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May 06, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-05-06

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Atomic War
In Indo-China?
A NEW TENSENESS is due to appear on
the diplomatic front with the imminent
fall of Dien Bien Phu and the return from
recess of the French parliament.
Dien Bien Phu has long been discounted
as a strategic outpoint in the war by
military observers, but the valiant defense
waged there has given the battle a sym-
bolic importance, especially to the French.
The French, heartened by the brave deeds
of their Army are expected to bellow for
aid or withdrawal in the campaign. This
could lead to disaster in the plans of the
The British went,to Geneva stating that
they would not make any move toward giv-
ing aid to France until after the Geneva
This hurt the French hopes even more
than did the American attitude of watchful
waiting. The French are in favor of pulling
out of the Indo-Chinese war if aid is not
forthcoming. However, if the French parlia-
ment begins requesting the aid before the
Geneva meetings are over, it will prove a
serious threat to any negotiation that may
now be possible.
So, the outlook seems to be that the
French will wait until after the Geneva
conference proves to be a fiasco, just as
will the British and Americans, before
making any demands on the governments
of their Allies.
Now, the question remains-What will
result if the Geneva conference does fail
to provide us with a cease fire or some
similar halt to the war? A cease fire is un-
likely, since the Communists . apparently
have nothing to lose by continuing the war.
The peripheral wars strategy seems to be
the key to their planning, and keeping the
Allies engaged at Indo-China would be ad-
vantageous to this plan.
The French have gained hope through the
defense at Dien Bien Phu and now appear
willing to stay in the fighting, if they can
garner the military support of the United
States and Britain. They will undoubtedly
appeal for aid if the Geneva talks fail.
That leaves the United States with few
alternatives. We could go to the aid of
the French, but war in Indo-China would
have many obstacles. First, there is the
geographic position of the war. The waters
surrounding the area, says Admiral Rad-
ford, are exceedingly difficult to gain con-
trol of and send aircraft carriers to, be-
cause the Reds have air bases on the
shores at the strategic points. Also, jun-
gle terrain is not to our advantage. In
addition there is the compelling consid-
eration that should we go to war in Indo-
China, we would not only be playing into
the Communists' peripheral strategy, but
also risking the possibility of an all-out
On the other hand, we would be, by in-
dulging in a "hands off" policy towards In-
do-China, allowing in effect, the Commun-
ists to walk in and take control of the area,
and possibly all of southeastern Asia. For
the French would undoubtedly pull out if
we failed to send them military aid.
So the Eisenhower Administration seems
about to face the toughest task that. they
have yet encountered. It was said by the
Alsop brothers, syndicated columnists, that
the decision to send troops to Indo-China
was almost made. If this is true, it is
obvious that the administration is not bluff-
ing. We will go to war if Ike and his aides
determine it's necessary.
Is this the best plan, however, to be-
come involved in what has already been
said could be developed into another 100
years war. Then the remaining question
-the one in the back of the whole prob-
lem-the thought about which no one

likes to think must be raised. Is getting
involved in a possible 100 years war the
only alternative to atomic war-the other
possible deterrent to Red aggression in
Asia. And, if such is the case, which is
in the long run, the lesser of these two
This is a pessimistic outlook, and yet, as
the situation now stands, what could be the
alternative to war except to allow the Com-
munists to gain Indo-China and take the
gamble that they might stop there-a very
big gamble, for we are not likely to win by
letting the Reds get the jump on us in this
crucial game of diplomatic Chinese checkers.
-Lew Hamburger
Is About T"ime
FINAL PASSAGE of the long disputed St.
Lawrence Seaway bill seems almost a
certainty as the first House debate in the
proposal's 20-year legislative history nears
an end.
It's about time.
Congress, because of its very makeup, is
noted for its tuitle-like action, but for it to
allow petty local interest to delay such im-
portant action makes a mockery of the
legislative process.
Canada has made it quite clear that she
would build the Seaway with or without
United States' cooperation. Therefore no
question surrounded the eventual existence
of the Seaway and there is no doubt that
United States ships wouia profit from the

House Committee Growth Told

@0.cIe?1tCPJ to thlie 6ctfor . . .

(Continued from Page 1)

or not the American CP wa advocating the
overthrow of the Government by force or
In 1946 the committee was again inactive
holding only three days of hearings at which
time Gerald L. K. Smith and Louis Budenz,
an ex-Communist, were questioned.
But in 1947 the inactive committee got
new life when J. Parnell Thomas of New
Jersey (who has since served a jail sen-
tence for taking kick-backs from his staff)
became chairman.
Thomas outlined the committee's, plans
for the year which included proposed in-
vestigations into Communist activities in
Hollywood, education, labor unions and with-
in the field of atomic research.
Another new feature was that for the
first time the committee was to search not
only for members of the Communist Party
but Party sympathizers.
Of those people to appear before the
committee during this year were Ger-
hart Eisler, United States representative
for the Communist International and a
host of Hollywood writers and actors.
Eisler added a new feature to committee
hearings when he demanded the right to
read a prepared statement before he was
sworn in. Gerhart neither read his prepared
statement nor was sworn in as both sides
refused to yield. He was later held for con-
tempt of Congress.
Eugene Dennis, General Secretary of the
Communist Party, added another innova-
tion when he refused to appear before the
In October, 1947 the committee began its
investigations into the Screen Writers Guild
in Hollywood in an effort to prove this group
was dominated by Communists and that
the American film industry was producing
pro-Russian films at the insistance of Cap-
itol Hill pressure.
For the first time the question which
has proved of late the most irksome to
both the committee and witnesses was
asked systematically:
"Are you or have you ever been a mem-
ber of the Communist Party of the United
Ten Hollywood writers refused to ans-
wer this question, among them Ring Lard-
ner, Jr.
The committee for the first time failed
to reach anyconclusions in its hearings al-
though it said "outlines" and "patterns"
were evident. The Hollywood probes were
suddenly abandoned.
In 1948 the biggest case which the
committee was to hear broke upon the
scene-The Alger Hiss Case. In July of
that year Elizabeth Bentley a former
Communist charged that Government em-
ployes had turned over secret information
to the Russian Government during the
war. Whittaker Chambers of Time Maga-
zine and the Pumpkin-Preserved Films
highlighted the affair. Hiss was finally
convicted of perjury In his testimony.
Meanwhile, the former Rep. Richard A.
Nixon, now Vice-President of the United
States had joined the committee and was
heading a subgroup attempting to draw up
legislation from the senior committees find-
ings. The Mundt-Nixon Bill was one of the
pieces of legislation derived from such hear-
ings. (Sen. Mundt in his early career had
also been a member of the House group.)
The bill sought a law in which members
of groups acting on behalf of foreign agen-

cies would be forced to register with the
United States Government, listing the names
and addresses of all members of such or-
Arthur Garfield Hays, of the American
Civil Liberties Union, who will speak on
campus Friday, at these hearings raised
another question which has remained cru-
cial in evaluating the House Un-American
Activities Committee.
Hays' asked just how dangerous was the
threat of American Communism and sug-
gested that the Communist fed and gained
strength on such publicity as the committee
through its investigations was able to af-
ford it.
Also to appear before the group during
this year was Dr. Edward Condon, Direct
of the National Bureau of Standards w'io
was charged by the group as being a weak
link in the atomic security program.
He was later cleared of these charges by
the Atomic Energy Commission. Others men-
tioned were Harry Dexter White, and Nathan
In 1949-1950 the current chairman of
the committee, Rep. Harold Velde of Illi-
nois, joined the group and Rep. Rankin
left the committee. John Wood became
The activities of the committee during the
course of these years consisted of investi-
gations of Communist movements in Hawaii.
In June of 1949 Frank F. Oppenheimer and
Jacquenette Oppenheimer, brother and wife
of the noted atomic scientist who is now un-
der investigation as being a poor security
risk appeared before the committee and tes-
tified on their Communist links.
Following the hearingFrank Oppenheim-
er's resignation was accepted by the Univer-
sity of Minnesota,
In 1951 the committee, which had been
compiling anti-Communistic propaganda
of its own, released a list of 624 organiza-
tions and 204 publications cited as subver-
sive by the Attorney General. The Holly-
wood probes resumed, at which time actor
Jose Ferrer denied he was a Communist,
and Bud Shulberg, author, said he had
once been a member of the Party.
Nineteen fifty-two was marked by th
committee's charge that Dr. Dirk J. Struik of
Massachusetts Institute of Technology was
a Communist and a blast at the school for
not discharging him.
In its annual report issued in 1952 the
committee also urged the death penalty
for peacetime espionage agents.
The following year was marked by Rep.
Velde's charges that Communists had in-
filtrated the nation's churches and in-
vestigations which saw Rev. G. Bromley
Oxnam called to the stand. He relentlessly
castigated the committee and cleared
himself of Communist charges leveled
against him. The Committee also probed
Communist activity in the nation's col-
leges in the East.
This year was marked by Rep. Harold
Velde's demand that the Canadian Gov-
ernment allow Igor Gouzenko, the man who
broke the Canadian atomic spy ring, to
testify in the United States and the current
probe into labor unions and educational in-
stitutions in Michigan.
What the Committee's next case will be
is hard to tell. But it is evident that during
the last few years it has lost ground to the
McCarthy group in the Senate.
Whether it can ever gain its position of
top anti-Communist prober of the Ujited
States Government is highly doubtful.

League House
To The Editor:


News From Abroad

0 N FRIDAY, April 30, The Daily'
featured an article concerning;
the banning of two Negro boys
from a League House on 1811;
Washtenaw. This article was fol-
lowed by statements by Mrs. E.
Leslie and various directors of
League Houses. The reports were
that few houses include Negro
girls with the addition that there
were no applications gotten from
Negroes. It seems to me that the
mere fact that so few houses do
cater to members of both races
points to far more than the ab-I
sence of applications. Mrs. Free-
man's house at 1811 Washtenaw
very quietly never admitted Ne-
groes; I do not believe this is a
coincidence, nor do I believe it
would have been known unless this
house was put to the test. This,
to me, is not a 'co-operative" atti-
It is perfectly true, however, that
the "directors of League Houses
have all the rights of private in-
dividuals in their own homes."
But these houses are not com-
pletely independent in that theyj
are approved by the University of
Michigan. This to me is a definite

you defeat them on intellectual
We act as if deep down inside
we were scared stiff democracy
isn't better than Communism, and
that the only way to defeat Com-
munists in America is to isolate
them and then starve them into
submission. But it isn't so.
I am aware of the argument at-
tempting to justify the treatment
of Ed Shaffer and others by say-
ing that if men are seeking to de-
stroy your country you don't treat
them as intellectual dissenters but
as traitors. But if Ed Shaffer or
anyone else is so complete a Com-
munist as to advocate violent over-
throw of the government then the
proper treatment for them is to
convict them of a crime under the
Smith Act, and imprison them. If
they are not guilty of this crime,
then they should not be made the
butt of a whole lot of displaced
Either we deal with Communists
legally under the Smith Act or
intellectually in open discussion.
To resort to persecuting them as
individuals in a personal way not
only isn't cricket, it is thoroughly
reprehensible and beneath what
this country has stood for for a
long time.


reiection upon the standuards of -_ _ _
the University. A policy, stated by deliberate insult to the individuals I able to recognize their faults. If
the University, should not extend involved but to all American citi- they have some good ideas, then
only to residence housing, bu to zens: It is also a reflection upon we can benefit from them.
dents are not permittse to mov the standards of the University of We would appreciate hearing
into housing whose standards do Michigan. from Mike Sharpe and leaders of
not meet health or safety require- What we ask is that the Univer- other campus political groups on
ments. Is not a policy of anti-dis- sity take a specific stand on the the idea of public debates and dis-
crimination as important and issue-namely, refuse to give their cussions. This would help elimi-
could it not be includel as one of approval to houses who have a nate much of the present confu-
the minimum requirements to be policy of discrimination. If they sion and misconception of the stu-
met? refuse to take such action, we dent body.
If the University permits dis- think it only fair that this policy -E. S. Robinson
crimination in housing, and refus- be made known in order that those T. W. Gougeon
es to condone such a policy, I think people who feel that discrimina- Lawrence N. Lup
estocndnudchapoiyIthbody tion is unjust will not patronize* *
it only fair that the student body these houses.
be made aware of the practices of t o;,, ealing with
-.iiiiiite J~~f411, J

-Joan Bryan


these houses in order that those
who do not advocate discrimina-
tion will not continue to patronize
-Anita Halpern
* * *
League House Incident .
To the Editor:
LAST Saturday night, the usual
gay atmosphere prevailed at
the Freeman's League House at
1811 Washtenaw. Some of the girls
were busily dressing while their
dates waited impatiently in the
downstairs living room. But this
calmness was abruptly shattered
by the threatening voice of the
"This is against our policy. We
do not allow mixing in our houses.
Please wait outside."
Simultaneously, the phone rang;
I lifted the receiver to the screech-
ing voice of Mrs. Freeman.
"What are those two 'colored
boys' doing there? If you girls want
to lower yourselves, kindly do it on
the outside. Get rid of them im-
What was the world shaking
event that disturbed the equilib-
rium of the entire Freeman house-
hold? A Negro boy had dared to
call for his date at a University
Approved home.
This incident was not only a

-J3eanne iMarani:)
Anita Halpern, '56
Speak Up, ,er...,

CommuniSts «

To The Editor:

hVi -IT WOULD SEEM as a result of'
To th eEditor: the Price incident and his being
MIDE the subpoenas, the attacksfired from his job that Ed Shaf-
A the oubnterattacksfor, by, and fer's position onthis campus is in
thecouteattck fo, y, ndsome ways stronger than ever be-
!'against the Labor Youth League, sm assrne hnee e
against ore. A great many people (my-
we and many other students are self included) have a tendency to
thoroughly confused as to what eficud)hvatnecyo
r identify with an underdog-any
situation is like the men who ar- underdog-and so Ed Shaffer be-
gued over the number of teeth in comes poor Ed who is getting it
a horse's mouth, but never both- in the neck, and is therefore the
ered to look in the horse's mouth recipient of a certain amount of
and count them. The LYL is alleg-
edly an organization representing Yet one is left in the rather
radical views. Actually how radical absurd position of sympathizing
are they? What are their beliefs? with a man who would resort to
Are they parallel to Marx or do such tactics as what can only be

To the Editor:
LEW Hamburger's editorial "Aft-
er 90 Years" may be a fine
piece of literary sentiment, but in
the realm of history and logic it
fails miserably.
To invoke the spirits of the men
who died at Gettysburg, Antietam,
et al as a reminder of what we
have forgotten about the meaning
of prejudice is sheer historical an-
achronism. Many of those men
died before the Emancipation
Proclamation was even a promise
on the horizon. We might better
go back to Civil War days to dis-
cover what we have learned since
then about racial prejudice.
We have learned that as a gov-
ernment resting on the support of
a free and equal citizenry, we must
oppose any practice which reduces
a group to second-rate or inferior
status. More recently we have
come to see that our government is
subsidizing prejudice when it per-
mits public supported or fran-
chised institutions to discriminate
arbitrarily. Surely this is a long
way from a mere rejection of the
concept of human property. 1
So what have we forgotten?
Might it not be that the framers
of our Constitution conferred upon
us as individuals the right to ex-
press ourselves unwisely as well as
If the principles of democracy
are revelant to voluntary member-
ship, then it is not just a question
of racial or religious discrimina-
tion-it is a question of any kind
of arbitrary discrimination. Would
it be "undemocratic" for a group
of campus huskies to base mem-
bership in their organization on
minimum height and chest-girth
measurements? I doubt if it would
concern us-we would leave them
to their robust fellowship. Un-
fortunately, the racial and relig-
ious clauses strike at a more sen-
sitive point. Of these, Mr. Ham-
burger says, "The move today is
for removal, not for holding on to
this remnant of irrationality." My
question is this: by what demo-
cratic means can we impose our
own concept of the "rational"?



they differ some with him? We
do not feel that a majority of the
students can answer these and
many other questions about the
LYL. We are condemning an or-
ganization that we know little

deliberate and malicious distortion
of the meaning of Peter Kalinke's
letter in last week's Daily. Appar-
ently Ed Shaffer does not always
hit above the belt. What to do in
a dilemma of sympathizing with
someone who isn't really worthy
of sympathy? My answer is you
stop doing the sort of things toj
him that require sympathy. In

Why doesn't
lic discussions
other campus

the LYL hold pub-
and debates with
political organiza-

Washington Merry-Go-Ro-und

tions on present economic and po- j dealing with all the Ed Shaffers,
litical problems? In this way the you don't resort to making their
LYL would be brought into the friends spy on them and you don't
open and everyone could become fire them from their jobs, nor do
better acquainted with their aims you refuse them legal aid. You
and beliefs. If they are a bad or- don't attempt to destroy them psy-
ganization, then we will be better ; chologically or economically -





WASHINGTON - Two of the most per-
suasive personalities in the western
world-Winston Churchill and Adm. Arthur
Radford-met in London for a vital un-
publicized talk on Indo-China the other day
and, though it hasn't been announced,
Churchill proved himself the most persua-
The question at issue was whether Great
Britain should support the United States
and back up our proposed intervention in
Secretary of State Dulles, who also talked
with Churchill on his earlier trip to Europe,
got nowhere with*-him. The aged and force-
ful Prime Minister of England would not
even join the United States in a declaration
of warning to Russia.
Following this, Admiral Radford stopped
off in London to try his luck with Churchill.
Radford is considered one of the most dy-
namic men in Washington. In fact, he won
his job as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff partly by his persuasive personality.
For, when President-Elect Eisenhower stop-
ped off at Iwo Jima on his trip to Korea,
Radford met him, took Ike for an hour's
walk while the plane refueled, and during
that time sold him on a lot of ideas such
as rebuilding Chiang Kai-Shek's navy for
use against the Chinese mainland.
Ike was so impressed that he asked Rad-
ford to accompany him on the remainder of
the trip to Korea.

the United States could ever make. And
Radford, despite his logic and eloquence,
could not budge him.
Note-After his talk with Churchill, Rad-
ford was suddenly called home. He was not
scheduled to return, but got White House
instructions to come back immediately-pre-
sumably to report to the National Security
A lot of people don't realize it-including
at first this writer and probably the Secre-
tary of the Army-but it was one Dwight D.
Eisenhower who played into McCarthy's
hands by permitting him to examine in-
come-tax returns.
Without an order from the President. it's
a penitentiary offense for the Treasury to
give tax returns to anyone, even a Senator.
However, on Feb. 19, 1953, Eisenhower signed
a blanket executive order, No. 10435, giving
the McCarthy Committee and other investi-
gating committees the power to get any
income-tax returns they wanted merely by
writing a letter to the Treasury.
Hence Commissioner T. Coleman Andrews
has no choice about giving McCarthy all tax
returns-if Joe asks for them.
Thus it was that, when McCarthy learned
Assistant Secretary of Defense Struve Hen-
sel was helping to prepare the Army's case
against him, all he had to do was ask for
Hensel's tax returns and he got them-as
well as those of various other Pentagon

(Continued from Page 2)
Doctoral Examination for Lorne Doug-
las Cook, Economics; thesis: "An Eco-
nomic Analysis of the Federal Taxation
of Income from Cooperative Enterpris-
es," Fri., May 7, 105 Economics Bldg.,j
at 3 p.m. Chairman, R. A. Musgrave,
Doctoral Examination for Kenneth
Ralph Hardy, Psychology; thesis: "The
Influence of Affiliative Motivation and
Social Support upon Conformity and
Attitude Change." Fri., May 7, 6625 Ha-
ven Hall, at 2 p.m. Chairman, Daniel
Doctoral Examination for Milton Pain-

Deutscher Verein-Kaffeestunde will Hillel: Reservations and cancellations
meet today, 3:15 p.m., in the alcove of for the Friday night Sabbath dinner
C +k YT anicii-- 4[-- 'Prhnf F7rT uI' .n ha i d by Thm;. Mv 6. 10

the Union taproom. Prot. H. Penzi, of jhave to be maa o y ' urs., may o, i
the German Dept., will be present. All p.m. Call NO 3-4129. Are we any less obligated to leave
students wishing to make active use of groups adhering to such discrimi-
their German are urged to cone. Every- Christen Science Organization. Tes- natory clauses to their own privi-
one welcome. timony meeting tonight at 7:30 p m" leged and prejudiced fellowship?
---1--Fireside Room, La'ne Hall. All are wel- rd e eBowhip
Orthodox Students Society. Meeting, come. --Robert E. Barnes
tonight at 7:30 p.m, Lane Hall. Rev.j
Harry Magoulias. Pastor of St. Con- ' The Baha'i Student Group will meet
stantine and Helen of Detroit, will give ! at 8 p.m. in the League to discuss the
a lecture illustrated with slides, on the relationship between religion and the
Orthodox Liturgy. Refreshments to fol- natural and social sciences. Everyone
low. Public invited. is welcome.
The 48th Annual French Play. The Coi in Events
',. nf.iira ~f "(',C Tn. Panu Cha eaux i +O 'L~n ' sets

Is I" 1" 11 (1 Is IA 11 Ii Ilk 11 1 It 11 1" IN Ii I Wl


picture oz es "tmes aux unpeax
ter Foster, English Language and Liter- verts" is ready Call for it in 112 Ro--Fot
ature; thesis: "The Reception of Max mac;agug mm Department of Astronomy, Visitors~ Sit-orha
shss e eeto amane Language Building.,i ,rr Iy7Asrnm.Vso Edited and managed by students of
Nordau's Degeneration in England and! Night, Fri., May 7, 8 p.m. Dr. Dean B. I dtdadmngdb tdnso
America," Fri., May 7, West Council ' 1rMcLaughlin will speak on "The Earth the University of Michigan under the
Room, Rackham Bldg., at 3 p.m. Chair- Additional Ushers for 1954 Drama Sea- -Geological." After the illustrated talk authority of the Board in Control of
mian, Karl Litzenberg. son are needed, The sign-up sheets are in Auditorium "B," Angell Hall, the Student Publications.
,on the bulletin board in the Temporary Students' Observatory on the fifth floor
Classroom Building. will be open for telescopic observation
Concerts of the Moon and Saturn, if the sky is Editorial Staff
Student Recital. Robert Onzoirey, The Weekly Graduate Record Concert clear, or for inspection of the telescopes Harry Lunn..........Managing Editor
s asset eited b rt' Raant will be held in the West Lounge of and planetarium, If the sky is cloudy. Eric Vetter..................City Editor
clarinetist, assisteda yiibas o Rackham tonight at 8 p.m. Program: Children are welcomed, but must be Virginia Voss... ...Editorial Director
clrntsEdadKobasoit Josquin des Pres, Selected Chansons; accompanied by adults. Mike Wolff. ....... .Associate City Editor
and virginia Catanese, pianist, will pre- Schubert, String Quintetein ChMajor;yAlice B. Silv ssoc. Editorial Director
sent a program of compositions by Bach, Bartok, Concerto for Orchestra, Ravel, All Music Education students are urg- Diane D. AuWerter....Associate Editor
Saint Saens. Pierne, Gagnebin and Mo- Introduction and Allegro. All grads cor- ed to attend the Student M.E.N.C. meet- Helene Simon........ Associate Editor
tart, at 8:30 Friday evening, May 7, in dially iiivited, ing Tues., May 11, 7 p.m., Hussey Room, Ivan Kaye..,.........,....Sports Editor
Auditorium A, Angell Hall. A Music Ed- League. Election of officers. Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor
ucation major, Mr. Onofrey will present The Congregational-Disciples Guild. Marilyn Campbell..... Women's Editor
tepublic recital in partial fulfillmetMid-week Meditation in Douglas Cha- African Union will present a Cultural Kthy Zeislr ...Assoc Women's Editr
of the requirements for the Bachelor I pel, 5:05-5:30 p.m. Freshman discussionj Program on Sat.. May 8. at 8 p.m. in the Chuck Kelsey...Chief Photographer
of Music degree.
group, 7 to 8 p.m.; topic: "Faith." Rackham Assembly Hall. The program1

Events Today
Fourth Laboratory Bill of Plays will
be presented by the Department of
Speech tonight at 8 o'clock in the Wo-
men's Athletic Building. There is no
admission charge, and the seats are not
reserved. Included on the bill are Wen
Shun T'ang's Chinese play, THE DRA-
GON; scenes from Eva Le Gallienne's
dramtizati n Lwi allsALICE

U. of M. Sailing Club meeting at 7:451
tonight in 311 West Engineering Build-
ing. Plans will be made for sailing this
weekend, and for attending the Invita-
tional at Notre Dame this weekend.
La p'tite causette will meet today
from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the wing of
the Michigan Union Cafeteria. All in-
terested in the improvement of their
conversational French are cordially in-

will feature African art, music, and na-
tive dances, followed by social dancing.
All are welcome.

Congregational-Disciples Guild. Sup-
per hike, leaving from Guild House, 5:25
p.m. Clean-up Day at Guild House, 9
a.m., Sat., May 10, lunch provided.
(Please sign up if you plan to eat withI
Michigan House Glee Club. composed

Business Staff
Thormas Treeger. Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin.... Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden...... .Finance Manager
Anita Sigesmund. Circulation Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1


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