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December 12, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-12-12

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Set h43
Latest Deadline in the State


_ ,
- .





Cites Issues
In Election
No Speculation
On McCarthyism
lai E. Stevenson flew into towr
yesterday for a rally of Easterr
states Democrats that will stress
pocketbook problems and forecast
the 1954 outlook for the party as
"fair and warmer."
The man who won the Demo-
cratic presidential nomination last
year but lost out in the election,
sized up the major issues for the
1954 Congressional elections as
foreign trade, foreign policy, tax-
ation and farm policy.
DEMOCRATIC National Chair-
man Stephen A. Mitchell told re-
porters the emphasis here will be
on high living. costh. They have
climbed in recent months to suc-
cessive all-time peaks.
The big 11-state rally gets for-
mally under way today. The cli-
max is a banquet and a Steven-
son speech at 11 p.m. today over
nationwide radio and television
Stevenson didn't reply directly
when a cluster of reporters at the
Philadelphia airport asked him
whether he might "find a few
shortcomings in the Eisenhower
Administration" in his address.
"At least I didn't bring any mud
with me," he remarked. "As a
fellow said out in my state, 'He
who slings mud generally loses
* * *
WOULD he dally on Sen. Mc-
Carthy (R-Wis.) whose investiga-
tions of subversives and split with
the Administration on some phases
of foreign policy are cores of con-
Well, Stevenson said, he might
"advert to the general situa-
Did he think "McCarthyism"
would be a 1954 issue?
"I can't speculate on that,"
the former Illinois governor re-
"President Eisenhower says it
will mean nothing. The Senator
says it will mean everything. They
must know more about it than I
do," he said.
Asked about Eisenhower's pro-
posal before the United Nations
this week for international pool-
ing of atomic materials, Stevenson
said he wasn't surprised that the
Russian reaction was disdain and
He said he still was hopeful
Russia might come around to a
better attitude, but he couldn't
be too optimistic in thinking Rus-
sia actually will work for peace.
Noted Chicago
Group To Play
America's third oldest sym-
phonic organization will give a'
concert as part of the Choral
Union series at 8:30 p.m. tomor-
row in Hill Auditorium.
The Chicago Symphony Orches-
tra, under the direction of Fritz
Reiner, in its 63 year history has
earned international distinction
as a result of periodical European
tours. More than one hundred
musicians make up the well-known

In addition to regular concert
tours the orchestra presents
weekly radio and- television per-
formances in the Chicago area.
Nan Merriman, well known
radio and concert singer, will ap-
pear with the orchestra, perform-
ing "El Amor Brujo" by Falla.
Bach, Debussy, Richard Strauss
and Wagner compositions will be
performed by the group.
Tickets for the concert are pric-
ed at $3, $2.50, $2 and $1.50. They
may be purchased from 9:45 a.m.
to noon today in the University
Musical Society Offices located in
Burton Tower today and before
the concert tomorrow at the Hill
Auditorium box office.
Plane Crashes
In Snowstorm
EL PASO, Tex. - ('P) - A gi-

Revenue Bond
Finance Dorms
Students' Bills Help To Pay Off
Outstanding Residence Halls Debts
(Editor's Note: This is the Arst in a series of interpretive articles on the
University Residence Halls, their finances, foods and future.)
Are today's dormitory residents over-paying for board and room
so that future residents won't have to pay their way?
What about quad food? How much does it cost and is it worth
the price?
What will the University's residence halls system be like in
the next few years? Will there be more "South Quads?" What are
the prospects for future rent increases?
* * * *E
THESE ARE SOME of the big questions men and women who
live in residence halls are wondering about. They all add up to the one
big question of whether University dormitory residents are getting

Draft Quota
Set To Drop
In February
Figure Lowest
Since June, 1952
WASHINGTON-(R)-The draft
call for February will drop to
18,000, the lowest monthly figure
since June 1952, Secretary of De-
fense Wilson said yesterday.
Draft calls have been running
at a monthly rate of 23,000 since
July. Last February selective ser-
vice inducted 53,000 young men
into the Army.
WILSON disclosed the February
1954 figure at an airport news con-
ference just before leaving for
Paris, where he will attend next
week's session of the North At-
lantic Treaty Council.
He told reporters he didn't
think there would be any more
reductions in draft calls, and he
said he did not see how the draft
or some equivalent method of re-
cruiting soldiers, could be drop-
ped as long as the present tense
international situation exists, or
in the "foreseeable future."
Defense experts predict that
draft calls will soar to 50,000 or
60,000 a month after next July.






A llied


their money's worth or not.

Favors 'U'
Driving Bant
The City Council is opposed to
lifting the University driving ban,
Council Chairman George W. Sal-
lade told a television audience last
night in a press interview.
"Dropping the ban would bring
an increase in cars, in the traffic
problem and the safety problems,"
Sallade said. "We're not gray-
bearded old men, but we feel that
lifting the ban would multiply our
problems many fold."
* * *
SALLADE and Mayor William B.'
Brown, Jr. answered questions of
four journalism students, Kath-
leen Baker, '55, Duane Poole. '55,
Jack Neal, '54, and Carl Zimmer-
man, Grad., concerning present
city problems.
Mayor Brown commented en-
thusiastically on the new May-
nard Street carport. "We were
scared to death about its suc-
cess," said the Mayor, "but the
result is much better than any
of us ever expected. It's unus-
ually designed, in fact, I don't
think there's anything quite like
it in the nation.,
Mayor Brown said that the
$422,000 structure, housing 422,
cars, parked over 900 cars last
The mayor went on to outline his
new 10-year plan to provide new
parking space in the city. Includ-
ing the addition of two floors to
the Maynard Street carport, the
program calls for increasing the
capacity of the downtown carport
and lots at Main and Williams and
on Forest.
AN ADVISORY proposition to
be placed onthe ballot in the next
election concerning the building
of a new city hall was also dis-
cussed by the Mayor.
Voters will be asked to help
answer two current questions, al-
though the City Council will not
definitely have to abide by the
vote. The two questions are
whether or not to build a new
city hall and' whether to us an
E. Ann Street location for it.
"I'm a great believer in letting
the public decide," said Mayor
Brown. "I feel that this location
is the best one, since it is now a
dangerous location for homes. I
also believe that it will entail no
increase in taxes."
The show was aired over WPAG-
TV from their studio in the base-
ment of Angell Hall.

With the Inter-House Council
about to embark on the biggest
job of its history-the "Opera-
tion Inquiry" evaluation of the
men's residence halls-these
questions are especially on peo-
ple's minds, although the inquiry
won't concern itself with purely
financial problems.
Answering the question of fi-
nancing requires a look at how the
University's multi-million dollar
residence hall's financing pro-
gram works.
Federal grants paid 45 per
cent of the cost of building all
the dormitories constructed be-
tween 1938 and 1940-Stock-
well, Victor Vaughan, West Quad
and East Quad.
But most of the funds which
built today's residence halls came
from tax-exempt revenue bonds on
previously-built dormitories. The
University hasn't gotten a cent
from the State for building or op-
erating the residence halls.
* * *
A TOTAL of nearly 13.5 million
dollars of these University revenue
bonds are still outstanding today.
So each of the 5315 men and
women living in the residence
halls today must pay roughly
$140 a year-about one-fifth of
an individual's total dormitory
bill-toward paying off the res-
idence halls debt.
The history of the debt is a
complicated series of issues and
re-issues of bonds, beginning in;
1930 with the. construction of Mo-
sher-Jordan Halls.
Basically, what happened was
that the University needed money
to build new dormitories, so it is-
SL Sponsors
Tour Service
A Student Legislature-sponsored
travel service will be open from
4 to 5 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday in the SL Bldg. for
any student interested in travel-
ling to Europe this summer.
Working in cooperation with the
National Student Association thej
travel service offers tours, work
camp projects and study groups.
Trips range in length from 2 weeks
to 3 months, at a cost of $350 and
up. Prices include trans-Atlantic
fares, but do not cover any per-
sonal expenses.
Bicycle trips,- children's camp
projects and courses at several
European Universities are all a
part of the proposed program.
While in Europe, students will have
an opportunity to live with Euro-
pean families.
The Travel Service will be open
after Christmas vacation so that
students may make plans for the
summer recess.

-Daily-Don Campbell

PRESIDENT Eisenhower tight-
ened selective service regulations
yesterday to eliminate the possibil-
ity of "a small number of persons"
being able to satisfy legal require-
ments with as little as one day of
active service. -I
The revised regulations require'
a minimum service of six months.
Under the old rules, regular
draft registrants who began ac-
tive duty in the armed forces
after June 24, 1948, became eli-
gible-if separated from service
after honorable active duty of
one day or more-for class 1C
and were not subject to classi-
fication as available for further
military duty.
Under the new regulations, such1
registrants will be classified 1C
only if they were separated from
active duty after honorable ser-
vice of six months or more.
Boen Gves

'M' cers Top Toronto
By HANLEY GURWIN - - - - - -
George Chin, senior left-wing. Farland, big center on the second Mullen's tally was sandwiched
blasted home four goals last night line. McFarland played a sensa- between Chin's third and fourth
as the Michigan puckmen came tional game as he stick-handled and was set up by McFarland, who
to life in the last two periods to? neatly, played a heads-up game fed him a perfect goal mouth pass.
bury a Toronto University sextet, all the way and contributed the'
6-1, before approximately 3,000 all important first goal of the The only Toronto score camej
roaring fans at the Coliseum. game about midway in the second on a goal by Lou Appelby just a
Only a screen shot which Wol- period. He also assisted on Mul- few seconds after Mullen andj
verine goalie Willard Ikola never len's goal in the third stanza. Wolverine defenseman Lou Pao-
Aftr aslugis . tar ~ hatt had left the ice after
saw prevented the brilliant net- r After a sluggish start in cashing into the boards.
minder from turning in a much- which the Wolverines were out-
deserved shutout. played for the first ten minutes, Bert Dunn, the other Michigan
* they seemed to come to life and defenseman, was injured late in
FOR 55 MINUTES, he was in- definitely had the upper hand the period and retired to the
vincible as time and time again near the end of the initial per- dressing room for repairs. Since
he turned in sparkling saves to" iod. Haas was in the penalty box at1
keep the puck out of the Wolver- the time, the Wolverines were
keep ~~~~~~owever, despite constant pies-focdtplyheasmiuef
ine net. isrin the early moments of the forced to play the last minute of
* sre arl moent oftheplay without a defenseman on th
Despite Chin's four goals, middle session, it took a break to yw tsmh
three of which came in the hec- put Michigan out in front. ice-
tic third period which saw * * , Tonight the same two teamst
Michigan tally four times, he A SLASHING penalty to Tor- will battle it out again at 8 p.m;
had to take a back-seat in the nntnTnhiimi w in the second of the two game set.

iUN May, Ask.
To Question
Dean May Leave
Aide at Sessions
PANKVUNJON-(')-Indian Lt.
Gen. K. S. Thimayya yesterday
tried but failed in personal efforts
to coax defiant South Korean war
prisoners out of their stockades to
hear Allied "come home" talks.
The prisoners refused to budge.
The stall prevented the start of
morning explanations due to get
under way at 6 p.m. yesterday.
THIMAYYA, chairman of the
Neutral N a ti o n s Repatriation
Commission which has custody
over all prisoners refusing repatri-
ation, went to the pro-Communist
camp to talk with the balky South
The Allies had asked to see 30
South Koreans.
For the first time since the Al-
lied explanations began, the chief
American explainer was not pre-
sent yesterday. Allied officers
would not comment on his absence.
* * *
WHETHER the explanations
could get going again by switching
from balky South Koreans to the
Americans remained to be deter-
Thursday 25 South Koreans,
taking their cue from the Com-
munists, suddenly refused to
face interviewers unless they
could make time-consuming
"counter-explanations." i
If the South Kbreans continue
to resist, the UN Command con-
ceivably could switch to the 22
Americans and a Briton. These
men have indicated they would
face explainers but that they want
the right to fire a barrage of ques-
tions at the interviewers.
* * *
AN ATMOSPHERE of frustra-
tion also hangs over the tent in
Panmumjom where today nego-
tiators will round out seven weeks
of talks, as far apart as ever over
efforts to arrange for a Korean
peace conference.
Reports were that American
Envoy Arthur Dean may go
home soon and leave an aide to
carry on the talks,

Molotov U.S.
A-Pool Plans

total-points column to line-
mate Doug Mullen, who bagged
one goal himself and assisted

ontO zorward Jo n AkiLL gave the
Maize and Blue a one man ad-
vantage for two minutes at 6:40
of the period and with 15 seconds

WASHINGTON-0P)-President; on five others for a six point remaining of the penalty, McFar-
Eisenhower's plan to pool atomic total, land took the puck near his own
energy for peace was laid before Pat Cooney, third man on coach blue line, skated the length of the
Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov jHeyliger's first line, assisted along rink, stick-handled beautifully to
personally yesterday in Moscow, with Mullen on each of Chin's outfake the Toronto defenseman
with a request he give it earnest tallies to pick up four points him- and blasted home a' sizzling 15-
consideration. self, footer to break the deadlock.
The State Department announc- * * * Then Chin got into the act.
ed that Ambassador Charles E. THE ONLY other Wolverine to Less than two minutes later,
Bohlen made a special trip to Mol- figure in the scoring was Bill Me- Mullen got the edge in a face-
otov's office to impress on him gg off in Toronto territory, flipped
"the importance and seriousnessr the puck to Cooney, who in
of the President's proposal." jI Iev.iljl O thepucktonCooney, who in

City To Hold a
Annua d Sng
Ann Arbor's 25th Annual Com-
munity Christmas Sing will take
place at 7:30 p.m. today in Hill


Molotov's reaction to the visit,
if any, was not disclosed. A State
Department spokesman said that
as far as he knew there ham ac


turn passe o Uunin s ani ngan
alone in front of the Toronto
net. The flashy Lucknow, On-
tario product smashed the puck
into the nets and from that

The public is invited to join in Dean claimed to know nothing
singing of traditional carols un- about such reports, but when
der the direction of Lester McCoy. pressed, said he would "not ex
Marilyn Mason Brown will accom- elude the possibility."
pany the audience on the organ.
Special selections will be sung IWNe
by the Ann Arbor High SchoolWs
Chorus, the St. Thomas Boy Chor-
isters and the University Men'slMe Ce
Glee Club. The Uiniversity High
School Choir will also present a
special number. 'ov rnm ent
An intermission pageant will be
given by local citizens entitled DETROIT-(P-"Surprise" wit-

asxra l 1w Lee1 s as fr
By The Associated Press point on the outcome
yet been no official response WASHINGTON-Gov. G. Men- game was never in doril
from the Soviet government. innWlim'dcie etra
nen Williams declined yesterday Chin really shifted i
Eisenhower went before the to say whether he will be a candi- gear in the third stanz
United Nations Assembly in New date next year for reelection as tallied three more times
York Tuesday to propose that the governor or whether he will run him the "hat-trick plus
United States and Russia, along for the Senate. the night.
with some other atomic powers, * * ---- -
pool some of their fissionable ma- WASHINGTON - Sen. Potte.
terials in a UN agency and work (R-Mich.) said yesterday Presi- 'ACACIA PLAN':
jointly to develop them for peace- dent Eisenhower has indicated he
ful purposes. would approve limiting shipping:
foEisenhower hassuggested pri- between United States and Ca- Fraternil
vate talks among the atomic pow- nadian ports on the Great Lakes
ers as provided in UN resolution of to ships of those nations if thel.tct
last Nov. 18. St. Lawrence Seaway is built. Counse
NEW DELHI-Prime Minister
Nehru yesterday told his coun-
trymen to "be prepared to face Four of the 11 camps

of the-
nto high
za as he
, to give
one" for

skit will,

Time." Director of the
be Eileen Fay.


Students .Warned To Check Vendors


all contingencies" arising from
any United Statesdecesion to
send arms to neighboring Pak-


Following a Health Service re- ly to fraternities and other house ALTHOUGH the two students HANOI, Indochina-The French
port early this week of two cases groups. Both do business under reported to have been stricken in- disclosed yesterday they have
of acute food poisoning among the same city Health license. dicated they had purchased a evacuated Lai Chau without firing
the student body, students have * * * sandwich from a vendor the night a shot, leaving the Thai tribal
been cautioned against buying THE OWNER of one of them, previous to their becoming ill, one capital they had vowed to defend
food from unlicensed night sand- Roderick Daane, a law student, recalled that he had eaten at two to fall like a ripe plum to the
wich venders. has said, "Bronse Rumsey, '54BAd, other places earlier in the evening. Communist-led Vietminh.
Joseph W. Price, Public Health Dale Jackson, '54BAd, and our Dr. Warren E. Forsythe,
Engineer for the City of Ann Arbor other regular delivery men will be Ileaith Service Director, asserted 'Fl' St ~
ind Washtenaw ,County, issued glad to produce our licenses upon there was no way of being sure
the warning and suggested that request." He also indicated that of the cause. "We can't proveb SpotCit
students ask to see the vendor's the owner of the other service, that it was a result of sand- Spoted over, Ciy
City Health Department license. Paul Myers, would also cooperate wiches sold by the salesmen,"

ing national conventions
Big Ten Counseling Servi
Often referred to as
Service, whose headquar
Council, assumes all costs
ing letters to all fraterni
attitude and difficultiess
was Delta Chi which sent

ties Favor Big Ten
ng on Bias Clauses
us fraternities having bias clauses and hold-
this summer have accepted the aid of the
ice in their attempts toward clause removal.
the "Acacia Plan," the Big Ten Counseling
ters are with the Michigan Interfraternity
s and work for Big Ten fraternities of send-
ty chapters in the nation to determine the
of removing bias clauses.
* * * *
RNITY to take such action this semester
t out its letters in early October and is now

nesses may be used exclusively to
complete the government's case
against leaders, being tried for
conspiracy to advocate violent re-
Fred W. Kaess, government at-
torney, declined yesterday to say
how many prosecution witnesses
remain as the trial adjourned for
the weekend.
WILLIAM G. Hundley, -Depart-
ment of Justice attorney, indi-
cated that the government con-
siders its conspiracy case at a
climax. He said the prosecution
expected to complete the evidence
against the six defendants by the
end of next week.
Defense attorney Ernest Good-
man bristled, however. Hesaid
if Hundley's estimated schedule
is followed, defense will ask an
adjournment over the Christmas
holidays before starting testi-
mony early in January.
For three hours Goodman read
excerpts from texts reportedly
used in Communists schools at
which Middelsen said Allan and
Ganley taught.
At fnna nnint lip ra ,nrl a'n tic k 'n n

beginning to receive replies.I
Delta Tau Delta and Alpha Tau Omega have passed motions
to accept the "Acacia Plan" and intend to initiate the survey next
semester. However, ATO's president, Bruce Martz, '54BAd, com-
mented he was "doubtful" of receiving much support from the use
of the counseling service because of the "strong opposition ex-

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