time of technical peace; they have been removed from college
classrooms to fight aggressive communism; they have been slain on
the world's battlefields. Crimes have been committed against our
national security which have been linked to the communist con-
spiracy. We are not, therefore, dealing with a political party in our
traditional and accepted sense of American freedom, but with a
skilled and crafty and relentless intrigue which, if successful, would
deliver us into the hands of those who would destroy our freedoms
as they have destroyed them wherever they have been victorious.
We wish to brighten the lamps of freedom, not to permit the exten-
sion of darkness upon the face of the earth.
It was not any surprise that in these dangerous days the Uni-
versity of Michigan, as a major institution closely linked to the
national defense, with millions of dollars of research work going
on in advanced and sensitive fields, and with some seven thousand
men and women on its various staffs, would naturally be subjected
to careful scruitiny by authorized agencies.
* * * 5
Telegram Sent To Velde
The University has its own independent concern for such matters.
It would not knowingly employ communists on its staff; neither would
it retain them if it had knowledge of such affiliation. When the
first announcement was made in the press that the University of
Michigan was to be investigated, I sent a telegram to Congressman
Velde briefly stating our position.
It read:
"We read in the* papers that the University of Michigan is
named as one of the schools on your list for investigation. Al-
though we have not received notice of your plans we wish to
assure you of our willingness to cooperate with you to the fullest
extent. We fully share the interests of our citizens in guarding,
preserving, and enhancing our American heritage. The University
is dedicated to sound education and to the safety and progress
of the nation. It has long been among the leading institutions in
its cooperation with the Armed Forces in the field of research
and other services considered vital to our national strength. It is
maintained by the State in the public interest. These considera-
tions have led us to exercise all viligance consistent with Ameri-
can practice against the possibility of subversive activities, while
preserving the traditional freedom of scholarly investigation upon
which our national progress is based. It is our belief that the
University is successfully fulfilling its mission and discharging its
great obligation to our country."
This was not to invite further investigation, but neither was it
to oppose it. It was a policy statement, protective in intent and, I
believe, in result. Mr. Velde's reply stated that the University was
not to be investigated, but that a few individuals whose activities
had been brought to the Congressional Committee's attention would
be questioned.
Concern Expressed on Hearings
The prospect of such an inquiry led us all to be concerned with
the procedures to be followed by the University if and when it should
be confronted by the problems inherent in such hearings on the
part of members of its staff. We were, and are, aware that. a major
objective of communism is to divide free men and, if possible, plunge
them into strife among themselves. The Association of American
Universities had already come to grips with the question and issued
a policy statement subscribed to by all the member institutions--
i.e., the 39 leading American and two Canadian Universities. This
statement, entitled "The Rights and Responsibilities of Universities
and Their Faculties," was distributed to the Senate and was the sub-
ject of considerable discussion. Out of these discussions grew the
appointment of a special committee in May, 1953, to study the issues
raised by the Association of American Universities report and to
- -P (~~
s - - --- - - - - - - - _ _ _
To Halt
Entry of W. Germany
Into European Dense
Nickerson Case Not
Closed Say Professors
Russia Asks
For New Big
Four Meeting
ANTI-INTEGRATION PARADE IN BALTIMORE-A chanting throng of students staged an anti-
integration demonstration through Baltimore. Although there were demonstrations at at least eight
public schools, there were no reports of violence like those of the week before. (AP Wirephoto)
Striking Pupils May Lose Privileges
Many U' S enate Mendes-France Asks
Future Expression of Dissatisf action Assembly Approval
A large portion of the University faculty is convinced that the
case of Prof. Mark Nickerson is not closed.
Indications from some of the faculty members who drew up the
resolution, passed by a 314 to 274 majority regretting the dismissal
of Prof. Nickerson, are that many are planning on further expression
of dissatisfaction on the University's handling of the Nickerson case.
Those among the professors whoa
BERLIN A')J - Soviet Foreign
Minister V. M. Molotov struck back
last night at new Allied plans for
getting West Germany to join in
European defense and called for
a Big Four meeting on German
reunification and an immediate end
to German occupation.
Molotov, who made a surprise
WASHINGTON (N) -- Pupils who
stay out of Washington schools in
protest against mixing whites and
Negroes will be barred from hold-
ing school office or taking part in
athletics if they don't return by to-
morrow morning.
Dr. Hobart M. Corning, superin-
tendent of schools, laid down the
ruling last night. He also asked
adults, especially parents, to "use
their mature leadership in ending
a situation which has now become
disgraceful and dangerous."
Brief Demonstration
Some 50 white boys and girls pro-
testing school integration staged a
brief demonstration at the Supreme
Court building yesterday. Police
moved them away after one youth
wrote "we want our rights"
letters on the white marble
The protest, latest in an
ently waning series of strik
other manifestations in W
ton, was aimed at the cou:
cision last May that segr
of white and Negro pupils
lie schools is unconstitution
Dr. Corning said his ruling
mean students absent after
would disqualify themselve
holding commissions or w
in the Cadet Corps, from
senting the schools on
teams, in rifle matches or
sic and dramatic perform
from holding positions on p
tions, and from holding offic
in red ganizations or clubs that come un-
steps. der direction of the school.
appar- 750 Absent
ies and
ashing- At Anacostia High School one of'
rt's de- three high schools involved in three-
regation day disturbances, a back-to-classes
in pub- rally arranged by school authori-
mal - ties broke up in confusion, and
some 750 pupils remained away
g would from school.
today Another rally at McKinley High
s from School ended with practically all
arrants of some 150 strikers going back
repre- to classes following appointment of
athletic a white-Negro student committee to
in mu- meet each morning and thresh out
nances, any conflicts that arise.
)ublica- A walkout apparently was about
e in or- over at Eastern High School, too.
IDeadiinp 1
drew up the resolution contacted
by The Daily requested that their
names not be mentioned because
they felt they should not speak
for the faculty as a whole.
Faculty Opinion Ignored
Their case, as they pointed out,
is one, not only of disagreement
with the decision to dismiss Prof.
Nickerson, but more so of taking
issue with an ignoring of faculty
opinion on the case.
In particular, the reference is
to the unanimous decision of the
Senate Advisory Subcommittee on
Intellectual Freedom and Integri-
ty to recommend reinstatement.
They point, too, to the split deci-
sion for retinstatement by the
Special Advisory Committee to
University President Harlan H.
President Hatcher, they say,
weighed more heavily the recom-
mendations of the M e d i c a l
School's executive committee, dis-
regarding the faculty's recom-
Resolution Strong{
mittee, or a petition signed by at flight to East Berlin Tuesday night,
least 25 members of the Senate. made his major policy speech at a
Prof. Hawley Comments meeting of ranking East German
Prof. Amos H. Hawley, chair- officials and representatives of a
.an AfmtheosiH.oHydeyartentdozen Communist countries includ-
man of the sociology department, ing Red China. The speech came on
who emphasized he was not part the eve of the fifth anniversary of
of the group who drew up the res- the founding of the Soviet-dominat-
lution, said, "The ma issue is ed East German government.
one of clarifying policy, not just Condemned Conference
on people who have refused to CnendCneec
testify before congressional inves- He condemned the recent nine-
tigating committees, but on total power Western Allied conferene
questions of academic freedom as in London as making German uni-
involved in the present period of fication impossible and greatly' in-
Communist threat. creasing the danger of European
I clarifyingwar. His proposals were seen as
"Itisin" reference to athe first big guns in a Soviet cam-
this policy that we hope discus- paign to wreck the decisions of the
sion will be kept open. London conference.
Asked if he thought the pas- "The Soviet government declares
sage of the resolution was a vote today," he said, "that it proposes
of "no confidence" in the presi- anew to the governments of the
dent, Prof. Hawley said, "No." United States, Britain, and France
However, at least four professors to conclude an agreement on the
strongly felt that it was, in fact, withdrawal of occupation troops
a vote of "no confidence." from the territory of East and West
"Unequivocal Contravention" Germany and to solve this ques-
One faculty member felt that tion immediately."
the President's recommendation "The acceptance of this propo-
__ L 1 _a~__ .e g l un ld aa a hise iai" o
PASSED BY 314 TO 274:
Resolution of Universit S nt rsetdi u
Seae Prsne in Fu
Tomorrow is the deadline for
seniors to sign up for their
'Ensian pictures.
Seniors may sign up on the
Diagonal between 9 a.m. and
3 p.m. and at the Student Pub-
lications Building between 1
p.m. and 5 p.m.
Proofs should be returned to
fha i~n ~ ~~ntncRi
Following is the Resolution passed by a 314 to 274 vote at Tues-
days' meeting of the University Senate.
. (b) "Dismissal from the Uni-
Whereas, this University Sen- versity faculty, particularly in the
ate recognizes both the legal re- case of a faculty member with
sponsibility and the moral obliga- tenure, is consistent with the ideas,
tion of the President and the Re- of intellectual freedom only when
gents of the University of Michi-
gan to make final decisions in
matters of faculty tenure, the Sen-
ate believes that the long term in-
terests of both the University and
its supporting society are best
served when such decisions reflectI
there is substantial evidence of
grave misconduct on the part of
the individual concerned."
Matters of University Policy I
(c) "This case involves matters,
of University-wide policy with ref-
erence to a subject which tran-r
the considered opinion of the Uni- scends departmental and college
versity Senate. lines. It involves questions of the
tbelievesfreedom to hold unpopular ideas.
th theresi te Senae getsaseIt involves questions concerning
etatdn the PresidentandReentn ae the relations between the faculty
nentitled to know the opinion ofI
the Senate on the broad issues in-I
volved in faculty tenure, therefore
Be it resolved:
Committee Report Approved
(1) that this Senate express its
full approval of the general prin-
ciples of intellectual freedom de-
lineated in the report of the Sen-
ate Committee on Intellectual
Freedom and Integrity in the case
of Dr. Nickerson, especially
(a) "We believe that we speak
for faculty and administration'
alike when we assert that so long
as ideas do not extend beyond thet
pale of legality, or accepted con-
cepts of morality, the great tradi-i
tion of academic freedom requires
their protection."
allu 1CglfluulSA vb ,.J U,, '.,. 4vu lvJ
the meaning of tenure and the ob-
ligations of candor to the Univer-
sity. These are matters in which
no department, no school, no col-
lege, as such, has any peculiar
competence. These, it seems to us,'
are matters which must properly
be considered at the University
(2) that this Senate express its
satisfaction with the decision of
the governing body of the Uni-
versity in the case of Professor
Market, and its regret that the de-
cision in the case of Professor Nick-
erson was not in accord with the
unanimous opinion of the special
Senate committee charged with
reviewing this and similar cases.
t etudent ublcations1 Build - ! and the Regents' decision on Prof.
ing, 420 Maynard St., starting In expressing dissatisfaction Nickerson was an "unequivocal
Monday. with this, one faculty member as-
serted that to say "regret" as the contravention to the faculty."
resolution did, is a much stronger Thus, one of the purposes behindi
expression of disapproval in Uni- the resolution, as another put it,
versity language than would seem was "to let the Regents know that
P p s B ad to a layman.wic we exist."
I Passaymanf the resolution which Issue was also taken to the re-
I one professor termed "really re- port that the president's hour-
markable, in view of the forces op- and-a-half report was followed by
erating against it," has given new a two minute standing ovation.
WASHINGTON (A')-A Navy inves{ impetus to the movement to press Several of the faculty had a defi-
tigation is under way to fix respon- faculty opinion. It has been inter- nite, "Not so," for that. Instead,
sibility for a mixup which resulted preted by many as a strong indi- one said, it was "polite applause
in the wrong kind of steam piping cation of heavy support for the lasting about 20 or 30 seconds."
going into the atomic submarine movement from the faculty as a Prof. Hawley agreed, too, that no
Nautilus. whole. one stood up.
The Navy estimates that at least Further establishing this inter-,
three months will be needed to un- pretation was the passage of a i1I
tangle the trouble and get the Nau- motion, at the Faculty Senate ary Raphael
tilus ready for sailing. meeting Tuesday, to hold another,
The Navy said yesterday that special meeting for further dis- I
sections of a 1%/z-inch steamline in cussion.
the world's first nuclear subma- Two Issues Predominant Memorial services for Mary M.
rine contain welded piping instead Two issues that will presumably Raphael, 64 years old, of 33 Ridge
of seamless tubing called for in the be brought up will be the proced- way, who died Tuesday at Univer-
Navy's specifications. ures available for such cases and sity hospital, will be held at 4:30
Pending completion of the in- the severance pay of Prof. Nicker- p.m. tomorrow in St. Andrew's
quiry, he said, it is impossible to son and H. Chandler Davis, for- Episcopal Church, with the Rev.j
say precisely where the blame lies merly of the mathematics depart- Henry Lewis officiating.}
whether it was failure by naval ment, who was also dismissed by Mrs. Raphael was the wife ofI
inspectors and workmen or a corn- the Board of Regents. Dr. Theophile Raphael, professor
bination. One of the procedures that has of clinical psychiatry at the Uni-
occasioned objection was that re- versity, and supervisor of mentall
quiring the president to decide hygiene at Health Service.
h i S le upon a recommendation pf either A son, Charles, is now attending
reinstatement or dismissal before the law school. Three brothers and
1the Senate subcommittee, headed three sisters also survive, includ-'
For Grading by Prof. Angus Campbell, could ing Mrs. Alfred E. Connable, of
come onto the scene. Kalamazoo, wife of the University
Roger Comstock, '56, announced President Hatcher, who had no Regent.
yesterday that the Inter-fraternity comment on the passage of the Mrs. Raphael was born in Detroiti
Council Scholarship Committee has resolution, said last night that he Aug. 15, 1890, and received an AB
arranged a change in the transfer does not plan to call a, special degree from the University in 1912.
of business administration school meeting. He explained that ordi- She later earned an MA here inj
grades to the annual University nary procedures would be followed social work. She was a member ofI
scholarship record. if a meeting were to be called. This Delta Gamma. sorority.,
The marking scale which pre- would mean a request by the chair- The family requests that flowers
vinuw1ly oiwyvrlarl a 'A' to Pr +, j man of the Senate Advisory Com- be omitted.I
sai wouiU ease t e situation of the
population in East as well as in
West Germany for reunification of
He said the recent decisions in
London have "nothing to do with
the re-establishment of true Ger-
man sovereignty" or European se-
Basic Solution
doubt that the "basic solution of
the German problem" is the con-
clusion of a peace treaty with Ger-
many in accordance with the Pots-
dam agreement of 1945.
He declared German unification
would come despite Western opposi-
tion and struck out at "aggressive
circles in the United States" which
j he said fostered a policy leading
to a new war.
The three Western Powers occu-
pying Germany -. t h e United
States, Britain, and France - de-
clared at the London conference
their policy is "to end the occupa-
tion regime in the West German
Federal Republic as soon as pos-
sible, to revoke the occupation
statute, and to abolish the Allied
High Commission."
Launches Battle
In Paris Premier Pierre Men-
des-France launched his opening
battle yesterday for National As-
sembly indorsement of the nine-
power London agreements for West
German rearmament. The Cabinet
gave him its political do-or-die
The Cabinet ministers authorized
Mendes-France at a three-hour
meeting yesterday morning to
make the London accords an is-
sue of confidence-putting the gov-
ernment's life at stake - if and
when necessary in the Assembly
Then the Premier reported to the
Play Rehearsal aw 4 u'. n n w1 gra es
of' 90 and above, 'B's' to grades of
80 and 'C's' to 70 has been lowered
to four points.
Henceforth 86 will be an 'A,' 76 a
'B,' 66 a 'C' and 56 a 'D.'
The change was arranged after
conferences with Assistant Dean
of the School of Business Adminis-
tration Harold F. Taggert who ap-
proved the move last June.
'Gopher' Students
Happy With Life
elch Visits Ann Arbor-"
SRoute to ashingtont
ph N. Welch, Army counsel in the recent McCarthy Army
stopped briefly in Ann Arbor yesterday to visit his son, Lyn-
;h, and three grandchildren of 2320 Pittsfield.
63-year-old Bostonian is on his way to Washington, D.C.,
king at his alma mater at Grinnel, Ia. Only four times
Assembly's Foreign Affairs Com-
mittee on his London negotiations
as a prelude to his appearance for
a formal statement before the As-
sembly today.
Mendes-France predicted that a
full and precise agreement can be
achieved by the end of October,
and the texts submitted to Parlia-
ment for ratification the following
month. His aim now is only to put
the Assembly on record behind the
principles for an eventual ratifica-
tion, he said.
The meeting was closed, but ac-
counts which filtered quickly to the
legislative corridors said his rni-
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