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January 07, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-01-07

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1aiUA1.y3ixs k, J cL;LJAAI7, 154

I i4ite' lete
Daily Managing Editor
THE NATION'S newspaper editors general-
ly have been encouraged by the intel-
ligent attitude of the Administration toward
the freedom of information problem, partic-
ularly by President Eisenhower's liberaliza-
tion of press conference formalities and wil-
lingness to tackle press questions freely. In
publishing any newspaper editors run into
frequent public information problems which
generally can be attributed to the penchant
of individuals and organizations to crow
about their achievements and clam up on
embarassing or uncomplimentary incidents.
The public information problem with the
government had become grave under the last
Administration but the current changes in
policy seem thus far to be all to the good.
Unfortunately the local situation which
improved quite noticeably early in the
school year with release of important ac-
tions by the Faculty Senate has deteriorat-
ed to some extent among student organi-
The Interfraternity Council several meet-
:ngs ago decided to close off the bulk of dis-
cussion time in house president's meetings
when IFC officials felt "negative" aspects
df. the fraternity system were seeping into
print, often out of the mouths of their own
compatriots. Evidently this could hardly do
for a prize-winning organization, so the
house presidents' discussion time, which in
the past years has featured lively and im-
portant debate on controversial issues with-
in the system, was closed off lest these "neg-
ative" aspects be given further notice.
Thus the important discussion on nomi-
nating .acting Dean of Students Walter B.
Rea for the proposed University Vice-Presi-
dency for Student Affairs was, barred from
print and other topics have been hidden be-
hind closed doors.
The decision to operate in a circumvent
manner came within a few weeks after
The Daily cooperated with IFC leaders in
a campaign to improve health standards in
the fraternity houses. At that time it was
pointed out to the IFC that a revealing
'crusade" might have been undertaken by
the paper with picture stories on conditions
in various houses, but Daily editors believ-
ed that sensible cooperation rather than
expose was the best method to help cor-
rect the situation. We can think of noth-
ig more "positive" than this action and
feel the IFC is lapsing into its much fea-
ed "negativism" by foolishly choking off
debate on current issues of concern not
only to the fraternities but to the campus
as a whole.
The Joint Judiciary Council, never overly
eager to have its activities publicized, has re-
cently become more timid than ever. Rumors
circulate all over campus on fraternity, so-
rority and other group discipline cases, but
the Council has been loathe to enumerate
beyond a statistical report. In cases involving
group discpiline, disclosure of fines has oft-
en occured in past years. Such disclosure
counters untrue rumor and is sometimes as
much feared as the fines. Now reconsidering
its press policies, Joint Judic would do a
service to the community if it adopted a pro-
cedure of releasing reports on group disci-
pline as it levies its penalties.
The Union Board has admitted reporters
to its meetings since late last spring, but
could pu'rsue a more liberal policy of releas-
ing news. Though incidents may prove oc-
casionally embarassing, frank disclosure is
preferable to pretending nothing happened.
Tniversity administration press policy
could also employ fuller disclosure, although
it is unfair to generalize about all offices and
departments since some have more intelli-
gent policies than others. However, the Board
of Regents still stands as an example of vir-
tual lack of public informtion. No coverage
is permitted and news must be derived from

a stream of often innocuous press releases.
If the Regents are not prepared to allow di-
rect coverage, a system of post meeting press
conferences could be initiated with good ef-
On the positive side, the Faculty Senate
deliberations, Literary College meetings
and Board of Governors of the Residence
Hall meetings have resulted in fuller pub-
lic information through interviewing in
the first two cases and direct coverage in
the last. The Inter-House Council has also
permitted more direct coverage of its ac -
The Daily continually works to make its
coverage of campus events more complete
and direct. It realizes that groups will not be
eager to have their work publicized in every
case, but feels that the campus deserves
complete coverage and that in the long run
frank and direct information will benefit
even the most reticent of organizations.
* * * *
SINCE PLAYWRIGHT Arthur Miller left
the University as a graduate in the late
thirties he has earned a significant place in
the ranks of scholars who have studied here
and justifiably can be considered the out-
standing literary figure to emerge from this
campus. Most recently Miller produced a pro-
vocative analysis or the school which pos-
sibly contains more truth than the Univer-
sity would like to admit.
Considering Miller's literary achievements
and great promise, we feel he deserves the
honor of delivering the next commencement
address and receiving an honorary doctoral
award might seem unprecedented after Mil-
se.nree d e


Indonesia .. .
JAKARTA, Indonesia-The temptation in
this country is to throw up one's hands."
Disorder, disorganization and disunion reign
just now. The present government is feeble
and feckless. Communist penetration is
currently active and obvious. Altogether,
Indonesia is passing through a dark time.
The point that must be remembered, how-
ever, is that new nations commonly pass
through dark times before they find them-
selved. Our own American experiment
staggered on the raw edge of disaster,
after all, for some years after our revo-
lution. And in our case, there was no
powerful conspiracy always seeking to
take advantage of our difficulties and
our inexperience.
One can see here, moreover, the same
sort of reserve assets that carried the Am-
erican experiment to success in the end.
There is, first of all, a group of national
leaders of exceptional quality.
Americans may not always agree with the
views that President Soekarno publicly ex-
presses (which are not always his private
views). But no one who meets this slender,
intense man, whose pleasant manner veils
deep shrewdness, bold imagination and iron
courage, can doubt his patriotism or fail to
be impressed by his personal stature. Tb.
other heroes of the Indonesian revolution,
the wise and practical Vice-President Hatta,
Dr. Sjahrir and the Sultan of Jogiakarta,
are also leaders worthy of a new nation.
There are other such. Today these lead-
ers of the new Indonesia are unhappily
divided by the differences that arise when
a heroic revolutionary period ends. and
the more prosaic tasks of nation-building
must be undertaken. Yet one cannot help
but feel that the leaders of the new In-
donesia will soon draw together again in
the face of imminent national danger.
The mere existence of these leaders, in-
deed, betokens still another Indonesian as-
set-the promise of the Indonesian people,
One of the prime characteristics of the
Dutch colonial system was to do everything
to prevent the emergence of a trained and
determined popular leadership. A weak peo-
ple would not have overcome that obstacle.
This is not a weak people. This is one of
the most impressive peoples of Asia. If In-
donesia's grim public health problem can
only be solved, this is also likely to prove
one of the most vigorous peoples of Asia.
The real progress of these last eight years
has been in the domain of strengthening
the Indonesian people-by greatly reducing
the once almost universal illiteracy, by mak-
ing a strong first attack on the crucial pub-
lic health problem, and so on. But besides
this great asset of its 80,000,000 people, In-
donesia has the further asset of great but
unrealized national wealth.
Java is overcrowded, but there is rich
empty land in Sumatra, in Borneo and
the other islands. There is much raw
material wealth as well. Altogether this
is a country with a future. One can see
why the recent conference of British Far
Eastern ambassadors at Singapore con-
cluded that if Indonesia were given half
a chance, Indonesia would be the leading
power in Southern Asia in ten years' time.
It is just this bright hope for the future
that makes a visit to Indonesia a stimulating
experience. The question remains, of course,
whether the hope will be realized.
ON THIS HEAD, also, there are reasons to
be encouraged that do not show on the
surface of the present unhappy situation.
The existing Indonesian governmental struc-
ture, to begin with, is no better than our
Continental Congress. It is rickety provi-
sional and unrepresentative. There has been
no constituent assembly, no national elec-
tion. A final governmental form is still to
be worked out.
Meanwhile the unreal and rather nasty
parliamentary game that is played here
in Jakarta is what has given the Com-

munists their opportunity thus far. Out-
side Jakarta, they have got next to no-
where. It is conceivable that the Com-
munists and those deluded Indonesian
politicians who think they can use the
Communists-and are of course actually
being used by them-may win here in
Jakarta. But it is very hard to see them
winning in Indonesia as a whole.
The potential forces of resistance are in
fact very great. The political and military
leaders who want real national independence
and are determined to prevent the substi-
tution of Communist imperialism for Dutch
imperialism; the devoutly Muslim masses
of the people who Will follow these leaders;
the huge size and loose organization of the
country, which is too big to be won by clever
little dirty games in Jakarta-these are the
strong protections of Indonesia's true inde-
pendence. "The Communists," one of the
wisest and most progressive Indonesians told
me, "may be able to make a chaos in this,
country, but as of today they cannot con-
trol the chaos."
There is only one thing that may change
this forecast. The endless complaints of
"American imperialism" that you hear in
Indonesia are not only indications of the
clumsiness of American policy. They are

here, the urge to appease that will be felt
here, the bandwagon jumping that will go
on here, will finally upset the Indonesian
balance. In that event, Indonesia will quite
probably end as another province in the
world Communist empire.
IAT*d * * *
13urma .. .
RANGOON, Burma-Here in Burma, more
than anywhere else in the Far East,
you feel the tragedy of the present trend of
events in Asia. Everything and every one in
this small, hopeful country with its young,
hopeful government seems to say with one
voice, "We'll be OK in the end if we're just
left alone." But what are Burma's chances
of being left alone to develop into the stur-
dy, prosperous, independent country that
Burma ought to be? Not too good, appears
to be the answer.
On the one hand, there is the problem
of the Chinese Nationalist refugee troops
of Gen. Li Mi. Most people suppose that
these troops are at least a genuinely anti-
Communist force. They have been spon-
sored before the world by Generalissimo
Chiang Kai-shek. From their lairs in the
North Burma mountains, they have car-
ried on small operations against the Chi-
nese Communists across the border.
Where could you get better proofs of
Unhappily, however, this Chinese force in
Burma that wears the label of Chiang Kai-
shek is in fact one of the biggest current
assets of the world Communist conspiracy.
After the recent evacuation program, at
least 8,000 of these Chinese troops remain-
ed in Burma, as a sort of state within a
state. No government on earth could safe-
ly tolerate this kind of gross violation of its
sovereignty. If the Chinese in Burma will
not go to Formosa, the Burmese government
must and will use force against them. This
is all the more necessary, since the Chinese
have now formed an alliance with the Kar-
en rebels, who are in turn allied with the
Burmese Communist insurgents.
On the other hand, the Burmese gov-
ernment was just about to liquidate the
Communist and Karen rebellions when it
had to divert over half its armed forces
to deal with the Chinese guerrillas. The
able minister of war, U Ba Swe, is con-
fident he can bring order to Burma in
the end. But if he has to fight the Chi-
nese as well as the Karens and the Com-
munists, restoring order may well take a
long time. In short, the presence of these
Chinese troops in Burma has given Bur-
ma's Communist insurgents an invaluable
new lease on life.
This is not all. As the extremely realistic
Burmese leaders frankly recognize, because
internal disorder is the strongest tempta-
tion to external aggression. And even now
Communist China is obviously preparing to
exploit Burma's troubles.
The signs on the border are already dis-
quieting. The Old Burma Road has been
fully hard-surfaced and made into a seri-
ous military highway. Other miiltary roads
have been built along the border. In addi-
tion, Peking long ago established an "Auto-
nomous Thai Federation," to make trouble
in Thailand, in Laos, in Indo-China and
among the Thais in Burma's Shan states
And more recently, Peking has set up an
"Autonomous Kachin area" to gain leverage
among the Kachins, who are the other ma-
jor tribal group in the Burmese border re-
The Kachin project -is particularly well-
organized. The leader is Naw Sein, ex-
bandit, ex-anti-Japanese resistance chief
and sort of Kachin Robin Hood, whom the
Chinese Communists have taken into camp.
There is an indoctrination school for Bur-
mese Kachins at Pao Shan, the main ad-
ministrative center on the Chinese side of
the border. Agents are already being sent
across the border to work among the Ka-
chins in Burma. No clearer proof of China's
intentions toward Burma could possibly be
asked for.
** *

THE DANGER is not now, to be sure. The
danger lies in the future, when Com-
munist China's huge military buildup has
been completed. And an overt Chinese mili-
tary attack on Burma is by no means the
only danger or even the greatest danger.
Imagine the following situation. Burma is
still in disorder. The Chinese Communists
begin to give active financial and other
support to the Burmese Communists and
other dissident groups. They pull the levers
they have been preparing, to raise further
revolts among the Kachins and the peoples
of the Shan states. They also move thirty
divisions or so to Pao Shan and send a few
squadrons of jets down to the border air-
fields, thus filling Burma with the fears and
the dissensions that are always caused by
the threat of superior force. At the same
time Peking angrily demands a "friendly"
Burmese government-namely a govern-
ment with Communists in key posts.
I ventured to ask the Burmese leaders
whether they thought they could defeat
this kind of simple imitation of the tactics
by which Hitler took half of Europe with-
out firing a shot. None were surprised by
the question. The wisest of them spoke
for tle others when he said, "If our coun-
try is stable and united, we have nothing

"A Spot Like This Might Be Just The Place For It"
tr. '1~ I
t -


WASHINGTON-At a recent White House dinner for the diplo-
matic corps, ambassadors were curious over an animated con-
versation between President Eisenhower and Bolivian Ambassador
Victor Andrade. The President huddled with Andrade longer than
with any other diplomat.
Ambassador Andrade represents a country with plenty of
problems, though many of them have been ironed out, thanks to
his own astute diplomacy. However, Bolivia is still wooed by
Dictator Peron and troubled by some Communist agitators; so
there was a lot of speculation among envoys as to what the two
men talked about-especially when Andrade remained myster-
iously mum.
However, the subject of their conversation was-golf.
The Bolivian Ambassador, who plays in about the same 80-to9O
scoring range as the President, but plays at the Chevy Chase club,
not Burning Tree, was asked whether he had ever played with Gen.
Frank Allen, former commander of the 3rd Armored Division and.
European public-relations chief for Ike during the war-a member
of Chevy Chase.
Then the President quizzed Andrade about golf in the upper
altitudes of La Paz, capital of Bolivia. One golf course in La Paz is
about 14,000 feet above sea level. And in that rarefied atmosphere,
the Ambassador explained, the ball goes much farther. He said he
had sometimes driven 400 yards on a shot which would have been
around 250 yards in the P.S.A.
And that was what had other diplomats buzzing at the White
House dinner.
* * * *
THE ORDER TO withdraw 21,000 U.S. troops from Korea caused
some backstage bitterness in the Pentagon, but is one of the most
important policy steps the United States has ever taken in regard to
future war.
It completely reverses the old State Department-Pentagon
policy against using the atom bomb . It also marks the beginning
of American reliance on atom bombs instead of land armies.
Hitherto, Secretary of State Acheson was dead 6pposed to using
the A-bomb in Korea or in neighboring China. So was Gen. Omar
Bradley and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. So also were our Western
allies. And when President Truman once let drop in a press confer-
ence the idea that he was even considering the use of the A-bomb in
Korea, Clement Attlee, Prime Minister of England, came rushing
across the Atlantic to stop him.
Today, however, it is Secretary of State Dulles and the civilian
chiefs of the Defense Department who have reversed this policy.
U.S. military leaders are decidedly doubtful. Adm. Arthur
Radford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has held a
private debate with Secretary Dulles, arguing that if it becomes
necessary to stop aggression we should try to confine .ourselves
to little, limited wars. We should not let war spread.
This is a reversal of position for Admiral Radford. Now in the
No. 1 military spot of the nation, Admiral Radford of late has been
arguing for "conventional weapons" and for outlawing the atom bomb.
GEN. MATT RIDGWAY, Army Chief of Staff, and brilliant ex-
commander in Korea, has been equally skeptical of the new pol-
icy. Privately he branded the withdrawal of two divisions from Ko-
rea as "politics." (The troops won't come home until next September
or October.) And he is highly doubtful about substituting atomic
warfare for ground troops.
What the military men privately'ask is: "what are we going to
to with baby atomic bombs if the enemy comes back with much
larger atomic bombs? We now know that Moscow even has the
hydrogen bomb. Once we start using baby atom bombs, how
are we going to keep the enemy from using hydrogen bombs?"
This has always been pretty much the position of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff. It was only General MacArthur and the China bloc who
wanted to use atomic weapons in the Far Eastern theater.
However, Secretary of State Dulles, with Undersecretary of De-
fense Kyes, and to a lesser extent, Secretary of Defense Wilson, be-
lieve we should now concentrate on atomic strength and fast-striking
forces. Their idea is to hit the source of aggression-which in the
case of Korea would be China.
Thus, though not announced in so many words, the Korean troop
withdrawal is the most radical change of American military and for-
eign strategy since Eisenhower took office one year ago.
Note 1-General Itidgway was understandably so upset over
the cuts Secretary of Defense Wilson ordered in the U.S. Army
that he tried not to appear before the National Security Council
where he would have to defend those cuts. When Ridgway tried
to arrange a conflicting engagement, Wilson finally had to order
him to be present and dutifully help chop down the Army budget.
Note 2-Secretary of the Army Stevens was less dutiful. He call-
ed on the President in person, urged that the Army not be cut so
drastically. Eisenhower made no decision, told Stevens the matter
would be decided by the National Security Council.
* * * *
W HILE ALMOST every other member of the Eisenhower cabinet
has clamped the strictest censorship on news, John Foster Dulles
has gone out of his way to release State Department information. He
mainta inst.t a hle ant nestandA men foein nolie



(Continued from Page 2)
Theta Delta Chi
January 9, 1954_
Adephi Sorority
Alpha Delta Phi
Alpha Kappa Kappa
Alpha Kappa Psi
Beta Theta Pi
Chi Phi
Delta Tau Delta
Delta Theta Phi .
I.F.C. District No. 5 (Sigma Nu)
Kappa Sigma
Lambda Chi Alpha
Phi Delta Epsilon
Phi Kappa Sigma'
Sigma Chi
Academic Notices
Seminar in Applied Mathematics will
meet Thursday. Jan. 7, at 4 p.m., in 247
West Engineering. Speaker: Dr. R. K.
Ritt will continue on Theory of Dis-
The seventh review session for stu-
dents of French I will take place on
Thurs., Jan. 7. beginning at 7:30 in the
Romance Languages Building.
Course 401, the Interdisciplinary Sem-
inar in the Application of Mathematics
to the Social Sciences, will meet on
Thurs., Jan. 7, at 4 p.m., in 3409 Mason
Hall. Professor A. H. Copeland of the
Mathematics Department will speak on
"People as Complementary Ideals in a
Boolean Algebra."
Seminar of the Department of Bio-
logical Chemistry. Dr. A. G. Norman
Professor of Botany and Research Bio-
chemist, Michigan Memorial-Phoenix
Project No. 32, will be the guest speaker
at the seminar of the Department of
Biological Chemistry, to be held in 319
W. Medical Building at 4 p.m., Fri., Jan.
8. His topic will be "Some Applications
of Biological Chemistry to Agricultural
Doctoral Examination for George Stern
Quick, Economics; thesis: "Industry In-
tegration Committees of the Army Ord-
nance Department: A study of govern-
ment-encouraged cooperation among
certain armament manufacturers in
World War II," Thurs., Jan. 7. 105 Eco-
nomics Bldg. at 9 a.m Chairman, Wil-
liam Haber.
Doctoral Examination for Alexander
Weir, Jr., Chemical,.Engineering; thesis:
"Two- and Three-Dimensional Flow of
Air, through Square-Edged Sonic Ori-
fices," Thurs., Jan. 7, 3201 East Engi-
neering Building, at 2 pm. Chairman
J. L. York.
Doctoral Examination for Arthur Ner-
sasian, Chemistry; thesis: "A Study of
Some Azo Nitriles," Thurs., Jan. 7, 3003
Chemistry Building, at 3 p.m. Chair-
man, L. C. Anderson.
Doctoral Examination for John Joseph
Gumperz, Germanic Languages and Lit-
eratures: thesis: "The Swabian Dialect
of Washtenaw County, Michigan," Fri.,
Jan. 8, 102-D Tappan Hall, at 1 p.m.
Chairman, Herbert Penzl.
Doctoral Examination for Robert Les-
lie Hunter, Zoology; thesis: "Quanti-
tative Measurements of Alesterase in
the Early Development of Frog and
Mouse," Fri., Jan. 8 2089 Natural
Science Bldg., at 1:30 p.m. Chairman,
N. E. Kemp.
Doctoral Examination for Joseph An-
thony Consiglio, Chemical Engineering;
thesis: "The Effect of Operating Var-
iables on Sprays Produced by a Pres-
sure-Type Nozzle," Fri., Jan. 8, 3201
,East Engineering Bldg., at 2 p.m.
Chairman, C. M. Siiepcevich.
Doctoral Examination for Kooman
IBoycheff, Education; thesis: "Intercol-
legiate Athletics and Physical Educa-
tion at the University of Chicago, 1892-
1952," Fri., Jan. 8 4024 University High
School, at 3 p.m. Chairman, C. Eggert-
Doctoral Examination for John Drew
O'Neill English Language and Litera-
ture; thesis: "The Comedy of St. John
Hankin," Fri., Jan. 8, 1954, 626 Haven
Hall at 3 p.m. Chairman Paul Mueschke.
Student Recital. Julia Hennig, pian-
ist, will play compositions by Bach,
Milhaud, and Chopin, at 8:30 Thurs-
day evening, Jan. 7, in the Rackhamr
Assembly Hall. The recital is to be pre-
sented in partial fulfillment of thepre-
quirements for the Master of Music
degree, and will be open to the general
public. Miss Hennig is a pupil of Mar-
ian Owen.
University Symphony Band, William
SD. 41evelli, Conductor, and the Michi-
gan Singers, Maynard Klein, Conductor,
will be heard in a public concert at
8:30 Friday evening, Jan. 8, in Hill Audi-

torium. The program is presented in
connection with the 9th Annual Mid-
western Conference on School Vocal
and Instrumental Music, and will be
open to the public without charge. The
University Symphony Band will open
the concert with compositions by Grofe,
Mendelssohn, Rimsky-Korsakov, Wil-
liams, and Respighi. Part II will be per-
formed by the Michigan Singers in
works by dePres, Ginastera, Bruckner,
and Montiverdi, whose Sonata Sopra,
"Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis" was adap-
ted for symphonic band and chorus by
Hans T. David, and dedicated to Pro-
fessor Revelli and the University Sym-
phony Band. The Band will close the
program with Symphony for Brass and
'Percussion by Reed, Grape-Festival from
"Italian Sketches" and Michigan Rhap-
sody, arranged by Werle.
Events Today
Industrial Relations Club. Last meet-
ing of the semester will be held to-
night at 7:15 in the student lounge of
the Bus. Ad. School. The program will
be a "Mock" arbitration case with Club
members presenting the companies side
and the unions side. This is an actual
case that Meyer Ryder arbitrated for a
company and union. Coffee will be
ArtsaChorale. The regular weekly re-
hearsal will be held this evening from
7 to 8 p.m. in Auditorium D, Angell

Butler Yeats' poetic dance-drama,
DEIRDRE. There is no admission
charge, and the seats are not reserved.
The Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre wIl
open at 7:30 tonight.
Play Production, Lydia Mendelssohn
Box Office, is still accepting mail orders
this week for the Department of Speech
production of Moliere's comedy, TAR-
will be presented in the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre, at 8 p.m. wednesday
through Saturday, Jan. 13, 14, 15, and
16. Tickets are $1.20-90c-60c with a spec-
ial student rate of any seat in the
house in effect for the Wednesday and
Thursday performances. Please enclose
a self-stamped addressed envelope.
The Kaffee Stunde of the Deutscher
verein will meet today at 3:15 in the
Union. Dr. Gaiss of the German De-
partment will be there. All welcome to
practice their oral German before
Junior Girls Play Tryouts. Singing
and speaking tryouts-Thurs., Jan. 7-
from 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m.;Fr,
Jan. 8-from 2 to 5 p.m.
Dancing tryouts-Thurs., Jan. 7 from
2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m.; Fri. Jan. 8,
'from 2 to 5 p.m.
Room numbers will be posted at the
League, where all tryouts will be held.
Graduate Record Concert. There will
be a graduate record concert at 8
o'clock this evening in the west Lounge
of Rackham Building. The program is
posted on the first floor of the build-
ing. All graduate students welcome.
Hillel:' 4 p.m.-Class in Jewish Hor
day Observances. 7:30 p.m.-Class in Ad-
vanced Hebrew. 8 p.m.-Music-For-Al,
classical music recorded on Hi-Fl sound
Reservations for Kosher Dinner Fri-
day, at 6 p.m., must be made by today.
Christian Science Organization. Tes-
timony meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m.,
Fireside Room, Lane Hall. All are wel-
The Congregational-Disciples Guild.
Mid-week Meditation in Douglas Chapel,
this afternoon 5 to 5:30 p.m. Fresh-
man Discussion Group at Guild House
7 to 8 p.m.
DOB -- GAL III ....,.... ....MM3
Phi Sigma Society. Dr. Harlyn O.
Halvorson, of the Department of Bac-
teriology, will speak on "Recent Ad.
vances in the Study of Enzymatic Adap-
tation," tonight, 8 p.m., Rackham Am-
phitheater. Refreshments after the
meeting for members and guests. Open
to the public.
Seminar on "How Shall We Define
Religion?" Presentation and discus-
sion led by Prof. Thomas S. Kepler,
author, editor, and theologian from the
Oberlin Graduate School of Theology,
Lane Hall Library, this evening, 8 p.m,
La p'tite causette will meet this aft-
ernoon from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. In the
wing of the north room of the Michigan
Union Cafeteria. Everyone welcome
Alpha Phi Omega. Important pledge
'meeting tonight, 7:30-8:30 p.m., in
G-143 South Quad. All pledges must at-
tend. The rest of the pledge fee must"
be paid at this time. The test on know-
ing the campus will be given.
International Center Weekly Tea will'
be held this afternoon from 4:30 to *
Iat the International Center.
Kappa Phi. There will be a meeting
this afternoon at 5:15 at the Methodist
Church. Please bring money for our
'Ensian picture.
Coming Events
The Congregational-Disciples Guild.
TeGraduate-Prof essional Group will t.
meet at the Guild House Fri., Jan. 8,
at 8 p.m.
Roger Williams Guild. Games Party
at the Guild House, Friday evening at
8 o'clock. Bridge, chess, checkers, ea-
nasta, and others.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
terbury Club, 7:30 p.m. Fri., Jan. 8
at Canterbury House. Professor Palmer
Throop will speak on "The Rise and
Decline of the Crusading Ideal."
Episcopal Student Foundation. Tea
from 4 to 5:30 at Canterbury House,
Fri., Jan. 8. All students invited.




Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications:



Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn............Managing Editor
Eric Vetter .................City Editor
Virginia Voss......... Editorial Director
Mike Wolff ........Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane Decker . .....Associate Editor
Helene Simon ......... .. Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye................,Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell...Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell.......ead Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger...Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin .... Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden.......Finance Manager
James Sharp...C.Circulation Manager

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