See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
:43 a t t
lw 1 9
Ike Selects
.Gov. Warren
To Take Chief
Office Monday
SL Seats Filled;
Jelin Treasurer,
Reorganization Ok'd; Time Hinders
Academic Freedom Discussion
WASHINGTON-(P)-Earl War- Filling seven seats left vacant by non-returning members and
ren, attorney and California gov- election of a new treasurer to replace Fred Hicks, '54, who resigned
ernor but never before a judge, unexpectedly were first major items of business at yesterday's Student
was named yesterday the 14th , Legislature meeting.
chief justice of the United States. Acceptance of the plan for a new executive wing structure to re-
President Eisenhower announc- place the former administrative wing and policy changes in distribu-
ed his selection of Warren to suc- tion of profits by Cinema Guild also marked the second fall meeting
ceed the late Fred M. Vinson, of the legislature.
whose unexpected death Sept. 8 Lack of time, however, prevented discussion of the academic free-
opened the way for the first Su- - dom policy stand introduced last
preme Court appointment by a week by Ruth Rosner, '55, chair-
an president in 20 Years. man of SL's Culture and Education
* * *Yankee Comitee
IN WARREN, the PresidentCommittee.
picked a man whose political phil 1 THOSE APPOINTED to fill va-
osophy is generally considered 'ClubB ooK s cancies until fall elections are Jane
middle-of-the-road - a lifelong Germany, '56, Jerry Traum, '56,
Republican but one with such lib- Ronald Herr, '54, Richard Thom-
eral views that former President F r -5 ,as, Grad., Donna Netzer, '56, Su-
Truman once said "He's really a , V 1 zanne Klame, '55, and Tom Bleha,
Democrat and doesn't know it." 1'56.
From Sacramento, Warren Steve Jelin, '55, present chair-
proptl wiedhisaccptace NEW YORK--(P)-The proudI
promptly his accepae New York Yankees battered man of SL's Public Relations
of the appointment and told Beoork ae-e batter Committee, was elected treasur-
newsmen he. would assume the Brooklyn's ace 20-game winner; er, replacing Hicks, a senior his-
new post Monday. teerifpitchers t beat tory honors student active on
Warren has supported a federal the power-happy Dodgers at their Senior Board and Inter-House
fair employment practices law and own game Wednesday, 9-5, in the Council. Hicks, who was serving
has tried unsuccessfully to have a oening gamt o tei r bso - his second consecutive term as
similar measure passed in Cali- record fifth straight world base- treasurer, will remain a member
fornia. He has expressed the ball championship. of the legislature until spring
view that the prime purpose of Johnny Sain, a National League elections.
government is "to insure equal star with Boston in the '48 series, pending approval of the Stu-
opportunity in life for Americans choked off the Brooks after Allie dent Affairs Committee, co-spon-
of every racial origin and creed." Reynolds crumpled under a blis- sors of SL-Cinema Guild movies
ON*OTHER SSaEShc* * will be given 50 per cent of future
ON OTHER ISSUES, he has profits rather than the 70 per cent,
supported compulsory health in- THE YANKS startled a stadium they now receive. SL's share of
surance, amendment of the Taft- crowd of 69,374 by blasting Carl the profits will increase from 20 to
Hartley law to make it apply Erskine for four runs in the first 30 per cent, and an -insurance fund,
equally to labor unions and man- inning. After the Dodgers finally which covers all financial losses
agement, and federal aid to edu- fought back to tie in the seventh, of the movies, will be given 20 per
cation. they again applied the pressure cent of profits instead of the pres=
He has spoken strongly against to the shaky Dodger pitching staff.,e 10 per cent.
Communist infiltration, but has Joe Collins, benched for Opponents of the policy change
also criticized "the blanket ac- Johnny Mize during a hitless claimed sucn cuts in amounts giv-
cusations" of Communist adtiv- '52 series, snapped the tie with en co-sponsoring groups would se-
ity made by Sen. McCarthy a 360-foot home run smash off riously hurt campus organizations
(R-Wis.) a post in the lower right field which rely on the movies to pro-
Such comment as was available seatsin the Yankeeseventh. e vide funds for their activities.
immediately highly favored thet Sain drove in two with a double:? Hank Berliner, '56, chairman of
Warren appointment, rto the auxiliary score board in the Cinema Guild Board, said he
- - * * * right and Collins knocked in an- expected the movies to make
expet..~ * ,hemovesto---
Tw IoTon Rain
MIDLAND, Mich. - Al)-
"Heavyrain" was the answer
given Municipal Judge James
E. Ryan when he asked why a
truck owned by a Midland firm
was 3,800 pounds overweight.
The truck was stopped by
Highway Department inspec-
tors for a weight check. Com-
pany representatives claimed
the gravel had correct weight
the night before but was soak-
ed by rain while parked over-
"The court questions the pos-
sibility that nearly two tons
of rain fell in the truck," said
the judge.
The company was fined $228
plus $4.30 costs.
IKe Rej ects
Retail Level
Sales Tax
:Discusses other'
Top Item Issues
WASHINGTON - (P)- Presi-
dent Eisenhower said yesterday
the administration will not ask
Congress for a retail sales tax
which critics contend hits the lit-
tle fellow harder than the mil-
But the President didn't rule out
the possibility of a general tax on
the goods that manufacturers pro-
Dock 'v
York N
Ike May Invoke
Strike Leaders Say They Will Abide
By 80-Day Injunction, If Issued
NEW YORK - (P) - "The strike is on" longshore union officials
declared early today, heralding the start of walkout designed to tie up
East Coast shipping.
The terse announcement came from Patrick J. Connolly, execu-
tive vice president of the International Longshoremen's Association at
12:01 a.m.
There was no immediate report of strike activity on docks of the
world's largest port, largely closed down at night anyway.
s * * *l
THE STRIKE, expected to cost New York 1%~ million dollars a day,
-Daily-Betsy Smith
4 M % +
-,. -
duce-a tax which could be pass-
ed on to the public in higher prices.
THE WHOLE tax problem still
is under study, the President told 'iF ture
1115 firfSU"ire nnnfara~n F uim in
'al Industry Past,
Viewed by IDoan
was called yesterday for all East
Coast ports from Portland, Maine
to Hampton Roads, Va.
Full effect of the strike, which
could eventually thrgw 800,000
persons out of work in New York
alone, was not expected to make
itself felt for several days.
Shippers worked feverishly dur-
ing the past few days to get their
cargoes 'loaded and out of the port
by the midnight deadline. Incom-
ing ships were ordered to wait
outside the harbor until their own-
ers determined whether they could
be diverted to other ports.
THE PORT of Halifax, Nova
Scotia-outside the strike area-
prepared to handle diverted ship-
ping. Longshoremen officials there
said their men would probably
handle cargoes, as required by
their contract:
Before the strike call was an-
nounced, President Eisenhower
had hinted he may invoke the
Taft-Hartley Law, which ' calls
for an 80-day cooling off period.
However, there was some ques-
f ion whether government could get
World News
By The Associated Press
Political Committee beat down
yesterday a new Soviet bloc at-
tempt to force an immediate and
full debate in the UN Assembly
on the Korean peace conference.
Russia's Andrei Y. Vishinsky
had warned that this-action doubt-
less would doom the peace con-
ference. But the 60-nation com-
mittee ignored his statement that
there was little possibility that
the parley would be held at all
unless the committee reconsidered
last month'srAssembly decision
barring neutrals from it.
* * *
PANMUNJOM-Bickering yes-
terday put off indefinitely the
questioning of nearly 23,000
Korean War prisoners-a vast
majority of them anti-Commun-
other with a single in the three-
run eighth inning that ruined,
Dodger, hopes.
IT WAS A day of frustration.
for the Dodgers who never have
won a series. Reeling after theI
first inning blast, they finally
managed to knock out a fast-
tiring Reynolds in. the sixth only
to see the game go out the window
when their own pitchers failed.
Twelve Brooks were stranded, on-
ly two short of the series record.'
Jim Hughes, who allowed on-
ly one run in four innings after
taking over from Erskine, was
the only effective Dodger pitch-
See BOTH, Page 3
Union Opera Calls'
For Tryouts Today
Tryouts for the 1953 Union Op-
era, to run locally from Dec. 9
to 11, will be held at 4 p.m. today
in Rm. 3D of the Union, Mike
Scherer, '54, president of the Opera
central committee, said yesterday.
Posts open include the produc-
tion, publicity, costume and make-
up committees, student director,
song and newspaper writers, ad-
vertising salesmen, radio and tele-
vision staff, program editors and.
enough profits this year to cover
the difference in percentages
which- the sponsoring groups will
IFC Rushee
Number Tops
Former Mark
weeks, and the goal is levies that
will be fair and just and still pro- By FRAN SHELDON
duce the necessary revenue. He: To the accompaniment of sirens, varsity cheer-leaders and posters
didn't say how much will be need-i
ed or whether the net result will sported by various local engineering organizations, Regent Leland I.
be a boost or cut in taxes. i Doan of the Dow Chemical Co. warned a rally of engineering students
Ie did declare, however, Con- against over specialization, shortages in the fields of engineering and
gress won't be called back into physics and lifting of the present protective tariffs.
special session to boost the cei- Sponsored by the Engineers Rally Committee, the meeting fea-
ling on the national debt unless tured, in addition to Regent Doan, President Harland H. Hatcher
there is "some radical change" -_._____--- --------< and Dean George G. Brown of the
in the government's financial College of Engineering.
situation. Rad lovich
A crowd of 239 reporters, over- TRACING - the history of the
flowing into a balcony, turned out + Hlchemical industry in Michigan
for a conference that ranged over ie arillg e- from its beginning in the 1890's,
these various topics: Regent Doan warned that at pres-
DURKIN: With a show of heat, Tom orrow ent in a "highly creative industry
Eisenhower said that to his know- we have been tapping the well of
ledge he never in his life had experts faster than we can replen-
broken an agreement with an as- As University senior Milo J. ish it."
sociate and anyone with evidence Radulovich awaits the resumption He pointed out that "we will{
to the contrary could take the floor of an Air Force hearing investigat- encounter a shortage of chemi-
and make a speech. ing his "security" as an Air Force cal brains," and said that this
HYDROGEN BOMB: Russia's reservist, his case continues to gain shortage can be expected to car-
H-bomb know-how, Eisenhower nation-wide mention, ry over to "all phases of engi-
said, is of utmost importance to The New York Times picked up neering and physics."
the world and makes us more in- the story yesterday and ran a I The history of the chemical in-
terested than ever in learning So- lengthy articles on one of the pap- dustry, Regent Doan explained, is'
Viet intentions. The President said
ver's inside pages. a history of cycles. During World
a Taft-Hartley injunction through ist-who refuse to go home.
the courts in the few remaining
hours before the strike deadline. The UN Command drafted a
Strike leaders have said they will protest that the decision on rules
abide by an injunction, if one is ! of procedure,, announced yes-
issued. terday by the five-nation Neut-
* * * ral Repatriation Commission,
EISENHOWER told a news con- gave in to every Communist
ference the Labor Department was demand.
preparing to advise him on a
course of action. i HAMILTON, Mass.-Mrs. Bea-
Late yesterday afternoon, a trice Ayer Patton, 67 years old,
White House source said the widow of Gen. George S. Patton
Taft-Hartley question was still of World War II fame, plunged to
under study and he doubted swift death yesterday from the
that any decision would be saddle of a spirited hunter.
reached last night. * *
The 1946 record of 865 rushees
was broken yesterday when the In-
terfraternity Council announced
886 students had registered for
... new Chief Justice
Local Experts
Praise Justice
The announcenient yesterday of
Governor Earl Warren's appoint-
ment as chief justice of the Unit-
ed States was greeted enthusiasti-
cally by several University pro-
"A very good appointment,"
Prof. Joseph Kallenbach of the
political science department com-
mented last night.
HE FELT Warren's experience
in law and his varied political
background, including a term as
attorney general for the state of
California, would prove valuable'
even though Warren has never
been a judge.
Prof. Paul Kauper of the law
school, expressed the opinion
that Warren has "great integ-
rity" and was capable of handl-
ing the administrative phase of
the Chief Justice post.
Prof. George Peek of the po-
litical science department agreed
that Warren would make a good
chief justice and said that he was
"very pleased" at the appoint-
Ue I-fr n fl eYn n a n
formal fraternity rushing this fall. he will report to the American * * *
"In lieu of the fact that the people frankly when he straight- ALTHOUGH Radulovich has not
1946 University enrollment was ens the issue out in his own mind AHUGH Radlo yay t
24,000 as compared to the present and reaches definite conclusions. been accused of any disloyalty to
17,500," IFC president C. A. Mitts, INTERNATIONAL CONFER- the United States himself military
'54, explained, "this year's figure ENCES: We want to relieve world officials have charged that"close d
of 886, represents a great propor- tensions, the President said, but association" with his father and
tional increase 'of fraternity rush-it is difficult to determine when - sister-labelled Communists in a
ees."a iand h6w conferences with Russia secret Air Force document-have
With the open house sessions and other great powers could be made him a "poor security risk."
having ended Monday, this week's held to full advantage . Speculation on the outcome of
formal rushing will continue with ~ the hearing will probably be cli-
the holding of lunches and smok- Tmaxed tomorrow at Selfridge
er's. U.Su . 3Leps - Air Force Base when a three man
Since this Sunday has been ex- board is expected to hand down
cluded from the rushing schedule, M oneyvHeolpa final decision after listening to
next week's rushing activities will defense witnesses.
resume Monday and will consist of TJL.. * .
smokers, luncheons and suppers 1t1tOCiifl An adverse ruling, Radulovich
lasting until 9 p.m. has said, would ruin his future
PARIS - 0) - Assured of a career as, a physicist.
~ Frnch ar efort the His father has persistantly de-
- stronger French War effort, the
" ria hnrt ~nmttii lt d jRAd
I 1
to abandon her European sources Shortly before noon, the Inter- WASHINGTON-The Federal
of supply "took a large step to- national Longshoremen's Associa- Communications Commission to-
ward being self-sufficient." tion had announced that wage day authorized an 8 per cent
In the 1920's" he said, - "the contract talks still were dead- boost in interstate long distance
chemical industry led the nation locked. The old contract expired telephone rates effective at mid-
in research." at midnight. night yesterday.
* * Tugboat crewmen were expected
REGENT DOAN called World to back up striking longshoremen The new schedules provide for
War II "another step towards self-|and further cripple the world's { increases of 5 to 10 cents in the
sufficiency, with the most signi- largest port. initial 3-minute period rates for
ficant development being synthet- A 1951 wildcat strike of the night and Sunday calls involv
ic rubber." , same union lasted 25 days, tied ing most distances between 41
Concerning the future of the 'up a billion dollars worth of cargo and 2,300 miles.
industry, he pointed to the and cost 'the Port of New York ASHINGON-Adlai E. Ste
"trade not aid" school of thought alone 40 million - dollars in losses. WSN GTON-Adlai Estev
favoring a reduction of tariffs town yesterday t
as a real threat to -expansion. report to President Eisenhower o:
aa'aYD's To Hold his seven-month world tQur.
Hp said that so far "there has I1
War I the United States, forced
been no real indicati
iff lift on the part
States would relievt
Fiber, Smith,. Gingrass
Take Joint Judic Offices
United States came through yes- niec 1L1i a omisLaa European economy,"
terday with a 385 million dollar ulovich has based part of his case to our present 4.9
increase in its contributions to on the fact that he has paid. "in- rate, a 54 per cent
help crush the Communists in In- frequent" visits to his home. 1936 and compared
dochina. The father has been said to present 8 per cent
The two nations jointly an- have read a Communist inspired I and -25 per cent Brit
nounced plans to step up the cam- Serbian newspaper and the Daily I "Some duties n
paign against the Red-led Viet- Worker and at one time espousing nient," he admitt
hinh and a Foreign Ministry the "Communist line" to fellow chemical industryc
spokesman said France will never workers in the factory at which he with European r
negotiate for a settlement of the is employed. ,without some prote
seven year old war without par-
ticipation of the United States. EDUCATION EXPERIMENT:
THE FORMAL announcement of
the extra aid agreement climaxedITT T _ I_
la 1C1 ll-- --ion that a tar-
of the United eeting Today
e the present
and pointed
per cent tariff The Young Democrats will hold
reduction over their first meeting of the year at
this with the 7:30 p.m. today in Rm. 3R of the
Italian tariff Union.
tish one. Frank Blackford, Gov. G. Men-
eed improve- nen William's legislative secretary,'
ed, "but the I will address the group on "Na-
can't compete tional and Michigan Politics." Aft-
manufacturers er the talk, plans for the -coming
ctive tariff." I year will be discussed.
Foresters' Half
Century Mark
Feted Today
The fiftieth anniversary cele-
bration of the School of Natural
Resources opens today and will
continue through Saturday.
A coffee hour will precede the
alumni association meeting of the
University of Michigan Foresters'
Association scheduled for 4 p..
today in Rackham Amphitheater.
- Lee Fiber, '54, was elected chair-
man of the newly reorganized
Joint Judiciary Council in its in-
itial meeting yesterday.
IAt the same time, Jim Smith,
'55L, was chosen vice-chairman.
and delegate to the Student Affairs'
Committee, and Reudi Gingras,
'54, was selected as secretary.
A CHANGE in Regents' by-laws
on SAC membership approved at
last Friday's meeting gave Smith
rather than Miss Fiber the SAC
The revised by-law provides
high committee because of ex-
perience in campus affairs.
Presidents of The Union and
League, two Student Legislature
A7 o-,m I A, D fd-,m -w,,u
weeks of intensive French-Ameri- rour U rroessorsutscuss a ([I r w .TOMORROW'S activities for the
can negotiations. The 385 million visiting alumni and their wives
dollars will be spent over the next - include a pancake breakfast, field
15 months to buy, guns, ammuni- Commenting on Yale Univer- I Under this plan, exceptional he had not been informed about trips and a ladies' tea.
tion, planes and other equipment sity's plan to revise its first two high school juniors and seniors the Yale plan when contacted by At the University Convocation
for the French and their Indo- under graduate years, four Uni- could enter college. The Daily, said that other in- Mat'3 Nrrch ard
chinese allies. versity professors agreed that any Prof. Algo D. Henderson of the stitutions had also been studying McArdle, '3NR, chief of the
The U. S. National Security experimentatic i in general edu- education school believes that a the effects of young students' en- U. S. Department of Agricul-
Council recommended the ar- cation was good, .and that Yale vertical integration rather than a tering college. One study, recently ture's Forest Service, will speak
rangement to back up an alloca- was a good place for it. horizontal stratification of edu- completed was conducted under on "Public Service in Forestry."