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Latest Deadline in the State


VOL. LXIV, No. 63




Views State
Mental Units
Hospital Officials
Defend 'U' Plans
Controversy over Michigan
mental facilities for children is be-
ing kindled again by a sharp blast
at the proposed University Neu-
ropsychiatric Unit to aid child
mental disorders.
The Michigan Mental Health
Commission is planning to renew
the fight for its own cottage type
hospital at Northville and oppose
University plans. In analysing the
inadequacy of University facili-
ties, the Commission has renewed
its accusation that the Neuropsy-
chiatric Unit will be used "pri-
marily for teaching and research"
} whereas the "Commission would
stress treatment above other con-
TWO University Hospital ad-
ministrators sharply denied the
charges. "I don't think any hospi-
tal could have more of a service
function than ours," Dr. Ralph
Rabinovitch, chief of children's
services said. Both he and Dr.
Raymond Waggoner, Director of
the University's Institute agreed,
"You can't place one above the
other. We teach and do research
through service."
The doctors reiterated a de-
fense of the present 25-bed unit
saying they had accepted all re-
ferrals to the limits of capacity,
administered therapy, and re-
corded improvement in 75 per-
cent of the. cases. "With ten
thousand out patient visits a
year, I'd hardly call it a 're-
search unit'," Dr. Waggoner
said. "That's many times more
outpatients than are handled by
any single unit of any .other
state hospital."
"We are anxious and ready to
cooperate with the Mental'Health
Commission," he added, "as we are
deeply concerne with the mental
health of Michigan's children and
they ought to be too."
ONE OFFICIAL wondered why
the Commission kept bringing up
the same accusations since "they
are not seeking to replace our unit,
but rather to supplement it."
"I don't understand why they
nake a public issue out of it,"
he continued. "We have never
resorted to this type of name-
calling and senseless charges."
Dr. Waggoner and Dr. Rabino-
vitch felt that a prime advantage1
in combining training and re-
search with service is the student
attendent. Most of the counselors1
in University Hospital facilities'
are graduate students: physicians,!
medical students, clinical psychol-
ogists and public health majors.
t "As a result," Dr. Rabinovitch1
pointed out, "the average attend-
ant has an I.Q. of 130." He believes
this to be one of the reasons the
State Legislature is anxious to
have the children's mental health
unit at the -University.
* * *
WITH STUDENT personnel, the
hospital avoids the problem of
union restrictions, which is re-
portedly one of the factors in the
chaos uncovered at Wayne Gen-
eral Hospital and Infirmary.
"I wonder where they will get

their therapists," Dr. Waggoner
said. "They have never been able
to fully staff their adult unit at1

'U' Survey Reveals
Minor Party Shifts
Research Center's Study Shows
Democrats Crossed Party Lines
Flanked by two surveys on "Party Identification," the University
Research Center yesterday reported the number of citizens of voting
age calling temselves Republicans and Democrats "has not changed
significantly" since 1948 despite a turnover in Washington.
The October, 1952 random survey, contacting 2,000 persons in
66 counties all over the nation, found 47 per cent of those interviewed
thought of themselves as Democrats compared to 27 per cent con-
sidering themselves Republicans
1 even though the vote did not fall
Local LfYLthat way.

Report 100
In Michigan
Inclusion of 'U'
Students Denied
Between 75 and 100 residents
of Detroit and other Michigan
communities have been subpoena-
ed to testify before the 11ouse un-
American Activities Committee
when it opens hearing in Detroit
early in January, according 'to a
Detroit newspaper.
Rep. Kit Clardy of Lansing de-
clined to comment on the names
and numbers of subpoenas handed

Laniel Absence Reported






Group, Hears
Author Fast
"Outside the borders of the
United States you cannot name a
great person who is not a member
dof the Communist Party," ac-
cording to author Howard Fast,
who spoke here yesterday at a
meeting sponsored by the Labor
Youth League.
Fast cited the Curies, Sergi Pro-
kofieff, Dmitri Shostakovitch'
Sean O'Casey and Pablo Picasso in
an attempt to -substantiate his
SPEAKING before 25 people
gathered off-campus in a privatej
home,rFast said "any university
consists of frightened people. That
you (the audience) should come
in an underground capacity, deny-
iy any meeting at all, is a fright-
ening commentary on what exists
today,' he added.
Terming himself, "the most
widely read writer on the face
of the earth," Fast asserted "I
am still forbidden to speak in a
public place in Ann Arbor. How-
ever, if Velde or McCarthy came
here, he claimed, they would be
granted the largest hall on cam-
SCommenting on his personal
history, the author said, "I have
considered myself for many years
a Marxist and came from' the
working class." For eight years I
have raised my voice and warned,
pleaded, shouted and wrote on this
"police state tyranny" and budding
totalitarianism that is turning
what is good into what is bad, and
vice verse, he continued.
"I saw the operation of this
machine of silence and intimida-
tion go into action," he said, ex-
plaining that publishers became
so unwilling to accept his books
that he had to publish them
*. * * .
IN A question period following
the author's address, Fast was ask-
ed why there is not complete free-
dom to travel from the Soviet Un-
In reply, the author, who said
that for four years he has been'
denied a passport to leave the
country, returned the' question,
"are not hundreds of Americans
not free to leave the United;
States?" This country is the only
nation in the area termed the
"Free World" that does restrict
passports, Fast said.
Talk on T.B SlatedEj
Mark Harrington, presidenit oft
the National Tuberculosis Asso-7
ciation in Denver, Colorado will
give a lecture sponsored by the
School of Public Health on "A
Look at Tuberculosis Control" at
4 p.m. tomorrow in the School of;
Public Health Aud.

SOUNDINGS from a poll taken
this October showed these propor-
tions had not changed in the past;
One out of five of the votesj
Eisenhower received came from
Democrats who crossed party
lines. Independent voters, also
went for Ike by a two-to-one
margin, the study revealed.
Between the two polls there wasI
a campaign, election and a turn-
over in Washington. Director of
the University Survey Research
Center Angus Campbell pointed
out, "If everyone voted the party
line, the GOP would go out of'
** *
CAMPBELL noted that the de-
pression and FDR managed to
break loose some from the Re-;
publican camp who have now be-
come regular Democrats.
Motivations to vote, he ex-
plained, fall into three cate-
1. Is the potential voter strong-
ly identified with a party or
does he stand to gain from the
victory of a particular party?-
2. Is he stirred up over cer-
tain issues and see the election
as a means to do something
about them?
3. Do the candidates inspire
He indicated the "personal at-
traction of Ike outdistanced any-
thing the Democrats had to offer."
SECONDLY, voters moved to
the GOP issue position, he claim-
ed. Foreign policy, "quiescent in
1948," grew to a prominent stand
in 1952. General Eisenhower was'
able to do something about the
Korean action. Voters didn't view
Stevensona"as relevant to the
hwar," he said.
The Korean situation seemed
to illustrate a growing dissatis-
faction with American foreign
affairs, Campbell pointed out,
explaining "the population had
moved to an isolationist stand."
"Almost none of the switching
Democrats were as Republican on
issues as the old-line GOP fol-
lowers," according to Campbell.
They moved into a "middle posi-
tion," he explained.
* .' *
HOWEVER, in the South, they
took a position similar to regular
Republicans there. Southern swit-
ching Democrats supported Ike
and GOP policy stands.
Crucial problem with the poli-
ticians, according to Campbell,
is, "Will switching Democrats
stay with the Republicans?"
Although the Survey revealed 20
to 30 per cent of those interview-
ed, mentioned corruption in gov-
ernment, Korea, taxes and high
prices, only three per cent made
any reference to McCarthy and
Communism in America.
* * -
was not so important as radio
and newspaper publicity might
See VOTE, Page 2

REPORTS in the Detroit Times
indicate that University students
were included in the group receiv-
ing subpoenas. However, Univer-
sity Vice-President Marvin L. Nie-
huss said last night "we have had
no information or indication from
the Clardy committee - that any
students have'been or will be call-
Other groups implicated in
the Times story were members
of labor unions and leaders of
alleged Communist front organ-
On campus a number of Labor
Youth League affiliates reiterated -
that they had not received sub-
poenaes. several of them made GEORGE CHIN NARRO
the same statement a few weeks
ago when Rep."Clardy announced
a number of people connected with"
the University had been subpoena-'
(The LYL has recently been
charged by the Attorney General By DAVE' BAA
as being a Communist front or- A much improved McG
ganization.) team staved off a game
! * * iod rally by an und
MOST OF the subpoenas were Michigan sextet at the
passed out by committee investi- last night to avenge Fr
gator Donald Appell and members' ning's loss and beat th
of a special police squad. ines 7-5.
According to newspaper re- Playing without right
ports one of those ordered to Goold and defenseman

Cited 'Chill'
Newsmen Say
Discuss Four
Power Meeting
TUCKER'S TOWN, Bermuda -
I (A) - French Premier Laniel- ab-
sented himself-either because of
a real or a "diplomatic" illness-
from the second session of the
Bermuda conference last night.
President Eisenhower and Prime
Minister Churchill carried on in
the presence of Laniel's stand-in
with arguments for French rati-
fication of the European army
* * *
A FRENCH spokesman said La-
niel had achill and was under the
care of Churchill's personal phy-
sician. .But news photographers
saw Laniel only five hours before
the meeting, looking well and af-
fable, strolling outside the gate of
the securely guarded Mid-Ocean
Club where the Big Three are con-
He was represented at yester-
day's session by Foreign Minis-
ter Georges Bidault,
A "bar of secrecy," lowered over
the proceedings as the conference
turned to the delicate European
Defense Community pact, prevent-
ed newsmen from learning wheth-
er the "Big Two" and Bidault had
affirmed a reported decision of
the Western foreign ministers to
accept a Russian bid to a four-
power foreign ministers meeting
in Berlin in late January.
THIS DECISION, along with
another plan of the foreign minis-
ters to get Yugoslavia and Italy

-Daily-Don Campbell
Puck Squad Wins, 7-5

Rill hockpy
third pe-
riday eve-
e Wolver-
wing Jay
Lou Pao-

mission on the short end df a 7-2 AT 15:I5 M ULLEN collected the
bscore.Wolverine's fourth goal when he
* * * bated in Pat Cooney's blocked shot.

JI . yp - U J~V U U U 4
appear has ieen in almost con-
stant attendance at the trial of
six Michigan Red leaders as a
spectator and is expected to be
interrogated closely about ac-
tivities on the University cam-
Rep. Clardy plans to open hear-
ings in Detroit on January 11. He
stated that there is a possibility
that if the Red trial is still on at

latto. Coach Vic Heyliger's NCAA
championship sextet couldn't fin
itself in the first two stanzas an
left the ice for the second inter
Perf ormane
Of 'Messiah'
To Be Given


THE REDMEN skating faster
and passing and shooting more
accurately than the evening be-
fore, fired home three goals in
the initial period andadded four
more tallies in the second.
Led by defenseman Ron Rob-
Ro-ertson and center Dick Baltzam
who each grabbed a pair of
goals, 'McGill drilled at total 'of
29 shots at: Michigan Goalie
Willard Ikola in the first two

Only a minute had passed
when a fired up pack of Wol-
verines narrowed the margin to
7-5, when Cooney polished off a
classy goal mouth pass from
Forty five seconds later with the
revamped second line of Mascarin,
Philpott and Bill McFarland on
the ice, a sixth goal was put in the
net but was disallowed by referee
Jim Savvy.

S nt hefd nrnclHD ~ c .W-.fp."

goalie, Bill Lucier took over in the IT CAME out of a scramble at into a five-power meeting to set-
Michigan nets and the Wolverines the goal crease apparently McGill tle the Trieste problem, is the main
began to take on new life, goalie, Lindsay sat on the loose result of the conference thus far.
* * * puck and then slid into the goal. A spokesman told newsmen that
:mark, left wing See 'M', Page 7 LanieI caught a chill Friday night
AT THlE 8:30 _mark,_leftw-n'and was too ill to attend. Asked if

that time, he may launch a probe
either in Lansing 'or Flint and
finish it in Detroit.
The committee is expected to
deal with Communist movements
in Flint labor unions; thought to
have reached a peak in 1949.

'retly Aliascarin supping an the i

Open House
More than 800 faculty mem-
bers have been invited to at-
tend Student Legislature's fac-
ulty open house; scheduled for
2 to 5 p.m. today at the SL
As well as informing faculty
members of current SL pro-
jects and fields of action, mem-
bers plan to make a special ef-
fort to explain the National
Student Association's aims and
plans to those unacquainted
with the organization.
Survey -Shows
56 Religions
On Cam pus
A total of 56 different religions
are represented by students en-
rolled at the University this fall,
according to the results of a
census compiled by Lane 'Hall.
The 2.302 Catholic students on
campus form the largest single re-
ligious group, with those' of Jewish
and Methodist denomination fol-
lowing close behind, with 1,953
and 1,874 members, respectively.
OTHER religious groups repre-i
sented by more than 1,000 stud-
dents are Presbyterian with 1,663,
and Episcopalian with 1,235.
Of the 15,504 students includ-
ed in 'the poll, 2,412 listed no
religious preference.
The results were tabulated from
preferences listed by students on
their railroad tickets at regis-
tration this fall. Since it was
not compulsory that this portion

Performing in formal attire be- second line for Goold, who will be G.n
fore more than 4,100 people a out of the lineup for a month ens Drive
330 voice choir and four celebrat- jwith a broken knee cap, carried .a
ed soloists last night opened the the puck down the left boards PassesGoal
IChristmas season with a two and and bounced ~a shot off McGill I
a half hour presentation of the goalie Al Lindsay's shin pads. Galens Medical Society's annual
"Messiah". Alert Doug Philpott drilled the GCrsns Mgdald et a
The second performance of the rebound past Lindsay who had Christmas tag day held yesterday
Handel oratorio will be given at become tangled up with Mas- jand Friday netted $6,547.11, pass-
2:30 p.m. today in Hill auditor-' carin at the goal mouth. mg the established goal of $6,500.
ium.The ame rok wid ope at The figure does not. include col-
fium.' The game broke wide open at, lections from alumni of the School,
Under the direction of Lester this point and a minute later ecine ho a ve so
McCoy, four soloists never before Michigan almost scored again vassed for contributions.
heard in Ann Arbor will be fea- when Lindsay made a fine save BnMss be '54Mnpesin t
tured in the concert. Soprano on a deflected shot off the stick B4
whhof Doug Mullen. of Galens, expressed the socie-
Maud Nosier, who has done much o ogMle.ty 's thanks to the generous sup-
work in Bach and other Baroque ! porters of the drive who helped
period vocal music, heads the:partsucheds.
'uarte.sar' make it a success.
quartet. maererr The funds will be used by Galens
Carol' Smith will repeat her: ehia ifcliso pn to equip their workshop.' at the
performance as contralto soloist Technical difficulties on open-
in today's program. She has re- ing night combined with excel- University Hospital which provides
cently sung with well know sym- lent student reception will re- recreational facilities for child
phony orchestras throughout the suit in holding over Julius Cae- patients.
country, and in the past has play sar for two 'extra performances
ed majoraoperaticroles,including tomorrow in Pattengill Auditor- LSA Faculty Meet
Ce mar ortcro ium, Ann Arbor High School.
enand Ortrud. The full length Shakespear- The literary college faculty will
soloist will be Walter ian drama was produced en- o a meeting at 4:10 p.m. to-
Fredrics. H ha appare as tirely at Northwestern Univer- morrow in Auditorium A, Angell
guest tenor with the San Francisco sity. Hall.
Opera Company recently. Tickets for the remaining Although the official business
Fourth member of the quartet performances at 7 and 9 p.m.i agenda has not been announced,
is bass soloist Norman Scott. For are available at the high school Assistant Dean of the college
two seasons he has sung leading after 6:30 p.m. today and to-I Burton D. Thuma has reported,
bass roles at the Metropolitan morrow. that a special talk' on payroll sav-
Opera. f ings bonds will be given.
avy 0 Commemorate Jap. Attack

he realized that Laniel, smiling
and appearing healthy, toured the
area outside the closely guarded
club yesterday and posed for pho-
tographers, the spokesman an-
swered, "He shouldn't have."
But gossip outside the confer-
ence room was that Laniel seeks
to disassociate himself from do-
mestic political battle over the
European army since he hopes to
be elected president of France by
Parliament on Dec. 17.
! World News,
By The Associated Press
ROME-The Italian - Yugoslav
crisis over Triest was cooled yes-
terday with an Italian announce-
ment that the two natons have
c agreed to "normalize" their fron-
istration was told yesterday by
a special investigation board to.
expect East Coast longshore-
men to start a strike Christmas
Eve "that will defy solution."
TEHRAN, Iran-Iran and Brit-
ain announced yesterday they are
resunming diplomatic relations.
Both expressed confidence of
finally settling the multi-million
dollar oil dispute that led Mo-
hammed Mossadegh to break the
ties Oct 16, 1952.
Ferguson (R-Mich.) said yester-
day the United States should in-
sist on barring discussion of Unit-
ed Nations membership for Red
China before it agrees to any "Big
Four" talks including Russia.
Sallade Calls Meet
On Traffic Deaths

Michigras Theme for 1954 Announced;
'Life's A Book' To Feature Michiworm

"'Life'sA Book" has been an-
nounced as the theme of the 1954
Michigras, to be held April 23
and 24.
Four phases of the life of the
Michiworm, symbol of the parade,
will be'dealt with during the first
day's pageant. Housing groups
may enter floats representing any
of the phases.
First of these "chapters in the
life of the Michiworm" will be
childhood reading habits, exempli-
fied by fairy tales and bedtime
stories. The reading habits of a
Michiworm as a youth will be the


Navy will "Remember Pearl Har-;
bor" tomorrow aboard the dead
battleship Arizona and 10 men
who lived through the Japanese'
attack 12 years ago will be there
with their memories.
One of the 10, chosen by the'
Navy to take part in the cere-

molly,was aboard the Arizona
when it perished in the tornado of
bombs, bullets and fire. He was
blown from her decks.
THE OTHERS are stationed
once more at this, naval bastion
which Japan chose to strike and
plunge the United States into war.
The ceremony aboard the Ari-
zona will be as simple as the at-
tack was spectacular and awe-

"We heard' some explosions and'
went topside for a look," he re-
called. "We saw Jap planes coxingf
in and the Oklahoma and WestI
Virginia were hit. It all happened1
fast, faster than I can tell it to
* * *
"WE MUST have got hit several
places all at once," he said. "I was
knocked down by one explosion
and got un and was knocked down

SDA To Hear Talk

:. , .

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