See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
Pay Motion
Not Debated
SL Agenda Order Not
Altered for Discussion
An attempt to force Student Leg-
islature discussion of a motion ex-
pressing concern over University
handling of Prof. Mark Nickerson's
and H. Chandler Davis' severance
pay failed last night.
Joan Bryan, '56, moved to sus-
pend a special order of business
then in progress so that the sever-
ance pa~y problem could be brought
before the Legislature. The pro-
posed change in the agenda how-
ever needed a two-thirds majority
and fell ten votes short of passing.
The motion, which was to be
presented by Paul Dormont, '56,
stated that the "SL should express
its concern over the fact that there
has been as yet no statement in
regard to the severance pay of
Prof. Nickerson and Davis.
Committee to Consider Motion
The motion will be re-discussed
in committee tomorrow and prob-
ably will be presented to the next
meeting of SL.
Vice-President Ned Simon, '56,
made a pre-meeting report to Leg-
islature members on the results
of yesterday's Faculty Senate
meeting concerning the report on
Prof. Nickerson of the Committee
on Intellectual Freedom and In-
tegrity. There was no discussion
on the report during the regular
Debate on Soviet
Atom Plan Asked
UN Steering Committee Suggests
General Assembly Debate of Plan
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (P)-The U.N. Steering Committee rec-
ommended yesterday that the General Assembly consider Moscow's
new plan for atomic control.
This action was taken without a record vote at a short meeting
of the committee as Russian sources let it be known Moscow still
stands for prohibition of the atomic and hydrogen bombs immediately
and before any system of control is established.
These developments came as Yugoslavia's foreign minister, Koca
Popovic, waxing optimistic with the solution of the Trieste dispute
with Italiy, called on the East and West to abandon cold war policies
and try a new approach to international cooperation. He said lessen-
'Calls Meet,
On .Strategy
DENVER (I-President Dwight
D. Eisenhower yesterday called
Republican congressional leaders
to a political strategy conference'
here Friday amid signs he may
heed party chiefs and set up his
personal campaign for electiop of
a GOP Congress.
The Denver White House an-
nounced the chief executive and
Charny Butman, '56, was elected a group of top Republicans in the
National Student Association Coor- legislative branch will meet about
dinator last night, replacing Jane two hours in advance of the Pres-
Germany, '56, thus returning the ident's nationwide radio-television
cabinet to complete membership. campaign address Friday night at
The Legislature last week elect- 8:30 p.m., (CST).
ed Miss Germany to the second
member at large position left va- The leaders and Vice President
cant by the resignation of Hank Nixon, who also will be on the
Berliner '56. coast to coast program, all are
Opposed by Levy scheduled to be on the speakers
Miss Butman, who was opposed platform with Eisenhower at a
for election by David Levy, '57, big political rally in Municipal
urged a program to make the Uni- Auditorium here. The broadcast
versity more aware of NSA and will originate from the 6,000-seat
asked a more efficient and wider auditorium.
distribution of NSA information. Eisenhower aides are saying the
In other business, the Legisla- 3President's address will be his
0ing of world tension had created
the proper atmosphere for such a
Lodge Gives No Objection
U.S. Delegate Henry Cabot
Lodge Jr. offered no objection
when Russia's Andrei Y. Vishin-
sky asked the Steering Commit-
tee to recommend Assembly ac-
tion on the Russian atomic plan,
put before the Assembly last
Thursday by Vishinsky after a long
attack on the United States.
Vishinsky also asked that his
proposal be treated as a separate
item, but Lodge balked. He and
Henri Hoppenot, France, said it
should be taken up concurrently
with the report of the Disarmament
Commission, which is slated to be
first on the agenda of the Political
Before Eisenhower Plani
This would give consideration to
the Moscow plan before the com-
mittee takes up President Dwight
D. Eisenhower's atoms for peace
plan, which Lodge will handle fort
the President. But Lodge wants the
Eisenhower plan to be a separate
item and appears willing to let
the Russian item move on and off
the stage before he turns to the
American plan.
The Russian proposals call for
elimination of atomic and hydro-I
gen weapons after a complicated
series of stages has been' accom-
Some delegates were speculatingj
this meant the Russians were re-
treating from their long-standing
demand for the immediate prohibi-
tion of these weapons before any
control is established.
10,000 Hail
Trieste Shift
TO Italians
TRIESTE (A--The cheers of 10,-
000 citizens massed in a great
waterfront square proclaimed yes-
terday that Trieste is Italian
The citizens gathered in Unity
Square of this port city to rejoice
over the announcement in London
that Italian and Yugoslav diplo-
mats had initialed an agreement
dividing the disputed free territory
of Trieste between the two coun-
The emotional outburst here car-
ried a note of relief that the long
quarrel which sometimes threat-
ened to draw Italians and Yugo-
slavs into a shooting war was over.
In Rome, the Italian Senate stood
solemnly as Premier Mario Scelba
announced with deep feeling: (
"After 10 years, the Italian flag
again flies over the tower of the
city of Trieste"
A singing, flag-waving crowd of
y o u n g Italians paraded down
Rome's main street, celebrating
the settlement.
In Belgrade, President Marshal
Tito's Communist government of-
ficially termed its agreement with
Italy "a reasonable compromise"
in the interests of improved Ital-
ian-Yugoslav relations and world
peace. The Yugoslav people gen-
erally - as the semiofficial news
agency Yugopress put it-received
the settlement "withoutenthusi-
But the rejoicing among Trieste's
280,000 residents, mostly Italian,
was not restrained. Green, white
and red Italian flags, including one
60-foot banner, decked the city in
preparation for the arrival today of
Maj. Gen. Edmondo de Renzi, the
new Italian military governor.
Union Hopes
To End Dock
Strike Soon
NEW YORK ()-Top leaders
of the International Longshore-
men's Assn. last night said they
hoped for a quick settlement of a
strike of 25,000 dock workers that
has paralyzed the New York wa-
terfront for the second time in six
The union officials, after an
emergency mediation session, said
they would consider a new em-
ployer formula-calling .for an im-
mediate end to the strike-at 11
a.m. Wednesday.
If the union's wage scale com-.
mittee accepts the formula then,
the strike, which started at mid-
night Monday, would be over. The
proposed agreement also calls for
a no-strike pledge during a 30-day
negotiation period.
Capt. William V. Bradley, ILA
president, said he was hopeful of
a speedy end to the walkout.
PRESIDENT HATCHER yesterday outlined the procedures fol-
lowed in reviewing the cases of the three faculty members who
appeared before the House Un-American Activities Committee
last spring.
On Apparel Explained
Women students wanted to know exactly whether or not their
Berihudas were officially termed acceptable apparel for wear to Uni-
versity libraries.
Confused by the recent mixture of regulation and rumor re-
garding the wearing of Bermuda shorts, slacks and jeans in Uni-
versity buildings, they appealed to the Assembly Dormitory Council,
an organization of residence hall
representatives under the independ-
ent women's association. Chancellor
Assembly Clarification
To clear up the indecision, As- e
sembly, under its president, Hazel i
Frank, '56, contacted University
authorities, and found that thereis
no particular rule banning the
wearing of Bermudas and jeans r om London
Questions Handling
Of Nickerson Case
Hatcher Presents 'U' Statement
Of Procedure in Dismissal Cases
Daily Managing Editor
Faculty Senate members yesterday took issue with the Univer-
sity's dismissal of Prof. Mark 'Nickerson.
In a compromise resolution passed by a narrow 314 to 274
margin, the Senate "expressed full approval of the general prin-
ciples of intellectual freedom delineated in the report of the Senate
Committee on Intellectual Freedom and Integrity in the Nickerson
The resolution voiced satisfaction with the decision in the
case of Prof. Clement L. Markert of the zoology department but
expressed "regret that 'the decision in the Nickerson case was not
in accord with the unanimous opinion of the special Senate com-
mittee charged with reviewing this and similar cases."
Hatcher Statement
Action by the Senate followed a 24-page statement read by
President Harlan H. Hatcher discussing the University's handling
of the three suspension enses-c
ture commended Jim Dygert, '56
for his fine handling of this semes-
ter's SL Book Exchange. Taking
unprecedented action, it awarded
him a $25 bonus for his efforts.
SBX Nets Record
The Exchange netted a record
breaking total of $7,182.17 of which
over $400 will go into the SL treas-
Dygert supplemented his report
to the Legislature with a motion
recommending that the unclaimed
books still remaining at the Quon-
set Hut (location of the Exchange)
after 5 p.m. Monday be donated
to St. Thomas College in Kozchen-
cheri, India.
The motion passed unanimously
and the books will be given to
Nancy Snider, Grad., for storage
at Lane Hall until CARE is ready
to ship them to their destination.
Also last night appointees Jay
Kaufman, '56, and Marjorie Kahn,
'57, were approved as new Legis-
lature members.
Barristers Call
15 Members
From deep within the halls of jus-
Sounds the long knoll of the bell.
The judges, men of vast experience,
Have pondered long and reas-
oned well.
And now the time is nigh for judg-
Rendered quietly-voices muted.
Unanimous is their great decision,
Named are those deemed, most
To protect the innocent, guad the
To live with all propriety,
These humble servants have been
To the Barristers Society.
Dick Adams, Bob Baker, Rinaldo
Bianchi, Dick Beatty, Jack Born,
John Heher, Dick Hostetler, Rob-
hardest hitting effort of the cam-
paign-tailored on the basis of in-
9 creasing reports from GOP lead-
Sers that the party faces a "tough
fight" to maintain control of Con-
dean Brown Comments
On Engineer Training
from libraries, excepting the Busi-
ness Administration, Law, Clements
and Michigan Historical libraries.
Frederick Wagman, director of
the University Libraries, reported,
"the library has issued no regula-
tions about women's clothing, nor
does it intend to do so."
No Expulsions
He indicated that women would
not, contrary to rumor, be turned
away from the general library if
they entered it in Bermudas orI
slacks, unless he received a speci-
fic request for such action. No such
request has been made.
Earlier this semester Dean of
Women Deborah Bacon re-issued
an old regulation, prohibiting wom-
en from wearing masculine appar-
el in official University buildings.
Ensian Tryout meeting for
both the Edit and Business
staffs will be held at 4:30 to-
day in the Student Publications
According to a recent news an-
nouncement, President Eisenhow-
er has appointed a cabinet com-
mittee to study the continuing
shortage of young college trained
engineers and scientists.
In connection with this announce-
ment, John T. Rettaliata, president
of the Illinois Institute of Technol-
ogy has issued a report stating that
Russia is turning out three times
as many engineers and scientists
as the United States. Rettaliata
presents two major reasons for the
shortage which he feels is endan-
gering the nation's technological
One factor is "the tendency in
i high schools toward more general
education programs" and another
"The military draft policy which
takes capable students before they
have an opportunity to continue
with graduate studies."
Brown Comments
Commenting on Rettaliata's the-
ory Dean George G. Brown of the
College of Engineering asserts that
there is little doubt that engineer-
ing students come to college poorly
prepared for the type of work
which they encounter.
"However," in Dean Brown's
opinion, "a student should possess
a mastery of English= and math,
which are both basic subjects be-
fore he comes to college. We can
teach him science and engineering
BONN, Germany (R)--Chancellor
Konrad Adenauer told the West
German Parliament yesterday the
decisions of the London conference
had proved his foreign policy tol
sian technology is due to the force-
ful policy of the Kremlin, he does
not think it should be overlooked.
W h e r e Russia's technological
achievements are concerned, Dean
Brown contended, "We can't sell
the Russians short, they are good."
be basically correct.
He said that as a result Ger-
mans from the Rhine to the Elbe
would have the full power of a
sovereign state on internal and for- 1
eign questions with only these two
1. The Allies retain the right to
deal with the Rusiians on unity.
2. West Berlin must remain occu-
pied until the all-German issue is
Otherwise, the Chancellor de-
clared, the Allied occupation is to
end for all practical purposes and
his government may assume nor-
mal functioning powers on all
questions of a peaceful nature.
In a one-hour speech, Adenauer
expressed the hope that the Lon-
don decisions on German sover-
eignty and rearmament within the
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
would be translated into fact
the fraud and violence at the polls
of lt.hV411GG Ohv OIJG11rn1'.-
Prof. Nickerson, formerly of the
pharmacology department of theProfessors
Medical School now at the Uni-
versity of Manitoba in Canada, "/ ew
and H. Chandler Davis of the
mathematics department were
both dismissed by the Regents
August 26. Prof. Markert was re-
instated at that time. S
The resolution passed by the
Senate had been drawn up by- a Lack of Discussion
faculty committee and distributed
to members prior to the 4:15 p.m. Called 'Surprising'
meeting yesterday in Rackham
Lecture Hall. mBy LOUISE TYOR
In his statement President Majority approval of a resolu-
Hatcher outlined the procedures tion concerning the dismissal of
followed in each of the cases and faculty members, at a meeting of
the considerations that affected the Faculty Senate yesterday, was
the ultimate decision by the Board considered significant by several
of Regents, professors here last night.
Cases Outlined Prof. William R.-'Leslie of the
He said, "The timing was a mat- history department summed up
ter quite beyond our control. We the general feeling when he_said
have pursued the cases diligently, that "there was so little discussion,
and they have moved as fast as it was surprising.
they could consistent with fair One faculty member attributed
procedure and judicial study by the silence to the fact that many
the various bodies concerned with did not wish to attack President
them." Harlan H. Hatcher to his face.
Comm t thUniversity's "Their silence betrayed their
concern for the security of its gov-troughts," he said.
ernment research program, the Several others attributed the
president said, "(The University) lack of discussion to the formal-
would not knowingly employ Com- ity with which the meeting was
munists on its staff; neither would conducted.
it retain them if it had knowledge Discussion Expected
of such affiliation." A member of the group 'which
University Policy drew up the proposal comment-
lresident Hatcher pointed out ed that he and his colleagues ex-
that University policy with regard pected more discussion, and had
to the suspended faculty-men fol- drawn up a list of arguments de-
to the spended faculty e fol- fending the resolution. He also
lowed the hearings was as f said that there had been some
"Although some institutions controversy, in committee, over
have taken a strong stand that the third section of the first part;
refusal to answer questions before if this had been deleted, he added
a duly constituted Congressional the resolution would have passed
acontituted si Cosgrsonal frby at least a three to one majority.
committee is in itself grounds for The large vote cast in disap-
dismissal, the University has not proval of the measure was atrrib-
adopted this policy." rvlfthmeurwsarr-
Describing his statement to thei c uted to split feelings about the
ecribinAdisrytCtmmentitthe- measure itself. It was thought by
Special Advisory Committee aft -several faculty members that
er that group had listened to re- agreement with one half of the
cordings of the hearings, and met measure and disagreement of the
with the executive committees ofomerehand dasemntofvte
the colleges and with the prin- fother half caused many to vote
the ol legner sn witnthe gris- against the entire resolution.
cipals under suspension, the res-Because of this, Prof. Leslie felt
ident had this to say: thatthe number of votes in favor
"When these men were ques- of the measure should be given
tioned by the House Un-American more weight than those opposing it.
Activities Committee about their "In a way, it is not a clear-cut
past and present associations and vote," he noted.
activities in relation to the Coi- No Confidence
munist Party, they refused to ans-
wer, thereby inescapably raising However, the fact that the meas-
the question as to their ability ure was passed was interpreted as
to be candid about these relation- a vote of no confidence for Presi-
ships without self-incrimination dent Hatcher, by one faculty mem-
and as to their integrity when they ber.
signed the loyalty oath of office." Many felt that the issue is not
.Not Identical . closed, and that incomplete discus-
sion will lead to further talks on
President Hatcher pointed out the matter.
Fifield Comments on Philip
Studying the international rela-
tions of South East Asia on a Ful-
bright Research grant, Prof. Rus-
sell H. Fifield of the political sci-
ence department, visited practical-
ly all the countries of that area,
this past year when he was on a
sabbatical leave.
Primarily interested in the devel-
opment of the foreign policy of the
Philippines, Prof. Fifield made
Manilla his headquarters.
An article he wrote evaluating
the 1953 elections in the Philippines
was just published in the October
issue of Foreign Affairs, Ameri-
can Quarterly Review.
Commenting on the defeat of the
Liberal administration by the Na-
cionalista Party in a particularly
"honest" election in comparison
with previous elections, Prof. Fi-
field pointed out in his article, that
would discredit the democratic pro-
cesses in the Philippines."
"During the campaign the per-
sonal popularity of Magsaysay and
promises of rural reform had
weakened the peasant support of
the Huks in Luzon," he observed.
While carrying on his fight
against the Communist insurrec-
tionists 'now that he is in office,
the president is also trying to rem-
edy the conditions that breed re-
volt, Prof. Fifield explained.
"So far as international politics
are concerned President Magsay-
saysay is off to a good start. If
the charges of American interven-
tion had been proved, or if the vot-
ers had acted as if they believed
in it, the reputation of the Philip-
pines would have seriously suf-
fered in the eves of the newly in-
that the volumnious testimony
running to about 200,000 words
reveals many details of similarity
in the cases, but also that they
were not patterned or identical,
but that in considerable detail
they were individual and had to
be studied and weighed separately.
In his discussion of the Davis
case, the president indicated that
he has no wish to withhold the
report of the Senate subcommittee
which heard Davis' appeal since it
might be of some help in evaluat-
ing the report on the Nickerson
case by the same committee.
It was observed that the resolu-
tion was intended to reaffirm the
fact that the Faculty Senate should
have precedence over a smaller
body. In this, the professor was re-
ferring to the decision of the Medi-
cal School group, which was up-
held over those of the Special Ad-
visory Committee and the Senate
Subcommittee, in the case of Prof.
Mark Nickerson.
This opinion was upheld by an-
other faculty member who felt that
one of the main purposes of the
measure was a desire to "ask the