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April 21, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-04-21

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1V.i4 l 1, A.70r

An Editorial
THE STUDENT BODY scored a significant
victory in the creation of a University
Vice-Presidency for Student Affairs.
The long-advocated post fills an obvious
gap in the administrative hierarchy by
coordinating the complex field of non-
academic student life in the face of higher
enrollments and developments in student
By placing the important offices of Ad-
missions and the Registrar under this cen-
tral authority, recognition has been granted
to the necessity of strengthening the Uni-
versity's program of attracting outstanding
high school students. In addition, coordi-
nation of the International Center with the
other student areas stresses the importance
of bringing this sector out of its isolation.
Although the new Vice-President, James
A. Lewis, is not well-known to most students
and faculty members, we are confident that
the University community will be given
faithful service by Lewis in his new position.
The exact organization of the new office
remains to be worked out on Lewis' return
from Cambridge. Since this will require pull-
ing together several as yet uncoordinated of-
fices, the job will not be easy and we urge
that Lewis be given cooperation from every
corner of the University in undertaking it.
Similarly, the Student Affairs Vice-Presi-
dency itself will be a difficult role to fill;
There have been and will be again large
problems arising from the conflicting inter-
ests of various student groups, between stu-
dents and the faculty and between students
and the administration. For that reason, it
has been stressed frequently that the Vice-
Presidency must serve as a channel of stu-
dent thought and opinion to the President
and the Regents and, in turn, must relate
University policy to the student body.
That too much stress may not be placed
on the work that lies ahead, it must be
emphasized that the creation of the new
post has already begun setting things in
order. The Student Affairs Study Commit-
tee will be able to study the proposed
Student Executive Committee In context
of the reorganization, providing the back-
ground which has been so vitally needed
The Student Affairs Vice-Presidency at
present is just another title, if an encourag-
ing one. It will shortly become more than
this and we hope that as it develops, the ree-
ognition of student responsibility will grow
-The Senior Eidtors: Harry Lunn,
Erick Vetter, Virginia Voss, Mike
Wolff, Alice B. Silver, Diane D.
AuWerter and Helene Simon
& Indo-China
WITH THE recent declaration by Vice
President Nixon that American troops
might have to be used in-Indo-China in or-
der to retain this strategic nation within
the free world's sphere, Republicans have
obviously been struck with a new threat to
their chances in the mid-term elections.
Though subsequent statements by Presi-
dent Eisenhower and Secretary of State
Dulles have attempted to minimize the
possibility of U.S. intervention, recent
events and a realistic insight deem other-
wise. Red advances in Dienbienphu and
yesterday's report by an NBC newsman
that France was negotiating a coalition
government with the Communists further
imperils American interests. This, coupled
with the inescapable complexities of solv-

ng the Indo-Chinese war, makes it diffi-
cult to forecast any other kind of Ameri-
can policy except entering the fighting it-
It is quite apparent that if American in-
tervention does occur it will be jdstifiable
and not a wanton, erratic move. However,
this point probably would have little effect
in minimizing the people's dissatisfaction
with the present Administration for having
unavoidably involved us in any Indo-Chinese
But if the Republican Administration thus
reaps disfavor, they sowed the seeds them-
selves in the last campaign. One can not
now avoid thinking back to 1952 when Eis-
enhower chiefs "shrewdly" implanted in the
voters a dread of the Korean War and asso-
ciated with its birth and continuance the
esgence of the Democratic party.
The impression was given that the Ko-
rean War, or any war, was preventable and
that it only required the miracles of - a
miraculous Republican Party to end it.
Perhaps now, when they are in contact
with the actual threats of Communism and
can appreciate the forces that bring world
disturbances, Republicans will realize that
their supposed almightiness is impotent in
the face of dangers presented by Russia. And
it might be hoped that they can at last re-
alize how politically-expedient stands on
foreign policy can be so destructive to a bad-
ly needed unity behind America's actions.
-Paul Ladas


Mr. Nixon

W HILE MR. NIXON'S speech to the Am-
erican Society of Newspaper Editors
had much of the appearance of being a cal-
culated indiscretion, I find it hard to believe
that it was calculated. For his remarks were
an assortment of ideas and attitudes-things
he learned on his trip, hypothetical ques-
tions he has heard discussed-which mani-
festly have not been added up to make any-
thing that could be called a considered and
coherent policy.
How, for example, are we to reconcile
what he seemed to be saying to the edi-
tors on Friday about dispatching troops
If the French withdraw with what he said
in his big television speech on March 15,
a month ago:
"Since our former policy failed we then
asked ourselves the question: What kind of
a new policy should we announce? And in
determining what that policy should be we
decided to find out what the men in the
Kremlin were up to.
"We found that militarily their plan ap-
parently was to destroy us by drawing us
into little wars all over the world with their
satellites, however, where they, themselves,
were not involved, and where, due to our
inability to bring to bear our great super-
iority on the sea and in the air that we were
unable to win those wars . . . we decided
that we would not fall into these traps." .. .
that we would not "let the Communsts nibble
us to death all over the world in little wars."
What has happened in the past month to
cause the Vice President to announce that
he is prepared to eat his own words? The
assault on Dienbienphu and the military re-
ports from Gen. Ely and Mr. Pleven have
brought a sudden realization in Washington
that the French government is determined
to try to negotiate an armistice. Suddenly
there has been a reappraisal of an old and
not greatly changed situation. The notion,
always an illusion and always fabricated,
that there was a plan to win the war-and
that we were backing that plan-has sud-
denly given way to a sense of what has really
been going on in Indo-China.
When Mr. Nixon made his television
speech, the whole Indo-Chinese policy in.
Washington was based on a false estimate
of the situation in Indo-China. That was
why he could say in March that "during
the one year of the Eisenhower adminis-
tration in not one area of the world.have
the Communists made a significant gain,"
and to promise that the new policy was
working so well that there would be no
need of "having more Korean-type of
wars all over the world." Now that the
estimate has been discredited, and with it
the policy based on it, a radical revision
of policy has become necessary.
That is what Mr. Dulles has been laboring
at-laboring under the greatest difficulties
at home and abroad. A new policy cannot
be improvised suddenly in so enormously
complex a situation and under such very
fluid conditions. A new policy can be ar-
rived at .only gradually by careful and as-
tute testing of what is for American diplo-
macy a very new ground.
Any idea that a new policy was formulated
and decreed in the National Security Council
one fine day recently, or that Mr. Nixon has
announced that policy, cannot be true,
The more one searches Mr. Nixon's re-
marks, the more obvious it is that there is
no policy behind them. Determination to
oppose the domination of Southeast Asia by
the Communist powers is not a policy: it
is an objective, necessary and desirable,
which requires a workable, policy to achieve
it. Making up one's mind that under cer-
tain circumstances we might have to dis-

's Remarks
patch forces to Indo-China is not a policy.
It is an element in the implementation of a
policy which has' yet to be formed.
'4 * *
THE EVIDENCE for saying that Mr. Nix-
on's remarks are not a new policy is that
he begged all the difficult questions to which
a policy would have to give the answers.
"More men are needed," he said, "they will
not come from France which is tired of the
war, as we were tired of Korea." The men
should come "from Viet Nam, Cambodia,
Laos, particularly Viet Nam." But besides
the difficulty of training the men, about
which the French are slow and unrespon-
sive, there is the "more difficult" problem
of inducing the Viet Namese "to fight with
more spirit." Some say that they would
fight with more spirit if they were fighting
for independence. But they "lack the abil-
ity to conduct a war by themselves or to
govern themselves."
Here Mr. Nixon was close to the crucial
question which a policy will have to ans-
wer. If the Viet Namese "lack the ability
to conduct a war and govern themselves,"
and since, as Mr. Nixon said, "if the
French withdraw, Indo-China would be-
come Communist-dominated within a
month, how do we resolve the dilemma?
The Indo-Chinese must have indepen-
dence in order to fight but they cannot
conduct a war and govern themselves
There is no way out of this dilemma if we
ask ourselves the unrealistic question-how
will the Viet Nam carry on the war if the
French withdraw? There is no aiswer to
a question of how to continue the war based
on the hypothesis of a French withdrawal
from the war.
The French are the government and they
are the army in Viet Nam. Were they "to
withdraw" the Viet Namese army would con-
sist of battalions without effective comman-
ders much above the regimental level. There
would be no civil authority at the national
Any notion that the French could "go out"
and that we could "go in"'-with the civil
war being fought-is an hallucination. Such
a change-over would be an enormously ela-
borate and long operation. For all practi-
cal purposes the Americans could not go
into Indo-China unless the French remain.
For it is the French who provide the gov-
ernment and the military power in all the
places where we could go in. They are,
moreover, we should not forget, the sov-
ereign power.
For this fundamental reason, which I
believe cannot be effectively disputed, the
only military policy we can have in Indo-
China is one founded upon collaboration
with France. It will have to be the will-
ing collaboration of France. That willing
collaboration cannot conceivably be won
if we go to Geneva, as Mr. Nixon appears
to want, determined in advance not to
negotiate about the armistice we promised
to go there to negotiate about. I say this
though I share his view that partition and
coalition are not acceptable solutions.
That is very different, however, from try-
ing to rule out in advance any negotiated
To do that would be mischievous indeed,
For Mr. Dulles would have to go to Geneva
with the impression fixed all over the world
that the United States is opposed to a ne-
gotiated armistice. Then the psychological
victory at Geneva is guaranteed in advance
to the Communists. They cannot lose. Our
talkative politicians will have presented
them with an impregnable position from
which to isolate us from all the peoples who
are yearning for peace in Asia, and from our
allies who want peace too.
(Copyright, 1954, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

(Continued from Page 3)

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


Pearson Program,. .
To the Editor:
THERE is a fairly good probabil-
ity that Drew Pearson's radio
program will be dropped unless
there is a sufficient show of in-
terest. If you feel that Drew Pear-
son should continue being heard,
write radio station WHRV Onn
Arbor and make your opinions
-Blue Carstenson
* * *
Cochran Speech.. .
To the Editor:
YOUR Michigan Daily again ap-
pears to be guilty of the irre-
sponsibility for which it has been'
charged many times.
I refer to author Frymer's edi-
torial "Comunism vs. the IFC." I
levy the charge for the following
1. Contrary to the connotations
of the headline and the body of
the editorial, Mr. Cochran specifi-
cally stated in his speech that he
did not mean to imply that the
the fraterntiy world was under di-
rect attack by the Communist Par-
ty-either in or out of the N.Y.r
educational system.
2. The quotation "ability to ac-
cept responsibility, the art of self
discipline, and the basic accept-
ance of divine guidance" was tak-
en out of context and, in Frymer's
article, was given a new meaning.
Mr. Cochran was speaking of these,
ideals as worthy goals for any man
or woman-affiliate or indepen-
dent, college student or alumnus.
He at no time indicated that a na-
tional organization was the only
way to achieve these goals.
3. Independent Frymer was not
in attendance at the banquet when
Mr. Cochran delivered his speech.
And since Mr. Cochran's speech
was not printed or recorded in its

The discriminating individual is
not fooled by the vulgarhcharges
of a Senator whose methods are
proclaimed immoral by one of the
leading bishops of his own Church;
he is not deceived by reckless
charges of disloyalty levied against
honest civil servants whose records
have been cleared of those charges
as much as eight times. But such
a person recognizes that these an-
tics stem from a real fear of a
dangerous movement, a movement
which is of itself a threat to aca-
demic freedom. Our form of gov-
ernment allows us to study Marx,
Lenin, and Stalin objectively; the
Soviet form refuses to expose its
citizens to capitalist thought for
fear of "losing the revolution."
Academic freedom, Mr. Sharpe,
does not sanction the establish-
ment of agipunti. Most of us, if
we ever got time to oppose the
drivel LYL keeps issuing the press,
would prefer that you keep your
cause separate from ours.
-Richard Allen LaBarge
* * *
LYL Pamphlet. ..
To the Editor:
OBJECTIVITY is a goal toward
which most political analysts
say they are striving. I am in-
cluding professionals, professors,
students, and even members of the
Labor Youth League. We all (and
I am arbitrarily including the Lea-
gue here) like to feel that we can
look at a situation with both eyes
open, and arrive at conclusions
whcih are consistent with the
facts. Those of us with conviction
are. not afraid to let our conclu-
sions become known.
At this point, I am withdrawing
the LYL from the category of "We
all." Their pamphlet "Stop Mc-
Carthyism Now," is a fine example
of the type of education which

of Appointments, 3528 Administration
Bldg., Ext. 371.
Russell Kelly Office Service from
Detroit will have a representative at
the Michigan Union on wednesday from
1 to 5 p.m. in Room 3A to interview
all students interested in Detroit area
summer clerical employment.
The Bureau of Appointments weekly
Summer Placement Meeting will be held
on Wednesday, 1-5 p.m., Room 3A,
Michigan Union, for all students in-
terested in camp, resort, business or
industrial positions this summer.
University Lecture, auspices of the
Department of Speech, "Pearls of
Great Price," Dr. Charles L. Anspach.
President, Central Michigan College of
Education, Rackham. Lecture Hail,
Wed., April 21, 4 p.m.
University Lecture. The Department
of Sociology will present Prof. David
Riesman of Johns Hopkins University
in a discussion of "Planning Research
on Our Aging Population." Dr. Ries-
man is the author of The Lonely Crowd,
and Faces in the Crowd. The lecture
will begin at 4 p.m., Wed., April 21, in
the Rackham Amphitheatre. Everyone
I cordially invited to attend.
Lecture Series,third and last lecture
of series "Pivotal Concepts in Philoso-
phy of Art" will be held Thurs., April
22, in Kellogg Auditorium at 8 p.m.
Susanne Langer will speak on "Living
The Thomas Spencer Jerome Lec-
ture, "The Golden House of Nero," by
Axel Boethius, Professor of Classical
Archaeology and History at Goteborg
University, Sweden, Fri. April 23, 4:15
p.m., Rackham Amphitheater.
Academic Notices
Geometry Seminar, wed., April 21,
7 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. W. Al-
Dhahir will present "A Theorem Con-
cerning a Desarguesiai Property of
the Pappian Configuration."
History 12, lecture section 2. Hour
bluebook test 10 a.m. Fri., April 23.
Sections 16 and 17 meet in 2054 Nat-
ural Science; all other sections in Audi-
torium A, Angell Hall.
Course 402, the Interdisciplinary Sem-
inar in the Application of Mathematics
to the Social Sciences, will meet on
Thurs., April 22, at 4 p.m. in 3409
Mason Hall. Mr. Charles Hubbell of the
Department of Sociology will speak on
"A Molecular Model of Social Inter-
Seminar in Applied Mathematics will
meet Thurs., April 22, at 4 in 247 West
Engineering. Speaker: Mr. K. M. Siegel
of WRRC. Topic: "Bounds on Cylin-
drical Functions."
Fisheries Seminar. David C. Chand-
ler, Professor of Zoology, will discuss
"Food Chains in Streams," Thurs., Apr.
22, at 7:15 p.m., in 1116 Natural Science
Doctoral Examination for Russell Eu-
gene Bidlack, Library Science; thesis:
"The University of Michigan General
Library: A History of its Beginnings,
1837-1852," Wed., April 21, 303 General
Library, at 4 p.m. Chairman, R. H.
Doctoral Examination for Elsie F. L.
Edmondson, English Language and Lit-
erature; thesis: "The Writer as Hero
in Important American Fiction since
Howells," Wed., April 21, 2601 Haven
Hall, at 7:30 p.m. Chairman, J. L.
Student Recital. Gloria Soice. So-
prano, will be heard at 8:30 Wednes-
day evening, April 21, in the Rackham
Assembly Hall, presenting a recital in
partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the Master of Music degree. She
will sing works by Mozart, Reger, Mah-
ler, Cortese, Poldowski, Gibbs, and
Menotti. and her program will be open
to the general public. Miss Soice studies
voice with Chase Baromeo.
Student Recital. Sylvia Biorn-Hansen,
pianist, will play a recital at 8:30
Thursday evening, April 22, In Audi-
torium A, Angell Hall, in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the
degree of Bachelor of Music. A pupil
of Benning Dexter, Miss Biorn-Hansen
has planned a program to include works
by Bach, Schumann, Hindemith, De-
bussy, and Chopin. It will be open to
the general public.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hall. Accessions 1953, Paintings by Jo-

sef Albers, Original Drawings for Book
Illustrations, all showing through May
2. Hours: 9-5 weekdays; 2-5 on Sundays.
The public is invited.
Events Today
Freshman Engineering Council will
hold its weekly meeting tonight at
7:30 p.m., in 1042 East Engineering Bldg.
All committee reports are due. The
meeting is open to the public.
Annual Joint Meeting of the Wom-
en's Research Club with the Research
Club and the Science Research Club
tonight at 8 in the Rackham Amphi-
theater Subject: The Nature of Re-
search in the University.
Newman Graduate Club. Get-togeth-
er and refreshments this evening at
8:30 p.m. in the Newman Center.
Pershing Rifles. All Pershing Rifle-
men report to T.C.B. in uniform at
1925 hrs. Bring gym shoes. Attendance
is required as training for the bivouac
is going to be covered.
Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office will be
open from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. today
for the sale of tickets for the Depart-
ment of Speech production of Eugene}
Hochman's 1953 Hopwood award win-
WAY, which will be presented at 85
p.m., Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
April 22, 23 and 24, in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre. Tickets are available
for $1.20-90c-60c with a special student
rate of 50c in effect opening night. All
seats are reserved.

Le Cercle Francais will meet tonight
at 8 p.m. In the Michigan League.
Spotlighting the program will be a
skit on "French Television." Songs,
games, and refreshments for all will
complete the evening! Everyone wel-
Izfa Meeting. The Intercollegiate
Zionist Federation of America' will meet
tonight at t in the Hillel Recreation
Room, immediately after the Israeli
Dance Group. Elections will be held,
and the coming inter-chapter pienio
with the Wayne Chapter will be dis-
cussed. It is urgent that all members
attend. Those who are not members,
but interested, are welcome.
Wesleyan Guild. Matin worship. 7:30-
7:50 a.m., Wednesday, in the chapel.
Mid-week refresher tea in the lounge,
4-5:30 p.m., Wednesday.
Playback of the Gilbert and -Sulli-
van recordings of "Sorcorer" and "The-
pis" tonight at 7 p.m. in the Audience
Room of WUOM. All who want records
please come to listen.
Roger Williams Guild. Tea and Chat,
this afternoon, 4:30 to 6:00.
Industrial Relations Club, 7:15 p.m.,
Student Lounge, School of Business
Administration. An important business
meeting will be held to elect officers,
discuss constitutional changes, plan for
the SL movie, and prepare for the next
speaker. Coffee and donuts will be
All students who will be manning
ticket booths the two nights of Michi-
igras may pick up their complimentary
passes in the Michigras Office in the
basement of the Union on Wed. or
Thurs., April 21 and 22, from 2 to 5
p.m. Please bring your post-card re-
minder. These passes must be picked
up in person.
All Michigras Ticket Sellers in Cam-
pus residences must turn in their mon-
ey and unsold tickets by Thursday,
April 22, at 7 p.m. Any seller who fails
to turn In his. unsold tickets will be
held personally responsible for the
Coming Events
Psychology Club. Dr. Schneider, clin-
Ical psychologist for the Bureau of
Psychological Services, will, speak on
"Projective Techniques and 'Theory" on
Thurs., April 22, at 7:30 in the League.
The room will be posted on the League
bulletin board. Refreshments will be
Phi Sigma Society. Program for
Thurs., April 22, to be held in the
Rackham Amphitheater, 8 pm. Dr..
Richard L. Weaver, Department of Con-
servation, School of Natural Resources,
will speak on "Developing a State Re-
source Use Program." Subject will be
illustrated with colored films. Refresh-
ments. Open to the public.
The 48th Annual French Play. Le
Cercle Francais will present "es Dame
aux Chapeaux Verts," a modern comedy
in one prologue' and three acts, by
Albert Acremant, on Wed., April 28, at
8 p.m. In the Lydia Mendelssohn
The Literary College Conference Steer-
ing Committee will hold a meeting on
Thurs., April 22. at 4 p.m. in Dean
Robertson's office.
Deutscher Verein-Kaffeestunde will
not meet on Thursday. The next meet-
ing will be on Monday as usual,
The International Tea, sponsored by
the International Center and the Inter-
national Students' Association, will be
held Thurs., Apr. 22, from 4:30 to 0
o'clock, third floor, Rackham Building.
Floor show by Latin-American students.
Scabbard and Blade. Meeting Thurs.,
April 22, 1930 hours, 112 North Hall.
La p'tite causette will meet tomor-
row afternoon from 3:30 to 5 p.m. ii
the Michigan Union Cafeteria. You'd
be amazed at how quickly your French
will improve by. attending this inform-
al group. Everyone welcome!
Roger Williams Guild. Yoke Fellow-
ship meets Thursday morning at 7
a.m. in the Prayer Room,
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent Breakfast at Canterbury House
following 7 a.m. service of Holy Com-
munion, Thurs., April 22.
Christian Science Organization. Tes-
timony meeting Thurs., Apr. 22, at 7:30
p.m. Fireside Room, Lane Hall. All are
Business Education Students and
Those Interested in Becoming Business
Teachers. The coffee hour scheduled
for Thursday afternoon, April 22, has

been postponed until Tues., May 4.
Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn..........Managing Editor
Eric Vetter.. . ...........City Editor
Virginia Voss.........Editorial Director
Mike Wolff......Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver. Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane D. AuWerter. . .. Associate Editor
Helene Simon........Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye.............Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. uports Editor
Marilyn Campbell......Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor
Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin..,.Assoc. Business Mgr.
1Wiliam Selden .......Finance Manager
Anita Sigesmund..Circulation Manager
Telephone NO -23-24-1


Rackham A uditorium .
Stanley Quartet: Gilbert Ross and Emil
Raab, violins; Robert Courte, viola; Oliver
Edel, cello; with Clyde Thompson, string,
IT SHOULD be no surprise to those ac-
quainted with the work of the Stanley
Quartet to say that last night's concert was
a model of distinguished programming and
performing. The unanimity of attack, tonal
balance, and phrasing was of the sort at-
tainable only by long and conscientious re-
hearsal-and by performers of considerable
ability as soloists. The program followed the
usual patern of-Stanley concerts-one Mo-
zart or Haydn work, one contemporary
work, and one Beethoven quartet. The Mo-
zart Quartet in D major, K. 575, which open-
ed the program, is a work of the compos-
er's maturity, and is characterized by con-
siderable boldness, especially for the pe-
riod, in the writing for the three lower in-
THE SPANIARDS who returned from So-
viet prisons earlier this month have given
us important and illuminating information
regarding the present distribution and na-
ture of slave labor in Moscow's realm. Slave
labor camps, they report, range from Lenin-
grad area in the west to Magadan in the
far east, from Norilsk in the far north to
Karaganda in central Asia. The returned
Cr~ninrl ofer ^nTYa s al -ormi

struments. That is, the first violin shares
a great part of the melodic material with
his partners. It is a tribute to the quality of
the performance that in the passage where
ideas were tossed between the instruments,
the line was preserved with as much clar-
ity as it would have had if played by a
single performer.
The Milhaud Quintet No. 2 (with string
bass), which followed, is a work that grows
on one with repeated hearings. The thick-
ness of the texture almost conceals at
times a very straightforward tunefulness
that is most engaging. Milhaud here, as
in his other works, makes his points with
a minimum of fuss, and stops at exact-
ly the right place. The moody third move-
ment, a sort of exe'cise in sonorities with
a single line sounding above block chords
iii the other instruments, and the lively
final movement are perhaps the most at-
tractive. The string bass is used most of
the time for rhythmic punctuation and
the peculiar "lift" which only a string
bass pizzicato can give to an ensemble.
Clyde Thompson joined the Quartet in a
truly fine performance.
The concluding work was the Quartet in
A minor, Op. 132, by Beethoven, one of the
supposedly inscrutable "last" quartets of
this composer. Though not, perhaps, as im-
mediately attractive as many of Beethoven's
quartets, much of it is forthright and vig-
orous, and has a strong expressive appeal.
The only particular faults in the perform-

entirety, it appears almost incon-
ceivable that newsman. Frymer
was qualified to make such a criti-
cal analysis.
With all of your talk of freedom
of the press, it seems that you have
failed to keep abreast of at leastI
one of the modern concepts in this
area. This concept, often referred
to as the Hutchins' Commission
Theory, states that freedom of the
press involves more than an un-
fettered, libertarian right. It in-
volves a social responsibility to
provide its public with accurate
and, authoritative information and
This responsibility applies with
equal vigor to the news and edi-
torial pages.
-James H. Walters
Executive Vice President
Interfraternity Council
Separate Causes . , ,
To the Editor:

they so deplore. Calculated to play
upon the credulity of those easily
swayed by stump-orator techni-
ques, the pamphlet fails on several
The LYL asks, "Are we to be
able to hear labor's answer to the
problem of unemployment and
economic misery or must the dic-
tums of the NAM become our text."
Nowhere did I find a hint of what
that answer might be. What is the
League afraid of? Why can't they
call a spade a spade?
The LYL says "Once united, de-'
mocratic America is far stronger
than the forces of McCarthyism.
It is against that unity that Mc-
Carthyism has directed its most
formidable weapon-the Big Lie
that 'Communism menaces Amer-
Perhaps this quote from the
Communist Manifesto will help set
them straight.
"The Communists disdain to
conceal their views and aims. They


THE PURPOSE of a student is to openly declare that their ends can
investigate ideas that they may be attained only by the forcible
be better understood by him. When overthrow of all existing social
a person ceases to have under- conditions."
standing as his prime motive, he Is this democracy? Are we to
is no longer a student or entitled consider a desire for a forcible ov-
to the protection of academic erthrow as no menace at all."
freedom. He who forms an action Until the LYL can put their
group to agitate for the adoption programs on the table they will
of a given ideology is in a poli- have to be content with trying to
tical sphere, not an academic one. fool some of the people, some of
Students at the University are the time.
taught the pros and cons of Marx- -John Shepherd, '56
ist thought in such courses as1
Philosophy 63, History 140, and.
Political Science 152; likewise, a PRIME Minister Nehru is right
student may join the campus-rec- and wise in refusing to recog-
ognized Karl Marx Society if henizeteegality ofsthe Communist
is inclined toward independent libe'ation' of parts of the French
work. However, the Labor Youth colony of Pondicherry, a tiny en-
League is, by its own admission, an clave on the Indian sub-conti-
action group. Its purpose is mes- nent near Madras. This is not
sianic, not educational. When because Mr. Nehru does not want


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