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March 13, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-03-13

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See Page 2

Latest Deadline in the State


I '*'*

olverine extet tunne byRensselaerl








Reign Over
Gophers, RPI Meet
For Title Tonight
Special to The Daily
lan's three year reign as National
Collegiate hockey champions has
The highly favored Wolverines
fell victim to the biggest surprise
in the seven year history of the
NCAA hockey tournament here
last night as they were stunned
by an inspired RPI sextet, 6-4.
* * *
THE MORE than 2600 anti-
Michigan fans were given a real
treat as the fired up Engineers
just wouldn't quit. They fought
back to earn the victory after
blowing a 3-0 lead which they
piled up in the first eight minutes
of play.
The victory put RPI in the
championship game tonight
against Minnesota- while Michi-
gan will battle Boston College
in the consolation game this
The Wolverines just couldn't
keep up with the hustling RPI
squad or for that matter with the
officials. Referees Ed Barry of
Boston and Rabbit McVeigh of
Detroit called 10 penalties on the
Maize and Blue and only two on
the Engineers, all coming in the
first two periods.
AT LEAST ONE and sometimes
two Michigan men were in the
penalty box during each of the
first five RPI goals. The sixth
goal came in the final minute of
play while Wolverine goalie Wil-
lard Ikola was off the ice.
Rensselaer's second line was
the big offensive story for the
victors as it beat Wolverine
goalie Willard Ikola four times.
Center Ron Peterkin paced the
attack with three goals and an
Michigan's second line center,
Bill MacFarland kept Vic Heylig-
er's team in contention with
an outstanding offensive display
which resulted in his third hat
trick of the year.
* * *
HIS FINAL score which brought
Michigan within one goal of the
Engineers with two minutes to go
in the game came on a brilliant
defense splitting dash climaxed
by a hard shot past goalie Bob
The Wolverines' first line of
George Chin, Pat Cooney and
Doug Mullen was held in check
all night by the close checking
Eastern club. It wasn't involved
in any scoring.
RPI jumped into an early two
goal lead when defenseman Neil
Buchanan was sent off the ice for
hooking at the three minute
mark of the first period.
* * *
PETERKIN scored the initial
marker at 3:39 on a pass from
Ambrose Mosco and picked up the
other 21 seconds later on an un-
assisted effort.
The Engineers had a one man
advantage again shortly after
the seven minute mark and im-
mediately increased their lead
to three goals when Mosco
flashed the light assisted by

The Maize and Blue then came
hustling back and midway in the
second stanza it tied the score at
3-3. MacFarland picked up two of
the goals and Jim Haas tallied the
However the tie was short lived.
Flashy Frank Chiarelli scored at
15:40 on assists from Mosco and
Peterkin to give RPI the lead that
it never again relinquished.
erkin (Mosco), 3:39, 2-RPI, Peterkin
(unassisted), 4:00, 3-RPI, Mosco
(Pope), 4 - Michigan, MacFarland
(Philpott), 8:00.
L Penalties - Michigan: Buchanan







Senator's Cl

Two U.S. Planes
lidtb Czech Jets
WASHINGTON - W) - The State Department confirmed late
yesterday there had been an attack in Europe on two U.S. military air-
craft but that both planes landed safely,
German police earlier had reported that a Soviet-made jet fight-
er from Czechoslovakia shot up two U.S. military planes near the
German border.
THE STATE DEPARTMENT said it did not have any details be-
yond the fact that the tail of one of the two craft had been shot up.
The Defense Department said "the Navy has received reports of


Expert Cites
New- Selli
H. Bruce Palmer, '31BAd, presi-
dent of the Butual Benefit Life In-
surance Co., yesterday urged mem-
bers of the Conference on Sales
Management to recognize the
great "potentials ofrsalesmen for
solving the problems of the world."
Citing the three million Ameri-
can salesmen as being the "trus-
tees of American thought," the
former president of the National
Junior Chamber of Commerce
called upon American businessmen
to "stop complaining" and take,
up the challenge of offering solu-
SEPARATING the disturbances
in American life into three areas,
business, government, and moral-
ity, Palmer proposed that business
men recognize and "sell the prop-
er solutions which must be based
on the fundamental belief of dig-
nity for the individual."
Beginning with business prob-
lems, he urged that the Ameri-
can people be taught a more
appreciative understanding of
the free enterprise system which
"built this nation into what it
is today."
The best way for accomplishing
this is to build more successful
human relations programs in cor-
porations to eliminate the "present
wedge between labor, manage-
ment, and ownership," he said.
"Employees," he indicated must
be convinced "that they are a
part of the firm instead of just
working for it."
Criticizing "centralization" of
government in Washington, Pal-
mer advocated that businessmen
participate more in politics to "sell
citizens the good, sound, clean gov-
ernment that we want."

an incident involving two planes
engaged in a routine training
flight." The Navy also said it
had not received any details,
A U.S. 6th Fleet spokesman in
London said the Navy had planes
from the Mediterranean - based
carriers in the area, but 'whether
they were Navy planes which were
attacked we do notknow yet."
Bavarian border police said eye-
witnesses saw the attack at 7,500
feet in hazy weather and after-
VIENNA - () - The Prague
Radio said today Communist,
Czechoslovakia has protested to
the United States against an
alleged violation of that coun-
try's territory by two U. S.
The report of the protest,
heard here, followed an attack
yesterday by a Soviet-made jet
on two American military planes
in the Czech-German border
area near Munich.
wards found empty aircraft gun
shells on the ground near Wald-
The eyewitnesses were quoted as
*~ * *
THREE planes were seen in the
border area, and one of them, a
Soviet-made MIG jet fighter,
opened fire on the other two.
After several passes, it turn-
ed back east and disappeared in
the direction of Czechoslovakia.
The other two planes continued
One source was quoted as say-
ing: "They were flying in Austria
and inadvertently strayed over
Czech territory. They were at-
tacked by a MIG fighter and were
pretty badly shot up. They made
their way to Munich."
The U.S. Navy spokesman in
London said: "We had planes near
the Czech border in Germany on
familiarization flights from car-
riers in the Mediterranean. They
may well have been the planes
which are said to have been shot

Deadline for returning com-
pleted petitions for all posts in
the Spring all-campus elections
to the Student Legislature Bldg.
is noon today.
Twenty-two SL seats will be
willed in the balloting, March
30 and 31. Twenty candidates
elected to the Legislature will
serve two semesters and two for
one-semester terms.,
Petitions for nine J-Hop
seats, seven Union vice-presi-
dential positions, three mem-
bers of the Board in Control
of Student Publications and one
Board in Control of Inter-Col-
legiate Athletics post are due
In addition, candidates for
four senior class positions in the
literary and engineering col-
leges may also turn in petitions
Local Expert
Views U.S.
Asian Policy
Prof. Marshall M. Knappen of
the political science department
addressed the India Students Club
yesterday concerning the increas-
ing tension in Asia.
He discussed primarily the an-
tagonism aroused in India by the
extension of arms by the United
States to Pakistan. The result of
this aid has been to upset the bal-
ance of power in the conflict in
Kashmir between India and Paki-
* * *
IN EXPLAINING this action by
the United States, the professor
noted that such aid is compatible
with our Containment Policy which
to erect an insuperable barried on
the Russian periphery so to hin-
der further Soviet expansion.
Prof. Knappen of further not-
ed that in our attempt to curb
Russia, partial neglect of other
nations has occurred but is by
no means intentional.
India in the past has received
economic aid under the Point-Four
Program and from theInterna-
tional Monetary Fund but, Prof.
Knappen noted, "now that we
have an economy minded Con-
gress, there exists no immediate
prospect of industrializing unde-
veloped nations on an appropriate
and effective basis."
Moreover, Prof. Knappen claim-
ed that he wouldn't term United
States aid abroad as "Imperial-
istic" as it is often called, but
he added, "it does, however, keep
the nations within the United
States sphere of influence.",

World News
Thomas M. Pelly (R-Wash.) said
yesterday that "substantial quan-
tites" of classified documents have
disappeared from the Atomic En-
ergy Commission's giant plutoni-
um plant at Hanford, Wash.
* * *
winter storm was carried north-
eastward from the Rocky Moun-
tains by winds of gale force yes-
terday bringing a blizzard to the
Winds of 50 to 60 miles an
hour were general throughout'
this area whipping up one of the
worst dust storms in 20 years.
* * *
vin M. Bentley's (R-Mich.) doc-
tor predicted yesterday he will re-
cover from serious wounds suf-
fered in the March 1 House of
Representatives shooting affray.
In New York a man who de-
scribed himself as a Puerto Ri-
can Nationalist was seized last
night by police after the FBI said
he telephoned agents to say he
intended to kill President Eisen-
LONDON - (AP) - Commu-
nist China was reported ready
yesterday to establish full dip-
lomatic relations with Britain
if Prime Minister Churchill's
government cuts its last con-
tact with the Nationalist Chi-
nese on Formosa.
Census Bureau reported yesterday
the nation's unemployment rose
584,000 in February to a total of
3,671,000, on the basis of a new
sampling method adopted by the
* * *
CARACAS, Venezuela - () -
Brazil yesterday threw its un-
ditional support behind the U.S.
plan to fight communism in the
LOUISVILLE, Ky. - (P) -Ken-
tucky Democrats yesterday urged
former Vice-President Alben W.
Barkley, who has spent 48 of his
76 years in public office, to offer
six years more and launched a
movement to draft him for nomi-
nation for the U.S. Senate.
Petitions for publication and
distribution of the 1954 Sum-
mer Student Directory and the
1954-55 Fall Directory, now
available in the business office
of the Student Publication
Bldg., may be filed by any
acredited student organization
by April 1.

Army Says
Pull' Used
For S chine
M Ca'thy Broke
Pact -- firkseu
By The Associated Press
(R-Wis.) and Army Secretary
Stevens collided again yesterday
as charges and counter-charges
of pressure, blackmail and lying
exploded around the case of a
drafted member of McCarthy's
subcommittee staff.
From a bipartisan majority of
McCarthy's subcommittee-three
Democrats and one Republican-
came a clamor for a fast investi-
gation to get the whole story of!
what has been going on behind
the scenes.
*, * *
WHAT SET off the latet spec-
tacular flare-up within and around
the McCarthy subcommittee was
an Army report accusing the Wis-
consin senator and his chief coun-
sel, Roy Cohn, of turhing on pres
sure for favored treatment for Pvt.
David G. Schine.
Schine is Cohn's pal and was
a consultant to the McCarthy
committee until he was drafted
into the Army last November.
McCarthy bitterly protested that
the report was an attempt at
"blackmail." Just as bitterly, Stev-
ens protested McCarthy's release
of an unsigned memorandum the
The McCarthy issues review-
ed-See page four.sss e
senator said was from committee
files-a memo that said Stevens
had asked that the subcommittee
shift its hunt for Reds from the
Army to the Air Force, Navy and
Defense departments.
THE NEW ROW brought hot
dissension within the McCaithy
subcommittee. Sen. Dirksen point-
ed it up by accusing McCarthy of
breaking an agreement with the
Republican members in releasing
Vice-President Nixon's talk
will be aired at 10:30 p.m. to-
day on radio stations WJR and
material from the subcommittee
files. He told newsmen that was
"a departure from the agreement
we had Thursday, at a secret meet-
ing dealing with the Army report
and Cohn.
In New York, CBS commen-

tator Edward R. Murrow said
late yesterday that Secretary of
State John Foster Dulles was a
member of the Board of Trustees
of the Institute of International
Education in 1935.
Murrow's activities on behalf of
the institute in 1935 were criti-
cized Thursday night by Sen. Jos-
eph R. McCarthy (R-Wis.)
McCarthy was especially critical
of the institute's plan for what he
termed "a Moscow University sum-

-Daly-John Hirtzel
EN GARDE-Donna hill, '56, is one of three accomplished fencers
who will demonstrate their wares at 1:30 p.m. today in Rm. 3-
LMN of the Union during the Union's annual Open House.
Union Plans Play
For Open House
The Union will throw open its doors to everyone from 1 to 5
p.m. today for its annual Open House.
Featuring exhibitions, a movie, a one-act play, and a mixer, the
Open House marks the one day of the year when every door in the
Union is open to anyone.
* * * *
A ONE-ACT play entitled "Lithuania" will be presented by the
Speech Department at 2:30 p.m. in the ballroom..A tense story of
psychological murder, the play was written by Rupert Brooks, an
English soldier-poet who was killed in 'the First World War. It is
directed by E. Paul Rebillot, Grad.
The action on the agenda will be provided by three top-flite
fencers, who will put on a fencing exhibition at 1:30 p.m. in Rm.
Demonstrating the use of the foil and saber, Richard Perry, fenc-
ing coach at the University of Detroit, Bob Derderian, a member of
the 1956 Olympic fencing team, and Donna Hill, '56, rated among
the top 30 women fencers in the country, will explain the basic prin-
ciples of fencing as a participant sport.
In the Union swimming pool at 1:45 p.m. and 2:45 p.m., Michi-
fish will present an exhibition of its famous water ballet.
* * * *-
"HERE COMES the Band," a documentary film of the Univer-
sity Marching Band, will be shown at 3 and 3:30 p.m. in Rm. 3-LMN.
The movie features the 1950 band in the formations and dances it
presented at the Rose Bowl and in New York City.
From 3 to 5 p.m., Paul McDonough and his band will be on
hand in the North Lounge for a mixer at which cokes, donuts, and
cigarettes will be served free.
Visitors may also visit the traditionally exclusive Union tower
which affords a panoramic view of the University.
Sororities and the women's residence halls are providing hostesses
who will hand out printed programs at the front and side doors of
the Union. The tradition of men only using the front door will be
relaxed for the afternoon's festivities.

See High Prices Here Due to Limited Competition


mer session."

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following in-
formation was acquired from a stu-
dent report made for an economics
course. The charges made have been.
verified by people who claim they
have seen these practicesain opera-
A student survey recently made
revealed that the proverbial high
cost of living in Ann Arbor is par-
tially the result of lack of compe-
tition among business enterprisers.
The survey covering 22 local
trades ranging from electrical con-
tracting to plumbing to restaur-
ants showed that mutual agree-
ments among businessmen result
in uniformly high prices and a
cnricAr.riinfrnmn'. rlarn

In essence, the practice of an
association is to agree upon a uni-
form price of a product among all
retailers of that product. Anyone
attempting to sell the product at a
cut-rate will be high pressured by
association members until he ad-
heres to the uniform price, it was
learned by student surveyors.
A University professor attested
to the validity of the report.
hand in the appointment of city
inspectors in their respective fields,
and succeeds in withholding ap-
proval of products or services per-

ers have agreed "not to do work plumbers, an irate housewife told areas located equally far from De- price scales agreed upon by most
on water appliances or piping an interviewing student. troit are selling gasoline at a local eatery managers will be vis-
not sold by one of the local Price wars and lower rates in cheaper rate than locally, how- ited by health inspectors in many
plumbers. gasoline are nearly impossible as ever. cases until the prices come into
A city ordinance reinforces the the student survey of local gaso- **line, an interview with informal
strength of this agreement by pre- line stations reveals. Instances of LOCAL TAXI-CAB companies sources showed. In reply to this
venting outsiders who might not price-cutting by any retailer will have agreed to abide by transpor- charge, however; Anthony Pre-
observe their policies from oper- bring pressure upon him from an tation rates sed by the City Coun- ketes, Restaurant Association head
ating or installing appliances sold association of gasoline retailers; cil. Pressure on companies giving said "to my knowledge, these prac-
by other than association mem- the result is usually adherence house groups 10-20 per cent dis- tices do not occur in Ann Arbor."
bers. by the wayward retailer to assn- counts from other cab companies He did assert that restaurant man-
John Kagay, former president ciation policies, according tosa have resulted in an abandonment agers do agree on uniform prices
of the Plumber's Association de- local proprieter of that practice. of many articles.
nied thQ charge of discrimination At the present time there is The pressure system on de- Most sensitive to association
in installation of appliances when only one exception to the price viant operators is performed ef- approval are professional men
contacted yesterday. Kagay re- agreement of gasoline retailers, but fectively in the barber business. including doctors and dentists.
ported that "only in a rush will we competitors do not consider the Barbers not adhering to the It has been the practice of as-
aiv nr-frneP . -, . a-4,,s,-- mm~mr fnrinnremnn ns.. nnm 1 .cr t r.u fnteirsrvic e, u-!sOciatiOns to rebuke publicly

* * *
IN REPLYING, Murrow said on
his regular news commentary last
"Now here are the facts about
that Moscow summer school . .
I was the assistant director of the
Institute of International Educa-
tion. This organization dealt with
the exchange of students and pro-
fessors between this and foreign
counties. . ..
Officers Named
For SAI Posts
New officers of Sigma Alpha

j 111GA AGArliVil. .

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