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October 01, 1954 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1954-10-01

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Student Group Began Lecture Series


TheBUniversity Lecture Course,
which celebrated its one-hund-
reth anniversary this fall, had its
beginning in a student sponsored
In response to student demands
a group called the Student Lec-
ture Association was set up in
1854 on a one year trial basis.
Until its demise in 1912 this group
conducted the series.
Started in Town Churches
SLA consisted chiefly of stu-
dents in what was then called the
Literary Department of the Uni-
versity. The group sold season
tickets for the first series priced
at $1, with a special rate of $.50
for 'students and ladies. Its first
set of programs were held in town
In its first year the series was
considered such a success that the
students decided to set it up on a
permanent basis. As SLA expand-
ed to include representatives from
every department in the Univer-
sitv it became a center of cam-
pus political controversy.
Separate slates were put up for
electors to its.board by independ-
ent and affiliate groups. The elec-
tors were chosen by amembers of
each University department ac-
cording to the number of season
tickets which had been purchased
by members of that department.
A split in the board between lit-
erary and law students in 1893
nearly led to disruption of the or-
ganization. The group was saved
by the intervention of University
President James B. Angell who
called a meeting of the rival fac-
At about this time two women
members were added to the board.
Sousa's Band Was Here
In addition to political and lit-
erary figures concerts were also a
part of the early programs, with
John Philip Sousa's band to Grand
opera companies appearing here.
In 1897 ex-President Benjamin
Harrison gave a talk on the then
very touchy political situation in
Porto Rico, which awakened world-
wide comment.
Horace Greeley, Charles Sum-
ner, Henry Ward Beecher and

Tr ditions Influence

... University guest Lecturer on
the steps of Angell Hall
Horace Mann were among other
political figures to appear on the
local lecture platform at the end
of the last century. On the liter-
ary side University audiences were
entertained by Ralph Waldo Em-
erson, Bret Hart, and Mark Twain.
Moved to University Hal
Lectures continued to be held in
local churches until 1873 when
University Hall was completed.
During this period season ticket
sales reached the 2,000 mark. The
largest audience oi, record, 2,500
people, packed the hall in 1875
to hear the Camillo Ursa Concert


University Hall,: at the time of
its construction, the fifth largest
auditorium in the world, continued
to house the lecture series until
Hill Auditorium was completed in
In that year the Student Lec-
ture Association, which had met
with near banruptcy twice during
its long career finally folded and
the series was taken under the
wing of the Oratorical Associa-
20th Century Developments
The 20th century has seen a
long list of well known figures
on the Hill Auditorium stage. Po-
litical personalities from other
countries, such as Jan Masasyk,
Madame Pandit and Carlos Rom-
ulo, as well as Americans speak
The literary side of the series
has included Thomas Mann, Ber-
trand Russell and Edna St. Vin-
cent Millay.
This year's series will open Oc-
tober 12 with an address by Gen.
Mark Clark. Season tickets in-
cluding a special student rate of $3
are now on sale at the Hill Audi-
torium Box Office.
FHA Inquiry
Held.'in Detroit
DETROIT (IP)--Eleven men and
seven women were indicted yester-
day by a federal grand jury in-
vestigating Federal Housing Ad-
ministration home improvement
A U.S. attorney said indictments
against 100 others might follow.
Yesterday's action followed hard
on the heels of Senate Banking
Committee hearings here last week
in which most of those indicted
One said he used his loan to
"pay off" his wife for a divorce;
another that she didn't own the
house on which she got an im-
provement loan.
. 'Charge Conspiracy
Indictment counts charge con-
spracy, false statements in loan
applications, and filing of false
certificates saying jobs had been
completed when actually they had
not been done.
Detroit's indictments bring to
148 the number charged with law
violations since the Senate com-
mittee, headed by Sen. Capehart
(a-Ind.), began its nationwide in-
The deadline is nearing for
signing up for senior pictures.
Sign up today at the Student
Publications Building from I
to 5 p.M.

Freshman skirting the big blue'
and gold seal on the Diag, couples
framed against the sky under the
West Engine arch, Michigaumas-
to-be shivering against the tow-
ering Tappan oak-all are famil-
iar sights on the University cam-
Although no longer as import-
ant as they were "in the good
old days," traditions still have
their undisputed place in campus
life, indeed in the life of any col-
lege campus.
It is difficult to trace the his-
tory of traditions. For most, the
story of their origins is obscured
in a hazy fog of embellished tales,
tales mellowed by many years.
At least one, the now largely
ignored regulations governing the
presence of women in the Union,
was formerly established as a part
of the Union's house rules, copies
of which still hang in the Union.
"The Michigan Union is a men's
club. Privileges of women are to
be the same as in other men's
clubs," states the preamble to sec-
tion 15 of the House Rules, which
goes on to state that women may
enter the Union only to attend
"accredited meetings or social
events," must enter and leave
"only by the North or South en-
trances," and must remove their
hats at Union dances.
Another tradition, that of fresh-
man hazing, disappeared some
years ago as it has on most cam-
puses. However, signs in the Un-
ion basement, posted by the classes
of '11, '13, and others still refer
to "Foolished, freaks of frightened
freshman," "Rotten rabble of
rumpled runions," and "Slippery,
slimy spawn of sea serpants."
According to legend, the two
lions in front of the museum are
supposed to roar whenever a true
virgin walks past.
Where the idea started is not
known but many colleges have a
similar tradition. Our neighbors to
the North, Michigan State, regard
their statue, Sparty, as the divine
prophet of virginity, while at New
York University a versatile sword-
on-hip statue is supposed to de-
capitate the luckless virgin.
Tappan Oak, center of Michi-
gauma's initiation festivities, was
planted by tie class of 1868 in
honor of Henry P. Tappan, then
president of the University.
Founded more than half a cen-


Largest Band
In 'U' History
To Perforn
T h e University of Michigan
Marching Bandl, under the direction
of William D. Revelli, will make
its 1954 debut at the Michigan-
Army game tomorrow.
It will be the biggest band 'in
Michigan history with 159 march-
ing in the pre-game show and 147
at half-time. Last year there were
146 who marched on the field.
With about 70 new members in
the band, Revelli and his assistant,
George Cavender, have had the
band in practice for the past three
This year the band's entrance
for the pre-game show will feature
the forming of five company fronts
with the percussion section in the
middle. Playing "Varsity," the
band will form a U-M monogram
and then will play the alma mater,
"The Yellow and the Blue."
Precision Drill
A precision drill will follow with
a salute to the visiting West Point-
ers in the form of a huge "U.S.A."
and the playing of the "Official
West Point March."
Major Resta, conductor of the
West Point Band, will lead the
playing of the "Star Spangled Ban-
ner." Precision drill will conclude
the pre-game show.
Life of a West Point cadet will be
the band theme at half-time.
D'Amico To Talk
On Art Education
"Art Education - A Challenge
for the Future" will be the subject
of the first lecture sponsored by the
art department of the School of Ar-
chitecture and Design at 4:15 p.m.
today in Architecture Aud.
Delivering the address will be
Victor D'Amico, head of the art
education department and People's
Art Class of New York's Museum
of Modern Art.
D'Amico has worked with art ed-
ucation for many years and is the
author of "Creative Teaching of
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First Atom
.Driven ,Sub
Jo ins Navy
GROTON, Conn. (MP - The
atomic powered submarine Nauti-
lus officially became a part of
the United States Navy yesterday
and the answer, a Navy admiral
said, to Russia's mounting sea
The submarine was turned over
to the Navy at commissioning
ceremonies by its builders, the
Electric Boat Division of General
Dynamics Corp.
John Ray Hopkins, corporation
president, called it "man's first
successful attempt to utilize for
propulsion the complex mysteries
of nuclear fission."
Sounds Warning
Adm. Jerauld Wright, Atlantic
Fleet commander-in-chief, sound-
ed a sober warning that Russia isj
"feverishly constructing a Navy"
:to challenge the United States for
air and sea supremacy which, he
said, "we must maintain if we are
to remain a free nation."
Within the past ten years, said
Wright, Russia has risen from sev-
enth place to second among the
world's naval powers with a sea
force which includes 350 to 400
In a speech prepared for the
ceremonies, Wright described the
Natilus as "a killer submarihe
with a primary task of whittling
down'the Soviet submarine force."
Guild Movies
Patricia Neal ard / Michael
Rennie are starred in "The Day
the Earth Stood Still" which
will be shown tonight at the SL
Cinema Guild at 7 and 9 p.m.,
Architecture Aud.
Tomorrow at 7 and 9 p.m.
"The Desert Fox" will be shown.
The final presentation of
"Desert Fox" will be at 8 p.m.


tury ago, Michigauma was origi-
nally a drinking society. One day,
while painting themselves copper
and rollicking around campus,
they came across the Tappan Oak
and adopted it as a symbol of
With prohibition and the roar-
ing twenties, Michigauma was
threatened with extinction. A
lightning-fast conversion resulted
in the present society of campus
leaders, still devoted to Indians
and their Oak. 9
As popular, in one form or an-
other, on other campuses as it is

at Michigan, the tradition which
initiates coeds is indeed well-
When and how it started is not
known but chances are the cus-
tom of kissing under the West En-
gine Arch was originated by an
upperclassman with a well-polish-
ed line.
Although still feared in ath-
letic circles, Michigan's recent
football teams have yet to match
the super-human records set by
;eams of old.
The scores pictured are carved
in an old table top which hangs
in the Union cafeteria. Next to it
is a second top which records one
of the few instances in college
football where a team failed to
yield even a single point to its
opponents, though the University
of Chicago managed to eke out a
0-0 tie to spoil the undefeated,
untied, unscored-upon record the
team was nursing going into their
last game of the '05 season.




Photos by DUAN E POOLE
Story by LEE MARKS

Korean Credit
To GI's Cut
SEOUL, Friday (l)-The U.S.
Far East command said today
that the South Korean govern-
ment has cut off all credit to U.S.
forces in a dispute over the dol-
lar-hwan exchange rate.
The exchange rate is one of the
major points in a general dispute
over United States military and
economic aid now being discussed
here by U.S. and Republic of Ko-
rea officials.
"As a consequence," a statement
by the command said, "The Unit-
ed States military commands in
Korea find themselves without
sufficient hwan to pay their Ko-
rean employes and contractors."
The dispute is over American
insistence and ROK refusal on re-
vising upward the amount of Ko-
rean money a dollar can buy.








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