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March 10, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-03-10

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Is Nixon the Man To Answer?

IT TOOK A FORMER Democratic candi-
date for the presidency to finally pro-
vide the incentive for the Republican Party
to lower the boom on a very junior Sena-
tor from Wisconsin.
Although Adlai Stevenson spoke only
briefly in Florida last week, he was able
to drive the Republican Party into a po-
sition which it either found politically
inexpedient to uphold, or one which it did
not want to be forced to uphold.
Stevenson charged that the Republicans
are divided between the McCarthy faction
and the Eisenhower faction. From this po-
sition he launched a bitter and accurate at-
tack on the present Administration's hesi-
tancy to stop McCarthy's never ending in-
cursions into the Communist investigating
The Republicans were left with the choice
of either ignoring or denying the attack or
deciding it was about time to silence Mc-
Carthy and put an end to the damage he
was wrecking on the party.
The President or his advisors decided that
now was the time to stop McCarthy and
also to challenge Stevenson's allegations.
Radio and television time was procured with
the ostensible piirpose of answering the
titular head of the Democratic Party. At
the same time the move cut the ground out
from undet the Wisconson Senator.
McCarthy squawked and is still calling
for heads, but for the first time in mem-
ory he has been beaten to the punch.
Whether this was done intentionally or
not cannot be ascertained but it had the

same effects as that of a carefully de-
signed manuever.
However, instead of presenting an answer
to the former presidential candidate him-
self, President Eisenhower inadvertantly
tossed the job to his Vice-President, Richard
This is not comforting to some persons
who have fought against McCarthy for so
long a time, since Nixon has come under
constant fire from Democrats for his lean-
ings toward the points of view constantly
expressed by McCarthy.
One wonders just how able Nixon is to
deliver an answer to the former Democratic
candidate for the presidency and whether
or not the speech will end up by being sheer
blustering. It strikes this writer that the
President's choice of spokesman was not
only inadvisable but a blunder of the great-
est proportions.
However, Nixon said yesterday he would
be expressing the President's views on
McCarthy versus the Republican Party
and indicated his speech would be an of-
ficial pronouncement of the party rather
than the Vice-President. This remains to
be seen.
But while we may herald the fact that
McCarthy, for the first time, is on the de-
fensive, we cannot and should not prema-
turely believe that his political days are
over. There still remains the day to day
battle of whipping the junior Senator from
Wisconsin at his own game.
It must be remembered that throughout
the course of this affair not one harsh word
has been said against McCarthy by the Re-
publican Party; possibly Nixon's speech will
do this-possibly not.
However, for the first time members of
the President's party have begun to de-
nounce the Senator on the floor of Con-
-gress. The opening blast came yesterday
from Senator Flanders (R-Vt.) His re-
marks were some of the most violent, ac-
curate and damaging ones on McCarthy,
the man and the ism. They need no
He asked what in the battle between
Communism and democracy "is the, part of
the junior senator from Wisconsin?"
And answered, "He dons his war-paint.
He goes into a war-dance. He emits war-
whoops. He goes forth to battle and proudly
returns with the scalp of a pink Army den-
-Mark Reader

Wire Tapping



In Which People?
leader in the House, said yesterday in
a statement concerning tax reductions:
"This week should demonstrate to the Am-
erican people in a very convincing way that
the Eisenhower Administration and the Re-
publican Congress are now moving in high
gear to fulfill the promises that have been
And what are those promises? Before
the elections, it will be remembered, the
Republicans loudly proclaimed tax te-
ductions for the people. And indeed, there
has been a reduction for the people: the
people in General Motors, the people in
Standard Oil; in fact for most people in
big business.
And now, the Administration is proposing
another tax reduction bill. This tax measure
allows corporations even greater tax deduc-
tion allowances on research and develop-
ment, losses incurred, and depreciation.
The purported object of these tax deduc-
tion allowances Is to give business a needed
boost. As Walter Reuther pointed out re-
cently, however, it is becoming increasingly
and painfully clear that what is desperately
needed at this time is not a stimulant to
business but an increased consumer pur.
chasing power. Demand for goods has fall-
en off tremendously. This, in turn, has re-
sulted in the current unemployment scare.
Government assistance, In the form of tax
reductions, isn't needed by producers, who
are producing more than they can sell al-
ready. Increasing production at a time when
more Is being produced than can be con-
sumed is a little like carrying coals to New-
The solution lies, rather, in increasing
consumer purchasing power by reducing
personal income taxes, especially in the
low income brackets, and eliminating as
many retrogressive excise taxes as pos-
sible. Both if these measures have been
grudgingly put into effect to a very lim-
ited degree, but they have been forced
on the Republican Administration by pre-
vious campaign promises and current po-
litical expediency, rather than by any
fundamental change in philosophy. In
general, these economic principles are
alien to the Republican tradition of eco-
The R'epublican policy of helping big busi-
ness to grow and trusting that the country
will follow is nothing but a thinly disguise
sophistication of the principles that led us
into a depression. The Eisenhower Adminis-
tration, famous (or infamous, as you like)
for its reliance on business executives, dis-
plays an almost child-like trust in the "big-
heartedness" of "big business" personalities.
The "million-dollar cabinet" is a case in
It hardly need be stated, in this day and
age, that what is good for General Motors
is not necessarily good for the country,
Charles E. Wilson notwithstanding. The in-
terests of big business, in fact, are in many
cases directly opposed to the interests of the
country as a whole.
Helping big business will not necessarily
alleviate the current business recession.
The only answer to the problems of rising
unemployment and reduced personal in-
come lies in both direct and indirect gov-
ernment aid to those in need of it. This
means reduced personal income taxes, in-
creased welfare benefits to the unemploy-
ed, and increased government deficit
That the Republicans have failed to in-
stitute these measures, proved l y hard ex-
perience in the thirties, is another indi-
cation that they are not the party of all the
people, but only of special interests.
-Arthur Cornfeld

Rackham Auditorium .


STANLEY QUARTET-Haydn: Quartet in
C major, Op. 74, No. 1; Villa-Lobos:
Quartet No. 14 (First Performance);
Beethoven:Quartet in B-flat major,
Op. 130
T HE LITERATURE of the string quartet
is especially noteworthy for its serious
and profound works. It is generally assumed
that composers save their best, most intimate
and personal, and, in the kindest sense of
the word, most -cerebral thought for cham-
ber music. Few works of slight or flippant
character enter the repertory.
The Quartet No. 14 by Villa-Lobos, which
was dedicated to the Stanley Quartet and
premiered by them last night, is more than
likely not his best, nor his most profound,
intimate, or cerebral. Neither is it flippant,
but it is slight. Because it is harmonically
static, like popular dance melodies, emotion-
ally contained, in comparison to the Haydn
that preceded it and the Beethoven that*
came after like a tiny figurine in an art
museum, and of moods that glorify the pop-
ular idiom of today, it achieves an effect
which is pleasant, delightful-particularly the
the melodic slow movement-but of no major
musical consequence.
The work pretends no more than this.
Except for the fact that in first hearing
the final movement adds nothing to the
work but just an extra cadence, Villa-
Lobos has succeeded admirably in his pur-
pose. Villa-Lobos is of course famed for
his study of Brazilian folk music and in-
corporation of these melodies into his
style. This may have bearing on last
night's work, but not obtrusively. The work
is just an exceedingly simple, almost ban-
al, exposition of popular moods, which is
expressive in its own way. It is not one of
the University's most significant commis-
sions, but the Stanley played it as if it
After this year's chamber music festival
of the University Musical Society, it is nice
to hear the Stanley again and realize that
they hold their own with the best, in a per-
formance like last night's Haydn even bet-
ter. The technical execution was perfect, the
speed with which they took the last move-
ment and their ease in playing it being in
itself superhuman. But the way they brought
out the moods of the piece, emphasizing cli-
maxes and elucidating structure, was the
real beauty. The work spoke with a clarity
and vitality that its inspiration deserves.
The concluding Beethoven was a happy
indication of what is to come in next year's
all Beethoven quartet cycle which the Stan-
ley will give. They played the Op. 130 with-
out the Grosse Fuge which is its intended
last movement, and even giving greater
than normal stress to the slow movement
could not obscure the fact that Beethoven's

ATTORNEY GENERAL Brownell, in a re-
cent speech in Ann Arbor, supported
current .proposals to legalize limited use of
wire tapping and its evidence in federal
The controversy surrounding the legal-
ity of wire tapping is an old problem. For
a long time it was argued that it was a
violation of the constitution. However,
in 1928, the Supreme Court in the Olm-
stead v. United States case, ruled in a
5-4 decision that wire-tapping does not
violate the Fourth Amendment. The
Amendment applies only to "actual phy-
sical invasions" of privacy, and not to
"projected voices," the Court claimed.
Justice Brandeis, one of the four dis-
senters, stated: "The evil incident to in-
vasion of the privacy of the telephone is far
greater than that involved with the tam-
pering of the mails. Whenever a telephone
is tapped the privacy of persons at both
ends of the line is invaded, and all con-
versations between them upon any subject,
and although proper, confidential, and pri-
viledged, may be overheard."
The concern of Congress with this prob-
lem was expressed in 1933 in the form of a
rider to an appropriations bill. It stated:
"No part of this appropriation shall be used
for or in connection with wire tapping to
procure evidence of violation of the Na-
tional Prohibition Act." This act was the
product of four years of unsuccessful leg-
islation following the Olmstead case to pro-
hibit wire tapping by federal authorities. It
would seem that the intent of Congress at
this time was to prohibit interception of
telephone lines.
In 1934 the Federal Communications
Act was passed. Section 605 of the Act
states: "No person not authorized by the
sender shall intercept any communication
and divulge or publish the existence, con-
tents, or substance of such intercepted
communications to any person."
The reason for the present controversy
lies in the interpretation of Section 605.
One side claims that both interception and
divulgance are illegal. However the Justice
Department has taken the position that
only divulgance of the intercepted informa-
tion is illegal. Therefore wire tapping has
become the established practice of the F.B.I.
But even though wire tapping is endorsed
by the Justice Department, the informa-
tion collected is inadmissible in federal
The precedent was established in 1937 in
the Nardone v. United States case. The de-
fendents in the case (who had been found
guilty of liquor smuggling) appealed the
conviction to the Supreme Court on the
grounds that the evidence used against
them had been gathered through wire tap-
ping thus violating Section 605. The gov-
ernment attorneys replied that Section 605
did not apply to federal agents. The Court
reversed the convictions, ruling that Sec-
tion 605 included federal officers as well as
others within its sweep, and that testimony
based on interception of a telephone mes-
sage constituted a "divulgance" and was
thus a violation of the communications act.
The second Nardone case in 1939 ex-
tended the interpretation of Section 605
to include evidence obtained from wire
tap leads-which Justice Holmes aptly
called "fruit of the poison tree." Then in
United States v. Weiss, the Court ruled
that 605 also prohibited evidence in fed-
eral courts obtained by intercptance and
divulgance of intrastate messages.
What Brownell is asking for is the limited
use of F.B.I. wire tapping authorized by the
Attorney General for defense and security
purposes andthe use of the evidence col-
lected in federal courts.
The sole favorable provision of such leg-
islation would be the inclusion of disciplin-
ary measures against the many who tap
wires for illegal purposes. For wire tapping
is indiscriminately used throughout the
country by the police, politicians, gamblers,
divorce seekers and crooks in general. Con-
sequently blackmail thrives and many in-
nocent persons' rights are violated. For

when a public phone booth is tapped by the
police to acquire information on illegal ac-
tivities of bookies etc., the private lives of
the law abiding are monitored as well.
However, even limited tapping is a dan-
ger and an encroachment on our freedom.
First it would put too much power into the
hands of the Attorney General-power
which might easily be abused. The right to
decide what is dangerous to the security of
our country could be determined solely by
political bias.
The supporters of Brownell's stand claim
that the ban of wire tap evidence in fed-
eral courts is a thorn in our nation's de-
fense program. They point to the Coplon
case as an example of this weakness. But
is it likely that any spy would discuss his
activities over the phone if F.B.I. wire tap-
ping were an established technique and the
overheard information could be used in
court against him?
Certainly it is better to let some crimi-
nals have their freedom than endanger the
freedom of all. As Justice Brandeis said,
the makers of the constitution in seeking
"to protect Americans in their beliefs,
their thoughts, their emotions and their
sensations," clearly conferred "as against

"Yeah - I've Been Cut Up A Little, Too"
-- S
~ y


,q. 9" 'eaN. w. ca ysroN T oSe^0

Laingt Plan .. .


To the Editor:
WHILE IT seems evident that'
all is not well with the Stu-j
dent Legislature, I don't believe
that this warrants scraping the
organization for the proposed Stu-
dent Executive Council tentatively
favored by the Laing Study Com-
Many people, myself included,!
believe SL's major difficulty does,
not lie in its structure but inI
something much less tangible.
Many SL members don't honestly
know why they're on the organ-
ization. They haven't any expli-
cite ideas and goals and hence
are left with an activity which is
in many cases meaningless for
This flaw would not be remed-
ied by the Laing plan since it
provides a new structure but does
not provide the basic things S.L.
lacks-ideas and sincere initiative.
This is not to say that SL may
not stand in need of a new struc-
ture. I personally think it does.
But the problem of how student
government should be organized
would not be solved by the pro-
posed Student Executive Council
-it would merely be extended.
The Council is to be composed
of seven student heads of campus
organizations and anywhere from

eight to thirteen elected members
I have always been under the im-
pression that to be of one of the
campus organizations is a rather
time consuming job. How would
these individuals be able to give
to student government the great
amount of time it requires when
they must also attend classes,
study, run their respective organ-
izations and I imagine sleep oc-
Also to have at the very most
only thirteen elected members on
the council would, I think, have
the effect of removing student
government even further from the
student body. Many people feel
that student already has too much
of a clique atmosphere about it.
This clique feeling would grow, I
think, if the organization were
made up of heads of organizations
and only thirteen elected members.
It may very well be that all of
these difficulties would not mater-
ialize and that the Student Exe-
cutive Council would succeed in
coordinating the activities of the
major student organizations and
also represent the student. But it
doesn't seem to me that with all
theseinherent flaws in the pro-
posed re-organization we can con-
fidently look to the Laing proposal
for the solution of our search for a
good student government.
-Joan Bryan




The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

WASHINGTON-When the Republican party threw a big cheese
party for newsmen at the opening of Congress, Joe McCarthy
came up to John Foster Dulles, put his arm around his shoulder and
"Haven't I been a good boy lately?"
What McCarthy referred to was the fact that he had laid
off criticising the State Department for a few weeks, partly as
a result of a compromise agreement patched up with Vice-
President Nixon in Miami in December.
Nixon had urged McCarthy to lay off the witch hunting and
turn the problem of Communism over to Senator Jenner's Internal
Security Committee where it properly belongs. In turn, Nixon prom-
ised that Attorney General Brownell would turn over to McCarthy
various cases of alleged graft and inefficiency which Nixon said would
reflect on the Truman Administration. Thus McCarthy would continue
to get the headlines, though probing something that legitimately came
under his government operations committee.
McCarthy agreed. But no sooner had he returned to Washington,
and was asked by newsmen about the agreement, than he denied it.
* * * *
DESPITE THE DENIAL, however, McCarthy did live up to the
agreement for about two weeks. Then quietly he handed Senator'
Welker of Idaho, sometimes called the "Junior McCarthy," a copy
of a speech he, McCarthy, had prepared blasting Dulles' law partner,
Arthur Dean, then special ambassador' for the Korean peace talks.



(Continued from Page 2)

Amphitheater. All members of the staff
are invited.
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Box Of-
fice will be open from 10 a.m. until 5
p.m. today for the sale of tickets for
presented by the Department of
Speech. Included on this bill are Aris-
tophanes' satiric comedy, THE FROGS;
Rupert Brooke's thriller, LITHUANIA;
and Frank Wedekind's ironic comedy.
THE TENOR. All seats are reserved at
25c each.
The College of Engineering and the
Audio-Visual Education Center will pre-
sent the premiere showing of a dramat-
ic color motion picture entitled The
First Hundred, commemorating the
Centennial of Engineering at Michigan,
in Auditorium A, Angell Hall, this
evening at 7, 8, and 9 p.m.
The Literary College Conference Steer-
inc' Committee will hold an important

Probably Secretary Dulles didn't know that the man who put. meeting today at 5 p.m. In Dean Rob-
his arm around his shoulder so affectionately at the GOP cheese ertson's office in Angell Hall.
party was the real author of that speech. And he may not know it JGP Central Committee. There will
even today. be a meeting of the JGP Central Com-
But McCarthy had prepared the speech as a blast against Dulles mittee tonight at 8:30 p.m. Please be
last December after the Secretary of State had issued the most forth- present and prompt.
right statement so far made by any, Eisenhower cabinet member Pershing Rifles. This is the last week
against McCarthy after his nation-wide radio broadcast answering new pledges wi lbe accepted for join-
agistig esing Rfe. All men itrse
Truman. report to T.C.B. at 7:30 p.m. in un-
Though McCarthy had drafted a hot answer to Dulles, it rpared in the chool of the soldier and
remained undelivered-thanks to the persuasive and personable airman with arms.
Len Hall. Mr. Hall, the smooth-talking chairman of the Repub- Pershing Rifles. All Pershing Rifle-
lican National Committee, had sweet-talked McCarthy into dis- men report to T.C.B. at 1925 hrs. in uni-
carding his blast at Dulles just as he sweet-talked Eisenhower form. Bring gym shoes. With a drill
out of basting McCarthy last week. meet just a few weeks off, attendance
is ugrently requested.
But McCarthy kept the text and gave it to Senator Welker who The Generation Poetry Staff meets
blasted Dulles instead. today, at 7:30 p.m. ,in the Generation'
* * * * office, Student Publications Building.
APPEASING JOE Please to have read all manuscripts
by that time.



Mar. 11, following a Lenten theme.
Mid-Week Meditation in Douglas Chapel
using the devotional book "Manhood
of the Master," 5:45-5:30 p.m., Thursday.
Deutscher Verein-Kaffee Stunde will
meet on Thursday at 3:15 in the Un-
ion alcove. Dr. C. K. Pott, Professor
in the German Dept., will be there.
All German students are urged to come
to practice speaking in an informal,
friendly atmosphere.
Graduate Study Group on "Christian
Liberty and Academic Freedom," Lane
Hall Library, Thurs., Mar. 11, 7:30-9:00
The International Tea, sponsored by
the International Center and the In-
ternational Students' Association, will
be held Thurs., Mar. 11, from 4:30 to
6 o'clock, third floor, Rackham Build-
ing. Mrs. Tula Kurath will perform
North American Iroquois Indian dances,
and there will be songs by the Chinese
group and Chinese instruments will be
I.A.S. Important meeting Thurs., Mar.
11, 7 p.m., Room 3-A, Michigan Union.
Mr. Woodham, of the Guggenheim Air
Safety Foundation, will speak on "Air
Safety Considerations. Elections, spring
paper competition, spring enrollment,
and refreshments.
La p'tite causette will meet tomor-
row afternoon from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m.
in the wing of the Michigan Union
Cafeteria. Anyone interested in speak-
ing French is welcome to this informal
conversational group!
Christian Science Organization. Tes-
timony meeting Thurs., Mar. 11, at 7:30
p.m., Fireside Room, Lane Hall. All are
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent Breakfast at Canterbury House fol-
lowing 7 a.m. service of Holy Com-
munion, Thurs., Mar. 11.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent-Faculty led Evensong, Chapel of
St. Michael and All Angels, 5:15 p.m.,
Thurs., Mar. 11.
mAtrcigwn ait




THE ABOVE ILLUSTRATES the basic problem President Eisen-
hower faces with Joe McCarthy. He faces first the fact that one
wing of the Republican party is definitely, almost avidly, for Mc-
Carthy; second, the fact that McCarthy never stays put. He can be
appeased one day; and one day later, or even one hour later, he's
right back slugging at the man who appeased him.
The President himself and his Administration have made no
fewer than ten attempts to appease McCarthy beginning back in the
days when he was running for President. Here is the roll-call:
Appeasement No. 1-Prior to Ike's Milwaukee speech, Tom Dewey
persuaded him to include in the speech two paragraphs critical of
McCarthy. When GOP Chairman Summerfield heard of this he, with
three old guard Senators, hired a special plane, caught up with Ike's
campaign train and talked him out of it. However, Ike wrote into
the speech a paragraph praising his old chief, Gen. George Marshall,
whom McCarthy had castigated. Again Summerfield arranged for
McCarthy to come up the back elevator of the Pere Marquette Hotel
in Peoria where McCarthy talked Ike out of the Marshall praise.
Appeasement No. 2 occurred after Harold Stassen told Mc-
Carthy to keep his nose out of Greek ship problems. Vice-
President Nixon, with White House blessing, persuaded Stassen
to get together with McCarthy and eat crow.
Appeasement No. 3 was after the President's book-burning speech
at Dartmouth. Next day McCarthy talked the White House out of
broadcasting the speech over the Voice of America. He also got the
President to issue a statement that the speech meant no reflection
on McCarthy.
Appeasement No. 4-Attorney General Brownell whitewashed the
unanimous Senate report on McCarthy's peculiar financial transac-
tions; also the Senate report on irregularities in the Maryland elec-
Appeasement. No. 5-McCarthy's close friend, Robert E. Lee, who
was implicated in the Maryland elections, was appointed to the Fed-
eral Communications Commission, making two McCarthy men on
this key body.
Appeasement No. 6-H. L. Hunt, staunch McCarthy supporter and
employer of Mrs. McCarthy, was given a tax deduction of 20 per cent
on contributions to his TV program, "Facts Forum."
Appeasement No. 7-The Army turned over to McCarthy
carbon copies of its investigation of Fort Monmouth. This en-
abled McCarthy to take the Army's reports and the Army's wit-
nnccPC and Qftin h;.. nwn, nrahP. mnnlrner it ,n,r thtfhe

Lane Hall Symposium. "The Nature of
the Church," led by The Rev. John F.
Bradley, Ph.D., at Father Richard Cen-
ter, 8:15 this evening.
sigma Alpha Eta will initiate its new
key members during thehmeetin to-
night at 7:30 p.m.' at the Women's
League. Dr. Harlan Bloomer, Director of
the Speech Clinic, will be initiated as
an honorary member. Students and fac-
ulty are invited to attend.
Hillel. Reservations or cancellations
for Friday evening Kosher dinner must
be in by Thursday afternoon-Call NO
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw, Lenten vespers today at
7:30, with the sermon by Air Force
Chaplain Theodore Kleinhans.
Academic Freedom Sub-commission
of SL will meet at 4 this afternoon in
the Union.
Student League for Industrial Democ-
racy. Meeting tonight in Union at 7:30
sharp. Ratification of constitution,
election of officers, discussio period. All
interested faculty and students are
cordially invited.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent-Faculty led Evensong, Chapel of
St. Michael and All Angels, 5:15 p.m.,
Episcopal Student Foundation. Silent
Luncheon for students and faculty
members. Canterbury House, 12:10 p.m.,
Wesleyan Guld. Leten Matin in the
chapel today 7:30-7:50 a.m. Be in the
lounge from 4-5:30 this afternoon for
the mid-week refresher tea!
The Congregational-Disciples Guild.
Discussion Group at Guild House at
7 tonight, "The Church In Modern
ULLR Ski Club will hold a regular
meeting tonight in the Union at 7:30.
Everyone should attend.
/ s i. f



Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn............Managing Editor
Eric Vetter.........City Editor
Virginia Voss........Editorial Director
Mike Wolff......Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane D. Auwerter.....Associate Editor
Helene Simon.........Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye..............Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell..Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler.... .Assoc. Women's Editor
Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger.... Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin..-.Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Selden....... Finance Manager
Don Chishom....irculation Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-3




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