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October 02, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-10-02

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Latest Deadline in the State




Two French
Heads Give
Secret Data
Arrested, Admit
Red Espionage
PARIS op) - The French counter-
espionage service disclosed yester-
day that two high and trusted de-
fense officials had confessed leak-
ing secret information from the Na-
tional Defense Council, top military
planning body of the nation.
The disclosure came after the
two men had been arrested and
questioned all Thursday night in a
case that is threatening to blow up
into a major political scandal-how
did reports from top secret meet-
ings of the Defense Council reach
the Communist party's high com-!
Both Imprisoned
Officials named were Rene Tur-
pin, chief of the personal staff of
the permanent secretary general
for national defense and Roger La-
Brusse, chief administrator of the
same department.
Both were imprisoned in Paris
last night.
A brief police announcement
said the two suspects, under ques-
tioning on leaks from the National
Defense Council, "have admitted
to being the authors of the leaks."
Turpin Principally Implicated
Well-informed sources at the
Ministry of Interior indicated it is
Turpin who is principally implicat-
ed. LaBrusse, it was alleged, acted
only as intermediary in passing on
the information Turpin obtained.
Andrew Baranes, a Communist
newspaperman and police inform-
er, had disappeared since undergo-
ing interrogation about the affair
more than a week ago. A warrant
was issued Thursday for Barnes'
Under the French penal code
both would be liable to five-year
prison sentences if found guilty of
passing secret information to per-
sons inside France. If it is proved
they sold secrets to a foreign pow-
er, they could be sentenced to
Talks Tonight
Adlai E. Stevenson will be the
featured speaker at a Democratic
Party rally in Detroit at 8 p.m. to-
The 1952 Presidential candidate
is expected to ignore the challenge
of Vice President Richard M. Nix-
on to tell his audience how the
Democrats would vary the Repub-
lican foreign policy and confine
his remarks to domestic issues.
Gov. G. Mennen Williams, Sena-
torial aspirant Patrick V. McNa-
mara and Lieutenant Governor
candidate Philip A. Hart will also
speak at the rally.
Stevenson's speech will start at
10 p.m. and will be televised on
Detroit station WJBK-TV and
broadcast on radio station WJR in
The rally at the Brodhead Naval
Armory will mark Stevenson's
sixth campaign effort of the week.
Because of the strain he has under-
gone, this will be his only public'
appearance of the day.
Admission to the Armory lo-
cated on East Jefferson one block
from the Belle Isle bridge, is free.
Ralph Goldberg, '56, president of
campus Young Democrats, has re-

quested students with cars who
wish to attend the rally to contact
him before 1 p.m. today at NO 2-
4591, Ext. 210 Strauss House.
Board Names
New Editors
The Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications made appoint-

New York Wins
Third Series Tilt
Rhodes Ties Series Pinch-Hit Mark;
Gomez, Wilhelm Hurl Four-Hitter
CLEVELAND (iP)--Pinchhitter Dusty Rhodes came through again
and Willie Mays started hitting as the alert New York Giants shoved
the shoddy-fielding Cleveland Indians to the edge of the cliff yes-
terday with a third straight World Series victory.
Hoyt Wilhelm strode from Manager Leo Durocher's well-stocked
bullpen with his puzzling knuckler to nail down a 6-2 New York tri-
umph when Pitcher Ruben Gomez weakened in the eighth after a
blazing seven-inning job.
Rhodes, the spectacular clutch hitter who won the first two for
the inspired National League champs, rose from the bench to deliver
a key two-run pinch single in the third, tying a series record set by
the Yanks' Bobby Brown in 1947.

Wolverines Seek
First Army Win
Vain Sparks West Pointers' Attack;
Kramer Doubtful Starter at End




Censure To
Hit Senator
Senate will probably vote for a
censure of Sen. Joseph R. McCar-
thy (R-Wis) when it brings up the
committee's report on Nov. 8, Prof.
George A. Peek of the political sci-
ence department speculated yes-
Recommendations of committees
have usually been followed by the
Senate in the past, especially when
t h e s e recommendations w e r e
strong, he continued. Considering
that the Watkins group agreed
unanimously, it seems quite certain
that the Senate will vote to cen-
sure McCarthy.
"No Effect in November"
"I don't believe the censure pro-
ceedings will have a great deal of
effect on the November elections,"
Prof. Peek commented. "The fall
elections will turn on local issues
more than the 1952 election did,
with economics and conditions of
each constituency as key issues.''
"I can't imagine how the Novem-
ber elections wouldn't be- affected
by the recent proceedings," Prof.
William R. Leslie of the history de-
partment said.
"McCarthy did his best to pene-
trate intolocalities and so he has
to reap the harvest," he pointed
Headed by Sen. Arthur Watkins
(R-Utah), the committee was com-
posed of three Democrats and three
Republicans. It decided that Mc-
'Carthy had been "clearly contem-
tuous" of a Senate Elections sub-
committee that investigated him
in 1952. It also concluded that he
had used language "unworthy of a
member of this body" in a denun-
ciation of Sen. Robert Hendrikson
(R-N.J.) for signing that subcom-
mittee's report and had subjected
Brig. Gen. Ralph W. Zwicker to
"inexcusable" abuse.
Adlai Hits Nixon
ROCKFORD, Ill. WA'-Adlai E.
Stevenson said yesterday "the most
eloquent gloom and doom prophet
in America today is our vice pres-
ident, Richard Nixon."

Rhodes Red Hot
Rhodes won the first game with
a 10th inning homer and got an-
other homer Thursday in the fifth.
Yesterday, Durocher wasted no
time and called for him to bat for;
Monte Irvin in the third.I
When Dusty singled Mike Gar-
cia's first pitch into right field to
chase home Don Mueller and Mays,
the Giants had opened up a 3-0
lead. They never were in danger
of being caught until the eighthr
when Willhelm applied the stopper.
The New Yorkers need only one

French Veto Compromise


Associate Sports Editor
West Point's Black Knights invade Michigan Stadium at 2 p.m.
today as the Wolverines open one of the toughest home schedules
in their history before a crowd expected to be upwards of 75,000.
This will be the fifth time that the Cadets and the Maize and
Blue have met on 'the gridiron and Michigan is still seeking its first
victory. Back in 1949, another Army team moved into Ann Arbor
and upset a Michigan team that had won 25 straight over a period
of three seasons.
Wolverines Slight Favorites,
The Wolverines rule slight favories in a contest that will pit
two teams which have been rather hard hit by injuries and bad
breaks. Michigan's starting full-*
back Lou Baldacci came out of GfI "jl
bruised shoulder and will probablyFans
see little if any action. I
In addition, end Ron KramerTjam CI
and halfback Danny Cline are not
up to par. While both will see ac-
tion, It is doubtful that they will F rGm
play with full effectiveness. Cen-
ter Jim Bates is still weak from a
siege with pneumonia and will By DAVE BAAD
likely be used only for a short The first of this year's six foot-
spell. balT frstoitd ar's s fo-
ArmvT~nc Piavprcball frenzied Saturdays has de-

LONDON (AP-With a surprise
veto last night France blocked a
compromise plan to free and re-
arm West Germany within the
Western defense alliance.
The .action plunged the nine-
power conference on Western Eu-
ropean unity into an unexpected

A British Foreign Office spokes- ! Dulles has already warned the
man immediately warned that the United States might have to with-
Churchill government will with-draw its troops from Europe un-
less the talks suceed. He made no
draw its 48-hour-old offer to main- move to change his plans for go-
tain troops on the European con-, ing home tonight and an Ameri-
tinent if the conference breaks can source expressed confidence
down. that the new snags would be over-
Secretary of State John Foster .come.

more triumph today to close out
the series and make them the first Fe
National League team to win the ar of G ern
World Series since the St. Louis
Cardinals did it in 1946. Don Liddle,
small lefthander with a 9-4 record.O
has been chosen by Durocher to;structs C
pitch for the Giants.
Lemon Starts Today By JIM DYGERT
There was no doubt about the French reluctance to risk a res-
Cleveland flinger for today. Bob urrection of German might, what
Lemon, a right hander beaten in Prof. N. Marbury Efimenco of the
the first game, was named by political science department calls
Manager Al Lopez. "the main stumbling block in the
Yesterday's crowd of 71,555, held London conference," has again
down by a noon threat of rain and thwarted Allied attempts to agree
the gnawing fear that Durocher's on German rearmament.
Dandies might be on the way to a As Prof. Daniel Wit of the po-
four-straight sweep, didn't have litical science department pointed
much to cheer about until Vic out, the Fren'ch attitude from the
Wertz broke Gomez' shutout bid beginning has been built around a
with a 375-foot homer over the fear of a German army able to
fence in right field in the seventh. obtain supplies from German
In the eighth the Tribe showed sources.
signs of real life when Bill Glynn's France would prefer that a West
pinch double and a wild throw by German army not be allowed free-
shortstop Al Dark gave them an- dom as to sources of supply, but
other run. After Gomez walked that a European Armaments Au-
bobby Avila on a 3-1 pitch, Duro- thority be established to control
cher marched to the box. its supplies. Prof. Wit commented
Wilhelm In Relief Role that "the French feelthat there
Wilhelm had been throwing must be foolproof control, else
briefly in the bullpen and needed there would be no real control at
no extra call for duty. Facing the . eall."
heart of the Indians' power, he Fear Rearmament
made Larry Doby ground out to Comparing the French position
first base and fanned the danger- on German rearmament to the
out Wertz with his specialty. United States position insisting on
Riding a 6-2 lead, Wilhelm a foolproof control of atomic ener-
mowed the Indians down in order gy, Prof. Wit said, "The French
in the ninth, striking out Hank Ma- government apparently iS repre-
jeski and getting Dave Philley and senting the fear of its people that
See GOMEZ, Page 3 a German rearmament would be a
I Ulk1W17 ,1 Thiz i C PC .Io.i ll th

Sian Power


eventually be used for German pur-
Both Prof. Efimenco and Prof.
Wit indicated a confidence that a
compromise acceptable to all par-
ties concerned will be reached at
the London conference. Prof. Wit
said, "What is happening is -just
power maneuvering. It seems fair-
. obvious that some compromise
will be worked out.
Technical Details Important
"The crucial issue is the techni-
cal details of the control over a
new German army. The details of
the control are actually the most
important aspects of the problem.
Recent developments in London
are part of a temporary tug-of-
war instead of a permanent de-
feat for German rearmament."
It was also pointed out by Prof.
Efimenco, that the British have a
strong bargaining point in its guar-
antee of four divisions on the con-
tinent as a safeguard 'against a
runaway German rearmament.
Prof. Wit also referred to the
ground already given on the issue
by the French. Originally opposed
to any German rearmament,
French Premier Pierre Mendes-
France and his government have
been forced by United States and
British pressure to accept rearma-
I ment of Germany, and to concede
larger military units and to permit
the Germans to supply more of its
own arms than they had previously
France fears that, if the Ger-
mans are allowed to supply its
army from German industry, the
potential of German industry would
See CRUCIAL, Page 4

After the conference had been Armya tan nhe h scended upon Ann Arbor.
reported moving rapidly toward Army has taken it on the chin Cars, expected to reach nearly
success, France suddenly rejected Sophomore Bob Kyasky, whom 25,000 in number before game
a. compromise plan to bring West Cpd e Bo Kyak whom time, started .arriving in the city
Germany within the North At- Cadet Coach Earl Red'Blaik call- last night and many more will be
lantic Treaty Organization, and jammed into parking lots near the
an enlarged seven-nation Brus- j Starting Linen s Stadium before the' Wolverines
sels conference alliance. IP meet Army at 2 p.m. today.
Accepted Compromise Previously MICHIGAN Pos. ARMY Although intermittent rains are
Thursday, French Premier Pi- Kramer LE Hagaen forecast for this afternoon, the
erre Mendes-France was reported Walker LT Glock crowd should reach 70,000, an in-
to have accepted the compromise Cachey LG Franklin crease of 20,000 over last yer's
-advanced by Belgian Foreign Peckham C Stephenson grid home opener with Washing-
Minister Paul-Henri Spaak - to Meads RG Chesnauskas ton.
give NATO and the enlarged Brus- Morrow RT Melnick Athletic Publicity Director Les
sels grouping joint controls aimed Williams RE Holleder Etter reported that many seats
at preventing any runaway Ger- McDonald QB Vann were still available and if the
man rearmament. Cline LH Cyglar weather condition should change
Friday Mendes-France told the Branoff RH Bell favorably, a crowd of 80,000 was
conference the Spak plan did not Baer FB Uebell an outside possibility.
go far enough in rigidly controlling __The game, expected to be a near
sellout a month ago, suffered from
every aspect of the manufacture ed "the best back I have had gate standpoint when Army was
and distribution of arms, since Glenn Davis," suffered a upset last week by South Carolina,
Instead he demanded fuller con- broken collarbone in last Satur- 555 Cadets To Be Here
sideration of his own program, day's game with South Carolina A contingent of 555 West Point
which called for controls to rest and iz out for possibly the whole cadets will arrive by special train
mainly in the hands of a new Eu- season. at 10:45 h.m. today to see the
ropean Armaments Authority. West Point's captain, Bob Farris, game and provide the crowd with
a star right tackle and- linebacker a pre-game parade. The parade
is out for the season as a precau- will start at 1 p.m. in the Stadium.
Segreogaifon tionary measure against his rein- Scouting party. with hopes of
juring his eye which was operated finding a mule to be the Army
on during the past year. mascot preceded the cadets into
D emo strationration Yet despite all the tough breaks, town. No report has yet emerged
Blaik will still field a formidable on the party's progress, although
By the Associated Press team, one that is ranked among in 1949 when Army made its last
Hundreds of whites assembled the top in the East. Spearhead- trip to Ann Arbor, the party had
in two Maryland and Illinois cit- ing the Cadets will be 'a veteran to go into Detroit to get its mas-
ies yesterday to demonstrate backfield with Pete Vann at quar- cot
against racial integration in the terback, Tommy Bell and Mike The regular Army mule, as us-
schools as Florida and Kansas fil- Ziegler at the half back posts and ual for awa contests couldn't
ed segregation briefs with the Pat Uebel at full. make the trip.
U.S. Supreme Court. 56 Per Cent Completions Cadets wil be met at the rail-
In Milford Del., meanwhile, pro- Working from the T-formation, road station by Assistant to Direc-
segregationists celebrated an end Vann connected on 56 per cent of tor of University Relations James
to integration in a white school his passes last season with eight Shortt, Inter-House Council Pres-
which previously had admitted 11 of his tosses going for touchdowns. ident Stan Levy, '55, Interfraterni-
Negro students. Blaik regards Vann as one of the ty Council President John Baity,
A demonstration in Baltimore top Army passers of the last dec- '55, and Union President Tom Leo.
brought out a mob of abou 400 ade, which puts him up with such pold, '55.
white adults and teen-agers who celebrated quarterbacks as Arnold From there the West Pointers
threatened three Negro students Tucker and Arnold Galiffa. will march up State Street to the
leaving Southern High School. Army Weak in Line West and South Quadrangles
It is in the line where Army is where they will split into two
weak. The Cadets' 34-20 loss to groups to eat lunch.
an underrated South Carolina Activities Planned
eleven last week (only the thiird Post-game activities for the Ca-
opening game loss in their 64 year dets have been planned, highlight-
ep R ahistory), was generally attributed ed by a dance at the Union.
to lack 'of depth and an inexper- Although 70,000 isn't an espec-
ienced line. Only three lettermen ially large Stadium crowd, room-
EBERHARD from last season's forward wall ing facilities are scarce, The Un-
are available. They are tackles Ron ion has had nothing available since
oduct-rain-dampened but failed Melnik and Howard Glock, along Monday.
oximately 1,000 University football with guard Ralph Chesnauskas. To take care of the traffic prob-
Coach Bennie Ooosterbaan will lem, the police department has as-
pep rally for today's game started.probably go with the same start- signed 145 men, including 70 lo-
ing lineup which opened against cal. officers, 50 state troopers and
h more than 2,000 persons milling Washington last week. This will 25 sheriff's deputies.
e St. intersection in front of the have Kramer and Gerry Williams Barring a last minute surprise,
at the ends, John Morrow and Art President Dwight D. Eisenhower
fanned enthusiasm with their rep- Walker at the tackle positions, will not attend today's game. How-
ongs, Captain Ted Cachey and Ed Meads ever there is still a possibility that
repared for the impending cloud- handling the guard posts and Sen. Homer Furgeson (R-Mich,)
3,neparetlfor rth ed chingalou John Peckham at center, and Secretary of Treasury George
nd street light for the Michigan Dunc McDonald will once again Humphrey will be in the Stadium
handle the reins from quarterback, at kickoff time.
n fell, the Taylor House Marching while Tony Branoff and Cline at Also in attendence will be Louis

Game Tickets
Non-student tickets for today's
Army-Michigan game will be re-
sold from 9 a.m. until noon today
in the Union lobby.
All tickets will be resold on a
first-come, first-served basis.

runaway. ns is especian yhe
case in its insistence upon inter-
national control in the highly pro-
ductive Ruhr area."
Prof. Efimenco feels, however,
that the French "have grounds for
their fears. Although some kind of
restrictions on a West German
army will be necessary, they will
be temporary. A German army will

Rain Fails To Drown Out 'Beat Army'


r '
f ;

Ann Arbor's number one pr(
to drown the enthusiasm of appr
enthusiasts last night.
The scheduled "Beat Army"1
off well enough at 7:30 p.m., wit]
around the S. University-S. .Statt
University cheerleading squad
ertoire of Michigan cheers and s
Most of the crowd was unp
burst as they waited by torch a
Marching Band that never came.
As the first few drops of rain

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