Associate Editorial Director
ASIDE FROM a lunatic fringe which in-
dulges in anonymous and slanderous
telephone calls (I received one Sunday)
there are many readers who sincerely do not
understand why a small 'd' democrat is so
interested in preserving constitutional rights
and freedom for Communists. (eg: Congres-
sional committees and the First and Fifth
Certainly, these people argue, if the
Communists were to take over this gov-
ernment there would be nothing resem-
bling civil liberties as we in America know
it. A point well taken. The Communist of-
ficially regards civil liberties as a necessary
tool of bourgeois democracy which can be
completely disregarded once history, with
the help of some revolutionists, makes the
inevitable step into the dictatorship of the
proletariat. I have no delusions as to this
However, this in no way abrogates the ne-
cessity to oppose all the McCarthys and all
the Congressional committees which make
Communists and subversives their political
There are two basic assumptions that if
accepted render the above position very ten-
The first assumption is that no legis-
lative arm of the government has the con-
stitutional right to inquire into the polit-
ical ideas of the citizenry.
The very imporant correlary of this is that
these committees are actually more inter-
ested in attacking the liberal who is caught
in between the two extremes of Communism
and "McCarthyism" than the Communist
Party member
This is accomplished in two ways. First,
persons are dragged before the committees
who are known as anti-Communist liberals
but who have perhaps voiced opinions which
the committees deem too non-conformist to
be ."safe." The first examples of this type
individual which come to mind are Bishop
Oxnam; James Weehsler and Owen Latti-
more. These persons have been subjected to
q public abuse and discredited with a taint of
The second method is more subtle and
therefore perhaps more dangerous. The
- Congressional committees have set them-
selves up as the official labelers of
what ideas are subversive and dangerous.
The principle is simple: if the Communist
Party line happens to oppose segregation,
the Smith Act, book burning, McCarthy,
etc., then any citizen, no matter how loyal,
who also opposes such things is suspected
and by implication a "subversive."
If we concede that the committees have a
right to detect Communists and "subver-
sives" then we must concede that these self-
appointed upholders of "Americanism" also
have the right to judge what is communistic
and subversive.
Many loyal American can not concede this
point in good conscience. It is precisely for
this reason that the small 'd' democrat is so
concerned with civil liberties for all citizens
and refuses to draw a line or have the com-
mittees draw a line between what is "sub-
versive" and what is not.
Now, clearly, there are citizens whose aim
It is to overthrow the democratic government
of the United States. These people, if proven
guilty in a court of law, are traitors and, in
fact, subversives.
The second basic assumption arises
from this fact. It is not the duty of Con-
gressional committees to detect traitors.
This is a job for he FBI and other admin-
istrative agencies who, incidentally, seem
to be handling the situation quite well.
It is the firm belief of many Americans,
this writer among them, that Congressional
committees are doing nothing constructive
to fight Communism but are attacking the
proglem in somewhat of a neurotic manner.
Their methods produced a climate in which
the liberal, not the Communist, must fight
for his way of life and eventually for the
life of democracy.
Thanksgiv in
AS THE LURE of home-cooked food and a
four day Thanksgiving weekend tempts
students, train and bus stations already are
crowded and University residence halls are
beginning to be shrouded in quiet. The cam-
pus exodus has begun: the four day week-
end becomes a five or six day weekend for
many vacation-hungry students.
A reminder is due those people planning
to be absent from classes on Wednesday
and Monday, however. It is by virtue of
the Student Legislature's recommendation
to the administration tlat we are having
a Thanksgiving holiday at all. More im-
portant, the four day week-end was grant-
ed on a two year trial basis, of which this
is the second experimental year. The con-
ditions offered students, when the trial
period began were: Friday and Saturday
classes of Thanksgiving week would be
omitted if classroom attendance was nor-
mal on the preceding Wednesday and the
following Monday. Faculty members are
required to check and report attendance
on those two days. On the basis of the
information eiven by faculty members for
Congratulations, MSC
Daily City Editor
IT TOOK the faculty representatives of the
Western Conference 12 hours to decide
who to send to the Rose Bowl. Politics, hon-
est opinion and indecision all were prevalent
during the balloting. The final 6-4 count is
history and to Michigan State College goes
our congratulations for their nomination and
a truly fine football team.
The "long ballot," however, has mean-
ing outside of the fact it sent MSC to
Pasadena for the January 1 clash. It in-
dicates clearly that more than football
considerations are involved in selecting a
team to represent the Big Ten. For with-
out too much doubt, Michigan State has a
better team than Illinois.
Michigan State did not win the bid to the
bowl on the first ballot because of their poor
record in athletic subsidizations. The Spar-
tan Foundation story and an NCAA proba-
tion certainly did not win votes from other
Conference, schools. An additional reason is
the long and proud tradition of the Con-
ference in sending their best and most re-
spectable team to any non-Conference event.
An indication of how far Michigan
State has come since the first Spartan
Foundation story is reflected in the fact
that they are being sent to California. The
Conference feels that MSC will truly rep-
resent the nation's foremost athletic Con-
So, again Michigan State, accept our con-
gratulations. We wish you success in the Rose
Bowl. But remember, although your past is
almost behind you, many will be looking at
your future record in athletics off the field.
" And Another Thing! -"
- I
(Continued from Page 2) 4 411 MH. Dr. R. F. MdNaghton, Philoso-
phy Department, will discuss general
Development Laboratory. Graduates and partial recursive functions.
with B.S. degrees may apply. Seminar in Complex variables will
The Bowers Printing Ink Co. in Chi- meet Tues.. Nov. 24. at 3:30 p.m. in 3011
cago is interested in hiring a young Angel Hall. Professor A. J. Lohwater
man with a chemical background to will speak on '"Behavior of a Bounded
learn colorimatching and ink mak- Analytic Function Near an Essential
ing in relation to printing ink. Singularity."
The Standard Oil Co. (Indiana) has I
an opening in the Chicago office of Doctoral Examination for Laurence
their Crude Oil Coordination Dept. for Phillips Dowd, Economics; thesis: "Jap-
a graduate with a sound background in anese Foreign Exchange Policy, 1930-
economics, finance, andstatistics. The 1940,'5' Tues., Nov. 24, 4:30 p.m., 105
position deals with forecasting and Economics Bldg. Chairman, C. F. Re-
economic or financial analyses. mer.
The H. B. Sherman Manufacturing _____
Co., manufacturers of brass goods, in
Battle Creek, Mich,, has a vacancy In ConC ce $1
their Engineering Dept. for a graduate
mechanical engineer to assist with de- The Guard Republican Band of Paris,
velopment work. Feb. graduates are Francois-Julien-Brun, Conductor, will
invited to apply. give the third concert in the Extra Se-
For further information about these ries provided by the University .Musical
and other employment opportunities, Society, Mon., Nov. 30, at 8:30, in Hill
contact the Bureau of Appointments, Auditorium. The program will include
3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 371. Berlioz' "Roman Carnival" Overture;
Weber's Recitative and Polonaise; Bi-
(nzet's "L'Arlesienne Suite" No. 2; Liszt's
SAIGON, Indo-China: His Majesty, Bao
Dai, Emperor of Viet Nam, is a small,
delicately made, deceptively soft looking
man whose favorite diversion is stalking the
more dangerous varieties of local big game.
His conversation is polished, intelli-
gent, but seldom enlightening; for every-
thing he says is complexly conditioned by
the complex political game he inter-
minably plays with the French and with
his own people. By extreme shrewdness, he
has gradually transformed himself from
a French puppet into the dominant polit-
ical figure among the non-Communist Viet
Namese. His dominance is now admitted
even by those Viet Namese leaders who
secretly disapprove of it.
Having experienced poverty and exile be-
fore he was installed as chief of the new
Viet Namese state, he is now careful about
money matters. For example, he draws a
large annual income from the enormous
gambling concessions in Saigon. He spends
nearly half his time in France with his fam-
ily. When he is here he lives withdrawn from
the dusty government, in the small, cool,
comically unreal little French resort towns
in the mountains. He rules this country, but
by remote control, in the manner the Con-
fucianists indicated for the son of heaven
more than 2,000 years ago.
For the leader of a nation desperately
menaced by Communist aggression, the Em-
peror Bao Dai is certainly not very intim-
ately engaged in the struggle. Yet he has
conspicuous personal courage. He is almost
universally admitted to possess about the
best mind in Indo China. He provided the
best rallying point available. He could play
a great role if he would only engage him-
self to the full; and now that the French
have granted Viet Namese independence,
Bao Dai can truly if he chooses without in-
curring the charge of puppetry.
This curious and puzzling man is a use-
ful symbol of the central difficulty in this
Indo Chinese war on which the world fu-j
ture probably depends. There are a few
Viet Namese leaders-the able Defense
Minister Quat and Gov. Trii, the cour-
ageous viceroy of the north-who behavej
as chiefs of a nation at war. But in gen-
eral, the present Viet Namese adminis-
At Hill Auditorium . .
Michigan Singers and Bach Choir, with so-
loists. Maynard Klein, conductor.
SOME VERY distinguished music was
heard in Sunday night's concert. As is
customary with concerts directed by Mr.
Klein, music of several different periods was
presented, and use was made of vocal groups
of differing sizes.
The Michigan Singers, a small group,
began with a performance of the magnifi-
cently beautiful Ave Verum Corpus by Jos-
quin de Pres. The voices floated out over
the auditorium, with wonderful clarity and
balance. A full-voiced rendition of the
Kyrie from the Missa Papae Marcelli of
Palestrina followed. Then, a work by the
extremely gifted pre-Bach composer, Hein-
rich Schuetz, was performed with delight-
ful rhythmic lilt. The work which fol-
lowed, Sing Me the Men, by Holst, was less
effective, probably because of the curious,
quasi-orchestral use made of the chorus
by the composer. The striking sonorities
and driving rhythm of Ginastera's O Vos
Omnes were very exciting. The first half
of the program concluded with two move-
ments of the Mass in E minor by Anton
Then the Bach Choir sang the Cantata,
Sleepers Wake, by Bach. Several factors
made the performance slightly less success-
ful than it might have been. For one thing,
some of the orchestral portions are not par-
ticularly effective when played on the organ.
Of course, it is simply not possible to procure
an orchestra whenever one would like it.
Also, the bass line in the duets should have
been reinforced with a cello or some other
instrument. Finally, the choral parts seemed
somewhat lacking in tension and consistency
of line, although the performance was clean,
well balanced, and effectively paced. The ex-
cellent soloists were Charles Wingert, tenor;
Joan Marie Dudd, soprano; Robert Kerns,
baritone; Emil Raab, violin; and Lare Ward-
rop, oboe. The organ and harpsichord parts
were handled admirably by Marilyn Brown
and Catherine Hutchins, respectively.
tration of Prime Minister Tam resembles
its emperor in not being fully engaged.
This is no longer because of the inde-
pendence issue which once bulked so large.
One of the symptoms of non-engagement
is the Viet Namese preference for discuss-
ing legal details of the relation with France
instead of talking about how to win the
war. But the question Viet Namese now ask
most often, and with real nervousness, is
whether the French are likely to withdraw
from Viet Nam entirely and to take their
expeditionary corps with them.
THE REAL trouble is that the Viet Na-
mese people have not yet found them-
selves as a nation, for many different rea-
sons rooted in old and recent history. If
they are to find themselves and save them-
selves, the place where they will do so is in
the new national army. In a considerable
degree, the Viet Namese army is the key to
the future of this war.
The superficial facts about the army are
simple enough, Recruiting and training
began only about two years ago. The Chief
of Staff is Gen. Hinh, the son of Premier
Tam, who had a brilliant war record as a
major in the French air force. Despite an
extreme shortage of war hardened officer
material and serious French mistakes in
the early stages of the training program,
the army has now grown to 200,000 men.
This first contingent of 200,000 men is
organized in fifty six regular battalions and
fifty seven light or "pacification" battalions
designed for mobility in the rice paddies.
Another 100,000 men, providing nineteen
more regular battalions and fifty seven light
battalions, will be added under the present
program during the next year. If all these
Viet Namese troops were really up to their
work, the Franco-Viet Namese forces would
be more than sufficient to overwhelm the
Communist forces of the Viet Minh.
But in truth, the future value of the Viet
Namese forces is the big question mark of
the war here. There is no doubt at all that
Viet Namese soldiers will fight with courage,
tenacity and resource when properly trained
and well led by their own people. In the
Mouette operation, there was a smart, tough,
purely Viet Namese regiment which Gen.
Gilles and Col. De Castries, no easy critics,
rated and used as the equal of a first class
French professional outfit.
Not long ago, for example, Gen. Hinh
demanded to be allowed to take over the
Bui Chu region of the Tonkin Delta as a
purely Viet Namese sector with thirteen
of his new light battalions. The experi-
ment was opposed, not only by the French
but even more violently by Gov. Trii and
the Viet Namese Bishop of Bui Chu.
Nonetheless Gen. Hinh got his way.
The light battalions had hardly taken over
when the Viet Minh sent Communist regu-
lars against them. Although greatly superior
in numbers, the light battalions were neith-
er war hardened nor adequately trained. The
majority defended themselves courageously.
But they allowed themselves to be reduced
to a state of siege by the far less numerous
enemy. One or two battalions actually melt-
ed away. The result was a disheartening
setback in Bui Chu.
The setback was all the more serious,
because Gen. Navarre's whole war plan de-
pends on the Viet Namese forces carrying
out the crucial task of local pacification and
detailed cleanup, which was precisely the
mission of the light battalions in Bui Chu.
It is another symptom, and a very serious
symptom, of the non-engagement of the
Viet Namese government that there is no
agreement as yet, either between military
and civil Viet Namese leaders, or between
the neutral government and the provincial
governors, as to how this vital job of paci-
fication can best be done. Fortunately, a
serious program now seems to be in the
* * * *
THE difficulties of fitting the Viet Namese
army for this and other war tasks are
truly staggering. Suitable officer cadres are
harder and harder to find. The training sys-
tem still leaves much to be desired. (Amerin.
can officers are now to help, but only, one
hopes, after spending enough time at the
front to find out that this war is utterly
unlike the Korean War.)
Nonetheless, there are three great hopes.
First and most. important, the Viet Na-
mese soldiers fight hard and well for their
WASHINGTON-Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam, the Methodist church
leader who was banned from speaking in Los Angeles' leading aud-
itorium, was received by President Eisenhower last week, during which
the two men had a friendly conversation about golf.
The Bishop inquired whether the President had had a chance
to play his regular Wednesday afternoon golf game, to which Ike
"Yes, Bishop, and I want to thank you for your offer to pray
for a better score for me."
Well, did my prayers do any good?" inquired the Bishop.
"Frankly, on the first nine holes, no," said the President. "But
on the second nine holes, the answer is definitely yes."
ERIC JOHNSTON, head of the motion picture industry, came back
from the Near East the other day to report to President Eisen-
hower on the toughest of all diplomatic jobs-building up long-range
friendship between Israel and the Arab states.
Johnston was asked by Eisenhower to go to the Near East
as his special ambassador, officially to settle the question of
Arab refugees, but actually to settle the broader and more basic
problem of Arab-Israel friendship.
What Johnston took with him was a comprehensive plan for
impounding the River Jordan and using its waters for power and
irrigation under a system similar to the Tennessee Valley. If this
irrigation-power plan could be put across, he told the Arabs and
Israelis, the Jordan valley could be made to bloom like a rose, and
permanent peace and prosperity would prevail in the Near East.
Arab refugees could be put to work on the project, thereby removing
a difficult thorn in the side of Arab-Israeli relations.
At present Arab refugees, some 875,000 of them, live on the
border of Israel, fed by the United Nations and costing American
taxpayers about $60,000,000 this year. All day idle refugees look
across little white stone markers which designate the border and
watch the new-found prosperity of Israel, some of it on farms they
once owned. At night they frequently cross the border to steal
sheep or goats.
When they do, the Israels raid back, and under the old eye-
for-an-eye and tooth-for-a-tooth doctrine, men are killed almost
every night. Twenty were killed, Johnson reported to the White
House, just during his brief stay in the Near East.
*' ** *
JOHNSTON reported that at first he was met with hostility from
both sides. The Arab press claimed his mother and father were
Jewish, that he had changed his name. The Israeli press published
a cartoon of Johnston with a big knife seeking to carve up Israel.
He was warned his life was in danger. Both sides guarded him day
and night.
However, the TVA plan for developing the Jordan River
aroused definite interest. Drawn up by Charles T. Main of Char-
lotte, N. C., under the auspices of TVA authorities, it calls for the
cooperation of Israel with three Arab states-Lebanon, Syria
and Jordan.
The waters of the Jordan are to be impounded largely in Lebanon,
with another dam at Lake Tiberias. From these two reservoirs, irriga-
tion ditches would lead off into Syria, Israel and along the Jordan
River. But since the river runs through four countries, the coopera-
tion of all four is absolutely necessary.
By the same token, Johnston argued, cooperation on this Jordan
Valley Authority would lay the cornerstone for badly needed peace.
"The American people have been spending $150,000,000 a
year on this area," Johnston told Arab Prime Minister Fawzi
Mulqui of Jordan. "And they're not going to do it much longer. If
you don't go along with this project, you'll find yourself handling
these refugees at a cost of $60,000,000 a year."
"That's your problem," replied the Prime Minister. "You've sup-
ported Israel which is responsible for making these refugees home-
"No, it's not our problem," countered Johnston. "On the con-
trary, it was you Arabs who refused to obey to stop fighting, there-
by opening yourselves up to Israeli retaliation.
"Don't make any mistake about future money from the United
States," Johnston continued. "The carpenter in Keokuk or the farm-
er near Omaha isn't interested in Arab refugees. And he isn't going
to continue paying for them much longer.
"On the other hand, if you put across this Jordan valley
project, it will not only bloom as never before, but every refugee
can be put to work."
Johnston reported to Eisenhower that he hoped he had opened
the door just a crack in Jordan, and just a crack in Israel. Bitterness
over recent border incidents is intense. Both countries are a long
way from being convinced. In Lebanon and Syria there is a little
more openmindedness, and he hopes to get more favorable reactions
when he goes back in February.
i actres
University Lecture, auspices of thee
Geology and Mineralogy Journal Club.£
John G. Ferris, District Engineer of1
the Ground Water Branch, U.S. Ge-I
ological survey, will give two lectures
Tues., Nov. 24. The first wil be at 4t
p.m., in 2504 Natural Science Building.
on "Ground Water Geology." The sec-S
ond lecture will be given at R p.m.,s
in the Natural Science Auditorium,t
on "Animal, vegetable, and the Univer-
sal Mineral-Or, Water for Your Fu-
ture. The latter lecture wii be open
to the public.
Zoology Lecture: Dr. F. J. W. ough-
ton, Chairman of the Department of
Colloid Science, Cambridge University,
will speak on "Recent Work on the1
Kinetics of Hemoglobin and its Ap-
plication to the Problem of Gas Ex-t
change in the Human Lung," Tues.,s
Nov. 24, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphi-
Lecture by Prof. Sydney Chapman,s
auspices Departments of Astronomy,1
Aeronautical Engineering, Physics, and
Geology. Tues., Nov. 24, 4:10 p.m., at
the Observatory. Topic, The Aurora Po-l
laris: Its Morphology.
Academic Noticesr
Fifth Sociology Colloquium. "The
I.S.A. Looks Ahead," Professor Robert
C. Angell, President of the Interna-
tional Sociological Associationn 4 p.m.,
Wed., Nov, 25, East Conference Room,
Rackham Building. Everyone is cordi-
ally invited to attend.
Logic Seminar. Tues., Nov. 24, 4 p.m.,
/ ettei4
The Daily welcomes communica-
tions from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all
letters which are signed by the wri-
ter and in good taste, Letters e-t
ceeding 300 words in length, defama-
tory or libelous letters, and letters
which for any reason are not in good
taste will be condensed, edited orl
withheld from, publication at the
discretion of the editors.
Bis Clause . ,.
To The Editors:
W E, TOO, favor the removal of
bias clauses in all fraternities.
We do not, however, favor the (
singling out ofna particularscollege(
fraternity-one, which' has, as a
matter of fact, an outstanding
record at Michigan-for such an
underhanded and cowardly attack..
If Frank Stanton quits Phi Delta
Theta because he disapproves of
the bias clause, and Joe Shlunk
joins because he approves of the
bias clause, it seems they must
cancel one another out. Sure,
Stanton is president of CBS, but
Joe was a disc jockey his fresh-
man year on the West Quad radio
station, and, because Joe is a good
boy, he, too, may someday be a
president. That article, dear edi-
tors, was vicious and struck below
the belt. We only hope it isn't the
first of a long string of articles
designed to "blast" all the frater-
nities on the Michigan campus.
For this, Mr. Paul Ladas, would
not only paint the fraternities
black, but would paint your news-
paper a very nauseous shade of
-Jim McGarvey
Ron West
Nixon Tour
WITH HIS arrival in Manila
Vice President Nixon has
reached an approximate half-way
point on his extensive tour. What
he has done and said thus far seem
to justify the optimism that was
expressed when he embarked on
his travels. At that time the trip
seemed to be a good idea. It seems
even more so now.
Mr. Nixon sasid at the outset
that his function was that of fact-
finding. He was availing himself
of an opportunity to see at first-
hand some of the world's trouble
spots, especially those in the Far
East. If this seems something of
an unusual course in the "train-
ing" of a Vice President, it is cer-
tainly a sensible one. He needs all
the information he can get and
there is no better place to get it
than on the ground and at the
Hungarian Rhapsody; Debussy's "Aft-
ernoon of a Faun"; Strauss' "Till Eulen-
spiegel's Merry Pranks"; and a group of
Marches from the Revolution to the
present day.
Tickets are on sale at the offices of
the University Musical Society in Bur
ton Tower, at $3.00, $2.50. $2.00. analt
$1.50; and will also be on sale on the
night of the concert at the Hill Audi-
torium box office after 7 o'clock.
Events Today
Political Science Round Table. Nov.
24 Rackham Amphitheater, 7:45 p.m.
Prof. Roy C. Macridis, Northwestern
University. will speak on "The Status
and Prospects of Research in Compara-
tive Governments." All interested per-
sons are invited.
Phi Lambda Upsilon, national chemi-
ical honorary society, will hold its sec-
ond meeting, 7:30 p.m., West Conference
Room, Rackhanm. Mr. W. Weichlein,
School of Music will speak at 8 on the
structural element in music. The pub-
lio is invited. Rereshments.
Political Science Concentration Stu-
dents coffee hour today at 4 .m, at the
Michigan League,
Episcopal Student Foundation. Tea
from 4 to 6 at Canterbury House. All
students invited.
Tau Beta Pi. Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Union.
Prof. W. C. Sadler will speak on aspects
of law of interest to engineers. The talk
will be preceded by a short business
meeting and the taking of the 'Ensian
Kappa Phi. There will be a meeting
at 5:30 at Mrs. Katz's home, 2011 Wash-
tenaw. Meet at the church at 5:15 if you
want transportation. Pledges and ac-
tives are requested to be sure and come.
Congregational-Discpiles Guild. 4:30-
6:00 p.m., tea at Guild House.
S.R.A. Council meets at Lane Hall, 5:-15
p.m. Ensian picture wit be taken at-
this time.
Square and Folk Dancing. Fun for be-
ginners and experts. Everyone welcome,
Lane Hall, 7:30-10:00 p.m.
Museum Movie. "Longhouse People"
(Iroquois Indians-color), free movie
shown at 3 p.m. daily, including Sat.
and Sun. and at 12:30 Wed., 4 tai floor
movieualcove Museums Building, Nov.
24-Dec. 1.
Coming Events
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent Breakfast following 7 a.m. ervice
of Holy Communion, Wed., Nov. 25, at
Canterbury House.
Thanksgiving Breakfast. The S.R.A.
traditional breakfast with songfest and
Thanks message by Rev. William S.
Baker will be held at Lang Hall Thurs.,
9 a.m. All folk on campus cordially
invited.Call reservation to NO-31511--
Ext. 2851. Small charge.
Chess Club will meet Wed., Nov. 25,
7:30 p.m., Michigan Union. All chess
players welcome.
I IcIgu*RtI
Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn........Managing Editor
*Eric Vetter .................City Editor
virginia Voss........Editorial Director
Mike Wolf ........Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver. Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane Decker .......... Associate Editor
Helene Simon...........Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye.................Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg.. ..Assoc. Sports Editor
IMarilyn Campbell...Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell.......Head Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin. ...Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden........Finance Manager
James Sharp.....,Circulation Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1