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February 27, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-02-27

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Latest Deadline in the State






Clinch Nocke

layoff Berth

Senate Vote Kills George
Version of Bricker Plan









Icers Rally
To Scuttle


Fails by One
No More Action
Seen This Year
Senate killed on a 60 to 31 vote
last night a proposal to amend the
Constitution to limit treaty pow-
This action apparently ended, at
least for this year, efforts to
amend the Constitution.
Coming after a Sehate battle
lasting since Jan. 20, the result
was considered a victory for Pres-
ident Eisenhower.
THE PROPOSAL before the
Senate, offered by Sen. Walter F.
George (D-Ga.) needed a two-
thirds majority,for passage. The
60 to 31 vote in favor of it meant
that it fell short of the required
margin by the slimmest of mar-
Constitutional amendments
can be adopted only by two-
thirds vote of both houses and
ratificiation by three-fourths of
the states. The House has not
With the count standing at 60-
30, which would have given the
Senate's approval to the proposal,
Sen. Harley M. Kilgore (D-W.Va.Y
arrived dramatically late to cast
} the deciding ballot against it.
In a last minute development,
Sen. William Knowland of Cali-
fornia, the Republican-floor lead-
er, had announced that he would
vote for ,the George amendment,
but ths was not enough to swing
the tide for it.
THE GEORGE proposal- now
-d~ead along with all the others-.!
- would have nullified provisions of
treaties and other international
agreementsnwhich conflict with
the Constitution.
It also would have provided
that international agreements
other than treaties could be-
come effective as internal law
only by act of Congress.
Previously the Senate had vot-
ed 61-30 to substitute George's
proposal for another,,.sponsored by
Knowland and other Republican
leaders, which had White House
Overriding their own leaders, 30
Republicans joined with 31 Dem-
ocrats to sidetrack the White
House-approved m e a su r e and
make George's version the pending
issue before the Senate.
Dancers Give
Recital Today
The four-member Munt-Brooks
Dance Company will present a
modern dance program at 8 p.m.
today in Pattengill Auditorium.
A demonstration of the com-
pany's unique method of develop-
ing dance phrases by Maxine Hunt
will open the program. Miss Munt
will also solo in a comic satirical
dance, "The Same in Any Flavor,"
and an unaccompanied work, "Un-
quiet Path."
Alfred Brooks, Martha Cutru-
,fello and Marion Jim will perform
in "The Web," an idealization of
human conflict. Concluding the
program will be "There is a Sea-
son," based on a text from the
book of Ecclesiastes.
Priced at $1, tickets may be pur-

chased at the main office of Bar-
bour Gym or at the Pattengill box
office in Ann Arbor High School.
'Ariadne of Naxos'
To Open Tuesday
The speech department and the'

George London, dynamic Ca-
nadian-born bass baritone of
the Metropolitan Opera, will
present the eighth concert in.
the Choral Union Series at 8:30
p.m. tomorrow in Hill Audi-
Tickets priced at $1.50, $2.50
and $3 may be purchased from
9 a.m. to noon today at the-
University Musical Society of-
fice in Burton Tower and at 7
p.m. tomorrow in the Hill Audi-
torium box office.
World News
By The Associated Press
Asian Meeting .. .
States, in a quick follow-up to the
Berlin conference, yesterday set in
motion arrangements for a 20-
nation Asiatic peace parley with
the Communists April 26, in Ge-
Acting on behalf of the West-
ern Big Three, the State Depart-
ment formally invited 14 Korean
War allies to meet delegations of
Russia, Communist China and
Red-ruled North Korea in a move
to convert the Korean truce into
a lasting peace.
* * *
French Victory...
SAIGON, Indochina -- The
French announced yesterday the
Comnunist-led Invaders of Laos

SL Cabinet
Asks Change
In Carr Ban
The Student Legislature Cab-
inet yesterday urged the Regents
to modify the driving ban at the
next Regents meeting.
The cabinet asked "final action"
on the proposals to lift or change.
the driving rules which have lain
on the Regents table since last

Gophers, 6.3
Six ''Players
Share in Scoring
Michigan's clutch hockey team
came through with another great
game in the right spot last night
to beat the Minnesota, Gophers,
6-3, and clinch its seventh straight
trip to Colorado Springs for the
NCAA playoffs.
The victory before a sellout
crowd at the Coliseum gave the
Wolverines 18%/2 points in the
Western Hockey League and sew-
ed up second place for the de-
fending National champions.
SIX DIFFERENT players shar-




UNIVERSITY President Harlan ed in the scoring as coach Vic
H. Hatcher's comment yesterday Heyliger's sextet turned opportun-
that he didn't know when the Re- ist to pour six goals past Minne-
gents might vote on the car regu- sota's All-American netminder Jim
lation change precipitated the Mattson.
Cabinet's action. With the exception of the
The Cabinet statement follows: fourth marker which came early
"Last April by a vote of more in the final period, all Michigan
than three to one the students scores came on quick thrusts
registered their overwhelming which completely beat the usual-
endorsement of a change in the ly quick Mattson.
present University Driving Reg- George Chin collected the first
ulations. j goal at 7:51 of the initial session
"The Office of Student Affairs, when he picked the upper right
in a letter to the Student Legis- hand corner with a beautiful 35-
lature, expressed their belief that foot partially screened shot.
this referendum was both 'decisive MINNESOTA tied the game a
and representative.' short time later but early in the
"As a result, the Student Legis- second period Doug Philpott put
lature began an intensive one- the defending NCAA champs out
year study of driving regulations in front again and ensuing goals
both at Michigan and at other by Doug Mullen, Pat Cooney, Bill
schools to determine what changes MacFarland and 'Jim Haas pro-
might be effected here. - duced the final Michigan margin.
"In those communities where Willard Ikola came through
restrictions were relaxed or elim- with his finest performance of
inated, no appreciable increase in the season on home ice as he
the parking problem occurred nortundsie3shsevrli
did the accident rate increase, outstanding fashion.
"The University of Michigan Is The slender netminder was at
the last of the Big-Ten schools to his best early in the game when
retain a driving ban. Burt Dunn was sent off the ice
S Stwo minutes for holding.
"ON THE BASIS of its surveys,t*n*r *g
the student referendum and fre- WITH THE SCORE tied 0-0,
quent consultations with the Of- the Gophers were trying desper-
fice of Student Affairs, the Stu- ately for that all important first
dent Legislature drafted a brief goal but Ikola blocked four direct
suggesting four alternatives to the drives, stopping one rebound at-
present driving ban, ranging -from tempt for the right corner while
See SEEK, Page 4 sliding lithely across the goal
Although the final margin was
owneii Set a comfortable three goals, it was-
n't until the last stanza that the
ForLectureolverines actually took charge
of the contest.

-Daily-Chuck Kelsey
Eimenco Views Near East


had abandoned their long-poised
assault on Luang Prabang, the
royal capital, and were seeking
jungle cover 75 miles northward,
under a rain of bombs. .
S S , *
New Local airine .. .
onautics Board has expanded its
Chicago-Detroit local service case
to include Ozark Airlines as a po-
tential operator of a route now
served by American Airlines.
The Board is considering the
possibility of suspending Ameri-
can, in favor of a local airline, at
Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Jackson
and Kalamazoo.
Coffee Prices...
Beall (R-Md.) said yesterday his
special Senate subcommittee in-
tends to find out whether specu-
lators have "cornered" the Amer-
ican coffee market and driven up
Information already obtained
by his group indicates "There is,
an ample supply of coffee in and1
for this country," Beall said.
* * *


Attorney General Herbert Brow-
nell, Jr. will discuss and analyze
"Our Internal Security" at 8:30
p.m. Tuesday in Hill Auditorium.
Brownell who was one of the
top advisors in the 1952 presiden-
tial campaign was called "the best
political strategist of the Repub-
lican party" by Time magazine. In
former years he managed many of
the major political campaigns of
the GOP.
The lecture is the sixth in Lec-
ture Series. Individual tickets will
be on sale from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
£V.LULIU'4y'd n"A±f01n 1n ndm +^ .Z0 .n

MINNESOTA, skating fast and
confidently,. during the first 40
minutes, outshot the Maize and
More than $3,000 was stolen
from Krogers food store at Sta-
dium and Maple last night
when five armed men held up
the store, Ann Arbor police re-
Locking the manager and
employes in a refrigerator, the
unidentified robbers entered
the store between 10 and 10:45
One of the employes hid be-
hind some boxes, thus escaping
the refrigerator, and after the
robbers had departed, he freed
the others and notified the po-

Two Middle Eastern govern-
ments were wavering on brand-
new feet yesterday, as Lt. Co3.
Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt and
two separate revolutionary forces
in Syria -tried to assure themselves
of continued control in their re-
spective counrties.
Ousted in the revolts were two
military dictators-Gen. Mohamed
Naguib of Egypt, and President
Adib Shishekly of Syria.
* * *
PROF. Marbury N. Efimenco of
the political science department
said the revolt in Egypt could have
one of two possible causes. "It
night have been caused either by
disagreement between the more
Em loyment
'Holds Own'
In Ann Arbor
Unemployment High
In Ypsilanti Area

conservative Gen. Naguib and the
more radical element led by Nas-
ser, the Middle Eastern affairs ex-
pert noted, or by a personal strug-
DAMASCUS-()-Syria's new
revolutionary regime late yester-
day proclaimed Hachem Bey At-
tassi, a former president who
was deposed on Dec. 2, 1951, as
temporary president of Syria and
promised regular elections with-
in two months.
gle between Naguib and Nasser for
leadership within the Revolution-
ary Council.
"It is doubtful if agreement
on the Suez Canal Zone, long a
controversial issue between Bri-
tain and Egypt, will be reached
under Nasser's rule as soon as it
would under the more conserva-
tive Naguib," he said.
Whether Egypt can or will re-
store constitutional government
and continue reforms under the
new rule is also a crucial issue, ac-
cording to Prof. Efimenco. Naguib,
he explained, had set up a military
dictatorship for only a three-year
period. "At the end of this three
years, in 194&6, the present method
of government must be re-assessed

to determine whether civil govern-
ment will be restored."
* *' *
IN SYRIA, President Shishekly
came into power through a coup
d'etat in 1949 and assumed com-
plete authority by 1951. After 1953
Shishelty became President and
declared he would act constitu-
tionally. "In fact, however, he kept
all his former power and remained
a military dictator, unable or un-
willing to return to civil govern-
ment, Prof. Efimenco noted.
"At present there seem to be
two separate revolts in Syria-
one in Damascus, the other in
Aleppo," he explained. The Ale-
ppo revolvt is led by the very
powerful semi-feudal Druz fam-
ily from Southern Syria and
many of Shishekly's personal
political enemies who had been
exiled to Bierut. The Damascus
revolt is led by Army dissidents.
"The old feudal clique favors
civilian government and would
probably restore to power the elder
politicians who ruled Syria be-
tween 1946 and 1949. If this feu-
dal clique emerges as the victor of
the two Revolutionary factions,"
he explained, "the whole trend of
reform may have failed in Syria."

Group Rules
McCarthy Denies
Stevens' Charge
WASHINGTON - () - Senate
Republicans, meeting amid a
storm over Sen. Joseph McCar-
thy's methods, ordered a checkup
yesterday to see whether the rules
for Senate investigations should
be changed.
McCarthy, declaring he would
press on with his probes, said
"Witnesses in the future will have
the same consideration as in the
S * *
HE SAID he would go right on
exposing "dishonesty, corruption
and Communism."
At another point in a news
conferenc, he said:
"I don't subscribe to the idea
that if your own party is being
embarassed-lay off."
It was a charge by Secretary of
the Army Stevens that McCarthy
has abused and brow-beaten a
general which set off the newest
controversy over McCarthy's meth-
.Stevens at first had seemed
headed for a televised showdown
with McCarthy, who denied any
abuse. This was called off after
Stevens, McCarthy and other
members of McCarthy's Investi-
gating subcommittee reached an
accord, which was generally re-
garded as a surrender by Stevens.
Aroused by this interpretation.
Stevens Thursday issued a
statement that he would "never
accede" to humiliation of Ar-
my men. President Eisenhower
backed Stevens "100 per cent."
It was the Senate Republican
Policy Committee, headed by Sen.
Homer Ferguson (R-Mich.), which
ordered. a survey of the rules with
a view to a possible overhauling..
This development clearly was a
direct outgrowth of the McCarthy-
Stevens feud.
Posts Open
In Elections
When students go to the polls
March 30 and 31, they will vote
on candidates for 52 positions on
the ballots.
" Student Legislature candidates
will run for 22 two-semester terms
and two one-semester seats.
Nine J-Hop positions for the
annual between-semester dance
are open for second term sopho-
mores and first semester juniors.
* * *
PRESIDENT, vice - president,
secretary and treasurer senior
class slots will be filled for the lit-
erary and engineering college in
the balloting.
Union vice-president positions
on the ballot include one from
law school, one from the medi-
cal and dental schools and five
from other colleges.
Campus voters will elect three

students to the Board in Control
of Student Publications for one-
year terms and one asophomore
man on the Board in Control of
Inter-Collegiate Athletics for two
Candidates for the Athletics
Board must present petitions sign-
ed by 300 students to find a place
on the ballot.
Candidacy for SL and Publi-
cations Board requires 150 sig-

Veterans' Bonus p.m. Tuesday.
LANSING-An $80 million bo-
nus bond issue for Korean War 'sxl C ut
veterans swept through the Sen- E
ate yesterday and headed for WASHINGTON - (R) - House
sympathetic reception in the Republican leaders said yesterday
House. they are confident the House will
If it passes the House the pro- vite to chop nearly a billion dol-
posal will go on the fall ballot Lars from the nation's excise tax,
this year. load around the middle of March.

Although Ypsilanti and other COMBAT DELITNOUENC

Effects Of Fall Rushing Discussed

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec-
ond in a series of articles dealing
with the problems. of fall versus
spring sorority rushing.)
Arguments against fall sorority
rushing weigh most heavily on the
effect of the fall session on the
rushee herself.
Opposition to the first semester
rush period is by no means limit-
ed to independents but finds some
of its strongest support among sor-
ority women who have seen both
spring and fall rushing programs
in operation.
* * *

Others argue that fall rushing'
allows too many women to go into
a sorority without having a chance
to adequately evaluate dormitory
Proponents of the fall rushing
plan point out that it "takes the
emphasis off the idea of making a
sorority" which may build up dur-
ing a semester, based on impres-
sions the freshman may receive of
various campus houses.
* ' * *
IT IS ALSO argued that through
first semester pledging the soror-
ity can give the freshman added

men, whether they rushed and
pledged or not, was the same-2.2,
the Panhellenic fall i',shing eval-
uation report shows that the final
average for women who pledged
(this includes upperclassmen as
well as freshmen) stood at 2.24 as
against 2.37 for those who 'did not
rush and 2.39 for those who rushed
but did not pledge.
Opponents of fall rushing are
quick to point out" that this 2.24
average of first semester pledges
is well below the 2.64 all-sorority
On the other side those favor-

neighboring communities have
been hard hit by severe unemploy-
ment, Ann Arbor is "holding its
own," according to Rex Notting-
ham of the Ann Arbor branch of
the Michigan Security Commis-
"We're a little higher than last
year at this time but there's been
a back-to-work trend and we are
not too bad off," Nottingham
pointed out. There are, in Ann
Arbor, roughly 1500 people now
drawing unemployment insurance.
* * *
WHILE .NO figures were avail-t
able on unemployment in Ypsi-
lanti, Earl Potter, head of their1
employment bureau, indicated thatI
they were faced with a severe prob-
In fact," he said, "Effortsf
have been made to have the
Ypsilanti area classified as a
'distressed area' bythe federal
Under this classification, com-
munities stricken by severe unem-
ployment get preference in the
awarding of federal contracts. This
encourages manufacturing and in-

Community Sponsors.
Juvenile Recreation,
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last article in a series discussing juve-
nile delinquency in Ann Arbor.)
"Ann Arborites can be commended for the progress they are
making in combating juvenile delinquency."
This was the comment made by a local observer recently while
observing youth programs sponsored by private and public organiza-
tions. Major recreation projects and service projects are supervised
by churches, schools, the Civic Forum Group, YMCA, Dunbar Com-
munity Center and the police department.
YMCA PROGRAM DIRECTOR Bob Niemann, discussing the
extensive recreation program offered for both boys and girls in the
50-year-old Y building here, said,
frequently juveniles who have WEEKLY DANCES are offered
committed but one offense are at the Y, and, according to Nie-
given free memberships in the Y. mann, attendance at the dances
"The kids are often just rest- is usually near 350. Bi-monthly
less with little chance to iden- parties during football season are
tify with people in their own included in the Y activities which
age group," Niemann observed. "keep kids off the streets and out
He cited numerous cases of im- of mischief."
provement in the personality

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