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January 15, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-01-15

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P ick Your,
Sys term
IN SPITE of the frequent brilliant praises
aimed at the structure and workings of
civil service in the United States there is
virtually no real civil service in the national
government at the present time, and there
has been none for many years.
The present system was inaugurated so
that government workers, regardless of
party preferences or political neutrality,
could work up as far as major policy-
making positions in government on a ca-
reer basis, learning well a specialized field,
and carrying out Administration policies
in an unbiased manner. In return, they
would be guaranteed a high degree of se-
curity in their positions.
Actually such a system has not been In
effect under any recent Administration, al-
though the present Republican policy has
been more openly in violation of civil ser-
vice ideals than was the previous Adminis-
Even under Democrats, ho\vever, many ap-
pointments to the service were of a very po-
litical nature. There are more than iso-
lated cases, where an applicant for a non-
policy making position was forced to register
as a Democrat in his home town or to get
party certification from his local precinct
captain before he could obtain a job under
the so-called "career" system. And Eisen-
hower's recent decree that a special post
shall be created in every major government
department or commission tq locate vacant
posts and fill them with deserving party
members was not unknown under Demo-
crats. Then, however, it was often someone
filling a highly-paid "regular" post who
performed the function of finding and dis-
tributing "political plums" that were ac-
tually jobs within the civil service and not
appointment positions.
President Eisenhower has not only re-
fused to strengthen the civil service idea
by correcting past policies, but has con-
tinued the former policies and has re-
moved all feeling of security from every
civil service worker. Out of power for 20
years, the Republicans seem to eye every
civil service position as a place for a de-
serving Republican precinct worker. In
addition to the handicaps of, continual,
often blunderbuss-style, Congressional in-
vestigations and pay far below that found
in private business, government workers
now are labelled "security risks" for every
actual or potential minor misdemeanor.
The open appointment of a political job-
finder in every department has brought home
to even the lowest-paid level of civil ser-
vice personnel, however, just how insecure
their present jobs are.
Some advantages no doubt can be found
in such an appointment. A bureau or divi-
sion chief who is friendly with the job-
finder can often secure the appointment of
a person whom he knows as capable and
wants in his office, and he can also weed out
the do-nothings that inevitably creep into
any office, whether it be in government or
It is doubtful if any such political job-
seeking methods, however, can eradicate
the age-old problem of getting the best
people into government and getting them
to stay in a government post rather than
using it only as a stepping stone to a
highly-paid private position.
If the Administration and the public pre-
fer an open spoils system into civil service,
that fact might as well be admitted and the
entire civil service system be replaced in
favor of another method of government hir-
ing and firing. If the civil service ideal is
to be made a fact rather than remain a fic-
tion many new reforms 'will have to be
passed by Congress. In either case, the Pres-
ident should appoint a special commission
of leading officials both in and out of gov-
ernment to re-evaluate the Present mudder
situation with an aim of presenting a plan,

for an entirely new system of making recom-
mendations which would establish a 'true
civil service,
--Dorothy Myers

The Quest of the Perfect Student

What's Wrong with Him? .. e
I N A UNIVERSITY as large as this one,
there is room for all kinds of people.
There are one-sided geniuses, pleasant-
but-not-too-bright people, shy people, pop-
ular people, healthy people, wealthy peo-
ple, good-looking people, quarrelsome peo-
ple, people we like, people we can't stand,
people we don't care about one way or the
Now the Admissions Office is trying to pick
a small group of these people. Because of
financial limitations on the size of this small
project of the Admissions Office, the peo-
ple they'll pick will be men only.
These men will be picked because they
have intellectual capacity as measured by
grades and tests. They will also have ability
to get along with people, they'll look nice,
and they'll make a nice impression on peo-
ple. And they'll be in top condition physi-
These people will be "successful, all-
around students." The Admissions Office
will then study their high school records
to find out what if anything was unusual
about these people when they were in
high school.
If the Admissions Office is successful in
finding characteristics of high school stu-
dents which are associated with later suc-
cess in college, then they will have done
society a big service.
Tremendous numbers of such potential
leaders never get beyond high school. If a
way can be found to pick them out while
they're still in high school and see that they
get to college, a great waste of valuable hu-
man resources will be avoided.
Questions of methodology can be raised
here. But the gathering of empirical evi-
dence on this important subject is cer-
tainly a worthwhile first step in the right
All of which, further, is not to say that
other kinds of people who aren't well-round-
ed and successful in the ways Dr. Feather's
group members are, shouldn't come to the
University. It's a big school-there is room
for all kinds of people, including slobs, gen-
iuses, and supermen. The aim of the study
is just to ultimately increase the number
of one of these desirable types of student.
-Jon Sobeloff

What's Right with Him? . .
IT'S ABOUT time someone refined the pro-
cess of turning out "well-rounded" in-
dividuals. Dr. Feather deserves every en-
couragement in his scientific endeavors.
University curriculum experts have
found the formula for machine-stamping
"good citizens" and "all-around gradu-
ates" (16 hours of natural science, eight
hours of language, two semesters of phy-
sical education, etc.) To mark such men in
high school will greatly facilitate getting
students off on the right diploma assembly
line from the moment they enter the pa-
ternal campus homestead, for four years of
filing off corners before they emerge as ...
perfect circles, I suppose (the antonym
"square" is a popular term which needs no
More intense research should turn up a
method whereby potential "supermen" might
be determined pre-natally. A couple of psy-
choanalysts recently presented a rather in-
teresting paper on how pre-natal experiences
affected some neurotic patients with all kinds
of complexes. With controlled pre-natal con-
ditions-well, it's too exciting to even con-
And for those who might somehow miss
out on the wonders of science (due to par-
ental ignorance, perhaps) the University
could substitute courses on "Developing a
Salesman's Personality" or "The Well-
Rounded Executive."
It's also definitely encouraging that the
survey is not attempting to rate coeds. Wo-
men are much too unpredictable. They will
always be inferior to men and-well, just im-
agine 70 women trying to decide which of
their sex has the most personality or best
physical condition.
--Gayle Greene
T HE Athenians attached much greater im-
portance to beauty than do modern
democracies. The individual was under an
obligation to render his body beautiful by
physical exercise; and the community to
render the body within which it lived beau-
tiful by attention to architecture and town
planning. We have only to compare Athens
with London, 'or perhaps more justly with
Detroit, Liverpool or Marseilles, to realize
how profound was the difference between
the social values of the Athenians and our-
selves. --Alexander Loveday

"We Should Have Taken A Vote First, Ourselves"



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The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
t general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
Citizens hip Proposal ...has occurred and is almost, so it
was suggested by someone, policy
To The Editor r edesigned by reporters to attract
IPtn the attention of the editors to their
IN PROPOSING that Congress articles, thereby obtaining better
strip citizenship from Commun- assignments. I was certainly aware
ists convicted under the Smith of a seeming attempt to get me
Act, Eisenhower has demonstrably to change my views for publica-
revealed that his Adminjstrationrtion. Evidently my views and opin-
has decided to hug McCarthyism ions were not as Miss Greene and
with both arms. Miss Conrad thought they should
In the past, lesser lights such be. Perhaps by making the edi-

as senators and other political
spokesmen have proposed repres-
sive legislation on the order of
the Smith, McCarran and McCar-
ran Walters Acts; but never a
President. For the first time a
President is recommending an act
of political terrorism. Previously
loss of citizenship has generally

tors of The Daily aware of this
practice, the staff of The Daily will
return to more ethical journal-
istic procedures.
--Carol Lee Walker
. g e .
TB TW Die *..


Washington Merry-Go-Round


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WASHINGTON-The Eisenhower Admin-
istration almost scared the shirt off
big business the other day.
It did so when the Justice Department
showed its teeth on anti-trust prosecu-
tions in a more glowering manner than
Thurman Arnold and Franklin D. Roose-
velt. What it did was bring suit against
Pan American Airways, long considered
the sacred cow if both Republicans and
A few weeks ago Sam Pryor, vice-presi-
dent of Pan American in charge of Wash-
ington lobbying, spoke with confidence about
the Eisenhower Administration.
"Things have changed in Washington,"
he said happily. "We don't have to take all
that guff we used to take. And we're not
going to tolerate it."
Sam had reason to be happy and con-
fident. In the first place, he was long a
member of the Republican National Com-
mittee from Connecticut, a top manager
of Wendell Willkie, and a generous mon-
ey raiser for the Republicans. So even
though his friend and wire-puller for Pan
American, Sen. Owen Brewster of Maine,
had been defeated, Sam had every reason
to expect well of the Eisenhowerites.
He knew that, back in the Hoover Ad-
ministration, Pan American had been able
to get Postmaster General Brown to send
an amazing and unprecedented instruction
to the State Deparment asking that "all
practical assistance be given to the Pan Am-
erican-Grace Airways in preference to any
other American company." This was in vi-'
olation of the age-old ruling that the U.S.
government does not favor any one com-
pany abroad at the expense of another.
* * *
E VEN UNDER Democratic Administra-
tions, Pan American continued to get
just as many favors. Ed Stettinius, brother-
in-law of Juan Trippe, Pan American pre-
sident, was long in the Roosevelt Adminis-
tration and for a time a member of the
cabinet. FDR liked both Ed and Juan Trippe
and he also liked Pan Am. The latter got
the heaviest mail subsidies-and still does.
And, when trust-busting Thurman Arnold,
assistant attorney general, proposed prose-
cuting Pan American for violation of the
Sherman Antitrust Act, he was stopped
dead in his tracks.
"If you insist on this," warned Attor-
ney General Robert Jackson, "you'll have
to resign."
Arnold backed away for a time, but still
made noises about going after Pan Ameri-
can. Shortly thereafter and much to his
own surprise, he was abruptly promoted to
the U.S. Court of Appeals.
Imagine the surprise of the aviation world,

therefore, and particularly Sam Pryor, when
the Eisenhower Administration this week
slapped exactly the same antitrust suit on
Pan American that Roosevelt had vetoed.
Pan Am with the Grace steamship lines and
their subsidiary, Panagra, were charged with
monopolizing air transportation between the
United States and Latin America.
Ironically, the suit came shortly after
Robert C. Hill, vice-president of Grace,
was rewarded by the Eisenhower Adminis-
tration by being made U.S. ambassador
to Costa Rica.
NOTE-Latest wise crack among Wash-
ington lawyers: "How soon wlil Assistant
Attorney General Sanley Barnes be pro-
moted to the Supreme Court?" (In addi-
tion to Arnold's promotion to the Court of
Appeals when he tried to sue Pan Am, Har-
lan F. Stone, then attorney general, was ap-
pointed to the Supreme Court by Calvin
Coolidge when he insisted on prosecuting'
Andy Mellon's Aluminum Corporation of
America. Mellon was then Secretary of the
Treasury and a cabinet colleague of Stones.)
on the automobile industry to supply
the answer to the nation's most common*
juvenile crime-auto thefts.
The Hendrickson Committee, investigat-
ing juvenile delinquency, has found that
nearly 150,000 autos are stolen each
year, mostly by teen-age kids. If cars
could be made tamper-proof, it would
help curb this flagrant contribution to
As a result, the committee will invite in-
dustry spokesmen to explain what is being
done to protect automobiles from juvenile
"hot wire" specialists. This is the name
given to auto thieves who pick the ,ignition
lock, cross certain wires and start the car
without a key.
Committee investigators have found that
thieves usually break into a car by forcing
the side window-vent or picking the out-
side lock. What is needed, they say, is a
side window that can't be smashed or forced,
an outside lock that can't be picked and an
inside lock on the ignition.
* * *
a diplomatic though pointed warning
to President Eisenhower that Britain wants
to be kept fully informed during the secret
Russian-American talks on atomic energy.
Churchill has sent a special message to
the White House pointing out that Bri-
tain, as an atomic power and ally of the
United States, must be consulted every
step of the way.

been connected with an overt act ; o te Edior:
of war resulting in conviction forIN BEHALF of the Washtenaw
treason. Now the President comes County Tuberculosis Associa-
up with a method of coping with onty Tubercos Adoia-
political opposition which, in the tn, its Board of Directors and its
theDetoitFre Prssstaff, I would like to thank the
words of the Detroit Free Press University of Michigan students
Editorial of Jan. 9, "is undoubted- from all over Washtenaw County
ly the most drastic form of pun- who contributed so generously to
ishment ever recommended in e t ho9C.ri.td soSene
United States-even exceeding in The cooperation of an alert,
some ways the death penalty in well-informed public has brought
its effects and severity." What about an amazing reduction of
does Eisenhower's proposal imply the number of tuberculosis cases
but open season on Communiststhnumherpotudeculsihas
and other dissenters? What is it within the past decades. With a
but a warning to the American firm belief that tuberculosis-the
people that they cannot be too No. One killer among infectious
careful in criticizing the Admin- diseases-can be defeated, the as-
cstauinritiadcizing heAmn- sociation now moves into a new
istration or in advocating depar-- year of continuing progress to-
tures from the status quo? This s ward its goal.
u statements as those of our It is our conviction that the stu-
Such statetsCardthoseoior;dent body is an integral part of
"own" Rep. Kit Clardy (who is this community particularly with
preparing to conduct the U'n-'ti omnt atclrywt
AmericanCommitnduehearingsin respect to its health problems. The
Michigan) show how every attack tubercle bacillus does not discrim-
on the Communists today is but inate between "town and gown."
a preparation for attacks on the To the students who so gener-
whole people tomorrow. Speaking ously gave of themselves to fight
March 16, 1953, Clardy said".. tuberculosis, and to you and your
It staff who have covered the tuber-
is avr odie t
the Americans for Democratic Ac- culosis problem in this community,
tion), That left outfit has ap- the Washtenaw County Tubercu-
proved the teaching of Commun- losis Association expresses its
ism in our schools. It has spon- deepest gratitude.
sored the idea that teachers be .-Frederick M. McOmbr
allowed to belong to the Com-- President, Washtenaw County
must Party. Maybe we should Tuberculosis Association
look into the antecedents of that
What, one might ask, is to be
done with those citizens who are t
turned into "aliens" by a wave of
the magic wand? Since they be-
long to no foreign country, where
will they be deported? Is it incon-
ceivable that the dozen or so con-
centration camps built under the _
provisions, if the McCarran Act
might be readied for such occa-
The Eisenhower recommenda-
tion has ominous overtones, and
can deal a body blow to democracy
if it is not nipped in the bud.S
Mike Share himnSixty-Fourth Year
-MikerSharp, Chairman Edited and managed by students of
Labor Youth League the University of Michigan under the

The Daily Official Bulletin is a
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (before
11 a.m. on Saturday).
VOL. LXIV, No. 83
Attention February Graduates. Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and the
Arts, School of Education, School of
Music, and School of Public Health-
students are advised not to request
grades of I or X in February. When such
grades are absolutely imperative, the
work must be made up in time to al-
low your instructor to report the make-
up grade not later than 8:30 a.m., Mon.,
Feb. 1, 1954. Grades received after that
time may defer the student's gradua-
tion until a later date.
Recommendations for Departmental
Honors. Teaching departments wishing
to recommend tentative February grad-
uates from the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts, and the School
of Education for departmental honors
should recommend such students in a
letter sent to the Registrar's Office, 1513
Administration Building, by 8:30 a.m.,
Mon., Feb. 1, 1954.
College of Engineering Registration
Material. Students enrolled for the cur-
rent semester should call for spring reg-
istration material at 244 West Engineer-
ing Building, Jan. 20 through Fri., Jan.
22. The hours are 8:30 to 12 and 1:30
to 5. Material will also be available Feb.
1 through Feb. 5, from 8 to 12 and 1 to
5, and on Feb. 6 from 8 to 10:30.
The following schedule will govern the
lifting of the AUTOMOBILE REGULA-
TIONS for students in the various
schools and colleges of the University.
The regulations will go back into effect
at 8 a.m. Mon., Feb. 8, the first day of
classes for the second semester.
The ban will be lifted Jan. 28, 5 p.m.,
for the following schools:
College of Architecture and Design
School of Business Administration
School of Education
College of Engineering
College of Literature, Science and the
School of Music
School of Natural resources
School of Nursing
College of Nursing
College of Pharmacy
School of Public Health
Horace H. Rackhain School of Gradu-
ate Studies
For the following schools the sched-
ule below is applicable:
School of Medicine
Freshmen & Juniors Jan. 29, 5:00 p.m.
Sophomores......Jan. 29, 12:00 noon.
Seniors.........Jan. 23, 12:00 noon.
Law School .............. ......
Jan. 30, 10:30 a.m.''
School of Dentistry
Freshmen........Jan. 26, 12:00 noon
Sophomores......Jan. 27, 12:00 noon
Juniors..........Jan. 28, 10:00 a.m.
Seniors...........Jan. 28. 3:00 p.m.
School of Social Work
Jan. 22, 5:00 p.m.
The Behavioral Sciences Division of
The Ford Foundation announces a sec-
ond annual competition for first year-
graduate fellowships in the behavioral
sciences. Under the terms of this pro-
gram stipends of $1800 each are awarded
to successful applicants who wish to
study such behavioral sciences as psy-
chology, sociology,and anthropology
but who did not as undergraduates con-
centrate in these areas. A total of fifty-
eight institutions have been invited to
submit applicants and it is estimated
that approximately twenty-five fellow-
ships will be awarded.
The University of Michigan has been
asked to nominate four candidates for
these fellowships. Applications should
be made before February 1 on forms to
be obtained at the office of the Gradu-
ate School. Awards will be announced
on April 1, 1954.
February Graduates. If you are still
seeking a position and have not yet
registered with the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, we would like to suggest that
you do so before leaving the University.
Men going into the armed forces are
particularly urged to register prior to
graduation. We do receive calls from
employers continually, and we can only
be of service to those who are regis-
tered with us. Contact the Bureau of
Appointments, 3528 Administration
Change of Address. February graduates

who are registered with the Bureau of
Appointments are requested to notify te
if you have already accepted a position;
if not, to advise when you will be leav-
ing Ann Arbor and where you will be.
If not informed otherwise, the Bureau
assumes you are at your permanentrad-
dress after the date of Commencement.
It is necessary that we know of your
plans so that we may correctly inform
employers, and notify you promptly of
openings. Call the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext.
371 or 489.
Lectures .
The Ziwet Lectures in Mathematics.
The last lecture of Professor A. M.
Gleason's series on "Locally Compact
Groups and the Coordinate Problem"
will be given Fri., Jan. 15, 4 p.m., 3011
Angell Hall.
Academic Notices
Astronomical Colloquium, Fri., Jan.
15, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Dr. Hel-
en W. Dodson of the McMath-Hulbert
Observatory will speak on "Solar Flares
and Associated Radiation at 200 mc/
sec and 2800 me/sec."
Courses in Chemistry. The following
changes in hours and rooms should be
made in the Time Schedule for the
second semester: Chem 141, lecture WF
11, 3403 Chem.; Chem 256, lecture WF 9,
4225 Chem.; Chem. 260, lecture MW 10,
2308 Chem.
The Ninth Review Session for Stu-
dents of French I will be held on Jan.
18, in the Romance Languages Building
beainninc~,t7'7 r.

Doctoral Examination for Robert Lee
Craven. Chemistry; thesis: "Reactions
of 2-Halocyclohexanecarboxylic Acids,"
Fri., Jan. 15, 3003 Chemistry Bldg., at 1
p.m. Chairman, W. R. Vaughan.
Doctoral Examination for Myron Ju-
dah Helfgott, Social Psychology; thesis:
"The Effect of Variations in Mobility
Norms upon the Legitimation of the
Personnel Distribution by Subordinate
Populations," Fri., Jan. 15, 613 Haven
Hall, at 1 p.m. Chairman, 01 E. Swan-
Doctoral Examination for William
Knox Harrell, Bacteriology; thesis:
"Fractionation and Differentiation of
Human, Bovine, and Avian Strains of
Mycobacteriuintuberculosis by means
of their Infrared Spectrums," Mon.,
Jan. 18, 1954, 1566 East Medical Bldg.,
at 2 p.m. Chairman, W. J. Nungester.
Doctoral Examination for Juan Auara
Sales, Pharmaceutical Chemistry; thesis:
"Simply Amines which Contain Cyclo-
heptyl, 4-Methycycloheptyl, Cyclooctyl,
2- and 4-Pyridyl Groups," Tues., Jan.
19. 2525 Chemstry Bldg., at 1:30 p.m.
Chairman, F. F. Blicke.
Doctoral Examination for Henry Ed-
mond Millso, Jr., Pharmaceutical
Chemistry; thesis: "Basic Diovolanes,"*
Wed.. Jan. 20, 2525 Chemistry BIdg.
at 1;30 p.m. Chairman, F. F. Blicke.
Doctoral Examination for 'Thomas
Samuel Heines, Jr. Chemical Engineer-
ing; thesis: "Operaion of Continuous
Thermal Diffusion C1umns for Liquids,"
Mon., Jan. 25, 3201 East Engineering
Bldg., at 9:30 a.m. Chairman, J. J. Mar-
Doctoral Examination for George
Ulrich Brauer, Mathematics; thesis:
"Some Abelian Semi-Groups of Linear
Transformations of Hausdorff Type"
Sat., Jan. 30. East Council Room, Rack-
ham Bldg., at 9:30 a.m. Chairman,
George Piranian.
Organ Recital. David Craighead,
Guest Organist from Occidental College,
Pasadena, California, will present a
program at 4:15 Sunday afternoon, Jan.
17, in Hill Auditorium. It will include
Vivaldi's Concerto in A minor, Buxte-
hude's Chorale Fantasia, "How Brightly
Shines the Morning Star," two Bach
works, Vivace from the Second Trio-So-
nata, and Toccata in F. Following In-
term ission Mr. Craighead will - play
Pastorale, by Roger-Ducasse; Fugue in
C-sharp minor, by Honegger; and Two
Meditations for Ascension, by Mes-
siaen. The recital will be open to the
general public without charge.
Band Concert Cancelled. The concert
by the University Symphony Band, pre-
viously announced for Tues., Feb. 23,
in Hill Auditorium, has been cancelled.
The next concert by the Band will be
given at 4:15 Sunday afternoon, Mar.
Faculty Concert Postponed. The pi
ano recital by John Kollen, scheduled
for Thurs., Feb. 11, in Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theater, has been postponed. The
new date will be announced later.
The Griller String Quartet and the
Reginald Kell Players will participate in
the 14th annual Chamber Music Festi-
val in Rackham Auditorium. The Grill-,
er group is composed of Sidney Griller
and Jack O'Brien, violins; PhiipBur-
ton, viola; and Colin Hampton, cello:
and will present two programs, Fri-
day evening, Feb. 19. and Sunday after-
noon, Feb. 21. The Keil Players include
Reginald Kell, clarinetist; Joel Rosen,
pianist; Melvin Ritter, violinist; and
Aurora Natola, cellist. This group will
be heard Saturday evening, Feb. 20.
Tickets for the three concerts are
available at the offices of the Universi-
ty Musical Society in Burton Tower, at
$3.50 and $2.50; and for single concerts
at $1.75 and $1.25 each.
The Toronto Symphony Orchestra,
Sir Ernest MacMillan, Conductor, will
give the 6th program in the current
Chdral Union Concert Series, Wed., Feb.
10, at 8:30, in Hill Auditorium. The oc-
casion will mark the first performance
of this Canadian orchestra in Ann Ar-
Tickets are available at $1.50, $2.00,
$2.50, and $3.00 at the offices of the
University Musical Society, Burton Me
morial Tower.
Museum of Art. Alumni Memorial
Hall, Watercolors and Drawings by Ga-
varni, Jan. 2-24; Persian-Hindu Mina- 4
tures, Jan. 3-24. Open 9 to 5 on week-
days, 2 to 5 on Sundays. The public is
Events Today
S.R A. Coffee Hour. Drop in for coffee

from 4:30 to 6:00 today in the Lane Hall
Library. Good music and pleasant- com-
Lane Hall. For that "break" between
exams or study, drop in to Lane Hall
for coffee and cookies any afternoon
during the exam period. Everyone is
welcome so come along with your
Hillel. Evening Services, 7:30 p.m,
Hillel. This week's Friday Zwming
Kosher Dinner has been canaelled.
Hillel Chorus. No further rehearsals
till Feb. 7.
Newman Club. Open house will be
held this evening from 9 to 12 pam. at
the Father Richard Center. Everyone
is invited.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Tea
from 4 to 5:30 this afternoon at Can-
terbury House. All students invited.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
terbury Club, 7:30 p.m. this evening at
Canterbury House. Evening of Fun.
Coming Events
Foreign Language .Group will meet on
Mon., Jan. 18, at 8 p.m. in West Con-
ference Room, Rackham Building.
Speaker: Professor James C. O'Neill. The
topic: "Suggested Plans for Use of the
SAnn Arbor High School Building by
the University." Faculty members and
graduate students of the various lan-
guage departments are invited.




4rchiteCture Auditorium
JOHNNY BELINDA with Jane Wyman and
Lew Ayres
CINEMA GUILD'S current revival of John-
ny Belinda renews one's faith in the
ability of the film to present fine adult en-
tertainment without the aid of wide screens,
three dimensional projectors, or stereophonic
Certainly nothing I might say could add
to the critical praise Jane Wyman has al-'
ready received for her acting skill. As the
deaf-mute, Belinda, she raises the art of
serious pantomine to a new height, while
presenting one of the most articulate per-
formances seen in a long while.
Lew Ayres, as the young doctor who
teaches Belinda to speak with her hands and
guides her back to a useful position in so-
ciety, gives his part the right amount of sym-
pathy without falling into sachrine senti-
mentality. If he seems too good to be true,
it is what the script demands and not due
to any lack of skill on his part.
The townspeople also deserve special
praise as real people living real lives, which
demand enormous physical exertion to live


Quotes and Context .. .
To the Editors:
I HAVE never believed that let-
ters to the Editors solved any
problem. However, I see no other
recourse in this situation. Since a
"quotation" attributed to me ap-
peared in the January 7 edition of
The Daily I have been questioned
often on the issue of the Thanks-
giving vacation and my vote on
this issue. I would like to clear
the matter now.
On January 6 at 11:45 p.m,'
12:00 Midnight, and 12:15 a.m. I
received telephone calls. Two were
from Gayle Greene, one from
Becky Conrad, of The Daily. On
all three calls I was asked ques-
tions and told, after answering,
that these were for publication. I
refused to be quoted on each call

authorityor the BIoar mv J ontroi or
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn.........Managing Editor
Eric Vetter ................. .Oty Editor
Virginia Voss.........!Eitorial Director
Mike Wolff.........Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane Decker. .....Associate Editor
Helene Simon........Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye...............Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg.....Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell.......Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler.... Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell.......Head Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden........Finance Manager
James Sharp......Circulation Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1


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