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May 08, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-05-08

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FAGE FOUR -, .2 '.2

rytlta u.irp ;.lcf i iir 1'Ja#

Landladies Should Choose
Discrimination or Tenants

DEAN BACON seems to think that a
League House, although dependent upon
approval from the University for its very
existence, has a right to establish its own
policies on discrimination.
On the other hand, the SL, in a motion
Wednesday evening, stated "The SL wish-
es to express its alarm at the recent dis-
crimination in a university approved
League House.'
The SL did not in a moment of emotional
upset repeat their 'sticker referendum'
fiasco. Rather, they carefully worded the
motion to show that they are not blurting
about discrimination over which they have
no jurisdiction, but to demonstrate that the
student body looks with distaste on discrim-
inatory practices in campus-regulated or-
The SL proposal that "the University re-
fuse to grant approval of any League House
that adheres to discriminatory practices in
granting room space and recognizing privi-
leges of occupants' guests," is an appeal
from the students to keep this university
free from discrimination. Even more im-
portant, it is an appeal. from the students,
as represented by the Student Legislature,
to see that the administration does not
create living conditions which are not in
agreement with the residents who will live
under them.
Dean Bacon should take the proposal as
such, and allow the issue to become one for
close administration - student cooperation
which has been lacking on other issues.
In this instance, the case is not one of
the owner's right to run her home the
way she wishes. University students live
there, and the owner's income is governed
by the approval granted by the Univer-
sity. Therefore, it is up io the University
to see that their students should have the
right to live as they wish, in University
approved homes.

In addition, as Anita Halpern's letter-to-
the-editor said yesterday, approval of the
administration to those houses practicing
discrimination connotes a tone of approval
of discrimination on the part of the Univer-
sity. This can hardly be the case, in a school
where .there is as great a mixture of races,
religions, and nationalities as there is pres-
ent on this campus, and yet, her letter was
correct in pointing out that the League
House situation would reflect on the Uni-
Also Miss Halpern quoted her landlady,
Mrs. Freeman, as saying to the girls when
the incident occurred, "If you girls want to
lower yourselves, kindly do it on the outside.
Get rid of them immediately!" This state-
ment seems to sum up Mrs. Freeman's poli-
cies in her League House, and if the Univer-
sity is willing to accept this attitude for the
running of a home for its students, then
Michigan is going to be due for more wide-
spread criticism than it has already received
on the part of the student body. There is
no doubt that a statement as strong as that
one coming from a proprietor of an approved
home will reflect strongly and critically on
the University.
It is true that as a home-owner, Mrs.
Freeman is within her rights to admit or
not admit whom she pleases. At the pres-
ent time, however, she is a home owner
subject to all University social, physical,
and health requirements. The SL, repre-
sentative of student opinion, believes that
she should be subject to the University
policies on discrimination also.
Their proposal, if acted upon favorably by
the University, will give these landlords and
landladies the opportunity to decide if the
discriminatory standards by which they live
are worth more than having their homes
approved for occupancy by University stu-
-Lew Hamburger

THE ESSENCE of the modern dance form came off as best. Novelty was well used in
lies in the movement itself, and the danc- the humerous "Who's Crazy," which com-
er's virtual ability to project this movement bined the hackneyed theme of psychiatrist
into whatever musical or literary context he and couch with the expressionistic decor
may choose; but always the emphasis should of "Dr. Caligari."
be upon the dance movement. In last night's "Darkness of Freedom," choreographed
combination performance of Orchesis of closely to its Bartok music, had a fluid con-
Michigan State College and the University tinuity and structural consistency that most
of Michigan Modern Dance Club, there was of the group numbers lacked. It pointed to
in general a reversal of this procedure. The an organizational ease and intrinsic move-
dancers seemed preoccupied with the unique- ment that had its highest statement in the
ness of their story or musical background, final number. In the ballet "John Henry,"
rather than with the actual movement of music by Donald Harris, Grad, choreography
the dance. The result was that where dance by Robin Squires, last hights audience saw
form left off, novelty took over. what was perhaps the closest exemplifica-
Orchesis presented a succession of group tion of what could be genuinely called 'mod-
numbers utilizing everything from cowboy ern dance." Robin Squires deals inventively
hats to tap shoes that inevitably turned with the dance idiom by setting contrapun-
into a glorified chorus line. The repetitious tally moving groups against one another. The
use of group and patterned movement, resulting asymmetry of form reached its
was so frequent that it gave one much op- height in the lyrical duets. Despite the extra-
portunity for comparisons. Of these col- artistic thematic concern, the choreography
lective efforts, the dynamically choreo- was in the main, conceived in terms of dance
graphed "Frenetic Rhythm," and delight- movement.
fully conceived "From a Ladies Seminaryf" -Babs Henkin

WASHINGTON - When 16 Congressmen
from the Tennessee Valley states left
the White House the other day, they ap-
pointed Congressman Jere Cooper of Ten-
nessee to issue a press statement that their
conference with Eisenhower was amicable.
Actually, it was just the opposite.
Every time the Congressmen tried to get
down to brass tacks regarding the reap-
pointment of Gordon Clapp as TVAdminis-
trator, the President changed the subject.
"They tell me the fishing's good down your
way," he remarked as Congressmen Cooper
and Percy Priest of Tennessee started to
urge the reappointment of Clapp, a non-
political career man who worked his way
up the ladder to become head of the nation's
biggest power project.
Congressmen Joe Evins of Tennessee, Tom
Abernethy of Mississippi and Henderson
anham of Georgia agreed that the fishing
was fine. But they politely reminded Ike
that they had come to talk about Clapp, not
"I can assure you of one thing." responded
Ike, "and I would like to emphasize this.
When I fill any vacancy on the TVA board,
it will be done on a nonpartisan basis."
Congressman Jamie Whitten of Mississip-
pi next tried to impress on the President
that Clapp not only was nonpartisan, but
extremely efficient.
Eisenhower replied he had "considered"
naming Gen. Bob Neyland, Tennessee Uni-
versity's Athletic Director, as TVA chairman.
"Bob Neyland is best known as a football
coach, but he also was a great baseball
player and later proved his administrative
ability in the Corps of Engineers," the Presi-
dent recalled. "However, I understand that
Bob has been in poor health lately."
Ike began to go into greater detail about
Neyland's athletic achievements in football
and baseball, but Congressman Noble Greg-
ory of Kentucky respectfully suggested that
the delegation would prefer to hear Ike's
views on the TVA program, since that was
the reason for their visit.
What Gregory and other congressmen had
in mind was the President's conflicting
statements about TVA which indicated he
was sometimes for it, sometimes against.
During his election campaign he lauded
TVA before a Memphis audience on Oct.
15, 1952, But nine months later, June,17,
1953, he cited TVA as an example of "creep-
ing socialism." Then on October 8 he told a
press conference that he never described
TVA as "creeping socialism," had only said
some of its features were.
So the Congressmen thought this was a
good time to pin down the President on what
he really thought.
"The TVA represents a philosophy in the
field of electric power development that must
be kept under continuous study," replied Ike.
"However, what's good for one area might
not apply in another. It's as simple as two
and two making four.
"I'm inclined to favor the states and local
communities handling their own problems,
without intervention by the federal govern-
ment. I do not say that this policy should
apply to the whole country."
DR. ALTON OCHSNER of Tulane Univer-
sity, whose unhappy job it has been to
remove more lungs from Americans than
perhaps any other doctor, told me of an
experience he had with $he Associated Press
when he put the finger on the relationship
between lung cancer and cigarettes four
years ago.
He had given a careful analysis of the
cause of lung cancer before a cancer confer-
ence at Denver in 1950, showing the tremen-
dous increase among cigarette users. After-
ward the AP man asked for a copy of his
speech and put it on the wire.
"In 20 minutes," said Dr. Ochsner, "it was

recalled. TIfe AP man apologized and said
his office wouldn't stand for it."
I hope the press associations today are
less considerate of advertisers and more
considerate of the public health. But in
case they aren't, here are some amazing
statements made by Dr. Ochsner on tele-
vision this weekend, which the public will
want to know about.
"There's a complete parallelism between
the consumption of cigarettes in the United
States and the increase of lung cancer,"
says Dr. Ochsner. "Both go up about the
same degree . . . Lung cancer has out-
stripped every other type of cancer in recent
years . . . There's been an attempt to blame
air pollution, but I'm sure air pollution has
nothing to do with it . . . Washington Uni-
versity in St. Louis has taken a robot ma-
chine that smokes cigarettes just like a
human being . . , and used this to apply
smoke to animals . . . at the end of two
years, 44 per cent of the animals had a.
cancer right where the smoke had been
applied. It was indistinguishable from the
cancer we see in humans.
LUNG CANCER has gone up in the same
proportion as cigarette consumption
wherever studies have been made-in Hol-
land, Denmark, England. In England an
official government report found a definite
relationship between the two . . . Studies
show that many boys now begin smoking at
the age of nine or ten, whereas they used
to start at about 20. This has led to the
peak incidence of lung cancer coming at
the age of 50 to 55 instead of 65 as formerly
X P- . 1 _ -t II Z_ _ . z _ . 1 _. __

.. cCetferi to itk 6 Op .

Harmless Fun

. . .

To the Editor.

RECENTLY Mr. Ted Swift in ef-
fect called for the wrath of
the Dean's office to descend upon
the "rascal" who perpetrated the
affair of the "Unicorn in the Gar-
den." All I can say is that, occu-
pied as he must be in the Legal
Research Building with his out-
lines and reference works, the in-
cident has assumed exaggerated
significance to him. I am sure that
few of his less scholarly brethren
view the episode as an affront toI
the dignity and decorum of the
Law School. As finals approach,
tension mounts, and even the most
studious need some diversion.
Surely Mr. Swift must agree that
leaving a horse in a courtyard for
a few hours is more acceptable,
than shooting skyrockets off the
roof of the Lawyer's Club (J en-
try) during a certain football game:
often held in the Spring. Things
haveccomeatova pretty pass when
one can't have a little harmless~
fun without being castigated for
it by someone with Mr. Swift's un-
usual sense of propriety. Thank

. A I1 + A
\. i

dents who shun politics. They
claim that their single contribu-
tion cannot materially affect the
outcome of any one cause.
I, myself, have expressed this
same opinion in The Daily several
times. I now realize this opinion
is deceptive.
When issues such as the civil
rights and McCarthy controversies
arise, a student, unless he com-
pletely ignores politics, automati-
cally takes sides, intelligent or
otherwise. Meanwhile, groups
have organized which are tring
to promote the same opinion as
his; other groups are working in
If the student has any emotion-
al attachment to the community
whatsoever, he cannot keep his
opinions to himself. He feels the
need to identify himself with those
groups which are, in his opinion,
doing what is right. Whether his
membership in the group. accom-
plishes much or not is really irrele-
vant. His need for identificatiop,
his desire to say, "I am with you"'
is too great for him to ignore.
The question then which a stu-
dent must ask himself is this:
"When groups are working for
goals which I desire, can I remain
alone, apart from the group or am
I overwhelmed with this social
need (for I am a social animal) to
express my appreciation for and
identification with this group?"
If students would ask themselves
this question, I think many more
would participate actively in po-
litical groups than have in the
--Bernie Backhaut
* ,* *



heaven there are few like him in ' + - -- °'\
the Law School. We couldn't take _
many more! I
--Gene Alkema, '55L students to reside in houses that quest now, if their defenses are
x. had a policy of discrimination. neglected, and we are no longer
"C Few, if any, landlords would keep exampt. A military truism in Lin-
Diaectoi Dilecicvacant Ib^ouses in opposition to coln's time, the remark is now only
To da Editor: such an edict. If any League, a silly boast which proves the
House has a discriminatory clause man who repeats it today to be
TODAY I am walking down stritl in its housing contract, I believe either a fool or a liar. Moreover,
when I am slipping on pitz off the house should be removed from no nation can now stand by itself;
peper andt falling on myne side- the University's list of approved all need cooperation with others.
walk. After picking mynself andt residences. How can a house be What is Senator McCarthy's rec-
pitz off peper op I am discover- Judged a "high quality" place to ord in promoting friendship and
ing this pitz off peper is pahphlet live and be acknowledged to prac- good will with our allies? We have
from one hondred pair zendt Ha- tice d-crimination? come to a stage in national and
merrrican Labor Yout Lig: This The question asked by the as- world development when only the
I am reading not once but twice sistant in the Office of the Dean of internationalist can truly serve the
or three times becus myne Ing- Women is unfair and inconclusive, national interests. World-minded-
lich is mostly Roosian. Before I In this case the majority view is ness is the first test we should ap-
am findeng this peper I am filleng not hinding. The miiority has the ply to our statesmen.
lonely for myne Moscovite maiden right to its own opinion and action -Preston Slosson
and Boris myne parol officer. Is in regard to the opinion. The of- * * *
understand I am doing nothing fice of the Dean of Women appar- Discrimination . ...
wrong but everyone in Roosia, ently condones and wishes to push
even Boris, is got parol officer. a decision based on corrupt ideals| To the Editor:
Everybody is on parol. From pah- on a number of free thinking peo-IAVE a heart Miss Dingler.Ii

Not There . .0.

To The Editor:

phlet I am seeing United States is ple. I hope this is not the standard gr i-h- wha - y sy
agree with what you say; I
nothing but pale imitation of Roo- policy of the University. will defend to the death your right
sia. These boys what am writing -Benjamin Rambeau to say it; but you can hardly ex-
pamphlet are obvoosily hinter- pect me to endorse your language.
ested in improving imitation. ait Outside . . . In nine inches you have utilized
These fellers is not going at it every cliche in the English lang-
right although they are drawing To the Editor: uage except "Our Glorious Heri-
faulty conclusions from faulty tage " and "Please do not Walk
fecks in best Pravda tradition. IT IS regrettable that the recentA.h,,s
Even though they are picking quo- barring of Negroes from Mrs. In theGany other members of
tation from context and changing Hollis W. Freeman's League House "The Human Race" are very sleepy
in best Isvestia tradition they are was implicitly sanctioned by the in the morning. We turn to the
steel nut vary confincing. I am i University as represented by the edit page and we expect to wake
advising these boys they should statements of Dean Deborah Ba- up shortly after. This morning you
go into Roosia andt get training. con. .succeeded, with amazing dispatch,
I am also advising before they go Clearly students, if not the U- to the soothing
they should get training in getting versity, should oppose such a pol- arms ofeturning Morpheus.
oudt. Joost in case they should icy of open discrimination. We A long sleep was guaranteed by
change minds. would suggest, therefore, that res- VMr. Sobeloff's inspired "Pot Shots."
As faithfully recorded on corner idents of Mrs.. Freeman's League -,Don and Janet Malcolm
of S. U. and E. U. by houses register their disapproval * *
-Jule A. Miller of this action, both verbally, and
Brian Burke by asking their dates to wait for Dollar Diplomacy? .
* them outside. Men, on their part, To the Editor
On Leag'ue Hous . .. should refuse to enter these houses the E ir:
until discriminatory restrictions SHOULDlike to join Mr. Ka-
To The Editor: are removed. linke in donating the sum of
-Nathan Altucher one dollar towards the passage to
WAS SORRY to see the same,* * Moscow for Mr. Shaffer. Where
old, "realistic attitude" con- N T*shall I send it?
donement of the discrimination - *re -Annie Rachel
practiced in the League Houses. To the Editor:
There are 6,000 fewer students in
the school today than during the THE RECENT citation of Sena- Politics Is So Good
war. I'm sure living quarters, in tor McCarthy's garbled quota- To The Editor:
accord with University standards, tion from Lincoln about, the un-
could be found for 300 students in conquerability of the United SEVERAL political events have
which this practice would not States provokes another reflection. ,'occurred this past semester
exist. This, however, would not be Lincoln lived before the age of the ! which have called for action by
necessary if the University merely airplane and the atom bomb. All the student body. Yet one excuse
stated that it would not allow its countries are open to foreign con- is continually given by those stu-



Apotheosis to Mr. Swift .. .
ZOUNDS!! Just as much as Mr.
Swift's letter of April 30th
came as a surprise to Mr. Fiske, so
Mr. Fiske's letter of May 7th comes
as a shocking surprise to me, for
it seems incredible that a law stu-
dent considers such a 'prank as
the "Unicorn in the Garden"
amusing. It appears that, "the
caretakers of Crease" exceeded the
bounds of dignity. From the tenor
of Mr. Fiske's letter, the under-
graduate would be led to believe
that life in law school is exceed-
ingly hum-drum and boring, ne.
cessitating resort to such infan-
tile acts as a means of relieving
the boredom. But this is not so
-for the law student has numer-
ous activities to make his years in
law school more pleasurable, i.e.
Law Institutes, legal discussions
during coffee hours, and the fac-
ulty teas.
After all, we law students are
embarking upon that troubled sea
of the business world, wherein one
must in the words of that Harvard
professor, "Be Prepared." And a
diligent application of one's men-
tal capacities to the study of his
chosen profession is that prepar-
edness. Certainly, the Crease Ball
Weekend was a waste of mental
resources. As for me, I too, like
Mr. Swift, was not there.
-Donald L. Ghateeb, '54L
And Such Small Portions
To the Editor:
Food: Lunch today:
Two, 3-inch slices of dried nut
bread-main dish one teaspoon
of cream cheese, lettuce salad,
one glop of rice pudding-found
one worm.
SIGNED: the garbage disposals.
. .but do not fear girls;
your day will come-the dean
comes to dinner one day this
-Laura Karp
Sharon Rich
Ann Steinberd
Margie Rapkin
Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
e~ditorial Sta f

-I {

At the Orpheum .. .
ONC, a Broadway play, William Inge's
study of the wasted lives of a middle-
aged couple, Come Back, Little Sheba, has
been superbly adapted to the screen. It has
a realism that is seldom seen in motion
pitcures, and its total effect is one of such
great- intensity that the viewer is likely to
come away drained of all emotions.
Fat, sloppy, fortish Lola Delaney (Shirley
Booth) is a woman who dreams of the
time she was young and attractive, of the
"roaring twenties" flapper whom so many
men admired. One of these men, Doc (Burt
Lancaster), got Lola pregnant and had to
marry her. He had to give up his medical
studies and become a chiropractor. Now all
he has is an AA-fostered desire to stay
sober, the memory of their lost child,. and
Lola-dirty, unwashed, ugly Lola.
In the afternoon Lola listens to lively
music on the radio, dances around the
living room, and dreams of her lost dog,
Little Sheba. The dog is her private sym-
bol of lost youth and beauty. Lonely,
wanting a child to mother, she takes in
a college-student boarder, Marie (Terry
Moore). But this only causes trouble, for
Marie becomes to Doc what Sheba is to
Lola-a symbol of the beautiful past.
While he watches Marie turn into what
he believes is a "slut," all of. the resent-
ment and bitterness his wife has foster-
ed in him comes to the surface. Drunk, in-
sane with anger, he tries to kill Lola.
The story offers no solution to the couple's
problem. As the film ends they are still
much the same, and Lola is just as physi-
cally and intellectually unattractive. True,
they are going to try to settle their diffi-

LUCKY ME, with Doris Day, Robert Cum-
mings, Phil Silvers
T STARTED OUT real nice. There was
lots of screen to look at and on it was
lots of Doris Day and she was singing a
bouncy tune about superstitions. But then,
Phil Silvers showed up and said, "I got bad
news about our money: I just got button-
holed by a couple of creditors." "What you
got left?" somebody said. "Buttonholes,"
said Phil. The audience laughed halfheart-
edly and I went quietly to sleep. When I
woke up Doris was singing again. The point
to all this is that if you pay no attention to
the plot you can enjoy yourself.
Unfortunately, though, there are those
that insist upon plot, so for the benefit of
these lost souls we proceed. Doris is a
lovely but broke singer washing dishes in
a Miami hotel with three other members
of a troupe. These are Phil Silvers, trying
hard to be Jackie Gleason but not making
it, Nancy Walker, and Eddie Foy, and
there is no need to mention them again.
So anyway, one day who should she meet
but Robert Cummings, a nationally known
composer and play producer, who rams his
car into fireplugs every time he sees her
on the street. Ie tells her he is a garage
mechanic named Szczepanski, and when
she finds out the truth she is so mad that
she throws the nearest custard pie in his
face. Well, true love being what it is,
they are reconciled in a while, and the
moral is, if you are lovely, talented, and
married to a rich producer, you too can
be a famous star.
There are some pretty songs around, and
Miami looks fine in CinemaScope; yet the
best reason for seeing it is that it stars Doris
nav 'nri aft-r ol iiwhmt mrpnn o, n erk

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form -to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (before
11 a.m. on Saturday).
VOL. LXIV, No. 152

Sat., May 8, 613 Haven Hall, at 10 a.m.
Chairman, Ronald Freedman.
Doctoral Examination for Henry Char-
les Schwartz, Romance Languages and
Literature; thesis: "Gabriel Miro (1879-
1930): AThematic Analysis of the Secu-
lar Works," Sat., May 8, East Council
Room, Rackham Bldg., at 10 a.m. Chair-
man, N. W. Eddy,
Doctoral Examination for Arvid Leo-
nard Erlandson, Jr., Bacteriology; the-
sis : "The Role of Cellular Permeability
in the Oxidative Metabolism of Certain
Organic Acids by Brucellae," Mon., May
10, 2551 East Medical Bldg., at 2 p.m.
('h im n 'Yiln "nh r

76th Annual Choral Union Series-
ROBERTA PETERS, Metropolitan Op-
era Soprano, October 4
SOCIETA CORELLI (16 Italian instru-
mentalists), October 15
Conductor, October 20
Szell, Conductor, November 7
JORGE BOLET, Pianist, November 15
LEONARD WARREN, Metropolitan
Opera Baritone, November 21
March 7
wangler. Conductor, March 15

- -1arman, Philipp Gerhardt. I ',1- , t17.- .- V,- -,
The week-end of May 14, 15 will be tri Mitropoulos, Conductor, May 22 Harry Lunn..........Managing Editor
the final date on which overnight guests Doctoral Examination for Joseph Ad- Orders for season tickets now beingI Eric Vetter.,s.. ....... .Oity Editor
may be entertained in women's resi- am Fihn, Germanic Languages and Lit. accepted-at $17.00; $14.00; $12.00; $10.00; Virginia Voss........Editorial Director
dences. j eratures; thesis: "An Analysis of Char- and filed in sequence. Tickets will be Mike wolv....Aoc iat City Editor
enes,_acter Types in the Narratives of Ger- I mailed September 15. AliceB ilver. Assoc. Edtorial Director
I Sr Diane D. AuWerter.... .Associate Editor
Women's swimming Pool. The pool manic Languages and Literatures; the-I 9thAnnual Extra Series- Helene Simon........Associate Editor
will not be open on Monday evening, sis: "An Analysis of Character Types in ELEANOR STEBER, Metropolitan Op- Ivan Kaye...............Sports Editor
May 10, 7:30 to 9:20 because of the Lan- the Narratives of Gertrud von le Fort," era Soprano, October 10 Ian KGreenb.rg.......Sports Editor
tern Night Sing. Mon., May 10, 102D Tappan Hall, at 2 CONCERTGEBOUW ORCHESTRA OF Paul Greenberg, ..WAssoc. Smrts Editor
AMSTRDA, Euar Va Benum Marilyn' Campbell...Women's Editor
p.m. Chairman, F. B. Wahr. AMSTERDA Eduard Van Beinum, Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor
Phi Eta sigma initiates, spring 1953: - Conductor, October 27 Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer
Certificates have arrived and will be Doctoral Examination for Samuel SHAW CHORALE, Robert Shaw, Con-
available at the student window in the Shepard, Jr., Education; thesis: "Mo- ductor, December 6
ADMINISTRATION BUILDING on Mon- tor Coordination as a Factor in Read- ISAAC STERN, Violinist, February 10 Business Staff
day and Tuesday, May 10 and 11, be- ing Readiness," Mon., May 10, East WALTER GIESEKING, Pianist, March Thomas Treeger.....Business Manager
tween 1-3 p.m. Please pick them up at Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 2 22 William Kaufman Advertising Manager
thi9 time. p.m., Chairman, B. O. Hughes. Orders for tickets now being acceptedHlean Hankn....Assc. Business Mgr.
________ -at $8.50; $7.00; $6.00; $5.00; and filed William Seiden ......Finance Manager
*I!Doctoral Examination for George But- iin sequence. Tickets will be mailed Sep- Anita Sigesmund. Circulation Manager
em ic Notces ler Heliker, Economics; thesis: "Griev- tember 15.
Ac d m cance ArbitrationinteAomblI-
Preliminary Examinations in Linguis- ante A inthe Autom e - Messiah Concerts, December 4 and 5.
tics. The examinations in Comparative Comparative Analysis of its Lucine Amara, soprano; Lillian Chook- TelePhone NO 23-24-1
Indo-European (Germanic) and Com- History and Results in the Big Three," asian, contralto; Charles Curtis, tenor;
- - ^- .n -_ _ Mn un m1 Enomic s Bilding. -

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