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November 21, 1953 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1953-11-21

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%ditatele te
Daily Managing Editor
STUDENT AFFAIRS Committee's decision
yesterday to strike out the controver-
sial signature rule from regulations govern-
ing the Academic Freedom Week program
came about because of a change in the con-
ditions surrounding the Week rather than
through a change in SAC attitude toward
the need for responsibility and identifica-
tion in the program.
When the program was presented for
SAC approval a week ago, the plans show-
ed no conception of the need for respon-
sibility for the activities, and no consider-
ation of the ramifications of such a
program when conducted without this
sense of responsibility.
Student Legislature's willingness to ac-
cept full responsibility was not known, and
the vague assurance that the program would
be "sponsored" by SL gave SAC little know-
ledge to operate on. However, the program
needed approval at that meeting if it was
to go on at all, and SAC attempted to set
up certain ground rules for it. Committee
members were least happy about the pro-
vision requiring all motions to be signed by
those who favored them, but believed this
rule necessary considering the lack of
thought and responsibility surrounding the
plans as presented.
When SL in its next meeting accepted
full responsibility for the program and
worked out an adequate procedural plan,
SAC was able to reconsider the signature
rule and substitute for it the plan to send
all resolutions to SL for further action.
Under the revised plan the work of the
meetings and plenary session tomorrow will
receive later consideration by the acknow-
ledged student body spokesman, the Legis-
lature, and thus will become something more
than a set of resolutions by a relatively
small group of students who happen to at-
tend tomorrow's discussions. This is en-
tirely compatible with the purpose of Aca-
demic Freedom Week to cause students o
think about the problem. It will also give
the questions raised much wider considera-
tion and circulation.
Certainly there should be no impression
that SAC was deliberately trying to limit
student freedom in originally setting, up the
signature rule. Had a clear understanding
of SL's willingness to take charge of the
program been in evidence, and the program
itself more explicitly outlined, the rule
would never have been imposed in the first
At the Orpheum ...
THE SINNERS with Suzanne Cloutier
MUCH LIKE an untamed river running its
torturous path to the sea this film has
its placid pools and raging rapids. It runs
angrily through narrow passages and vents
its fury in a wild rush that ends in quiet wa-
ters. It is unreasonably and intensely logi-
cal. It is thoroughly human.
In a setting reminscent of the Carpa-
thian Mountains rather than tranquil
France the misunderstood and forgotten
products of society are tossed in an at-
tempt to ease the social conscience. The
girls in this human cesspool are alternate-
ly under the direction of a psycopath and
an almost Christ-like matron. Into their
midst is thrown an innocent whose true
love brings out their hidden humaness.
The story of Maria and her attempt to
reach her lover form a focal point for the

plot action. Her dreams of escape are made
a reality by her fellow inmates. They lie and
cheat not to gratify their own interests, but
to help someone else: their idealized selfs. An
almost transcendental quality pervades the
atmosphere of the reformatory as the lines
of good and evil are drawn. On one side
stands those whose suffering has made them
see the "good." On the other stands the one
who finds in power not a means but an end.
Interwoven in this fabric are the faces;
alone and yet together; divided and yet unit-
ed. These faces convey more than any lan-
guage can express. They are a tribute to
Julien Duviviers astute casting and forceful
Suzanne Cloutier expresses her love with
an esoteric quality seldom achieved on the
screen. She stands in remarkable contrast
to the hardened faces of her compatriots.
She suffers and yet she loves. For her love
she is assulted, but this only intensifies
her love. She is withdrawn and yet worldly
above all.
The plot is nebulous, but the acting more
than compensates for this inadequacy. Even
without any plot the sheer intensity and
quality of the entire cast would have made
this a fine picture.

On Talking About Talking -
Two Alternatives

The End Of The Trail

BERN-There are two views, each with
highly reputable and responsible sup-
port, on this strange business of talking with
the Soviet government --about whether we
could, should, would, and might talk with
the Soviet government. In principle of
course they and we have and are now -and
will always be ready to talk. And certainly
there is no denying that by means of dip-
lomatic notes, public speeches, press con-
ferences, official and semi-official inter-
views we are talking quite a lot. But the
perennial theme of all the talks is the ques-
tion of having some talks.
There is a view, full of charm and at-
traction, which holds that instead of
talking about talking about Germany,
why not, if either of us has anything
practically important to say, does he not
say it? And why, instead of talking about
having Five Powers talks about the Far
East, does not someone say something
that is so interesting and so important
that five power negotiations would fol-
low as a matter of course?
Those who take this view might argue
that the practice of public diplomacy and
of propaganda and of psychological war-
fare have become such a plague that for
their part they will take nothing seriously
unless it is first communicated confiden-
This need not be regarded as a universal
rule for all time, a retreat into secret dip-
lomacy and an abolition of informative and
inspiring public utterances. It would be
rather like going on a temporary diet which
is hygienic but unappetizing. The time would
come when the great resounding declara-
tions could be resumed. But there would be
an interval devoted to the realities-to re-
alizing what is necessary and to finding out
what is possible. This probably cannot be
done after the debauchery of public opin-
ion during the past twenty years of war,
cold war, and revolutionary propaganda
except. privately through confidential talk.
This somewhat brusque and impatient
view might be summarized by saying that
if the great protagonists in the world
conflict believed that they could or should
negotiate on the great issues, they would
be negotiating. The reason that they only
talk about negotiating is that in fact they
do not feel themselves to be in a position
to negotiate.
The other view reflects what is no doubt
a riper wisdom. It starts where the first
view leaves off. To be sure, one who holds

it might say, all this talk about talking
shows that the powers are not ready to talk.
But some day, who knows, they may be.
And in the meantime, little sir, what would
you have them be doing? Would you have
them be silent, glaring ominously at one
another and shining up their weapons,
leaving the field of public attention vacant
and open to all the mischief makers, the
ax grinders, the careerists, the adventurers,
the demagogues and the diplomatic racke-
* * *
OF COURSE, these public exchanges of
talk about talk are avoiding the real
issues. But it is better to avoid the issues
unless they can be resolved, waiting to see
whether they may not dissolve or wither
away, rather than to rush at them and to
succeed only in aggravating them.
Among those who hold these views, the
most veer now to the one and now to
the other. But there is, I believe, a rather
widely agreed opinion as to what real
talk about Germany, if and when it ever
begins, would be about.
It would not be about free elections. For
they would not be conceded before there
was agenuine agreement, and they would
follow automatically if there were an agree-
ment. It would not be about German re-
armament which all the world knows must
take place in some form and in some meas-
Real talk would be about the frontier
between Germany and Poland, about where
it is to be, about whether and how the
frontier could be guaranteed. The extreme
optimists among those who are still hard
headed think that the Soviet Union's ir-
reducible terms for a German settlement
would be an eastern frontier, perhaps some-
what but not greatly modified in Germany's
favor, which committed everyone, includ-
ing especially the United States, to a guar-
anty that this frontier would not be altered
by force, that it marked the eastern limits
of German territorial expansion.
There is not now any such proposal
from the Soviet Union. Nor is there any
present prospect that such an offer will
be made. Moreover, there is no present
prospect that the German Republic would
ratify such a treaty or that the United
States Senate would solemnly guaranty it.
It is no more than a theoretical possi-
bility, to be kept in mind, perhaps one
should say in the back of our minds. It is
not to be mistaken for a practical possibil-
ity in any near future that we know of.
(Copyright, 1953, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

M ?
r; o

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelousletters,'and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Thank-You, Capitalists
To the Editor:
IN THE light of present circum-
stances, Lenin's statement of
1920 takes on added significance.
When the French bourgeoisie
makes Bolshevism the central is-
sue at the elections, and abuses
the comparatively moderate or va-
cillating Socialists for being Bol-
sheviks; when the American bour-
geoisie, having completely lost its
head, seizes thousands and thous-
ands of people on suspicion of Bol-
shevism, creates an atmosphere of
panic and broadcasts stories of
Bolshevik plots; when the British
bourgeoisie-the most 'solid' in
the world-despite all its wisdom
and experience, commits, incred-
ible follies, founds richly endowed
'anti-Bolshevik societies,' creates
a special literature on Bolshevism,
and hires an extra number of
scientists, agitators and parsons
to combat it-we must bow aid
thank the capitalist gentry. They:
are working for us."
V. I. Lenin, "Left Wing" Com-
munism, An Infantile Disorder
found in Lenin, Selected Works,
Vol. II, Foreign Languages Pub-
lishing House, 1947, pp. 632-633.
-Neil Bernstein
Willard DePree
Ronald Witt
* * *
Harry D. White...
To the Editor:'
HERE IS A foul odor emanat-
ing from the much-to-do over
Harry D. White, five years dead.
The unpleasant smell is not the
result of Brownell's attack upon
Truman and his administration.
Truman is honestly deserving of
harsh criticism.
After Truman's succession to
Roosevelt, the bulk of the New
Dealers went into exile. Racke-

teers, political hacks, fixers, five-
per - centers - the ,hangers-on
of every city machine-moved in.
But infinitely more important
than this pervasive corruption
was Truman's consolidation of
government under business royal-
ists and the military brass. Gov-
ernment by educators, lawyers
and men of general ability as it
was under Roosevelt, was replaced
by government by special interest.
Now the Republicans have per-
fected the tie-up between govern-
ment and corporate wealth.
The odorsome thing is the gen-
erally accepted conclusion that
White was a traitor and a spy.
Press, radio and public officials
alike render into insignificance a
most significant fact - the fact
that a grand jury, confronted with
all the 'damning evidence' from
the FBI, refused to indict White
or any of the others now named
as spys! Not only was White not
CONVICTED, neither was he even
INDICTED! This was the same
grand jury that indicted the
twelve Communists-certainly not
a 'white-wash' jury!
White, a staunch New Dealer,
was one of the devisors of 'the
Civil Works Administration and
the defeated Spend-Lend bill. His
most brilliant achievement was
the Bretton Woods international
monetary stabilization program,
which led to the setting up of the
Intl. Monetary Fund. The Bretton
Woods program killed the Bank of
Intl. Settlements in Basle, Swit-
zerland which did business with
the Nazis throughout the war. The
president of this Nazi-dominated
bank was Thomas J. McKittrick,
director of the First Natl. Bank
of N.Y.! The law firm whose cli-
ents had the biggest stakes in
German cartels was that of Mul-
-Larry Hochman, '5S

IBrown ell's 'Public Service'

Brownell completed his testimony Tues-
day before the Senate Internal Security
Subcommittee his concluding statement was
that in publicizing the Truman role in the
Harry Dexter White appointment of 1946
"I . .. pray I have performed a significant
public service."
If Mr. Brownell had had the slightest
-conception of the effects his actions on
the White Case would have on the nation
he would have realized that he was ask-
ing providence for a miracle in the fu-
ture of American governmental affairs.
An analysis of the consequences of the
present attacks on former Presiden Tru-
man will make it quite evident that the case
and its future developments will do im-
measurable harm to the country's welfare.
The main argument that Republicans
raise to justify the Brownell position is that'
Truman obviously made a mistake in pro-
moting White and that it is the duty of the
Administration to awaken the people to
such "blindness."
However,. this argument, which in ef-
fect proclaims that it is right to win Con-
gressional elections by advertising past
mistakes of the opposition, does not up-
hold the slanderous and insulting tactics
Brownell used in bringing the controversy
to light.
Moreover it tends to overlook the ir-
reparable damage the sensationalized at-
tacks on Mr. Truman will have on the Re-
publican Adminitration and more import-
antly on the country's welfare.
First, the condemnation of President Tru-
man in American papers and magazines has
done irreparable damage to American pres-.
tige abroad. The New York Times recently
reported that European newspapers have
definitely disapproved the assailing of Mr.
Truman. At a time when our relations with
New Books at Library
Hayes, Alfred-In Love: New' York; Har-
per Bros., 1953.
Kasack, Hermann-The City Beyond the
River: London; Longman, Green & Co.,

foreign nations are so insecure, we can not
risk having political incidents injure our
international reputation.
Secondly, the White case is a blow to
precedent. In the past, an ex-President
has never been subpoened before a Con-
gressional committee to defend his ad-
ministration. Yet Velde continues to pres-
sure Mr. Truman to testify before the
House Un-American Activities, commit-
tee. Also it has never been the policy of
a new administration to make a direct
attack on a President as soon as his term
is ended. In the future it is highly pos-
sible that controversy over an ex-Presi-
dent will be kept in the limelight until
his death.
Thirdly, sensationalizing the appointment
of spies in government will increase the pre-
sent tension and fear of communism
throughout the country. This will give Con-
gressional committees ample opportunity to
conduct their proceedings against groups
and individuals without limitation. The re-
sult could easily be that rights will con-
tinue to be ignored and innocent people
will be accused with less and less basis.
Fourthly, since the Eisenhower Admin-
istration's policies have been greatly depen-
dent on Democratic Congressmen, its 1954
legislative program will encounter many
difficulties in Congress. Brownell's blast
hit the former leader of the Democratic
party; and Democrats will henceforth feel
greatly obligated to back him in every way
possible. This means that both the coun-
try and the Republican Party, which was
counting a great deal on its legislative -per-
formance in the forthcoming session to
raise its chances in Congressional elections,
will suffer.
Lastly, the accusations against Mr. Tru-
man have degraded the Presidency of the
United States. Through the American
press' slipshod, sensational, and mislead-
ing accounts of some of the aspects of
the case a man who loyally served in the
nation's highest office with the voter's ap-
proval has been condemned and villified.
The practice in the past has been to let
historians with their patient and careful
methods make a judgment on an admin-
istration and not to allow politicians using
smear tactics in this field.
With these arguments considered one
wonders whether the accusations by Brown-

WASHINGTON-Some readers have suggested that I put the late
Chief Justice of the United States in the position of being pro-
Communist or a Red when I reported earlier this week that Fred Vin-
son, when Secretary of the Treasury, transferred Harry D. White to
the International Monetary Fund and advised President Truman to
keep him in that job, under surveillance.
Since Fred Vinson is dead and cannot defend himself and since
the last thing I wish to do is reflect on a great man and a very dear
friend, I should like to set forth further views of the late Chief Jus-
tice on communism. I had occasion to discuss this general subject
with him on a camping trip in the Adirondacks not long before he
It is a fact that in the summer of 1945, shortly after he be-
came Secretary of the Treasury, I warned Vinson that Harry White
was not a good man to have in the treasury I did this because I
thought it was a service to Vinson and to the country, but I told
Vinson that I could not fully substantiate the evidence against
It is a fact also that Fred Vinson recommended the transfer of
White from the Treasury to the Monetary Fund. Mr. -Truman ob-
viously knew little about personnel matters inside the treasury; fur-
thermore had great confidence in Vinson, and the last thing he would
do would be to tell him how to run the treasury. Vinson had been a
leader of Congress, a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals: Economic
Stabilizer; Defense Mobilizer; and head of the RFC. After 30 years in
government, he knew far more about government administration than
Truman and the brand new President leaned heavily on him.
m * w*
FURTHERMORE THE President was justified in leaning on him.
On the other hand, the President was not justified in leaning on
Maj. Gen. Harry Vaughan, a genial dilettante who exercised terrible
judgment in picking such friends as John Maragon and got Truman
into all sorts of trouble.
Despite repeated exposes in this column showing up Vaughan
for what he was, Mr. Truman continued to trust him with handling
highly sensitive FBI reports. It was Vaughan who either failed to
deliver or else failed to emphasize the importance of the first two
November and December, 1945, FBI reports on White.
Fred Vinson, however, considered 'an "old reliable" in gov-
ernment, took the position that White had a right to face the
FBI informant who charged him with being part of a spy ring.
Hoover in turn refused to reveal the informant, causing Vinson
to recommend that White was innocent until proved guilty.
This may seem old fashioned in view of current public opinion.
But at that time public opinion was different.
* * * *
A T THAT TIME, the public -had seen General Eisenhower receive
from Stalin the highest decoration given by the, Soviet. They had
seen pictures of Eisenhower and Marshal Zhukov sitting together in
Berlin night clubs. They knew that Eisenhower had stood at Lenin's
tomb with Stalin in paying joint tribute to Soviet troops. And they
read Ike's statements about a partnership between the two nations.
This was about the time Vinson was recommending that
Harry White be transferred to the monetary fund-a period only
six months after the end of the war with Japan. It was also
about the time General Eisenhower was writing in his book:
"overshadowing all goals for us Americans was the contribution
we locally might make toward establishing a working partnership
between the United States and Russia."
So perhaps in this atmosphere it's understandable that Fred Vin-
son, then Secretary of the Treasury, might well conclude that the
suspected Harry White could merely have been overzealous in promot-
ing the Russian-American part-
nership Eisenhower talked about,
and wanted more time to watchp
White and review the facts.
At any rate, I do not hesitate to tr g rtD ilpf
review these facts in defense of 1. j
one who is now dead and cannot
defend himself. Sixty-Fourth Year
* * Edited and managed by students of
WHITE AT WORK the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
TWO OTHER events are inter- Student Publications.
esting in reviewing the Vin-
son-White situation. One took Editorial Staf
place at Bretton Woods, N.H., in d
the summer of 1944 when White Harry Lunn.........Managing Editor
Eric Vetter ..............City Editor
and Henry Morgenthau negotiat- virginia Voss..........Editorial Director
ed the International Monetary Mike Wolff ........Associate City Editor
Agreement. It was to administer Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director
this that White later was ap- Diane Decker..... .Associate Editor
dHeleneSimon.........Associate Editor
pointed. Ivan Kaye.............Sports Editor
White was the chief author of Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor
that agreement, and Vinson, who Marilyn Campbell......Women's Editor
was present at Bretton Woods, Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor
watched him negotiate it. Don Campbell.......Head Photographer
Ironically, the Russians re- Business Staff
fused to sign . the agreement;
said it would be controlled by Thomas Treeger..... Business Manager
the United States, was an in- William Kaufman Advertising Manager
srumnt f cpitaistaggan.Harlean Hankin. . .. Assoc. Business Mgr.
srument of capitalist aggran- William Seiden..Finance Manager
dizement. Vinson knew how James Sharp....Circulation Manager
White had bucked the Russians
at that conference. Probably Telephone NO 23-24-1
+I.e,* ninp rpen.,mho h- n


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (before
11 a.m. on Saturday).
VOL. LXIV, No. 53
Late Permission. By action of the Stu-
dent Affairs Committee, all women stu-
dents will have 1:30 a.m. late permission
on Sat., Nov. 21.
Housing applications for graduate and
undergraduate women students now
registered on campus and wishing to
move for the spring semester of 1954
will open at noon on Tues., Dec. '.
tions will be accepted for both Resi-
dence Halls and League House rtc,=r-
modftions until the number of available
spaces are filled.
Veterans who expectato receive edu-
cation and training allowance under
Public Law 550 (Korea Bill) must pick
up Dean's Monthly Certification in ap-
propriate school office, get instructors'
signatures for November, and return
that certification to the Dean's office
on or before Dec. 3.
Photography work for 1955 J-Hop. All
those persons interested in doing the
photography work for the 1955 J-Hop
please submit petitions to the J-Hop
Committee c/o Office of Student Af-
fairs, by Wed., Nov. 25; 1953.
Teaching Candidates for the Detroit
Public Schools. The University Bureau
of Appointments has been notified that
the Detroit Public School System has
vacancies in all fields for February and
will welcome applications at the earliest
possible date. If interested, contact the
Bureau of Appointments or Mr. George
Baker, Personnel Director, 1354 Broad-
way, Detroit, Michigan.
University Lecture, auspices of the
Department of Journalism. Arnold vas
Dias, Dutch war correspondent and cur-
rently representative of various Neth-
erland papers at the United Nations,
'will speak on "The Press in Europe,"
experiences of a war correspondent,
Mon., Nov. 23, 3 p.m., Auditorium A of
Angell Hall. Coffee hour following in
Journalism Department, 1443 Mason
Hall. Public is cordially invited.
Academic Notices
Astronomical Colloguium, Mon., Nov.
23, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Mr. B.
Y. Mills, of the Radiophysics Labora-
tory, Sydney, Australia, will speak on
"Radio Sources of the Southern Hemis-
Interdepartmental Seminar in Ma-
chine Computation. The next meeting
will be held Mon., Nov. 23, 4:30 p.m.,
429 Mason Hall. Dr. W. F. Bauer and
Mr. Glen Graves, of Digital Computa-
tion Department (MIDAC), Willow Run
Research Center, will discuss "Analog
and Digital Computation Methods in
Nuclear Reactor Space Simulation."

concert in the current Choral Union
Series, Tues., Nov. 24, at 8:30,I n Hill
Auditorium. The program will include
songs by Brahms, Ivan Langstroth,
Grieg; Mozart, Bach, Gounod, Kastal-
sky; Folksongs from Latin America;
Creole Folksongs; Negro Spirituals; and
songs from World War II.
Tickets are available at the offices of
the University Musical Society, Burton
Tower, at $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, and $3.00.
Tickets will also be on sale after 7
o'clock on the night of the poncert
at the box office in Hill Auditoriu&.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hall, Fleischman Collection of Ameri-
can Paintings, Nov. 15 - Dec. 8. Open
9-5 on weekdays; 2-5 on Sundays. The
public is invited.
Events Today
First Laboratory Bill of Plays for the
1953-54 season will be presented free of
charge in the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
tre tonight at 8 o'clock.. Included on
the bill are Christopher Fry's, A Phoe-
nix Too Frequent; J. M. Synge's, The
Shadow of the Glen; Zona Gale's, The
Neighbors; and the second act of Sine
tana's opera, The Bartered Bride, pre-
sented with the school of music. The
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre opens at
7:30. It is not necessary to obtain tick-
ets because the seats are not reserved.
Hillel Foundation Activities for the
Sat., Nov. 21, 9 a.m.: Community Serv-
ices; 4 p.m.: Open House after Ohio
State Game
Sun., Nov. 22, 9 a.m.: Leave the Hillel
Building for the Hillel "Kenes," All-
Day Institute at the Fresh Air Camp
Wesleyan Guild. Picnic with Ohio
State Wesleyan Guild immediately fol-
lowing the game. A square dance fol-
lows this, with Grey Austin calling.
S.R.A. saturday Lunch Discussion.
Academic Freedom, discussed by a stu-
dent panel. Note change of time: 11
a.m. to 1 p.m. Call Lane Hall, 3-1511,
Ext. 2851, for reservation.
The Congregational- Disciples Guild.
After-game Open House at Guild House.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Cider
and doughnuts after the game at Can-
terbury House.
Newman Club. There will be a Dunk-
ers Hour after the football game. Cof-
fee and doughnuts will be served. Ev-
eryone is welcome.
Coming Events
Foreign Language Group. The meeting
Mon., Nov. 23, 8 p.m., East Conference
Room, Rackham Building, will feature
a talk by Professor Waldo Sweet on "The
Use of the Aural-Oral Method in. Learn-
ing to Read a Foreign Language." All
membersof the teaching staff of the
language departments, the English
Language Institute, and graduate stu-
dents are cordially invited.
Young Republicans. Debate Meeting
with Young Democrats, Mon., 7:30 p.m.,
Union. Topic: "Resolved, that the Re-
publican Administration does not have
an effective farm policy." All interested





The camera work is a tribute to the pre-
ceding work of Eisenstein. Scene cutting
and camera movements catch with pro-
found understanding the fleeting emotions
and general atmosphere. Perhaps the only
other film to compare in this respect is
the Lower Depths.


Murdock, James - Ketti
York; Random House. 1953.

Shalom; New

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