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Latest Deadline in the State


VOL. LXIV, No. 4




. -...... ....._ .. .............

Pledged Aid
By Senator
Father Denies
Communist Ties
Senator Homer Ferguson and
the president of the Macomb
County Republican Club yesterday
pledged their aid to University
senior Milo J. Radulovich who
faces the loss of his Air Force re-
serve commission for "close asso-
ciation" with his father and sister
-both alleged Communists.
As the young physics major
picked up support in this quarter
his father, John Radulovich em-
phatically denied he was a Com-
munist but did say that he once
belonged to an organization later
labeled "subversive" by the govern-
* * *
RADULOVICH, a 26-year-old
veteran is scheduled to appear
before a three-man military board
at Selfridge Air Force Base ?Tues-
day to prove that contact with his
family has not made him useless
for government employ and that
he is not a "security risk."
According to Selfridge offi-
cials and Kenneth Sanborn,
Young Republican leader, Sen.
Ferguson has said: "If there is
any evidence the boy is not re-
ceiving a fair -hearing, I will take
the matter up with the Defense
Department immediately."
Reached by phone yesterday,
Radulovich once again pointed
out that he himself has not been
accused of being a Communist and
maintained that if he gets an ad-
verse ruling from the board his
entire future as a physicist would
be ruined.
. Contrary to previous reports,
Radulovich said "I will not at-
tempt to involve any members of
the University in my case." He
claimed that sufficient offers for
affidavits from friends vouching
to his character eliminated need
for calling University personnel.
* * *
PRESIDENT Harlan H. Hatch-
er refused to comment on the in-
cident yesterday and a polling of
the physics department also turn-
ed up the same negative results
-the feeling generally being that
not enough was known of both
sides of the case.
However, among those who did
comment Prof. Kenneth Bould-
ing- of the economics depart-
ment said "It is outrageous if a
man can't see his father and
* See RADULOVICH, Page 2
World News

Neophytes Honored

-Daily-Lon Qui
HONORS AWARD - Oreon E. Scott, '94L, presents Webster's
Collegiate Dictionaries to James A.' Clark, '57,*and Beverly Brown,
'57, at Regents-Alumni program in behalf of 650 freshmen last
night. Dean of Students E'ich A. Walter, President Harlan H.
Hatcher, Regent Roscoe O. Bonisteel and Scott addressed the
award winners.
Student Football Program
Vend ersGiven Leal Boost

Dulles Asks!
From AFL
Cites Union Blast
At Soviet Myth
ST. LOUIS-(A)-Secretary of
State Dulles said yesterday free
worker organizations "help might-
ily in the quest for peace" by ex-
posing the Communist "workers
paradise" as a myth.
The AFL's annual convention
gave Dulles an enthusiastic ova-
tion after he praised the AFL for
having "done more than any other
single body" to picture slave con-
ditions behind the Iron Curtain.
* * *
"IN THIS matter," Dulles said,
"there should be closer co-opera-
tion between us. You have not al-
ways received the official support
and backing you deserve."
The warm reception given
Dulles was in marked contrast
to the restrained and polite ap-
plause delegates gave to Vice
President Nixon Wednesday.
Nixon denied President Eisen-
hower had broken a promise, as
some AFL leaders claim, to sup-
port union-wanted changes in
the Taft-Hartley labor law.
The contrast underlined the
AFL's wholehearted support of ad-
ministration foreign policies but
bitter opposition to many of the
administration's domestic pro-
* * *
DULLES received perhaps his
greatest applause from delegates
when he said this country's for-
eign policy can best succeed if
supported by the American people
generally and by both political
"The extremely violent char-
acter of the Bolshevik regime,"
Dulles said, "destroyed not only
the reactionary elements within
Russia, but also the moderate
"In the process it has largely
reproduced for the workers the
conditions which prevailed under
the czars.
THE SITUATION is different in
this country, Dulles went on, where
the inter-play of free forces have
led to "immense" social and eco-
nomic gains.
He said a worker in New York
City can earn enough to buy a
pound of butter in 27 minutes of
work, but it takes the Moscow
worker six hours.
"I know that the persistent
influence Qf communism is a
matter of great concern to the
free labor unions and that the
AFL is taking the lead in com-
batting this situation," Dulles
Another member of President
Eisenhower's Cabinet, Secretary of
Welfare Oveta Culp Hobby, told
the convention she hoped Congress
will tackle administration pro-
posals to broaden social security
coverages as one of its first mat-
ters of business next January.

Vietminhese Encircled
KESAT, Indochina-UP)-French Union troops encircled more
than 5,000 Vietminh soldiers amid flooded rice fields north of the
Red River yesterday.
It was the biggest drive yet in a campaign to keep the Com-
munist-led enemy from getting set for a fall offensive.
Five infantry spearheads closed in a big area northeast of
Hung Yen, a guerrilla-infested town of 4,000 in the Red River
Delta 30 miles southeast of Hanoi that the French call the Viet-
minh's "ambush capital."

-Daily-Don Campbell
'Ensian Sets Tryout Meeting for oday

Polish Delegate'
To UN Reveal s
Red Master Plan

Student vendors of dime pro-
grams were given a legal boost
yesterday when attorney Frank
DeVine, President of the Washte-
naw County Bar Association, said
their publication will not infringe
Move To Lev
Dues of Dime
Tabled by1IHC
A propocal to assess every Men's
Quadrangle resident ten cents dues
was tabled yesterday at the first
Inter-House Council meeting of
the semester.
The motion to levy the dime
dues indirectly on the 2900 men
and 350 women in the quads, by
assessing house councils met with
mixed reactions before it was de-
cided to postpone the vote until
next week so IHC members would
have a chance to discuss the move
in their houses.
Proponents of the move said
present general funds were only
about enough to pay for printing
the min'utes for ten weeks. Op-
ponents claimed vvenue from the
I-Hop, slated for Saturday, Oct.
10, and a tentatively scheduled
performance by the, hypnotist Pol-
gar, should make dues unneces-
In the closing minute of the
session, the group passed a mo-
tion by IHC executi re vice-presi-
dent Tom Wilcox, '5E, inviting
Dean of Men Walter B. Rea to
the next meeting to "explain the
removal of 120 men from Chicago
House three days before orienta-
tion week."

on the athletics department's
copyright of the official program.
DeVine was retained by Larry'
Wellman, '56M and Ronald Karp,
'54, distributors of the dime pro-
Devine stated in a legal brief
prepared for the two students that
a "copyright program or 'directory
is not infringed by the publication
of another similar program unless!
the latter is copied from the for-
mer." * * *
WELLMAN and Karp pointed
out that "since all information
printed in the amateur programs
has been obtained from sources
independent of the official pro-
gram, the student vendors of foot-
ball programs are in no jeopardy
of legal action from the athletic
Prof. Herbert O. "Fritz" Crisler,
athletic director, could not be
reached for comment on the new
"Because we wished to prevent
any controversy with the ath-
letic department," Wellman and
Karp declared, "we retained
DeVine to clarify our position."
The two enterprisers of ama-
teur programs added that since ,
DeVine has "clearly shown in his'
brief that we are in no way in-
fringing on the copyright of the
official program, we definitely plan
to sell and distribute programs
this Saturday."
Wellman and Karp reminded
students that "they had nothing
to worry about "in regards to the
local ordinance prohibiting unli-
censed vendors from selling on
city property during football
They explained the decision ren-
dered by Municipal Judge Fran-
cis O'Brien stated that "the ordi-
nance defintely does not apply to
University property."

"Gloria, Victoria . . . Michigan-j
This line from "Laudes Atque
Carmena" is one of the many der-
ivations offered' for the name of
the original campus yearbook, the
ALTHOUGH ITS origin is a bit
hazy, it is no secret that the 'En-
Rally Tonight
To Set Mood
For Opener +
Beeeat Washington!
This is the cry that will go up
at 7:30 p.m., today in front of the'
Union and continue as football
partisans follow the Michigan
Marching Band down State Street
to Ferry Field for the semester's
first pre-game football rally.

Sian, as it is now known, has for
years striven to be more than
merely a pictorial calendar of the
year's events..
In an attempt to express the
ideas of the students, faculty
and administration regarding
national, community and cam-
pus issues, the 'Ensian, rated
All-American by the Collegiate
Press Association, has been a
leader in recent improvements
in the yearbook field.
Both pictorially and editorially,
the 'Ensian tries to present the
expressed and suppressed feelingsj
and ideas of the campus.
The tone of the yearbook is"
New York Bars
Red Teachers

determined once an evaluation of
these campus attitudes has been
made to the satisfaction of the
THE 'ENSIAN offers practical
experience in creative writing, lay-
out design, photography and or-
ganizational work.
A meeting will be held today at
4:15 p.m. at the Student Publica-
tion Bldg. for those who are inter-
ested in the program and have not
already attended a tryout meeting.
Regents Slate
The Board of Regents will hold
their first meeting of the new
school year today here on cam-
According to Frank Robbins, re-
tired assistant to the president,
routine business will make up the
agenda' for the meeting.
One possible item of business
may be the Student Legislature
driving ban proposal which was
given to the Regents for study and
approval late last spring.

Says Reds
Hope To Win
Free World
Peace Conquest
Stalled 'til 1970
delegate to the United Nations
who fled to the free world said yes-
terday Russia's "master plan" calls
for world conquest by 1970 or 1980
-but no immediate war.
Testifying at a televised hearing
before the House Un-American Ac-
tivities Committee, Dr. Marek
Stanislaw Korowicz, a Krakow
University law professor, declared
"The Kremlin feels that under
present circumstances, war is not
the best way to achieve their
* * *
KOROWICZ'S cool, mater-of-
fact description of recent life be-
hind the Iron Cureain-a life he
described as misery, slavery, a
"real inferno"-was broadcast by
the Voice of America and Radio
Free Europe to his homeland and
to most of the Communist world.
All hopes for peace and free-
dom, he testified, rest with the
United States.
"Now I can speak the truth.In
Poland, the truth is forbidden. No
one dares to speak the truth. All
life becomes a living lie," he said.
KOROWICZ who walked out of
the Polish UN delegation last week
to seek haven under the American
flag, said only 6 to 7 per cent of
his people are Reds-and not
more than 2 per cent of Polish
voters would support the Commu-
nist party in a free election.
But any workers' revolt, such
as recently flared in- East Ger-
many, would be "immediately
downed in the blood of the Po-
lish people," he said'
Russian troops are spread
through Poland to suppress any
uprising, he said, and all officers
in the Polish army above the rank
of lieutenant colonel are actually
* * *
KOROWICZ, a graying, distin-
guished looking man with black-
rimmed glasses spoke in French.
His words were translated into
English for the committee,
The witness drew praise from
committee Chairman Harold
Velde (R-Ill.) for his courage
in escaping the Communists and
for the contribution his testi-
mony would make for freedom
both in America and behind the
Iron Curtain.
The general opinion in. Poland
is that Lavrenty P. Beria, purged
chief of the Russian secret police,
was executed even before his oust-
er was announced.
The Russians have no real in-
terest in the United Nations ob-
jectives of peace and a better
world, but they put great stress
on the UN as "the most import-
ant platform for Soviet pr'opa-
ganda in the world."
Speaker's Plan
Adopted by YR
Campus Young Republicans
moved at their organizational
meeting last night to form a-
speaker's bureau to' stimulate in-
terest and membership.
Plans will be made for YR mem-
bers to speak after dinner at so-
rority and fraternity houses and

other student groups, hoping to
arouse student interest in current
Ge'orge Sallade, Ann Arbor
city council president addressed
the group on how youth dan
break into politics.
Sallade, who has been recom-
mended for the office of state sen-
ator, suggested young persons
start out in their own small -towns

By The Associated Press
BONN, Germany - More than
105,000 Germans have vplunteered
to serve in the German contingent
for the proposed European army,
the National Defense Commission
said yesterday.
spokesman said yesterday that
former American prisoners of wai
accused informally by some of
their companions of collaborating
with their Communist captors are
being discharged from service as
they become due for release. and
none is being held in service for
court martial because no formal
accusations against them have
been received by the Army.
* * * .
United States' first artillery unit
capable of handling atomic guns
embarked yesterday for Europe.
VARESE, Italy - Police seized
more than two tons of strategic
metals from four Swiss cars at a
border crossing Wednesday.
A high Italian official said the
metals apparently were headed -to
Iron Curtain territory.
NEW YORK - Henry Cabot
Lodge yesterday called the United
Nations' handling of 11 question-
able American employes "most un-
just, wrong and full of danger to
the United Nations."
WASHINGTON - Secretary of
Defense Wilson said yesterday his

Judic Posts
Petitioning for five women's
positions on Joint Judiciary
Council closes at 5 p.m. today.
Petitions may be obtained at
the Undergrad Office of the
League. Three Judic posts are
for a year's duration and the
remaining two cover a semes-
ter's work.
Applicants will be interview-
ed tomorrow morning at the


Flaming tohirches will light the
route with a police escort leading
the parade. The Fiji Marching
band will add its rhythm to that of
the Michigan Marching Band as
it leads the cheer leaders and stu-
dent crowd.
Irv Tobacman, '54, will act as
emcee, and Bob Timm and Lowell
Perry, key figures in last year's
team will also join in the cheering.
In addition Jay Strickler, '54'.
Union President and Sue Riggs,
'54, President of the League are"
on the list of speakers.
Those participating in the rally
have been urged by student lead-
ers to avoid doing damage to any
private property. Last year's ral-
lies were marked by rioting in-
volving the mobbing of cars and
tipping them over.
Two more Pep rallies have been
planned by the Wolverine Club to
add excitement to the football sea-
son. The next one will be on Oct.
9 before the Iowa game and the
last on Nov. 20 before the Ohio
State game.
Generation Calls
Echo in Garrets

ALBANY, N.Y.-(A)-The BoardC
of Regents held yesterday that}
the communist party is subversive
thereby automatically barring its
members from jobs in the public
school system of New York.
The 15-member State board'
unanimously adopted the report
;y a special three-member com-

Magazine Salesmen's Guilt Doubted

Faculty Opinion Differs
On .Dunham Dismissal
Faculty opinion differed sharply yesterday on the recent dismissal
of Prof. Barrows Dunham of the philosophy department of Temple
University for 'refusing to answer questions put to him by a congres-
sional committee.
. Prof. Preston Slosson of the history department emphatically de-
clared, "Anyone who refuses to answer questions is a fool." He added
he had no respect for what was a foolish action-a refusal to testify au-
tomatically throws suspicion upon the witness.
* * * *
BUT PROF. SLOSSON said that in a case of this nature, dis-
missal should not be based only on the witnesses silence but that his
usefulness to the University should be considered. He also remarked
that officials should study the motives that prompted the stand.
Prof. Kenneth Boulding of the economics department coin-
mented that the dismissal action was "very deporable." He said
although he had not examined the details of the case it looked
"as if due process of law had been disregarded" and therefore
"important questions of procedure were involved."
DEAN JAMES ROBERTSON of the literary college held the same
opinion as Prof. Slosson on Dnuham's refusal to testify. "It is relative-
ly unwise for a man to plead the fifth amendment, more is to be gained
by putting the facts on the table as Prof. Williams of Michigan State
has done," he said.
However in indain Tenmnl'sac 'tinin Tn Ron ertsonsa id nne

Commenting on the recent con-
troversy over high-pressure sales-
men from the International Read-
ers' League, Chamber of Commerce
manager Robert L. Gage question-
ed whether the group is actually
guilty of any illegal practices.
They are practicing only an ex-
treme and certainly deplorable
form of salesmanship, he said.
group is probably a bonafide or-
ganization employing typically
high pressure methods to make

1 .

The six salesmen and manager
identified themselves as sales rep-
resentatives for the San Francis-
co organization and gave police
the name of the Ann Arbor hotel
where they were staying.
S * * *

salesmen has been to stop stu-
dents on the street, high-pressure
them and convince them to buy the
two year subscription for $9. A $5
down payment is usually required
before the salesman allows his

SINCE THEN, according to po- customer to get out of reach.
lice, the manager of the group has Past experience has been that People are rushing from the
checked with the police every day months may elapse before the garrets and sewers of Ann Arbor.
for any complaints that may have student ever gets the first copy, Some of them come from fra-
been lodged against his salesmen. or he may get a letter asking for ternities, sororities, and Martha#
As of yesterday four separate the remainder of the cost before Cook. They probably think re-
complaints had been received by his subscription' can start. freshments are going to be served
Dean of Men, Walter B. Rea's Dean Rea pointed out that sub- at the Generation tryout meeting
office all mentioning high pres- scriptions to the same magazines at 4 p.m. today in the Student




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