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January 14, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-01-14

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Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY, WARMER

VOL. LXIV, No. 82




Delay Plans
On Turnpike
Road Previewed
rt Special to The Daily
KALAMAZOO-Autumn of 1956
is the earliest opening date for
the trans-Michigan turnpike past
Ann Arbor westward, Chairman
William E. Slaughter, Jr. of the
Michigan turnpike authority said
yesterday at a donference in Kal-
amazoo of toll road authorities
4 from five states.
Slaughter said the toll route,
which would connect Detroit with
an Indiana toll road leading to
Chicago, might be delayed be-
cause of trouble encountered at
Monroe on the Detroit-Toledo leg
of the Michigan Turnpike system.
PRELIMINARY engineering and
financing work is now being done
on the Detroit-Bay City section of
the north-south route. Negotia-
tions are being conducted at Mon-
roe in an effort to get the toll
road located on a route set aside
for a freeway.
The Monroe controversy might
delay the opening of the 176-mile
east-west route until after the
1956 target date, Slaughter said.
It would connect with the Wil-
. low Run expressway near Ypsil-
anti, pass Just south of Ann Ar-
bor, skirt Jackson, Albion, Battle
Creek, Kalamazoo and Benton
Harbor, and then swing down
Lake Michigan to the Indiana
line at New Buffalo.
Slaughter pointed out that tolls
-ranging from 1 cent a -mile for
passenger cars to .4 cents for big
trycks-would easily retire revenue
bonds. Michigan, he added, has
enough, potential home state traf-
fic so that tolls from its passenger
cars and trucks would pay off toll
road bonds even if no vehicles
from other states ever used the
* * *
HIGHWAY experts fiom four
midyvestern states and Florida
(which hopes to encourage an-
other turnpike between its bound-
aries and the Great Lakes area)
also collaborated to push the cam-
paign for keeping state control of
toll roads.
Coordination of the proposed
pay-aswyou-drive highways ex-
ternding from Augusta, Me. to Dav-
enport, Ia., and between Minne-
apolis to Nashville, Tenn., was urg-
ed by the conferees.
Only through close knit organ-
i1ation of state authorities, ac-
cording to the authorities, could
policies and regulations be kept
uniform in the states without fed-
eral regulations. On this assump-
tion, the Illinois conference rep-
resentative asserted, that a fed-
i j eral road commission would be the
only alternative.
"There is no question," he said,
"but what we're headed toward a
nation-wide system of toll roads
from New York to California."
When Zeus climbed high on gold-
en dawn
and smiled on fates of Priam's
He blessed pursuit
at noble Hector's hand.
The call went forth
for each to take his stand.
Then all the best of Troy were

by honor to this noble band.
Thus werecalled:
Hal Abrams, '54, Jack Boyce,
'54, Norm Canty, '54BAd, Ken Cut-
ler, '54BAd, Harry Jones, '54BAd,
Ken .Rice, '54A&D, Sam Siporin,
'54, Tom Tinker, '54, By WestA&D
and William S. Zerman, Assistant
to the Dean of Students.
U' Professors
To Debate Probes
Problems raised by current con-
gressional investigations will be
considered at a meeting of the
American Association of Univer-
sity Professors at 8 p.m. today in
the East Conference Rm., Rack-
ham Bldg.
The discussion will be led by.
Profs. Gardner Ackley of the eco-
nomics department, Robert C. An-
:ell of the sociology department,
Paul G. Kauper of the law school.

SL OK's New
Dead Period
Free Spring Pre-Exam. Period
Endorsed; Denison Reinstated
In one of the shortest meetings on record, Student Legislature
last night unanimously went on record in favor of a "two day dead
period between the end of classes and the beginning of final examina-
tions in the spring, and that all schools in the University be affected
by such a program."
Proposer of the motion Ruth Rossner, '55, explained the calendar
as set up for the next semester carries no dead weekend previous
to exams.
* * * *r
SL VICE-PRESIDENT Fred Hicks, '54, requested the Legislature
to reinstate George Denison, '57, who was dismissed last week for
<four unexcused absenses. The mo-
, tion passed 15 to five two abstain-

Report Asks




Teacher Pay Or
JMn Crm a

T-H Issues


W illiams

To Keynote
In his message to the Legisla-
ture today and in subsequent re-
ports at weekly intervals Gover-
nor G. Mennen Williams will put
emphasis on steps to keep Michi-
gan geared to a level of high pros-
The governor's address will make
three major requests. He will ask
first for the establishment of a
state labor department, designed
to function in intrastate labor dis-
putes, in a capacity similar to that
of the Federal Labor Relations De-
* * *
GOY. WILLIAMS is also expect-
ed to ask that when either party
appeals, the Labor Mediation De-
partment should be permitted to
intervene in disputes involving
public empiloyees who are forbid-
den to strike by the Hutchinson
Dealing with unemployment
compensation rates, the gover-
nor will request that they be lib-
eralized so that weekly bene-
fits will equal half the current
average wage, or about $88 a
week for automobile workers.
Unemployment, Gov. Williams
notes, had risen to 138,000 at the
time of his first message in De-
cember. He will also request that
workmen's compensation rates be
raised to two-thirds of the aver-
age pay.
Another economic prop slated
for recommendation tomorrow is
the creation of a comprehensive
farm marketing service, in con-
Junction with the agriculture de-
partment and Michigan State Col-
According to The Detroit Free
Press Gov. Williams also- will sug-
gest a possible new highway con-
struction program.

The Cabinet Monday review-
ed his case and decided Denison
had only missed two committee
meetings without excuses. Ac-
cording to SL by-laws three un-
excused absenses automatically
drop a member from the roster.
Miss Rossner cited results from#
100 post cards sent out by the
Senior Board asking students' par-
ents their opinions on a "mean-
ingful" commencement. According
to Miss Rossner, the reports indi-,
cated parents "overwhelmingly"
didn't care whether their children
officially graduated or not.
The Legislature also rectified
their unintentional endorsal of a
return to a one-day Thanksgiving
vacation when they passed an
amendment to last week's motion
calling for "an inclusion of a four-
day Thanksgiving holiday."
SATURDAY, the full committee'
studying calendaring and final ex-
aminations decided to send the
Crary plan for beginning the
school year earlier to the under-
graduated colleges for suggestions
before presenting it to the Deans'
Later in In the rather un-

'111t ILomm111ttee
To Study Costs
The Board of Education of the
Ann Arbor school district last
night unanimously approved' a
motion to set up a joint commit-
tee which will study the costs and
problems involved in increasing
teachers salaries.
Consisting of members of the
Ann Arbor Teachers Club, ad-
ministrators, and the Board of
Education, the committee will
study proposals outlined in a re-
port given the Board of Education
by Robert Engels, chairman of the
Committee of Professional Work-
ers of the AATC.
,* * *
ENGEL'S REPORT recommend-
ed that teachers at all levels be
given a $400 raise, and requested
that the Board institute a policy
of separation pay for teachers
who retire at 60, with more than
20 years of service in Ann Arbor.
Reading his report to the
Board, Engels said "The AATC
feels that our teachers' work is
hampered by a minimum salary
schedule." He pointed out that
a study of 264 teachers showed
that more than 55% of them
had been in the Ann Arbor
school system less than three
years. This large turnover was
attributed to a lack of economic
{ "There is a need to raise the
economic status of teachers to a'
position which gives recognition
to the fact that teachers have four
or five years of professional train-
ing and should be given the same
security that is given other pro-
fessions requiring similar train-
ing," Engels said.

North Korea
Being Stolen

SaysIDu lies
By The Associated Press
Secretary of State Dulles told
the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee yesterday that Com-
munist China is gobbling up North
Korea, "virtually incorporating" it
as a Chinese province.
This will make it enormously
difficult to reunite Korea peace-
fully, Dulles said. But he express-
ed confidence that unification
would be achieved eventually, just
as he said he believes Germany
will be whole again someday.
TIlE SECRETARY appeared be-
fore the committee toaask for Sen-
ate ratification of a mutual secur-
ity pact with South Korea. He de-
clared the treaty would discour-
age Red aggression and help
guard peace in the Pacific.
There were indications that
ratification would be approved
by the committee in short or-
der, particularly since Dulles
said it would be "entirely ap-
propriate" for the Senate to em-
phasize in a statement or inter-
pretive clause that the United
States is not bound to back any
aggressive moves made by South
Korea. Several senators want
this made crystal clear.
Meanwhile, U.S. and Communist
aides meet today in Panmonjom
to discuss the stalled preliminary
Korean peace talks but the Reds
have not retracted the hot charges
that broke up negotiations.
The State Department in Wash-
ington said it had sent new in-
structions but declined to say
whether they insisted on a retrac-
tion of Red China's charge of
"perfidy" against the United
The Communists showed no sign
of retreating.

Daly-Betsy Smith
ArtTIheater Club Views
Freudian Slant to Ibsen

eventful session, Legislature- * * *
members took a "New Year's" THE PROPOSED change would
look -at the semester's record. raise beginning teachers with a
Fred Furth, '56, noted SL mem- BA degree from $3,000 to $3,400,
bers should assume leadership on and teachers with an MA degree
campus ssueS, but added, "I'm not from $3,200 to $3,600. The maxi-°
the one to do it, but someone ought mum salaries would increase from
to." $5,200 to $5,600 for a. BA, and from
Countering Furth's statement, $5,600 to $6,000 for an MA.
Leah Marks, '55L, declared, Engels remarked that a salary
"That's just the trouble, someone schedule "must be high enough to
else has to do it." pay the bills if we are to attract
The Legislature postponed a mo- and hold top teachers.
tion by Hank Berliner, '56, for ap-
proval of 14 late permissions. for
the 1954-55 academic year. Ber-
liner claimed the move would serveI
as a convenience for organizations oi l N e
and the SL calendaring commit-
Janet Netzer, '54, pointed out
Women's Judiciary and the League By The Assn
were already studying campus co- MOSCOW-Pravda, the Coma
eds' opinion of the questions of late today the Soviet Union rejects the
permissions during the year. ally supervised, free all-German e

'U' Beauty QueenAcuses
Contest Officials of FiX
In'a letter received by The Daily yesterday, Rosaline Sappington,
'56, declared the Miami Beach, Fla.. beauty contest she had entered
to pick the "College Queen of the United States" was not "on the
up and up"
According to Miss Sappington, whose hotel room was across the
hall from the contest director's room, "the night before. the contest
I was awakened by a group of officials who were talking in the.
director's room."

"* * *
WASHINGTON-Senate debate
got under way slowly yesterday
on legislation to authorize the
United States to join with Canada
in constructing the proposed St.
Lawrence Seaway.
After hearing a two-hour speech
by Sen. Wiley (R-Wis.) in support
of the long proposed international
project, the Senate temporarily
side-tracked the debate to discuss

s Roundupj
wclated Press
munist party newspaper, said early
Western proposals for internation-
* * *
WASHINGTON-The Navy. fit-
ting its fleet to the military new
look and to economy. said yester-
day it will pull 50 fighting ships
out of service in the next 18
* * *
sued another of its curtailed draft
calls yesterday, asking selective
service to provide 18,000 men in

Ibsen and Freud received nearly
equal treatment in a discussion of
Ibsen's " Rormersholm." at the Arts
Theater last night.
The Freudian study of the play
was introduced by Jascha Kessler
of the English department and re-
sulted in a heated debate with the
other panel members Prof. A. K.
Stevens of the English department
and Andrew Ferber, a member of1
the Club.
* * *
KESSLER explained that in the{
Freudian analysis Rebecca has anI
Oedipus complex which "shields
her inadequacies as a person."
Prof. Stevens contrasted this by
saying that Rosmer and Rebecca
save themselves through expia-
After a complex discussion of
Freud's interpretation Ferber
questioned, "Who wrote this
play, Ibsen or Freud?" He con-
ceived of the play as written in
three layers. The first layer

simply transformed e t e r n a
"cheap things" into something.
This, he claimed, other writers
such as Dostoievski have done,
citing "Crime and Punishment" as
a "cheap, mystery story that be-
came something different." The
other two layers of the play con-
cerned 'the social tragedy and
tragedy of the "inner soul."
ANOTHER BONE of contention
among the panel was Prof. Ste-
vens' interpretation of the play as
lifting "itself into an eternal prob-
lemthat exists in every generation
. . . the problem of .how one can
have faith in a person."
However, all the panel members
agreed that the play was dealing
with eternal values and as such
could take place at any time. But
the problem of the exact nature
of the eternal problem was not re-
solved, all the members holding
different views.

Assures All
Vital To U.S.
Says He's Not A
'Smart Politician'
WASHINGTON - (P) - Presi-
dent Eisenhower said yesterday he
is going to fight for legislation
that is important for the Ameri-
can people.
The President told a news gon-
ference he isn't making recom-
mendations to Congress just to
pass the time away or to look good.
He said he believes all of them are
for the good of the country and
that he is going to work for their
* * *
BUT HE wouldn't say what
measures he considers most im-
portant or what percentage he ex-
pects Congress to push through at
its present session.
Eisenhower did say he believes
his disputed farm program is
right. It would substitute a flex-
ible for a rigid system of price
Asked to comment on some Re-
publican contentions that the pro-
gram "isn't feasible in this elec-
tion year," the President said only
time will tell whether it is politi-
cally feasible in a year of vital
congressional elections.
*, * *
HE DOES not regard himself.
Eisenhower said, as too smart a
The President spoke out In
terms which seemed to reflect
the doubts of some of his party's
members in Congress as to
whether his farm program can
be enacted this year.
But he said he is convinced his
"flexible" system of price sup-
ports is right and will lead to
farm prosperity.
The chief executive went on to
say he does not believe anybody
can study the farm program as
carefully as his administration has
studied it and still believe that
the present system of mandatory,
high-level supports is either work-
able or helpful to the' nation's
* * *
said if it is not politically feasible
to adopt the flexible syst'em, we
will find that out.
Also, during the conference
the President said.Congress must
.decide whether the government-
conducted strike votes he has
proposed should be conducted
before or after strikes begin.
He recommended the idea as a
principle and, as was the case
with nearly all his other proposals
for changing the Taft-Hartley
Law. left it to Congress to work
out details.
The President proposed Mon-
day that workers be given a chance
in secret, government-held elec-
tions to say whether they favor a
Eisenhower declined to state
whether he intended the polling
to be held-before or after a walk-
out starts. Chairman H. Alexan-
der Smith (R-N.J.) has introduc-
ed legislation, understood to have
been prepared at the White House,
providing for such elections after
strikes begin.
SL Films Relieve
Exam Trobles
Featured as the Student Legis-

'U' Deans Refute Charges
Of 'Inferior' Med Students

other business.
* * *
BERLIN-Four-power t
foreign ministers' conefrenc

* * * * complete disagreement early
ALTHOUGH she didn't intentionally eavesdrop on their conver- The issue was referredk
sation, she heard them say-that "the winner was to be the girl from I London, Paris, and Moscow.

Texas who goes to the iversity
of Miami, as she had a loIof con-
tacts between New York and
Miami, They also wanted someone
who would be around Miami after
the contest," the pre-law student

Method of Predicting

* * * "The quality of our medical students," according to Medical
alks on the selection of a site for the School Dean Albert C. Furstenberg. "has by no means deteriorated.
ce scheduled for Jan. 25 broke down in They are as good as they ever were."
y today. Dean Furstenberg's comment came in reply to a recent state-
back to the governments in Washington, men by Dr. James M. Faulkner of the Boston University School of
Medicine, who offered evidences that some medical schools are being
- forced to admit candidates with
inferior qualifications.
~ADES: - * *
MEDICAL schools, Dr. Faulkner
continued, now have less choice
une rrme 'S t ude n Sought!of applicants than they had in
previous years. He warned that
------- there might be a general shortage
-cof good medical school candidates
2) General physicalonp with fe low studentsin the future, because of the sub-
3 Abhow.g stantial increase in medical facili-
w how 4 Ability to get along .with faculty and administration. ties since the war.
e still,* * *

They said she had had con-
tact with every singer in the
country. I found out later that
one of the judges was a famous
singer whom she dated," Miss
Sappington continued. This girl
later won second place in the

Are you the perfect student?
If you are, the University Admissions Office wants to know
they could have predicted your superior abilities while you wer
in high school.
* * * *

} T


contest. ' TO FIND OUT who the best ten or 2Q all-around students now
on campus are, and to look for clues in their high school careers
In her letter, which was mailed which might have foretold their present superiority, Don Feather,
from Floi'ida Tuesday morning, Assistant Director of Admissions, is currently conducting a survey.
"told some of the queens what I Feather hopes to learn how to pick out potential "supermen"
had overheard. We all felt we had while they're still in high school.
been brought to Miami from all He feels this could ultimately improve the quality of the
over the country just to pick a nation's citizens. At first, an improvement of the University
Miami queen," she added. student body would be an adequate result, Feather feels.
* * Feather is looking for students who are tops intellectually, physi-
AFTER THE contest was over. cally and emotionally. In practice, this means he wants only students
the head judge camne to Miss Sap- with a high grade point average and top physical condition.

THE JUDGES are asked to check the names of all the students
on the list whom they know well enough to rate. Then they must
choose the five names they would rate highest, and the five they'd
'ate next highest.
They are next given an opportunity to add the names of as
many as ten other students they think would rate as high or
higher than those chosen from, the list.
The judges' returns are kept confidential and anonymous, and
Feather hopes to make his personality judgments of the "supermen"
on the strength of this "popularity test."
COMMENTING on the study, one psychology department faculty
member said, "I know what I'd say if somebody asked me to give
them money to do this." However, he added that although he didn't

Assistant Dean Wayne L.
Whitaker of the Medical School
said that, to his knowledge,

j there are no statistics on the lature Cinema Guild fims this
matter. Ile blames he decrease week will be "Johnny Belinda" and
in the number of candidates on "The' Hasty Heart."
the smaller number of students Jane Wyman and Lew Ayers will
attending college in recent years. play in "Johnny Belinda" at 7 and
9 p.m. today and tomorrow in Ar-
Students now applying for med- chitecture Auditorium.
ical schools, Dean Whitaker point- "The Hasty Heart" story of v
ed out, are of the era when college Scotch soldier wounded in the last
enrollment was low. He added that wai, will star Richard Todd and
the decrease in applicants may j Patricia Neal at 7 and 9 p.m. Sat-
result from attitudes formed dur- urday and 8 p.m. Sunday.
ing their high school years, when


- - -3 T., A...: - TM- 'R x _.. - - -'r , I- - - - I- - i

and Edwin E. Moise of the mathe- I n ' o o"srmte

a: I *.

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