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November 22, 1953 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1953-11-22

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Alumni Fund Used for 'U' Growth

"Dedicated to the continued
growth and advancement of the
University of Michigan."
This statement describes the
fundamental purpose of the new-
ly launched Michigan Alumni
Fund, more informally known as
the "alumni annual giving pro-
ADMINISTERED under the Uni-
versity's Development Council, the
Alumni Fund has been described
as a "joint enterprise" in which
alunmni, faculty, students and the
general public will profit.
James K. Miller, manager of
the fund, outlined the objec-
tives of the 1953-54 first annual
appeal under four general clas-
sifications: student aid, re-
search, special equipment and a
President's Fund.
Commenting further on these
objectives, Miller explained that
more scholarships and fellowships
are being sought "in accor'dance
with the University's policy and
tradition of encouraging and of-
fering an educational opportuni-
ty for youth of proven ability."
ONLY ONE out of three quali-
fied students in need of a schol-
arship can now get one, he said.
In the field of research, Mil-
ler continued, funds are needed
for development in both basic
and applied fields. The Univer-
sity, he added, must depend
largely on private support for
such projects.
"New and essential special
equipment and materials current-
ly unobtainable from normal rev-
enue sources is our third general
objecitive," the Fund manager
pointed out.r
make sums. available to Univer-r
sity President Harlan H. Hatcherk
for special projects and emergen-
cy needs for which funds are not
provided at the present time. 1
The Michigan Alumni Fund,t

Seminar Studies Major
Near Eastern Problems
A graduate seminar which has Near East can only be compre-
more faculty members than stu- hensively studied in the Near
dents is a unique feature of the , East itself, has led the depart-
Near East studies department lment to set up a program of
program. ifield study which enables a stu-
In the interdisciplinary semi- dent to earn his doctorate.
nar devoted to the analysis of The interdisciplinary seminar
major problems in the Near East, prepares students for research ex-
both professors and students pres- peditions which are held in alter-
ent papers. nate years. At the present time,
* * * five students under the supervi-
ACCORDING to Prof. George sion of Prof. William Schorger of
Cameron, chairman of the de- the anthropology and Near East
partment, in last year's sessions, studies departments are in Syria
the seven faculty members worked as a part of this year's program.
as hard as the five students. "And *
believe me, those kids worked MATERIAL gathered in such
he added.e itions abroad also rovide

Earnings of Detroit area work- cross-sectional view of wages and
ers in all fields of employment salaries of selected office clerical,
have increased noticeably in the professional and maintenance oc-
past two years, according to a cupations based on information
study prepared by the Department from 250 establishments employ-
of Labor's Bureau of Labor Sta- ing over half a million workers.
tistics. "White collar" workers have
The biennial report presents a shown salary increases of $6.50 to

$8 a week. In the maintenance
trades wage increases have run
from 17 cents to 25 cents an hour.
In addition to increased earn-
ings. workers in the Detroit area
are also getting more liberal bene-
fits than two year,. ago, according
to the study.


Wage Increase Reported In Detroit

Now, it'sK art

Prof. Cameron explained that
at both the graduate and un-
dergraduate level, courses at-
tempt to understand critical
problems of the Near East. Con-
sequently the study of histori-
cal, geographical, anthropolog-
ical, philosophical and many
other factors is involved.

subjects for many year's study.
Prof. Cameron, who in 1948 head-
ed a research expedition in Iran,
is still working and publishing
reports on the work he did there.
In his office, Prof. Cameron
has a rubber mold of an inscrip-
tion written in three languages,
the second of which he is now.

...being closed Thursday
Thanksgiving Day,
both stores wi I I be
OPEN MONDAY (tomorrov

-Daily-Chuck Kelsey
SET FOR MAILING: Assistants help James Miller, (center)
manager of the Michigan Alumni Fund, look over final publicity
folders as they are taken off the addressograph. Nearly 150,000
Cir-Q-lets and letters were sent to University alumni as the initial
step in an annual fund giving campaign.

Ford Offers
Study Grants

For the third successive


the Ford Foundation, continuing
its policy of contributing to in-
ternational understanding, is of-
fering a number of foreign study
and research grants to people
-wishing to study in Asia, the Near
and Middle East..
Open to people under the age of
36 engaged in business, govern-
ment, agriculture, .labor relations,
communications, education, and
other professions, the award also
stipulates that candidates must
be United States citizens or aliens
permanently residing in this
country with the intention of be-
coming citizens.
Applications and information
may- be obtained from the Ford
Foundation Board on Overseas
Training and Research, 575 Mad-
ison Ave., New York 22, New
The Michigan Technic will
be on sale tomorrow and Tues-
day in the Engineering Arch
at 25 cents per copy.


Miller emphasized, will be used
for special resources that will
sustain and further the Univers-
ity "as one of America's great
centers of education and an out-
standing force in the develop-
ment of our nation's strength."
Immediate benefit of the Alum-
ni Fund for students was empha-
sized by Miller. Scholarships, ma-
terials and equipment will be
made available as soon as possi-
* * *
NO CAMPAIGN goals or quotas
have been established for this first
year of the Alumni Fund. It is be-
ing organized on a strictly "low
pressure" basis with the empha-
sis on participation rather than
large individual contributions.
In the mail now are "cultiva-
tion" or "conditioning" folders
to nearly 150,000 Michigan al-
umni announcing the program.
These folders will be followed at
intervals by solicitation mail-
Two forms of promotional ma-
terials are being employed in these
mailings, one being directed to
half of the alumni list and the
other to the balance. Statistics
will be kept to determine which

form of presentation is most ef-
All contributors to the first ap-
peal of the Michigan Alumni Fund
will be designated as "charter
members" and will receive wallet-
size cards in token of their sup-
port. The first appeal terminates
June 30, 1954.

Discussing reasons for estab- translating. The mold was taken
;lishing a department to study 400 feet above th-e ground in
Near East problems, Prof. Camer- near freezing weather by paint-
on said, "the area is "a particu- ing coats of latex alternated
larly explosive sector" of the with cheesecloth upon the stone.
world. "Security and peace de-
pend upon the elimination of ten- Interest in the Near East pro-
sions and for this reason we must gram has been shown by several
study the causes of the prob- foundations who now contribute to
lems," he continued. its expense. The Ford Foundation
* has given a total of $135,000 while
THE NOTED historian remark- the Carnegie Corporation and
ed, "We must look into the roots Near East Foundation have also
as one cannot understand the given the department several
contemporary world unless one grants.
begins to understand the ancient Only two other universities
world." have such a program, Columbia
A belief that difficulties of the and Princeton.

U.S. Civil Service
Offers Positions
The United States Civil Serv-!
ice Commission has announced it
is now offering openings for en-
gineering and agriculture posi-
Examinations for agricultural
positions, starting at a salary of
$3,410 a year must be in by Dec.
1, 1953 and are open to agricul-
ture economists, botonists, zoolo-
gists, bacteriologists, foresters,
and persons in related fields. In-
formation may be obtained from
Mr. Sackrider, 410 Agriculture
Bldg.,. Michigan State College.

Tweed goes citified!

Aa4 hant NEW '
in BOOKS o y cu Reading Peajue
a THE MARMOT DRIVE...John Hersey.........350
THE FEMALE........... Paul I. Wellman.. .... 3.95
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PEACEWITHGOD.......Billy Graham .........2.50
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Q~k:: $5500r



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