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December 15, 1953 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1953-12-15

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Puc Hoop Squads Promising in

Wee en ames

Defensemen, Ikola Sparked
'Wolverines Against Toronto

Wolverines Pass First Test
By Beating Marquette Five

Michigan's three man defense
r combination and goalie Willard
Ikola limited tge tough Toronto
Blues to one goal in two games
this past weekend permitting the
Wolverines to pick up a victory
and a tie in the exciting series.
The 6-1 win on Friday night and
the scoreless tie in Saturday
} night's encounter enabled coach
Vic Heyliger's sextet to retain the
Thompson Cup for another year.
THE CUP goes annually to the
team that scores the most goals in
th6 series.
Michigan was a much improv-
ed hockey club against the Blues
from the club that split a pair
' of contests to McGill the week
The outstanding reason for the
Wolverines' better play can be
traced directly to the performance
of captain Jim Haas, Burt Dunn
and Lou Paolatto who threw up
in almost inpenetrable defense
t gainst the hard skating Toronto
DUNN, improving with every
game, turned in an especially good
performance in the series' finale,
on two occasions working the
Blues away from the net when he
was back alone on two man rushes.
The 190-pound junior from
Montreal, Quebec played left
wing on Michigan's third line
Top Rookie
NEW YORK -- () - Harvey
Kuenn, brilliant Detroit; Tiger
shortstop, yesterday was selected
as the American League's rookie
of the year.
Twenty-three out of the 24
members of the most valuable
players committee of the Baseball
Writers Assn. gave Kuenn a first
place vote.

most of last season, but was
forced into defense duty this
year when Heyliger found him-
self with only two defensemen
returning from the 1953 NCAA
championship club.
He has adapted himself well to
the new position and when team-
ed up with the reliable Haas, the
Wolverines have one of the best
defensive pairs in the country
protecting Ikola's net.
, * * *
IKOLA, who allowed only one
one goal, a long screened shot off
the -stick of 'Toronto defenseman,t
Lou Appleby, was classy in both
He was at his best in the first
period of Friday night's victory
when he turned away three hard
close-in shots to keep the goal
clean while Michigan's forwards
were getting ready for the six
goal splurge in the last two
stanzas that carried them to
Collecting one goal and four as-
sists during the weekend's festiv-
ities, center Doug Mullen. took
over undisputed scoring leadership
of the Wolverines.
* ,' *
WITH THREE goals and credit
for helping on eight others, the
stocky red-head now has eleven
points for the four games.
George Chin, who fired home
four goals in the opening game
with Toronto, tied linemate Pat
Cooney and Bill MacFarland for
the top spot in the goal scoring
department. Cooney and Chin
have four assists-to go with their
four goals for eight points.
Minnesota, the team that tied
Michigan for the Midwest League
championship last year, racked up
two wins over weekend. The Go-
phers downed a good Fort William
sextet, 5-0, on Friday night and
fought off a gallant rebound at-
tempt to win the finale, 5-3.

Michigan's cage squad came
through its first real test of the
season in impressive fashion when
it whipped Marquette last Satur-
day night, 79-64.
According to Coach Bill Perigo,
"Marquette was a good club, one
that should play winning ball this
season," and the manner in which
the Wolverines handled the Hill-
toppers was very encouraging.
dicapped in that 6-9 Terry Rand
had to be used sparingly in the
last two quarters due to four per-

. . . stars against Toronto

Gymnasts Convincing Victory
Indicative of BrightProspects
* * ;

Saturday's gymnastics meet with
Notre Dame had little or no effect
on the eventual outcome of the
Wolverines in Big Ten competition
but the opener did point up cer-
t'ain facts which may be indica-
tive of what is to come.
Michigan breezed by the Irish
handily, 55-41, while looking as
though they could have well made
the score more one-sided. Coach
Newt Loken used all of his young-
er prospects on the squad wherev-
er possible.
JUNIOR BILL Winkler stepped
into the limelight for the first
time with his victory on the tram-
poline; he had been obscured last
year by ex-Captain Don Hurst, an
excellent tramp and tumbling man
who graduated last June.
A steady point-getter in the
1951-53 campaign, flying rings
specialist Dick Bergman showed
vastly improved form in winning
his event, a "first" for him.
Third place on the high bar and
fourth in tumbling proved that
newcomer Wes Wenrich may be
called upon for points in future

days, although he is breaking in
with the squad as a senior.
HARRY LUCHS, Big Ten paral-
lel bar champion in 1953, competed
not counting in the Maize and
Blue score because of an injured
thumb but still managed to pile
up a point total which would have
gained him top places on the fly-
ing rings and high bar.
Scores of Frank Adams, work-
ing not-to-count because of in-
eligibility until February, and Lee
Lrumbholz, who stepped aside for
younger team members in several
events, looked impressive. Even
second semester freshman Chico
San Antonio turned in a creditable
performance on the trampoline
without counting.
All this emphasized the depth
and power which Loken may pos-
sess this season although the fine
form has not yet been reached in
most cases which will be necessary
later on in the year.
Volleyball Title
Won by Adams
Using its tremendous height to
good advantage, Adams House won
the residence hall intramural vol-
leyball championship by defeat-
ing Gomberg House, 4-2, last night.
Jim Beissel, 6-7, and Vic Long,
6-6, played a big part in the win.
Boasting an average height of 6-4,
the men from Adams towered over
their South Quad opponents.
The set-up combination of
Chet Murphy to Lou Langford
was particularly effective against
Gomberg. Playing well the en-
tire evening, the duo lead Adams
to a fast lead at the start of the
deciding game, and the West
Quad men went on to win, 15-9.
In other residence hall final con-
tests, Green defeated Lloyd, 4-1,
in the second place match, while
Allen-Rumsey beat Cooley, 4-2, for
the fourth place title. Hayden won
the third place final by forfeit
over Michigan, and Scott forfeited
to Kelsey in the fifth place play-

sonals. However the Maize and
Blue will not run into many teams
this season that possess the height
of the Hilltoppers (an appropriate
Moreover Marquette, as con-
trasted to Pitt and Valparaiso
who played a possession type
game, tried to fast break with
the Wolverines and the local
five came out on the long end.
Harvey Williams, also in his
first real test, stood up very well.
Besides tallying 19 to bring his
three game total to 60, the 6-8
soph began to rebound much bet-
ter and his defense, while still not
one of his strong points, showed
Barron, the sophomore duo, con-
tinued their fine play though both
were injured. Jorgenson played de-
spite the fact that shortly before
he had a cyst drained, "a condi-
tion," according to Trainer Jim
Hunt, "that would have kept 90
percent of players out of action."
Barron twisted his ankle in
the contest and while X-rays in-
dicated no fracture, they did
show up bone chips which might
possibly hinder the six foot
The fact that five Wolverines
hit double figures for the second
game in a row while Milt Mead
scored nine and did a good job off
the boards, indicates that the
hoopsters have good scoring depth
this season,
Jack Nagle, Marquette coach,
when asked to compare Michigan
and Wisconsin off their games
with Marquette indicated that the
Wolverines stack up well against
the Badgers. "Fifty percent of
Michigan's offense is the fast
break, and they certainly break
well." he added.

* captains wrestlers

Gopher Head
Grid Coach
Resigns Post
ler, whose bid to restore University
of Minnesota football teams to
national stature was rrustrated by
ordinary material, unexpectedly
resigned yesterday after three1
years as head coach.
Fesler, 44, and one-time head
coach at Ohio State and Pitts-
burgh, leaves Minnesota to be-
come a partner, vice president and*
sports director of radio stationi
WDGY in Minneapolis, an inde-
pendent station.j
Fesler joined Minnesota in
1951 after famed Bernie Bier-
man gave up the ghost follow-
ing a dismal 1950 season. Fes-
ler's resignation becomes effec-
tive Feb. 1.
Athletic Director Ike Armstrong
said no consideration had been
given yet to a successor.
Minnesota would like either Bud
Wilkinson of Oklahoma or Biggie
Munn of Michigan State. But it
is doubtful whether either could be
induced to leave highly successful
surroundings now.

Latvians 6, Standish-Evans 0
Turks 6, Nelson 0
Reeves 2, AdamsL
Nu Sigma Nu 3, Tau Epsilon Rho
Theta Chi 2, Phi Sigma Delta 0
Indiana 66, Notre Dame 55
Oklahoma 69. Wisconsin 65
Kentucky 101, Wake Forest 69
Duquesne 65, Carnegie Tech 42


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Lions Win To Capture Division Title

Reigns as NCAA Cha p
It's no accident that some men packs a tremendous wallop into his
are champions, but it was by acci- 130 pound frame. His title dem-
dent that the present national onstrates that it takes more than
champion wrestler in the 130 size to win. He attributes much of
pound class enrolled at Michigan. his success to his home environ-
Novard "Snip's" Nalon hadn't ment, though.
planned to go to college, but one "Snip" is from Mason City,
day when passing through Ann Iowa, right in the middle of the
Arbor with a wrestling coach from wrestling country where, he says,
another school, he decided he liked in some places wrestling is more
it so well, that he stayed. popular than football. In these
* * surroundings wrestling came
LAST YEAR, "Snip's" speed and naturally to him.
wrestling ability carried him to Beginning as a sophomore in
the NCAA wrestling tournament high school, he soon became a for-
where he captured championship midable opponent. By the time he
honors. He downed one of the na- was a junior, he had improved
tion's best wrestlers, Dick Lemyre, so much that he placed second in
for the title. Lemyre was the East- the Iowa state meet. In his senior
ern Intercollegiate Champion. year he repeated the performance
Nalon began his phenominal by again taking second place in
collegiate career in his sopho- the state meet.
more year. He compiled a 5-2 When asked who he consider-
record that year, losing to Phil ed his toughest opponent had
Duggan, of Iowa, who went on been, he said he thought many
to finally be defeated in the Big of them had been tough espec-
Ten Conference quarter finals, ially Lemyre. However the best
and Dick Gunner, of MSC. matman he'd met was Bob Dat-
"Snip" has been Big Ten cham- teri, whom Snip defeated in the
pion twice. In his sophomore year, quarter final round of the NCAA
he avenged his loss to Gunner by Tournament last year.
defeating him in the final round This is Nalon's second year as
to win the Big Ten Title. This rec- captain of the matmen. He hopes
ord gave him a place in the NCAA he can lead the team to another
wrestling tournament, but he was Big Ten Championship like the
eliminated in the quarter finals. one Michigan captured at Bloom-
ington, Ind., last year by a 27-
NALON proves that small size 22 score over MSC.
is no detriment to wrestlers. He "Snip," a 21 year old senior, is
a physical education major. He
-M- SCORES hopes to become a wrestling in-
VOLLEYBALL structor for a large high school.
Foresters 6, Newman 0
Hawaiians 4, Nakamura 2 I


The'Detroit Lions needed a late
goal line stand to defeat the New
York Giants Sunday, 27-16, and
clinch the Western Division title
of the National Football League.
The Lions and Cleveland
Browns, Eastern Division champs,
will meet for the pro football
crown at Detroit, December 27th.
s * s
stop the Giants on the one-foot
line in the final period when a
touch-down and a conversion
would have sent New York ahead.
The winners then took an
intentional safety making the
score 20-16 and thus were able
to punt out of danger from their
:20 yard line. A superfluous
touchdown on the last play of
the game accounted for the final
11 ,point margin.
The Lions had built their lead
on the strength of a pair of Bob-
by Layne touchdown passes and a
50-,yard scoring run by Doak
* * -*
score at 7-7 on a 49-yard paydirt
aerial from Charlie Connerly to
Frank Gifford. After falling be-
hind 20-7, the losers cut the defi-
cit to six as Gifford hit Ray Pelfrey
for 10 yards and a score and then
just fell short the next time they
had their hands on the ball.

The Browns meanwhile suf-
fered their first defeat of the
season when the Philadelphia
Eagles took them into camp, 42-
27. The loss, which was the
worst ever suffered by Cleveland
in the NFL, foiled their bid for
the first perfect season since
The winners came from behind
twice as Bobby Thomason com-
pleted 23 of 35 passes including
touchdowns to Pete Pihos, Tony
Ledbetter, and Bobby Walston.
* * *
IN ANOTHER first, the Chicago
Final NFL Standings

Cardinals won their initial game
of the year defeating their cross-
town rivals the Chicago Bears, 24-
17. Two of the winners three six-
pointers were scored after Bear
miscues and the other was set-up
by a bad pass from center on a
The San Francisco Forty-
Niners walloped the Baltimore
Colts Sunday, 45-14 as Gordy
Soltau tallied 21 points to take
the league scoring title. Forty-
Niner Joe Perry scored three
times in wrapping up the ground
gaining title.
The Pittsburgh Steelers over-
came a 13-0 deficit to squeeze by
the Washington Redskins, 14-13.
Jack Bulter intercepted a Redskin
pass on the losers eight and ran
it in for the winning touchdown.

Cleveland ......11 1 0
Philadelphia ... 7 4 1
Washington .... 6 5 1
Pittsburgh ..... 6 6 0
New York ...... 3 9 0
Chicago Cardinals 1 10 1


I mm

W L T Pct.
Detroit .... 10 2 0 .853
San Francisco .. 9 3 0 .750
Los Angeles ... 8 3 1 .727
Chicago Bears .. 3 8 1 .273
Baltimore 39 0 .250
Green Bay ..... 2 9 1 .182


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