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Daily City Editor
UNIVERSITY handling of Prof. Nickerson's dis-
missal, reviewed in The Daily during the past
week, indicates an unfortunate lack of confidence
in its faculty committees.
Any faculty cases arising out of the un-American
activities committee sessions were expected to fol-
low set procedures established by faculty, President
Hatcher and Regents. Any faculty person called
into question was to appear before a Special Ad-
visory Committee of his peers and, if dismissal
recommendations ensued, was to appear later be-
fore the Faculty Senate Subcommittee on Intel-
lectual Freedom and Integrity.
Although the forms of these procedures were
followed, the -administration apparently failed
to give sufficient regard to the findings of these
committees in reaching their final decision.
In the case of Prof. Nickerson, both the 3-2 deci-
sion of the Special Advisory Committee and the
unanimous decision of the Faculty Senate Sub-
committee to retain the pharmacologist were re-
versed by President Hatcher.
If the administration had facts'concerning either
the background or the present situation of Prof.
Nickerson which made him "untenable," these.
facts should all have been presented to the Sen-
ate Subcommittee chaired by Prof. Angus Camp-
Failure to disclose to the Campbell group all
the facts concerning the case would seem rather
an obvious lack of confidence in the committee.
If the Campbell group, upon consideration of
all the facts, reached the unanimous' conclusion
that Prof. Nickerson should be retained, then its
recommendation should have been followed.
Furthermore, a careful examination must be
made of the role that Prof. Maurice Seevers,
chairman of the pharmacology department, play-
ed in Prof. Nickerson's dismissal. In spite of the
fact that Nickerson received an award in 1949
for being "the most outstanding pharmacoligist
in the United States," Prof. Seevers has expressed
grave doubts concerning Nickerson's fitness for his
And although the pharmacologist's suspension
he received no pay for his last two and a half
months at the University. This part of his pay
was to be "without prejudice and with full pay,"
was to come directly from the pharmacology
deparment rather than from general University
funds. But the pharmacology department ap-
parently refused to pay him.
Neither did the University give him the one
year's terminal pay which is customary through-
out the country when a professor is dismissed on
any ground.other than that of moral turpitude.
Another question which must be answered be-
fore the case can be considered closed is the sud-
den change last spring in Prof. Nickerson's draft
status, from being draft-exempt for essential rew
search work to being re-classified 1-A by the
Whether the change in draft status came direct-
ly as a result of a letter sent to the draft board
by Prof. Seevers, as Prof. Nickerson has alleged, is
not clear. If the assertion is true, however, such
action would seem to indicate an unwarranted
prejudice on the part of the pharmacology depart-
ment chairman-a prejudice which might have
influenced the dismissal action.
But all questions arising out of the dismissal
case which concern actions of Prof. Seevers re-
main unanswered because the department chief
refuses to comment upon the situation.
With these and other important issues left
unanswered by the administration, the action
taken against Nickerson appears unjustified.
If the administration has additional facts to
warrant the dismissal action, such information
should be released to the faculty and the public
when President Hatcher goes before the Faculty
Senate next Tuesday.
THE ITALIAN Government of Premier Scelba
has weathered a dangerous storm in gratify-
ing fashion. The Senate has given the Government
a 114-to-97 vote of confidence on the Montesi scan-
dal. There will be more storms, but the four-party
coalition of Christian Democrats, Liberals, Right-
Wing Socialists and Republicans is showing a co-
hesion and discipline that has rarely been evi-
denced in Italy.
For a British Government to remain securely in
office with a very narrow margin in the House of
Commons is expected by all who know the strength
of party discipline in Britain and the long experi-
ence in parliamentary procedure. The French Na-
tional Assembly is also extraordinary in the pre-
cision with which a multiplicity of parties can ma-
neuver to achieve a desired vote. Italians have had
little chance to acquire this skill. This tradition has
been domination of Parliament and the nation's
political life by outstanding Premiers-Depretis,
Crispi and Giolitti before World War I and De
Gasperi after the Second World War. In between
was the long eclipse of parliamentary freedom
under fascism, so that this generation had to be-
gin all over again only ten years ago.
The real test came with the disastrous general
election of June 7, 1953, in which the Christian
Democratic party lost its majority in the Chamber
of Deputies. Three Governments-De Gasperi, Pel-
la and Fanfani-went down in short order for lack
of a genuine majority coalition. The tide turned on
Feb. 10 of this year when Giuseppe Saragat, leader
of the Right-Wing Socialists, agreed to enter the
Scelba Government. Signor Saragat has been a
faithful and even enthusiastic supporter of the pre-
Bias Clause
AS THE GLAD-HAND season of fraternity rush-
ing opens, three houses should be commended
for their actions in removing the bias clause from
their respective constitutions.
The three, Zeta Beta Tau, Lambda Chi Alpha
and Delta Chi, all removed restrictions on mem-
bership because of race or religion.
At the same time the grim realities of the situ-
ation must be observed: unwritten bias clauses will
be in effect in many groups for an unpredictable
length of time. Alumni pressure is often weighty
enough to stop many constitutionally unbiased
groups from admitting members of different racial
or religious groups.
In addition, one prejudiced member has the tra-
ditional power to prevent pledging or activating
these persons.
That each fraternity has its right to choose
its own membership is undeniable. From this
standpoint it would seem that the removal of
bias clauses is just a bit of democratic window
dressing to assuage outside pressure groups and
democratic-minded administrations. As long as
prejudice exists, it won't make a bit of differ-
ence whether Old Tri Psi has a bias clause or not.
But there may come a day when prejudice will
become an archaic word, and it is for this day that
the outside pressure groups and democratically
minded administrations are working.
The situation somewhat parallels the ending of
segregation in the nation's schools. It has been le-
gally outlawed but complete victory over segrega-
tion is obviously a few years off.
So it is with fraternities and bias clauses. The
sooner bias clauses can be eliminated, the sooner
fraternities will be able to pick their members
from the entire rushing list, instead of just those
who meet certain undemocratic standards of race
and religion.
Again, congratulations to Zeta Beta Tau, Lambda
Chi Alpha and Delta Chi.
--Wally Eberhard
Dramatic Arts
RELIEVING THAT Ann Arbor needs and can sup-
port a community theater, as well as a center
for developing and utilizing the dramatic and ar-
tistic interests of children and adults, a small
group of citizens have labored over the past few
months to make possible the opening of the Dra-
matic Arts Center.
In its initial season the Center is offering the
community a large and varied program includ-
ing seven productions in its arena theater, ex-
hibitions by local artists, and chldren's classes
in painting, dramatics and dancing.
It is up to the community to show that the time,
effort and funds which have been poured into this
project can bear fruit, and the response thus far
has been good. More than 300 children have been
signed up for the children's classes, the first pro-
ject to get under way this season.
A campaign has begun to sell membership
tickets which entitle the holder to see all seven
plays. At a cost of $10 per year the offer looks
to this reporter likes a good one. The season's
bill is a varied one including both traditional and
little known works, modern plays and one dat-
ing back as far back as the eighteenth century.
The backbone of the cast will be a permanent
company of five professional actors but a great
deal of local talent will also be used
In addition to the fact that it is offering an ex
citing program this year, the Dramatic Arts Cen-
ter has the potential to make a valuable contri-
bution to Ann Arbor's future cultural life. If this
project receives the support it deserves the com-
munity will gain a needed outlet for local talent as
well as an opportunity to see legitimate theater
performed locally by a permanent company.
-Phyllis Lipsky
WHATEVER may be thought of the details of
the South East Asian defense treaty, it clearly
goes as far as is possible at the moment. During the
past few years it has been difficult to get the facts
about the communist pressure on South East Asia
formally recognized and agreed upon in public. Ev-
eryone could see that the Chinese and Russians
were building up the Vietminh army, and that the
Communist parties in Malaya, Burma and Indone-
sia were following a line designed by Moscow. But
the hesitation about upsetting Asian politics, mili-
tary weakness and the sheer difficulty of coordinat-
ed planning have together hampered the western
powers in taking any positive, long term interna-
tional action to deal with the situation. South East
Asia has at times looked like falling to the Com-
munists piece by piece as South East Europe once
fell to the Nazis. Now at least there is a plan and a
declaration of intention.
Whether the plan will work is another matter.
Much will depend on the backing it receives from
public opinion in the eight countries represented at
the Minala (conference). Givern the wide differ-
ance in their history, outlook and strengths, it is
surprising how narrow their final points of dis-
agreement became. The chief criticism leveled at
the project of a South East Asia Treaty organiza-
tion has been that it was being organized by out-
side powers which had no business "defending"
South East Asia at all, and whose onyy stake in the
area came under the heading of "imperialism." But
no other conference of similar size in recent years
has drawn together the common interests of na-
tions from so far afield; indeed, unless it had,.
there would have been no chance of any effective
action at all.
Now the question is whether the new treaty will
WASHINGTON - Secretary of
the Interior Douglas McKay is one
of the most friendly, amiable, talk-
ative guys in the Eisenhower ad
ministration, but there is one thing
his aides will hardly open thei
mouths about. It pertains to the
way a choice section of the Rogue
River National Forest was sliced
off and given away for only $5 an
acre to the MacDonald family of
Mobile, Ala-.
On the land is one of the finest
stands of Douglas fir in the North-
west-which will now be subject
to the ax.
For no less than six years, the
MacDonald family has been trying
to persuade the Interior Depart-
ment to let them get this juicy
piece of timberland. But Demo-
cratic secretaries of the interior
But when Doug McKay got into
power things changed.
The- MacDonald family shifted
their tactics. With Republicans in
office they left Democratic Con-
gressman Boykin for Republicab
Congressman Harris Ellsworth of
Roseburg, Ore. They also got a
boost from Sen. Eugene Millikin
of Colorado. The shift worked.
They got the timberland.
The story of how Doug McKay's
boys justified the giveaway is
fantastic. It constituted one of the
cleverest pieces of legal finagling
this writer has seen in a long time.
It was even necessary to send ore
all the way to the MacDonalds'
home town of Mobile to be as-
The obstacles to the giveaway
were considerable. In the first
place, the Democrats had been
against it. Second, the staff of a
notable Republican, Secretary
Ezra Benson, who sits in the same
Cabinet with McKay, were against
it. Another important Republican,
Congressman Cliff Hope of Kansas,
was against it. He even introduced
a bill in the 1953 congressional
session trying to plug national for-
est giveaway loopholes.
How it Was Done
The way the MacDonald family
managed this was both amazing
and complicated. It had to be
complicated to be successful.
First, their mining claim to the
land, through the Al Sarena Min-
ing Co., had long given them the
right to mine gold and silver ore
under the forest but not touch the
forest. This is a common prac-
tice in the West, and they had
mined for some years.
Bu t w h a t the MacDonalds
wanted was not only the under-
ground mineral rights, but the
aboveground t i m b e r rights. So
they tried to convince the Forest
Service, which is under the Agri-
culture Department, and the Bur-
eau of Land Management, which
is under Interior, that in order
to continue their mining operations
they must take over the surface
rights. Their first application was
made in 1948.
Both bureaus, when under the
Democrats, said no.
Davis Is Annoyed
The letters, which increased in
frequency, were handled by soli-
citor Clarence Davis. He seemed
annoyed at them. Fainally, on
June 1, according to the Interior
Department, Davis received a six-
page, single-spaced letter from
Congressman Ellsworth, plus a
two-hour visit.
On June 4, according to Interior
Department files, Davis wrote an
exasperated memo that Ellsworth
had taken up two hours of his
time with "this seemingly hopeless
Despite Davis's irrigation, how-
ever, he let the Oregon congress-
man win an important concession.,
According to his own memo, Davis
agreed to let him submit "some
independent reports of disinteres-
ted people."
The "disinterested" and "inde-
pendent" reports arrived on June
24. But they were not exactly from
"independent" or "disinterested"
people. One report was from D.
Ford McCormick who had worked
for Al Sarena and the MacDonald
family ever since 1937. He claimed
that the MacDonalds' mineral
rights contained enough ore to
justify giving them surface. (tim-
ber) rights.
Three months later, the persist-
ent congressman from Oregon per-
suaded the yielding solicitor of the
Interior Department to have two
engineers re-examine the entire Al
Sarena case. And believe it or not,
Davis agreed to let "disinterested,
independent" Ford McCormick be
one of the engineers.
Another amazing thing: solicitor
Davis by-passed his own Bureau of
Land Management which ordinar-
ily assays ore in order to ascer-
tain its real value.
Final amazing things: Instead
of taking the bulky ore samples
to a near-by Oregon assayer, they
were shipped all the way across
the United States to Mobile, Ala.,
hnme nwn nf tihe Macnonar1d
.0 C.e tterte lilor .. .
Reply to Northway .:.
To the Editor:
THE LETTER in yesterday's
Daily by E. A. Northway makes
assumptions which seem to me
very wrong. Should men who drag-
ged the University down into "the
mess of scandal" be allowed to re-
main, it asked. But who consider-
ed the University smeared? Surely
any sort of attack, any sort of
scandal, is not enough reason for
iismissing teachers? Heaven knows
most admirable men and admir-
able movements in human history
have been smeared with scandal
at one time or another. The wholel
question is, ought there to have
been a scandal? But E. A. North-
way thinks no one should act as
they please "regardless of how it
affects the accepted standards of
the society in which they live."
Conformity to those accepted stan-
dards is just as important in a
democracy as in a totalitarian
government, the letter says. But
how then are those standards to
improve, if they can never change?
One knows perfectly well that E.
A. Northway would not think some
of the standards of some of the
societies in the past good. He or
she reads of the way they changed
with approval. And the dis-
tinguishing mark, the great poli-
tical virtue of a democracy, surely-
is the freedom with which minor-
ity opinions, unaccepted standards,
can be discussed and affirmed.
E. A. Northway would have Dr.
Nickerson and Dr. Davis dismissed
because their conduct was not
"exemplary." Goodness! One be-
gins to see why he makes so small
a distinction between democratic
and totalitarian forms of govern-
, These assumptions, and the
whole letter, are very wrong in a
much more serious way than be-
ing muddled.
-Martin Green
YD's on Education.,..
To the Editor:
IN THE WAVE of current agita-
tion over the dismissals of
Professor Nickerson and Dr. Davis
following the inglorious Clardy in-
vestigations, the real heart of the
problem has been overlooked by
many students on campus. This
dismal picture ca nnot be improv-
ed by changes in University pol-
icy or University personnel. The
responsibility for the present state
of affairs rests with the political
situation of this state.
Should the University fight the
State Legislature in its present
composition of rural, neanderthal
interests, the result could only be
the further reduction in state
funds for the school budget. Those
reformers who currently yell for
Hatcher's scalp must realize that
only a change in the caliber of
men in the State Legislature and
not a change in University ad-
ministration can improve the fu-
ture prospects of this school.
Those of us connected with the
Point Of Order
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Young Democrats feel the most
immediate step in the right direc-
tion would be in aiding the liberal
candidates for public office in this
state this fall. We believe the rec-
ord will show that in the majority
of cases the Democratic candidates
in this state have supported the
University in encouraging higher
education and in protection of
academic freedom, rather than in
viewing an educational institution
as a dissemination center for cattle
and alfalfa information.
To the many students who have
been concerned with the recent
violations of academic freedom by
the political pressures exerted by
the state legislature on the Univer-
sity, the Young Democrats extend
an invitation to hear the Governor
of Michigan, G. Mennen Williams
speak tonight at 8:30 p.m. in Rack-
ham Auditorium on educational
as well as other pressing matters
of state and national importance.
-George Zuckerman
Ralph Goldberg
for the Exec. Board of the
Young Democrats
. *
Internationalism . .
To the Editor:I
HAVING SPENT the summer on
a botanical expedition in
Spain, I was naturally interested
in the article about the findings
of Dr. Anderson-Imbert (Daily,
Sat., Sept. 25). I should like to
voice the opinion of some Spanish
people who seemed quite happy
under the Franco regime. (Inci-
dentally, they were by no means
all Catholics). They feel, quite
justifiably I think, disappointed
that the Western nations are leav-
ing Spain out of the international
planning merely because its form
of government differs from the
democracy which prevails in the
other countries.
It seems to me that one should
consider that not all countries are
ready for democracy; because it
implies public interest in govern-
ment. It is only recently that the
man in the (Spanish) street has
begun to see that government is,
everybody's business. I think that
Spain may eventually develop its
own peculiar version of democracy,
and that the role of America
should be to serve as an example
rather than to force democratic
government down the throats of
all nations. What is good for Am-
ericans is not necessarily good for
the human race as a whole.
Spain is an old country with its
traditions of friendliness and hos-
pitality. These traditions concern
Spaniard and .foreigner alike. I
found the Spanish people keenly
aware of the fact that their coun-
try is presently rising to a level
where international relationships
become more important than in-
ternal organization. This aware-
ness provides atreal basis for a
less reserved attitude on the part
of the democratic countries.
-Kees Lems
* *
Oligarchic Boards .. .
To the Editor:
Nickerson for his political
opinions shoildn't be surprising to
those familiar with the organiza-
tion of American universities. As
I presented evidence to show in a
previous letter (12/1/53), univer-
sity boards of trustees are over-
whelmingly dominated by the
wealthy oligarchy which owns the
heart of the American industrial
system. Nickerson's dismissal was
the direct responsibility of our
own typically composed Board, and:
a clear demonstratin of the im,-
portance they attach to freedom
of opinion.
It is not necessary to be a critic
of the economic status quo to dis.
approve of present university con-
trol. The universities are vital
training centers for our young
leaders. That they should be under
the control of any one class is ob-
viously undemocratic. Nor is
wealth an adequate qualification
for u n i v e r s i t y leadership. As
staunch an economic Conservativ6
as H. L. Mencken has written that
it would be difficult to find any-
one . less qualified for university
control than the present leaders,
"even clergymen."
It is because of this leadershipn
that an estimated 58% of total
student-hours are devoted to tech'
nical subjects, largely as preparao-
tion for the business and govern,
went bureaucracies. 21% is dubi-
ously expended on traditional leis-
ure class subjects, while only 15%
is devoted to social studies. Yet
the human race is barely keeping
its nose above water in the maei
strom of war, poverty, ignorance
and folly in which we struggle.'
We may also note that radicals
are largely conspicuous by their,
absence on the social study ,a=
culty, though they are common in
any random group of. intellectuals
Academic freedom has always bee
subtly sabotaged. The whole uni-
versity is authoritarian in its or-
ganization, although executing or-
ders in the antithesis of learning
how to think.
Of course, nothing can be done
about these matters, but those who
came here to be educated car.;
learn a lot from this.
--John 0. Bowen
Pointer Mascot...
To the Editor:
MY FATHER told me that'th.
Army football team ''till-ii
here next Saturday to play Michi
gan. I was born at West Point in
1944 and I'll bet I'm the only real-
West Pointer in Ann Arbor. Would-
the Army be interested in haviing
a mascot for the game?
--Barbara Niess
America has had a peculiar bli
spot about Germany since the be-
ginning of this century. Though the
two most expensive wars of our
history were fought against and
launched by Germany, though oup
budget and our politics are shaped
by these wars as far into the future
as anyone can see, Germany has
rarely if ever been the object .of
national debate great or small .. .
Now that the French have refused
(EDC), we are back with the same
problem that faced us in 1947 --
how to control Germany.
-- The Reporter
(Continued from Page 2)
gebras versus restricted predicate cal-
culus. Speaker: Buchi.
Near Eastern Studies No. 143 (Econ.
148) Survey of Econ. Conditions in Near
East will be held Mon., Wed. and Fri.
at 9:00 a.m. in Room 2A, Econ. Bldg.
The Extension Service announces the
following class beginning Wed., Sept.
Myths, r-tories and Legends - 7:30
p.m. 09 School of Busine.s Administra-
tion. 8 weeks - $8.00. Meets alternate
Wednesdays. John E. Eingley, Instruc-
The Extension Service announces that
there are still openings in the follow-
ing classes to be held Wed. evening,
Sept. 29:
Metal Processing - 7:00 p.m. 3072
East Engineering Building. Two hours
undergraduate credit. 16 weeks - $18.00.
William C. Truckenmiler, Instructor.
Practical Gardening - 7:30 p.m. 176
School of Business Administration. 8
weeks -- $8.00. Ruth Mosher Place, In-
Registration for these courses may
be made in Room 4501 of the Admin-
istration Building on State Street dur-
ing University office hours, or in Room
164 of the School of Business Admin-
istration on Monroe Street in the eve-
ning, 6:30 to 9:30 p.m., Mon. through
Thurs. of this week.
Doctoral Examination for Mohammad
Wassel Al-Dhahir, Mathematics; thesis:
"Configurational Characterizations of
Commutativity in Projective Spaces,"
Thurs., Sept. 30, East Council Room,
Rackham Bldg., at 2:00 p .Chairman,
G. Y. Rainich.
Friday, October 1 is the last day for
students in the College of Architecture
and Design to add courses to their
401 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Ap-
plication of Mathematics to Social Sci-
ence will meAt n Thnr .Spnt .l3.nrom
LS & A Students: No courses may be
added to your original elections after
Fri., Oct. 1, 1954.
Scholarships Through the Mexico-
United States Commission on Cultural
Co-Operation will be offered for study
in Mexico during the academic year
beginning March 1, 1955. Grants will
be made todboth* undergraduate and
graduate students. Some of the fields
offered will be Architecture, Anthro-
pology, Art, Cardiology and Tropical
Medicine, Biological Science, and Mexi-
can History. Other fields are not ex-
cluded. Applications may be obtained
from the U.S. Student Department of
the Institute of International Euca-
tion, 1 East 67th Street, New York 21,
N.Y. Further information may be ob-
tained in the office of the Graduate
Events Today
First Baptist Church. Wed., 4:30-5:30.
"Midweek Chat" in Guild House,
Lecture on modern optics by Pro-
fessor Zernike of the University of Gro-
ningen, Wed., Sept. 29, 4 p.m. Room
2038 Randall, The Formation of the
Microscopic Image.
WUS (World University Service) or-
ganizational meeting Wed. (Sept. 29) at
7:30 p.m. at Lane Hall. Everyone wel-
Bible Study group will meet at 7:00
In the Presbyterian student center.
Seminar on the meaning of the New
Testament, under the guidance of Pro-
fessor E. Wendell Hewson, who has
led similar groups at the Universities
of Toronto and London. Lane Hall Li-
brary. Wed., 4:15 p.m.
Attention All Pershing Rifle Actives!
Be at TCB at 1929 hours, Wed. 29 Sept.,
for this semester's first drill period.
Bring tennis shoes. Be in uniform.
Governor G. Mennen Williams will be
the speaker at the first meeting of the
Young Democrats, Wed., Sept. 29, in
Rackham Auditorium at 8:30 p.m. The
Governor will be introduced by J.
Henry Owens, Democratic nominee for
Congress from the 2nd district. Every-
one is invited.
Engineering Senior and Graduate
Student Seminar. Dean Brown will
speak at first meeting, Wed., Sept. 29,
4:00 p.m., in Room 311 West Eng. All
engineering students who expect to
start a career job before February 1,
1956, and interested faculty members
are cordially invited to attend.
There will be a general business
meeting of the Psychology Club for cid
members only on Wednesday evening,
September 29th, at 7:00 in the Grad
Loungo. Officers will be elected.
Episcopal Student Foundation. St.
Michael and All Angels Breakfast
Wednesday, September 29, at Canter-
bury House, after the 7:00 a.m. Holy
The Undergraduate Zoology Club an-
nounces its first meeting of the se-
mester on Wednesday, Sept. 29 at 7:30
p.m. in Rm. 3026, Natural Science Bldg.
The first half of the meeting will be
organizational. Dr. Martha Baylor will
speak on the Genetics of Viruses. All
interested students and faculty mem-
bers are. invited to attend.
Lutheran Student Association. Re-
member our Coffee Break HFour. Wed.,
Le Cercle Francais meets tomorrow
at The League in the Michigan Room
at 8:00 p.m. A talk by Professor Koella
and a film entitled "France des 4, Sai-
sons" will be featured. Refreshments
will be served. Membership is still open
at this first meeting and prospective
members are invited to join us.
Coming Events
The .English Journal Club will hold
its first meeting of the year on Thurs.,
informal French conversation group.
All are invited to come and chat abou4
anything and everything over a cup of
coffee or a coke.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stuff
dent Breakfast at Canterbury House,
on Thurs., Sept. 30, after the 7:00-a.m,
Holy Communion.
Freshman Discussion Group on "How
Will College Life Affect My Religiouc
Beliefs?" led by. Grey. Austin; of the.-
Lane Hall Staff All freshmen welcome
Lane Hall. Thurs., 7:15 p.m.
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under th%
authority of the Board 'in Control of'
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig.......Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers....,... .City Editor
Jon Sobeloff.......Editorial-Dirtor
Pat Roelofs. ...... .Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad.......Associate Edito
Nan Swinehart.........Associate Editor:
Dave Livingston ...5ports Editor.
Hanley Gurwin.Assoc. Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer
...............Associate Sports Editor
Roz Sh imovits.' .,. Women's Editor
Joy Squires. .. .Associate Women's Editor
Janet Smith. .Associate Women's Editor
Dean Morton......Chief Photographer
Business .Stdf
Lois Pollak........Business Manager
Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager
Bill Wise........Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoskt..Finance Manages
Telephone NO 23-24-1