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VOL. LXIV, No. 50




Debate Opens
On Education
Higher Learning
Studies Revealed
Reports from a Commission on
Financing Higher Education and
President Truman's Commission
on Higher Education resulted in.
unexpected debate at the first ses-
sion of the Conference on Higher
Education which met in Rackham
Amphitheater yesterday.
Miami University President
John D. Millett made the open-
ing talk before 225 representatives
from Michigan colleges, giving
findings on financing higher edu-
cation made since the war.
- - -
AMERICAN society requires two
kinds of education Millett assert-
ed, common schooling which pro-
vides literary improvement for the
entire population, and higher edu-
cation for the development of per-
sons with higher intellectual ca-
pacity and unusual talents.
The top 25% of the popula-
tion is intellectually equipped
for study of abstract ideas pre-
sented in college Millett declar-
ed, and less than half of these
attend college. Inadequate so-
cial and individual motivation
are reasons for failure to go into
higher education, he observed.
But standards in higher educa-
tion should not be sacrificed by
creating "community colleges," ex-
tending. high school to 13th and
14th years, and patterning insti-
tutions of higher learning after
primary and secondary schools, he
argued. Laborers and artisans are
needed in our society and can suf-
ficiently fit into their occupations
with only 12 years of schooling ac-.
cording to the Finance Commis-
sion report given by Millett.
Educatior) in leadership is the
contribution higher education is
aiming for, he continued. To ad-
vance man's knowledge and to as-
sist in the utilization of that
knowledge is the goal, this know-
ledge should be applied to a re-
stricted area to be most effective,
according to Millett.
* * *.
ANSWERING charges made by
Millett that the President's Com-
mission on Higher Education ad-
vocated lowering education stand-
ards by making two more years of
schooling available to the masses,
Chancellor Thomas R. McConnell
of Buffalo University opened his
speech with a statement that "all
people having innate capacities
should be allowed to develop them,
not just the intellectually elite."
Free minds must be developed
by training, and increasing the
number of students brought to
college will increase that free-
dom, he remarked. Using reports
of former Harvard President
James Conant as support, he
argued that "values of human
education should be shared, not
hoarded by u few."
Democracy is based on the be-
lief that a large body of educated
and responsible citizens make up
society and are capable of gov-
erning themselves, he pointed out.
Concluding his speech McConnell
said that it is important to extend
education beyond the high school
level for a larger segment of so-

ciety in order to increase the value
of democracy. *
STATISTICS revealing that an
amazing small percent of college
graduates are occupied in their
field of concentration were re-
ported by Dael Wolfle, director of
the thisrd commission study on
Human Resources and Advanced
Reading figures computed from
records of University and Ohio
State University graduates of 1930,
1940 and 1951, Wolfle showed that
students studying for professional
work are more apt to remain in
that field when finished with col-
lege preparation than are liberal
arts majors.
The social advantage of this oc-
cupational mobility, he observed,
is that changing labor supply and
demand can be better met, re-
ducing unemployment and facil-
litating industry change.

Panel Discusses
School Freedom
Agrees Some Investigating Groups
Do Good Jobs; Differs on Methods
Members of the-first forum on Academic Freedom agreed yester-
day that some legislative investigating committees have done "worth
while jobs," but widely differed concerning results of methods used by
some Congressional committees.
Discussing the topic "The Effect of Congressional Investigations on
Education" were Frank Blackford, legislative secretary for Gov. G.
Mennen Williams, Philip Hart, legal consultant for the State and
George Sallade, President of the Ann Arbor City Council.
OPENING THE FORUM, Sallade defined academic freedom as
"the right of any individual to engage in any pursuit or study that is
not contradictory to the laws of the country if the individual is not
a member of a group or organiza-
tiontna prmots ieasconrar


Ex-Red Tells
Of 'School'
er who admitted one-time Com-
munist allegiance told investi-
gators yesterday that the Reds ran
secret schools for subversion in
the New York City area and guard-
ed the instructors so closely that
none ever was allowed to be alone.
Mrs. Dorothy Kelso Funn,
Brooklyn, described by counsel for
the House Un-American Activities
subcommittee, as a "friendly wit-
ness," led off the second day of
hearings into alleged Communist
scheming in the Philadelphia area.
* * *
AVOWEDLY a Communst Party
member seven years-until 1946-
Mrs. Funn, a Negro, said she for-
sook the party in disillusionment,
convinced that its promises to help
her race were false.
Mrs. Funn said she has taught
in New York Public school system
26 years, except for the period be-
tween 1943 and 1947.
The subcommittee, chairman-
ed by Rep. Velde (R-Ill.) is ex-
pected to call about 30 Philadel-
phia teachers before it winds up
its investigation here today or
Mrs. Funn testiflied that the
Communist Party took groups of
teachers to hideaways-usually
farms or camps-in New York
suburban and other outlying areas.
There, she continued,nschools
were conducted onCommunist
themes. Arid Communist teachers,
she said, were constantly under
surveillance; they inever were per-
mitted to be alone, indoors or out.
Opera Accepts
Hail Orders
Mail orders are now being ac-
cepted for the 1953 Union Opera,
"Up 'N' Atom," playing locally
from Dec. 9 through 11.
According to general chairman
Mike Scherer, '54, many good seats
for the Wednesday and Thursday
performances are available, al-
though most of the tickets for
he Friday performance have been
A satire on home brew, atomic
energy and Tennessee hill folks,
the Opera script was written by
Howard Nemerovski, '54E.
Tickets are priced at $2.25, $1.75
and $1.25.
Selective Service.
. Students taking the Selective
Service College Qualification Test
tomorrow are requested by offi-
cials to report at 8:30 a.m. tomor-
row to Rm. 100, Hutchins Hall.

tion that promotes ideas contrary
to the laws of the United States."
This definition, he explained,
would exclude any Communists
from teaching. He a d d e d,
"Teachers cannot use their vo-
cation as an ivory tower in which
to hide from Congressional in-
No one who has appeared before
an investigating committee, Sal-
lade said, has been wrongly harm-
ed by the committee. Academic
Freedom is as free as the limi-
tations which law imposes upon it,
he added.
- * * *
BLACKFORD, however, claimed
there is a popular disregard for
civil liberties today, saying that
the disregard usually always
arrives during a war and remains
for a time after the war.
"My concern," he said, "comes
when a committee uses its posi-
tion to exercise a political force
or to advance the political for-
tunes of the committee chair-
Such abuses, he added, inhibit
both the instructor and the stu-
dent. Various investigations in
fields other than education; Black-
ford asserted, have sometimes in-
hibited the teacher from doing his
job of seeking out the facts.
* * *
HART claimed "ideas can b
dangerous things, but the sup-
pression of ideas can be fatal.
Freedom is a dangerous way of
life," he continued, "but it is our
way oflife."
In order to maintain our heri-
tage of freedom, the attorney
said, "our society must tolerate
heresy, but not treason or con-
Hart advocated that certain
"ground rules," inherent in a dem-
ocratic approach to people bewrit-
ten into rules utilized by Congre-
sional committees.
Among such rules, he explained
would be those requiring commit-
tees to tell witnesses what charges
individuals have levied against
them and who made the, charges
in advance of their appearance be-
fore the committee. I
"The fault today can be more
seriously directed at educators
who read what is on the printed
page rather than saying what they
think and take the consequences,"
Hart said, adding "it is time for
the academician to realize he can-
not put on the Fifth Amendment
as a cloak."
In a question period following
the panel, Sallade claimed the
Fifth Amendment existed to "pro-
teet individual rights and to guar-
antee rights to the innocent." He
also phrased the question, "in-
voking the Amendment assumes
guti;, doesn't it?"
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the
history department moderato of
the forum, said that while there
have been some local violations of
the rights of students to hear out-
side speakers, the freedom of Uni-
versity professors has not yet been

A mass meeting for all stu-
dents interested in working on
Michigras committees will be
held at7:30 p.m. today in the
Union ballroom, according to
general chairmen Gretchen
Meier, '54, and Hal Abrams, '54.
Movies of the last Michigras
will be shown.
The theme of the 1954 car-
nival and parade, to be held
April 23 and 24, will be an-
nounced during the meeting.
Red, Ex-Red
Spar, Cause
Court Tie-Up
DETROIT - (A) - Nat Ganley,
one of six defendants in Detroit's
communist conspiracy trial, at-
tempted throughout yesterday to
impeach John. Lautner, the Fed-
eral government's star witness and
admitted former communist.
Ganley challenged Lautner's
knowledge of Communist party
structure and his knowledge of
the party line after 1940 and 1949.
The Vorhies 'Act, requiring
party members to register as
enemy aliens was passed in
1940. The Smith Act making it
illegal to conspire to advocate or
teach violent overthrow of the
American government was pass-
ed in 1949.
Ganley and his five co-defend-
ants are accused of Smith Act
violation and could be sentenced
to five years if convicted.
Ganley was the first of the de-
fendants to take over the ques-
tioning. The unorthodox questions
and Lautner's rambling answers
drew several warnings from Fed-
eral Judge Frank Picard.
* * * '
IN TRYING to impeach Lautner,
Ganley challenged his knowledge
of the Party's structure in draw-
ing up an organizational chart
and in the convolutions of the
Party line after 1940 and 1949.
1940 is significant because the
Vorhies Act was passed and
1949 marks the passage of the
Smith Act.
Ganley dueled with Lautner
concerning the meaning of "revo-
lution" and whether such a revo-
lution could be effected by peace-
ful means or if it must be by vio-
It was Lautner's ninth day on
the stand in the four weeks old
Lawson Talks
On Civil Law
Form and sources of the civil
law were discussed yesterday by
Prof. Frederick H. Lawson of Ox-
ford University in the second of
the Cooley series of lectures on
"A Common Lawyer Looks at the
Civil Law."
In today's speech at 4:15 p.m.
in Rm. 120 Hutcfilns Hall, Prof.
Lawson will talk on "The Contri-
bution of Roman Law." The pub-
lic is invited.
Warship Searches
British Freighter
HONG KONG-P)--The 1,791-
ton British freighter Inchulva sig-
naled the Royal Navy at Hong
Kong yesterday it was intercepted

by ap unidentified warship, for
the second time in eight days off
the Chinese Communist port of
Wenchow. .
The vessel radioed it had been
boarded and searched and a few
hours later released to continue
its voyage to Shanghai.

CIO Leader$
Asks Firm
Of Brownell
Censures Charges
Against Truman
leader yesterday called for Attor-
ney General Herbert Brownell's
On the heels of this demand,
the CIO convention formally con-
demned Brownell's charges against
former President Truman as "a
disgraceful chapter in American
JOSEPH A. Beirne, president of
the Communication Workers, drew
applause from 700 convention del-
egates when he called for Brown-
ell to quit "for malfeasance in of-
fice and for not carrying out his
constitutional duties."
Brownell's charges that Tru-
man promoted the late Harry
Dexter White in the government
service, despite FBI reports that DE
White was accused of being a An
Communist spy, have stirred a m
nationwide storm. str
Beirne was arguing for adop- im
ttion of the resolution blasting
Brownell, and it was adopted un-
It said Eisenhower was right in
disapproving issuance of a Con-
gressional committee subpoena for
Truman, but added: L
"At the same time we cannot
withhold our criticism of Presi-
dent Eisenhower for having left
to a member of his Cabinet the
license to make this unwarranted and
attack on the patriotism of a for- of ea
mer President." I



--Daiiy-Don Campbell
EDICATION-Prof. Arthur D. Moore of the engineering school,
nn Arbor alderman, was among the speakers at dedication cere-
onies at the new Maynard Street carport yesterday. The $400,00
ucture has a capacity of 422 cars, and is the latest advancement
provement of parking facilities in the city.
aynard Carport Opens
ases Parking Problem
The Maynard Street carport was opened to the public yesterday
formal dedication ceremonies reviewed local progress in the area,
sing the parking problem.
Pointing out that structure along with other parking facilities
ughout the city were made possible without "a cent of the tax-
,'s money," Mayor William E. Brown, Jr., spoke briefly at the
cation services on the open third floor of the structure.
Mayor Brown commented the carport, holding 422 autos, was
at one-half the cost per space of the first Ann Arbor carport
_- ''at the corner of Ashley and Wash-




Worli News
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-Sen. Joseph R.
McCarthy (R-Wis.) yesterday de-
manded radio and television time
to answer former President Tru-
man's reference to him yesterday.
The National Broadcasting Co.
said it wired McCarthy an offer
of time.


Says Move
'No Comment'
Truman Replies
Director J. Edgar Hoover swore
yesterday that former President
Truman's promotion of Harry
Dexter White to the International
Monetary Fund "hampered" FB
surveillance of the alleged Soviet
This testimony, which exploded
a newv sensation in the drama-
crammed case, came less than 24
hours after Truman told a nation-
wide TV audience that he let the
promotion go through so as not
to "endanger" the FBI investiga-
tion. His argument was that to
fire White would have tipped an
alleged spy ring that it was under
HOOVER, on the other hand,
declared that he warned high Ad-
ministration officials that White
was "unfit" for office and that it
would be "unwise" to keep him.
At no time, Hoover stressed,
was the FBI a party to any
agreement to shift White from
assistant secretary of the treas-
ury to U.S. director of the mone-
tary fund, although on Tru-'
man's orders the FBI did con-
tinue to watch White after the
Yesterday Attorney G e n e r a
Herbert Brownell 'whom TrUrn
accused of lying, broke an eight-
year seal of secrecy on FBI re-
ports, sent to the White House
during the Truman Administra-
tion, which told of the wholesale
theft of U.S. secrets by an alleged
Soviet spy ring within the govern-
TESTIFYING with Brownell at
a tense congressional hearing,
Hoover disclosed that the FBI de-
livered seven separate warnings
to the White House, not two as
reported earlier, dealing with es-
pionage and specifically men-
tioning Harry Dexter White.
This was in the period from
Nov. 8, 1945 to July 24, 1946.
The attorney general partially
lifted the lid from reports to doc-
ument his politically explosive
charge that former Presidert Tru-
man promoted White to a high
post in the International Mone-
tary Fund in the face of repeated
FBI warnings that White was link-
ed to a Soviet espionage apparat-
At a crowded hearing before
the Senate internal security sub-
committee, Brownell said Hoover
warned the White House in No-
vember 1945 that a network of
Communist spies was transmit-
ting U.S. government secrets to
Moscow-and named names, in-
cluding White and at least 11
others, as the sources, whether
wittingly or not, of the stolen
Truman appointed White, then
an assistant secretary of the
Treasury, to the monetary fund
Jan. 23, 1946.
The Senate confirmed the nom-
ination on Feb. 6, 1946.
The magnitude of the spy ring's
operations-at least in the bulk of
documents transmitted to Moscow
-was brought out in a "top se-
cret" letter, declassified by Brow-
nell only Monday, written by Hoo-
ver to Maj. Gen. Harry H. Vaugh

an (Retired), then Truman's White
House military aide, on Nov. 8,
Senior Society
Singing "In and out the halls
we wander . .." members of Sen-
ior Society, independent women's
honorary, tapped nine women last
night in honor of their ,scholar-
ship, leadership and service.

LANSING - The Washtenaw
County Civil Defense Agency
has received an invitation to at-
tend a course on mass feeding
in event of disaster.
The course, conducted by the
office of Civil Defense in co-
operation with Fifth Army
Headquarters and the Detroit
Field Artillery unit, will be for
representatives of 11 other coun-
ties Dec. 12 in Detroit.
, , ,C
CHICAGO-Issuance of 10 sub-
poenas ordering Chicago area per-
sons to appear in Detroit Monday
before a House subcommittee in-
iestigating allegeddlabor racke-
teering was disclosed yesterday.
FT. BRAGG, N. C.-A crip-
pled C119 Flying Boxcar sliced
down through a cloud of para-
troopers helplessly dangling in
their chutes, killing seven, then
carried eight men aboard it to
fiery deaths as it crashed into a
woods on this Army reservation
PANMUNJOM - The Commu-
nists yesterday indicated they had
dropped their demands for a Kor-
ean round-table peace conference
but still would' insist on non-bel-
ligerents-including Russia - sit-
ting in to insure a "harmonious

'Three R's'
Still Taught
The "three R's" are definitely
not a lost art in today's progres-
sive schools.
This is the assertion of Prof.
William C. Trow of the education
school, in a radio program pre-
pared by the University Broad-
casting Service for distribution to
radio -stations throughout the
"That just isn't so," lYe declares.
'One of my colleagues in another
institution took test papers which
were given to children thirty years
ago. A group of children in school
today were given the same ques-
tions. They did better than their
parents had, as the children of a
generation ago."

ington. Future plans sketdhed by
the Mayor included a possible au-
tomatic carport at Main and Wil-
liams Streets.
* * *
PAUL C. WAGNER, president of
the Retail Merchants Division of
the Chamber of Commerce, prais-
ed the Mayor for his work in im-
proving Ann Arbor's parking f a-
cilities and presented him with the
design of a bronze plaque in his
honor which will be placed on the
building later.
Professor Arthur D. Moore of
the engineering school, city al-
derman, also spoke briefly at
the ceremonies and cited the
parking problem as one which
could only be solved by public
action outside of thie realm of
private enterprise:
Costing $422,000 and financed
entirely by a bond issue, the May-
nard Street building may be ex-
panded two floors upward if the
need arises.

Temperature MayDrop
For 'M'-OSU Grid Tilt
There is an even chance that the current unseasonal warm snap
may lift in time to bathe the Buckeyes and Wolverines Saturday after-
noon in either rain or snow.
Or the precipitation may hold off until Sunday, but either way,

LS&A Group Studies Improvements

+1-,e +ntv nvn+lirn +hic xxroalrnr rl -will

r~-nhahly ha rnnlPr than the shirt-

By FREDDI LOEWENBERG Meeting weekly, the group
To most students, the college considers the departmental pro-
curriculum is something that is grams, continually going over
as old as the Bible and as un- present requirements and oper-
changed through the years, ac- risnderemendinper-
cording to Assistant Dean J. H. ations and recommending fur-
Robertson of the literary college. ther changes and improvements
Iin existing courses.
The literary college, believing Special emphasis is placed on
any curriculum adopted by the seeing that distribution and con-
faculty should be considered ex- centration courses fit the needs;
perimental and open to continu- of the student with the committeei

I -1-L- --.a *


cents and counselors to obtain g I
their viewpoint. BOSTON-Harold C. Case, pres-!
Special attention has been ident of Boston University, said
paid to courses designed for yesterday he will -"call attention"
those nbt concentrating in the to the Board of Tustees that FBI
department, with survey courses documents linked Prof. Maurice
instituted for those who wish Halperin with a Soviet spy net-
only an introduction to the field. work.
Most important project of the
group at present is a review of
individual course changes neces- OV er o peak

me tempera.ute uns weeenau wij nfpruuuiyoeJ n wm 4 -.7111 -4
sleeve weather enjoyed by students
last week. game Saturday, it will resemble
the 1952 finale when OSU snapped
THE WEATHERMAN has ten- Michigan's seven year monopoly.
tatively scheduled the moisture Ohio State quarterback Johnny.
and dropping mercury under Borton defied the drizzle and
cloudy skies for some time during darkness with his pinpoint passing,
the weekend, but he's not sure just coming out with a 27-7 count.
when it will be. The year before, the Michigan
He does expect temperatures stadium was bathed in cold sun-
to start back to "normal" some- shine, while the Wolves snared a
time tonight. defensive battle, 7-0.
To some students the warmth And in 1950 probably the most

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