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September 27, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-09-27

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fditeIl 7/te
Daily Managing Editor
ANNOUNCEMENT Friday of the promotion
of Dean Erich A. Walter and Dean
Walter B. Rea was of both immediate and
far reaching importance to students and
student activities.
The immediate significance lay in the
recognition given to the student affairs
sector of the University community. Ele-
vation of Dean Walter to the position of
presidential assistant came after six years
of service as head of the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs. Presumably his wide exper-
ience with students and student activi-
ties will be utilized in assigning the rather
flexible duties of presidential assistant.
Long well-known to students, Dean Rea
has won their affection and respect through
tireless service to a multitude of student
groups. Never too busy to advise or help
students, he well deserved promotion to the
higher position.
The congratulations and best wishes of
The Daily staff are with both Dean Walter
and Dean Rea as they assume their new
! Y Y Y
MORE SIGNIFICANT than this immed-
iate recognition of OSA in granting ad-
vancement in the University hierarchy is
the hope this recognition holds for con-
tinued reorganization of OSA to create a
vice-president in charge of ,he vital stu-
dent area of University affairs.
During the past years student leaders
and administrators have been extremejj
concerned with overlappingof student ac-
tivities and resulting conflicts and mis-
understandings which have arisen among
activities, within the administration and
between the leaders and administrators
Searching for some major solution which
might initiate a sounder structural base for
student affairs, students have often pro-
posed establishment of such a full ranking
Reasoning behind this suggestion stresses
the desirability of coordination to eliminate
administration-student tension and chan-
nel student problems and ideas with more
ease to higher administrative levels and to
the Regents.
Last spring in discussions with student
leaders President Harlan H. Hatcher in-
timated that creation of this post might
soon be forthcoming. Although he had no
comment on this earlier discussion Friday,
the plan undoubtedly remains a distinct
possibility for the not too distant future.
At the same time OSA realignment is
contemplated, consideration should be
given to the problem of unifying student
government groups with each other
through a delineation of areas of power
and responsibility and with the Univer-
sity through the Regents' by-laws.
The most recent example of the currently
muddled situation arose last week when it
was discovered that the only top-level gov-
erning group able to appoint student mem-
bers to the Development Council was the
student contingent of SAC. Although SL is
usually recognized as the central student ap-
pointive group, it has no status in Regents'
by-laws and therefore, it was reasoned, could
not appoint members to the Council.
Little will be gained by the suggested OSA
reorganization unless the later problem is
given consideration in formulating the new
alignment of offices and duties. Though the
student reorganization committee made its
exit last spring when an impasse was reach-
ed between the groups over sovereignity,
gials and duties, it is very probable that a
more successful student study could be made
if the organizations had some idea of what
was forthcoming in OSA realignment.
Certainly the confused student affairs sit-
uation will not be cleared up overnight. It
s fairly obvious that the OSA transition,
whatever it might be leading to, is being
accomplished slowly and carefully. Perhaps

students would be more convinced of the
mutual good faith and common interest sub-
scribed to by the administration if they
know in what direction the grand design is
moving before it becomes a fait accompli.
Architecture Auditorium
Frederic March, Edmond O'Brien, and
Ann Blyth
THE HUGE literature of the Civil War has
dealt principally with two of its human
problems: the aristocrat who must continue
to fight it or detiorate; and the common man
who never understood it but must bear its
Frederic March does a superb job of
playing one such profiteer. Having made
his start in the world of commerce by
selling salt to his fellow citizens at exor-
bitant rates and their lives to the Yankees
at the going price, he thinks to seclude
himself for the rest of his life. Artistotle,
culture, and the raising of a family worthy
of a gentleman are the pursuits to which
he devotes himself.
The family is certainly worthy of him:Ed-
mond O'Brien, as rapacious as March him-
self, but forced by his impecunious circum-
stances to operate with more guile; equally
selfish, using her father's possessive affec-


Home Again

An Affiliate's Impression
Of the Fraternity Life

Daily City Editor
FOR SOME years now, The Daily has giv-
en fraternity men a jolt on the first
day of rushing. A tradition, certainly not a
policy, has been established through the
years for an affiliate who works on The
Daily to write an editorial on fraternities.
Behind this lies a desire on the part of The
Daily to help rushees gain a clearer picture
of fraternity life than they receive during
rushing. This editorial is directed especially
at freshmen who have had only two weeks
to settle into college life and virtually no
time to gain an unbiased opinion about fra-
To most affiliates, fraternities are a
compromise between ideals and the desire
to live more comfortably, eat better food
and join a closer knit group than is pos-
sible in the residence halls. Certainly the
fraternity house is easier to live in than
the narrow, dimly lit halls of aquad where
each resident is assigned a cubicle and a
key to the door.
During rushing the prospective pledge is
feted in a regal manner-a half-dozen fra-
ternity men to talk to every time he sits
down and wonderous stories of the glories
of old Chi Chi to listen to every minute. It
doesn't take long for the pledge to discover
that this atmosphere faded rapidly after
pledging. And as an active the neophyte
soon realives that the mystic words and an-
cient traditions were more meaningful to a
bunch' of college sophomores 75 years ago
than to the present generation which has
witnessed a decade of strife.
The great issue facing the fraternity
movement today is racial prejudice. This
topic is generally avoided during rushing
and many pledges and even actives fail to
recognize it. Fortunately a trend has been
established by fraternities in ridding them-
selves of clauses in their by-laws and rit-
uals which restrict membership to parti-
cular ethnic or racial groups. Sigma Alpha

Mu is the latest fraternity to eliminate such
clauses, doing so at their convention this
summer. In the forseeable future the fra-
ternity system should be virtually void of
such clauses. Progress is slowed in this field
because of stubborn national headqurters
and reactionary southern chapters. The
greatest harm to the fraternity movement
comes from chapters which dodge the issue
and fail to support the trend.
In answer to the big question rushees
ask, "Should I pledge a fraternity?" a
clear-cut answer is not available. Un-
doubtedly fraternities offer social pres-
tige and also aid men develop social poise.
The argument that fraternities are un-
democratic is not valid except in the case
of those with bias clauses. Just as every
individual chooses his friends according to
his particular taste so do fraternities. Ev-
ery fraternity does not answer the needs
of every man rushing. The task is to find
the one which will meet the rushees'
standards and help him become a better
member of the community. One of the
greatest evils of fraternity rushing is that
too many men find out too late that their
fraternal associations are not what they
expected. They then either depledge or
become malcontents which benefit neith-
er themselves nor their fraternity.
The best advice this writer feels he can
give to freshmen is to wait at least one
semester before rushing. Learn a little from
your friends and associates about the vari-
ous houses on campus and what you might
be able to contribute to and gain from the
house. But, if you intend to rush this se-
mester, do so with an open mind. Ask the
vital questions of cost, bias clauses, future
obligations and special assessments. Meet
the younger men who you will have to live
with and don't pledge on the basis of sen-
iors who will be gone in a year.
If and when you pledge, give your loyal-
ty to the house but do not hesitate to de-
pledge if you feel you would be happier in
another house or as an independent.

\ s
' /------U




The Diminishing Realm
Of Political Clubs

Daily Editorial Director
THE IMPETUS given campus political
clubs last fall by crucial national elec-
tions evidently resulted in little more than
an upward jag in a persistently descending
curve. Though it is far too early to make
any pronouncements as to the direction of
the curve political clubs will chart this
year. thefirst-week forecast holds few hopes.
Only one club has pased the organization-
meeting hump; a few more are looking to
the new student for adequate membership
totals; another has quietly withdrawn.
Group by group, this is the present, yet
uncrystallized, picture:
Young Republicans-Strongest numerical-
ly of the clubs and backed by stable city
and state -organizations, YR's will have little
trouble meeting Office of Student Affairs
membership requirements. The group is
probably the most secure on compus, yet
was insecure enough at last week's organi-
zational meeting to lay plans for a speak-
er's bureau which will send after-dinner
solicitors to campus housing groups. The
Eisenhower-Taft alignments are still pre-
sent, though partially erased by graduating
members, and internal disagreements over
practical policy stands on national issues
can be expected.
Young Democrats-Loyal Stevenson fol-
lowers for the most part, YD's have not yet
faced the organizational meeting test. Over
the past few years, they have run close but
never quite equal to the Young Republicans
as far as membership goes and will prob-
ably continue to do so this fall. Because of
the overwhelmingly Republican composition
of the city and county, YD's have seldom
had the local political support which has
kept YR's standing up so straight.
Civil Liberties Committee - Almost ex-
tinct at the close of last semester, CLC will
attempt to organize itself again this term.
However, it grew up fast (to a membership
of approximately 120) over the speaker's
ban issue and declined almost as fast when
the issue faded. It will have trouble keeping
alive this year.
Students for Democratic Action-Another
young political organization on campus, SDA
also plans to be active this year. Organi-
zational meetings have not yet been held.
* * *
THE MEAGER outline presented above is
perhaps significant in its tentativeness.
Even allowing the groups a reasonable mar-
gin of time to build up enthusiasm and col-
lect their supporters, it seems likely that
the local political year will start slowly, will
continue with any increase in momentum
only after a long line of "ifs" are answered
The complete campus political picture,
then, is one in which YR, YD, CLC, and
SDA will, provided they make their quotas,
carry the entire burden with secondary
support from StudentLegislature, which
does not and should not take up national
issues, International Students Association

ation, has been hinted.) The Young Pro-
gressives, who widened the political spec-
trum last year, and the Society for Peace-
ful Alternatives, which disbanded l
week, wil probably not be active on cam-
pus for some time.
Two conclusions must be drawn from this
sketchy outline. The first is an obvious one:
opportunities for political discussion are de-
cidedly narrowing. The trend which was
foreseen a few years ago as club member-
ships with few exceptions declined has be-
come blatantly apparent with the disap-
pearance of clubs themselves. This is the
larger manifestation of a second, corollary
conclusion: the strongest clubs, YD and YR,
are those which generally steer clear of
long-range political discussions, invite only
party-backed speakers and in most respects
parallel national, state and local party or-
ganizations. Though necessary, the two clubs
in themselves by no means answer the cam-
pus' political needs.
The demise of the Young Progressives
and the Society for Peaceful Alternatives
and the poor membership standing of CLC
and SDA can be seen from two an Ies.
Strict pragmatists would argue that lack
of popular demand for the clubs justi-
fies their failure. This is true as far as
it goes. But it must also be considered that
YP's in particular provided an element of
diversity which, if not important in it-
self, forced other groups to provide an
The challenge that remaining political
groups must accept is that of making room
for diversity within their own bounds. What
looks like a relatively inactive year need
not be a narrow one.

WASHINGTON-Most taxpayers never hear about him, but the ma
who has probably the toughest job in Washington, also has a lo
to do with spending their money, is the government housekeeper-
otherwise known as general services administrator.
It's his job to buy $280,000 of paper clips this year; plus $75,-
000,000 of strategic materials, plus $70,000,000 worth of office ma-
chines; together with 10,000 vehicles, millions of pencils, thous-
ands of filing cabinets, plus large quantities of opium, sperm oil,
carbon paper, and 5,000 American flags.
He also has charge of all the charwomen who clean out govern
ment offices, several thousand elevator operators, together with jani
tors and chauffeurs.
The man General Eisenhower has put in charge of this giganti
job is a quiet-mannered hard-working Chicago manufacturer of dra
peries, Edmund F. Mansure, who is deathly afraid graft may bob u
somewhere in his far-flung agency and is doing his best to prevent it
"I'd like to spend my full time convincing businessmen that
the straight approach-directly to our agency-is the fastest and
best route to a government contract," Mansure says. "All this
phony business of going through back doors and asking friends of
friends to 'fix it up' is just a waste of time and money." -
But, despite all Mansure's warnings, he still runs into frequent at.
tempts to reach him via the sly approach-through an old friend i
Chicago or a dinner companion or an influential politician.
MANSURE'S JOB naturally makes him the prime target of influenc
peddlers. This year alone, for instance, his agency will spend hal
a billion dollars. It buys for all civilian departments of government
and even purchases some things for the military.
Mansure also is boss of all federal government buildings, with the
job of buying, selling, renting most of the government's 5,441 struc-
tures-as well as cleaning, guarding, and repairing them. He's the
head of the world's largest real-estate business.
He's also in charge of buying and storing the nation's vital stra
tegic stockpile now valued at $4,200,000,000 with another $1,500,000-
000 of strategic materials under contract.
And Mansure is custodian of the government's records and file
-thousands of tons of files. Enough files, in fact, to fill 45 Empire
State buildings.
Despite the vast economic power Mansure exerts, he lives
simply in a small two-room apartment, spent a recent week end
wielding a paint brush on the walls of his own kitchen.
In addition to Ed Mansure's integrity and friendliness, he's be-
coming famous in Washington as one of the few top Republican ad-
. ministrators leaning over backward to protect the civil service job
of his 29,000 employees. He has steadfastly refused to play politics
with people who have made government their career. To date, he's
hired only one new man.
EISENHOWER HAS NOT yet blessed the proposed GOP strategy o
using Joe McCarthy as a top campaigner in various states nex
year. The plan was proposed by Illinois' Sen. Everett Dirksen, who is
intent on knocking out Democratic Sen. Paul Douglas, also of Illinois
and thinks McCarthy could do it. Ike, however, doesn't like Mc-
Carthy's meat-ax tactics . . . . Ex-Gov. Ellis Arnall of Georgia wil
definitely run for governor of that state again-even though he'
made no promises. .. . The Tom Deweyites have been promoting Ed
Corsi, Dewey's former industrial commissioner, to be Ike's Secretary
of Labor .... New Dealers Averell Harriman, Franklin Roosevelt, Jr.
Senator Lehman, et al, are pulling wires to get Rudolph Halley ou
of the race for mayor of New York. Halley is the political phenome-
non who skyrocketed to fame as counsel for the Kefauver committee
-thanks to TV. Now he's running for mayor on the Liberal ticket
which splits the Democratic vote and may elect a Republican.
* * * *
THOUGH FAR WESTERN power projects are much more in the
headlines, the first head-on test of the Eisenhower electric-power
policy will come in Georgia when the interior department finally de-
cides what to do with the new federal power developed at the Clark
Hill project on the Savannah River.
The Clark Hill project, entirely built by the taxpayers, has
been tentatively turned over to the Georgia Power Company by
Secretary of the Interior McKay. This was done despite the flood-
control act of 1944 which states that public bodies-municipalities
and rural electrification co-ops-shall have first call on federal
However, a group of 37 Georgia REA co-ops, grouped under the
Georgia Electric Membership Corporation, have challenged McKay's
interim ruling and may win. If so, it should set an over-all precedent
for the distribution of federal power during the Eisenhower Admin-
Though it doesn't hit the headlines, the whole question involves
one of the most important lobbying battles in the nation's capital.
Billions invested in federal dams are at stake, with the electric-utility
lobby spending $477,941.74 last year in Washington alone for the pur-
pose of influencing Congress. This was the largest amount spent by
any lnhhvina grnun

(Continued from Page 2)
ma Jean Hyma Agnes Imus, Carolyi
Ingham, Betty Jackson, Horst Jaecke
F. Wallace Jeffries, Edward Kahn, Ken
niemKeim, Nancy J. Kerlake, Paul Kil
burn, Carl Keis
Mannie Krashin, Sydney S. Kripke
Robert Kuhn, Audrey Laroche, Lot
Lennan, Lotta Li, Klaus N. Liepelt
Sally Lorber, Margaret J. Lord, Kath
ryn C. Lucas, Peter T. Lucas, Doroth2
E. Maloney, Janis E. Mangulis, Rene
Mann, Ray B. Margous, Wnifre
Janet Mason, Barbara Mattison, Mar
J. McCabe, Douglas McLennen, Roberta
Messner, Mary Misere, Joyce Miyamotc
Betty Moncrieff, Ruth Ann Muhlitner
Doris Nash, J. Francis Ogozale
Karen Oldberg, Sue Osborn, Elee
Patis, Brewster Earl Peabody, Stela M
Peralta, Richard Pierce, Mary L. Pike
Elaine Platt, Alice A. Pletta, Nanc
Pletta, Susan R. Popkin, HelenPoterola
Ralph Urbin Price, Gerald L. Prucha,
Trese Quarderer, David Rahm, Laur
Rahm, Eugene L. Re, Esther E. Reige]
Janet Reinstein, Mary Richards, Bett
Jo Richter, EdithaRisman, Eleanor
Rosenthal, Eunice E. Ruff, Carol Rush
Bess Sabal, James Sabal, L. B. Sand
Arthur Schwartz, Lawrence Scott
Elaine Shepherd, Margaret Sherwood
William Sickrey, Eva Sievertsen, Ben
nie Silberman, Ruth Skentelbury, Bar
bara Skar, Thomas T. Skrentny, Mar
K. Sloan, Mary Jane Soper, George
Sporling, Larry Stead, Anthony Steimle
Nancy Stevens, Priscilla Stockwell
Janet Stolakavski, Lina Surrow, Mar
garet Takagi, Louise Tate, David Wil
son Taylor, Allison Thomas, Lawrence
W. Thomas, Jane Townsend, Vera 0
Charles Van Atta, Henry Van Dyke
Cynthia Vary, Marilyn R. Vedman
Justine Votypka, Melvin Wachs, Shari
n Wachs, Priscilla Wass, Sarah Weed
t Kathryn Weimer, Ronald E. West, Dor.
tis Westerdorf, Robert Whealey, Hele
Whitaker, Margaret White, Helen wong
Anne Woodard,
Fern Woodard, Patricia Wright, Mar.
jorie Wyche, Ann A. Young, Ter
Youngman,Norman A. Zieber, Josep
Raymond Bahor, Allan Berson, Jes
sie Campbell, Bob Chigrinski, James
V. Castelli, Neilsen S. Dalley, Danie
L. De Graaf, Norma Jean Hyma,
John Hyma, Jr., James Harris, Charles
- W. Huegy, James Labes, Peter T. Lucas
F. Wallace Jeffries, Carl Kleis, Manni
Krashin, Ray B. Maglous, Jim Magray
C George Mack, Dick Nieusma, Jr., Alic
- Burton, Janet Mason, Charles Van Atta
Paul Christman,
Barbara Hodges, Forest Jaeckel, Rut
. Ann Muhlitner, Roberta Messner
Elaine Shepherd, Larry Stead, Doris
Westendorf, Ruth Nieusma, Bruster E
Peabody, Gerald L. Prucha, James H
Schwartz, David W. Taylor, Ronald
Rasbasch, Anthony Steimle, Arthu
Schwartz, David W. Taylor, Ronald E
Thomas Victor, Joseph Zinnes, Stan-
- ley Aizinas, Solveiga Aizinas, Allen
Abrams, Elizabeth Brede, Ruth I. Briggs
Myra Cohen, Martha Cecil, Lee B.
Copple, Robert D. Crossman, Mrs. Rob-
ert D. Crossman, Marlies Douglas, Son-
ya Douglas, Joyce Danielson,tPeter
Dejanosi, Jo Ann V. Ellis, Dorothy a-
bor, Diane Foley, Marjorie Fairman,
e Ann L. Hatch, Florence Huizenga,
f Frances Hoskins,
tM artin Gold, Bonnie Gokenbach, Cyn-
thia Gibbs, Elise Kuhl, Kathryn C. Lu-
cas Ann Lawther, Jane Manning, Wini-
fred Martin, Eileen Patis, Ralph U
Price, Lynn Putney, David Rahm,
Laura Rahm, M. Jawap Ridha, Janet
e Reinstein, Francis H. Reitz, Betty J.
Robinson, Thomas T. Skrenty,
Mary Jane Soper, Priscilla Stockwell,
Betsy Sherrer, Eleanore Swope, Jane
Townsend, Lawrence W. Thomas, Ed-
win Von Boeventer, Sally Vasher,
Emily R. Vinstra, Henry Van Dyke,
Justine Votypka, Margaret White,
0 Kathryn Weimer, Wward Kahn, Alex-
ander S. Anderson, Margaret Albright,
Donald W. Allyn, Lois A. Batchelor,
Ann Bartlett, Dorothy Curtis, Doro-
thy Davis, Barabara L. Dowd, Ronald De
Bouner, Lois Engler, Elizabeth Garland,
Gretchen Hahn, Robert Loyd Hoan,
Carolyn Ingham, Tamra Johns, Corne-
lius D. Korhorn, Nancy J. Kerlake,
Honora Kornberg, Cynthia Krans, Lotta
3 Li, Joyce Leonhard, Meredyth Manns,
Bernadine Miller, Dorothy E. Maloney,
Susan Ruth Popkin, Thomas J. Reigel,
5 Jr., Ann Roden, Mary G. Spaulding,
James Sabal, Bess Sabal, Nancie L. So-
lien-Joyce Shadford, Martha Segar,
Nancy Stevens, Betty Jo Richter, Dor-
is Ann Soule,
Alexander Sarke, Ralpha Smith, Vera
f O. Uetrecht, Melvin Wachs, Shari
t Wachs, Frank M. Wheeler, Robert J.
Wolam, Betty J. Wolam, Marilyn R.
Veldman, Evelyn Allee, Anna M. Brey-
fogle, Richard Branch, Dian Dee Brock-
miller, Barbara Burstein, Eleanore
Becker, Elizabeth Baranski,
Helen F. Brown, Elizabeth Cohen
s Linda Catanzarita, Carol Drake, Jew-
eli Foster, Elaine Gulden, Jody Gart,
Bebe Horinch, Adele Huebner, Joan
YHyman, Ann S. Hawley, Carolyn Hart-

man, Florence Huber, Claire Hammer,
Rita Isbitts, F. F. Jobsis, S. L. Jobsis,
Rosemary Jacobson, Paul Kilburn, Ro-
berta Licht, Margaret L. Lord, PhyliE
8Lee Lattner, Patricia Mallett, Elaine
Platt, Pat Newell, Mary A. McPherson;
Roger McDonald, Eunice E. Ruff, Shar-
on Rich, Roberta Richardson, Joan
Rubin, Ruth Straus, L. B. Sandford,
Harriet F. Stinson, M. Joan Von Hoene,
Phyllis Willar, Ann Weaver, Arthur
Wiseheart, Anne A. Young.
Lecture Course Tickets Now on Sale.
Season tickets for the 1953-54 Lecture
Course are now on sale at Hill Auditor-
ium box office. A program of distin-
guished celebrities, including eminent
statesmen, noted actors and current
authors, the complete schedule is as
follows: Oct. 15, Hon. Chester Bowles,
"Our Best Hope For Peace In Asia";
Oct. 30, Tyrone Power, Anne Baxter,
Raymond Massey and supporting cast
in "John Brown's Body"; Nov. 11, Hon.
Trygve Lie, "How To Meet The Chal-
lenge of Our Times"; Feb. 9, Hanson
Baldwin, "Where Do We Go From
Here?"; Feb. 18, Mrs. Alan Kirk, "Life
In Moscow Today"; March, 2, Hon. Her-
bert Brownell, Jr., "Our Internal Se-
curity": March 24, Agnes Moorehead
and Robert Gist in "Sorry, Wrong
Number" and other dramatic selec-
tions. Studentsrare offered a special
rate of $3.00 for second balcony, un-
reserved, seats.
Lecture series on The Earth's At-

Natural Science Auditorium. Repeat.
ed 3, 4. 5, and 7:30 p.m.
Lecture Numbers and Dates
No. 1: Tuesday, Sept. 29; No. 2 Thrs.,
Oct. 1; No. 3 Tues., Oct. 6; No. 4 Thurs.,
Oct. 8; No. 5 Tues., Oct. 13; No.,6
Thurs., Oct. 15.
Make-up Examinations in History.
Sat., Oct. 10, 9-12 noon, 2413 M.H. See
your instructor for permission and
then sign list in History Office.
Philosophy 63 Make-up Final. Sept,
30, from 2-5 p.m. in 2401 M.H.
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics.
Organizatiinal meeting, Mon., Sept. 28,
at 12 noon in 3020 Angell Hall.
The following seminars have been or-
ganized in the Department of Mathe-
Classical Groups, Thrail, Mon., Oct.
5, 7:45 p.m., 3220 AH, Probability, Cope-
land, Wed., Sept. 30, 4 p.m., 3220 AH;
Linear Topol Spaces, Ritt, Mon. Sept,
28, 3 p.m. 3011 AH; Hlbert Spaces,
Rothe, Thurs., Oct. 1, 3 p.m., 279 WE;
Research Topics in Algebra, Thrall,
Wed., Sept. 30, 3 p.m., 3220 AH; Algebra,
Lyndon, Thurs., Oct. 1, 12:10 p.m., 3018
AH; Complex Variables, Lohwater,
Thursday, Oct. 1, 3:30 p.m.,. 279 WE;
Logic and Foundations, Harary, Tues-
day, Sept. 29, 3:10 p.m., 3010 A; Ap-
plied Mathematics, Churchill, Thurs.,
Oct. 1, 4 p.m., 247 WE;
Topology, Wilder, Wednesday, Sept.
30, 11 a.m., 3011 AH; Russian Math. Lan-
guage, Study Group, Rainich, Fri., Oct.
2, 3 p.m. 3001 AH; Statistics, Craig,
Monday, Sept. 28, noon, 3020 A; Orien-
tation Seminar, Rainich, Tuesday, Sept.
29, 2 p.m.fl 3001 AH; Ordered Sets and
Transfinite, Numbers, Dushnik, Wed-
nesday, Sept. 30, 2 p.m., 3010 A; Geom-
etry, Rainich, Tuesday, Sept. 29, 4:30
p.m., 3001 AH.
Museum of Art Alumni Memorial
Hall. Exhibit of Swedish textiles
through Oct. 15. Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
on weekdays; 2 to 5 p.m. on Sundays.
The public is invited.
Events Today
Canterbury Club. Student Breakfast
following services at 8 and 9 a.m. Meet
at Canterbury House at 5 p.m. for pic-
nic supper and bal game at the Is-
land. 8 p.m., Coffee Hour at Canterbury
House following service of Evensong.
Lutheran Student Association. Cor-
ner Hill and Forest Avenues. 7 p.m.,
Student Panel discussing "The Place
of Christian Faith in a Student's Life."
Wesleyan Guild. 9:30 a.m., Student
Seminar: "How Does One Find a Per-
sonal Faith." 5:30 p.m., Fellowship sup-
per. 6:45 p.m., Worship and Program:
Dr. Harold Bremer will speak on "The
Christian Conscience Demands Liber-.
Roger Williams Guild. 9:45 a.m. Stu-
dent Class: What Students Can Believe
About Themselves." 6:45 p.m., Discus-
sion led by Prof. W. J. McKeachie:
"What Is Your Religions Age?"
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club. Supper-prgram at 6 p.m..Group
discussion, "Take God With You to
Gilbert and Sullivan Society Tryouts.
This afternoon, 1-5, and final tryouts
this evening from 7 to 10:30. The cast
will be announced Monday night at 7
p.m., in the League, followed by a re-
Graduate Outing Club meeting Sun-
day, 2 p.m., Northwest entrance to
Rackham Bldg. Hiking, games and pic-
nic supper. Bring cars if have. All grads
and staff welcome.
The Unitarian Student Group will
meet Sunday, September 27 at 7:30
p.m. at the Unitarian Church for a
discussion on Unitarianism with the
minister Edward Redman. Those need-
ing or able to offer transportation meet
at Lane Hall at 7:15.
Coming Events
Museum Movies. "Birds of the Sea
shore" and "Birds Are Interesting,"
free movies shown at 3 p.m. daily, in-
cluding Sat. and Sun. and at 12:30 Wed.,
4th floor movie alcove, Museums Build-
ing, Sept. 29 to Oct. 6.
Scimitars Club will hold its first
meeting of the year at 7:30 p.m., in
Room 3-K, Michigan Union on Tues.,
Sept. 29. Plans for the coming meet
with Wayne University will be made.
Fencers, both experienced and non.
experienced, are invited.
Tau Beta P. Election meeting, Tues.,
Sept. 29 at 7:15 p.m., Rm. 3D, Union.
The Kindai Nihon Kenkyukal will
hold its first meeting of the semester

this coming Tuesday, Sept. 29 at 8
psm. in the 3rd floor, east conference
room of the Rackbam Building.




WASHINGTON - Democratic strategists
unanimously concede the continuing-.
and even perhaps increasing-personal po-
pularity of President Dwight D. Eisenhower,
But they are nevertheless remarkably hope-
ful already about the 1954 elections. When
they discuss these elections, they like to
linger lovingly on the six seconds of tepid
applause accorded Secretary of Agriculture
Ezra Benson, when he made a major speech
at a recent farm rally in Wisconsin.
The Democratic Congressional Cam-
paign Committee sent out a scout to feel
the farm pulse at this meeting-the na-
tional plowing contest at Augusta, Wisc.
The scout timed the applause for Benson
with a stop watch, and jubilantly reported
that even during the short six seconds,
hardly one farmer in ten bothered to
clap. This frigid reception for Benson
suggests the major reason why the Demo-
crats believe that they can capture at
Ira - nca An - nn v "-

Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority af the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Harry Lunn...........Managing Editor
Eric Vetter...................City Editor
Virginia Voss.........Editorial Director
Mike Wolff......Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane Decker..........Associate Editor
Helene Simon..........Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye..............Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor
LMarilyn Campbell .. ... Women's Editor
LKathyZeisler.. Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell.......Head Photographer
Business Staff
Wilha Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin.. Assoc. Business- Mgr.
William Seiden... Finance Manager
James Sharp.... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1

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