See Page 4
al I 4r
it wi tua
Latest Deadline in the Slate
. 3
Bias Clae
Plan Stated
Williamson Explains
'No Time Limit' Idea
The University of Minnesota in-
itiated a program in 1949 that may
resolve a problem that has plagued
students here for the past few
E. G. Williamson, dean of stu-
dents at Minnesota, explained
yesterday Minnesota's method for
dealing with fraternity bias
* * *
FOLLOWING considerable stu-
dent agitation, concerning. elimi-
nation of discriminatory practices
among campus fraternities, the
Senate Committee on Student Af-
fairs devised a program which the
university adopted.
Leaders To TalkjIne e Geneva Meeting Opens,
At Political DayArmyTrial K
Kearns Gives Views In Republicai Sennlar Stron l or e s s uescusse
Day Activity; 21 Schools Here Denies Charge
Democrat Day, a full schedule of events to interest students in
the Democratic Party and the all-over benefits of partisan political WASHINGTON -( P)- An open
activity, will complete the two-day Citizenship Clearing 1Iouse today, hint that Secretary of the Army
which opened with Republican activity yesterday. to "buy off" an investigation by
The Democrats have a similar plan of events, beginning with a Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R.-Wis.)
panel discussion at 10 a.m. and closing with a talk by Richard Nelson, brought a shouted denial by Sen.
administrative assistant to Adlai Stevenson, at 3:30 p.m. McCarthy yesterday that he never
* * * has been "bought off" by anybody
B idault Hits
THE MORNING pane] discussio
chairman, Mrs. Margaret Price,r
Ticket Sales
Prizes Given
on will include Neil Staebler, state or ever will be.
national committeewoman, Victor Some spectators burst into ap-
Baum, president of the state plause. Sen. John McClellan (D-
Young Democrats and Louise Ark.), who touched off the ex-
Gaine change, shouted back at Sen. Mc-.
Prof. James K. Pollock will * * *
moderate the discussion. A stu- IT CAME after Secretary Stev-
dent reactor panel of four stu- ens, on the witness stand, acknow-
dents, two from the University ledged asking Sen. McCarthy to
and two from other state schools, "suspend" hearings on alleged es-
The committee, composed of With a total revenue of $21,- will question and debate the ma-
13. students, 10 faculty members 094.41 for the two nights at Yost jor group.
and two alumni, resolved in ef- Field House, according to Chuck'
feet that any organization which Skala, '55BAd, in charge of fi- Nelson will deliver the major
selected members on any basis nances, the 1954 Michigras was address of the day at 3:30 p.m. in
other than that of common in- the most successful in history. Rackham Amphitheater, to which
terests, similar scholastic back- Receipts are running approxi- the public has been mvited.
ground or like professional in- mately $4,000 ahead of 1952 totals,.* YOUNG Democrats have pla-
terest was contrary to the spirit with pre-Michigras sales of admis- YOUNG emdate a73pa.
of the University of Minnesota. sions yet to be added. Sales of ned a special debate at 7:30 p.m.
concession tickets at the carnival in Angell Hall, Aud. D, on the sub-
Specifically it stated that no aprxject: "Has McCarthy's term as a'
persons, should be excluded from were approximately 45,000 in front ublic servant proved to be an as-
an organization on basis of raceI of 1952 sales, with 267,848 tickets set to the country?
or religion, anrd that any groupI being sold. stt h onr?
ontinuing such practicsFor contributing the most to Speaking affirmatively will be:
continuiecngisuch pratices wuld the total of concessions tickets' Prof. Bennett Weaver of the
nit r gn dysold, first and second prizes were English department, Prof. Louis
awarded in each booth category. J. York, of the engineering col-
As expected, many fraternities Tau Delta Phi won the first lege, and Ken Mackness, former
national organizations which con- place trophy among the skill president of the "Taft for Presi-
tain bias clauses, lbooths with its "U-Bang-E," to dent" club.
s * * become the only double winner of1
Michigras. "U-Bang-E" was nam- On the negative side will be:
TO ALLEVIATE this situation, edb h ugsStra steprof. Edwin Morse, of the mnathe-
the University agreed to recog- ed by the judges Saturday as the' rf di ose ftemte
hze thenfrteritigedf ty wou best skill booth. Second prize went matics department, Rev. Edward
nie the fraterties if they woulto "Illuminate Your A-Rate" Redman, of the, Unitarian Church,
make an annual report telling sponsored by Sigma Delta Tau andand Charles Sleicher, Grad., form-
what steps they had taken toward Sigma Alpha Mu. er president of the University YD's.
removal of their national bias The Newberry-Gomberg produc- * *
clauses and what they had done tion of "Showboat" claimed first SPEAKING yesterday to a large
to promote better understanding prize among the show booths audience of students at Rackham
among the different racial and "Beta Burlesque" by Beta Theta Amphitheater, Carroll D. Kearns,
religious groups on their own cam- Pi and Kappa Alpha Theta, re- Congressman from the 24th Dis-{
The entCo ite pr-ceived the second place award. trict of Pennsylvania, summed up
eposal was almost naniously In the refreshment group cate- a busy day's activity with his views
acpt dbsaMnnsostatuens.ygory, the Michigan Dames captur- on party work and current domes-
Ted by esoud ed first place with its booth tic and foreign issues.
The Interfraternity Council, as"Tesr Ilad n."Scd
well as the individual fraternities "Treasure Island Inn." Second Kearns said that it is not nec-
and sororities supported it and place was taken by the cotton essary for a person to give up
rkecandy booth operated by Alpha hisidealsin-orde rtavance in
pionage at Ft. Monmouth, N.J.,
but branded as "an unequivocal
lie." Sen. McCarthy's charge that
he tried to switch the investigation
to the Air Force and the Navy.
Sen. McClellan, cross-examin-
ing Stevens, said the Army sec-
retary could have granted a di-
rect commission to McCarthy
aide G. David Schine but re-
fused to do so.
"The implication is here," said
the stern-voiced Sen. McClellan,j
"that you were trying to buy off
this committee, the Senate inves-
tigations subcommittee from in-
vestigating the Army."
BEFORE Stevens could reply,
Sen. McCarthy heatedly contended
Sen. McClellan was making a
"completely improper and unfair"
suggestion that he--McCarthy--
"could be bought off."
Sen. McClellan snapped back
at Sen. McCarthy: "You can
think anything you want."
"This chairman," said Sen. Mc-,
Carthy, the subcommittee's regu-
lar chairman though he's stepped
down for these hearings, "has
never been bought off any hearing
and never will be bought off any'
Jenkins suggested the Army sec-
retary went out of his way to be,
"tender" toward Schine in the
hope of pleasing Sen. McCarthy{
and getting the investigation of
the Army called off-or, as the
lawyer put it, head off "this three-
headed monster you say was about
to devour you."
... Managing Editor ... Business Manager
On Wounded
C hairman Chosen
In First Session
By The Associated Press
GENEVA, Switzerland-The 19
nations called together by the Big
Four to try to guide Asia to peace
met yesterday and decided to turn
at once to the problem of Korea.
But the urgent question of war-
torn Indochina's fate over-shad-
owed. the Korean issue in many
* * *
Georges Bidault Issued a statement
as the conference opened accusing
the Vietminh of violating the rules
of war in Indochina in refusing to
let the French fly out their "hund-
reds and hundreds" of wounded
from Dien Bien Phu.
Bidault did not Issue the
statement at the conference, but
it obviously was meant for the
ears of the delegates. He asked
for some action to allow the be-
leaguered garrison a temporary
truce to send out its wounded.
A yesterday's session, the dele-
gates organized their procedure in
31 minutes. But they faced a long,
rocky road to the goal set for
SETTLING the question of the
conference chairmanship swiftly,
the delegates decided to plunge
into debate today on the long-
smouldering Korean issue.
Pyun Yung Tai, foreign mxin-
ister of South Korea, is expect-
ed to deliver a bitter denuncia-
tion of Communist aggression in
his country coupled with de-
mands of unification of the na-
The conference will be handed
at its second sessionthe .Korean
problem which has harassed the
United Nations for four years.
The perilous problems which
confront the West seemed per-
sonified in the short, impassive
man who sat in front of Soviet
Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov
during yesterday's session. He
was Chou En-lai, Red China's
foreign minister,
e Soviet Union is determined
to bring Chou and China into the
world's councils on an equal foot-
ing with the Big Four. The United
States is just as firmly opposed to
such recognition of a nation which
fought United Nations troops in
i. ,
... City Editor
. . Editorial Director
. #. .Associate City Editor
All appointment photos by Chuck Kelsey
At present no sorority has a bias
clause and there are only 13 frater-
nities left still condoning discrim-
inatory practices.
Unlike the attempts to remove
bias clauses here, Minnesota has
never considered setting a time
limit to force organizations into
compliance with its system.
Consequently the University of
Minnesota president has never
been pressed into making a deci-
sion on the issue. University pres-
idents Alexander Ruthven and
Harlan Hatcher vetoed Student
Legislature attempts in 1951 and
1952 respectively to set a time limit
for bias clauses removal.
Prof. Carver
To Be Given
Civilian Award
Prof. Harry C. Carver of the
mathematics department will be
honored today by being presented
with the Air Force's Exceptional
Service award for his scientific
contributions to aeronautical navi-
The citation, second highest a
civilian may receive from the
armed forces, wink be made by Maj.
Gen. Gabriel P. Disosway, Com-
mander of Flying Training Air
Force, Waco, Tex., in a formal
ceremony at 2:00 p.m. on Ferry
Presentation ceremonies will in-
clude a review of local Air Force
ROTC cadets.
Prof. Carver's work for the Air
Force consisted of shortening the
time needed in computing a
plane's geographical position by
celestial methods.
During World War II the time
required by a navigator to deter-
mine his position amounted to
twenty minutes. By working out
new mathematical theories and
bette' methods of computation,
Prof. Carver has reduced this time
to only 10 seconds.
These quicker and more efficient
methods of navigation are report-
edly invaluable to jet pilots.
Omicron Pi and Phi Kappa Tau.
Big T'en Joins
N CAA Policy
CHICAGO-UP)--The Big Ten'
Monday postponed for another,
year its efforts to get regionalr
football television, deciding "re-{
luctantly" to go along with the
NCAA nationally controlled pro-
gram for 1954.
The agreement among Big Ten
members came after a two-day
meeting which ended in a session
of conference presidents.
the party. He also discussed
. such issues as the tariff and
Senator Joseph McCarthy.
Tim Richard, '57, Young Repub-
lican executive committee member
flped the PntirA d, h v t--
a g, Pollak To Head Daily
Gene Hartwig, '55, was appoint-E
ed Managing Editor of The Daily Pollak comes from Cleveland. The en's honorary, I
and Lois Pollak, '55, was selected 19 year old junior is a member of honorary and A
to Business Manager by the Board Wyvern. Delta. Politically
in Control of Student Publications David Livingston, '55, will be Myers is the na
yesterday. Sports Editor with Hanley Gur- teewoman of the
Wyvern, junior
Alpha Lambda
iy active, Miss
tional commit-
Young Demo-
l;~tUse e 'etay, mucn DCLer
than I had expected" and added
that the most rewarding part of
Republican day was to talk with
SntveoCeel.a win,'55, and Warren Wertheimer,
N ~A native of Cleveland, Hartwig 'tRQdcniaa-~tt Witr
the party leaders "personally." j is majoring in pre-legal studies.
Ten small groups were formed MOSCOW -UP)- Any aggressor The 21 year old junior is a mem-
by school representatives for these who attacks the Soviet Union with ber of Sphinx, junior men's honor-
personal talks with Michigan Re- atomic weapons will be crushed by ary and a recipient of The Daily's
publican leaders. The group dis- the same weapon, premier Georgi Wendy Owen Award. He is cor-
cussions lasted from 1:30 p.m. in Malenkov said yesterday. responding secretary of Phi Gam-
the afternoon until Kearns' clos- He predicted "any such adven- ma Delta.
ing address. ture will inevitably lead to the* *
Earlier, at 10 a.m., the students downfall of the capitalist system." MAJORING in economics, Miss
5b, as ASSOCiate ,Sports Editors.
Dorothy H. Myers was named
the new Daily City Editor. From
Washington, D.C., Miss Myers is
a political science major and
member of Pi Sigma Alpha, po-
litical science honorary. The
20 year old junior is also a mem-
ber of Mortarboard, senior wom-
:crats' Clubs of Michigan and
Lansing lobbyist for the 18 year
old vote.
Jon Sobeloff; '55, of Detroit was,
chosen to be Editorial Director.'
A 24 year old economics major,
Sobeloff will enter Law School.
Recently initiated in Phi Beta!
Kappa, he is also a member of
Sphinx, junior men's honorary,
and Phi Eta Sigma.
Associate City Editor will be Pat
Roelofs. The 20 year old Ann Ar-
bor resident is an English major.
* * *I
A Big Ten spokesmn who wish- heard a panel consisting of State Malenkov, addressing the Su----- -
ed to remain unidentified, said: Chairman John Feikens, National preme Soviet Parliament, charged, 4TT I Dn
"The Big Ten reluctantly accept- Committeeman David Kendall, "aggressive circles" in the United P olice uthor" tles eny!
ed the NCAA TV program but in- State Auditor-General John Mar- States with "artificially maintain-
tends to renew efforts for-regional tin, and the Secretary to the State Iing an atmosphere of war hys-
television next year." YR Barbara Dickhoff. together teria."'
rec d o m en e ot t e fo n ereincel'tis an dpo lt i e ca ewo r. o h e St t o m eg n th o s p h reat a y -c ns yy pC~tl v s o n xt y a . R B r a a Di k o f o e h r t rand o f 1 1r S [ Da n g e r s i n l Ar b
The Big Ten TV Committee had with a student panel, discuss par- Accusing America of "resorting
recommended that the conference tisan political work. to methods of threat and intimi-
vote "no" in the recent NCAA ref- The two Political Party days are dation" and boasting of Soviet As sure as death and taxes is Nichols Arboretum for the Michi-
erendum on a 1954 national pro- being sponsored by the Michigan atomic progress, Malenkov also . . . .
gram similar to that of 1953. The, Citizenship Clearing House, the pleaded for a "further easing of ganstudent in theDsprmgtime
Big Ten urged a program which Department of Political Science international tension."stdnonfosgn ynth osans orket alfpoiesd theion
would permit a team to appear and the State National Commit- Malenkov demanded the outlaw- as "known for its many thousands of varieties of peonies," the arb
twice regionally, once at home and tees. Twenty-one colleges and uni- ing of atomic weapons and said is known to students for many things, the least of which is peonies.
once away, or once nationally, versities are being represented here this was necessary for a solution * * * *
whichever it desired. in the two days. of world problems. ( A NOTE OF CAUTION was sounded recently, however, as several
---- ---- -- ---- - - - groups reported seeing bands of
CELEBRATED ARTISTS: high school boys roaming the arb.
Korea and which now aids the
Communist forces fighting French
troops in Indochina.
MEANWHILE, in Indochina,
Corsair fighter bombers supplied
BECKY CONRAD will assume
the newly formed post of Person-'
nel Editor. Hailing from Pitts-
burgh, Miss Conrad is a 20 year
old junior majoring i English.
'Affiliated with Alpha Gamma
Delta, she is in Mortarboard, Wy-
vern and Alpha Lambda Delta.
Associate Editor Nan Swinehart
comes from Chicago. A junior ma-,
joring in elimentary education, she
is affiliated with Alpha Gamma
Delta of which she is president.
Miss Swinehart, 19, was JGP pub-
licity chairman and is a member!
of C'.rnll cpnin f mn, , rn'eS hon-
by the United States went into ac-
tion for the first time yesterday.
The French-piloted planes-in
the heaviestrair strike of the sev-
en-year war -- helped plaster
Red-led Vietminh massed for a
death thrust against Dien Bien
Phu. The warplanes rained-
hundreds of tons of bombs on
rebel concentrations in the hills
surrounding the fortified plain.
The French High Command did
not disclose the actual number of
sorties, but said they far exceeded
the previous one-day record of 136.
Performers for Next Year's Concerts Announced
The reports took the form of
vague rumors as no specific
{ , r.
Featured performers for next
year's Choral Union Series, Extra
Concert Series, Handel's "Mes-I
siah," Chamber Music Festival and
May Festival were announced yes-E
terday by University Musical So-
ciety president Charles 'A. Sink.
First performer in the Choral
Union Series will be Metropolitan
Opera soprano Roberta Peters on'
Oct. 4. Specializing in the music
of Arcangelo Corelli, Rome's So-
cieta Coreilli of 16 string musicians
will perform on Oct. 15.
' * *
CONDUCTED by Charles Munch,'
the Boston Symphony, which will'
be the season's third attraction on,
Oct. 20. will be followed on Nov.
er will be soprano Eleanor Steber,
who will perform Oct. 10. Conduct-
ed by Eduard Van Beinum, the
Concergetouw Orchestra of Am-
sterdam will be heard during its
first American tour on Oct. 27.
The Robert Shaw Chorale will
perform locally Dec. 6, while vi-
oinist Isaac Stern will play Feb.
10 and German pianist Walter
Gieseking will perform on March
Under the direction of Lester
McCoy, soprano Lucine Amara,
contralto Lillian Chookasian, ten-
or Charles Curtis and baritone
Dnon nlro nxmm m icinr in +hc
of +5cron, senior w one s ua
cases could be discovered. Ann oi'ary, A UNION spokesman said a,
Arbor police said no incidents See BOARD, Page 6 steady stream of men and sup-
had been brought to their at- _plies was being dropped-as rebel
tention, and they could not sub- - -mortar and artillery subjected the
stantiate the rumors a g p Head bastion's shrinking defense to a
relentless pounding.
Commenting on possible dangers Determined to stop the airlift,
connected with "arbing," Police f o1verInes the rebels moved their anti-air-
Chief Caspar Enkemann said,I craft batteries down from the
"students have been going down surrounding hills and set them
there for yeais-there's no more! Joel Kaplan, '55, has been se- sronighlsadstte
daner connected with going to lected to head the Wolverine Club up on the rim of the fortress.
danger neThe French also pounded rebel
the arb than with going anywhere for the coming year.. supply columns rumbling over
else." Filling the office of vice-presi- supsyfromnrubCing oer
While claiming that no trouble dent of the campus pep group will siun-made Molotov trucks, as sun-
was anticipated, Enkemann men- be Max Bergman, '55, while Mar-, ny skies replaced rain clouds for
tioned that if trouble did appear, tha Himmelhoch, '56, will take over the first time in several days.
all the students had to do was call as recording secretary. Ann Wat-
the police department. son, '56, will serve as correspond-
ing secretary and Jim Deland, '56, $500 Gift, Purse
Miss Elsie Fuller, associate as treasurer.
dean of women, remarked that 'Interviews for 10 open commit- Stolen at Sorority
going down to the arb was "al- , nn-ts fon nvt vea will h hSlor
4 ' <.
_' ,-i