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May 20, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-05-20

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TWORSDAY,, MAY zo. 1954


An Editorial
T HE PRESIDENT'S decision to take no immediate action against the two students
who testified before the Clardy Committee was a reassuring break in the cbn-
fusion and bad feelings which have resulted from the investigations to date.
Although it puts but one of the several current issues in the clear, the decision
is concrete evidence of the good faith the administration has frequently professed.
As the situation stands now, a Joint Judiciary hearing will not be requested
unless Congress sustains contempt charges against the students. The President's
no-action stand was soundly reasoned from the premise that the Judiciary itself
should not attempt to resolve the difficult legal issue of contempt.
Alhough there is disagreement as to when and if Judiciary should take up
the case of a student cited for contempt, the crucial point is that the administra-
tion should neither suspend nor dismiss the students until a court finds them
guilty. Congressional action does not constitute conviction.
For the present, we hope that the President's decision points the way back
to a renewal of shattered confidence in the University's ability to keep itself--
and its ideals intact.
--The Senior Editors-Harry Lunn, Eric Vetter, Virginia Voss
Mike Wolff, Alice B. Silver, Diane D. AuWerter, Helene Simon

Daily Managing Editor
SINCE THE first indication that University
faculty members and students might be
called. before the Un-American Activities
Committee, President Hatcher has main-
tained that the greatest harm to the Uni-
versity from the investigations would be
disruption of the internal affairs of the
institution. From the outset he pledged that
every effort would be made to prevent the
irreparable internal dissension between fac-
ulty and administration and students and
administration which has occurred at other
institutions, and he took immediate action
to implement the policy. Ufitil last week his
policy was extremely successful, but quite
ironically it has been seriously impaired by
his own action in suspending the three facul-
ty members and appearing before the Ui-
versity Senate Monday.
The sincere effort of the President, the
administration and faculty and student
lead ers in setting up procedures to guide,
as far as possible, handling of cases aris-
ing from attitude or testimony before the
Committee should not be ignored in an
evaluation of University policy. The prep-
aration, however, was only a background
for the hearings" and the charges which
might arise out of them. At 9:45 a.m.
Monday, May 10 the crucial test, began,
and before the end of that day three facul-
ty members and two students had appeared
.before the Clardy sub-committee and re-
fused to cooperate with the inquiry.
It was at this juncture that the first serious
mistake occurred: the President undertook
an investigation of the three faculty mem-
bers, which was entirely necessary in light
of their testimony, but also ordered. their
suspension, which was totally unnecessary
to the conduct of the investigation. The sus-
pension was undertaken, according to the
President, without prejudice to the three
faculty members' cases, but this reasoning is
unsupportable-suspension definitely gives
prejudice to the case which mere investiga-
tion would not.
The second serious mistake came this
Monday in the President's handling of Prof.
Raymond Wilder's motion for an investiga-
tion of the alleged breach of confidence be-
tween the administration and Prof. Mark
Nickerson on the latter's alleged Communist
activity. Certainly President Hatcher was
put in an almost impossible position by the
motion which, in effect, did imply bad faith
on his or the administration's part. How-
ever, by tabling the motion in an atmos-
phere of extreme confusion and tension
without entering into a thorough discussion
of the issue, he gave the Senate and the
public the unfortunate, .and we believe er-
roneous, impression that faculty opinion was
of little consequence to him. Release by the
President of the Senate proceedings through
the University News Service only added to
the bad feeling of many faculty members
toward him. They considered Senate meet-
ings closed and were disturbed to find the
action made public. The situation was made
difficult for the President because the pro-.
ceedings were certain of reaching The Daily
and other newspapers within a few hours
of their occurrence. Under the circumstances
it seems to us an intelligent move to have
had an official statement released though it
would have been wise to have informed the

faculty of this intent. To many faculty mem-
bers, however, the news release was unwar-
Granted that the situation is serious,
that the feared internal disruption has
occurred, what course should be taken by
the faculty and the administration?
At this time it is important that a reas-
sessment of attitudes occur, for if no effort
is made to understand the complexities of
this difficult situation only loud charges and
replies will result with no resolution of the
The basis of this understanding from the
faculty and student viewpoint must be a
conviction that the President is sincerely
concerned with the faculty cases and with
the integrity of the faculty and the Univer-
sity. Though differences in opinion on policy
toward the three faculty members is cert.ain
to persist, the insinuations of bad faith on
the President's part must be dispelled. His
commendable action in the cases of the two
graduate students proves beyond doubt the
sincerity with which he approached that
problem and formulated a solution.
Understanding on the President's part
must stem from a conviction that the faculty
is sincerely interested in their fellow mem-
bers under suspension and in the preserva-
tion of the University's freedom. He must
recognize that real concern and not personal
antagonism basically lay behind the motion
at Monday's meeting and the faculty ques-
tions, although the suspensions quite prob-
ably contributed, an attitude of resentment
and distrust toward him on the part of some
faculty members.
Recognition must be shown that two
distinct, and largely irreconcilable view-
points, pertain on the issue of the three
faculty members. The President and one
segment of the faculty maintain that a
duty to answer to legally constituted
groups is imposed on faculty members,
while an important part of the faculty
sfeels that the Committee questions are
legally improper and present no obliga-
tion to answer on those questioned. Out
of the faculty investigatiins and hearings
of the three teachers some recommenda-
tion will be made ,and possibly will fall
somewhat between the viewpoints, but it
is folly to assume that. everyone will be
pleased about the outcome.
The University has always been a great
institution and those associated with it rea-
lize this with a sense of pride, but seldom is
this greattess put to a test as important as
that which we now pass through. If the
internal disruption persists, we shall have
failed that test, and this is the most sober-
ing thought of the stormy series of events
which has occurred in the last ten days.
Perhaps in realizing this we may achieve the
needed direction to proceed with dignity and
pass through the crisis. The integrity of the
University is the issue at hand and we must
rise above the pettiness of continued criti-
cism of the President. Lamenting the sus-
pensions or the conduct of Monday's meet-
ing does nothing to solve our problems.
Rather we must look toward the faculty
group hearing the three cases and the Presi-
dent to whom they will submit their recom-
mendations for the leadership needed to re-
store the internal ordef which the University
had successfully maintained for the long
months prior to the hearings.

MUCH WAS SAID last week about "expe-
diting" the disgraceful and degrading
McCarthy-Army hearings. But nothing could
come of the talk because what was intended
was not to expedite them but to shut them
down. The only proposals considered were
designed to turn off as soon as possible the
television and the publicity.
What the people are being shown is one
of the great Constitutional crises of our his-
tory. But from neither end of Pennsylvania
Avenue, neither from the White House or
the Congress, has anyone in authority made
a move to clarify the issue of this crisis, or
indeed said much to show that he knows
what it is. Politicians realize that they are
being scorched, some more and some less,
by the bright lights in which they are caught.
But because the actors do not understand the
fundamental issues of Constitutional prin-
ciple, they cannot think of anything to do
about their discomfiture except to hope that
the people will soon become disgusted and
bored enough to permit them to get away
with turning off the lights.
THE REASON the hearings are so long, so
confused, so incompetent, and so irrele-
vant is because the two branches of the gov-
ernment are locked in a struggle-of which
neither of them has as yet grasped the
meaning. The hearings run on and on and
never get to the point because none of the
principals seems to know what is the point
that he is quarreling about. The point can-
not be whether Private Schine did duty on
a week-end. The whole country has be-
come involved in trying to settle that mo-
mentous problem.
Yet the whole sordid fight was precipi-
tated by flagrant and systematic trespass
upon the Constitutional prerogatives of the
President, and it goes on and on because he
does not defend his rights. This affair is
degrading and disgracing the United States
government with our own people and in the
eyes of the whole world.
* * * *
IT IS THE PRESIDENT whose prerogatives
are involved, and it is by the President
and only by the President that the remedy
can be applied. If and when he acts to re-
cover his prerogatives, the balance of the
Constitution will have been restored, and
the remedies that Congress alone can apply
will begin to be used.
Some one whom Gen. Eisenhower trusts
and to whom he will listen should explain
to him that the action he needs to take is
not to issue a statement telling the world
what a so-and-so he thinks McCarthy is.
No one is asking him to demean the dignity
of his office, only, but only, to defend its

0 eLJIeIpJ to IAC & Ltlop...
Avoid Apathyf..S c h o o l Bell International Living is carrying
on should be noted.
To the Editor: Nelson House was set up to pro-
--; vide a residence where American
T THIS time, when the prestige > and Foreign students would be
and academic reputation of the 5 table to live together within a small
University of Michigan are threat- group. A small group relationship
ened by actions of its own Ad- is the best means for securing an
ministration, we must at all cost intimate exchange of ideas, be-
avoid a philosophy of cynicism, cause personal contacts with
hopelessness, and apathy. o'everyone in the house is frequent.
The Administration believes it is When a foreign student comes to
taking "the path of least resist- the University for only one or two
ance" in suspending faculty mem- years of study ,it is very easy for
bers who invoked protections guar- him to retire into a dull, lonely
anteed by the Contitution before R life and not make the great effort
the Un-American Activities Com- required to establish relationships
mittee. It is up to the University with American students. This pro-
community to provide the needed I cess of integration becomes almost
resistance here, to show the Ad- automatic within a group such as
ministration that the way to avoid ours.
"trouble" is not for the University And what is just as important,
to protitute herself for the paltry Nelson House enables American
compliments of ignorant and students to broaden their horizon
fiercely opinionated Congressmen. I through more than chance asso-
The case of the three faculty ciations with foreign: students.
members is unfortunately not one There is a spirit of mutual interest
that will be decided on its merits. that makes relationships valuable
W that the th ld and which allows us to iron out
have been no suspensions in the difficulties within a cooperative
first place. The testimony of the framework.
faculty members before Clardy's As part of our program we have
facuty mmbes beoreClary'sinternational dinners cooked by
committee reveals an unquestion- national groups lagke ta
able devotion. to American demo- FE cu nationality groups, language ta-
able deointtimrca eo les, guest professors for after
cratic ideals on the part of all bder gals, rnd an Aer
three; and Dr. Davis' testimony Adinnhouse faly w nhich provides a
in particular reveals a courage and I-feeling of American family life.
intellectual integrity much to be else can wee be in shape for dem Classify the diplomatic corps, the Our experience has been very en-
commended. As Silver, Voss and ( big gamez? I wunce herd sum fel- armed services, the radar early- riching; we are glad that this cam-
AuWerter stated with force and la say he new someone dat had a warning net, and nuclear weapons riching;owe a la t ths
clarity in their Daily editorial, class wunce on campus. He said production. On the other hand we pus supports at least one house
there is no cause for reprisals lotz of waisted time an muney wuz suggest that, because of the small that is successfully integrating in-
against the three men. spent on sum stuff like Mason Hall numbers of communists involved, hoethaltheidemans oe
What will decide the case of which cud hav been spent on sum- the entire main stream of our so- hope that the demand for more
the suspended faculty membei, tin necessary like dem new poolz ciety is as stable againstl a Com- such houses will not be long in
is a matter of which side can bring and stuff deys billding now. By munist conspiracy as against the coming.
the most political pressure to bear golly dat Romance languages German American Bund of 1940 or - echuk Sunguroglu
on the Administration: the forces buildings good for another 100 as against organized crime. This Wyman Chung
symbolized by the word "McCar- years. I alsew tink profs don't'situation could change, but (one
thyism," or the desires of liberal- need mor muney an yu wood tu if may believe) only in the event of a!
thinking neonlen We mustni ake ya saw de nastie old plant were major depression. Hopeful . . .



those desires known to the Admin-
istration, in a forceful and dra-
matic way. We share in the guilt
if we allow the Administration to
perpetuate a crime against the ac-E
ademic rights of all.
-David R. Luce

workin out in now. i no allde other
sportz feal de same way. Sinse I'm
majorin in hand tennis I aint got
more time tu rite.
Yurz truly, X
(Witnessed by Harlan Givelber)
A~1 Y(e/l AE *Y * I' */

For the forseeable future, then,
the writer advocates as a funda-
mental principle for the academic
and the national community the
idea that an internal Communist
conspiracy, in any but "sensitive"
areas, is not a real danger. There

To The Editor:


I * *rfradise or Paradox? . . are good reasons or making up
ones mind on this point, because
Why to epl " 0 * To The Editor: if the danger is an illusion it is
To the Editor: . NN ARBOR is a small agricul- surely a harmful illusion, creating
FOR ROUGHLY a week or so tural and light-industrial town power for McCarthy and others
I've been reading letters discuss- in southeastern Michigan, U. S. A. without high moral standards, and
ing the discrimination practiced at It's a quiet, peaceful little town. diverting attention from real prob-
Mrs. Freeman's league house and There's a University there-a place lems such as Indo China and theE
the stand which the a ministra- to go to get an education. Ann Ar- need for evacuation plans for De-

IT WAS good to see Mr. Shark S
explanation and apology for his
conduct before the Clardy Com-
mittee. Since he announced he
would be "unco-operative" I just
wonder if his present apology
might be an afterthought, an af-
terthought to the threat of a con-
tempt citation which he earned by
his disgraceful conduct before the
One humorous part of his letter
of apology was his allusions to a
bull fight. On this score I think

* * *


WHAT IS IT that he should do? It is
easier to say, I admit, what he should
have done twelve weeks ago when this brawl
began-that is to say after McCarthy's as-
sault on Gen. Zwicker. At that time he
should have done himself, firmly and un-
equivocally, what Secretary Stevens-acting
on the decency of his instincts ratherthan
on serious Constitutional principles-meant
to do. President Eisenhower should have
ordered all personnel in the Executive branch
to refuse to deal with McCarthy on the
ground that he was abusing the Congres-
sional power to investigate and was invad-
ing the Constitutional rights of the Execu-
There is no question at all that the Senate
would have upheld the President by an
overwhelming majority if his decision to
boycott McCarthy had ever been put to a
test. Almost certainly McCarthy himself
never would have been willing to put it to
a test.
Had the President acted to defend his
rights, as his predecessors have had again
and again to do, Congress would have been
denied not the right to investigate but the
right to abuse the power to investigate. The
question of whether the Army was dealing
efficiently with security risks at Fort Mon-
mouth or elsewhere would have been put
where it belongs-with the committee that
is concerned with the Army as a whole-
that is to say with the Armed Services Com-
In this imperfect world there is no such
thing as an automatic panacea, and no one
can be sure that even this committee would
always have worked effectively and soundly,
If a McCarthy were by the rule of seniority
to become its chairman, the committee would
surely work badly. And then the President
would have to defend his rights before that
committee. But as a matter of fact this is
now a committee that is concerned with the
honor and the morale and the welfare and
the interests of the Army, and the-members
of it would not have allowed a public degra-
dation and humiliation of the Army.
That then is what the President should
have done-actually on that Wednesday af-
ter Washington's Birthday when he came
back from his vacation in Palm Springs.
Having failed to act, and having let the
country stumble into this television show in
consequence, what can be done now?
The hearings will have to go on. The
President cannot afford to agree to any
scheme which in fact protects McCarthy
and Cohn from the full and prolonged ex-
posure to the bright lights that Stevens and
Adams have had. But the exposure of pub-
licity will not settle the issue or restore the
deeply damaged prestige of the government

tion has taken on it. In light of all
this criticism it has both puzzled
and irked me that the adminis-
tration has made no reply. If Miss
Bacon feels she was justified, why
does she not attempt to justify
herself? Apparently there are
many of those who think she was
not justified.
-Tom Kreger
* * *
Charaicter Building .
To The Editor:
I FOUND ANUDER student to
rede The Daley to me toda and
wuz happy to here dat dem Re-
gunts has come across wid sum
mor mussel makin plantz. We boys

I bor is a happy place-plenty of Tr UIL- MrV±. ,IncUpe im~ust ae a exper-neI
dances, parades, football games, The application of these ideas to certainly knows how to throw the
parties and teas. It's a nice place actual situations should be con- bull" as exemplified by his recent
for a boy to meet his future wife. sidered. One will not usually know letter.
There's no suffering in this town; about a card-carrying Communist Also Mr. Sharpe's conduct was
that is, a person has to look around at a university because one will not almost as bad as Miss Miesner of
a little before he sees any suffering inquire. The government will not Wayne U. And since she was ex-
here. create a branch of the justice de- pelled from Wayne U. perhaps
People who graduated from this partment to deal with internal Michigan might be wise to follow
University like to come back and security. We would take steps to this precedent inhMr. Sharpe's
think of the good old days. Most dissipate the climate of semi-offi- case We will watch with interest
of them thinlk of this place asI cial sentiment which has led stu- -and with hope too.
paradise. A few call it a paradox. dents tobelieve in the role of po- -H. Redfield, '52
-Mike Simpson, '57NR litical informer. The three faculty* *
-Mk s members would not have been sus- 'Mis lled' 1
End I 'v.pended and would now be rein-
E nconsistency - - - stated. To The Editor:
To The Editor: The ideas contained here may -TEASEb e informed of vour'mis-



needs dem to strainthin our flabby
selves. And furthermor dey has atE
last come to de realizasion dat ath-I
eletic fasilities is mor importantj
dan akidemic onez. Don't tink us
sportz am ignoramusses needer
cause any trampoline prof says
were de biggest nincompoops he's

THE PRESENT deliberations rel-
ative to three faculty members
present a conflict between the need'
of our society for self protection
and an equally pressing need for
preservation of individual liberty.
The writer would like to suggest
a resolution of the dilemma based
on suppositions which perhaps

not, for all our community, form r ake"in the puication of my
an acceptable basis for action. Butl take in the pubication of my
let s deandof a alernaiveletter appearing in the 5/15/54 is-
let us demand of an alternativei
view that it resolve this deep in- sue of the Daily. Besides erroneous
cositency :haiwesolits indid- punctuation, & mispelled words, a
can fseedcy: we nw lmitindivid-phrase was left out in the 2nd to
t free in n-the last paragraph. It should read
aing i-P. V C. Hugh"which is piloted by McCarthyism,
-P.. rC. og Phys or as E. Davis says, "the rise of
Asst. Prof. of Physics primitivism." Please check the or-
iginal letter to rectify this mis-
Nelson House . . . print.



ever seen. Since I an de odder many can believe. We suggest that
sportz sumtimes cum up tu campus i the positions in our government

I been tinkin dat de $300,000 press and society which lead to "con- To The Editor:-
box is wasted. It's becus the se- tact" with the Communist alliance T h dtr
ment is tu hard for us an wez tin- be "classified" (as they now mainly IN CONNECTION with
kin dat de muney cood be better are) and require complete investi- tional Week the succes
spent on carpetin de walks. How gation of the men who fill them. gram that the Nelson H

.-J. N. Hantula

sful pro-
louse for



ol 4r



(Continued fvom Page 2)
University Choir and Symphony Or-
chestra, conducted by Maynard Klein,
will perform Verdi's Requiem at 8:30
Thursday evening, May 20, in Hill Audi-
torium. Soloists will be Ruth Orr, so-
prano, Arlene Sollenberger, contralto,
Harold Haugh, tenor, and Stanley
Kimes, bass. The general public will be
admitted without charge.

terested in changes in the Assembly
system is urged to attend this meeting.
The American Society for Public Ad-
ministration and the Political Science
Roundtable will jointly sponsor a lec-
ture by Prof. Edward H. Litchfield, DeanE
of the School of Public and Business
Administration at Cornell University,
this evening, 7:45 p.m., Rackham As-
sembly Hall. Prof. Litchfield will speak
on "Creating and Controlling a Respon-
sible Bureaucracy in Indonesia." Ques-
tion period and refreshments will fol-1

Christian Science Organization.
timony meeting tonight at 7:30
Fireside Room, Lane Hall. All are


Honorary Hazing:
Very Inferior.

The Bahal Student Group will spon-
sor its last meeting of the year at 8 to-
night in the Conference doom, Nom-
en's League. "Can Religion Offer a
Realistic Approach to Problems FacingI
Society Today?" Everyone is welcome.
The Arts Chorale will have its elec-
tion of officers this evening at 7 p.m. in

Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.

the men's honorary fraternities on cam-
pus have pointed out a strong need for re-
vamping of such ceremonies.
Supposedly affiliation with, these honor-
ary organizations signifies an outstanding
student; one with intelligence and a deep
concern and interest in University affairs
and activities. Maturity, as well as leader-
ship, are assumed to characterize these
Yet if recent behavior in initiation pro-
ceedings is indicative, the intelligent stan-
dards of the honoraries have deteriorated
considerably. Good clean antics are expected

as members of an honorary dragged their
initiates around the diagonal in chains.
One student with a previous back injury
now has a slipped disc in his back because
of rough initiation activities. The annual
complaints of excessive noise and confusion
in the dormitories and making fools of
campus leaders are also to be considered.
The honoraries might well stop and take
note of the implications of the Big Ten
IFC-Panhel Annual Conference which was
held here in April. A resolution was passed
outlawing all paddling and hazing. Any
bodily harm to initiates was also included
as illegal.
Prohibition of informal initiation outside
of the fraternity honse is aa hvh-l of

low. All are cordially invited. Auditorium D, Angell Hall. It is es- Editorial Staf
Carillon Recital, Thursday evening, I pecially important that all membersEdtraSaf
May 20, 7:15, by Percival Price, Uni- I'Deutscher Verein - Kaffeestunde will be present. Refreshments will be serv- Harry Lunn...........Managing Editor
versity Carillonneur. The program will meet this afternoon at 3:15 in Union ed following the elections and a short Eric Vetter.................City Editor
include Bach's Presto, from the "Glock- cafeteria. All are welcome to practice rehearsal. Virginia Voss.........Editorial Director
enspiel" Toccata, Stephen Foster's Old 3 their conversational German in the In- Mike Wolff........Associate City Editor
Black Joe, and Old Folks at Home; formal atmosphere of this group. U. of M. Sailing Club. Important Alice B. Silver.. Assoc. Editorial Director
Sonata for Thirty Bells by Percival meeting tonight at 7:45 in 311 West Diane D. AuWerter .. . .Associate Editor
Price; variations on two sacred airs; The International Tea, sponsored by Engineering Building. Everyone try to Helene Simon..........Associate Editor
the International Center and the Inter- be present; elections for officers for Ivan Kaye............Sports Editor
by Percival Price; Variations on two national Students' Association, will be the coming year will be held. Sailing Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor
sacred airs; Price's Variations on an held thi safternton from 4:30 to 6 this weekend at Base Lake. Marilyn Campbell. ... Women's Editor
Air for Bells by Sibelius, and three, o'clock at the International Center. The_____ Kathy Zeisler...f..Assoc. Women's Editor.
folk songs. tea will honor Miss Carolyn Little and Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer
Miss Marya Wester. Coming Events
Student Recital. Mary Ann Tinkham, I Business Staff
Soprano, will present a recital in par- La p'tite causette will meet this aft- Hillel Foundation. Sabbath Services, Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
tial fulfillment of the requirements for I ernoon from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the Fri., May 21, 7:30 p.m., Hillel Chapel. William Kaufman Advertising Manager
the Bachelor of Music degree at 8:30 Michigan Union Cafeteria. All interest- Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr.
Friday evening, May 21, in Auditorium ed students invited! Wesleyan Guild. Annual Senior Ban- William Seiden....... Finance Manager
A, Angell Hall. A pupil of Chase Baro- quet tomorrow night at 6:15 in Social Anita Sigesmund..Circulation Manager
neo, Miss Tinkham will sing composi- i Hillel Foundation, Reservations for Hall. Drama Workshop will present "The
tions by Handel, Haydn, Purcell, Schu- Friday night dinner must be in by Stone House," 8:30 p.m., in the Lounge. Telephone NO 23-24-1
mann, Schubert, Chausson, Koechlin, Thurs., May 20. Call Hillel, NO-3-4129.


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