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September 23, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-09-23

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J$t eetn4 ti' tle ]
Associate Editorial Director
T HE DEBATE in the United Nations cen-
tering around the composition of the
Korean peace parley is a rather clear re-
flection of the entire world picture.
It is adepressing picture of a bi-polar
world with the two super-powers, Russia
and America allowing no alternative for
the potential buffer states except that of
a total commitment to one side or the
The case in point at this time is India and
other neutral Asiatic nations. By playing
yes-man to Rhee in blocking India's par-
ticipation on the Korea conference, the Unit-
ed States has succeeded in antagonizing
both European and Asian countries and in
rendering the parley a more rigid verbal
war than it might otherwise prove to be.
However, the administration's point that
the Korean question should be disposed of
before a discussion of broader Asian ques-
tions seems to be a valid one. But with the
future of Korea so interlocked with the fu-
ture of Asia this point does not seem to be
reason enough to exclude Asiatic nations
from the Korean conference.
The concept of a roundtable discussion
S with varied interests represented has oft-
en proved in the past more productive
than a strict two-sided conference.
This is not to say of course that all Asi-
atic nations ipso facto are neutral and
should be included in the parley. It is to say
that all Asiatic nations have a most vital
stake in the outcome of the talks and their
exclusion will mean to these nations that
once again their interests are being ignored
by the great powers.
In addition such countries as India have
often exerted a tempering influence on both
the Communists and the United States.
There is little doubt in this writer's mind
that the Korean parley will reach an im-
possible impasse unless there is represented
at the conference an attitude, a philosophy,
a pattern of thinking which is neither that
of the U.S. or Russia but which will serve
to cut the sharp corners of both and bring
the two countries nearer to a compromise
To Whom?0
AFTER SEVERAL years of leveling un-
proved charges agaiist government em-
ployees for releasing secret material to com-
munists, Senator Joseph McCarthy has
fallen victim to his own accusations. Without
thinking of the electorate which he claims
-in public-to be protecting from foreign
spying, he released part of a classified Army
document to the'press.
Already several weeks have passed and
no other 'McCarthy' has risen to condemn
and blast him for his action. Not one
powerful group has yet appeared to chal-
lenge the Wisconsin Senator's belief that
his own job-security is "above and beyond"
the security of the nation. Although some
sources have made effective attempts to
keep McCarthy's name off the front pages,
on the theory that even unfavorable news
gains votes for him, the executive and
legislative. branches of the government
might have been expected to take serious
action on the matter. But the fear-ridden
executive offices have apparently been
struck dumb by the Senator's release of
classified information.
As has often been the case with the Re-
publican Senator, he made public only part
of the document-a part lacking the com-
prehensive conclusion contained at the end
of the material. This conclusion evaluated

and graded all the information in the docu-
ment as to its veracity and reliability. Nat-
urally, such an ommission would mislead and
confuse all who might read the published
portion, but this seems to have been the
deliberate aim of the GOP Senator.
Although "Restricted, Security Informa-
tion" is the lowest classification stamped on
official government documents, it is the
precedent set by such a release which has
caused most harm 'to the entire security
classification system now in force in all
executive branches of the government which
handle material considered vital to our na-
tional security. ,
If such information can be released to the
press by a Senator, the minor officials in
government, who formerly handled such
material with great precautions, will natur-
ally feel little cause in the future to con-
tinue with their elaborate care. For they now
realize that a Senator may, at any time, re-
lease security information to newspapers
freely and get no official punishment for
such action.
In over-anxious attempts to get into
headlines of every newspaper in the coun-
try with his own particular "hide-and-
seek" game, the Republican Senator has
stooped to endangering the lives of every
individual in the United States. He clearly.
revealed himself as one who aids the very
people he publicly claims to be attacking,
for there is little that communists would
rather have than free access to classified
government documents.
The Senator from Wisconsin has begun to
make such free access possible by the prece-

Seniors, Be Seated

"Ah Here She Comes, Now"

"WHERE, OH where, are the staid old
seniors?" is the pertinent question in a
popular campus song. This year, there's a
new retort: "They're all stuck on the ten-
yard line." Many a hapless senior has been
humming this tune since he picked up his
football tickets Monday afternoon.
The average senior, who has been work-
ing his way toward the 50-yard line for six
long semesters, is sitting right back where
he was last year. He has one consolation,
however: he will be among friends.
With the exception of 812 luckier ones,
most of the people who have been students
here longest are sitting either low in sec-
tions 24 and 25 or high in section 26.
Now the Wolverine Club flashcard, or
Block-M, section is a grand idea for bol-

stering school spirit, but its best efforts will
not be enough to raise the morale of a senior
on the ten-yard line. In fact, the venerable
senior will not be able even to see the Block-
M perform.
If the Wolverine Club really wants a
1,200 seat flashcard section, the logical
place for it is in the end zone or on the
corner, where it will still be visible to the
interested-and also out of the way. The
really enthusiastic students would still co-
operate. Then those 1,200 choicer seats
could be apportioned among seniors and
graduate students. After six or more semes-
ters here, they deserve something.
It's pretty sad when school spirit gets
in the way of school spirit.
-Diane Decker

tt r' r I



4=i- IRML-ocIC

MANILA, P.I. - Rudyard Kipling dis-
missed the little Englanders of his day
with the line, "They nothing know of Eng-
land who only England know." In a quite
different way, America's involvement in the
world is relentlessly producing a comparable
situation. For who at home understands,
for example, that America is now running a
candidate in a critical election in a major
Far Eastern nation?
Certainly this correspondent had no
such idea until he reached this amiable,
steaming hot, agreeably gimcrack, irre-
pressibly vital Philippine capital. But here
in Manila it is clear at once that Ramon
Magsaysay is the American choice against
the incumbent President Elpidio Quirino.
The evidence speaks with a loud voice.
In considering this remarkable fact, one
can at least begin by saying that for once
in a way we need not be ashamed of our
own side. Since the end of the war, the omni-
present blackmail of the Communist threat
has extorted American sympathy, or money,
or military aid or in some cases all three,
for some highly unappetizing politicians and
political regimes. But in this case there is
no need to be shamefaced.
The aged, ailing, crafty and insatiable
Quirino came into office in an election cele-
brated for its frauds. With all his singular
shrewdness and charm, he still represents
almost every backward tendency in Philip-
pine and Asiatic politics. He is surrounded
by a clique whose rapacity has angered even
tolerant Manila. If he is elected at all, he
will win by the most ruthless use of his con-
trol of the army and government machin-
ery; for these are Quirino's only visible sup-
ports in an aroused nation.
Magsaysay, in contrast, crudely stands
for the future that Asia may reasonably
hope for, yet may so easily be cheated of
.by the powerful collaboration of corrupt
ruling elements and the always active
The new man is not all that the old man
is. The finesse, the disillusioned knowledge
of the world, the surface polish that are so
immediately striking in Quirino are not
present in Magsaysay. You think when
you meet him, "He has worked with his
hands and he fought in the woods against
the Japs," and you would still suspet these
things if you did not already know them to
be true. And you also think, "Surely this
man is a bit uncomplicated, even maybe a
bit naive for one who must thread the laby-
rinths of Asiatic politics;" and this is prob-
ably true too, and may one day prove a
Yet this dark, vigorous, burning man is
explosively courageous, angrily honest, and
above all possessed of a vision of the future
that has made him a hero of his people. To-
day the Philippines are a poor land in which
a very few ,enjoy great wealth. Yet this is
also a land of immense, untapped riches,
with a frontier in Mindanao, in Mindoro,
in Palawan, thaholds almost the promise of
the American frontier. The vision that Mag-
saysay offers is a vision of national self-de-
velopment, of hard working progress and a
better life for the people.
But this does not answer the question,
how the United States came to have this
candidate in the election of another na-
tion all the way across the broad Pacific.
The answer is at once simple and complex.
Magsaysay comes of relatively humble
people. He ran a bus line before the war. In
wartime, he was the guerrilla leader of his
province. When peace came, General Mac-
Arthur named him Provincial Governor. He
ran for Congress and was elected. In the
period when the Communist hukbalahaps
were still operating in the suburbs of Manila,
his bravery, energy and determined anti-
Communism attracted attention. In that dis-
ordered time the Philippine government was
living by American Aid, and American in-
fluence was an important factor in making
Magsaysay Minister of Defense.
In all this effort, and even in developing
his ideas, Magsaysay worked intimately with
the American Embassy and military advisory

group. The relationship was so happy that
Quirino has even charged that Magsaysay's
former America~n liaison officr. Col. Ed-

had to be withdrawn, Quirino's supporters
like speaker Perez, have continued to re-
peat the charges. And the real attitude of
the American government is discernible
behind the correct facade, in such very
simple facts as the failure of any Eisen-
hower administration leader to see Pres-
ident Quirino, the head of a friendly and
allied state, during his recent three months
in America for medical treatment.
As a practical matter, therefore, Magsay-
say is the American candidate in the Philip-
pine election which will be decided next No-
vember. He is universally regarded as such.
He hardly denies it. The fact is vital, for it
can produce the most far reaching effects
upon the future in Asia. But tlese must be
examined in another report.
(Copyright, 1953, New York Herald Tribune, inC.)
* * * *
WASHINGTON - There is a simple, deep-
ly significant reason why President Ei-
senhower has courageously decided that it
is time to trust the people with the hard
facts of the national situation. The back-
ground story of "Operation Candor-the ad-
,mirable plan for a series of candid reports
to the nation by the President and Admin-
istration leaders-goes back to mid-sum-
At this time a speech on the threat to
this country of the growing Soviet air-
atomic power had been prepared, on an
experimental basis, for the President. Ei-
senhower had been strongly urged to make
a frank statement on this subject by some
of his advisers-and he had been as strong-
ly urged not to by others. Without making
up his mind one way or the other, the
President asked that such a speech be
drafed for him, so that he could see how
it would look on paper.
He took the draft with him on his vaca-
tion, and began working it over in long-
hand, as is his custom, covering about a third
of it with revisions and interlineations. But
he still had not decided to go ahead with
the speech. Then, on Aug. 12, came the news
of the explosion of the Soviet hydrogen
This event deeply moved and impressed
the President. As detailed analyses of the
air samples of the Soviet hydrogen test
became available, moreover, he became more
impressed by the terrible significance of the
event. Here a certain caution is necessary,
since certain secret technical matters are in-
Yet it can be said that these analyses
had a simple, nontechnical meaning which
was all too clear to the President. For they
dispelled, once and for all, any lingering,
notion that the Soviet physicists and wea-
pons specialists were inferior imitators.
They also exploded the hopeful theory
that the Russians would never have made
progress in the nuclear art had it not been
for Fuchs, Pontecorvo, and the little band
of traitors. The Soviet hydrogen test
proved, in short, that the Soviet specialists
are brilliant experimenters in their own
The more he thought about these facts,
the more Eisenhower became convinced
that the people had a right to understand
the danger which confronted the nation, and
that he had a duty to help them understand.
He sent the speech he had been writing
back to the White House, with instructions
to "carry on from there." Subsequently, he
approved plans for extending "Operation
Candor" into a whole series of reports on
one aspect or another of the national peril,
by other Administration leaders as well as
The series on "The Safety of the Republic"
which has grown out of this Presidential de-
cision is still strongly opposed by powerful
quarters within the Administration. The op-
position comes largely from the economizers,
who fear that there will be a bad political
reaction if the Administration cuts defense
expenditures while the people are being told
the truth. "Operation Candor" may therefore
be fudged in the end, or even abandoned.

But the facts which so deeply impressed the
President remain.

WASHINGTON -- Ike and his scouts have contacted about everyone
on the labor front looking for a good man to take Martin Durkin's
place as secretary of labor.
Chief Scout is Vice-President Nixon, who used the opportunity
to make a little political hay with certain labor people. Obviously you
don't make enemies. when you call up a labor leader or a Congressman
who's not been too enthusiastic about Nixon in the past and ask him
how he would like to be secretary of labor.
, Among those contacted have been Ray Le Haney, able head
of the Teamsters Union in Los Angeles, and Congressman Sam
McConnell of Philadelphia. Le Haney is secretary-treasurer of the
AFL union label and service trades and a comer in labor ranks. But
he's too forthright a labor man to be accepted into the Eisenhower
cabinet, and Nixon must have known it.
Congressman McConnell is a middle-of-the-road, fair-minded
banker who would make an excellent secretary of labor, but whose
exit from the House Labor Committee of which he is chairman be a
bad blow to labor.
If McConnell should leave Congress and the labor committee, he
would be replaced by one of the most reactionary labor-haters in
Congress, Ralph Gwinn of New York. Also on the House committee are
such anti-labor men as Wint Smith of Kansas and Clare Hoffman of
Michigan, so Speaker Joe Martin has given the quiet word that it
would be bad for McConnell to vacate the chairmanship.
It won't do labor much good, Martin figures, to draft a new Taft-
Hartley Act, then have the new chairman of the labor committee
pigeonhole it.
Another man being pushed for the labor post is ex-Congress-
man Gerald Landis of Indiana, an ex-coal miner. Though a Re-
publican, Landis voted for labor on almost every measure before
Congress; was the author of the federal mine inspection billand
the industry-wide bargaining bill. He has the support of Senators
Capehart and Jenner of Indiana, but some Ike advisers think he
might be just as difficult to handle as Martin Durkin was.
Note-Ike's tactics in selecting cabinet officers are just the oppo-
site from Harry Truman's. Mr. Truman usually announced a succes-
sor on the same day a cabinet member resigned, and as a result
picked some beauts. Julius Krug, the man who replaced Harold Ickes,a
was a precipitous choice and was later eased out. Eisenhower, on the
other hand, has all sorts of names thrown at him before he makes a
(Copyright, 1953, by the Bell Syndicate)
tiette,' TO THE EDITOR
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

(Continued on Page 2)
piications will be issued by the Insti-
tute is October 15.
Applications for Buenos Aires con-
vention Awards for graduate study or
research in Latin America during the
1954-55 academic year are now avail-
able. Countries In which study grants
are offered are Bolivia, Brazil, Chile,
Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican
Republic, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras,
Mexico, Nicaragua. Panama, Paraguay,
Peru, and Venezuela. Grantees are
chosen by the host government of
each country from a panel presented
by the United States Government. The
United States Government pays travel
costs and the host governments pay a
maintenance allowance and tuition fees.
Grants generally are for one academic
year, but some may extend for twelve
Interested students who hold an A.B.
degree or who will receive such a de-
gree by June, 1954, and who are pres-
ently enrolled in the University of
Michigan, should request application
forms for a Buenos Aires Convention
award at the office of the Graduate
School. The closing date for receipt of
application is October 31.
Persons not enrolled in a college or
university in the spring or fall of 1953
should direct inquiries and requests
for applications to the Institute of In-
ternational Education, U. S. Student
Program, 1 East 67th Street, New York
21, New York. The last date on which
applications will be issued by the In-
stitute is October 15.
Co-operative Boarding Applications
are now being accepted. Three meals a
day are provided at apprixomately $8
per week. Apply in person, or write
Luther Buchele, 1017 Oakland, or phone
6872. Office hours, 1 to 5 p.m.
Cooperative Housing Applications, are
now being accepted for the spring and
summer terms. Applicants are urged to
visit our houses in order to determine
their preferences. For invitations to a
free introduction dinner apply to Lu-
ther Buchele, 1017 Oakland, phone 6872,
1 to 5 p.m.
Nakamura Cooperative House Patron-
age Refund. Ex-members of Nakamura
House who roomed or boarded there
during the Spring term of 1953 are in-
vited to collect their share of the sur-
plus realized, by applying in person or
by writing to The Accountant, Naka-
mura Co-operative House, 807 South
State Street. Tel. 2-3219.f
1953-54 Lecture Course presents a
program of seven outstanding attrac-
tions, including eminent statesmen,
distinguished actors, and current writ-
ers. The Course includes Hon. Chester
Bowles, Oct. 15, "Our Best Hope for
Peace in Asia;" Tyrone Power, Anne
Baxter, Raymond Massey, and support-
ing cast in "John Brown's Body," Oct.
30; Hon. Trygve Lie, Nov. 11, "How to
Meet the Challenge of Our Times;,
Hanson Baldwin, military editor N. Y.
Times, Feb. 8, "Where Do We Go from
Here?"; Mrs. Alan Kirk, Feb. 18, "Life
In Moscow Today;" Hon. Herbert Brown-
el, Jr., Mar. 2, "Our Internal Security;"
Agnes Moorehead with Robert Gist in
"Sorry, Wrong Number" and other dra-
matic selections, Mar. 24 Season tickets
are now on sale at Hill Auditorium box
office, which is open from 10 a.m. to
5 p.m. daily except Sat. p.m. and Sun-
day. Students are offered a special rate
of $3.00 for second balcony tickets.
Academic Notices
Sports and Dance Instruction for
Women. Women students who have
completed their physical education re-
quirement may register as electives in
physical education classes through Fri.,
Sept. 25, in Barbour Gymnasium. There
are Openings in Golf, Tennis, Swim-
ming, and Modern Dance.
Course 401, the Interdisciplinary Sem-
inar on the Application of Mathematics
to the Social Sciences, will meet on
Thurs., Sept. 24, at 4 p.m., in 3409
Mason Hall. Professor Robert M. Thrall,
Messrs. Robert Davis, BertramH aven,
and William Hays will speak on "The
1953 Summer Institute in Mathe-
Anthropology 157, Evolution of Cul-
ture, will meet in room 25 Angell Hall.
Psychology 31. Time schedule changes:
Lecture L-WF, 1 p.m., 2 Economics
Recitation L33-TuTh, 1 p.m., 2412
Mason Hall.
Recitation M35-TuWThFr, 8 a.m., 5
Economics Building. All students who
registered for Psychology 31, Section
L34, should go instead to Section J29.
The lecture is TuTh at 2 p.m. in 2402

Mason Hall and the recitation at 1 p.m.
WF in 435 Mason Hall
Sociology 51, Section 20 will meet
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 1
p.m. in 102 Economics Building instead
of 324 Temporary Classroom Building.
Sociology 60, Section 7 will meet in
417 Mason Hall on Tuesday and Thurs-
day at 3 p.m. instead of Saturday from
9 to 11.
Doctoral Examination for Willard
Clayton Jordan, Physics; thesis: "A
Study of the Gamma Transitions As-
sociated with Various Short-Lived Neu-
tron-Induced Radioactivities," Thurs.,
Sept. 24, East Council Room, Rackham
Building, at 2 p.m. Chairman, J. M.
Sociology-Psychology 62. New room as-
signments for Sociology-Psychology 62
are as follows :
Lecture-25 Angell Hall
Recitation Section 1-2435 Mason Hall
Section 2-2443 Mason Hall
Section 3-2444 Mason Hall
Section 4-2448 Mason Hall
Section 5(now meeting T-Th 2) 2450
Mason Hall
Section 6-25 Angeli Hall
The University Musical Society an-
nounces the following concert attrac-
tions for Its Diamond Jubilee Season:
CHORAL UNION SERIES (10 concerts) :

Season Tickets: $16.00-$12.00-$10.00
Single Concerts $3.00-$2.50-$2-$1,50
Erica Morini, Violnst.. October 12
Leon Pommers, Accompanist.
Cleveland Orchestra.......November 8
George Szell, Conductor.
Guard Republican Band of Paris.:...
...........November 30
Francois-Julien Brun, Conductor.
Marian Anderson, Contralto January 10
Boston Pops Tour Orchestra..March 4
Arthur Fiedler, Conductor.
Season Tickets: $8.00-$6,00-$5.00
Single Concerts: $3.00-$2.50-$2-$1.50
By purchasing season tickets a sub-
stantial savings is made.
Tickets now on sale at the offices of
the University Musical Society in Bur-
ton Memorial Tower.
Events Today
Michigan Student Branch of A.S.M.E.
Meeting tonight at 7:15 in Room 3-S
of the Union. The speaker will be Ralph
E. Cross, Vice-President of the Cross
Machine Tool Company in Detroit. Sub-
ject: "High Production Machinery and
Executive Committee, Lane Hall Pal
Religious Symposium meets at Lane
Hall, 7 p.m.
Roger Williams Guild. Yoke Fellow-
ship meets Thursday morning at 7 a.m.
in the Prayer Room of the new addi-
tion to the church. An inspirational
period of group devotion followed by
a breakfast. Through in time to get
to your 8 o'clock classes.
Roger Williams Guild, First Baptist
Church. Wednesday afternoon tea in
the Guild House. Drop in anytime be-
tween 4:30 and 6:00 for a friendly chat
and a snack to eat.
Hawaii Club students wishing to sit
together at football games should meet
outside Waterman Gym Wed., Sept. 23,
at noon,
Pershing Rifles. There will be a short
organizational meeting tonight for all
active members at 1930 hours in the
Pershing Rifles reading room at TCB.
Uniforms wi not be worn. Please be
Lutheran Student Association Tea and
Coffee Hour at the Center, Hill and
Forest Avenue, from 4:00 to 5:30 pn.
All new students are welcome.
Coming Events
Women's Glee Club Tryouts will be
held at 4 p.m. Thurs., Sept. 24, Tues.,
Sept. 29, and Thurs., Oct. 1, in Audi-
torium D of Angell Hall. Qualifications
Include some experience and an In-
terest in good choral singing.
Kappa Phi will have a meeting Thurs.,
Sept. 24, at 7:15 at the Methodist
Church. All active members are re-
quested to attend.
U. of M Rifle Club will hold its first
meeting of the year at 7:30 p.m., Thurs.,
Sept. 24, in Room 3-B, Michigan Union.
Anyone interested in target shooting
is invited. Previous experience is not
necessary for membership. Past accom-
plishments and the year's plans will be
A.S.P.A. Coffee Hour. The first of the
coffee hours will be held Fri., Sept. 25,
at 4 p.m., in the Graduate Outing Club
Room in the Basement of the Rack-
ham Building.
International Center Weekly Tea will
be held Thursday afternoon from 4:30
to 6 at the International Center. '
All Graduate Students in Sociology
are cordially invited to attend an "or-
ientation" meeting with the Sociology
faculty at 8 p.m., Thurs., Sept. 24, In
the West ConferenceRoom of the
Rackham Building,
All Assembly Dormitory Council Reps.
are required to attend an informal
coffee hour today at 4 p.m. at the
Christian Science Organization. Tes-
timony meeting, 7:30 Thursday even-
ing, Firside Room, Lane Hall. All are
t~l1r Btg




No Room for Students..
To the Editor:
ONCE AGAIN student football
tickets are being distributed
by a mysterious and most inscrut-
able system.
Monday, .student tickets were
distributed to group 4, seniors and
graduate students with at least 7
semesters at the University of
Michigan. If the seats issued to
this group are at all indicative,
freshmen may be hard-pressed to
catch a glimpse of the gridiron on
a hazy day.
Group 4 tickets supposedly begin
at the 50-yard line and work to-
wards the end zone. Allowing for
the Band and Block "M", a size-
able number of choice seats are
still available, but unfortunately
to whom they are available re-
mains a mystery.
It is our contention that group
4 is not getting these choice seats
or that they were distributed con-
trary to the announced plan of
the Athletic Administration.
From 12:30 until 4:45 p.m.
Monday, we and our associates
were in a position to observe the
distribution of these choice seats,
most of them high in sections 23

cordance with the Athletic Admin-
istration's announced plan. If the
distribution in the morning
matched that of the afternoon, in
accordance with the plan, then
a sizeable amount of choice tick-
ets have not been accounted for,
at least in the eyes of the unin-
fluential seniors and grads.
We would, therefore appreciate
some enlightenment. It is almost
unreasonable to us that in a sta-
dium seating 97,000, students with
7, 8, 9, and even 10 semesters at
this University can do no better
than 15-yard line seats!
It seems that the student spec-
tator is no more significant than
a gold filling at Fort Knox. This
is adequately illustrated by the
consideration afforded him in the
distribution of football tickets.
--Marvin Dubrinsky, '56L
Robert Rosenman, '56L
YR Reasons . . .
To the Editor:
THE Democratic National Chair-
man has indicated that the
policy of his party will be rebuild-
ing "on Southern foundations,"
which should disillusion those who
thought the Democratic Party




Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
aftthority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn..........Managing Editor
Eric Vetter....,.......City Editor
Virginia Voss.......Editorial Director
Mike Wolff......Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane Decker........ Associate Editor
Helene Simon ......... Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye...............Sports Editor
PaulGreenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell..Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler..,Assoc. Women's Editor
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger...,.Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin... Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden......Finance Manager
James Sharp....Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
I Ssoccded w' Het~idte Press



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