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May 15, 1954 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1954-05-15

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FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1951



Anne Stevenson Traces Varied Interests


Grid Star Excels in Grades, Activities
By JIM DYGERT w--m-s


About to leave four years of busy
life at the University, Anne K.
Stevenson, '54, Honors Convoca-
tion Committee student member,
claims she has no advise whatso-
ever to leave with those remaining
behind-except "open your eyes
and think."
The 21-year-old French major
with a Joan-of-Arc look of dedi-
cation in her eyes, spends much
of her time writing and receiving
honors for her efforts in the fields
of the arts-winning Hopwood
Awards in her freshman and soph-
omore years for poetry, assuming
the positions of Poetry Editor and
Assistant Editor of Generation and
playing the cello in weekly cham-
ber music quartets.
IN ADDITION to slaving over
numerous poems for Generation
and book reviews for The Daily,
Miss Stevenson has to her credit
"The Silver Heron," a dance drama
and the libretto for "Adam and Eve
and The Devil," an opera perform-
ed last year in Ann Arbor and Cin-
cinnati. She has also just complet-
ed a series of poems which friends
claim is "the best she's done yet."
Despite the fact she has been
recognized many times for her
scholastic and artistic achieve-
ments (she is a member of Phi
Kappa Phi honorary, Senior
Society and delivered one of two
student addresses at the spring
initiation banquet of Phi Beta
Kappa), she quickly complains
"I don't deserve the honors; I
haven't done anything."
With her blond page-boy hair-
cut and bright blue eyes, her
friends describe her alternately as
Joan of Arc (because of her sincere
dedication to learning) and Alice
in Wonderland (because of her
curiosity and interest in all fields,
-including even science, econom-
ics and contemporary affairs.)
She dislikes both titles, how-
ever, because "I'm neither, I'm
just Anne Stevenson."
* * * -
ALTHOUGH Miss Stevenson has
lived in Ann Arbor most of her
life (her father is Prof. Charles K.
Stevenspn of the philosophy de-
partment and her mother was a
candidate for the local Board of
Supervisors in 1953), she was born
in Cambridge, England, and has
travelled throughout much of the
United States.
Her future plans? - "Death
eventually," the young poetess
answers, but quickly adds that
In the interim period she will
e Quadrangle
Formulation of a new constitu-
tion, establishment of the Quad
rotation plan, reorganization of
the radio station and the expan-
sion of the Strauss Library were
among West Quad's Council ma-
jor accomplishments.
The dispute between Winchell
House and the Council over the
rotation plan, designed to give all
Quad men an opportunity to dine
with the female Chicago House,
highlighted the year and ended
with Winchell's secession in Feb-
Chicago House, turned over to
women this year for the first
time, was hailed as a worthwhile
contribution to Quad life.
Council-sponsored activities
were the annual Holly Hop, recog-
nition dinners for scholarship, ac-
tivities, athletics and the West
Quad honorary Quadrants, com-
pletion of the Council meeting

room, a camera club and ham ra-
dio station W8ZSQ.
Gregg Schmidt, '55, President
Gerry Burke, '56E, Vice-Presi-
Jan Northway, Secretary
John Surbis, '54, Treasurer
Pete Black, '56, Social Chairman
Keith Pohl, '56, Athletic Chair-
Al Dauer,aPublic Relations
Bill Waller, '57, House Chairman
John Steinhelper, '54, Council
Gerry Burke, '56E, Rules Chair-
Pete Black, '56
Buck Bebeau, '57
Jan Northway
Sara Roberts, '55E
Bill Waller, '57
John Surbis, '54
John Steinhelper, '54
Dave Caplan, '55BA
Alan Dauer
Ron Scroggins, '57E
Bernard Guggenheim, '56E
Gerry Burke, '56E
Bill Mueller, '56

... a cello and a typewriter

visit Europe (this summer),
study tlfe history of literature,
perhaps teach at some college
or university and continue woek-
ing to do something worthwhile
through poetry.
Music, too, will probably con-
tinue to be a large part of Miss
Stevenson's life, as she grew up in
a chamber-music trio (her father
plays the* piano and a younger
sister, now attending Radcliffe
College in Boston, is a violinist).
* *.*
DEEPLY indebted to the Uni-
versity, she says she has gained
here a "sense of the richness and
diversity of human nature, a re-
spect for Truth-whether it be
emotional, scientific tr aesthetic,
and humility in the fact of the
task of meeting a world which is
not easy to meet."
"I couldn't leave, either, with-
out mentioning one of the Uni-
versity's most valuable contri-
butions"-its 1,000 firreign stud-
ents who offer so many differ-
ent points of view enabling a
greater understanding of na-

tional as welr as international
problems and undercurrents."
Such a broad understanding is
absolutely necessary to anyone
planning to enter one of the fields
of the arts, she maintains, for the
would-be artist must "try on many
different ways of life and make
himself live in the society into
which he is bo'rn, finding out as
much about other fields as is
possible,-especially the ones that
are most removed from his own
"The most important thing
about education," she cont nues,
"is to get principle ideas and
know how to go about working
them out,-and not just to
memorize an extensive ariay of
facts. Sometimes an understand-
igg of how to extrapolate the
deepest significance of things
comes even at the expense of
Although Miss Stevenson con-
cludes that she has learned more
where she has failed than where
she has succeeded in life, friends
respond to this with the question
-"but where has she failed?"

Marking the year by its in-
creased coordination with Pan-
hellenic and Inter-House Council,
Assembly Association concentrated
on its own traditional series of ac-
tivities for independent women.
Dean of Women Elsie Fuller was
named new advisor for Assembly,
which began the year with the an-
nual "I-Hop," in cooperation with
IHC. In November the group spon-
sored Fortnight, giving independ-
ent houses an opportunity to pre-
sent skits with the theme "Paint-
ers and their Paintings."
COLLECTING cans of food for
Greece was Assembly's next pro-
ject. "Tin Can Dinners" were held
in dorms in December, with a can
of food the admission ticket to
dining halls. February brought the
IHC-Assembly Conference, featur-
ing discussions of various prob-
lems.of the University and its in-
dependent students.
A sorority-dormitory evehange
dinner was held in February, to
Student Club
As the year ends International
Students' Association looks back
over consistent efforts toward stu-
dent representation on the Inter-
national Center Board of Gov-
ernors, and ahead to a possible
Foreign Students' Emergency
Funds for ISA affairs are rais-
ed chiefly through the fall's Monte
Carlo Ball and the International
Ball in the spring. Other projects
have included orientation of for-
eign students and international
teas and bazaars,
This year was also marked by
efforts to locate a replacement for
Esson M. Gale, retiring counselor
to foreign students and Interna-
tional Center director, and by the
changing of international tea lo-
cations from the Center to Rack-
ham Bldg.
Outgoing ISA officers are: Ed-
ouard Planchon, '54, President;
Rajesh Gupta, Grad., Vice-Presi-
dent; Pat Arayasastra, Spec.,
Treasurer, John Iatrides, Grad.,
Executive Secretary and Deniz
Ribeiro, Grad., Activities Chair-
Th East Quad Council, allowing
full representation to the two wo-
men's houses in the quad, has had
a successful year ,as a result.
The co-educational housing has
worked out very smoothly wit few
problems arising to mar the suc-
cess of the plan.
The following men and women
filled positions in the quad, hold-
ing the same offices for the entire
(* indicates more than one term
in the same office.)
Stan Levy, '55, Pres.
Ken Preston, '55, Vice-president
Shirley Clark, '56, Secretary
Jerry Jackowski, '54, Treasurer
Joe Gottlieb
Gorden Mars, '56
Dave Gross, '56 .
Kurt Hoenecke, '56
Shirlee Diamond, '55D
Bob Reid, '56 A&D, Hayden
*Stan Levy, '55, Cooley
George Baumann, 54E, Greene
Sam Marfia, Hinsdale
Cece Coleman, '55, Tyler

Mary Jo Park, Prescott
Carl Sarnacki, '54, Strauss
Ron McCreight, '56, Anderson
WCBN, East Quad, Kathy Knei-
ske, Station Manager.I

strengthen relations with affil-
iated women. Another dance,
"March Moods" was Assembly's
contribution to the March so-
cial calendar.
Today Assembly is partiepating
in Tag Day, with money collected
in an all-campus bucket drive for
the Fresh Air Camp. Another May
event is the Big Ten Residence
Conference, with general prob-
lems of orientation, dorm life and
school spirit occupying attention
of conferees.
Climaxing the year's activities,
May 21 will bring the Assembly
Tea, attended by old and new
board members, house presidents
and senators.
Other projects have been the
dormitory candy stores, a Cinema
Guild movie with funds raised for*
the Fresh Air Camp, orientation
picnics for new women students,
and two $100 scholarships, to be
given to a senior and a junior wo-
Heading Assembly activities
have been the following officers:
President: Dolores Messinger, '54
Vice-President: Sally Lorber, '55
Secretary: Roberta Ross, '54A&D
Treasurer: Marilyn Labiner, '55Ed.
Projects: Rita Isbitts, '55
Big Sister: Janet Reinstein, '55
Social: Elaine Platt, '55
Public Relations: Muriel Claflin,
Personnel: Betty Cohen, '55
Candy Booths: Elaine Schulak, '55
Panhel lenic
For sorority women, Panhellenic
affairs begain even before the fall
group of pledges had affiliated
with the different houses, with
rushing activities occupying their
complete attention as the aca-
demic year began.
Increased cooperation with As-
sembly Association and Inter-Fra-
ternity Council colored the year's
events, with sorority-dormitory ex-
change dinners conducted to bet-
ter relations with independent
* * *
PANHEL joined IFC in bringing
Stan Kenton to the compus, as
well as in other community pro-
jects. Another innovation of the
year was the institution of the
Ground Observer Corps, which
provided that sorority members
would check airplanes flying above
Ann Arbor.
In March one of the year's
most important Panhellenic de-
cisions was made - sorority
women, backed by SAC, voted
to continue fall rushing on a
permanent basis.
Constitutional changes were also
carried out, making important pro-
visions for the election of Panhel
officers. Social activities centered
around the Panhel Ball in No-
vember, and cohtinued through
Greek Week in May, when soror-
ities cooperated again with IFC
to conduct affairs of the week
planned for affiliates.
Delta Phi Epsilon, formerly
Adelphi, appeared as the campus'
latest national sorority when the
local group was initiated in May.
Martha Hill, '54, President.
Judy Johnson, '54, First Vice-
Laura Hoffman, '54 Second Vice-
Bea Johnson, '54, Secretary.
Norma Seidon, '54, Treasurer.

Ann Mercer, '54DHy., Public
Shirley Mason, '54Ed., Rushing
Jackie Shields, '54, Counselor

Althougn the phrase "all-around
student" is much used and often
misused, there appears on the
scene occasionally a person to
whom it truly and almost incredib-
ly applies.
Such is the case with Dick Bal-
zhiser, student representative to
the Honors Convocation Commit-
tee, who has found time to make a
name for himself in sports, schol-
arship and student activities.
* * . *
KNOWN MOST commonly as
the first-string fullback of the 19-
53 Wolverine squad, the six-foot
one-inch blond has also held a
consistently high grade-point av-
erage in the engineering college.
His record now, as a senior In
chemical engineering, rounds to an
enviable 3.7 record, of which any
bookworm would be proud.
But his combination of four
years of football and scholastic
achievements is adequate testi-
mony that the quiet, unassuming
scholar is no bookworm.
Unless questioned, Balzhiser is
reluctant to talk about the awards
he's accumulated. For example, he
holds the Patterson Award given
by the Detroit alumni for the foot-
ball player with the:highest aca-
demic record, and the Yost award
for athletes with better than a B
Named to the all-American foot-
ball-academic team, his campus
activities are self-explanatory. A
member of the Engineering Steer-
ing Committee, he's also one of
two representatives to the Univer-
sity Development Council.
* * *
SEVERAL honoraries have rec-
ognized Balzhiser's activities and
added to an already crowded sche-
dule. As a sudent in the Air Force
ROTC program, he's president of

... .father, athlete, scholar

the Arnold Air Society, Michigau-
ma, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Lambda Ep-
silon, Toastmasters and Triangle
have also claimed him.
As if all this weren't enough,
the soft-spoken graduate of
Wheaton, Illinois High School
married his old-time sweetheart,
Christine Karnuth, after his
freshman year at the University.
A n additional responsibility,
now, is the support of his fam-
ily, including two sons, Gary and
Balzhiser's managed his finan-
cial load by occasional part-time
work and full-time employment

during the summers. Scholarships
have given additional help-the
Rackham Scholarship on which he
entered the University, the Gedeon
Scholarship and the Union Car-
bide Scholarship. The Rackham
honor testified to his high school
record: there, too, he combined
football with other activities.
Balzhiser will graduate next
February and step into his Air
Force commission, but he doesn't
want to give up university life al-
together. Future plans 4nclude
graduate study in chemical and
nuclear engineering as well as
government research work.


Inter-House Council Devotes Time
To Strengthening, Building, Growth

Moving into its new offices in
the Union, Inter House Council,
composed of representatives from
the quadrangles, spent a year
marked chiefly by increased coop-
eration with the Inter-Fraternity
Council on all points.
Problems of individual houses

occupied most of the year's plans
and meetings, and resulted in a
mobilizing effort to oppose further
change in men's housing for use by
women students.
* * *
IHC MEMBERS also initiated
a series of joint cabinet meetings

South Quadrangle

More than a thousand men re-
siding in South Quadrangle, the
campus' newest and most mod-
ernistic living unit, combined
forces this year to take high hon-
ors, ranging from a series of in-
tramural athletic triumphs to
Gomberg House's placing in the
Michigras carnival.
Following is a list of men lead-
ing the South Quad Council, hon-
or groups, honorary and radio and
camera clubs:.
President-John Kelsey, '55BAd,
(fall), Charles Turner, '54.
Vice-President-Howard Wein-
berger, '55 (fall), Burt Zack, '56.
Secretary-Joseph Zaby, '54BAd,
(fall), George Montgomery, '54.
Treasurer-Dolf Bass, '56
Social Chairman-Charles Sac-
quety, '55SM, (fall), Nick Oddo,
Gershom Morningstar.
Robert Mann, '54BAd, William
Land, '55A&D, Turner, Milton
Pereira, '57, Gordon Britz, '55BAd,
Kenneth Lester, Grad., Barton
Cowan, '55, Zack, LaMarr Mac-
Nutt, '55, Booth Tarkington, Spec.,
Jackson Frost, '56, Thomas Bleha,
'56, Bass and Joseph Betts.
William Hamil, '55E, Bernard
Berman, '55, Robert Burgee, Rob-
ert Leacock, '57, William King, '57,
Dave Sherman, '57, William Fen-
ton, '57, MacNutt, Tarkington,
George Mason, '56, Lee Follin, '56,
James McDonald, '56, John Law-
yer, '55E, Arthur Kangas, '55 and
John Harlan, '55E.
Gomberg-Bill Hamil (spring),
William Land
Mi mes
' Honoring outstanding members
of Union Opera casts for their co-
operation and performances,
Mimes taps new members shortly
after the close of the Opera season
each year.
Officers this year were:
Gordon Epding, '55, President.
Tom Gilmore, '56E, Vice-Presi-
Ronald Poland, '56, Secretary-
Bruce Work, '56, Historian.

Huber-Robert Burgee (spring),
Charles Turner
Kelsey-William King (spring),
Thomas Bleha
Reeves - LaMarr MacNutt
to"*-i ~ .r 4A fall

In ter-Coopera ive
Council Houses

tspring and rail)
Scott-George Mason
Dolf Bass
Taylor-Al Scarchilli
John Lawyer
Van Tyne-- -Arthur
(spring), Burt Zack


Chairman-Charles Turner
Robert Sewell, '56, Sam Plice,
'54, Richard Eistenstein, '56, Al
Smallman, '56, John Morovitz, '55,
Frank Drinan, '54, Norman Nau-
moff, '56E.
Donald Robiner, '57, Drinan, Eis-
enstein, Naumoff, John Shepherd,
'56, Lawrence Wilk, '54 and Moro-
South Quadrangle Honorary
Charles Sacquety, '55SM, Ron-
ald Bornstein, '54, James McClug,
'54Ed, Frank Johnston, '55BAd,
Robert Mann, '55BAd, Harold
Lynde, Jr., '55, Yvan Brabant,
'54E, Gerald VanOtteren, '56A,
Richard DeSwarte, '57M, Dolf Bass,
'56,. Allan McGregor, '57M.
Station manager-Bruce Bevel-G
heimer, '56
Business manager-Robert Kir-.
chen, '55
Program director-Martin Buch-
man, '57
President-Marshall Badt, '56P
Vice-President--Lawrence Har-
day, '56E
Treasurer and Secretary-Allen
Krafue, '57E
President-Lee Follin, '56j
Vice-President-Gerald Van Ot-
teren, '56A
Treasurer-Carl Herkimer, '56
Secretary-Lawrence Wilk, '54
Men's Glee
Concluding the year with a wide-
ly-applauded Spring Concert, the
Men's Glee Club, with a roster of1

The Inteicooperative Council
and the campus co-ops spent an
active year redoing the interiors
of their houses, and highlighted
the year by purchasing a new
house at 853 E, Kingsley for mar-
ried couples.
Kingsley House, as the new
house is temporarily being called,
was purchased for $16,000 last
December, and since then has been
the scene of "Work Holidays" by
both the ICC and Lane Hall.
* * *
AT PRESENT there are two
families living in the house, with
the full occupancy of five families
expected by June.
A $5,000 fund-raising cam-
paign was accomplished, and the
money went to the Kingsley
House Repair Program.
The co-ops elected the follow-
ing officers to head the Interco-
operative Council:
Jack Hilberry, '56 A&D, presi-
David Scheler, '56E, vice-presi-
Sue Messing, '54, women's per-
sonnel chairman
Stefan Vail, Grad., men's per-
sonnel chairman
Ed Hubbell, '55E, maintenance
Phyllis Lipsky, '55 recording sec-

The individual houses had the;
following officers:
Lester House: Honora Kornberg,
'55A&D, president; Joy Faily, '56M,
resident director
Osterweil House: Helen Hayes,
'54Ed, president; Marilyn, Keith,
Grad, resident director
Stevens House: Kay Eggleston,
'54, president; Patricia Pas, '56SM,'
resident director
Michigan House: Maurice Bin-'
kow, '54, president
Owen House: George Hart, Grad,
Nakamura House: Wilbur
Wright, '55, president.
Outstanding residents of the
three quadrangles are tapped an-
naully for membership in Quad-
rants, an honorary society. This
year's members have been as fol-
lows :
Harold Lynde, '55; Allan. Mc-
Gregor, '57M; Charles Sacquety,
'55SM; Robert Mann, '54 BAd.;
James McClurg, '54BAd.; Ronald
Bornstein, '54; Richard DeSwarte,
'57M; John Brabant, '54E; Frank
Johnston, '55BAd.; Gerard Van
Otteren, '56A&D; Dolf Bass, '56.
James Meacham, Grad.; Ronald
Dalton, '54E; Richard Curry, '54E;
Roger Kidston, '56L; Robert Bak-
er, 155L; Stan Levy, '55; Kenneth
Preston, '55; George Majoros,
Grad.; Fred Hicks, '54; Charles
Benzinger, '57M; David Ponitz,
Grad.; William Chubb, '54E; Paul
McDonough, '55L.
* * *
Tom Wilcox, '55E; Dale Wright,
Grad.; Sam Alfieri, '54A&D; Ted
Bohuszewicz, '54A&D; Gnee Cer-
rani, '56L; Don Meikle, '54E; Har-
ry Piper, 156L; Ray Popp, Grad.:
Gordan Greenberg, '54; Jack
Steinhelper, '54; Chuck Watson,
'57M; Pete Opperman, '55A&D;
Jim Midgley, '56E; Greg Schmidt,
'55; Joe Reyman, '55; Jim Lang-
ley, '57M; Alex Sarros, '56E; Norm
Smith, '56E.

with Assembly leaders, where dor-
mitory and quadrangle affairs were
discussed. This series met with re-
warding results.
Another analysis of the Michi-
gan House Plan's success came
with the Operation Inquiry Com-
with the Operation Inquiry
Committee, set up to reevaluate
and study thenen's housing sys-
IFC and Inter Cooperative
Council were invited to cooperate
in a program of housing orienta-
tion in the residence halls at the
beginning of the semester. Each
group had an opportunity to pre-
sent an objective analysis of its
system's merits. This project, how-
ever, did not result in much suc-
order of Coif
Composed of the highest-rank-
ing Law School students, Order of
the Coif had the following mem-
bers this year; David W. Belin,
George B. Berridge, Robert H.
Bloom, Paul B. Campbell, Howard
A. Cole, Donald C. Droste.
John Galien, Jr., John C. Hall,
Alan R. Hunt, Donn B. Miller,
Gene E. Overbeck, Chester F.
Relyea, Walter J. Roper, Harold
A. Ruemenapp, Theodore J. St. An-
toine, Samuel I. Shuman, Ray-
mond R. Trombadore.
James D. Voss, Walter H. Wei-
ner, Donald M. Wilkinson, Jr.,
Arthur M. Wisehart, Marvin 0.
Young and Richard W. Young.
Allen Mayer Abrams
William Lewis Ammerman,
Myles McClure Gray
Richard Gordon Knapp
William Stanton Seiden
James Tennyson Woolf
Charles Minot Hollis III
Frank Norman Johnston
John Henry Kelsey, Jr.
Edward George Rockwell, Jr.
Ronald David Rosefield
Nursing School
Carol Fay Alford
Marilyn Jane Jager Bassett
Joanna Mary Cannon
Lura Risley Cation
Elizabeth Ann Cosgrove
Margaret Haley Guenther
Verla Rae Shaull
Edythe Louise Grotenhuis
Charlotte Verona Wolfe
Margaret Anne Borgeson
Carol Downs




Trophy Names IFC Best in Nation

Launching the year with a new
trophy naming it the best Inter-
Fraternity Council in the nation
and Canada, IFC formulated sev-
eral changes and improvements in
its make-up to continue success-
fully. .
A firm scholastic stand was set
in September, with fraternity lead-
ers deciding that all pledges must
have an overall "C" average.
* * *
ANOTHER innovation was the!
approval of the Rushing Counse-
lors' program by Student Affairs
Committee, allowing counselors to
rush at their own houses while ad-
vising rushees at the same time.

tertained Ann Arbor children dur-
ing Christmas at different fra-
ternity houses, and continued with
a profitable Stan Kenton night at,
Hill Auditorium. IFC cooperated
with Panhellenic to serve as host
group for the Big Ten Conference
in Ann Arbor.
Climaxing IFC affairs were
Greek Week, at which Phi Gamma
Delta placed first in the IFC sing,1
with open houses, ball games, ex-f
change dinners and the IFC Ball
on May 7.!
IFC had two sets of officers!
and committee heads, one for the
fall and one for the spring. r

Rushing: Jay Martin, '55, Al-
bert Fey, '55E, fall; Michael Lynch,
'56, Robert Knutson, '56, spring.
Scholarship: Lee Abrams, '55,
fall; Roger Comstock, '57E, spring.
Big-Ten Alumni: James Walters,
'55E, fall; John Boyles, '56, spring.
Social: Robert Weinbaum, '56,
Robert Dombrowski, '55, fall; Rob-
ert Fritts, '56, spring.
Co-ordinating: David Smerling,
Public Relations: Peter Dow,
'55BAd, fall; John Calvin, '56'
Offic Manager: Prnk Vick.


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