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December 18, 1953 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1953-12-18

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Cagers To Meet Indiana, Four Other Opponents During


While most Michigan students
will be relaxing and taking it easy
for the next two weeks, the Wol-
verine cagers will get very littlel
rest as they are scheduled to play
five games before classes com-
mence again on January 4th.
Included among this quintet of
contests is the Maize and Blue's
Big Ten opener with Indiana, Jan-

five and right now are in first place
in the AP poll.
SPARKED by its All-American
duo of Don Schlundt and Bob
Leonard, Coach Branch McCrack-
en's team has rolled through four
games without a loss. The victims
were Cincinnati, 78-65, Kansas
State, 92-66, Notre Dame by a
66-55 count and Butler, 76-57.
The 6-10 Schlundt, while be-

Leonard meanwhile has con-:
tributed 53 points in the first four
games besides being the ,team's
floor leader and quarterback.
WHILE the Hoosiers lineup
seemed pretty well set atsthe start
of the season with last year's first
and second team returning. new-t
comer Wally Choice has still man-
aged to play enough to average

mediate interest to Bill Perigo's
five are the road tussles with
Butler and Cincinnati tomor-
row and Monday.n
These two games might offer the
Wolverines some line on how they
stack up against the other West-
ern Conference squads since be-
tween them Butler and Cincinnati
have played six games with Big
Ten teams.

and the countries toughest outfits, cats have taken the measure of
Wisconsin. Ohio State, Illinois and Union by a 98-59 score and Ten-
Indiana in that order defeated the nessee by 87-69.j
Bulldogs before they upset Purdue * * *
in overtime, 67-65. However it was their perform-
Keith Greve, a 6-1 forward ance in their two losses that makes
and Jim Crosley, 5-9 guard have them impressive. They stayed
been Butler's most dangerous close to Indiana for three quarters
scorers this season just as they before the Hoosiers pulled away
were last year. Greve averaged to win, 78-65 and Western Ken-
17.1 points a game during the tucky, one of the country's best

plains why. Twyman outscored'
Schlundt 29 to 20 and then held
Art Spoelstra of Western Ken-
tucky to 13 points while tally-
ing 23 himself.
Loyola of Chicago and Mar-!
quette are to meet later in the va-
cation. December 28th and 31st to
be exact. Loyola, not including a
game with Notre Dame last night.
has played five times and won
HOWEVER its two losses came
at the hands of Big Ten opposi-
tion, Wisconsin beating them, 75-
54, and Purdue winning 82-70.
While Loyola will play in Ann
Arbor, the Wolverines will trav-
el to Marquette to encounter the
Hilltoppers. Although the Mich-
igan five beat Marquette earlier

this season by 15 points, the
Wisconsin outfit figures to be
much rougher on its home floor
and Perigo anticipates trouble
in that engagement.
This marks the second season
in a row that Indiana has come
to Ann Arbor during the Christ-
mas vacation and many students
have queried about this.
Perigo has a very good answer:
"It is very difficult to get the home
dates you want and since Michi-
gan fans don't support their team
very well, we figured that it
wouldn't matter if we played In-
diana during the holidays. If Wol-
verine supporters show they're ins
terested in their team, I'll fight like
the devil to get the best schedule


ten pints er coest Tenng t eamen.
uary 2nd at Ann Arbor. The Boos- hind last year's average of 25.4 nos einrt p er i utetuxii es. * * * 1952-53 season while Crosley y four.
iers not only are favored to cop per game, still has managed to BUTLER has been successful in maintained a 12.3 pace. Jack Twyman, sensational 6-6
the Conference title, but are ac- toss in 71 points thus far despite While the Indiana encounter only one of its five games this Cincinnati has split even in four center for Cincinnati is an All-
corded a good chance of finish- the fact that he is constantly is the most important of the va- year, but its losses have been in- contests not including its game American candidate and his
ing the season as the nation's top double and triple teamed, cation contests, of more im- flicted by some of the Big Ten's, with Toledo last night. The Bear- showing in the two losses ex-
M'. ,PUckters at NorthDakota onight
meQ W' 11H1211 P/l -


Sophomore Pivot Man
Shines for Wolverines

For National Champions,

Yanks Sell

Michigan's battling hockey team
opens its bid for the Western In-
tercollegiate Ice Hockey league
crown tonight as it collides with
the rugged North Dakota Sioux
in the new Winter Sports Palace
at Grand Forks, in the first tilt of
a two game series.
Tonight's battle, the first game
to be played in the newly named
WIIHL, finds the Wolverines at
full strength for the crucial series,
with the exception of forward Jay
Goold, who is still out with a
broken knee.
MICHIGAN'S squad, which left
by plane for Grand Forks at 4:00
a.m. yesterday, will face a stiff
test, a test which may give indica-
tions of Wolverine title hopes. The
Nodaks are strong, and according
to Michigan coach Heyliger, "will
be very tough to beat."
Playing in a league loaded
with such powerhouses as Min-
nesota, North Dakota, and Den-
ver, neither the Wolverines nor
the Sioux can afford to lose.
Something will have to give dur-
ing the two game series, and
each game counts two precious
points in the league standings.
Michigan is up against virtually
the same squad that rolled through
its first 12 games last season un-
defeated. The Wolverines have to
reckon with a team that has rack-
ed up wins over such crack Canad-'
ien outfits as the St. Boniface
Bonnies and the Winnipeg Barohs
so far this season.
COACH CLIFF (Fido) Purpur
has his top line ready for the Wol-
verines. Headed by All-American
Ben Cherski, this veteran unit
also includes Ray Hout and Ken
Purpur, younger brother of the1
Cherski already leads Nodak
scoring, having slammed home
three goals in the Winnipeg ser-J
ies and two in the St. Boniface
tilts. Coach Purpur also has his
famed "pony line" of last sea-
son back intact, with Walt Ped-
erson and Marcel Beaulieu at
the wings and Ernie WarnockI
at center.f

.. top Nodak forward

In the Sioux nets, Jerry (Spike)
Schultz has replaced towering Al
Finkelstein, last season's goalie. In
three games, Schultz has allowed
eight goals, while stopping 82
* * *
THE THIRD Nodak line in-
cludes John Wade at center, and
wingmen Bill Boone and Sid Bry-
duck, while the defensive set-ups
for the Sioux have Rog Goodman
paired with Walt Running, and El-
wood Shell coupled with Bob
Heyliger will have his usual
lines ready for the Sioux, head-
ed by the crack first line of Pat
Cooney, Doug Mullen, and
George Chin.
Over 4600 will Jam the newly
refurnished Winter Sports Palace
tonight and tomorrow night to see
the first league series ever to be
played on artificial ice at North
For Michigan, this will be the
last hockey action until Jan. 5,
when the Detroit Red Wings inf
vade the Hill Street Coliseum for
an exhibition tilt. The next league,
gafnes for the Wolverines will be
a home and home series with
Michigan State on January 8
and 9.

House That
Ruth Built'
NEW YORK-W)-Ownership of
Yankee Stadium - the "House
That Ruth Built"-passed out of
the hands of the New York Yan-
kees yesterday in a $6,500,000 deal.
But co-owners Del E. Webb and
Dan R. Topping of the Yankees
said there will be no change in the
operation of the baseball club. It
was strictly a real estate deal, they
explained, and will enable them to
concentrate more on baseball.
IN A three-cornered transaction,
Webb and Topping sold Yankee
Stadium and Blues -Stadium in
Kansas City, to the Arnold John-
son Corp., headed by Arnold John-
son, a Chicagoan who specializes
in big real estate purchases.
Johnson in turn sold the land
under Yankee Stadium and the
adjacent parking areas to the
Knights of Columbus for $2,-
Then, by means of long term
leases, Johnson rented the land
from the K. of C., and rented the
entire property back to the Yan-
* * *
THE EFFECT of the entire deal
was that the Yankee Baseball
Club now becomes the renter in-
stead of the owner of both ball
parks. Webb and Topping received
a fat profit on the property they
bought, along with Larry Mac-
Phail, for $2,800,000 in 1945 and
still own the two ball clubs.
The Kansas City park was not
involved in Johnson's transac-
tion with the Knights of Colum-
bus and Johnson, Webb and
Topping all explained that one
condition of their deal was that
the city of Kansas City would be
"protected" in the event it had
the opportunity to get a major
league club.
Although none of the parties
would say what the Yankees will
have to pay an annual rental for
the stadium, Johnson said he felt
he was getting "a very good re-
turn for my money and is a fair
deal to Del and Dan."

Don Canham's cindermen gave
definite evidence that they will be
a power in the years to come for
the freshman and sophomores de-
feated the juniors and seniors 84-
73 in an inter-squad meet at Yost
Field House last night.
It was the first time, since its
inception five years ago, that the
freshman and sophomores have
beaten the upperclassmen in this
annual meet.
* * *
PACING THE undergraduates
was sophomore Tom Hendricks,
who accounted for 14 points as he
took first in the low hurdles and
broad jump, and a second in the
high hurdles. Hendrick's perform-
ance was extremely encouraging
to Canham for Hendricks is ex-
pected to fill the large gap left by
the graduation of Van Bruner.
One of the most interesting
races of the night was the mile
run in which sophomore Pete
Gray defeated Jim Smithers in
the very good time of 4:24.
Smithers took the lead at the
half mile and gradually moved
away from Gray.
Gray, however was not to be
denied. He caught Smithers at
the three-quarter mark and grad-
ually forged ahead to win by 20
yards. Jack Christenson, Geoff
Dooley, and George Jayne round-
ed out the first five.
* * S
ANOTHER sophomore, diminu-
tive high jumper Mark Booth won
the event with a jump of 6 feet 5
inches. Booth's leap broke the old
time trial record set by Bob Ev-
ans in 1952. Also impressive in
this event was freshman Jim Men-
ees who sailed over the bar at 6
feet, two inches.
One other time trial record
was broken. Ron Wallingford
won the mile and one-half in

the swift time of 7.02.1 which
easily shattered the old mark
of 7:06.5 set by Justin Williams
in 1949. This race was primarily
a two man affair between Wal-
lingford and Al Lubina.
Wallingford took the lead at the
second turn and kept it until the
half mile when Lubina passed him.
A quarter mile later Wallingford
regained the lead and with Lu-
bina doggedly trailing at Walling-
ford's heels the two soon outdis-
tanced the rest of the field.
* * *
AT THE MILE nark, however,
Wallingford began to pull away.
Picking up yardage with every step
the sophomore star broke the tape
25 yards ahead of the tiring Lu-*
Victorious in the 660 yard run,
Senior John Ross showed he was
in top form. The conference
champ's time was an impressive
1:23.3. Following Ross across the
finish line were upperclassman
John Moule, sophomore TedKi-
lar and freshman Alan Gold-
One of the most encouraging
performances was turned in by t
pole-vaulter Roger Maugh. Maugh
who cleared the cross-bar at 13!
feet gave evidence that the Wol-
verines may be stronger in one of:
their weakest events. Tom Skim-
ming led the underclassmen with
a vault of 12 feet 6 inches.
* * *
ANOTHER conference champ
gave evidence that he was in fine
form. Captain Fritz Nilson threw
the shot 51 feet 2 inches to win
his event.
Other winners in last night'sa
meet were Pete Sutton in the
quarter mile, Jim Love in the high
hurdles, and Joe Vallortigara in
the 60 yard dash.

Underclass Track men
Annex Intra-Squad Meet
Sophomores Wallingford, Hendricks, Gray
Star in First Victory Over Upperclassmen

. . . sophomore sensation
N1D Grid Stars
Curfew Rule
SOUTH BEND, Ind.-(A)-Two
Notre Dame football stars, quar-
terback Ralph Guglielmi and half-
back Joe Heap, have been suspend-
ed from school for rules infrac-
tions, it was learned reliably last
The Rev. Theodore Hesburgh,
Notre Dame president, would nei-
ther confirm nor deny the action.
"It is a strict policy at Notre
Dame not to announce suspensions
or ineligibilities because of aca-
demic or other reasons," he said.
"I can only say that Joe Heap and
Ralph Guglielmi are no longer on
the campus."
DISCIPLINARY action was be-
lieved to have been prompted when
the two players returned late to
campus one night last week.
It was assumed that Heap and
Guglielmi, who make up half of
Coach Frank Leahy's potential
starting backfield for 1954, had
returned to their homes. Heap
lives in Abita Springs, La., and
Guglielmi in Columbus, Ohio.
Both are juniors this year.
It was learned that the two play-

The performances of Harvey
IWilliams in Michigan's first three
basketball contests have aroused
many questions in the mind of
Wolverine partisans concerning
the 6-8 center.
How much can he help the
Maize and Blue. What is his bas-
ketball background? Is he as good
as he looked in the opening games?
How many years eligibility does
he have left? This is some of the
information desired by Michigan
fans and this story is designed to
answer these questions.
WILLIAMS is almost a stranger
to the game of basketball, having
played for the first time in his
senior year in high school. It took
a lot of pressure- from the high
school coach to get Williams out
for the team and as he himself ad-
mits he was not very good at all
that season.
Thus he came to Michigan
with just about no experience,
and the progress that the Louis-
ville born sophomore has made
since that time has amazed ev-
He has come so far that the
Michigan coaching staff, while re-
fusing to commit itself on his fu-
ture, has very high hopes that he
can develop into a top-notch ball-
* * *
THOSE who work close to Wil-
liams, his teammates and coaches
feel that his showings in the Pitt,
Valparaiso, and Marquette games
was just a flash in the pan.
As Perigo says, "Each game
that Harvey plays he gets bet-
ter since he's always learning
new things and improving what

Williams has a' good jump shot
and he has been connecting on
his hook shots. He also possesses
an accurate one-hander from out-
side. As one of his teammates said,
"Harv just seems to be endowed
with natural shooting ability; he
has developed these shots in less
than two season of playing bas-
* * *
HOWEVER he's scored most of
his points thus far this season on
tipins, making use of good spring
in his legs and extra long arms.
Besides the added scoring
power that he has given Michi-
gan, Williams is a main cog in
the Maize and Blue fast break
which requires a big man to
clear the boards quickly.
His main trouble now is slow re-
flexes which especially comes to
light on defense. However Perigo
and Assistant Coach Matt Pat-
tanelli, who has worked many
hours with Williams, both feel that
with more practice and experience,
he will quicken his reflexes.
* * *
Although he played in the Il-
linois contest last season, there
is a good chance that Williams will
have three years of eligibility in-
cluding this season. This will de-
pend on a Conference decision.
Williams has an intense desire
to learn basketball and absorbs
what he is taught very quickly.
These two factors combine to
make his and Michigan's baskets
ball future a bright one indeed.

he previously
knows how far
he's played for;

learned. Who
he can go after
a year or so."-

--- -- ~ ,- - -- - ---- -- r-- --

Browns Hold Top Pro Grid Lifetime Grid Mark

ers will have to apply for read-
A Peddle ole man, anovtcn mission to Notre Dame at the start
A s eddl Coeman Fano ichof the second semester in Febru-
To Orioies-Get Cain in Return * * *
To O iole; G t Can i .reurn THEY WILL miss all final ex-
- ---- -aminations for the current semes-
The Baltimore Orioles announc- ter, but will have the opportunity
ed vesterdav the trade of hitch-, games while dropping ten in 100 Ifmkgtm ifreamitted


When the Cleveland Browns
take the field at Briggs Stadium
Sunday, December 27, to play the
Detroit Lions for the National
Football League title, they will be
carrying the best lifetime record in
the play-for-pay ranks.
Navy 78, Columbia 52
Army 81, Ithaca 57 .
Illinois Wesleyan 77, Mississip-
pi Southern 71
Lawrence Tech 73, Assumption
Muskegon JC 61, Jackson JC 57
Hamline 81, Rockhurst 68
Notre Dame 81, Loyola 65,
Kansas 72, Tulane 61
Oklahoma A&M 65, Oklahoma 46:
Michigan State 65, Marquette 60 '
Colorado A&M 68, Drake 64
Iowa Wesleyan 98, Penn Iowa 44!
Buena Vista 62 Dubuque 40
Central Iowa 69, Cornell, Iowa 50
Calvin 72, Hillsdale 46
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds,

Under coach Paul Brown, who in
24 years directing gridiron mach-
ines has lost only 34 games, the
Cleveland squad has rolled to 93
victories against 13 defeats and
three ties in eight years.
LED BY SUCH players as Otto
Graham, Lou Groza, Dante La-
velli, Bill Willis, Marion Motley,
and Lin Houston who have been
with the team since it was formed,
the Browns .have won a profes-
sional league title six times since
Their only miss came last year
when the Detroit Lions beat
them in the championship play-
off, 17-7.
In the now defunct All-Ameri-
Night Editor

can Conference, which went out
of existence in 1949, Cleveland was
almost invincible as it rolled to
the championship four straight
* * *
MANY CRITICS figured that
the tougher competition in the
NFL would take its toll on Brown's
eleven. However, the club pro-
ceeded to roll to two titles in its
first two years in the league and
won the division title last season.
This year Cleveland came up
with one of the best pro teams
of all time and racked up eleven
consecutive wins before bowing
in the league finale to a fired-
up Philadelphia Eagle eleven,
The record gave it the division
title and the right to meet the
Lions a week from this Sunday. A
victory Would give Cleveland its
seventh title in eight years.

er Bob Cain to the Philadelphia
Athletics in return for two 31-
year old hurlers, Frank Fanovich
and Joe Coleman.
According to Oriole spokesmen
there was no cash involved.
IT WAS the second trade in gs
many days for the rebuilding Ath-
letics. Wednesday Philadelphia ob-
tained first basemen Dan Boll-
weg, and Vic Power, along with
outfielder Bill Renna for Eddie
Robinson and Harry Byrd. ,
This marks the third time
that the 29-year-old southpaw
Cain has been traded since he
came into the majors in 1950.
He has pitched with moderate
success for the White Sox, Ti-
gers and Browns and the now
defunct Browns.
Last season he won only four

innings of pitching.
S * * ,
COLEMAN who has been suf-
fering from a sore arm since 1950,
showed flashes of a possible come-
back in 1953. He hurled a brilliant
shut out against the heavy hit-
ting Red Sox in his first start in
After that he was used spar-
ingly and finished with a 3-4
record. He pitched in the All
Star game in 1948.
Fanovich, a southpaw who has
a lot of stuff but suffers frequentf
wildness was a rookie last season
and failed to win a game against
three losses.

U1 1 U.
A Notre Dame source said if
the two 1953 regulars on the un-
defeated Irish team make up the
exams they will be eligible to
participate in spring drills in
Heap was Notre Dame's leading
pass catcher for 1953 and fourth
best rusher. He and Guglielmi,
rated Notre Dame's most improved
player of the season, scored 42 and
41 points, respectively.

* * * frm * 5
122 East Washington St.
SamuelJ. Benjamin, Owner, '27 Lit,
1 /.
K Merry
s }_ Christmas .I
to our
Y Y Patron
. I


The Ann Arbor Bank
wishes you
A Merry Christmas a



. (0

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