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September 29, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-09-29

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Latest Deadline in the State





VOL. LAIY, No. 7



AN-A-O---HIA- TESA.----M FR~

0 a rur

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Plans Set fo
Possible TV
Center Here
Ford Founidatio
Backs Research
Plans for the possible esta
lishment of a television resear
center here under sponsorship
the Fund for Adult Education
the Ford Foundation were a
nounced yesterday.
Final okay on locating the pr
posed center in Ann Arbor is pen
ng a meeting of the resear
group's board of directors Octob
8 and 9 in New York City.
the Educational Television ai
Radio Center, will be headed k
President H. K. Kewburn of t]
University of Oregon, who h
resigned his position at Oregon e
fective Thursday 'to take char
of the group here.
Negotiations have almost bee
completed to locate the insti
tution in a house at 1610 Wash
tenaw Ave.
A petition for "change .of us
of the property on a year-to-ye
basis will be heard by the Ar
Arbor Board of Zoning Appea
The Board of Regents has agree
to purchase the property and lea
it to the research organization
the change is approved.
ACCORDING to Lyle M. Nelso
representative for the researc
group, the center will have no fo
mal tie with the University or ar
of its departments.
"We are planning to locate
here because of the central loca-
tion of the University in rela-
tion to other educational insti-
tutions in the country," Nelso1
Nelson pointed out that the o
ganization will be supported large
ly by Ford Foundation funds a
first, with the hope that simila
groups wil contribute later.
The research center is an inde
pendent non-profit organizatio
established by the Fund for Adu
Education of the Ford Founda
tion, to gather and then dissemi
nate educational materials fc
television programs.
Nelson described the work of
the center as highly important
in the expanding field of adult
The question of whether ther
will be any charges to televisio
stations benefiting from the cen
ter's activities will be decided i
the October board meeting Nelso
Gridders Land
Fourth Place
Michigan's 50-0 rout of Wash.
ington's Huskies evidently impress.
ed more than just the West Coas
gridders as the Wolverines showed
up in fourth place in the firs
weekly Associated Press poll o
Bennie Oosterbaan's surprising
eleven placed behind Notre Dame
Michigan State, and Maryland ir
the voting which saw the Fighting
Irish, by virtue of their 28-21 vic-
tory over Oklahoma, wrest to
honors from last year's nationa
champion Michigan State.
* *R

THE SPARTANS slipped to sec-
ond in the balloting after being
held to a 21-7 triumph by Iowa.
Notre Dame garned 907 points
on the basis of 10 points for
first place, 9 for second, etc. to
Michigan State's 692. The top
*wo were followed by Maryland
with 501 points, Michigan with
403, UCLA 391, Ohio State 380,
Southern California 346, Okla-
homa 316, Georgia Tech 242, and
Baylor 188.
The "second ten are in order:
Mississippi State Duke, West Vir-
ginia, Rice, Mississippi, Wiscon-
sin, Texas, Georgia, Louisiana
State and Holy Cross.
Daily Celebrates
z J
Birthday Today
Today marks the 64th birthday
of The Daily.

British. To Quit
SuezZone Soon
Area To Be Vacated in 18 Months;
Settlement Said 'A Long Way Off'
CAIRO, Egypt-OP)-Egyptian officials said yesterday Britain has
agreed to withdraw her big garrison from the vital Suez Canal area
ib 18 months, but the British envoy in Cairo said final settlement
of the old and often bloody feud is still a long way off.
Even though there may be agreement on the withdrawal of troops
-and Britain has indicated she is willing to do this provided some
arrangement is made for defense of the strategic waterway in case
of an attack-an official Egyptian source made it clear that the nego-

Former Red
Calls Manual
Military Claims
Paper Instructive
WASHINGTON-(A)--A pair of
fugitive Russians and a former
top American Red told Senate in-
vestigators yesterday an Army re-
port used to train intelligence of-
ficers is loaded with Communist
The Army contends the docu-
ment, called "Psychological and
Cultural Traits in Soviet Siberia"
isn't Red propaganda at all and
was intended merely to give in-
telligence officers a picture of the
Russian people for use in event of
*' * *
level Communist party official in
this country for 10 years, told a
Senate investigations subcommit-
tee, headed by Sen. McCarthy
"In my opinion, this docu-
ment . . . is the work of a con-
cealed Communist."

Cash Ready
Unsold books and checks
from Student Legislature's Book
Exchange must be picked up
between 8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
today in the League Lobby, ac-
cording to Betty Magyar, 'S4,
bookstore manager.
Texts that remain unclaimed
at the close of the store's busi-
ness today will be retained by
the book exchange.
21Z Soldiers
Die In Fatal
LOUISVILLE, Ky-(A)-At least
21 men lost their lives yesterday
when a plane carrying soldier
trainees from Camp Kilmer, New
Jersey, crashed and burned at
Standiford Field, Louisville.
The plane, operated by Resort
Airlines, Inc. of Miami, Fla., car-
rying a crew of three and 39
trainees, had taken off from Phila-
delphia. Most of the trainees were
of Puerto Rican ancestry and were
being taken to Ft. Knox, Ky.
* *, *-

Iniicreased Production
Of Latest Jet Planes
Planned by Air Force

- .7

India Seeks
'Big Power
Peace Talks.


tiations still could break down on
some other issue.

MAJOR questions still ontstand-
ing, the informant said in a re-
port, were how long British civil-
ian experts would remain behindf
to see that the great shipping ca-
nal runs smoothly and whether,
they should be permitted to wear
identifying uniforms.
Britain wants them uniformed
and wants them to stay on for
seven years. Egypt is against the
uniform and threatens to break
off negotiations even on this
point. She -also demands that

India's V. K. Khrishna Memon
yesterday called on the UN As-
sembly to request formally a per-
sonal meeting of the chiefs of state
of the big powers in an attempt to
solve the world's troubles.
Menon said the peace of the
world is the responsibility of the
great powers-"primarily of the
two giants-the United States and
the Soviet Union." He said they
alone have the means to enforce
* * * -
HE ALSO urged the Assembly to
issue a declaration calling on the
United States and Russia to prom-
ise never to use atomic and hydro-
gen bombs and other weapons of
mass destruction.
Referring to a meeting of the
chiefs of state, he said "this idea
is what humanity cries for."
Some diplomats here said they
looked on the Indian proposal cou-
pled with Churchill's statement
Monday as twin moves to put
pressure on the United States t
agree to a top level conference on
world problems.
MENON apparently meant that
Britain, the United States and the
Soviet Union should send their
chiefs of state to such a confer-
The United States delegation
said any reaction to Menon's
proposal on a meeting of the
big powers would have to come
from Washington since it in-
volved the President. ,
In Washington, however, the
State Department said it failed to
see how a top-level conference
such as Churchill suggested could
"accomplish results different from
those being' sought through con-7
ferences that are now in pros- i
pect "


they leave after six years, turn- DEPUTY CORONER Harry Ell-
ing the whole works over to the Igor Bogelepov, who said he is stone said the dead included the
Egyptian technicians they are a former Soviet diplomat and plane's captain, Wharton A. Mol-
to train. army officer now under a Kremlin ler, 34, of San Antonio, Tex., and!
The negotiations now going on death sentence, described the re- the co-captain, John Dewitt Pick-
have been described as "informal" port as "extremely damaging." el, 32, also of San Antonio.
talks behind closed doors, aimed "I find there is a lot of delib- Stewardess Dorothy Jean
at paving the way for formal ne- erate misinformation that serves Bush, 32, of Miami, Fla., lost a
gotiations toward a final agree- the Communist cause," he testi- leg in the disaster, a hospital
ment. fled. reported.
Present indications are that Bodies, some decapitated, were
Egyptians and British are closer A TALL MAN of 49 with a thick scattered as far as 100 feet from
to agreement now than they ever Russian accent, Bogelepov saidI the flaming, twisted wreckage.
were before In the more than 70 the report is dangerous because *
years of bitter wrangling over con- it is confusing and "because itI FLAMES started in the left en-'
trol of the canal. gives some things that are true as gine when the ship crashed on the
}° * *+*a cover to make you swallow the grass. The flames spread rapidly
AT PRESENT, Egypt has agreed things that are not true." to the right engine.
Britain could come back to defend The witness said he was "ex- Carl South, a transportation
the canal, but only if there was an tremely appalled and frighten. agent for Trans World Airlines,
outright attack on the Arab states ed" to discover some parts of saw the crash. He said the plane
-including Egypt, Iraq, Saudi the report are almost word for -came into his view at slightly
Arabia, Syria, Lebanon, Jordon, word the same quotations from under 1,000 feet altitude.#
Yemen and Libya. . such Soviet leaders as Lenin All appeared normal as the craft
Britain has demanded the and Stalin. And he said there descended until he noticed that"
right to return her troops if is nothing to identify the quo. the left elevator flap on the tail
there is an attack anywhere in tations as such, dropped down, he said. As this
aneda te lst, Tut .YVladimir PetrovaYale Univer- occurred, the plane straightened
and Iran to the list of states. sity faculty member who was im- into level flight. Then it nosed up
Egyptians.say agreement has pinmomentarily and plummeted to
beenreahedon tesepoits: prisoned in Siberia for six years,
been. reached on these points: y"s the earth, he added.
1. Britain will pull out her es- described the report as "extreme-the sth.cke ae.
ly biased in favor of the Soviet The stricken plane was one of
timated 80,000 troops from the regime in Russia." five bringing soldiers from Camp
Suez base within 18 months of the As a training manual for Amer- Kilmer. The first landed safely.
signing of the agreement. ican intelligence officers, he said After the second plane crashed,'
2. Four thousand British ex- cthe pamphlet would be "definitel the three others were directed to
perts remain to run the instal- harmful." Bowman Field, also in Louisville.
lations for-three years. They will _

-Daily-Chuck Kelsey
* * * *
Script Announced
Atomic energy, bgreaurcracy, the simple hill folks of Tennessee
and good home brew-these add up to the basic plot for the 1953
Union Opera, Mike Scherer, '54, general chairman of the Opera, an-
nounced yesterday.
Written for the second consecutive year by Howard Nemerovski,
'54E, this year's Opera, which has
as yet received no title, will be pre-
11 ad u lvich I sented from December 9 to 11.
** *
Scherer said that "Nemo's"
F.Mlitary script had been chosen during the
acessummer from 15 or 20 submitted
to the Opera script committee.
BoardToday Three English professors, one
journalism professor, Harry
University senior, Milo J. Radu- Blum, '54BAd, and Scherer chose
lovich accused by the Air Force moski aserte he script
of being a "poor security.risk" for was finished on the first of July.
closely associated with his father Previously he worked it over to
and sister-allaged Communists- bring it to the high quality of his
will face a military tribunal today show last year, "No Cover Charge."
to meet the charges. . Scherer has expressed hopes of
The hearing is scheduled to take'giving the opera a name soon. Of
Tlace at Selfridge Air Force Base several titles the central commit-
and will be closed to the press. tee has considered two were copy-
d hrighted for shows to be produced

Force announced yesterday step-
ped up production of giant Boeing
B-62 jet bombers and North Amer-
ican F-100 supersonic jet fighters.
Exactly how many planes will be
ordered under the new program
has not been decided, Secretary
of the Air Force Talbott said.
that the additional bombers will
be turned out by Boeing's aircraft
plant at Wichita, Kan., "to elimi-
nate" the danger of a single source
for this important aircraft." Boe-
ing's Seattle plant now produces
all B-52s.
Talbott said Boeing will be
given sufficient time on deliver-
ies to tool up its Wichita plant
at an estimated cost of 250 mil-
lion dollars.
He said the expanded fighter
and bomber production was order-
ed only after "extensive tests" of
the planes, a precaution taken to
avoid major modifications of new
aircraft after they have come off
the production line.
* * *
TALBOTT SAID the F-100 has
exceeded the speed of sound in
level flight during initial tests, has
completed its first and second
phase tests and "all indications
ar that it will meet its final tests
The huge B-52 is powered by
eight Pratt and Whitney J57 jet
engines, has a wing span of 185
feet, is 156 feet long and has a
tail weight of 48 feet.
Talbott said he hopes the Air
Force cutbacks have bden com-
pleted and the Air Force can con-
centrate on accelerating produc
tion of planes which show Most
The Air Force recently announc-
ed plans to cut aircraft engine
production 400 to 500 million dol-
lars-all in spare engines and
Brownell Trip
May Herald
WASHINGTON - (/) - Atty.
Gen. Brownell kept it a tight sec-
ret yesterday night whether his
hurry-up trip to the West Coast
heralds the appointment of Cali-
fornia's Gov. Earl Warren to the
U. S. Supreme Court.
Brownell conferred with Presi-
dent Eisenhower at the White
House, reporting on his weekend
talk with Warren, but declined to
tell newsmen whether he recom-
mended.Warren for the high court
* * *
LATER, informants at the Jus-
tice Department said Brownell had
not yet made any recommendation
to Eisenhower.*
High government officials said
Brownell has had a series'of con-
ferences with Eisenhower on the
question of filling the vacancy
left by the death of Chief Jus-
tice Fred. M. Vinson, who died
of a heart attack Sept. 8.
The situation has' now become
urgent because the high tribunal
begins its 1953-54 session in less
than a week.
The attorney general flew te
Sacramento, Calif., late Saturday
night and conferred with Warren
in secret for three hours Sunday
morning before flying back to
Pole Ousted

From Position
VIENNA-(IP)-Radio Warsaw
said yesterday the Polish Govern-
ment has relieved Stefan Cardinal
Wyszynski, Roman Catholic Arch-
bishop of Gneizno and Warsaw, of
his post.
A communique said the- Cardi-

Daily On Air
The Daily is back on the
airwaves with a five minute
news summary at 11:55 p.m.,
Monday through Friday, over
station WHRV.
Featuring campus news in
addition to -items of local and
regional interest, the program
originates from the newsroom
of The Daily. Late bulletins off
the Associated Press wire are
also presented.
The newscast is written, pro-
duced and delivered by Daily
staff members. "Morning Head-
lines" will be beard through-
out the school year.


be under the command of the
Egypttian army commander in
chief, who will have a British
3. While the experts remain,
Britain will not remove any equip-
ment from or dismantle any in-
stallation in the base.
But a point of disagreement was
that Britain wants 3,000 of the ex-
perts to stay on an additional two
and one-half years after the three-
year period is up. Egypt wants
only a "few hundred" to stay on1
only a year and a half after the
end of that period.
Judge Maintains
Secrecy in Trial
DETROIT-(')-Federal Judge
Frank Picard yesterday denied a
motion to compel the government
to disclose the nature of its case
against six Detroiters accused Qf
being top Michigan communist


A SLENDER MAN of 37, with
a stiff pompadour haircut,7Petroy
said the author of the document
"twists and distorts" and tries to
prove that C6mmunists are loved
by the Russian people.
McCarthy said an Army major,
whose name he withheld, is re-
lrCn4 1 fn r n i n t ,.

Labor Party
Rejects Moves
'AgainstU. S.

1 ti

sponsime for preparing the re- MRAEEgad-(P
e-MARGARET, England - UP) -
port and will be called before the Britain's Labor p'arty yesterday
sub-committee later. rejected a left-wing resolution
The senator said the report lists I aimed at pinning the blame on the
in its bibliography such source United States for the cold war
material as books by Ernest J. and the armament race.
Simmons, a Columbia University Aneurin Bevan, long an advo-
professor; Corliss Lamont, weal- cate of arms reduction in Britain,
thy New Yorker' and Sir Berpard took no part in the debate.
Pares of Great Britain. * *
Bundenz said Lamont was a SOME OF his followers support-
communist party member when ed the measure from the floor,
he was, and that he was ad- but most remained quiet.
vised on a number of occasions Thus the debate did not rep-
that Pares "was a secret mem- resent, in any sense, an organ-
ber, under discipline of the ized attack by Bevan's faction
British Communist party." on the policy of the party's lead-
The subcommittee recently ques- ership.
tioned Lamont behind closed doors The rejected arms cut resolution
in New York. declared "our dependence on the
United States commit n tra

OFFICIALS AT the base con-
tacted yesterday could give theI
Daily no indication as to the time
the closed hearing would be held.
Radulovich, a physics major
has not been charged with being
a Communist himself.
On Sunday, Radulovich's broth-
er, a Detroit resident, reported to
police there having received sev-
eral threatening phone calls in
connection with the case.
"I'm going to get all you Com-
mies," the unknown caller is re-
ported to have said.

later in the year in other parts of
the country and had to be dis-
Scherer said that committee try-
outs for the opera would be held
tomorrow and Thursday. Positions
open include student director, pro-
duction, publicity, costume and
makeup committees, song writers,
ney.spaper writers, advertising
salesmen, radio and televisionj
staff, program editors and typists.
Cast tryouts will be held from
October 13 to 15, Blum said. He
concluded "Because of the variety
of parts, there will be many open-
ings for new talent."

Fraternity Rushing Registration To End,
Registration for fraternity rush-
ing will end at 5 pm. tomornow.7ci--s
Interfrater nity Council officialshi

yesterday reported about 820 men
already registered for rushing.
Rushing committee co-chairman
Jay Martin, '55, also pointed out
that a man must be registered in
order to pledge. There is no charge
for registration.
"The fraternity system is inter-
ested in encouraging the scholar-
ship of men who pledge," C. A.
Mitts, '54, IFC president, said yes-
"The fact that last spring's fra-
ternity pledges, who were all

uaalcu otctlC C11111s us to a
vested interest in the cold war.?'
Bevan's silence spotlighted the
atmosphere of :sweetness and har-
mony which has been unheard of
in Socialist conclaves of recent,
years. But veterans were not con-I
vinced that the efforts to present
the appearance of a unitedhfront
would last all the way through
next Friday, when the convention*
* * *
THE PARTY'S Executive Com-
mittee placed a proposed policy
statement before the delegates for
approval. Titled "Challenge to
Britain." it is anything but a radiI
cal document, laying stress mainly
on the need fro Britain to improve'
her financial position in the world,
make her industries more effi-
cient and use her land better.
There is hardly more than lip
service to the pet socialist theory
of nationalizing industry.
The statement is assured of ul-

World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
TALLAHASSEE, Fla.-Florida's Gov. Dan McCarty died in a
hospital yesterday after serving less than nine months of his four-
year term.
The 41-year-old governor, weakened by a heart attack that struck
him down six weeks after he was inaugurated in January, was un-
able to fight off a case of pneumonia.
NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y.-Agriculture Secretary Benson said
yesterday his department was reorganizing to give states more
control of the nation's farm program.
CINCINNATI-The United 'States Rubber Co. followed other
major rubber manufacturers and signed yesterday a new wage agree-
ment with the CIO United Rubber Workers.
The accord calls for an increase in wages of 5 cents an ;our
and other fringe benefits for the 35,000 employes in 19 plants.
* * * *
WASHINGTON-Prospects of American parents being allowed
to go to Korea to see their sons who have decided to cast their lot
with the Communists appear extremely dim yesterday.

. a<

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