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April 28, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-04-28

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Associate Editorial Director
ODDS are it will be a heated SL meeting
Mr. Sharpe, subpoenaed graduate student,
is first on the agenda. He is asking SL to
pass two motions which he calls of a pro-
cedural nature relating to students and the
Clardy Committee.
The first resolution recommends that
the Committee present to any student
called to testify a bill of particulars.
By a bill of particulars Sharpe means
1. "any charges made against the student
and the names of those who have made the
charges .. . " 2. "What information the
student has been called to present to the
Committee ... "
For several reasons it would be a shame
if the SL got bogged down on this motion.
First, it's rather silly for Sharpe to be so
concerned with a bill of particulars. He's
said he will not cooperate in any way with
the committee and so it shouldn't make
much difference to him what the Committee
But Sharpe aside, it certainly would .be a
fairer procedure if subpoenaed persons were
told beforehand what in general will be
asked of them.
However, this is not something for the SL
to concern itself with. Sharpe is asking the
SL to come between him and the Committee
as a political agent. Such a matter is out-
side the SL's legislative competence.
The second motion, I think, deserves
very careful attention by SL.
It recommends that the University Ad-
ministration "use its good offices to help
any University student who is subpoenaed
to obtain legal counsel to represent such

This motion is within SL's legislative com-
petence. It concerns the SL coming between
the University and a student.
The right to legal counsel is fundamental
and absolute. Rapists, murderers, kidnap-
pers and thieves have little trouble obtain-
ing lawyers. There is no reason whatsoever
why a suspected Communist should not have
the same access to good legal counsel.
So far respectable lawyers have rejected
both Sharpe and Shaffer.
There is no reason why a member of the
Administration cannot assume the responsi-
bility for at least speaking to University
lawyers, law professors and city lawyers in
an effort to obtain counsel for the students.
Both the University and the student
will stand to gain from such an adminis-
trative move.
With good legal counsel the students will
be less apt to entangle themselves and the
(If this motion is passed, SL could send
one of its members to speak to the Adminis-
tration on the matter.)
* * *
A MOTION to condemn Sharpe for 'pledg-
ing' non-cooperation with the Commit-
tee will come up after his two motions.
It has already been pointed out by Becky
Conrad that this motion contradicts the
spirit and the letter of previous motions.
But more important it simply is none of
SL's business.
The U.S. Congress has no right to cen-
sure private citizens. And neither does the
Student Legislature.
It would be just as out of order for SL to
give Sharpe a rising vote of acclamation for
refusing to cooperate with the Committee.
The SL has a lot of important business.
I hope it doesn't waste its time tonight
wrangling over a motion which is not within
its jurisdiction.

Minnesota Clause Removal
Plan Could Work Here

"msTRICTIVE clauses? Sure, we want
them removed. Our chapter here voted
for removal. Can't do it though-National
wouldn't allow us. Besides, all the southern
chapters would revolt."
So goes the comment at Michigan. At
Minnesota, however, the comment grew in
strength until what seems to be a truly
acceptable plan was instituted in 1949.
The key to the success of the plan is the
absence of a time limit for removal. When
the committee of 13 students, 10 faculty
members, and two alumni put forth the
proposal stating that no person should be
excluded from any organization on basis
of race or religion, many fraternities had
NOT only do we feel that the recent Deke
exhibition in the Michigras parade was.
discriminatory and purposely in atrocious
taste, but we also oppose holiday newspaper
photographs of child pilgrims munching on
Thanksgiving drumsticks.
Pictures of poor little white boys from
slum areas jumping off piers into dirty
rivers in the summertime are expressions of
the creeping capitalistic class racism preva-
lent in our society and strictly unwanted.
The Nazi swastika (erroniously labeled
Taoism) which was so horrendously and
purposefully placed next to the Jewish star
in the above mentioned parade was likewise
-Fran Sheldon
Mark Reader

immediate conflict with their national or-
ganizations which fostered bias clauses. So,
the University, to solve this problem agreed
to continue to recognize the fraternities on
the condition that they submit an annual
report to the committee stating what they
had done to further removal of their na-
tional bias clause, and promote better un-
derstanding among racial and religious sects
on their own campus.
There was.no time limit set for any of the
action that was called for, save an annual
report of achievement.
The success of the move is evident. At
this time only 13 fraternities and no soror-
ities have restrictive clauses of any nature,
The Minnesota set-up seems to be the
first that is agreeable to both the local and
national factions of fraternities. There can
be no complaints on the grounds that the
national organization will not allow re-
moval of the clause. Neither can the objec-
tion that southern schools will revolt be
raised, for no removal can take place with-
out consent by all concerned.
Michigan set forth a proposal in 1951
and 1952 calling for removal of the clause
-but there was a time limit attached.
Now the time limit may be done away
with. The Michigan Interfraternity Coun-
cil won the top award at the Big Ten
conference this year and therefore should
be leaders in a crusade so important.
Minnesota has opened the eyes of many,
it is now up to the best IFC in the con-
ference to help them by keeping the move-
ment successful.
-Lew Hamburger

WASHINGTON.-Just a few hours before
he flew to Geneva, John Foster Dulles,
the earnest, indefatigable Secretary of
State, called in the ambassadors of Aus-
tralia, New Zealand, Thailand, the Philip-
pines and South Korea to give them a brief-
ing on his hopes and aspirations for the
conference opening today.
All were sworn to secrecy. However, here
are the highlights of his talk: Red China
will not be recognized ... . The U.S.A. will
walk out of the conference rather than de-
sert her smaller allies . . . . there must be
complete freedom in Indo-China. France is
gradually coming around to this point of
view .... Under no circumstances will the
United States permit Indo-China to comek
under Communist control .... he ducked,
however, the question of using U.S. troops.
The above conference, though ambiguous,
was pleasant. It offset in part another series
of ambassadorial conferences Dulles had
with the same envoys approximately two
weeks ago-conferences which precipitated
the secretary's rush trip to Paris and Lon-
don to calm down our chief allies.
This whole series of events illustrates our
somewhat haphazard, at times disjointed
policy regarding Indo-China, in which the
Vice President says in one speech that we
will use troops in Indo-China if necessary,
and the Secretary of State then says we
probably won't.
T O get the whole picture it's necessary to
go back to the beginning when Dulles
first attempted to rouse the American public
about dangers in Indo-China in his speech
before the Council of Foreign Relations.
Though it was a vitally important pro-
nouncement of a change in American for-
eign policy, copies of the speech were sent
to allied embassies only four hours in ad-
vance, and with no comment or explanation.
But later, the State Department, belated-
ly realizing that we would need allies in
Indo-China, called in the ambassadors
chiefly concerned with southeast Asia, in-
cluding not only those mentioned above, but
Indonesia, Burma, India, France and Eng-
The ambassadors were summoned rather
hurriedly, and the Indonesian ambassador,
who had asked for an appointment with a
minor state department official over a minor
problem, was surprised when told Secretary
Dulles himself would see the ambassador.
IATER, some of the ambassadors got
peeved because the State Department
said they had asked to see Dulles, whereas,
Dulles has asked to see them.
However, what really set the diplomatic
cables buzzing across two oceans was what
Dulles said. We wanted:
1. A stiff, blunt warning by the allies to
the Reds in Indo-China-a warning which
some envoys feared would be the first step
toward war.
2.wA NATO defense organization for
Southeast Asia.
However, Dulles didn't have any facts,
figures or concrete plans for a NATO, and
the first thing the ambassadors did was put
their heads together after they left the
State Department and compare notes. They
weren't at all sure what these State De-
partment talks meant, and some felt that
Dulles had gone off half-cocked.
So the British and French envoys, among
others, sent hot cables to London and Paris.
The repercussions were terrific. Premier
Laniel in Paris explained to the American
Embassy that any such tough action as
Dulles contemplated would lead to the down-
fall of his government. And from London
came word that if Dulles persisted in his
tough tactics, it would lead to general elec-
tions in England.

Anthony Eden reinforced this by suggest-
ing that it might be a good idea for the
Secretary of State to talk things over in
Europe, especially because Churchill was
toying with the idea of flying to Washington.
Eden knew, of course, that there was noth-
ing that annoyed Eisenhower morer than the
propect of shouting in the deaf ear of the
venerable Prime Minister of England re-
garding the hydrogen bomb and Indo-China.
SO Dulles made his hurried trip. On it he
achieved no success in getting a warning
to the Reds, or any advance pledge of an
Asiatic NATO prior to the Geneva Confer-
ence. He did get a pledge to consider an
Asiatic NATO if the Geneva Conference
However, he scored one important un-
publicized point. He got a promise from
Foreign Minister Bidault that France would
not go ahead with its settlement for Indo-
China proposed on March 5. This would
have meant the loss of part of Indo-China,
yet the French were so fed up that they
were ready to press for peace at this 'or al-
most any price.
Bidault had been talking to theRussians
for some time before Dulles got to Paris
and had made considerable headway toward
a negotiated peace. So Dulles' greatest
achievement actually was not mentioned in
the cooked-up press releases issued after
his talks, but the fact that .he stopped this
French semi-surrender. In return, he secret-
ly agreed to a cease-fire in Indo-China, if
the French can work it out at Geneva with-

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(Continued from Page 2)
University Lecture, auspices of the
Program in Linguistics, "Learning
Theory and Linguistic Typology," Jo-
seph H. Greenberg. Professor of An-l
thropology, Columbia University, Wed.,
Apr. 28, 4:15 p.m., Auditorium A. Angell
Linguistics Lecture, auspices of the
Linguistics Club, "Evidence for a Chad
Family of Afro-Asiatic Languages." Jo-
seph H. Greenberg, Professor of An-
thropology, Columbia University, Wed.,
Apr. 28, 8 p.m., East Conference Room,
Rackham Building.
Readings by Members of the English
Department. Professor G. B. Harrison
will read a selection of Soliloquies and
Monologues from Shakespeare to Swin-
burne, Thurs., April 29, 4:10 p.m., Audi-
torium A, Angell Hall.{
Academic Notices!
Interdisciplinary Seminar in the
Theory of Information and Communi-
cation (Mr. Bouding) Wed., April 28,
at 4 p.m. in the East Conference Room
of the Rackham Building. Dr. Alex Ba-
velas of the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology will speak on "Information
in Problem Solving Groups." This will
be an open meeting and visitors are
Seminar in Applied Mathematics will
meet Thurs., April 29, at 4 in 247 West
Engineering. Speaker: Professor R. C. F.
Bartels. Topic: Criteria for the Stability
of the Motion of an Invisid Fluid.
Geometry Seminar, Wed., April 28, 7
p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. W. A-Dhahir
will present "A Theorem Concerning
Pappian Chains."~
Course 402, the Interdisciplinary Sem-
inar in the Application of Mathematics
to the Social Sciences, will meet on
Thurs., April 29 at 4 p.m. in 3409 Mason
Hall. Dr. Ronald Freedman of the De-
partment of Sociology will speak on
"Cost-Utility Concepts in Social Sci-
enc ," C o n c e r ts
The University of Michigan Wolverine
Band will present its annual Spring
Concert Wednesday evening, April 28,
8 p.m. in the Union Ballroom. Under
the direction of its conductor Mr.
George Cavender, the Band will present
a varied program which is sure to in-
terest most everyone. There is no ad-
mission charge.
Carillon Recital by Percival Price,
University Car.llonneur, 7:15 Thursday
evening, April 29. Program: Allegretto
by Mozart, Sonata for 47 bells by Per-
cival Price, and six Old English Melo-
dies, Summer Is Icumen In, Drink to
Me Only, The Bailiff's Daughter of Is-
lington, The Turtle Dove, Greensleeves,
Swansea Town.
The May Festival concerts will take
place as follows:
Philadelphia Orchestra will partici-
pate in all six programs.
Thursday, April 29 8:30 p.m. (1st con-
cert). Lily Pons, soloist; Eugene Or-
mandy, Conductor. In addition to arias,
by Miss Pons; orchestra will play Beet-
hoven Overture to "Egmont" and Sym-
phony No. 7; and Respighi "Pines of
Friday, April 30, 8:30 p.m. (2nd con-
cert). Thor Johnson, Conductor. Choral
Union with Lois Marshall, soprano, and
Blanche Thebom, contralto, in Vivaldi's
"Gloria" (first time at these concerts),
and "El Sol" for Chorus by Carlos
Chavez (U.S. premiere). Leonard Rose,
Cellist, in Dvorak Concerto for Cello
and Orchestra.
Saturday, May 1, 2:30 p.m. (3rd con-
cert). All-Brahms program Variations
on a Theme by Haydn; "Academic Fes-
tival" Overture; and the Double Con-
certo for violin and cello with Jacob
Krachmalnick and Lorne Munroe Eu-
gene Ormandy Conductor. Also Festi-
val Youth Chorus in Brahms Songs,
Marguerite Hood, conducting.
Saturday, May 1, 8:30 p.m. (4th con-
cert). Zinka Milanov, soprano, and Kurt
Baum, tenor, soloists, in arias and du-
ets. Eugene Ormandy, Conductor. Or-
chestral numbers: Wagner Overture to
"Die Meistersinger" Hindemith Concert
Music for String Orchestra and Brass
Instruments" and Yardumian's Armen-
ian Suite. (first time at these concerts).
Sunday, May 2, 2:30 p.m. (5th con-
cert). Mendelssohn's "Elijah"; with
University Choral Union, Lois Marshall,
soprano; Blanche Thebom, contralto;
John McCollum, tenor; William War-
field, baritone. Thor Johnson, Conduc-
Sunday, May 2, 8:30 p.m. (6th con-
cert). Artur Rubinstein, Pianist; Eu-
gene Ormandy, Conductor. Program:
Bach Toccata and Fugue in D. minor ar-
ranged by Ormandy; Grieg Concerto
in A minor for Piano and Orchestra;

A r,. .. __ r__ _.,.L ,. _e .r~ w. ... a r .. ..z......., .,.

Albert Acremant on Wed., April 28, at
8 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
ater. Box office is open from 12 to 8
p.m. Members of the Club will be ad-
mitted free upon presentation of their
membership cards.
Women's Senate. There will be a
meeting at 4 p.m. today in the League.
Meeting Academic Freedom Subcom-
mission of SL at 4 In the Union.
Newman Graduate Club. Get-togeth-
er and refreshments this evening at 9
p.m. in Richard Center.
Pre-Med Society. Meeting tonight at
7:30 p.m., Auditorium C, Angell Hall.
There will be two movies shown which
will be of interest to all pre-meds. Dr.
B. Meinecke will give a short talk and
answer any questions you may have.
The public is invited.
Economics Dept. Coffee Hour. Start-
ing at 4 this afternoon in the Union
Terrace Room is the last Union-spon-
sored coffee hour of the semester hon-
oring the Economics Department. All
are invited to attend and informally
meet the economics faculty. Refresh-
ments will be served.
Linguistics Club. Meeting tonight at
8 p.m. in the East Conference Room of
the Rackham Building. Dr. Joseph H.
EGreenberg, of the Anthropology Depart-
ment at Columbia University, will speak
on "The Evidence for a Chad Family of
Afro-Asiatic Languages." The public is
Hillel Lecture, This evening Prof.
Leslie Throop, Dept. of History: Maim-
onedes-His influence on the Develop-
ment of Western Thought," Hillel
Roger Williams Guild. Tea and Chat,
Wednesday afternoon, 4:30 to 6:00, at
the Guild House.
Wesleyan Guild. Matin worship in thej
chapel, 7:30-7:50 a.m., Wednesday. Mid-
week refresher tea, 4-5:30 p.m., Wed-
nesday in the lounge. See you there!
Israeli Dance Group. Like to dance?
Then tonight is again your chance. The,
Israeli Dance Group meets from 8 un-
til 9 o'clock in the Hillel Recreation
Room. You don't have to be profession-
al, not even good. We'll teach you how
to dance. Come down for an hour of

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
Indo-China , ,grounds. Though limited by time
as to those we can directly invite,
To the Editor: the Steering Committee takes this
HISTORICALLY, the outstand- opportunity to extend its invita-
ing feature of American for- tion to any and all interested par-
eign policy has been its imperial- ties, student or faculty.
istic character. The U.S. has con- --Albert C. Cain, Chairman
sistently furthered and defended Literary College Conference
the economic interests of not only Steering Committee
American investors abroad, but * * *
have also propped up foreign im-! Another Invitation .. .
perialists-such as the French.
Interested in vitalizing a dis- To the Editor:
graced French bourgeoisie -after IJ1HE Literary College's Student
WW II, the U. S. realized that Advisors Program, which was
there existed a direct relationship initiated last Monday under the
between the building of a viable sponsorship of S.L., unfortunately
French economy, one capable of has thus far not been too success-
supporting an unusually large ful.
peacetime military force, and the In fact, it approached being a
maintaining of the French colon- total fiasco. Representatives from
ial system. about 20 departments expected a
The French have been moder- big turn-out, but were left waiting.
ately successful in holding their For certainly the program-de-
empire together. In N. Africa, the signed to supply students with
French have slaughtered surpris- first-hand information about var-
ingly few people, but among those ious departmental courses, is a
killed have been some of the more worthwhile service. Many top Uni-
important figures in nationalist versity officials have endorsed the
politics. In Madagascar, the French program. Assistant Dean of the
dealt with the matter immediately Literary college, James Robertson,
after WWII by killing an esti- and Chairman of the Academia
mated 200,000 natives. Unfortun- Advisors have explained that the
ately for democracy, the French program should ail students not
have been unsuccessful in quelling only in choosing their majors but
the insurgents in French Indo- also in making discreet selections
china. They are putting more into of elections.
the country, in its defense, than Indeed the Student Advisors
they are extracting from it. That Program is an invaluable supple-
is, the French bourgeoisie realize ment to the University's counsel-
that the area is no longer suitable ing system. It should become a per-
for foreign investment. They want manent program.
to get out And if'enough students turn out
One wonders why the U. S. did tomorrow (from 3-5 in room 1025
not advise the French to pull out Angell Hall), the program might
of F. I. C., and invest their surplus be perpetuated.
funds in Madagascar, where the It should be well worth the time
revolution had been smothered. for many students, who are yet un-
Unfortunately, the U. S. reacted certain of their curricula, to show
glandularly as usual, evaluated the up and discuss their elections. It
situation solely in terms of Chinese would be worthwhile also if the
expansion, and proceeded to send multitude of critics of SL were to
aid to the French. But apparently avail themselves of such a program,
military aid by itself did not work. -Barb Backler
Now we are told that U. S. troops Culture and Education
must supplement the French, their Committee, Student Legislature
colonials and ex-(a?) -Nazi officers *
now attempting to stem the tide. Uncle Tom's Cabin .
One might ask oneself whether To the Editor:
or not American troops to be en- T'S A fu th I thoht th
gaged in thfi attempt to prop up T'Civil a nwa o er. tBugt te
one portion of the French colon- to
ial system will be affective in fight- wondering eyes Friday, April 23rd,
ing Communism. Certainly, they approached a dichotomy, a display
will have no support from the peo- of Uncle Tom's Cabin in "liberal"
ples of SE Asia. Michigan. The crowd surrounding
Ann imaint ih, din ti n fj me became as silent as death. They







'At the State ..
THE BIG HEAT with Glenn Ford, Gloria
Grahame, and Jocelyn Brando
THE BIG HEAT is an unusually well acted
cops-and-robbers film. For 90 minutes
it remains well abreast of its initial goal,
which is to keep the viewer glued to the
edge of his seat.
Glenn Ford is a police sergeant in a city
where the law enforcement agency has been
infiltrated by a "big-time gang." When Ford
sets out to expose this fact, gangland leader
Alexander Scourby has Ford's wife (Jocelyn
Brando) blown up in the family car. Ford's
previous determination turns to desperate
revenge; and when Scourby has him fired
from the police force, he goes to work by
As with most crime pictures, The Big
Heat is often very predictable and never
very profound. In fact, it points up no
moral save the perpetual "good triumphs
over evil." It is its acting which saves it
from mediocrity. Ford and Miss Brando are
excellent, successfully conveying the feeling
that the husband and wife are real people.
It is Gloria Grahame, however, as a "gang-
ster's moll," who steals the acting award.

the film goer. But nothing can duplicate
the sort of horror that one particular scene
in The Big Heat provides. Throughout most
of the early scenes, it is quite apparent that
Miss Grahame is extremely proud of her
fine, smooth skin, her delicate facial fea-
tures. Then in a fit of jealousy, her boy
friend throws scalding coffee at her face.
Her screaming and crying can only be de-
scribed as gruesome. This same gentleman
also'digs a burning cigarette into the hand
of another young lady. Why this is neces-
sary is not apparent. Yet, The Big Heat does
not stop here. There is a suicide, two bloody
killings, an additional scalding-coffee inci-
dent, two attempted stranglings, and some
of the most violent fights ever witnessed on
the screen.
The question here is whether this kind
of cruelty is really entertaining. If it
serves some purpose, has the possibility
of illustrating some point, does anything
which is at all rational-then, it may be
considered legitimate. But in this/ film
such extreme violence has no reason for
existence, and its presence only detracts
from other good qualities.
Interesting enough, while Americans com-
nlain ahit the ivugarness in Euronean

..Intercollegiate Zionist Federation of
America. There will be a meeting of the
IZFA membership tonight at 9 p.m. in
the Hillel Recreation Room immediate-'
ly following the Dance Group. All thoseI
interested are invited to attend.
Young Republicans. There will be a
meeting of the University of Michigan
Young Republicans tonight at 8 in the
Michigan Union. A new constitution
will be adopted and delegates will be
appointedtto the State Y.R. convention
at Bay City on May 7 and 8. D. HALE
BRAKE, state treasurer and a Repub-
lican candidate for Governor, will be
the featured speaker. His topic will be
"A plan to restore Michigan's leading
square-dance caller to private life." All
interested persons are invited to attend;
refreshments will be served.
Coming Events
Psychology Club. The Psychology Club
presents a panel discusion, "Hypnotism:
Its Use and Misuse," Thurs., April 29,
at 7:30 in Auditorium B, Angell Hall.
Featured will be Andre Weitzhoffer, au-
thor of Hypnosis: An Objective Study
in Suggestibility; Dr. E. B. McNeil, Psy-
chology Department; and Dr. Guy
Swanson, Associate Professor of Sociol-
ogy. Everyone is welcome.
Beacon. Professor Price will give an
illustrated talk on his European travels
to the members of Beacon on Sat,. May
1, 1:30 p.m. Meet in the lobby of the
League. P.S.-Don't forget Squash at
8 and Swimming at 9 in the IM Build-
ing Friday evenings!
The National Association for the Ad-
vancement of Colored People presents
Prof. John P. Dawson (Law Dept)} dis-
cussing "The Legal Aspects of Discrim-
ination" at 7:30 p.m., Thurs., Apri 29,
in Room 3S of the Michigan Union.
Kappa Phi. There will be a business
meeting Thurs., April 29, at 7:15 p.m.
at the Methodist Church. Please be pre-
The International Tea, sponsored by
the International Center and the Inter-
national Students' Association, will be
held Thurs., April 28, from 4:30 to 6
o'clock, third floor, Rackham Building.
Floor Show will be put on by the Arab
Students. Starting next week, the teas
will again be held at the International
Roger Williams Guild. Yoke Fellow-
ship meets Thursday morning at 7 am.
in the Praver Room-

Accunpaun gil rec ion of
American foreign policy in F.I.C. is watched and observed the change
the feeling that one can not skew in my facial expressions. It was
its course. Through what organi- not at all a pleasant situation for
zation can one protest? Liberal and them or for me. What created this
labor organizations, bogged down tnseness, this uncomfortable feel-
in educational conference, staged ing, this uneasiness? I'll tell you.
conventions and tail-end politics, A group of people had been in-
tacitly approve a reactionary for- sulted. I am a representative of
eign policy. They certainly are that group. The individuals about
"getting their hands dirty." me, realizing the injustice done to
As long as these organizations my race, collectively indicated an
remain caricatures of their former expression of guilt for some imma-
selves, Americans such as myself ture happy-go-lucky fraternity.
will be frustrated in our attempts Prejudice and discrimination take
to help build a democratic, POLIT- many forms. Sometimes it's a "sep-
ICAL foreign policy capable of arate but equal" philosophy, then
competing with that of the Soviet again it's a sign "For Whites Only"
world. or an exhibition of a likely stereo-
-John Leggett type, clustered with ragged, dirty,
Vice-President, SLID poverty stricken Negro children.
*-rsd D Were I in the state of my resi-
dence, Georgia, I could expect no
SAn Invitation * . less. But to realize that this is a
To the Editor: seat of culture and intellectualism,
F ONE contemplates the goods and to witness this obnoxious spec-
and bads, the problems and pro- tacle is beyond my rationalization,
gress in the Literary College, one If there was a Committee of Ap-
thinks primarily in terms of the proval on Floats, I wonder where
immediates, the tangibles-re- they were when the theme of this
iuirements, exam schedule's, honors one was condoned. Nevertheless, I
programs, student faculty-evalua- hope that in the future, careful
tios, tc.Andyetoneknos tatconsideration and evaluation will
tions, etc. And yet one knows that be made of anything that is to be
there exist larger, if less visible e sented t nthhatst -
matters which can either support presented to the public. What stu-
orct tegroucnfromhunder any dents do is a reflection on the Uni-
or cut the ground from ndrnyversity. Let the image be a true
of these specific pieces of educa- esiy.onettheiabeat.
tional furniture. It is to one of description of the object.
these matters, one of these basics -William Holmes Borders
that the Literary College Confer-
ence will address Itself this even-
Our topic is the grade-a topic
which we wish, strangely enough,
were less important than it is. We #:J ii I 4
are aiming not at letter vs. numeri-
cal grading, but at an overempha- Sixty Fou
sis upon grades that we feel is as Edited and managed by students of
deep as it is wide. A student's re- the University of Michigan under the
athority ofthBorinotrlo
mark that was quoted at a recent au Public oard in Control of
symposium on teaching (roughly,
"It seemed like a pretty dumb
class; I can get an A there without Editorial aff
much work at all") points, in an Eri trLunn..........Managit Editor
fash Eric Vetter........ Ciy ditor
undoubtedly exaggerated fashion, Virginia Voss.........Editorial Director
at the how many of us for whom Mike Wolff.......Associate City Editor
"the grade's the thing;" for whom Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director
the grade has become or threatens Diane D.AuWerter.... .Associate Editor
to become the major goal in our Helene Sion..........Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye......... ......Sports Editor
academic activity-with learning Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor
an adjunct, merely a means of Marilyn Campbell......Women's Editor
aininga certain grade. Kathy Zeisler.... Assoc. Women's Editor
aIning t cs oChuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer
If such is the case, to any ser -________________
ious extent-and this is a question
we hope to ask and at least par- Thomas Tr ess Stafg
tially answer-then what? Reme- William KaTurfmar...B sins Manager
WlimKaufman Advertising Manager
dies of what nature and at what Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr.
level? Some see the student as so William Seiden........ Finance Manager
hopelessly squeezed betweenfor- Anita sigesmund..Circulation Manager
ces, external and internal, that
little can be done even to modify Telephone NO 23-24-1
his plight. Others would have it
that something can be done, all f



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