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March 21, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-03-21

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THE illiCitItAAA bAtLT

SUNDAY, MARCH 21, 1954

PAGE FOUR 'Iilk~ MitnibA'~ bAttY SUNDAY, MARCH ~1. 1954

Understand ig
The H-Bomb
THE HYSTERIA that customarily follows
any new scientific phenomenon is fol-
lowing short on the heels of the latest H-
bomb explosion. This newest and as yet
unfamiliar device is currently credited with
being THE weapon that will wipe out man-
For the nearly nine years since the first
atomic explosion at Hiroshima the various
problems of strategy, morality and even
practicability of further research on the
bomb have been argued and re-argued.
One of the most common solutions offer-
ed for the entire situation has been the
banning of test explosions for reasons of
world security.
On the surface this blanket blackball might
appear to be the best and most humane
means of controlling atomic mis-use, but un-
til a number of essential and apparently in-
soluble questions have been answered such
a move will be strategically impossible for
all groups concerned.
The question of the inevitability of war as
a result of an arms race is constantly raised.
Although the obvious answer is that such
races in the past have always precipitated a
war, the problem must be explored further
before a definite and conclusive decision
can be reached concerning atomic research.
Despite the fact that our current battle
with the Soviet Union for atom mastery,
if mixed with the proper amount of na-
tional hysteria on either side, might very
conceivably lead to a fatal war, would not
the probability of a successful enemy at-
tack be far greater should we discontinue
atomic experimentation and thereby leave
ourselves vulnerable for attack?
Unless all nations could unite to form a
blanket ban against wartime atomic use, it
would be politically stupid for any one nation
to risk getting behind in this race. Also, as-
suming that such a ban could be put into
effect, it is overly optimistic to hope that
there could be enough mutual trust between
groups with opposing interests to motivate
them to form such an agreement, or once in
it to stick to it.
It has also been suggested that free exer-
cise of experimentation be curtailed and ato-
mic research be limited to paper work and
The feeling is that man is playing around
with a device of whose power he is com-
pletely ignorant-that in his game of
blind man'sbluff he will hit on a formula
so successful it will make it possible to
blow humanity clear out of the universe.
Therefore to combat this possibility it has
been suggested that scientific experiment be
bridled and research be limited to the con-
fines of the laboratory and the slide-rule.
Such a plan has one essential flaw. This
type of curtailment would allow mistakes on
paper-mistakes like the underestimation of
power evidenced before the last H-bomb test
-to be carried through without detection.
Misestimations of force or power and de-
structive ability would remain intact to be
magnified and multiplied as fiirther paper
progress is made. This would bexfatal.
Since we cannot depend on internalional
diplomacy to guarantee abandonment of
atomic warfare, it becomes essential if
man is to practice successful self-preser-
vation that as much be known of the ef-
fects of atomic power as possible. To take
a head in sand attitude is futile.
We cannot ignore atomic power. We must
therefore understand it.
-Fran Sheldon

At the Michigan...
past has concentrated on interplanetary
love stories, now turns to The Naked Jungle
for inspiration. Pal's forte is action; unfor-
tunately this picture has little of anything
resembling it.
Charleton Heston is a ungle plantation
owner who weds a mail-order bride (Elea-
nor Parker) by proxy. She comes to meet
him at his home. It turns out to be a cross
between a Roman palace and a Spanish
castle. Heston even keeps a menagerie in
which he has rare tropical animals. Through
most of the picture they fight for various.
reasons, mostly because Heston can't find
anything wrong with Miss Parker. But every
film needs something to bring estranged
lovers together. This time it happens to be
the Marabunta, a living death "two miles
wide and twenty miles long." Really it's
only a swarm of deadly jungle ants; but
through fighting this terror they learn to
love each other.
To remind the viewer that the picture
lakes place in South America, every few
minutes a grunting native appears. There
are also assorted shrunken heads, Indian
ceremonies, and chattering monkeys. The
background music consists mainly of
drums; all the natives play the drums,
you know.
Heston's performance is remarkable. He
manages to convey all emotions with one
expression, a cross between determination
and disgust. Actress Parker looks lovely in
Edith Head negligees. She spends most of

The Class Structure
In East Germany

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following analysis of
the class structure in East Germany was written
by Peter Kalinke, a native of Breslau, Silesia,
who is currently doing graduate work in socio-
logy at the University. Before coming here, Ka-
linkeahad lived in West Germany where he did
sociological studies of East German and Soviet
IF THERE is one stone missing in Soviet
Russia's wall to the west, that stone is
East Germany. From the beginning set up
under a different occupation policy than
that which determined the "inside" revolu-
tions in most of the satellite countries, the
political machinery in East Germany has
been moved in from outside-Moscow. But
it is not only the political structure that
has been altered. The new class structure
as well bears examination.
The territory of the so-called German
Democratic Republic occupies 23% of the
territory of Germany in 1935. Of the total
amount of land in East Germany, only
10% is not agricultural or forest land.
Thus can be seen the lack of industry at
the time of the establishment of the re-
public-the lack of which bothers the
Soviets considerably when they look at
the highly developed industrial areas in
West Germany.
The population in 1946, the last census,
was 18.3 million people. Three and a half
million were refugees from the separated
countries behind the so-called "Oder-Neisse
Line," the district belonging now to Russia
and Poland. But since this census, hundreds
of thousands of East Germans from all so-
cial classes and occupations have escaped
to West Berlin. Sometimes they have come
in large numbers per day: whole families,
with suitcases in hand, riding horses over
the border, with trucks loaded with sheep,
tools and furniture beside them.
For the most part, the East-Germans to-
day are farmers. Through the collectivation
programs, most of the farmers lost their
ground or had to work in small farms, and
because of government pressure to fulfill the
high tributes on agricultural products, not
only are thousands of farms without people,
but the government is unable to cultivate
all the land under its regime. Paranthetical-
ly, middle Germany was one of the best
cultivated farm areasin Central Europe be-
fore 1945. Another policy of the Soviets has
been to take the larger landholders land
away and hand it over to the proletarians.
This policy also failed. Neither the collec-
tive farmers nor these new farmers could
fulfill the government ordered tribute-norm
so they were forced to escape to the West.
The farmer is still very opposed to so-
cialization and his cultural background is
deep enough rooted in anti-totalitarianism
to prevent him from being overthrown by
the Nazis or even the much weake Com-
munists. And the former followers of the
Nazi-regime among the farmers are no
longer in a powerful position, because they
as "great-farmers," either had to leave
the country or be put behind a fence. In
West Germany, they are bare of any social
strength or position. As for the poor farm-
ers, they are disillusioned and working
for their own existence, without any be-
lief in the coming of the great paradise-
the paradise of proletarian workers and
In the few urban communities with more
than 100,000 inhabitants, the leading class
from the social standpoint is made up of
manual workers. Before the second World
War, the capitals of the thirteen adminis-
trative districts established by the Soviets
were cultural and trade centers of the rural
hinterland. Today the Communists are try-
ing to renew a Titoistic experiment, in at-
tempting to convert a farm country into an
industrialized area, regardless of the price
the peope have to pay for it. After the war,
the Soviets practically shifted the whole
optical, toolmaking and watchmaking indus-
tries from the occupied country to the Soviet

Union. In 1949, I spent several days in
Stalingrad unloading German railroad cars
with various kinds of high-grade machines.
Most of them were already ruined. And to-
day, they remain where we stacked them-
nobody knows how to use most of them.
At any rate, this part of the Soviet occupa-
tion policy was definitely a short-sighted
But back to the working class. It was a
big shock for Moscow on June 17, 1953 to
see that the best part of its idealistic dream
-the proletarians-stood up against its re-
gime and fought with bare hands against
tanks and guns. So the Grotewohl regime
had misspeculated and its internal policy
had failed. Sure, for the Soviets it was a
"putsch," handled by American capitalistic
underground ban'dits. But the whole popu-
lation in the East zone knew better; it was
the people, the workingmen who could no
longer stand the police-spy system, the
ration and classification red-tape, the pres-
sure of the work norm and the tremendous
open bribing of party bosses. I should like
to say here that the Western world should
try to understanduthat it is impossible for a
nation to exist under two dictators in a
relatively short time. Hitler: well, the work-
er was a victim of his own economic and
nationalistic desires. But the war and its
aftermath changed his opinions about a
totalitarian regime completely. And then
came Stalin, Grotewohl: oh, the red flag.
This was too much.
The middle class in the East zone com-
prises today some merchants and larger
handicraft plant owners who remain, be-
cause without them the supply of consum-
er goods would be even worse than it is
now. Other middle class elements are a
few government officials and the intelli-
gence-workers, officially called the "head
proletarians." But this middle class is no
more the old one of 1935. The former so-
cial structure broke down completely. The
new middle class was established by the
Communistic government, controlled and
regulated through the various spy and
secret police institutions. Your bank ac-
count, just like your free time, is all taken
care of by a piece of paper in any com-
munity Communist party cell. The middle
class is the most dangerous for the gov-
ernment-here they find some "capitalis-
tic, imperialistic" elements.
Finally we come to the upper class, the
creme de lacreme. They drive in big cars,
buy in special shops without ration cards,
speak their own language-the Marxist dia-
lectism-and carefully avoid any mistake
which could be misregarded by their house
police-the Soviet High Commissioner in
Berlin-Karlshorst. It is no longer a ques-
tion that they rule with the power of a
secret police and a party-system which is
in itself well structured, but so weak that
without the Soviet occupation forces there
would have been more outbreaks than there
have so far. To be afraid from above and
from under you is a typical psychological
illness-and not a merely imagined one.
The Soviets realize the weak structure
of their proletarian paradise; they know
about the anti-Soviet opinions of 85% of
the East-German people; they know the
number of peoples-police officers and sci-
entists and party leaders who did and will
escape, day by day. And they know also
that once there is an opportunity for the
East Germans, regardless of whether they
now follow any "democratic" parties or
not, to show their true opinion, the whole
play would end. A play with an iron-
hand director, but with hungry and wait-
ing players.
I have written about the class-structure
in the so-called "classless society." I will
next deal with the cultural and economic
aspects in this part of the Soviet block-
::ertainly one of the weakest points in the
cold-war policy of Russia.

"Any Time For This Speaking Engagemnent?
) r
.C9 r E
t 4Olt

The Daily welcomes communications fromits readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion ot the


- '


AS UNIVERSITY alumni immersed themselves in preparations for
137th anniversary celebrations, a "gentlemen's agreement" in the
Detroit University Club barred a Negro student leader from speaking
to an alumni meeting there.
One of the other two campus leaders who spoke to the Detroit
Alumni Club Board of Governors session declared he would recom-
mend a change in the speakers bureau policy so that in the future
students would be sent where all students-or none at all-could talk.
* -* * *
COED CHICAGO HOUSE-After hearing student opinion on the
question of converting more men's residence halls to women's use, the
Residence Halls Board of Governors endorsed the continuance of Chi-
cago House in West Quadrangle as a coed housing unit for another
year. They postponed action on conversion of Fletcher House until
May 15 when enrollment figures for the fall semester will be more ac-
curately tallied.
s * * *
DRIVING BAN PETITIONS-More than 2,600 students signed aI
Student Legislature petition calling for immediate Regents' action on
the driving ban.
The petition signers "overwhelmingly" favored modification in
the present car ban restrictions and requested some word from the
Regents on the four alternate proposals presented to the Board
last year.
The Legislature presented the signatures to University President
Harlan H. Hatcher Friday but with two Regents absent, the Board
did not take up the touchy issue.
* * * *
STUDENT ACTIVITIES CENTER--The Activities building moved
one step closer to reality as the Regents referred the $2,350,000 center
to University administration officers. ,
Study by the officials will concentrate on problems of the build-
ing's location, financing and relation to the University's entire con-
struction program,
* * * *
ACADEMIC CALENDARING-Final examination calendaring for
this year was settled by the Dean's Conference when the group voted
for classes to end Thursday, May 27, with final exams beginning Sat-
urday. Friday will be a "dead" day.
But the literary school faculty held that by next year a com-
plete reconsideration of the whole problem is absolutely necessary.
Taking into consideration favorable results from the two-year
trial extended Thanksgiving holiday, the Deans voted to retain the
four-day vacation for another two years.j
At the same time, SL endorsed a proposal to hold special electionsj
May 5 and 6 to gather student opinion on the final exam calendaring
issue. Referenda in that balloting will include various alternative plans
for the controversial exam schedule.
-Becky Conrad

.Ieligion Course...
To the Editor:
WHEN CANON B. I. Bell of the
Episcopal Church visited the Uni-
versity community in 1952, he stat-
ed his conviction that religious
knowledge, as contrasted to relig-
ious belief, is necessary to a well-
balanced education. Pursuing this
thought, a joint S.L.-S.R.A.-Inter-
guild student committee studied
this question, and submitted a re-I
port to the University Administra-
Our report recommended courses
in comparative religion, philoso-
phy of religion, history of Christi-
anity and Judaism, etc., with the
end sought being understanding
rather than belief, though, of
course, belief may well result from
understanding. We hoped that a
basic course could be taught at
the beginning level, not as a re-
quirement, but as an alternative
fulfillment of a group requirement.
We did not feel that teachers of
such courses could be neutral to-
wards religion, just as we do not
expect political scientists to hold
no political views, or economists
economic views. We pointed out
that over 60 per cent of the state
universities and colleges of the
country have such courses, and
that here at the University, in
1951-2, over 75 per cent of the
students expressed specific relig-
ious preferences.
The report was submitted to and.
approved by the Catholic, Protes-
tant and Jewish clergy of Ann Ar-
bor. Copies of the report are avail-
able at Lane Hall, SL, and Can-
terbury Club. The Student Legisla-
ture approved it with only four dis-
senting votes. The Student Relig-
ious Association backed it unani-
mously save one. Interguild unan-
imously endorsed the report. Pres-
ident Hatcher indicated- his full
sympathy with such a program.
Dean Thuma of the Literary Col-
lege accepted our report, and at a
large meeting of the Literary Col-
lege Conference, he promised im-
plementation of the program, as
finances permitted. A permanent
faculty committee was established
for this purpose.
As former chairman of this
student committee, I sincerely
hope that Edwin Robinson and
others who appreciate the vital
role of religion in past and con-
temporary life will work towards
the goals expressed in the report.
Certainly my departure from the
University has not decreased my
interest in the program.
-Pvt. Alan Berson, '52
Co-Op Standards*...

deuces as a gourmet's delight. The
preparation of good, wholesome,
simple foods-the type served in
all student residences-basically
re quires time, a good cook book, a
little understanding, and some of
that nebulous "common sense."
This is not beyond the scope of
many university students. It can
be and is achieved in co-ops every
day. Where a difference exists,
the food served in co-ops is su-
perior to that in University resi-
dences, both as to quality and
In the hidden recess of Mr. Kap-
lan's article I detect some note of
"sympathy," some attempt to
prompt "aid" to co-ops; however,
it is aid of the type that one gives
a "friend" by relieving him of his
-George N. Queeley
* * *
To The Editor:
us at the Michigan Cooperative
House were quite provoked by Mr.
Kaplan's editorial in the March
19th issue of The Daily. We feel
that a few facts concerning the
nature of the cooperative organi-
zation should be made clear.
The I. C. C. legally owns all
co-ip property. It acts as a co-
ordinating body in problmes deal-
ing with public relations, quantity
purchasing, social functions, and
other matters where central or-
ganization has been found to be
most effective. Each house is re-,
quired to contribute a set propor-
tion of fees and labor to the func-
tioning of the I. C. C. Each house
is required to set aside a stated
proportion of their annual income
to rover maintenance and depre-
ciation costs. Aside from this, the
I. C. C., constitutionally, has no
control over the functioning of the
individual houses. The members
of each hous eset their fees them-
selves, and decide themselves how
and when their maintenance shall
be done. The practice of allowing
the members of each house to
govern themselves completely and
democratically is the direct out-
growth of one of the basic tenets
of the Rochdale Cooperative Move-
ment, was written into our origin-
al constitution, and is what we,
the members want. This self de-
termination could not, for obvious
reasons, be maintained if univer-
sity assistance were accepted.
It is up to each prospective
member to decide whether or not
he wants to live under this setup.
We would not for a moment wish
to deny Mr. Kaplan the right not
to be a member. However, we feel
that nothing is served, and that
we are greatly hampered in our
efforts to give the general campus


To The Editor: populace a true picture of the pos-
SCHOOSE to answer one David sibiities of cooperative living when
Kaplan's "The Janus-Faced.Co- an individual who does not wish,
SinceespTheJais-antidgC Ipersonally, to become affiliated
s" ince se is wh atigs Iwith an organization makes use
shall limit myself to the article's of The Daily editorial columns to
treatment of the food situation give a single viewpoint condemna-
within our walls since I am most tion of the procedures of that or-
familiar with this aspect of co-opgano r.
living. In regard to. co-ops Mr.
Kaplan claims via quotes that --Edward Burrows
"where living expenses are kept House Manager,


Washington Merry-Go-Round





WASHINGTON-The man upon whom the
White House is relying for advice on the
prickly, unpredictable Senator from Wiscon-
sin is a handsome, mild-mannered young le-
gal disciple of Governor Dewey-William P.
Rogers, deputy attorney general.
Rogers first got to know McCarthy when
Joe was a very junior member of the Sen-
ate Investigations Committee back in 19-
49 and when Rogers was counsel for that
committee. The Democrats were in com-
mand then, but they retained the able Mr.
Rogers even though he was a Dewey Re-
publican, and even though Truman had
just defeated Dewey.
JUST HOW serious the Communist infil-
tration of Guatemala has become is illus-
trated in a recent report by the Inter-Ameri-
can Regional Organization, an AFL affiliate
which tells how the Guatemalan government
is condoning "brain-washings" of anti-Com-
munists in labor unions. The "brain-wash-
ings" follow the pattern used on American
prisoners in Korea.
An AFL Inter-American investigator,
Robert . Alexander. who made an on-

the-scene probe of conditions in the little
Latin-American hotbox, reported cases of
anti-Communist labor leaders in Guate-
mala being arrested, tortured and deport-
ed. Here are some highlights of Alexan-
der's findings:
"Government support for the Communists
in the labor movement was dramatically
shown late in January when the leaders of
the Union Nacional De Trabajadores Libres
were arrested. The UNTL had been organ-
ized some months before as a center for
anti-Communist elements in the Guatemalan
trade union movement.
"As a result," the Alexander report con-
tinues, "the leaders of the UNTL were sud-
denly arrested on the morning of January
"They were held for several days, during
which they were frequently moved from one
place to another in Guatemala City. During
this period they were subjected to the most
brutal tortures, including the 'cold bath'
treatment, incessant interrogation, threats
of death, severe beatings.
"Ruben Villatoro, president of the UNTL,
was deported to Tapachula, across the
hnrd.r:in Movin A hs x-.imior a is

(Continued from Page 2)
Young Friends Fellowship. Meet at
5::45 p.m. at Lane Hail for rides to the
Grace Bible Guild. Sunday School
class meets at 10 a.m., with Dr. Pike
leading a study in the Book of Romans.
Guild supper at 6 p.m. Welcome.
Evangelical and Reformed Guild,
Bethlehem Church. Discussion : "A
Christian Approach to Economic Prob-
lems," led by Prof. S. Peterson, Eco-
nomics Department.
Michigan Christian Fellowship. Rev.
Donald Frisk, North Park College, Chi-
cago, will speak on the subject "Is the
Resurection Important? 4 p.m., Lane
Hall. All studentsare invited; refresh-
ments will be served,
Unitarian Student Group, Unitarian
Church, 7:30 p.m. Discussion on Action
Against Prejud-ce. Those needing trans-
portation, meet at Lane Hall, 7:15 p.m.
Lutheran Student Club. Meet at the
Center at 5:20 p.m. and leave to join
the Presbyterian Student Guild for sup-
per and program.
Roger Williams Guild. Student Class
discusses "what Students Can Believe
About War," 9:45 a.m. Guild Meeting,
6:45 p.m. Professor Frank L. H-untley
will compare concepts of the Bible with
those of Milton's "Paradise Lost."
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club. Supper at 6 p.m. At 7 p.m., pro-
gram of Lenten organ music, with Mr.
E. W. Hitzemann of Saginaw, guest or-
Congregational-Disciples Guild. Meet-
ing at the Congregational Church to
hear Rev. George Barger speak on "What
Is Sin?" 7 p.m.
SL Pre-Election Open House. For best
representation meet the candidates at
the Pre-Election Open House this after-
noon, 3-5. Everyone welcome.

pis" and "The Sorcerer" in the League
at 7::15.
Informal Folk Sing at Muriel Lester
Co-op House, 900 Oakland, on Sun.,
Mar. 21, at 8 p.m. Everybody invited!
Coming Events
The Pre-Medical Society will meet on
Tues., Mar. 23, at 7:30 p.m. in Angell
Hall Auditorium C. A movie, "Handling
and Care of the Patient," will be shown
following which Dr. Robert Goldsmith,
M.D., of University Hospital, and Dr.
Bruno Meinecke, Ph.D., of the Classical
Studies Department, will speak. All
pre-meds are urged to atend and bring
their friends.
Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office will
open at 10 a.m. Monday for the sale of
tickets for the Department of Speech
production of Shakespeare's The Tam-
ing of the Shrew, Thurs., Fri. and Sat.,
Mar. 25, 26, and 27 at 8 p.m. in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets are
available at $1.50 - $1.20 - 90c with the
special student rate of 75c in effect
opening night. All seats are reserved.
Bus Trip to the Van Gogh Exhibition
at Toledo. On Thurs., Mar. 25, the Fine
Arts Department is sponsoring a trip
to the Van Gogh Exhibition at the To-
ledo Museum. University buses will leave
from the Union at 1 p.m., returning
rto the campus about 6 p.m. Cost of
trip $2.00, including entrance fee. All
students are welcome. Reservations
must be made at the Office of the De-
partment of Fine Arts, 206 Tappan Hall,
by Tues., Mar. 23.
Economics Club, 8 p.m., Wed., Mar.
24, West Conference Room, Rackham
IBuilding. Professor Tjalling C. Koop-
- mans Research Director of the Cowles
Commission for Research in Economics,
will speak on "The Allocation of Indi-
visible Resources." All staff members
and graduate students in Economics
and Business Administration are es-
pecially urged to attend. All others cor-
dially invited.

at a minimum, the food is notf
necessarily the best." Allow me to
delay comment on Mr. Kaplan's
choice of a standard while I pre-
sent a few facts.
I am sure that we will agree
that meat is a major component in
the diet of most individuals in our
society. As chance has it, we, "sub-
standard" co-opers, also fit into
this category of meat-eaters.
Someone casually familiar with
meat purchasing might argue that
it is the grade that counts. In
beef, lamb, and veal, there are
four and five different grades. In
all meats-save pork which I am
told has only one-the top two
grades are "U.S. Choice" and "U.S.
Good." That grade which is pur-
chased by co-op houses is "U.S.
Good," and occasionally "U.S.
Since Mr. Kaplan obviously uses
ither student residences as a stan-
dard of this comparison, shall we
compare facts? Our local dealers
serve not only co-ops but a large
majority of those other campus
residences which are independent,
of the University's Food Service,
including most fraternities and
He further quotes that "With
responsible, paid cooks, meals
would be better than with student
cooks." Although cooking is gen-
erally reputed to be an art, I doubt
that even the most untutored epi-
curean would consider the handi-'
work of cooks in University resi-
Union. Prof. Moise will speak on "How
to Avoid Calculations in Calculus." All
interested are invited to attend.
Gilbert and Sullivan Society. There
will be a rehearsal tomorrow night for

Michigan Cooperative House

Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications..
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn...........Managing Editor
Eric 'Vetter._............... City Editor
virginia Voss.......Editorial Director
Mike Wolff........Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane Decker .......... Associate Editor
Helene Simon.......... Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye...............Sports Editor
Pau Greenberg....Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell ...Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor
Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Traeger...Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr.
william Seiden........Finance Manager
Don Chisholm.....Circulation Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1








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