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December 18, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-12-18

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"You May Find Something In Your Stocking Soon"

Avoiding a Showdown.onEDC

SINGAPORE, Malaya - The situation in
Malaya is passionately interesting, but
for none of the usual reasons. The war
against communism here is a toilsome, weary
business, lacking the drama of great actions
and great risks. The problem here has not
been solved, but it is under control. There
is not the slightest likelihood that the world
will soon be rocked by a Malayan crisis.
Visit Malaya, however, and you can see
coming events casting their shadows be-
fore, them with dramatic distinctness.
You can see it in the expression of polite
panic that crosses the faces of British of-
ficials when you ask, "What will happen
in Malaya if Indo-China falls under Com-
munist control?"
You can see it too, in the immediate, grim
reaction when you inquire, "What will be
the effect in Malaya bf the emergence of
Communist China as a major military pow-
Above all, you can see this shadow of com-
ing events in the whole pattern of the strug-
gle against Communist struggle in Malaya.
The hope of rescue from abroad is the main-
spring of the Communist effort here. The
Malayan Communists would have given up
by now if itwere- not for the promise, "Fath-
er Mao is coming to your aid before long."
That promise is all that keeps the terror-
ist fighting in the jungle on the verge of
starvation and against overwhelming odds.
In other words, the Malayan war is only
a function, as the mathmeticians would
say, of the larger contest fior power in the
Far East. Both of the truly exceptional
men who lead the British and Malayan
effort here, Gen. Sir Gerald Templer and
Malcolm MacDonald, are absolutely clear
on this point.
Let the Communists in Indo-China be de-
feated. Let the growth of Communist China's
military power be decisively halted. Then
these men believe the long, bitter and cost-
ly struggle in Malaya would be ovei' almost
the next day. But let Indo-China be lost. Or
let Southeast Asia begin to be directly men-
aced by Chinese military might before sta-
bility has been achieved in the countries
along China's borders. Then it will be just
the other way around.
Even the few hundred hard-core Com-
munists who lead the jungle war here are
human beings, after all. The hardest have
their breaking points, as the collapse of
the Greek Communists has already proven.
The Malayan Communists are very near
the breaking point today. But they do not
break because they can still reasonably
think they will be out of the jungle, and
sitting in the high seats of the mighty,
if they will just hang on a little longer,
until Father Mao is ready.
By the same token, any improvement of
Communist prospects in Asia will cause a
violent deterioration in the situation here.
Partly this is because of the prevalence in
Malaya of the "wait-and-see" attitude which
is such a problem in Indo-China. This prob-
lem is also greatly inflamed by the peculiar
fact that the Chinese population of this
country is now as great as the native Malay-
an population. Here, in its most extreme
form, you find the universal Southeast Asian
question of the overseas Chinese.
* * * *
THE VERY few who have troubled to read
Chinese history (which has its sharp les-
sons for the world nowadays) will remember
how China proper was only gradually occu-
pied by the Chinese people in a series of wave
movements spreading over more than 2,000
years. The Thai people of Siam, for example,
were driven out of Central China by the
Clinese advance at about the time of Christ;
and were again driven out of South China
into their present country in the 10th cen-
tury. In many ways, the situation in Malaya
today rather resembles the situation in
Central China when the braver Thais fled to
save their nation.
Wealth and enterprise, commerce and
the professions belong to the Chinese and
not to the Malays. The Malays are em-
bittered because they think the Chinese
have taken their country from them. The
Chinese angrily claim the influence their
position entitles them to. The large major-

ity of the Chinese here are anti-Commu-
nists today yet most Malayan Communists
are also Chinese. Moreover, almost all the
Malayan Chinese feel a sneaking pride in
the strength Communist China has al-
ready shown. Very great numbers of them
will want to support their compatriots in
the jungle if and when the Communist
drive in Asia shows even greater strength.
They will then hope-and reasonably --
to take over Malaya as Central and South
China were taken from the Thais in the
old days.
Nor does the story end there. The Brit-
ish have to date kept peace between Malays
and Chinese. They have now promised full
independence to the Malay Federation. No
one whohears Gen. Templer or Commission-
er MacDonald on this subject can doubt
the sincerity of the British promise. But in-
dependent Malaya will be a monstrosity un-
less a working partnership has been estab-
lished between the Chinese and Malayan
sectors of the population here. It all adds up
to the dictum of Marchall Phibun of Thai-
land, that "A Free world policy in Asia
which does not address itself primarily to
the problem of Chinese Communist power, is

ONE of the many vices of diplomacy by
public statement and press interview is
the temptation, almost irresistible, to draw
the issues much too sharply and much too
soon. If the public statement is to sound bold
and decisive-and what public man does not
wish to sound bold and decisive-it must
proclaim a crisis and announce a showdown.
The issue has to be defined as black or white,
as yes or no, as fish or cut bait, as are you
with us or against us, as put up or shut up,
etc. etc.
Yet the one thing that nobody in the
West can want, that nobody in the West
can afford, is a crisis and a showdown over
the complex, explosive, and momentous
problem of the relations of France and
Germany, over the E.D.C. and NATO.
What is at stake is, as Secretary Dulles
said, the formation of a lasting partner-
ship between France and Germany. This
partnership is essential to the peace and
security of Europe. So great a thing can-
not be brought about by a showdown.
It is often said that there is no good alter-
native to E.D.C. It would be truer to say that
there is no good alternative to Franco-Ger-
man reconciliation. That is why it is the
business of all concerned to avoid a show-
down which may compel us to consider the
undesirable alternatives. The undesirable
alternatives are those which in any way
prevent the reconciliation of France with
Germany, or align the United States and
Great Britain with the one against the oth-
Instead of trying to force the issue of rati-
fication, our real interest is to stay with the
problem of Franco-German relations until
it is resolved. By staying with the problem, I
mean taking the position that there is for
us no alternative to a Franco-German recon-
ciliation. If E.D.C. can be used to promote a
partnership, we are for it; if it is an ob-
stacle to that partnership, we are in favor
of revising it. For what matters is not the
ratification of E.D.C. as it stands, but a
Franco-German reconciliation and partner-
We shall merely be talking ourselves into
an insoluble mess if we identify-if we treat
as if they were one and the same thing-
the ratification of E.D.C. and a Franco-
German reconciliation,
It is at least an open question whether
the most serious obstacle to Franco-Ger-
man reconciliation is not E.D.C. itself in
its present form. That will surelybe true if
E.D.C. is allowed to become, or even to
appear to become, primarily an American
project. For we had better realize that if
the French and the Germans are to work
together sincerely from now on, it must be
because they want to do that and not be-
cause we demand it.
E.D.C. Is a very different project today
than when it was first proposed more than
three years ago. tI has been radically modi-
fied to make it acceptable to the Germans,
and to make it a reasonably practical mili-
tary device in the eyes of the professional
soldiers of NATO. It can be modified still
further to make it politically acceptable to

the French-and we may add to the many
all over Europe, including Germans, who!
support silently the French view.

* * *


THE CRUCIAL question is whether E.D.C.
will mean that on the ground in Europe,
the predominant forces of the western world
will be German troops. It is evident that in
the not too distant future the United States
will wish to reduce to something like token
forces its ground troops in Europe. The Brit-
ish may well wish to do the same. Now there
is no need to doubt the absolute good faith of
the Adenauer government in order to recog-
nize that with the strongest army, Germany
will have the strongest voice in the political
affairs of the continent. We must not forget
that while the new atomic weapons may be
decisive in war, it is the conventional weap-
ons and particularly the infantry that are
of paramount importance in a cold war in-
side a continent. As Germany is a great
power with great political grievances, the
danger of giving her predominant politi-
cal influence in Europe is something that
no far-seeing statesman can afford to ig-
To recognize this is not to argue that
Germany should not be armed, or that
Germany should not become a member of
the western community. It is to argue that
the French are right in wanting to be sure
that they will not be left alone on the
ground in Europe with a superior German
army: that in some effective and reliable
way the British and the Americans will be
present also.
This does not call for any "agonizing re-
appraisal" of basic United States policy. It
does require a re-appraisal of much that
was military dogma three years ago. As a
matter of fact this re-appraisal is actually
in progress. Since E.D.C. was first conceived
three years ago there has been a big change
in the military appraisal of the ground, forces
needed in Europe. This re-appraisal is due
to the development of the new weapons and,
also, to the great and decisive progress made
by NATO on the southern flank of the Rid
salient in Europe.
What has not been re-appraised as yet are
the military assumptions upon which were
based the original demand for a large Euro-
pean ground army. Yet there is good reason
for wondering whether such a re-appraisal
will not show that the big ground army is no
longer a good military investment, and that
it may at the same time be a political lia-
We should avoid a showdown on E.D.C.
For if the treaty is defeated, we shall be
left with a hopeless breach between France
and Germany. And if the treaty is ratified
under pressure and in a deeply divided
country, we shall only have forced the
French into a shotgun wedding. That
does not augur well for the happiness of
either party.
The wise course is to persevere in the
search for the basis of a true agreement, to
persevere no matter how long it takes, pro-
vided the time.is used for negotiation and
for re-appraisal aimed at reconciliation and
(Copyright, 1953, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)


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The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 304 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the



Crary Plan...
To the Editor:
A FEW weeks ago the Daily pub-,
lished a report on the Crary'
plan concerning the rescheduling
of the current semesters here at
Michigan. I was at the time of
the general impression that it was
a suggestion and that it would
soon be dropped. I was therefore,
somewhat shocked to read the cur-
rent article in today's Daily.
This article caused much discus-
sion among my friends and we
have come to the following con-
1. The completion of finals be-
fore Christmas, it is claimed,
would eliminate the lag between
finals and the beginning of the
second semester. However, the ar-
ticle states that there would be or
could be a lag between finals and
the end of the second semester in
May. I fail to see then where any-
thing has been accomplished in
this catagory.
2. This plan had it been in effect
this semester would have meant
that students would have had to
be in school 14 days before Labor
3. The plan would eliminate any
possibility of students obtaining
jobs at resorts because most re-
sorts continue their seasons opera-
tions until after Labor Day.
4. The latter part of the sum-
mer is for many families vacation
time. This time of the year is most
ideal for vacations especially from
the weather standpoint.
5. This objection I feel, is most
important. There would be no va-

cation time between the beginning
of school and the end of finals
with the exception of the very
short Thanksgiving vacation and
presumably Labor Day. Due to
this it would be very difficult for
students to find time to "catch
their breath." This is true especial-
ly since Thanksgiving vacation is
so short and much time is spent
I am of the opinion that the
quarterly system has more ad-
vantages and less disadvantages
than the proposed plan.
--Walter C. Averill
A Stronger Jow. . ,
AFTER I read about the fight be-
tween Jim Balog and Guy Fos-
ter, I recalled my encounter with
the "Duke." Under somewhat sim-
ilar circumstances, I also tangled
with Balog, only in my case, Balog
had no reason whatsoever to touch
It seems that another boy and I
were having an argument over the
use of a word when Balog grab-
bed me, hit me in the jaw, and
tore my brand new sweater down
the front. Apparently my jaw is
stronger than Guy Foster's, but I
lost a new sweater for no reasop
at all. Even though I had two wit-
nesses, I was unable to do any-
thing about the incident.
Now that a person has been se-
riously injured, maybe the needed
action will be taken. In any case,
let's hope that Balog will learn to
respect other people and their
property-for a change
--Jon D. Mandell, 157E




WASHINGTON-John Foster Dulles has performed a lot of diplo-
matic chores, but never before has he been given the job of
operating a stapling machine. That, however, was what he did over
the Atlantic ocean en route from Bermuda. With him as co-clerical
worker was Admiral Lewis Strauss plus one of the most distinguished
secretarial staffs ever to do paper work.
What happened was that Ike was late in polishing up his
famed atomic energy speech. Even while flying to New York, he
applied the last finishing touches. As he did. so, his secretary,
Mrs. Ann Whitman, copied it out on a large-type typewriter, so
the President could read it easily. Simultaneously, Mary Caffrey,
Jim Hagerty's secretary, cut the mimeograph stencil.
In the rear of the plane, Hagerty himself ran the mimeograph
machine. C. D. Jackson, who largely wrote the speech, put the pages
together. Admiral Strauss, chairman of the Atomic Energy Com-
mission, helped him, while Dulles stapled the pages.
Dulles was a little slow, however, and only 200 copies of the
speech were finished when the Columbine landed. So the secret ser-
vice grabbed copies of the stencil, rushed them to the UN mimeo-
graph room, where more copies were ground out of the speech which
had been billed-and was-one of the most momentous of the Eisen-
hower Administration,
S** * *
NOT MUCH of what he said got into the papers because it was off
the cuff with no mimeographed text, but Alben Barkley's spicy
humor was the smash hit of the Democratic dinner in Philadelphia.
Slyly referring to the way the Democrats backed away from
him at the Chicago convention last year, Barkley said:
"When they asked me to come here, they told me I was to be
toastmaster. But at 6:30, Steve Mitchell called and said Senator
Francis Myers was to take that job. It wasn't the first time the Demo-
cratic party has switched to me."
The crowd roared.
"Last year when Eisenhower won by such a big -margin, I figuredI
the Democrats would not come back for a long time," continued the
venerable Kentuckian, "but in recent months I've begun to change
my mind.
"The situation reminds me of a husband in Paris whose wife
died and afterward he discovered she had been receiving the at-
tentions of another gentleman who appeared at the funeral, weep-
ing. The husband was restrained in his grief, but the other man
was not. He could hardly control himself. After the coffin was
finally lowered into the grave, the husband patted the other man
on the back and said: 'Don't feel too bad, old pal. I'll marry again
soon.' "
That, implied Barkley, was how the Democrats are cheering up
the Republicans today-with the promise of being elected again soon.


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent2in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room-2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (before
f1 a.m. on Saturday).
VOL. IXIV, No. 73
The automobile regulations will be'
lifted from 5 p.m. Dec. 18 until 8 a.m.
Jan. 4, 1954.
All offices of the University will be
closed on the Saturdays following
Christmas and New Year's. Unless oth-
erwise specifically requested, all Uni-
versity buildings will remain locked
over the holiday weekends. Requests
for the opening of buildings on either
of the two Saturdays should be madeI
to Mr. Edward Warren, Chief Building
Custodian, Ext. 2826.
-Herbert G. Watkins
The deadline for receipt of applica-
IN-AID has been extended to Jan. 18.
Applications may still be obtained at
the offices of the Graduate School.
Nelson International House applica-
tions for the .spring semester are now
being accepted at the J. Raleigh Nelson
House for International living. All in-
terested parties should call NO 3-8506
or come in person to see us at 915
Oakland Ave.

Doctoral Examination for Julius
Mathew Hill, Education; thesis: "Fac-
tors Influencing the Effect of 'Correc-
tive' Information about One's Apti-
tudes on Change in Vocational Inter-
est," Fri., Dec. 18, 2532 University Ele-
mentary School, at 10 a.m. Chairman,
E. S. Bordin.
Doctoral Examination for Elizabeth
Antonia Puglisi, Education and Psy-
chology; thesis: "The Bio-Psychologi-
cal Determination of the Adequacy of
Informants in American English and
Brazilian Portuguese," Fri., Dec. 18, _
East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., 4t
1:30 p.m. Chairman, J. F. Shepard.
Doctoral Examination for Richard
Nicholas Schmidt, Business Adminis-
tration; thesis: "A Consideration of
Some Aspects of Business Growth," Fri.,
Dec. 18, 816 School of Business Admin-
istration, at 2:30 p.m. Chairman, D. R.
G. Cowan.
Doctoral Examination for Ann Filing-
er Neel, Psychology; thesis: "The Nature
of Defensive Behavior as Studied by
Perceptual Distortion," Sat,, Dec. 19,
7611 Haven Hall, at 1 p.m. Chairman,
H. L Raush.
Doctoral Examination for Glen Dale
Garman, Psychology; thesis: "The
Strong Vocational Interest Inventory as
a Measure of Manifest Anxiety," Mon.,
Dec. 21, 7611 Haven Hall, at 2 p.m.
Chairman, E. L. Kelly.
Events Today
Episcopal Student Foundation. Tea
from 4 to. 5:30 at Canterbury House,
Fri., Dec. 18, followed by student-led
Evening Prayer in the Chapel of St.
Michael and All Angels. All students in-



A.t the State..



USUALLY WITH a poor picture I can re-
lax, sit back in my seat, and sleep
awhile. With the introduction of cinema-
scope, however, this kind of an escape is
impossible. The oversize images on the screen
beat down with a technicolor intensity that
penetrates even the closed eyelids. So this
time I bought some popcorn in the hopes
that a gastronmical diversion might afford
protection from the brooding omnipresence
of the screen. Fortunately, the popcorn
brought on an unquenchable thirst, which
gave me an excuse to take drinking-fountain
Thus suitabely fortified by popcorn and
water, I settled down to endure the cur-
rent double blast at the State.
The first feature is aptly named Thy
Neighbor's Wife. It is an interesting example
of Hollywood film technics about the turn
of the century except that it was made this
year. The standard equipment is all there
including a sweetly demure young heroine
emeshed in the web of a villain. Our dash-
ing hero arrives just in time to sign a mur-
der confession and to get thrown into jail.
But the villain makes his fatal mistake when
he strangles the heroine. Our last glimpse of
him occurs as he mounts the gallows while
silhouetted against the sky filled with storm
clouds and the shrill crys of a vulture.
While viewing the City of Bad Men is is,
advisable to take hold of both armrests
New Books at Library
Ca(rv.n'pmire-Ex'nt iht Im herd.New Yv+

and then duck. The return of Brett Stan-
ton and his gang to Carson City seems to
be the signal for the largest pyrotechnic
display since the Black Tom explosion of
1917. This all takes place in the midst of
the preparations for the Fitzsimmons-
Corbet fight. The combination of such self-
expressive tendencies leads one to suspect,
that neuroses was an unknown quality
in that day.
After curbing his baser instincts, Brett is
able to win away his old girl friend from the
clutches of a perfectly normal and respec-
table cad who might have led her into a life
of domestic bliss. But everyone is happy in
the end, so why quarrel?
Both these films are calculated to leave
the departing student with a mind sufficient-
ly beclouded to endure the rigors of a two
week vacation at home. But the popcorn only
leaves a salty taste in the mouth.
-Dick Wolf
SINCE THE WAR the French Mediterran-
ean coast from Antibes to Marseilles has
been the scene of magnificent creative ac-
tivity in the fine arts. The activity has in-
volved the talents of the three greatest fig-
ures of twentieth-century art in France:
the painters and sculptors Matisse and
Picasso; the architect Le Corbusier. Through
their recent works these three men have
done much to avert the economic collapse
predicted for the Riviera at the end of the
war, when the English and Germans could
no longer travel in numbers or style. Today
the French coastal area is swarming with
tourists once more. Most of them come for
the sake of weather, wine, food, and other
recreational facilities, not excluding the
Bikini bathing suit. But a sizable and grow-
ing n-iihrn oftourists .cme t oePicasso's


ATTORNEY GENERAL Brownell's 17-year-old daughter, Joan, is The New York State Civil Service Dept.
practicing what her father preaches. Accidentally bursting into a has announced that the last date for
Negro church, she discovered she was the only wvhite person present, filing for the Professional and Technical
Assistant examination as well as for
sat down and stayed for the entire service . . . After War Claims the Public Administration Intern ex-
Chairman Dan Cleary passed away, President Eisenhower was so amination has been extended to Dec. 24.
Applications must be postmarked on or
anxious to replace the other two Democratic commissioners that he before that date. Application forms and
wrote a curt letter dismissing them while they were out attending announcements are still available at'
Cleary's funeral . . . The President occasionally drops into the Army- the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
Navy club for unannounced visits with his old cronies. As a result, ministration Bldg.
the Secret Service has run a security check on all the club's em-' PERSONNEL REQUESTS.
ployees . . . Mamie Eisenhower has promised to swing the champagne The Kentucky State Department of
bottle at the launching of the Navy's first atomic sub,. . Senator fH ains ector unII n hexamination
forInpecorVII for the Home Acci-
McCarthy made a big point of the fact that Brig. Gen. Telford Tay- dent Prevention Section of the Depart-
lor's service record was marked with a red "flag." This column can ment. Requirements include a college
report that McCarthy's own record at the Pentagon is similarly "flag- or Public Health plus 4 years of exper-
ged" . . . Georgia's scrupulous Senator Dick Russell, leader of the ience in Sanitary Inspection work. (A
Southern bloc, is so burned up at Republicans that there's no chance Master's degree may be substituted for
of forming another GOP-Southern Democratic coalition next ses- be filed no later than Dec. 27, 1953.
sion. Russell is sore over the Eisenhower Administration's handling The TennesseenValley Authority,
of the farm problem, its use of FBI files to attack the Democrats, Knoxville, Tenn., needs Civil, Mechani-
and the GOP drive to eliminate segregation. tecturai Engineering and Architectural
* * * * graduates to assist in the design, con-
._.Ck A A T .JT: .. A 14~T~It tTstruction, and operation of hydro-elec-



-- A11LL i1Ll~tf1 Y-
T HOUGH A little slow in moving, the Eisenhower Administration
played no favorites in prosecuting the smugglers of $1,000,000
worth of Charolais cattle into Louisiana from a hoof-and-mouth di-E
sease infected part of Mexico. Alphe Broussard, the man who brought
the prize cattle, has now been indicted; also Antonio Enrique Gilly,
the man who sold the cattle to him; and William L. Babb, the man
who actually did the smuggling.
John Minor. Wisdom, Eisenhower's No. 1 political adviser in
Louisiana, was retained as attorney for Broussard, but defended the
case over-the-table, pulled no wires under the table.
* * * *
THE CHEMICAL CORPS has built an imitation A-bomb, made of
smoke-producing chemicals, white phosphorus grenades, nitro
starch, napalm, sand and gravel. When exploded, it shoots a column
of smoke into the air with a mushroom-shaped cloud at the top. The
idea is to simulate an atomic explosion, and add realism to battle
maneuvers . . . There's increasing pressure inside the Navy to convert
- + .. +,- rn in-y Ln Flnc~i n _+.-- ~l ic il l urrl - t

tric and steam generating plants.
The U. S. Civil Service Commission
has announced an examination for Ac-
countants to fill positions as Internalf
Revenue Agents, GS-7, and SpecialI
Agents (Tax Fraud), GS-7, in the In-
ternal Revenue Service of the Treasury
For further information about these
and other employment opportunities,}
contact the Bureau of Appointments,'
3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 371.
The following companies will have
representatives at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments to interview February and
June graduates during the month of
January: Equitable Life Insurance Co.
of Iowa, Denham & Co. (Detroit adver-
tising agency), Aeroquip Corp. (Jack-
son), Kroger Co. (Detroit), Penn Mu-
tual Life Insurance Co., Canada Life
Assurance Co., and Montgomery Ward:
(Detroit). See the Daily Official Bulletin
nn Janur v 5 fr nre ntails

Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn............Managing Editor
Eric Vetter.................City Editor
Virginia Voss.........Editorial Director
Mike Wolff.........Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director-
Diane Decker..........Associate Editoi
Helene Simon...........Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye................Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg....Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell......Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler.. ..Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell...Head Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger. Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin...,Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden..,.....Finance Manager
James Sharp......Circulation Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1

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