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March 26, 1954 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1954-03-26

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MAY,, MARCH 26, 1954




Mill 11 111

Military Atmosphere To Prevail
At Annual ROTC Dance Tonight

Blue and white decorations, in-
cluding a 15-foot model rocket,
will set the mood for Military
Ball, scheduled from 9 p.m. to 1
a.m. tonight in the Union Ball-
As they mount the steps, the
cadets and their dates will be
greeted by several fellow ROTC
unit members in full dress uni-
form. These men will be on hand
to collect tickets and to salute
cadet officers, unit commanders
and visiting officers as they ar-
Once up the stairs, the cou-
ples will notice that the corridor
has been lined on both sides with
tall white columns. Decorating
these posts will be the emblens
of the three military honorary
societies, the Arnold Air Society,
Scabbard and Blade and Persh-
ing Rifles.
Carrying out the theme begun
in the corridor decorations, the
ballroom itself will feature a false
ceiling of navy blue crepe paper
Highlighting the south end of
the room, the 15 foot model jet
rocket will be poised ready for the
take-off. Made in the shape of a
cylinder, the white cardboard
model has been built complete with
fins, nose and tail, and imitation
Lettersstrung above the band-
stand will announce to couples
that they are attending "Mili-
tary Ball, 1954." Included with
the lettering will be the cap de-
vices of the three services. Rep-
resenting the navy will be the
fouled anchor, while the army
features an eagle with arrows
and palm frond and the air
force, an eagle clasping thun-
From each side of the band-
stand a red column will rise with
oversize model shoulder boards
representing the various ranks in
the three services forming the
focus ofattention here.
The army and air force will take
over one pole, with insignia start-
ing at the bottom with second
lieutenant and moving up through
the ranks to the five-star general
or General of the Armies. On .the
column featuring navy insignia,
the decorations will begin with
ensign and move up to Admiral of
the Fleet.
During the evening, a receiv-
ing line will be formed in the
ballroom, so that couples may
meet official guests who will
attend the dance.
Included in the line will be the
three cadet commanders of the
ROTC units and the three unit
commanders. Colonel William L.
Todd, professor of air science and
tactics, is commander of the air
force unit, while Captain Charles
A. Bond, professor of naval science,
fills that capacity for the navy
ROTC. Commander of the army
cadets is Colonel Virgil R. Miller,
professor of military science and
Providing music for dancing
during the evening will be Fred
Netting and his orchestra. Hailing
from the Detroit area, the Net-
ting outfit features arrangements
in the Glenn Miller style.
Programs, favors and photo-
graphs will help provide coeds with
momentos of the annual formal
dance. Adding to the festive at-
mosphere, all cadets will appear in'
full dress uniform.
Tickets are available today, pric-
ed at $3 per couple, in the ROTC
offices in North Hall and the Tem-
porary Class Building. They will
also be sold at the door.
Booth Chairman

Announces Rules
About Michigras
Orders for materials for Michi-
gras booths and floats are request-
ed at the Michigras office today,
Booth Co-chairman Bob Gillow
He also enumerated rules that
will apply to field house procedure.
Napkins may not be used, he
added, to decorate booths.
The chairman explained that
students may set up their booths
in Yost Field House Wednesday,
April 21 and Thursday, April 22.
They will have a total of 33 hours
to complete this task~ from 8 a.m.
to 12'30 a.m. each day.
The deadline is set because-the
booths will be sprayed for fire-
< proofing early' Friday morning.
Representatives will have to
clean up the general areas of their
booths Saturday morning, April
24. He also stated that houses will
j not get rebates unless representa-
tives unconstruct their booths by
noon Sunday, April 25.
Michigras Campus Pre-sale Tick-
et Committee and Ticket Commit-
tee need workers to sign up to sell


Union Offers
Free Service
To Travelers
Travel Bureau To Aid
Vacationing Students
With Transportation
to help solve the transportation
problems of both vacationing and
homeward-bound students, the
Union has set up its Travel Ser-
Run free of charge, the service
has been planned as a meeting
ground where riders seeking rides
can obtain them and where driv-
ers can find passengers.
Committee members hope this
will be mutually beneficial to
both parties, for the riders can
save on transportation costs,
while the drivers profit by get-
ting passengers who will share
In taking advantage of the ser-
vice, drivers fill out blue cards and
riders fill out red cards. These slips
are available at the service head-
quarters in the Union main lobby
near the front entrance.
The boxes containing the cards
are cleaned out each day and all
cards are filed alphabetically ac-
cording to state. As each new
batch of cards comes in, they are
dated and subsequently filed in
that order. The service is thus put
on a first come, first served basis.
Matching the red and blue
cards, as soon as there are the
desired number of riders for a
driver, the Travel Service will
call the driver and report the
names and phone numbers of the
prospective riders.
After contacting the riders, the
driver is asked to inform the Tra-
vel Service whether he has too
few, enough or too many pas-
sengers. This information is re-
quested in order to insure against
one rider being matched up with
more than one driver.
So that riders and drivers may
see what cards are already in and
thus see what their relative
chances are, the committee has set
up a map in the Union lobby di-
rectly above the Travel Service
The service is available to any-
one living in or near Ann Arbor
and not only to students of the

-Daily-Don Campbell
UP IN THE AIR-Balanced in a precarious position, decorations
co-chairman Allan Pratt works to finish the model rocket which
will highlight decorations at the annual Military Ball, to be held
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. tonight in the Union Ballroom. He is being
assisted by publicity co-chairman Edward Leland.
Conference To TelI Coeds
About Career Opportunities

With the popphig of terminal buds, and descending of exams and
bluebooks, students have sought refuge from mid-semesters in plan-
ning dances, elaborate formals, and gay costume parties.
It is a pledge formal for the Phi Gami's and their dates tonight
who will be dancing ,to the music of Earl Pearson and his band,
Decorations featuring a "Night of Knights" theme will be the
setting for the occasion and a dinner at thie Union will preceed the
Also holding their annual spring formal will be the Pi Beta Phi's
and their dates who will have dinner at the house and dancing to
the music of Hai. Singer's band.
Dancing in a night-club style atimosphere to the music of
Larry Frohman and his band will be the Tau Delt's and their
dates who will attend the "Club 2015" party, while the Phi Kappa
Sigma's will spin to the music of Jim Granville's band.
Playing for the Little Club tonight will be the Blue Notes, while
the entertainment for the attending couples will be a short skit from
the Union Opera.
A hard times party is on the agenda for the Phi Delta Theta's
and their dates who will be coming dressed in costumes of those who
have survived many "hard times" ''Decorations will add to the pre-
vailing atmosphere and the couples will dance to the music of
Johnny Harbert and his band.
Twirling to the music of Dick Boggs and his Diminished Fifth
tonight will be the Lambda Chi Alpha's, while Phi Upsilon and Phi
Kappa Psi will be dancing to the music of Red Johnson.
Coming dressed as inmates of an insane asylum tomorrow, will
be the members of Acacia and their dates who will be dancing
in a "mental institution" atmosphere, with the chaperones act-
ing as wardens,
Tomorrow night it is a circus party, straw and all, for the
Sigma Chi's and their dates, who will be spinning to the music of
Joe Mazzdla's band, while the girls of Adelia Cheever are holding
a suppressed desire costume party,
A "Haunted Castle" atmosphere will prevail at the Sigma Nu
pledge formal with dinner and dancing at the house. A three-story
dining room decorated in dark blue will lend a macabre note to
this eerie setting.
Also holding their spring formals tomorrow night, are the Phi
Sigma Kappa's with "A Fool's Paradise," Alpha Phi's "Up in Central
Park," Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Delta Phi and Chi Phi.
Dancing to the fast-stepping music of Joe Cook's orchestra
will be the girls of Victor Vaughn, who are holding their tradi-
tional square dance.
The Theta Chi's will dance in a setting depicting scenes of mod-
ern life at a "Come Dressed as You Are" party, while Tau Kappa
Epsilon is "whooping it up" at their wild west gambling party.
Beta Theta Pi, Delta Tau Delta, Phi Delta Phi, Alpha Delta Phi,
Triangle, Adams House and Alpha Phi Alpha are spinning to the
discs, while the Theta Xi's are holding a "Past Memories Party" with
"sign-in cards' dating back to the year 1934.
Prevailing at Anderson House's "Hard Times Party" will be a
Mississippi steamboat setting with decorations featuring scenes from
below the Mason-Dixon line in the deep south, while the SAE's are
dancing to the music of Hal Singer and his band,
Games, roulette wheels and paper money which the men of
Trigon will try to win will be prevailing scenes at their "Monte
Carlo Party," while the men of Wenley House will dance at their
"Fantasy in Red" party tomorrow night.
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, men's music honorary, will present a
masked ball, "Un Ballo in Mashera" from 9 p.m. to midnight to-
morrow in the League. Playing for dancing couples will be the Five
Aces, while intermission entertainment will feature Harold Hugh
accompanied by John Flower.


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Freshman and sophomore wo-
men who are still unsure of their
concentration interests and jun-
iors and seniors who would like
to know what type of jobs they can
expect when they graduate will
get an introduction to job oppor-
tunities in the Humanities at the
Career Conference at I p.m. to-
morrow in the League.
In this first in a projected ser-
ies of conferences, five faculty$
members will participate in a
panel discussion on "Value of Hu-,
manities in Earning a Living."
THE PANEL members include
Prof. Marvin Felheim of the Eng-
lish department; Prof. Edgar Wil-
lis of the speech department; Prof.-
Otto Graf of the language de-I
partment; Prof. Howard Earmann
of the history department and1
Lawyers To Hold
Late Celebration
Although the calendar says it ist
spring, members of the Lawyers't
Club will celebrate New Year's Eve
from 9 p.m. to midnight tomor-
row at the Lawyers' Club. 1
The festivities will be completeI
with confetti, paper hats andE
noisemakers. Not content to wel-i
come the year in just once, thet
lawyers will celebrate midnight ini
Hong Kong at 10 p.m., while a
gong will announce the witching
hour in Moscow at 11 p.m. Mid-I
night will find the couples cheerings
the New Year into Ann Arbor.
During the evening, the club
dining room will be given over for
dancing. Jim Service and his or-
chestra will be featured for the
Decorating the marble-floored
ballroom will be crepe paper
streamers in a variety of bright
Singing folk songs and accom-
panying himself on the guitar,
"Wildcat" Wahl will take over dur-
ing intermission. Refreshments
will also be served at this time.
Dressy dresses and heels will be
the order of the evening for coeds {
attending the dance, while the
lawyers will be appropriately
dressed in suits.
Open to members of the Law-
yers' Club, tickets are now on
sale at $1.75 per couple. They will
be available at the door for $2.50.

Miss Mildred Webber of the Bur-
eau of Appointments.
After the foursprofessors tell
what types of jobs are available
in the various fields of the hu-
manities, Miss Webber will out-
line specific job opportunities
available to graduates.
After the panel discussion the
group will split up into four sec-
tions dealing with speech, Eng-
lish, history and languages. Each
of the groups will be headed by
one of the professors taking part
in the panel.
* , *
IN EACH group, there will alsoI
be 'graduates working in the field$
who will give an account of their
personal experiences in their jobs
and offer advice and suggestions
to the students.
The graduates and professors'
will also answer any specific
questions the women may have
about the various fields.
The idea for this and future
conferences grow out of sugges-
tions made at the League Work-
shop this fall. Recognizing the fact
that many women come to the
University without knowing exact-
ly what type of work they will be
doing, the group set out to pro-
vide students with an opportunity
to learn more about opportunities
in specific fields.
This first conference is centered
around job opportunities in the
humanities and future conferences
will deal with careers in other



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With Magic-Soft AIRFOAM Cusionin-\
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I dcn'4 Camnpu4I
lowing committees of Frosh Week-
end will meet at the League:
MAIZE TEAM-9 am. tomorrow,
floorshow cast and crew. BLUE
TEAM-10 a.m. to noon and 2
to 4 p.m. tomorrow, floorshow cast;
3 p.m. Sunday, central committee.
Room numbers will be posted.
* * *
bers of the WAA Camp Counselor's
Club will hold a bike hike at 2
p.m. tomorrow at the WAB. All
members are reminded to bring
their own food. Those who can
not attend are asked to call Man-
ager Paula Strong.



Open to anyone in the School, -a
of Music and all interested persons,
a limited number of tickets are
still on sale for $2.10.
Playing host at a party from 8
p.m. to midnight tomorrow at Lane
Hall, the Thai Association will fea-
ture a talk by an American teach-
er who taught in Thailand for one
year. The students from Thailand
have planned to show colored mov-
ies of their homeland and to pre-
sent a Thai classical folk dance
portraying the story of the royal








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