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November 24, 1953 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1953-11-24

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Hobbs Hou
Second Place
Prize Copped
By Vaughan
Geddes Places Th ird;
Artist Theme Prevails
During Annual Show
Hobbs House walked off the
Lydia Mendelson stage last night
with the first place Fortnite cup
for the best skit.
Based on a theme of "Paint-
ers and Famous Paintings," the
second place winner was Vaughan
House with Geddes House coming
in third in the group of 19 com-
peting skits.
SPONSORED by Assembly Asso-
ciation, these skits offer independ-
ent houses a chance to show their
ingenuity in competing for top
Dee Messinger, president of
Assembly, introduced and in-
stalled the house presidents,
Spresenting each with the pin of
her office.
Individual scholarship awards
were presented by Registrar Ira
Smith. Independent women who
received this award had received
a four-point average for the past
academic year, based on the fall
and spring semester.
AT THIS 20TH annual recogni-
tion, Barbara C. Faulkner was
honored for her freshman record,
with Donna' Chapin and Clare Op-
penheimer receiving awards for
their sophomore year. -
For their junior year achieve-
ment, Helen Beatson, Sheila
Gordon and June Granstrom re.-
Mrs. Elsie Fuller, assistant dean
of women, presented the scholar-
ship cups to houses that have re-
ceived the highest scholastic av-
erage in their size division. This
year a new award was given to a
4 plus another '
t BER jaundered
.~R4F R E E ifi r e-
SCRIfI[ turned to you
A ~ with ONE but-
ton missing. This is
in addition to the
i usual crisp, wrinkle-.
free8 fiih


se Skit Wins at Fortnite Senior Coeds May Petition
For Nine Posts on Program
Nine c'hara oscts ton the an-

Honorary Selects Freshmen Women

nual spring program, Senior Night,.
are now open to petitioning by
senior women.
The coeds may serve as general
chairman, assistant general chair-
man, decorations chairman, pub-
licity and assistant publicity chair-
S* * *
STUDENTS will also be needed
to plan the programs, invite the
patrons, be in charge of the enter-
tainment and to take charge of
the ticket sale
If the seniors have any ques-
tion they should contact Sue
Shafter, NO 22547. see their ac-
tivities chairmen or go to the
Undergraduate Office of the
?etitions are due Friday, Dec. 4
in the League Undergraduate Of-
BEGUN IN 1949. Senior Night is
the "last time senior women get
together. The program usually
consists of a line of march and a
banquet honoring the women.
Skits presented at the dinner
provide the seniors an opportu-
nity to review their past four
years of college life. In 1951 the
entertainment committee chose
a "Rosebowi to Rosebowi" theme.
.Following the program, the sen-
ior women traditionally parade
across the smakeshift stage, with
the married women carrying can-
dles and the engaged ones suck-
ing lemons.
THOSE SENIORS who are pin-
ned sport straight pins on their
j~Cago College of

shouiders, whnle the ones who have
remained unattached in the ma-
trimonial sweepstakes toss a pen-
ny for each birthday into the
wishing well erected on the stage.
After the dinner, the seniors
opening of te Junior Gils Play
and learn the theme of the ex-
travaganza, which is usually
kept secret from the rest of the
campus for over six months.
According to reports last year,.
the seniors frequiently used their
perogative in demanding repeti-
tion of lines or parts in "Vanity
Flair," the 1953 JGP production,
and loud cries of "roll 'em up"
greeted junior players when the
actors stepped on stage.
In retaliation the juniors in the
various houses traditionally "in-
vade" the rooms of the seniors.

With the great variety of clubs
and organizations on campus. stu-
dents perhaps find that there are I
many such groups about which
they know little or nothing. Alpha
Lambda Delta is probably one of
these rather neglected societies.h-
man women, the organization is
Imade up of all coeds on campus
who have earned an average of 3.5
oerbette sduring their first semes-
* * *
LISTS of .prospective members I
are compiled early in the spring
term.. These women are then ini-
tiated at a traditional ceremony
held early in May.
The retiring officers plan and
preside at the initiation of the
new members. Immediately after
the ceremony officers are elected,

from among the new members,
for the following year
Present officers include Claudia
Moore. president, Joyce Lane,
vice-president and Alice James,
secretary, while Bernice O'Shin-
sky is treasurer.
aFaculty adisora fo h oo
of Women.
* . *
Lambda Delta have decided to
keep the University chapter fair-
ly inactive, because of the great
number of other active organiza-
tions on campus.
Officers are mainly concerned
with plans for meetings and
with answering communications
from chapters on other college
These letters often ask for proj-

ect suggestions or for an opinion
on a change in the constitution.
Also each chapter must vote on
every new chapter accepted into
the organization.
Nationally, Alpha Lambda Del-
the campus of the Uniersity of Il
linois. The number of active chap-
ter's now is listed as 65.
As stated in the constitution, the
purpose of the society Is "To pro-
mote intelligent living and a high
standard of learning, and to en-
courage superior scholastic attain-
ment among the freshman women
on our institutions of higher learn-
National Alpha Lambda Delta
awards triennially a $750 gradu-
ate fellowship to a recent gradu-

.N~ ~........*.*g5%###Mts##.*.*.ME g#

ga~mgg :22ENN2ms25MMECE.p. ..

--Daily-Chuck Kelsey
"FRAMED FRAMiES"-Taking first place last night .in the annual
Fortnite production, sponsored by Assembly Association, Hobbs
House featured the models of artists Lautrec and Degas, shown
above. Based on a theme of "Painters and Famous Paintings,"
Vaughan House received second place with Geddes House coming
In third.

house in the 100 to 200 women
* * *

IN THE SMALL division
residents numbering below
Henderson House took the
with an average of 2.88.


Martha Cook with a 306 aver-
age in the middle division of
125 to 200 received one cup,
while Bessy Barbour, 2.72, with
100 to 125 women received the
new award
Stressing the fact that 50 per-
cent of the large division houses
wit over 200 reidents were$ cm
presented the last cup to Mosher
Hall with an average of 2.5.
* * *
FINAL, event on the program
was the announcing of the win-
ners of the skits by the Judges and
introduction of the Fortnite cen-
tral committee.
Judges for the annual skit-
fest were Mrs. Harlan Hatcher,
Martha Hill, Panhellenic pres-
ident, Dick O'Shaughnessy, cap-
tain of the football team, Sue
Riggs, League president and Jay
Strickler, Union president.
General chairman of the Fort-
nite production was Mildred

Knapp, with Sue Blau, skits chair-
man, Judy Shagrin, publicity
chairman, and programs and
awards chairman, Donna Wolcoff.
* * *
PAT NEWELL and Dotty Fink
held the positons of Mitrsso
the life of a lowly tree, a take-off
on Jane Russell and Marilyn Mon-
roe, a French joke and including
audience participation stunts, the
two received a warm welcome
from the audience with every ap-
pearance on the stage.
the house resident directrs skit,
"Still Life with Garden Flow- a
ers." The deans of women and
all the' house directors received
loud cheers and applause from
Hobbs House, directed by Nan
Schiller, was titled "Framed
Frames." The framed models of
Lautrec, Degas, Gauguin arid Pet-
ty came to life and sang an d-
danced for their audience.ha's
skit was based on Rembrant's
printing. However this night
watchman was a coed studying.
Painting the Spartan statue at
the teme for the third plac win-
ner, Geddes House.

(Fully Accredited) -

An outstanding college serving
a splendid profession.
Doctor of Optometry degree in
three years for students enter-
ing with sigy or more semester
credits in specified Liberal Arts
sional recogition by the .S
Department of Defense and
Selective Service. ,
Excellent clinical facilities.
Athletic and recreational activi-
ties. Dormitories on the campus.
1851-C Larrabee Street
Chicago 14, Illinois



November 24, 1953

Dear Sir:

To you who ore about to purchase your first gem.
Previously I discussed 2 important qualifications you should consider when
selecting your jeweler. Namely, his "know-how" and integrity. Third, and equally important,
is experience.
It is common to have a young man say ''This is the first time I have given this
any thought.'' "I don't know what type of gem is best to buy." "I don't even know
what style ring will please her most."
These and many other questions your jeweler must be qualified to answer. Often
there is a desire on the part of the salesman to say ''anything" that will lead to a fast
and easy sale.
An experienced jeweler, who is intent on helping you make a wise seLection
of a fine diamond and ring mounting, will assist you with the objective to not only sell you,
but to do everything possible to make you a satisfied customer. He will advise you how
much to spend for the mounting as compared to the purchase value of the diamond.

Seek the counsel of a jeweler you trust, it is the key to making a successful purchase.
Ca~, o



CFB 'md


6cn'44 Ca#spu4



Registered JewelersY A merican Gem Society

of the Michigan Dames Interior
Decorating Group will meet at 8
p.m. today In the home of their
sponsor, Mrs. Gordon Lindland,
1113 S. State Street. Featured dur-
ing the evening will be a talk on
"Christmas Decorations, Interior
Decorating Gifts and Arranging
Flowers" by Mrs. Ava Bell of the
Chelsea Flower Shop. All members
are asked to attend.
Riding Club will meet at 5:15 p.m.
today in the Large Lounge of the
WAB. The riding session will be
held at 7:15 p.m-,
SOPH CAB -There will be a
meeting of the make-up commit-
tee of Sophomore Cabaret at 8
p.m. tomorrow in the League.
MICHIGRAS - All students in-
terested in working on the Booths
Committee who did not attend yes-
terday's meeting are asked .to con-
tact either Barb Burstein, NO
23119 or Bob Gillow NO 23143.
rec Badminton Club will meet
from 8 to 10 p.m. tonight in Wa-
terman Gym. All men and women
students are invited by Manager
Margaret Smith to attend this
weekly event.

If you wisIh to slct yCour
TheC Largest ColleCtion iii Am Arbor
50 cords for $1.25 and up
California Artist - Hallmark - American Artist
"When You Care Enough To Send The Very Best"
Beautiful Pastels, Whites and Darks
in rich Beavers, Felts, Velvets, Velours ...
priced from 5.00 to 16.95


:S.~ .'.P.SSPP.S/P.'PP~~2S~P. *\\A.~.: ~ ~Z*.:. . ~

814 S. State
1304 S.

627 S. Main


Last year a survey of leading colleges
throughout the country showed that
smokers ini those colleges preferred
a Luckies to any other cigarette.
- This year another nation-wide survey
- based on thousands of actual student
interviews, and representative of all
students in regular colleges-shows that
- Luckies lead again over all brands, regu-
lar or king size .. .and by a wide margin!
The No. 1 reason: Luckies taste better.
Smoking enjoyment is all a matter of
taste, and the fact of the matter is Luckies
taste better-for 2 reasons. L.S./M.F.T.
- -Lucky Strike means fine tobacco. And
Luckies are made better to taste better.
So, Be Happy-Go Lucky!
When i ,'eal hUt-

'I - -



A notice to those girls who are helping their hus.
bands obtain their college training.

have an important responsibility in helping your
husband further his career. It is up to you to
choose a position that offers stability, good wages,
and a chance to advance.

ii~ .~

ABOvE: Tiny sculp-
tured velvet at 5.95.
LEFT: Pastel velvet
beautifuly beaded,
a "Reggie of Wil-


fwn~ 60fu119 pac~
%o rout~d, ~o e a trea~'
Thea reall3 a j~at arise
For a~' ocC~""".? ~

~ find l~:~lldn,0,t~~er
tAake SW~Ok"~ a deli~
~. GrOS~'~
- ~v.
of SOUthefuiC~~1



- ~rW7~T '.1.-

ALU~k~3 C8~~

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