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April 24, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-04-24

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Latest Deadline in the State



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Firm Fires
Ed Shaffer
Subpoeinaed Mani
Now Un employed
Ed Shaffer, Grad., who revealedI
this week that he has been sub-,
poenaed to appear before the Clar-
dy subcommittee, yesterday re-j

Vietminh Force,
Seizes Garrison

Ike Declares Dien Bien Phi Test
Between Democracy, Dictatorship
By The Associated Press
HANOI, Indochina-PP)-Red-led Vietminh-striving to launch

Over Phone
Roundup .4 ,




Call Evidence

a death thrust at Dien Bien Phu-yesterday seized another French
defense post in the bastion's crumbling northwest defenses.
Rebel legions smashed to within 700 yards of the Union garri-
son's nerve center.

ceived notification from his De-
troit employers that he has been
A brief letter from the General'
Agent of a national insurance firm
stated that Shaffer's work with theC
company had been "terminated
according to the terms of the
Agent's Agreement, Section 11B."
This section refers to a statement
in the employer's contract that
"the agreement may be terminated
for any reason," according to
Shaffer. No other information was
disclosed in the letter, a Daily wit-
ness to the letter observed.

TILE FRENCH fought back
surged forward in a furious atta
thousands of Vietminh troops
northwest Indochina fortress.
The bastion's defense pe
the relentless pounding. The
a plain 4 by 6 miles when
- ------------ - - - ---
Minors Not
Involved In

* * *
desperately as wave after rebel wave
empt to blast a gar, bi eno nh to send

bg d hht By The Associated Press
stabbing towards the heart of the WASHINGTON - The United
States gave a powerful boost yes-
erimeter continued to shrink under terday to Europe's drive toward
outer barriers which encompassed unity by granting a 100 million
the fighting began five weeks ago I dollar loan to the six-nation Euro-
--- now measure less than a mile 1 pean coal and steel pool.
across. The loan marked the first time
As the see-saw battle raged, the in history that the American gov-
first contingent of American air- ernment has extended financial
lifted French paratroops from Par- credit to a European community
is began pouring into Indochina. organization, as distinct from a
* *separate nation.
PRESIDENT Eisenhower declar- The money is to be used to step
ed yesterday the battle for the up and modernize coal, coke and
French Fort'ess of Dien Bien Phu iron ore production in W'est Ger-
in Indochina is "an agony of con- many, France, Italy, Belgium, Hol-
to fiict - a testing ground between land and Luxembourg.
dictatorship and freedom."
he ,-,-,r. i a * * *

REGARDING the incident, Shaf- Xfg Fin
fer said last night, "My firing 1L
shows the extent to which the po-
litical blacklist is growing in this S
country. As an insurance agent, 1 Serving alcoholic beverages
was engaged in work which was minors was not involved in t


e Presden made. the state-
not even remotely connected with original fine, or increase in the ment in an informal speech at WASHINGTON - The Labor
national security. Yet, because my fine, levied by the Joint Judiciary Transylvania College in Lexing- Department reported last night
onnectappear d ithe Pice epis Council on Nu Sigma Nu profes- ton, beginning observance of its that initial claims filed by work-
concto it hePie psoe,175th anniversary. ers covered by unemployment
my employer dismissed me with- sional medical fraternity recently,
Th Prsdn~pk f"h insurance totaled 322,800 during
out even calling me in to hear my it was learned yesterday, I The President spokeofh'the the weekended April 17, a drop
side of the story." < machinations of a power-hungry th(ekeddApi 7 rp
(The "Price episode" referred I owyaew en cued group in the Kremlin and in f6,0.
(Tshe "Preepiode" eerred hi of, or disciplined for, serving liquor China" and added that "an un- *
to was the revelation earlier this to minors," a Nu Sigma Nu spokes- ' WASHINGTON - The Govern- r
week that Daphne Price, former mderstanding of the facts, coupled
wekta ahePie omrman reported,.ihfihi ment's chief crime prosecutor said t .: .'. :..
University student who had dat- with faith in America, will help yestsache Fral ouin Ad
ed Shaffer, had given informa-to see the free world through yhH CARMEN,' FIRST PACE WINNER BY ALPHA CHI QlM1
toSafr a gvnifrs ministr ation-by taking the atti-,
tion to the FBI concerning Shaf- THE DISCIPLINARY action tak- in the struggle for an enduring itratiothey wer e ju ti-
fer's activities during their ac- en by the Joint Judiciary Council, peace. tude that "they were just givg
'quaintance.) resulting in a $500 dollar fine, was On the speaker's stand with the stuff away" -has torpedoed !
becus ofanunathrizd art ay stu f aayr sectn treed ,r i It
The economics Ph.D. candidate because of an unauthorized party Eisenhower, as he talked of the apartment housing peers.ngigtme
went on to say that "As a result held at the fraternity house the battle the French forces are put- pg profiteers
of all the publicity I have receiv- night of Caduceus Medical School ting up for Dien Bien Phu and the But he revealed that the FBI,
ed, I will find it practically im- Ball, Feb. 20. rest of Indochina, was France's. on orders of President Eisenhower,,-
possible to obtain employment." Originally the fine was between ambassador to the United States, is combing the country for bands By JIM DYGERT ed and eased by the light as
$100 and $150, but upon the Uni- Henri Bonnet. of fast-talking home repair and The weather was perfect and Blandings watched intently
HE RELATED that unemploy- versity Subcommittee on Disci- **improvement salesmen who have the 1954 Michigras parade took the throngs cheeredy
ment will be serious for him, and pine's' recommendation that Joint EISENHOWER told his audience "bilked a great many thousands" colorful and impressive advantageernthereds e
tha he"faesdeserae conmicJuiciry evew he as, te lvythe United States "cannot live of homeowners under government of it.Ad enhrewshe
Judiciary review the case, the levy("lonisrcepgan. entitled "Historical Geology," c
plight." Previously he worked as a was increased to $500alone," and he called for "an u- n sr After, a slow start because one plete with the author of the
taxicab driver and before that was M be of the thrb-derstanding of those facts." , , * of the floats had trouble making it te Po.Re C
continuing his education on the - When there has been such un- a. turn, the long procession of i
GI bill. cmited erst andingthe President be sadded, trth on rceso o
committee are Prof. Beauford J. de ding, hePrsiden dded, NEW YORK - Sen. Joseph R. brightly colored napkin displays - - n
He concluded that he did not George of the Law School, Prof. "the word Dien Bien Phu no long- McCarthy (R-Wis.) said yesterday and spihtl h bn For names of prize floats
know how he would be able to Joseph E. Kallenbach of the poll- er is just a funny sounding name the Aluminum Co. of America treated a crowd of approximatelys.
continue his schooling unless he tical science department and Prof. to be dismissed at the breakfast should pay the bill for filming of 20,000 to a gay mixture of splendor
found work. le told a reporter Ernest F. Brater of the College of table." his television answer to CBS com- and laughter. iny aste G olg th
"it should be remembered that Engineering. Earlier at Hodgenville, a com- mentator Edward R. Murrow. * , n brimstone of the prehist
neither I nor the others who munity of 1700 residents, Eisen- A spokesman for ALCOA, which FROM THE FIRST float. "Alice monstermon the float, stop
have received subpoenas have hower cited Abraham Lincoln as sponsors Murrow's program, said, in Wonderland," built by Phi once to tip his at for a ph
even been accused of engaging in French P ushL an example of a leader who never however. "the manner of produc- Kappa Tau and Alpha Omega Pi, grapher.
criminal activities." publicly excoriated another Ameri- tion and the expenses involved" in spectators lining the streets oohed g * *
officialsnfromthe local branchT CFire can or posed as a "pseudo-dicta- preparation of the program are and ahhed and clapped in delight. CAMERA WIELDERS whow
of the insurance company for To p . el? CISC tor." not ALCOA's responsibility. Each float each bnd the Plv-- -
wnom eanh an sohepoicisycul

Of Te
Records OK'd
Hearings Interest
Oil Television Low
By The Associated Press
vestigating the McCarthy-Penta-
gon row voted unanimously yes-
terday to subpoena all records of
the telephone calls involving key
figures in the increasingly bitter
But Sen. ,McCarthy (R-Wis.)
blocked for the time being the
reading of an almost word-for-
word transcript of one call in
which McCarthy allegedly sug-
gested weekend leaves for Pvt.
G. David Schine "for the purpose
of taking care of Dave's girl
SECRETARY of the Army Stev-
ens testified under oath at the
first of the day's two televised ses-
sions that McCarthy made this
suggestion to him in a telepihone
conversation monitored and taken
down in shorthand by a Stevens
aide last Nov. 7.
Angrily, McCarthy cried it
was "indecent and dishonest" for
Stevens to recordla conversation
without the knowledge of the
person at the other end of the
Stevens touched on another ma-
jor point before yielding the wit-
ness stand temporarily to his of-
fice assistant, Jack Lucas, a wor-
ried-looking man who said his
transcript of the McCarthy-Stev-
ens call was complete except for
a few words-maybe five, maybe
15-that he didn't cTtch.
THE ARMY secretary said he
met with McCarthy Nov. 6-the
day before the alleged call about
Schine's- affairs-and told the
senator he wanted the Army to
"carry out" an investigation start-
ed by the McCarthy subcommitte6
at Ft. Monmouth, N. J.
Stevens touched off the big
row of the day by telling of the
phone call in which he said Mc-
Carthy told him 1), maybe Schine
could have a few weekend leaves to
foster his heart attachments, and



were '

There was even a surprise inI
store for the crowd. On the front
half of "The Other Side of the
Moon", the couple sitting on the
park bench were so oblivious to
the crowd that they kissed.
An instant of hushed amazement
followed before the spectators
broke into uproarious approval.
Personal Tax
Plan May Fail
WASHINGTON-Chairman Mil-
liken (R-Colo.) of the Senate Fi-
nance Committee said yesterday

r whom Shaffer sold policies could
not be contacted last night. It is PARIS--(P)-A high French of-
not known if they have been in- ficial said yesterday France will
e formed of Shaffer's firing.u for agrestat Genev oi
Shaffer has in the past been push for agreement at Geneva on
associated with the Michigan an immediate cease fire in Indo-
r Youth for Democratic Action, china before the parley bogs down

which sponsored Communist
speakers on campus in 1947. He
was also listed as an active mem
ber of the Ralph Naefus Club,
listed as a Communist cell operat-
ing in Ann Arbor.
More recently, he has been as-
sociated with the Labor Youth
League, listed as a Communist-
front organization on thAttorney
General's list.
Political Clubs
Plan eetings
Republicans and Democrats will
each have their day, Monday and
Tuesday respectively, to encourage
University students to partisan po-
litical activity.
Sponsored by the Department
of Political Science in conjunction
with the Young Republican and
Young Democrat clubs, a special
program in the morning and early
afternoon each day will consist ofj
a panel discussion and special
group meetings with party leaders
and student representatives from
other colleges and universities in
Important party leaders will be
on campus during the two days to
tell students how they can be-
come active in political party work
in an a ocational, but useful way.
Tim Richard, '57, a member of
the executive board of the YR's, is.
in charge of the Republican Day.
Persons interested in the GOP ac-
tivities may contact him.
Joyce Greenbaum, '56, of the
YD's is in charge of the Democrat

in debate over whether Commu-
nist China is an honorable big
This move for a cease fire,l
known to have countrywide sup-!
port and strong Cabinet back-
ing, is the heart of the French
position. -France's delegation will
argue that case at the confer-
ence which begins Monday to de-<
cide whether peace can be ar-
ranged in Korea and Indochina.3
The French position is known to
run counter to at least a part of
the American delegation's ideas on
what should be done.c

Culture, Politics Viewed
Geographical, cultural and po- 1
litical problems of Indochina were learned. Culturally, the Chinese
discussed by a panel of journalism and Italian peoples have, had the
students and faculty members on most influence on the people in
the University television broadcast the three Indochinese states.

+v~ , V4V ~ll, U1
mouth Corp. Kiltie, the American
Legion train, broug'h-t something
different, and a new expression ofj
satisfaction from the crowds.
Yet a few incidents stood out
from the altogther exceptionalj
affair. For these the spectators
had special recognition. For in-
stance, Mr. Blandings Dream
House appeared as if it would-
n't get under the traffic signalI
in front of the Union.
I After a hurried warning from
the worried crowd, the float slow-
USSR Breaks
With Australiaj

dasing into the streets to snatch
photographs reeled back as "Moby
Dick" passed by, giving off spora-
tically a realistic spray.
Encouragements to 'jive it
up' came from the spectators as
the Ann Arbor Alley Cats float
went by amidst a tempo of jazz.
Korea May Be
Atom Target
SEOUL-(P)-Delayed by cen-
sorship-Eighth Army Command-
ing Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor said
Thursday the "increased flexibil-
ity" of U1. S. atomic weapons prob-
ably would mean there would be
"atomic targets" in North Korea

Milliken told newsmen . "the 2), Roy Cohn, McCarthy's chief
chances are" such a reduction will counsel, thought the 26-year-old
not be in the big tax revision bill Schine ought to be a general op-
when the committee sends it to the erating from a Waldorf-Astoria
floor, probably next month, penthouse.
McCarthy raised one "point
Three Democrats on the commit-' of order" after another when the
tee are sponsoring an amendment question of putting the steno-
to raise exemptions from $600 to graphic record of this call into
$800 this year, a 41/2 billion dollar evidence arose.
tax cut, and to $1,000 in 1955 and Finally he said if any such phone
thereafter, an 8 billion annual re- call records are introduced, all of
duction. them should be.
S"I will not consent to picking
a Guild two or three out of 50 or 100," he
Cinem a Guld 1declared.
Beaming, Joseph N. Welch Jr.,
64", '' +f tah (1C

he did no
vote to c

t believe his group would
cut income taxes by in-
taxpayers' personal ex-

last night.
Leaving the present fighting in
the background during the discus-
sion, James Brady, '55, Lorraine
Dimock, '55, Jack Tobias, '55 and
Lindy Reeves, '55 asked the three
member panel to describe the peo-
ple of Indochina in peacetime.
BUDDHISM is the main religion

Compared to our country, the
Indochinese education system
seems quite backward: since 95
per cent of the people make their
living by farming, no formal ed-
ucation seems necessaryto them,

of the Indochinese,

the groupj

Good Humor

"atomici targes" inNorthKore
and "practical experience" is MOSCOW - (')- Soviet Russia in the event the Ko War brok i wi liva
the method of learning. yesterday broke off diplomatic re- out again Haviland, Mark Stevens, and
The influence of the West on 'lations with Australia over the He was, careful, however, not to Itheleste HoLm will be shown by
The flune of the Wesntry os Vladimir Petrov case. say that atomic weapons would be Guild at 7 and 9 prm today
the culture of the country hasr!Gulat7nd9pmtoy
been very minute, according to The Soviet government charged used. He kept the atomic discus-
John Cornell of the anthropology Australia was protecting Setrov, sion, at his monthly press confer- tecture Aud.
department, whom it described as a swindler ence, on a hypothetical basis.
and embezzler and demanded his _---------+- - ---------__-_-- ------- -
arrest. It accused the Australian
MVIELVIN WACHS.' Grad., rep- government of kidnapping Mrs. CI
resenting the political science de- Petrov and of manhandling Soviet_ LPty en f' r .'2dLs U ' E (*oAP I n
partment on the panel, told the personnel.
nificance of Dien Bien Phu today PETROV, third secretary of the leets F y Oi
ish Soviet Embassy in Canberra, aban-
hold for the French and is the Sovet Ems and ban-
main element of French prestige doned Communism and obtained By JON SOBELOFF
asylum with the Austr'alian gov- I
in Indochina today. emnent. He brought with him a A proposal to revise the Univer- would start just after New Year.
ernSometcommitteegmembers suggest
The French at present have batch of documents announced as sity calendar, made by Prof. PaulSome committee members suggest-
Sit calendofthmtmaaticsProf.e-uled adding a week tothe Christ-
38,400 troops in Indochina, ac- exposing a- Soviet-led spy ring. S. Dwyer of the mathematics de- a ion, pushing the end of
'cording to Wachs. But because Mrs. Petrov also received asylum partment brought up some ques- athesprin emstheaento
the people are living at subsist- after a tumultuous incident in- tions at a meeting of the Univer- June. spring semester back to
ence level and have low living volving Soviet agents trying to sity Calendaring Committee yes- J , *
standards, the Communists have take her back to Moscow. terday. BY LENGTHENING Christmas
had a fairly easy time gaining a The break in relations came Some of the committee members
stronghold on them. In addition on the eve of the Geneva con- objected to the idea of starting fall vacation, committee members hop-
to their unhealthy economic ference in which both Russia registration on Labor Day. Under ed to push the beginning of the se-
state, the people have little voice and Australia will participate, the Dwyer plan, registration would cond semester back late enough to
in the government, according to 1.Moscow recalled its ambassador start that Monday and classes allow transfer students to enter
panel members. to Australia, Nikolai E. Genera- would begin three days later. at that time,
The geography of Indochina lov. It demanded that Australia * * * But Assistant Dean James H.#
_1 - -1,.r., - ,.,,.. ..,.,...+. .+1 . - - . _ ymrn- m , 11 ,~+..., ;. , Rnh rnnf4holtpa-.- p~l as

special counsel for McCarthy's op-
ponents, announced "nothing will
delight the Army more" than to
make public all such phone call
McCARTHY has charged that
Stevens, Army Counsel John G.
Adams and other "Pentagon poli-
ticians," as he termed them, tried
to block his investigation of al-
leged Communist spying at the
Army's Ft. Monmouth radar lab-
Stevens said he told McCarthy
and aides he felt their inves-
tigation "had served its purpose
-the we were on top of every-
thing that they had given us,
and were following up, and we
had information on every name
that had been turned up any-
way, and that I wanted to have
the Army carry out the investi-
gation . - . "
He accused McCarthy of whip-
ping up headlines giving a false
impression of widespread espion-
age at Ft. Monmouth.



I INTEREST in the televised Mc-


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