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March 26, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-03-26

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kRWiIAY, AkR~ll ':, 1954

Plum For
Red China
THE forthcoming Geneva convention may
well decide the fate of American hopes
for a unified European Defense Alliance.
The conference, which was called in an
attempt to iron out Asian problems, will un-
doubtedly center upon the French-Indochi-
nese War. Unless the War is concluded short-
ly, top French officials say, there is grave
d.anger that the current French Cabinet will
fall, and with it, the last possibility of French
ratification of European Defense Community
The French People have for five years been
engaged in a battle that is sucking them dry
of resources and manpower. Dissatisfaction
with government handling of the war is rap-
idly building up. The French masses are
growing more and more impatient with gov-
ernmental promises of a quick end to the
War. The deadline, some French officials be-
lieve, is the Geneva conference. Unless the
Geneva Conference can settle the Indochina
problem, the French People will elect a gov-
ernment determined to get out of Indochina
the quickest and cheapest way possible.
That would mean either: 1) Increased Indo-
chinese Military expenditures with a cor-
responding decrease in EDC funds (if the
Gaulists win); or, 2) or isolationist policy
which would abandon a continental alliance
altogether (if the large pro-Communist fac-
tion gains controls. In either case, U.S. plans
for a unified European Defense Alliance
would be shattered.
The Laniel Cabinet is looking toward
the U.S. for help. It realizes that the
French have nothing to offer China as an
inducement to stop supplying Ho Chi Minh
with arms and aid. The only plum that
China can possibly hope to pluck from the
conference table in U.S. recognition. And
it is for just this recognition that the
French are appealing to Washington.
This then, briefly, is the chain which binds
U.S. plans for EDC with the Asian Confer-
1) Unless China can be manuevered into
using her influence to stop the Indochinese
war, the French pro-American, pro-EDC co-
alition will fall, to be replaced by a govern-
ment hostile to U.S. interests.
20) The only way to pursuade Red China
to stop fighting in Indochina is by offering
her U.S. recognition.
3) U.S. recognition, presumbably, will
mean an end to the Indochinese conflict,
and the consequent ratification of EDC by a
friendly French government.
It would seem that the path U.S.-Asian
policy should follow is clearly defined; in-
deed, scarcely debatable. Yet, there is a
grave possibility that all US plans will go
down the drain. The Cause: the strength of
pro-Chaing, anti-Red recognition sentiment
in America.
The blind refusal of a great majority of
Americans to even consider recognition of
Communist China is due to the propaganda
campaign of the powerful "China Lobby."
This high-powered pressure group is paid a
high fee by the Nationalist Government on
Fofmosa to keep anti-Red recognition feel-
ing in America high. The recognition of Red
China would necessarily mean a repudia-
tion of the Nationalist Government. The
China Lobby intends to avoid this at any
cost. It has a very influential friend in Sen-
ate Republican Leader William Knowland,
sometimes referred to as the "Senator from
Formosa." It is his group that has been so
violently against any consideration of grant-
ing recognition to Communist China.
The continued non-recognition of a ma-
jor world power is both unrealistic and
unprofitable. Recognition, on the other
hand, would mean not only the end of the'
conflict in Indochina, but the probable
ratification of EDO as well.
Also, it should be kept in mind that rec-
ognition of Red China in no way implies ap-
The advantages of using recognition as a
bargaining point cannot be ignored. As has
been said repeatedly, on this issue hinges the

fact of a long-lasting, binding unified de-
fense alliance. It can only be hoped that the
hysteria which currently accompanies theI
mention of Red China will not dictate the
policy decisions made at the Geneva Confer-
-Art Cornfeld
What For?
WHAT'RE you majoring in English for?
Or history? Or fine arts, or speech, or
languages? Questions like these can be
answered only partially by vague answers,
such as "Oh, I don't know - courses like
these make a well-rounded, cultured person."
In many cases, literary college students
aren't sure themselves what practical back-
ground liberal arts courses will have- given
them for their prospective occupations.
Questionnaire recently directed to all women
students by the League were returned with
many requests for better career counseling.
Students, it was indicated, felt a definite
need for more specific advice on the relation-
ship of humanities fields to the professional
Backed by most of the League personnel,
the Women's Senate Culture and Educa-
tion Committee took it from there. Sat-
urday's coming Career Conference, the
first of its kind on campus is the grati-
fying result. Five faculty authorities will
be on hand to advise women aout pro-
fessional opportunities for liberal arts
graduates. It's expected that valuable sug-
guestions and a clearer picture of .job

"You Can Sit On The Floor"



Washington Merry-Go-Round

WTASHINGTON -- Those who participated
in the McCarthy-Cohn call upon elder
statesman Bernard Baruch aren't talking
about what happened, and are likely to is-
sue denials. However, what Senator McCar-
thy did was to apply the first thinly veiled
anti-Semitic pressure, this country has seen
-the same pressure that Hitler's brown
shirts applied before he got into power.
Senator McCarthy went to call on the.
istinguished 83-year-old adviser to presi-
dents at the Drake Hotel in New York. Ba-
ruch has been spending most of the win-
ter at his farm in South Carolina and had
not opened his New York apartment. With
McCarthy went Roy Cohn and George
Sokolsky, who arranged for the interview.
According to Baruch's friends the reason
for McCarthy's visit was to apologize for
slurs he had cast on the City College of New
York, Baruch's alma mater, which McCarthy
implied specialized in graduating Commu-
The real reason for the visit, however, ap-
peared to be to persuade Baruch, as an elder
statesman, to use his influence with the Na-
tional Broadcasting Company and Columbia
Broadcasting System to give McCarthy time
to answer Adlai Stevenson, Furthermore,
McCarthy wanted Baruch to use religious
Friends of Baruch say that during the
McCarthy call, the Senator made the point
that he was certainly not anti-Semitic, as
evidenced by the fact that his chief coun-
sel. Cohn, was Jewish, together with his
ex-staff member, David Schine. But he
pointed out that some of his followers
might be anti-Semitic, and it might be dif-
ficult to restrain them from criticizing
the two big networks, whose executives
are Jewish, for refusing him time.
Chairman of CBS is William Paley. Head
of NBC, through the Radio Corporation of
America, is David Sarnoff. Both are dis-
tinguished Americans who have made gen-
erous contributions to their country in war
and peace, and both are of the Jewish faith.
McCarthy's veiled threat was discreetly,
politely put, but was nonetheless unmistak-
able. Baruch made no comment and no
commitments, Shortly after the interview
he went back to South Carolina and has not
been available for comment since.
IT WAS purposely omitted from the official
findings, but the Senate Elections Sub-
committee stumbled across a juicy Republi-
can scandal in its search for Democratic
scandals in New Mexico. What happened
was that Republican leaders tried to gorge
$100,000 from GOP candidate Patrick J.
Hurley. In brief, they tried to sell the GOP
nomination as Senator from New Mexico for
$100,000 cash on the line.
At Lydia llendeissohn .*
ed by the Department of Speech.
HIS IS one of the most enjoyable speech
department productions in a long time.
"The Shrew" is a farce, and Director Wil-
liam Halstead plays it for every laugh it
has. He has a fine cast-both in ability
and energy.
Leading the list are Eise Simon ( as
the Shrew) and Dale Stevenson ( as the
Tamer). Miss Simon is a fierce little num-
ber, properly the loudest and nastiest in
the show. She carries her own in any sit-
uation, and more often than not she holds
the stage in her scenes. Even in her
"tamed" moments we can see the fire
burning in her, and she never lets her
role degenerate into bombast.
Stevenson plays what is necessarily a.
stronger-willed man. And, in order to out-
yell Miss Simon. he is necessarily louder;
out this does not keep him from managing

his role with subtlety and discretion.
Some of the most hilarious scenes were
stolen by a rather lumpy two-man horse,
The occupants thereof, Robert Armstrong

Though the investigators were under
orders to dig up dirt against Democratic
Sen. Dennis Chavez, they filed one con-
fidential report that was considerably
more embarrassing to the Republicans. It
never saw the light of day. Here are pert-
inent extracts from the suppressed report:
"As far back as November 21, 1951," the
report states, "(Pat) Hurley was approached
by Harry Robins, Republican chairman of
the State Central Committee, Governor Ed-
win Mechem and Fred Moxey, tax commis-
sioner, and perhaps others, in a. meeting at
the Lafonda Hotel, room 12, Santa Fe,
New Mexico, in regard to certain monetary
advances from the contestant (Hurley)."
HURLEY indignantly rejected the propos-
al on the grounds that he "would be vio-
lating every corrupt practice law of both
the state of New Mexico and the United
States" and also "would be guilty of such
illegal conduct that would bar him from
being seated in the United States Senate, if
As a result, the GOP machine opposed
Hurley in the pre-primary convention and
later in the primary, though Hurley won
both contests hands down.
"As a result," adds the suppressed Senate
report, "the contestant (Hurley) and the Re-
publican organization worked independently
during the general election campaign."
'[-HE SENATE investigators, checking on
Hurley's sworn statement, got an admis-
sion from Harry Robins about the $100,000
"The committee has in its possession a
tape recording on which Harry Robins, the
Republican State Chairman, admitted that
the monetary demand was his own idea," ac-
cording to the investigators' report. "How-
ever, he excused the demand as a lever to run
the contestant's (Hurley's) campaign and
his very actions, including what clothes and
glasses he would be permitted to wear. Mr.
Robins also stated on this same tape record-
ing that this sum would be used to finance
the campaigns of two candidates for Con-
"When Mr. Robins was interviewed, he
related that the money referred to above
was to be placed in escrow to hold the con-
testant in line. However, he was vague,
when questioned, what possible stipulation
for such an escrow agreement he had in
Note-The $200,000 New Mexico investiga-
tion was run by GOP Senators Barrett of
Wyoming and Potter of Michigan. The only
Democratic member of the subcommittee,
Senator Hennings of Missouri, complained
that he was "excluded entirely" from the
committee's activities.
(Copyright, 1954, by the Bell Syndicate)
and James Umphrey, (reading from back
to front), seem to have added dimensions
to their interpretation that even their fel-
low-actors didn't expect-at least they
were laughing too,
Of the innumerable clowns, two in partic-
ular stand out: Conrad Stolzenbach, as the
bum for whom the play is given, and Rich-
ard Joy, who plays Stevenson's servant. Sev-
eral characters--Arnold Stein, for example
--made use of their relaxed moments to take
up Hamletlike poses against the pillars (or
perhaps it was just the Elizabethan cos-
tumes which suggested this).
Of the production itself, it might be well
to note that a few liberties were taken with
the play which made it easier to follow,
and added a few comic touches that
Shakespeare missed. The set was mobile
enough to allow for changes of scene with
only a few moments' alteration, and the
play moved quite smoothly because of it.
With a play like this, as with the Gilbert
and Sullivan productions, it is as much the
spirit of the actors as their theatrical ability

that counts; it is pleasant when a show can
have both.
-Tom Arp

~~ A
>~ I!
f sd
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matteOs t
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory er
lbelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste wilt
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the




SEC ...
To the Editor:

ter of fact, as far as we can tell,
it does not exist, Nearly all of the
other members, whose probable

TfHERE is more than meets the number was less than sixteen, have
eye in the proposal of the Student resigned from Shea's self-styled
Affairs Study Committee to replace "New Conservative" club. Conser-
SL with a "Student Executive }vatism, they asserted, was not
Committee" of eighteen, seven of j truely represented by an organiza-
whom would not be elected. tion intending to expose persons of
It would be a serious mistake liberal political tendencies. You
to think that the proposal is will see this sudden disbandment
"simply" or "merely" a question of reflects an attitude definitely hos-
reorganization, to improve effic- tile to McCarthy "spy tactics.
iency, etc., etc. Such a news report, which you
The real nature of the proposal could print Friday only from the
is thatn it is the most serious at- incompleted account in the "Har-
tack oh academic freedom which vard Crimson," left, we feel, the
has taken shape in recent years opposite impression.
on this campus. Our purpose in writing this let-
Everybody knows that President ter is to clear up this false impres-
Hatcher threw down the welcome sion and to attempt to portray
mat to the Un-American Commit- more completely the actual cir-

tee, but that SL vigorously and
unanimously moved to protect thef
rights of any student called by an
investigating committee,
Without SL, who would have
championed students' interests so
vigorously as was done in this
case? Who stands ready to guar-
antee that a small, inrepresenta-
tive SEC would not be a mouth-
piece of the administration's views,
rather than an independent repre-
sentative of student interests?
Everybody knows that the Uni-
versity Administration adheres to

cumstances here at Harvard.
Michigan, for instance, is probably
similar to Harvard in its view of
McCarthyism. Expression of any
attitudes, tactics, or sympathies
which resemble those of Senator
McCarthy reflects not only anti-
intellectualism but also irrational-
ity. Reflecting upon the possible
misinterpretation of the article in
the Daily, we feel that such an ir-
responsible and unorganized move
by a small number of students in
a university definitely cannot be
taken as representative of the

(Continued from Page 2)
Summer Interviews. Miss Mary Lee
Nicholson will be on campus Sat., Mar.
27. interviewing men and women for
camp counselor positions at Camp Tam-
arack and a Fresh Air Camp near
Brighton, as well as a dAy camp in
Detroit. Interested persons please con-
tact Bureau of Appointments, Ext.I
2614, to make appointments.
Teaching positions at ir Zeit Col-I
lege, Jordan, Persons with master's de-3
grees who are interested in teachingI
either mathematics and physics or Eng-
lish at Bir Zeit College, Jordan, may
obtain additional information by con-
tacting the Bureau of Appointments,
3528 Administration Building, or call-
lag NO 3-1511, Ext. 2614.
Teaching Candidates: On Mon., Mar.
29, the following people will be on
campus to interview prospective teach-I
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan-Teacher
needs at follows: Elementary, Jr. High1
Science, Jr. High Social Science, Jr.i
High Mathematics, Jr. High English,
Jr. High Spanish, Jr. High Core.
Charlotte, Michigan-Teacher needs
as follows: Commercial; American Lit-
erature; Algebra; Jr. High Arithmetic;
irl's Phys. Ed.; Jr. High English; Ele-
mentary Vocal Music. Early Elementary.
Teaching Candidates: On Tues., Mar.
30, the following people will be on
campus to interview prospective teach-
Berkley, Michigan-Teacher needs as
rollows: Elementary only.
Lapeer, Michigan-Teacher needs as
follows: English and Social Studies (Jr.
High); Speech and English.
If you would like to make appoint-
ments for any of the above, call Bureau
of Appointments. NO 3-1511, Ext. 489,
3528 Administration Bldg. Please try and
cal at least a day in advance if you
want to be sure of an appointment.
Monday and Tuesday, March 29 and 30:
Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich.,
will have a representative at the Bureau
of Appointments on March 29 and 30
to interview June men graduates in
Bus. Ad. or LS&A for the firm's Sales
Training Program. Candidates should
have two years of some science back-
ground, at least one year of which
should have been in chemistry.
Tuesday, March 30:
Phelps Dodge Copper Products Corp.,
New York City, will visit the campus on
March 30 to talk with June Bus. Ad, and
LS&A men graduates about positions in
Sales and Production.
The J. L. Hudson Co. of Detroit will
have interviewers at the Bureau on
March 30 to talk with June men and
'Women graduates in Bus. Ad. or LS&A
about Buyers' and Merchandising
Training Programs.
The Gardner Board & Carton Co.,
Middletown, Ohio, will be on the cam-
pus on March 30 to interview June
men graduates, Bus. Ad. or LS&A, for
training programs in Production, Ad-
ministration, Sales, Industrial Rela-
tions, Accounting, and Finance.
North America Companies, Detroit,
will have a representative at the Bur-
eau on March 30 to interview June
and August men graduates in Bus. Ad.
or LS&A for positions in Underwrit-
ing, Claims and Loss Services, Account-
ing, and Engineering; and for Techni-
cal Representatives and Special Agents.
Proctor & Gamble co., Cincinnati,
Ohio, will visit the campus on March
30 to interview June men, Bus. Ad. or
LS&A, for trainee positions in the Ad-
vertising Department. These oppor-
tunities are in the business side of
advertising rather than in writing and
include training in Brand Manage-
ment,Copy Supervision, Merchandising,
and Media.
Wednesday, March 31:
The Wayne County Bureau of Social
Aid, Detroit, wil have an interviewer
at the Bureau on March 31 to talk with
June and August, men and women
graduates- in all fields who are inter
ested in Social Work positions.
Students wishing to schedule ap-
pointments to see any of the compan-
ies listed above may contact the Bur-
eau of Appointments, 3528 Administra-
tion Bldg., Ext. 371.
University Lecture, auspices of the
School of Education and theDepart-
ment of Library Science, "The Hills
Beyond, an Introduction to Broader
Reading for Boys and Girls," Frances
Clarke Sayers, specialist in children's
reading, F. E. Compton Company, Fri.,
Mar. 26, 4:15 p.m., Auditorium A, Angell
Academic Notices
Anthropology 152, The Mind of Prim-
itive Man, will not meet today.
Anthropology 105, Indians of Mexico
and Middle America, will not meet to-

The Department of Biological Chem-
istry will hold a seminar in 319 West
Medical Building at 10 a.m., on Sat.,
Mar. 27. The topic for discussion will
be "Glucagon-the Hyperglycemic-Gly-
cogenolytic Factor of the Pancreas,"
conducted by H. De Haas.
Logic Seminar, Fri., Mar. 26, at 4 p.m.,
in 411 Mason Hail. Dr. Robert Mc-
Naughton will speak on Tarski's re-
sults on "Decidable Theories."
Seminar in Potential Theory, Fri.,
Mar. 26, at 4 p.m., in 3011 Angeil Hall.
Dr. J. L. Ullman will speak on "Maxi-
mal Principle for Harmonic Functions."
Astronomical Colloquium, Fri., Mar.
26, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Dr. Dean
B. McLaughlin will speak on "The Ori-
gin of Continents."
Required Physical Education-Women
Students. Registration for the next
eight weeks classes will be held in the
fencing room of Barbour Gymnasium
as follows:
Fri., Mar. 26-7:30 a.m, to noon and
1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Sat., Mar. 27-8:00 a.m. to 12 noon,

in B flat, and Varman's Cambodian
Suite. Three Sousa compositions will
bring the concert to a close: Nobles of
the Mystic Shrine, George Washing-
ton Bicentennial, and Stars and Stripes
Forever. The general public will be ad-
mitted without charge.
Student Recital. Frances Skar, pian-
ist, will be heard at 8:30Sunday even-
ing, March 28, in Auditorium A, Angell
Hall, in a program of compositions by
Bach, Schumann, Bartok and Beethov-
en. Miss Skaff is a pupil of John Kol-
len and plays the recital in partial ful-
filiment of the requirements for the
qlegree of Bachelor of Music. It will be
:pen to the general public.
Student Recital. Allen Norris, stu-
dent of piano with John Kollen, will
be heard at 8:30 Monday evening, Mar,
29, in Auditorium A, Angeli Hall, in a
program of compositions by Bach, Scar-
tatti, Barber, Schubert, and Chopin.
It is being played in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the de-
gree of Bachelor of Music, and will be
open to the general public.
Events Today
58th Annual Meeting of Michigan
Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters,
March 25. 26, and 27. Academy Head-
quarters for information, registration,
applications for membership and pay-
ment of annual dues is in the first
floor lobby of the Rackham Building,
An attendant will be on duty from
Friday morning at 8:30 to Saturday
Friday, March 26-
Meetings of Sections.
Opening of exhibition, 4:00 p.m.-Xx-
hibition organized by the Fine Arts
Section in the Rackham Galleries.
Tea and reception, 4:15 p.m.-Offered
by the Fine Arts Section to Michigan
Academy members and their wives or
General Lecture, 8:00 p.m -Rackham
Amphitheater "The Intellectual Quart-
erly in a. Non-Intellectual Society," by
Philip Blat Rice, associate editor of the
Kenyon Review. (Professor Rice will be
introduced by Professor Joe Lee Davis,
Chairman of the Language and Litera-
ture Section).
Informal reception, 9:00 p.n.-Rak
ham Assembly Hall. All members of the
Academy, their families and friends are
Saturday, March 27-
Business Meeting of the Academy,
8:30 a.m.-Natural Science Auditorium.
Department of Astronomy. Visitors
Night, Fri., Mar. 26,. 8 p.m. Dr. Le
Goldberg will speak on "The Stars."
After the illustrated talk in Audi-
torium "B," Angell Hall, the Students'
Observatory on the fifth floor will be
open for telescopic observation of Jup-
iter and a Nebula, if the sky is clear,
or for inspection of the telescopes and
planetarium, if the sky is cloudy. Child-
ren are welcomed, but must be accom-
panied by adults.
Schedule of Open Houses for Candidates
Spring Elections, 1954
Friday, March 26- ,
Martha Cook-4:00
Monday, March 29-
Alpha Xl Delta-5:15
Alpha Epsilon Phi 5:00-6:00
Phi Kappa Tau-6 :15
Tyler House, EQ-6:30
Zeta Beta Tau-6:45
Anyone interested in speaking t din-
ner may do so by calling the following
houses in advance:
Phi Gamma Delta
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Sigma Alpha Mu
Sigma Delta Tau
Alpha Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa
of Michigan will hold its Annual Meet-
Ing today at 4 p.m. In 435 Mason Hall,
Members are urged to attend.
Roger Williams Guild. This even-
ing at 8 p.m. Inter-Guild is sponsor-
ing an International Party to be held
In the First Baptist Church Fellowship
Hall. Informal-square dancing, etc.
The Taming of the Shrew, by William
Shakespeare, will be presented at 8
p.m. tonight in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. Tickets are available at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office from 10
a~m. until 8 p.m. for $.50-$1.20-90c. All
seats are reserved.
Episcopal Student Foundation Tea
this afternoon from 4 to 5:15 at Canter-
bury House, followed by Student-Fac-
ulty led Evensong, Chapel of St. Mich-
tel and All Angels.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
terbury Club, 7:30 p.m. this evening
at Canterbury House, "John Calvin
and the Presbyterians." The Reverend
Dr. William S. Baker, Minister to Pres-
byterian Students at the University, will
defend the changes in religion stem-
ming from the life and work of John
Hillel. Friday Evening Services, 7:30

S.R.A. Coffee Hour, Lane Hall, today
from 4:30 to 6:00. Drop in for con-
versationand refreshments for as long
as you like.
Wesleyan Guild. Come to the Inter-
Guild International Party tonight from
3-12 at the Baptist Church. Square
dancing is on the agenda. See you there!
The Inter-Arts Union will hold its
weekly meeting 2 p.m. at the League.
All interested persons are invited.
Coming Events
Foreign Language Group. There will
be a meeting Mon., Mar, 29, at 8 p.m.
in the Assembly Hall, Rackham Build-
ing. Prof. Warner G. Rice will talk on
"The Place of Foreign Literatures in
Translation in the Graduate Program of
Students of English." All members of
the teaching staffs of the language
departments, together with graduate
students, are cordially invited.
The Hawaii Club will have a meet-
ing at the Methodist Church Sat, night,
Mar. 27. Plans are being made for a
square dance followed by a thirty-
minute colored film on Hawaii from
the United Airlines. Refreshments and
sushi will be served. Members and
,uests are welcome.
Newman Club will sponsor a Com-
munion Breakfastafter the 9:30 Mass,
'Sun., Mar. 28. Mrs. Justine Murphy,
co-director of the Catholic Worker,
will speak on "Applications of Chris-
tian Social Living." Tickets may be
obtained at the Center.


an undemocratic line of banning' opinions of the student body.
controversial speakers, demanding Such is the attitude here at Har-
membership lists from student or- vard that any secret or undercov
ganizations (which are open to er group would not be toleratedt
inspection by informers), and gen- although a sincerely forthright
erally hampering the use of uni- conservative organization, if form-
versity facilities for the presen- ed, would be recognized.
tation of various ideas. -David T. Strong, '56
On the other hand, SL last Oc- Charles S. LaMonte, '56
tober, in its Academic Freedom"
resolution, endorsed the concept Y1o ig, s ,
of free exchange of ideas, in No- To the Editor:
vember sponsored Academic Free- OICKS! TALLEYHO !And
dom Week, and is now consider- y aTaaa. . y we go! 'Tis
ing proposals which emerged from Robin Hoodwink and his merryy
the Academic Freedom Conference stampeding mob to the rescue of
which would greatly enhance stu- the poor downtrodden and perse-
dents' rights in a number of areas. cuted bourgeoisie!
Without a representative stu- ct bSugDiCarl
dent government, how could all of
these things have happened? What
will be the fate of any campaign'
to strengthen academic freedom if
it falls into the hands of a small,
unrepresentative SEC, under the
thumb of an administration which
believes in banning speakers, aid-
ing congressional inquisitions into'
education, etc.?
Let's face it. Because of its ~Y
strong and courageous stand on
such issues as academic freedom,
the bias clause, discrimination, etc., I
the cutting edge of McCarthyism
(in the form of a gentlemanly -,
"reorganization") is being direct-
ed against SL. Sixty-Fourth Year
The life of representative stu- Edited and managed by students of
dent government is at stake. For the University of Michigan under the
our own sake, it behooves us all to authority of the Board in Control of
come to its defense. Student Publications.
-Mike Sharpe, Chairman
Labor Youth League Editorial Staff



rchitectui-e A uitoriliur
T HOSE WHO go to see A Run for Your
Money under the mistaken notion that
it is an "Alec Guiness picture" are going to,
be greatly disappointed. The great man has
but a mere fifteen minutes of screen timne;
and as a bald headed, moustched newspaper-
man he is almost unrecognizable during;
most of it. But Guiness aside, the film prove
to be a better-than-average comedy.
Donald Houston is a Welsh coal minerj
who goes to London with his brother to
collect the prize money they have won in
a newspaper contest. They are supposed
to be met by a iness, who has rather re-
luctantly agreed to covvi' thir- arrival in

brothers miss Guiness and soon become
From this point on rank confusion reigns.
The script writers have included a large
assortment of well known comedy types
which come off principally because of the
fine acting. One extremely clever bit. a dress
shop scene, is probably the best part of the
film. The end is a gigantic chase sequence
through the streets of London, with every-
one both running and chasing. In fact, A
Run for Your Money is nothing more than
highly polished slapstick.

futher Cs & Veilsw . . ,.
To the Editor:
Hood's Merry Men are to gath-
er Friday from three to five-thirty
at the Union tap room, doubtless to
drink ale and eat venison. But they
will also discuss the green feather
campaign and students who wish
to find out what it is really - all
about might well gather there.
-Preston Slosson
Harvard Answers,, ,
To the Editor:
AlY FIRST impression, and that
of my friends, of your article
of March 19 entitled "Students
I I&P6 to T fotn,.jinP T iS !Arr,,o . rl .'

Harry Li ...........Managing Editor
Eric treater..... . ...........City Editor
Virginia Voss.........Editorial Director
Mike Wolff........Associate City Editor'
Alice B. Silt er, . Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane Decker.........Associate Editor
Helene Simon..........Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye................Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell......Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler....Assoc, Women's Editor
Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer


Business Staff
Thomas Traeger...... Business Manager Concerts
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin..,.Assoc. Business Mgr. Student Recital. Joyce Roper, pianist,
William Seiden........Finance Manager will present a program in partial ful-
Don Chisholm...._Circulation Manager fillment of the requirements for the
____________________________Degree of Bachelor of Music, at 8:30
Friday evening, Mar. 26, In Auditorium
Telephone NO 23-24-1 A. Angell Hall. A pupil of Ava Comin
{Case, Miss Roper will play composi-
tions by Bach, Beethoven, Fuga, and
At en. er E Chopin. The recital will be open to thej


It is only the excellent quality of the per-
formances that keeps the film from slip-
ping into sheer mediocrity. Houston is fine
as the naive miner, as is Moira Lister who

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