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November 21, 1953 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1953-11-21

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Daily Sports Editor
Michigan and Ohio State meet under leaden skies this afternoon
before over 90,000 fans at the Stadium in the 50th renewal of a classic
midwestern football rivalry that began back in 1897.
The kickoff is scheduled for 1:30 p.m.
THE GAME MARKS the final appearance in Maize and Blue of
senior lettermen Ted Kress, Bob Hurley, Dick Balzhiser, Captain Dick
O'Shaughnessy, Don Dugger, Dick Beison, Ron Williams, Dick Stro-
zewski, Jim Balog, Don Bennett, Bob Topp, Gene Knutson, Tad
Stanford :and George Dutter.
Ohio State is rated as a solid one touchdown choice in this
afternoon's contest. The Buckeyes have previously lost to Illi-
nois and Michigan State, two of the three teams that conquered
the Wolverines.
Michigan is in its worst physical condition of the season. Injuries
incurred in the varsity's two previous conference games have badly
wealened the offense and defense. Big Gene Knutson will almost
certainly be forced to sit out his last college game because of a knee
injury sustained last Saturday at East Lansing.
FULLBACK Dick Balzhiser and wingback Tony Branoff are both
nursing shoulder injuries which have bothered them all season. Al-
though both are expected to appear this afternoon, there is no guar-
anfee as to the efficiency with which they will perform.
John Veselenak, Tad Stanford, Fred Baer and Ron Williams
were all hurt last week and will be restricted in their activity
today. Tackle Art Walker is still not up to full effectiveness due
to the persistent leg injury which has slowed him all year.
Discouraging as is the injury list, the varsity will still be able to
field its first string line from tackle to tackle. These men however
bore the brunt of the rugged Michigan State game a week ago, and
the effects of that all-out battle should weaken them especially in
view of the fact that Ohio's linemen had a virtual picnic last Satur-
day against the crippled Purdue Boilermakers.
See BUCKS, Page 4

A Senior's Final Contest...

Gloomy skies filled with rain and a stadium filled near capacity
are forecast for today's season-ending contest between the Michigan
Wolverines and the Ohio Buckeyes.
The weatherman said yesterday rains predicted for this morning
should be tapering off by kick-off time at 1:30 p.m.; but the day in
general will be windy, cloudy, cool and wet.
AN UNOFFICIALLY-ESTIMATED crowd of 91,000 football fol-
lowers-the season's best turnout-is expected to pour into the
University Stadium to witness the season's finale.
Michigan State Police at Ypsilanti are being reinforced with
troopers from other southern Michigan posts to control the tidal
waves of traffic converging on Ann Arbor. Local police will be on
hand to guide city traffic and the Michigan Union reports a
"full house" of guests for tonight.
The Michigan Marching Band under the dirertion of Dr. William
D. Revelli will trot out a new dance step to entertain pigskin enthus-
iasts at half time, and pre-game ceremonies will honor University
President Harlan H. Hatcher with an "H H H" formation.
"Up N' Atom"-theme song from the 1953 Union Opera of the
same name-will be aired publicly for the first time during pre-game
activities, as eight "chorus-girls" cavort on the Michigan gridiron.
* * * *
SPIRITUAL SONGS form the theme of the band's half-time
revue. The strains of "When the Saints Come Marching In" will her-
ald the opening of the show as the band takes the field.
The band will form an ark as they play "Old Ark's a Moverin"
and then build up a skeleton as "Dry Bones" gets the Michigan
Band treatment.
The David and Goliath will battle it out as the band plays
"Little David Play On Your Harp." Next, "Joshha Fit the Battle of
Jericoh" and then the tune of -"I Got Shoes, You Got Shoes," will
provide the rhythm for the band's new dance step.
Ohio State's 120-piece marching band will also perform at pre-
game and half-time, basing their show on tunes by George Gershwin.

... rightguard

. , right end

--Daily-Jeff Pemberton
... center & captain

_ <*?





Latest Deadline in the State







... left' guard


... right tackle


SAC Removes
Signature Rule
Daily Managing Editor
In a special meeting yesterday, the Student Affairs Committee
removed the controversial signature rule rfrom their regulations on
Academic Freedom Week.
By unanimous vote SACG substituted in its place a requirement
that all resolutions adopted at tomorrow's workshops or plenary
session take the form of recommendations to Student Legislature.
ORIGINALLY PASSED at the Nov. 10 meeting, the strict regu-,

lations on Academic Freedom N


eeki were considered necessary to
4 insure proper responsibility for the

... fullback


World News
By The Associated Press
CLEVELAND - Walter P. Reu-
ther, who won the CIO presidency
a year ago after a showdown bat-
tle, was elected to his second term
yeserday by acclamation.
* * *
NEW DELHI, India - Cheddi
'Jagan, deposed leftwing Prime
Minister of British Guiana, ar-
rived here yesterday to ask the
Indian government to take his
case before the United Nations.
* * *
States is going to give Britain and
Canada a fill-in on some of the
devastating effects of its latest
atomic weapons.
The Atomic Energy Commission
said yesterday arrangements are
being made to exchange, with its
wartime atomic partners, informa-
tion on the "effects of atomic
weapons on human beings and
their environment"-effects which
would include those resulting firom
exposure to blast, heat and radi-
ation from bombs.
ROCKFORD, Ill.-Rep. Har-
old H. Velde (R-Ill.), chairman
of the House Un-American Ac-
tivities Committee, yesterday ac-
cused former President Truman
of "hiding, backtracking and
preventing prosecution of spies
and subversives."
PARIS - Foreign Minister
Georges Bidault broke down from
fatigue while delivering a major
speech before the National Assem-

At that time SL had agreed
to sponsor the week-long activi-
ties, but had not defined the ex-
tent to which it would be re-
sponsible for them.
Therefore, the Week was ap-
proved subject to the provision
that SL would take responsibility
for insuring that all resolutions
would be voted on by division of
the house, that this vote be record-
ed and that a majority of those
present be required to sign the res-
olution before it went into effect.
SL was also required to insure
that any literature distributed at
the meetings be designated as the
opinion of its publishers and not
necessarily of the students attend-
ing the conference, or of the Uni-
* e, *
IN THEIR meeting of Nov. 11
SL members took strong exception
to the signature requirement but
voted approval of the other meas-
ures. Yesterday's SAC meeting was
called to consider the SL motion.
The formal SAC motion
adopted yesterday stressed that
SL had accepted full responsi-
bility for the program, set up
adequate procedural methods
and was willing to consider rec-
ommendations submitted to it.
SAC members felt the assurance
that SL would be responsible for
the activities enabled the signa-
ture provision to be. struck out.
They had beenconcernedthat
a small group might attempt to
pass resolutions at one of the Ac-
ademic Freedom meetings and rep-
resent them as opinion of the stu-
dent body.
Rig Ten' To Piek

Regents OK
In Gifts to 'U
Grants To Enable
More Research
University President Harlan H.
Hatcher has announced the Board
of Regents yesterday accepted
gifts and grants totalling $257,-
Largest of the gifts came from
the estate of Herbert E. Boynton
of Detroit. Executor of the estate
has turned over to the University
a total of $183,427 in cash and
securities to establish the Her-
bert E. Boynton Scholarship Fund.
The net income of the fund will
provide scholarships for worthy
students in the literary college who
are juniors or seniors or who are
engaged in graduate work. ,
F#OM the Lilly Endowment,
Inc., of Indianapolis, the Regents
accepted two grants totalling $20,-
000. One $10,000 grant is for the
purchase of pharmacy equipment,
and the other is for the establish-
ment of the Lilly Endowment Fel-
lowship in Pharmacy.
The Olive Colbrath Smith
Loan Fund has been established
with $9,328 from the estate of
Esther Anne Smith. Michigan
State Board of Alcoholism hasj
gfiven $6,750 for continuation
of research by Dr. H. M. Pollard,
professor of internal medicine,
on the effects of alcohol on gas-
tric secretion and motility.
The Mott Foundation of Flint
has given $5,120 for the founda-
tion's dentistry fellowships for the
1953-54 year.
From the Scottish Rite Commit-
tee on Research in Dementia Prae-
cox, accepted a grant of $4,000 for
a one-year investigation into the
field of childhood schizophrenia.
See GRANTS, Page 3
Delegates Ask UN
To Censure Israel
-The United States, Britain and
France yesterday demanded quick

Senators Order-
Radulovich File
Russell Sends Letter to Attorney;
Lieutenant Plans to 'Wait and See'
The Senate Armed Services Committee has ordered a complete
Defense Department report on Air Force recommendations that Uni-
versity senior Milo J. Radulovich be dismissed from the reserve as a
poor security risk, it was learned yesterday.
In a letter sent to Radulovich's attorney, Charles C. Lockward,
Senator Richard D. Russell (D-Ga.), a member of the Armed Services
Committee wrote:
"I UNDERSTAND a complete report has been requested from
the Defense Department on -the case. I am sure our common objec-

Degree Given
Regents OK
Meeting yesterday, the Univer-
sity Board of Regents approved
three faculty appointments, eight
committee appointments, estab-
lished a new doctoral degree and
granted six leaves of absence.
Dr. James Knuckery, now a sen-
ior fellow in the Division of Den-
tal Research at the University of
Rochester, was appointed assist-
ant professor in the School of Den-
tistry, effective Sept. 1.
ONE OF South America's most
distinguished composers, Heitor
Villa-Lobos was named Oliver Dit-
son Fellow for 1953. The Regents
appointed Bennett Milton Rich
acting director of the Institute of
Public Administration during the
absence of John W. Lederle.
Regents also approved estab-
lishment of the new degree of
Doctor of Musical Arts on the
recomunendation of the School
of Music. Covering the fields of
composition and performance,
the degree will be administered
in. the Horace H. Rackham
School of Graduate Studies.
Requirements for the degree will
be strictly comparable with those
for the Doctor of Philosophy de-
gree except that an orchestral
composition of symphonic propor-
. jr- s eaiv .to r.-n i

ntive - a fair treatment of this
individual and a maintenance of
security standards necessary to
the national welfare - will be
Radulovich, a 27 - year - old
physics major, was held by a
three man military court of the
10th Air Force to be a' poor risk
for close and continuous asso-
ciation with his father and sis-
ter-alleged Communists.
Radulovich is now awaiting final
decision on his case from the Con-
tinental Air Command Headquar-
ters and the Secretary of the Air
Contacted yesterday, Radulo-
vich said he had not heard about
Sen. Russell's letter since his at-
torneys were handling the entire
matter but he said:
"I AM NOT going to do any-
thing except wait and see wihat
Radulovich indicated he was
scheduled to get a final Air
Force verdict earlier this month
but as yet had received no word
on the outcome of his case.
Radulovich said Russell's letter
"sounded interesting" and that it
might become a "political issue."
*He maintained Lockwood had
written to the Armed Services
Committees of both the House and
the Senate but had not expected
an answer from them. ,
Conference To End
'Freedom Week'
To culminate activities of Aca-
demic Freedom Week, Student
Lee-slatur wils nsar an ,,all-da


Obli gations
Should Answer
Queries: Hatcher
University President Harlan H.
Hatcher said yesterday "anyone
called before a duly delegated Con-
gressional committee is obligat-
ed to answer that call and all
questions put before him."
President Hatcher said he was
expressing his own viewpoint to-
ward committees and not neces-
sarily official University policy.
.: * *
COMMENTING on Congression-
al committees, especially the Clar-
dy group, the President said "I
believe that by giving our full co-
operation we can help these groups
do their work and put matters on
a calm and even keel."
"It is our duty," he went on,
"to perform as citizens and any-
one refusing to answer on the
grounds tlat it might incrimi-
nate him is placed under a bur-
den of proof to explain his ac-
President Hatcher was referring
to the use to which the Fifth
Amendment has been put by wit-
nesses appearing before Congres-
sional investigating bodies.
"A person refusing to answer
any questions," he continued, "has
a cloud of guilt placed about him
which he must clear."
*~ * *
IN ANSWER to a question on
University policy toward students
and faculty subpoenaed to appear
before Congressional probers the
President said:
"The University cannot for-
mulate a blanket policy which
could cover all problematical
cases, but we do recognize and
will' protect rights of all citizens
on our campus."
Concerning the possibility of
students being, called to testify
President Hatcher said, "We hope
that if by any chance ,any person
is called before a committee he
will openly and frankly answer
any questions put before him."
President Hatcher explained
that .n .n .oh va.rin.imin..n.

..-left halfback

. fullback

. *,*left tackle

Ohio State

Wolv eri tie

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