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February 12, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-02-12

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a i

I" Hag~~ flete
Daily Managing Editor
"CURRENT negotiations between The Daily
and the Joint Judiciary Council are one
phase of the continual battle for freedom
of information engaged in by this newspa-
per. This struggle is not unique with The
Daily, every newspaper must contend with
individuals and organizations determined
to cover up mistakes and embarrasing
stories, but many times members of the
campus community and alumni attempt to
infer that The Daily must avoid stories tend-
ing to embarass the University.
Because we are linked to the University,
these individuals have the erroneous impres-
ion that we are functioning as a public re-
lations organ for the University. The Daily
follows neither this policy nor a policy of
deliberately causing embarassment to the
University, but instead pursues a course of
covering and printing all news items except
those which are libelous or in bad taste.
The Daily has never been sensationalist
in its policies; suicides are handled under
strict rules and sex incidents or violent
crimes are covered with the utmost dis-
cretion. Therefore, we are not sympathet-
ic to charges that a policy of printing pen-
alties and violations on group incidents
handled by the Judiciary is sensationalist.
The Daily's present policy of publishing
information on group cases only after each
group has exhausted its opportunities for
appeal is itself a compromise position. It
would be entirely within proper newspaper
practice to publish details of raids and vio-
lations as soon as we learned of them. In
this light, the request that the Council co-
operate by releasing the name, fine, violation
and decision on each group case as it is pros-
ecuted is a reasonable affirmation of. pres-,
ent compromise policy.
Any so-called "compromise" that reduces
the amount of information available to the
campus any further is unacceptable to The
Daily editors.
IITHOUT particular fanfare, the local
Veterans of Foreign Wars chapter re-
fused to implement the unwise policy of its
national organization by rejecting a request
to set up a local committee to investigate
"subversive elements."
There is no reason for a national or-
ganization of this type to set up its own
investigation system. The field is han-
dled quite adequately by state and federal
agencies which use professionally trained
men to gather information. VFW novices
are not trained and there is no guarantee
that their judgment would be at all factual
or dispassionate.
Indeed, the VFW plan is the most danger-
ous method of attacking the Communist
problem since it contributes to the hysteria
generated by irresponsible elements on the
Congressional investigating committees.
The local VFW should be commended for
its forthright stand and recognition that
Communist investigations should be the re-
sponsibility of existing governmental agen-

Ike's Honesty a nd GOP Oratory

"It Seems To Be Stopped Up Somewhere"

The Daily welcomes communicationsfrom its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste wil
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Associate Editorial Director
WHAT Eisenhower lacks in political acu-
men he compensates for with sincere
political honesty.
This has become a cliche. But it is a most
important fact about the President, especial-
ly as regards today's political party pro-
Factions of the GOP have, within the
last four months, engaged in a vicious
campaign to equate Democratic rule with
disloyal rule, and, in effect, to subvert the
political party structure.
The attack was begun in November by
Attorney General Brownell with the Harry
Dexter White case and the subsequent Tru-
man subpoena.,
Gov. Dewey picked up the ball in his De-
cember Hartford speech in which he charg-
ed the Democrats with bungling the U.S. into
the Korean war without the courage or ca-
pacity to fight or end it effectively.
The third speech of this nature was by the
Assistant to the President, Sherman Adams.
Last week he told the Republican National
Committee that the Democrats-"political
sadists"-are spreading a 'fear deal' and
trying to talk the country into a depression.
In the meantime the Administration has
refused to break down the number of those
dismissed from the government as security
risks with the intention of showing that the
Democratic administration was ripe with
hundreds of subversives.
This week, with the aid of the Republican
National Committee, GOP Congressmen
continued the intemperate attack during the
Lincoln Day speeches throughout the na-
tion. (McCarthy's contribution has been a
series of speeches entitled "Twenty Years of
This might be winning politics but it is

not democratic politics. Fortunately Eisen-
hower is more concerned with the latter.
When the White case broke, the President
said publicly it was absurd to call Truman
disloyal and he disapproved of the subpoena.
He also said at this time that he hoped in-
ternal Communism would not be the major
1954 campaign issue.
Wednesday, Eisenhower again took a stand
against extreme partisanship politics.
In brief, the President told reporters this
is not time for such bitter political attacks,
his program needed Democrat support, and
"is foolish to call all of another group
treasonous to the U.S."
As the President said he cannot stop the
attacks except when they come from his
executive 'family.'
But given Eisenhower's national popular-
ity, he can counter the detrimental effects
of the current 'Democrats-equals-disloyalty'
Obviously, he is motivated in this direc-
tion. But he must make himself heard over
the roar of the demogagues.
There are more effective ways of reach-
ing the public than through press confer-
ences. If the President is truly concerned
with keeping the system intact, and I
think he is, he might well utilize the power
of radio and TV to convey to the public
his reasonable approach to party politics.
In addition to the practical consideration
that he needs Democratic support, the Pres-
ident has to make the point more sharply
that the attacks are completely out of line
with the proper functioning of the party
The GOP oratory of the last four months
has been in the spirit of sheer political
demagoguery. President Eisenhower must
convince the American people that this is
the case.
ZT +
paintings is much less than good, nor much
more, either-no laurels and few opinions.
In nearly every instance, color and composi-
tion are competently-even strikingly-han-
dled, and whether you prefer Margo's re-
straint or Hofmann's gusto will depend
largely on your frame of mind at the time
you see them. On the whole, the show is
mildly impressive, and would be more so ex-
cept for the disquiting self-consciousness
bred by defiant or affected execution. Where
the painters' labors are successful, it is des-
pite the gimmicks rather than because of
Of the sculptors, I have less to say. They
affect the same sort of approach, purpose-
ly leaving their metal surfaces unfinished,
or even adding lumps to accentuate the
"natural" crudities. I'm not one of the
Svery few who understand these works, I
fear, and it's all rather sad.
Tucked away at one end of the same
room, and running concurrently, is an un-
pretentious little collection of African sculp-
tures and utensils from the Segy Galleries
and our own Museum of Anthropology. Even
out of their cultural context, these speci-
mens are very pleasing, and are much more
inviting to my tactile and visual senses than
their sophisticated gallery-mates.
Foir another yeek or so, in the South Gal-
lery, prints by Emil Weddige's students will
be on view and for sale. It is gratifying to
note the quality of the work turned out by
our fellows in the School of Design, and it
might be a good thing to feature student
and faculty work more frequently. There is
certainly enough talent in the school for
three or four scheduled shows per year, and
it's a pity it doesn't get the attention it de-
serves. Let's agitate.
-Siegfried Feller


"THE EMBELLISHED Surface," circulated
by the MMA, currently has top billing
at the University Museum of Art, and will
remain on display in the West Gallery of
AMH for the rest of the month. Since nearly
all painters seek to embellish their surfaces,
it might be more apt to describe these works
as encrusted. Most of the contributors are
extremists of the bas-relief-in-pigments
school, and the others introduce matter not
usually associated with painting into their
pictures; none has contented himself with
brush work alone.
Enrico Donati has seen fit to add rayon
plastic to the surface of his Moonscape,
giving his large canvas a fuzzy texture.
Textural effects, of course, can be obtain-
ed by brush work alone, whether for real-
ism (Harnett, et al), or for visual and
tactile effects in themselves. As a shocker,
-the thing doesn't come within a mile of the
fur-lined tea set executed by Oppenheim
some years ago, and probably isn't meant
to. Still, as a picture, Donati's doesn't suf-
fer by comparison with the others. Obsid-
ian Doctors by Reynal is interesting, at
least momentarily; not that the distinc-
tion is important, but this stone-scape be-
longs rather to the domain of the lapid-
ary than the painter.
Some of the special effects are rather la-
bored, particularly in Keinbush's collage of
roofing materials; the title shows consider-
ably iore imagination than the construc-
tion. Among the collages, the most notable
is Masson's Street Singer, in which he uses
cleverly such materials as insect wings, a
scrap of sheet music, a leaf, and colored
paper. The two dadaists, Schwitters and
Baader, are still amusingly vitriolic after all
these years, but their collages are painful,
and can't wear very well.
With the exceptions noted, none of the

At the Michigan...
GOON, with Richard Carlson.
SAVED FROM THE disastrous Campus
Drug Store fire yesterday, the Michigan
Theater, with the aid of a great deal of
water, came up with a few disasters of its
own, all unnatural, all make-believe, but
clearly perpetrated by an actor in a fish
costume known as The Gill Man.
The acts of violence committed are of
the conventional sort that happen to
nosy scientists and assorted safari per-
sonnel who pry into the lair of crotchety
monsters by now quite familiar in "sci-
ence fiction" films. As ,usual, they added
up to a predictable, unexceptional movie
which was not as boring as some of its
predecessors, but still pulp. It was far
below the standard set by "The Thing,"
the vegetable-monster film of a few years
The plot involves a group of fossil-seek-,
iNg icthyologists who journey to uncharted
reaches of the Amazon and come upon a
refugee from the Devonian Age who is both
amphibious and homicidal. The remainder
of the story describes the fight between the
visiting explorers and the host monster.
Unfortunately, however, the monster's ex-
pression remains continually thoughtful
and his inclinations heterosexual, so he
never manages to seem either inhuman or
particularly frightening. The advertise-
ments for the film are rather modestly
aware of this shortcoming: they bill the
creature as something "supposed to scare
you," eertainy a forthright enough state-
ment of intentions.
The more recognizably human mem-
'Lav. _*flcknn - - - c ..e. rrr__ w- _rne

(Continued from Page 3)
The Seventh U.S. Civil Service Region
has announced an examination for fill-
ing Clerk positions in the Federal Ser-
vice. No previous experience is required
of applicants.
The Board of U. S. Civil Service Exam-
iners for the Dept. of Agriculture is
offering an examination to qualify un-
dergraduates for appointments as Stu-
dent Trainees in the fields of Soil Con-
servation, Soil Science, or Agricultural
Engineering. The examination is re-
stricted to those students who will not
have completed their full curriculum by
June 30, 1954. The deadline for accept-
ing applications is March 3, 1954.
The Wisconsin State Service has an-
nounced an examination for the posi-
tion of Accountant III in the Dept. of
State Audit. Qualifications include a:
degree with an accounting major plus
4 years of experience in the professional
auditing work. The deadline for filing
application for this exam, which is open
to non-residents, is Feb. 25, 1954.
For additional information concern-
ing these and other employment op-
portunities, contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration Bldg.,
Ext. 371.
University Lecture. Professor Meyer
Fortes of Cambridge University will
deliver a University Lecture on "Ritual
Symbolism and Social Organization" on
Fri., Feb. 12, at 4:10 p.m. in Auditorium
A of Angell Hal. The speaker is com-
ing to Michigan under the joint spon-
sorship of the Departments of Sociol-
ogy and Anthropology. He is the author
of several books on the social anthro-
pology of one of the tribes in the
hinterland of the Gold Coast.
Lecture entitled. 'Environment Pro
and Con," by Sybil Moholy-Nagy, Mon.,
Feb. 15, Auditorium A, Angell Hall, 4:15
p.m., College of Architecture and De-
sign. Public is cordially invited.
Academic Notices
Seminar in Potential Theory. Organ-
izational meeting Fri., Feb. 12, at 12
noon, 270 West Engineering Building,
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics.
Organizational meeting for those in-
terested will be on Fri., Feb. 12, in
3020 Angell Hall, at 12 noon.
The Department of Biological Chem-
istry will hold its first seminar of the
second semester in 319 West Medical
Building at 10:15 a.m., Sat., Feb. 13.
Dr. Joseph J. Pfiffner of the Research
Department, Parke, Davis, and Com-
pany, will speak on "Pigments of the
vitamin B-12 Group." All who wish to
attend are cordially invited to join the
group for an informal cup of coffee at
10 before the seminar. (Coffee in Room
Doctoral Examination for Rodger Da-
vid Mitchell, Zoology; thesis: "Anatomy,
Life History, and Evolution of the Mites
Parasitising Fresh Water Mussels," Fri.,
Feb. 12, 2089 Natural Science Bldg., at
1:30 p.m. Chairman, H. van der Schalie.
Health Lectures. As a part of the
health education program of the Uni-
versity Health Service, a series of six
lectures will be given as per the fol-
lowing schedule. They will be given at
4 p.m. and repeated at 7:30 p.m. in the
Health Service Lecture Room.
No. 1-Tuesday, February 16
No. 2-Thursday, February 18
No. 3-Tuesday, February 23
No. 4-Thursday, February 25
No. 5-Tuesday, March 2
No. 6-Thursday, March 4
These lectures are designed particu-
larly for students who are new to the
campus, but are open to all-espec-
ially to those who did not attend the
required lectures. They are comprehen-
sive summaries, particularly of basic
questions related to personal health of
importance to students
Lecture titles will be announced later.
The University Extension Service an-
nounces openings in the following
classes: (Regs'tration for these classes
may be made in 164 School ofBusi-
ness Administration, on Monroe St..
6:30-9:30 p.m., or in 4501 Administra-
tion Building, 8:00-5:00 through the
Electronic Circuits and Controls. Pro-
vides additional material for students
who have taken courses in Industrial
Electronics of Television Circuits in
previous semesters, Subjects covered
are: design of amplifiers, advanced con-
trol and regulating circuits, servos, and
computer circuits. Laboratory exer-
cises. Open to anyone with previous
background in electronics. Sixteen
weeks. $18.
Instructor Kenneth A. Stone In-

SecretarialProcedures, For employed
secretaries and office stenographic em-
ployees. Reviews such matters as the
elements of an employable personality,
work hapits, the scope of secretarial
work, telephone etiquette, filing pro-
cedures, preparing business itineraries,
and general office procedures. Twelve
weeks. $15.
Instructor, Irene Place, Assistant Pro-
fessor of Secretarial Practice.
Mon., Feb. 8, 7 p.m., 176 Business Ad.
ministration Bldg.
Student Recital. Helen Poterala, pian-
ist, will present a program in partial
fulfillment of the- requirements for the
degree of Master of Music at 8:30 Mon-
day evening.sFeb. 15, in the Rackham
Assembly Hall. It will include works by
Bach, Finney, Schubert, and Chopin,
and will be open to the general public
without charge. Miss Poteala has been
a pupil of Joseph Brinkman.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hall. African Sculptures, through Feb.
28; The Embellished Surface, through
Mar. 1; Student Printmakers Exhibition,
through Feb. 17. Open 9 to 5 on week-
days; 2 to 5 on Sundays. The public
is invited.
Events Today
Anthropology Club. There will be
a SPECIAL MEETING of the Anthro-
pology Club this evening at 7:45 p.m.
in the West Conference Room at
the Rackham Building. The Guest
Speaker will be DR. MEYER FORTES
who will speak on "Recent Develop-
ments in African Ethnography." EV-
The Regular meeting of the Anthro-
pology Club will be held on Feb. 16,
at 7:45 p.m. in the EAST Conference
Room of the Rackham Building. DR.
E. R. SERVICE will speak on "Facts and
Theories in Ethnology." Refreshments
will be served.
Coffee Hour, Lane Hall today, 4:15-
6:00 p.m. Selected readings from the
life of Abraham Lincoln featured. Ev-
eryone invited.
Lutheran Student .Center. There'll be
a party at the Lutheran Student Cen-
ter tonight at 8 p.m. New students
are especially welcome.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can.
terbury Club, 7:30 p.m. this evening
at Canterbury House. Professor Roma
A. King, Jr. will lead a discussion o
recordings of Eliot's "Murder in th
Episcopal Student Foundation. Tea
from 4 to 5:30 at Canterbury House
this afternoon. All students invited.
Gilbert and Sullivan Society. Tryouts
for "Thespis" and "The Sorcerer" i
the League tonight from 7-9; Satur
day 2 p.m.-6 p.m.; Sunday 2 p.m.-1
prm4. Everyone urged to come.
Newman Club. New Student Dan e
will be held this evening from 9-2
at the Father Richard Center. Music
for dancing will be provided by a well-
known campus orchestra. Refreshments
and entertainment will be provided b
the Newmanites. All new students ae
urged to come and get acquainted wit
the Newman Club and its members.
Psychology Club. Old members-Thene
will be a meeting to discuss plans fo
this semester today at 3:15 in 242
Mason Hall. This meeting is important
please attend.
Hillel Week-end Activities: Friday
6 p.m.-Kosher Dinner. 7 :45-Evenin
Saturday; 9 a.m.-Communty Se
Sunday: 10:30 a.m.-Hillel Studen
Council Meeting. 5 p.m.-Hillel Chorus
6 p.m.-Sunday Evening Supper Clu
featuring a buffet style dinner wit
dancing to Paul Brodie and his band
Next Week at Hillel: Monday: Hillel
zapoppin-Tryouts for Independent Wo
men group at the League between 3-
p.m. and 7-9 p.m.
Tuesday: Hilleizapoppn-Tryouts fo
Independent Women at the Leagu
(same as Monday)
Inter-Guild Council meets at Presby
terian Church, 4 p.m.
Roger Williams Guild. Weekly party
this evening at 8 o'clock, in th
Guild House. An added attraction wi
be the showing of slides portraying som
interesting Japanese customs.

Lincoln's Day, 1954 ...
To the Editor:
FEBRUARY is the month in
which all America pauses for a day1
to commemorate the birthday of
one of her greatest Presidents, Ab-
raham Lincoln. The Republican
Party, in particular, has for many
years honored the memory of the
Great Emancipator by holding
Lincoln Day Dinners throughout
the nation,
The custom is being carried out
again this year, but there is a new
twist to the speeches this year.
Senator Jbseph McCarthy, with
the full sanctioning of the Repb-
lican National Committee, has
been sent on his way through the
land with, a series of speeches en-
titled "Twenty Years of Treason."
He gave one of these speeches in
our state the other day. In it, he
said that Democrats are "traitors"
and "betrayers" in our midst.
By allowing this demagogue to
continue, the GOP has demon-
strated that it will stoop to any
depth to win votes-even to the
extent of branding one-half the
nation as traitors. They are busy
now spreading the seeds of dis-
sension, unrest, suspicion and.
Some of us were disappointed
when Dwight D. Eisenhower was
elected President of this land, but
we believe that basically he was a
good man; an honest man; a sin-
cere, dedicated man. Many of us
still believe this. We reject the idea
that the man in the White House,
who only a few days ago sent his
memorial wreath to the grave of
him who sleeps in the Rose Gar-
den in Hyde Park, New York, coigd
subscribe to the philosophy that
whoever disagrees with McCarthy
is a traitor.
But when will the President
speak outto defend one half the
nation against these charges? He
is President of all the people, is he
not? He has stated that hewill not
deal in personalities, but McCar-
thy is more than a personality, he
is a force which could split the na-
tion, when we need most to stand
Let the Kansas farm boy whose
courage and leadership led this
country to victory over tyranny in
World War II, and whose nation
honored him by making him their
President and spokesman, assert
himself, now, before it is too late.
-Gene Mossner
Class of 1952
* * *
Dygert's Symptoms. ...
To the Editor:
JIM DYGERT was on his way to
writing a good editorial yester-
day but he muffed it. One can't
really blame him. He is suffering
the same effects as most who have
succumbed to the disease present-
ly enveloping the United States. A
quote from his recent editorial re-
veals one of the symptoms: "These
men" (the 21 who stayed) "either
gave in to Communism after a long
ordeal of physical and mental tor-
ture or went over to the Reds in
anticipation of the treatment they
would otherwise be forced to en-
dure." Doesn't this sound sympto-
matic? If it doesn't, you've prob-
ably got the disease too. This di-
sease manifests itself by causing
large numbers of people to believ
s a statement simply after having
been exposed to it long enough.
The implication of this quota-
tion is that there is no reason
able, rational road to Communism
e The severity of the epidemic i
2 evidenced by the fact that almos
everyone, nowadays, accepts thi
s without question. Now this quote
y statement is not necessarily true
e On an ideological basis, given a

acertain degree of free choice, some
intelligent people will choose
e Communism. Neither torture no:
r insanity nor "brain-washing" is
9 a necessary prerequisite. The soon-
er we realize this, the more dem-
ocratically and effectively will we
be able not only to rid ourselves of
g this disease, but to counter what
ever danger Communism offers
against our chosen way of life.
t The fact that an intelligent ed-
. itorial-writer is oblivious to the
forces working in our country
which make us accept ideas with-
- out questioning them (let alone
- refuting them) is alarming. Sim-
5 ilarly, I have watched the Daily
r change from a once healthy news-
e paper to one which has fallen vic-
tim to this disease, in the cours
of five years. I "would like to see
- those persons connected with the
Daily, who are still healthy an
, alert, make themselves heard.
e -Victor Bloom
Liberalism and SDA.. -

To The Editor:

IT IS CERTAINLY an unfortun-
ate situation when taxpayers
find their elected representatives
concerning themselves with as
trivial and comparatively insig-
nificant legislation such as Sen.
Harry F. Hittle's proposed change
in the name of Michigan State
College, when other more import-
ant business of state is at hand.
May we remind Sen. Hittle that
the educational situation in that
institution demands more atten-
tion than merely a preoccupation
with a simple change of name.
If the students of Michigan
State College really want to ap-
pear as a top university, may we
suggest they attempt to raise
their educational standards. If
they had any initiative at all be-
fitting college students, they
would make something of their
own name and not attempt to
adopt another.
-Robert Q. McBride
Larry Schwartz

al prosperity, our national secur-
ity, and our ideal rf fair economic
opportunity for all."
In both of our national political
parties the vocal liberals are an
ineffectual minority. The chilly
attitude which the leaders of the
Democratic Party, the supposedly
more liberal of the two parties,
have recently taken toward the
Americans for Democratic Action
is significant of the way the polit-
ical picture is taking shape. A po-
litical party is a power mechanism.
It is responsive to the will of or-
ganized groups of voters, who hold
the key to political power in
America. Illiberal attitudes in leg-
islative bodies are a reflection of
the fact that liberals through the
nation are too poorly organized or
not sufficiently numerous. The
challenge to organize and to edu-
cate is clear.
On our University campus, also,
there is little to please the propo-
nent of dynamic, enlightened,
avant-garde liberalism. Student
government is ineffectual and in
a state of disrepute. Original cul-
tural enterprises are not being suf-
ficiently encouraged. There is at
tragic dearth of interest in con-
temporary events of either a po-
litical or a more broadly intellec-
tual nature. Controversy is gen-
erally shunned.
What is needed is not another
institution or set of rituals, an-
other political 'club' or committee.
What the situation calls for is a
movement, a vortex. It is the in-
tention of the local chapter of the
Students for Democratic Action to
use its facilities to give rise to such
a movement. Any such enterprise
will, of course, need the support
of the University's forward looking,
liberal population.
A preliminary meeting of the
SDA will be held in the Union at
8 p.m. on Wednesday, February 17.
I hope many people will give con-
siderable thought to the contents
of this letter and come to our
meeting effervescing with stimu-
lating ideas.
-David J. Kornbluh
President, SDA
* * *
Al. S. C...

. .;
.. .

Washington Merry-Go-Round

WASHINGTON -- Inside reason for the
request for an FBI report on ex-Gov.
Earl Warren of California before he is con-
firmed as Chief Justice is complaints inspir-
ed by the ex-Attorney General of California,
Fred Howser, and opposition by Sen. Jim
Eastland of Mississippi, who is afraid War-
ren will vote for ending segregation in
schools below the Mason-Dixon line.
All of this is why Senate judiciary chair-
man "Wild Bill" Langer of North Dako-
ta has bluntly notified the Justice Depart-
ment that his committee will hold up War-
ren's confirmation until it gets a full FBI
report on him.
Meanwhile, Langer has sent his own in-
vestigators to the West Coast to check into
97 complaints that the Judiciary Committee
has received against the distingished anr1

It was at the prodding of Senator East-
land that Langer requested an FBI report
several weeks ago. When it failed to arrive,
Langer phoned Deputy Attorney General
Bill Rogers and repeated his demand.
"But Earl Warren is one of the most dis-
tinguished men in this country. He has been
elected governor of his state three times,"
protested Rogers.
"Well, he's going to be treated just like
everyone else who comes before our commit-
tee," snorted the North Dakotan.
Langer then made it clear that Warren
won't be confirmed to the nation's highest
judicial post until an FBI investigation has
been made.
Chief source of the complaints against
Warren. Camfnnmiea.'p-A++nmnvrIpnnAI

Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff'
Harry Lunn............Managing Editor
Eric Vetter..................City Editor
Virginia Voss..... .Editorial Director
Mike Wolff......Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane D. AuWerter.....Associate Editor
Helene Simon..........Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye...........Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg... . Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell......Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor
Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Traeger......Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden......Finance Manager
Don Chisholm.....Circulation Ma'nager
Telephone NO 23-24-1


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