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January 13, 1954 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1954-01-13

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Renowned Hypnotist
Scheduled To Appear

Committee Announces Cast for 1954 JGP


Polgar's "Miracles of the Mind"
Show, to be presented at 8:30 p.m.
Friday in Hill Auditorium, will be
introduced by the Paul McDonough
Merritt (Tim) Green, 1952 cap-
tain of the Michigan Football
Team, will act as master of cere-
monies for the show.
* * *
DR. FRANZ J. Polgar, an un-
mysterious, middle-aged man is
taking a lot of the mumbo-jumbo
out of hypnosis. One of the world's
foremost hypnotists and telepath-
ists, the Hungarian-born Polgar
claims no supernatural powers and
refuses to tarnish his demonstra-
tions with side-show histrionics.
Every year he appears before
over 300 audiences in the United
States, leaving them happily be-
fuddled by his implausible feats.
His act is a natural for television
(he has made many guest TV per-
formances), and he expects to
have his own show soon. -
"I must be careful, though,"
Polgar says gravely, "not to put the
ten million people who watch me
to sleep."
' * *
POLGAR HAS given over 1,100
programs in the past three years
before outstanding forums, Town
Halls, Unviersities, conventions
and other groups. He performed
here last February in Hill Audi-
Tickets for this year's pro-
gram are priced at $1.25 for re-
served seats and $1 for general
admission, Roger Kidston, presi-
dent of Inter-House Council has
Tickets may be purchased today
through Friday from 10 a.m. to
noon and 1 to 5 p.m. in the Ad-
ministration Building and from 1
Y to 5 p.m. at Hill Auditorium. They
will also be on sale Friday night
at the door.
* * *
DR. POLGAR was so sure of
himself and his master memory
of telepathy when he first took
to the lecture platform in this
country, that while his manager
Registration Held
For Tournament
Next Semester
Registration for the women's all-
campus badminton tournament,
scheduled to take place Feb. 13, is
L now beini accented.

looked on in horror, he challenged
an audience at the Detroit Town
Hall Forum.
"Hide my check for giving this
performance," he said. "I'll go
outside, and you can send as
many people as you wish to
watch me. If I can't find the
check when I come back, you
can keep it and tonight is all
for fun."
The audience hid- the check
under the hat of a woman seated
in the center of the hall. Polgar
simply asked for a volunteer
known to the audience to give him
mental directions.
Then he hurried down the aisle,
shoved his way past protruding
knees in the particular row, arrived
at the woman and her hat-never
having seen her before-and pro-
duced the check. It took him four'
minutes to' complete the job of
locating one woman in 2,000 to
find his pay for the evening.
Polgar has been challenged to
hide his check for the coming per-
formance at Hill Auditorium.
The Polgar Show co-chairmen
are Dave Gross and Jon Collins,
who have been assisted by their
secretary, Marcia Saltz.
Sub-chairman for the produc-
tion are: tickets, Ron Charfoss;
auditorium, Jim Marvri; publicity,
Barbara Greenfield ! and posters,'
Sherwin Sokolov.
Pledges Hear
Exam Hints

Central Committee of the Jun-
ior Girls' play has announced the
final cast for their annual produc-
tion to take place next semester.
All cast members and members
of the Central Committee are re-,
quested to meet at the League
Ballroom at 7:30 p.m. today.
S* *
SPEAKING and singing parts
will be played by Barbara Aval-
lone, Janice Rose, Rae Byron,
Clara Oppenheimer, Dorothy Ad-
elsburg, Margie Cook, Daone Go-
lumbia, Mary Sue Fleming, Del-'
pha-Jean LeDuc, Florence Green-
burg, Jo Craft, Robin Renfrew,
Kay Frauenthal, Allene Widdis,
Collene Campbell, Beth Greenberg
and Marilyn Lapiner.

Thompson, Patty McGuigan, Hel-
en Schimpke, Andy Weinstein,
Marge Kenvin, Muriel Claflin,
Jane Murbach, Debby Shavelson,
Pat Newell, Marcia Booth, Ida Ny-
berg, Sue Watt, Betty Jones, Mary
Jo Skidmore, Margie Spindler,
Betty Jean Robinson and Anri
Sally Stahl, Mary McParland,
Carol Hershey, Laurie Thorn,
Ann Greenfield, Sue Beebe and
Lucy Landers have also been
Coeds who will take part in the
dancing chorus are Anne Camp-

bell, Ginny Abbey, Nan Gregory,
Sue Jones, Martha Kisel, Sue
Maihofer, Anne Milligan, Mary
Poore. Nan Schiller. Betsy Sher-
rer, Deeon Utley, Judy Westphal,
Fran Whinnery, Lois Buchbinder.
Judy Cushing, Liz Elliot, Sally
Fernamberg and Emily Hardy.
* * *a
OTHER DANCERS include Jill
Kent, Elaine Kihen, Jan Kindley,
Marilyn Martin, Peggy Perkin, Dot
Phillips, Judy Ross, Clare Shin-
nick, Nan Stevens, Jan Wold, Gail
Wren, Bobby Hagen, Mary Barton,
Connie Gordoner and Polly Miley.

This year's play, "Tickled
Pink," was written by Jill Cole-
man, Mimi Buck and Joanne
Waxman. Music for the produc-
tion was done by Lois Klein.
It will be presented first to sen-
ior women on Senior Night. At this
time any of the selections which
the women particularly enjoy are
repeated after loud cries of "En-
Next the production will be giv-
en for the entire campus a few
days later. From there the cast will
head for Detroit for a one night
stand, 'for the second year.

-Daily-Dean Morton
HATCHER OPEN HOUSE - Although seniors are being especially
honored at the last of the semester's Hatcher open houses from
4 to 6 p.m. today, all other students are also invited. Guests will
have an opportunity to meet and talk with President and Mrs.
Hatcher Open House Today
Will Honor Senior Class
February and June graduates
will be guests of honor at the last Nelly Newell of Greene House and
Hatcher open house of the semes- Mrs. Mildren Peck of Hinsdale
ter from 4 to 6 p.m. today. House.
All other students are also in- The entire Hatcher residence
vited to attend. will be open and students are in-
Those houses which have been vited to tour the house.
invited as special guests are Gam- The League Social Committee in
ma Phi Beta, Elliott League House, charge of the open house is com-
Fletcher Hall, Sigma Nu, Delta posed of Sue Spurrier, Dawn
Upsilon, Tyler House, Alpha Tau Maine, Donna Hoffman, Karen
Omega, Greene House, Muriel Les- Oldberg, Carolyn Snyder and Jo
ter Coop, Hollis League House and Kraft. Those representing the
Hinsdale House. Union Social Committee are Stan
The Novelaires, a men's quartet Leiken, Gus Gianakaris, and Herb
which has appeared at various Karzen.
campus functions, will. provide
entertainment for guests at the
open house.
Students attending the affair
will have an opportunity to en-
joy tea or coffee and cookies while
chatting with President and Mrs.
As has been the custom in the
past, faculty wives and house
mothers have been asked to pour.
Those faculty wives presiding at
the tea table today will be Mrs.
Leo Goldberg, Mrs. Albert Hyma,
Mrs. John Clancy, Mrs. Louis
Briggs and Mrs. Gordon Peterson.
Housemothers who have been
asked to pour are Mrs. Martha
Sanford of Gamma Phi Beta, Mrs.
Pauline Elliott of Elliott League
House, Mrs. Carolyn Tupper of
Fletcher Hall, Mrs. Lillian Wonder
of Tyler House, Mrs. Edna Stra-
chan of Alpha Tau Omega, Mrs. I







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