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November 12, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-11-12

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University of Michigan-
The Birth Place of Salesmen

Daily Editorial Director
DRAMATISTS like to dramatize and old
grads like to reminisce. Arthur Miller
is both and does both in his essay on the
University in the December Holiday. .
The results of Mr. Miller's week-long
revisit of the "small world" campus which
graduated him in 1938 are not aimed at
objectivity, are objective to us only in the
sense that the playwright-alumnus fits
none of the categories of student, faculty
member, administrator, or stereotyped
"alum," from which viewpoints analyses
of the University usually come.
But good writers have a way of turning
the subjective analysis into something the
objective analysis could never be, and Mr.
Miller is a pretty good writer.
It is not so much in Mr. Miller's first-
hand observations that the strength of his
essay lies. As a reporter he is occasionally
inaccurate and as an interviewer he some-
times puts more of himself within the quo-
tation marks than he does of the inter-
viewee. Paradoxically, it is when he is try-
ing his hardest to avoid being definitive
and when he is letting his perception direct
his old grad love of the place that he reaches
his most penetrating conclusions.
"There is a cloud over the whole place
which is hard to define," he says, and goes
on to make the cloud less foggy than any-
one has yet done. He reticently avoids the
cliche interpretations. Apathy, he finds,
was the blanket diagnosis as often in his
day, '34 to '38, as it is now. Nor can the
familiar technology vs. "culture" dicho-,
tomy be applied towards a meaningful
conclusion. The enormous growth of the

theater, the frequent art showings, con-
certs and film presentations are "proof
that a number of people in Ann Arbor
are looking for more than technology and
are eager to feed their souls-a fact some-
times doubted by many in and out of the
The explanation Mr. Miller does offer be-
gins with his reminiscence that "there is less
loitering around the lamppost than there
used to be" and summarizes itself in his
epithets: the University has become "pur-
poseful in the narrow sense of the trade
school" and has developed "a kind of prag-
matism that threatens to create a race of
salesmen in the tawdry sense of that word."
Only once does he mention the term which
is implicated as a cause throughout the
study-"public relations." Perhaps this was
wise. The immediate connotation of the
term-what state university must employ
to get state legislature to come through with
funds-is a little too pat for Mr. Miller's
purposes. What he is getting at is the "deep-
er, less-noticed frame of mind" which re-
sults in both an administration and student
body of follow-the-line pragmatists whose
central fear is the inability to put them-
selves over.
Perhaps Mr. Miller was over-eager to
apply his salesman theme to another seg-
ment of the population, but at any rate
he came to the right place-the applica-
tion fits.
In a situation where everything that is
done around here must be done in terms of
"a service to the University," Mr. Miller has
done us the rare service of loving the place
enought to penetrate its defects. We thank
you, Mr. Miller.

The Pledging System

NOW THAT the pledge cards are all in
and the initiation pranks have begun,
it is worth reviewing the basic pledging sys-
Following the bewildering new situations
that the freshman copes with during his
first week, notices from the fraternities
about the forthcoming rushing season are
posted. During the first week of school, fra-
ternity registration is opened, and the In-
terfraternity Council sponsors a mass "Rush
Meeting" for all prospective rushees.
The following two weeks are completely
taken up with the various open houses,
smokers, lunches and dinners. Within this
hectic peroid, the rushee is to pick out, a
fraternity. Two weeks after this, the op-
en rush begins, as do the pledge class
By living and breathing fraternity the
first months of his school life, the student.
cannot see what life without fraternity is
like. He eventually gets to know the men on
his floor or corridor, but it is doubtful whe-
ther he ever sets to know the rest of the
house. The dinners at the fraternity, the
work sessions and the pledge class meet-
ings take away a good part of his spare
When his house is sponsoring a dance,
there is also one at the fraternity; if his
house is participating in some sports acti-
vity, he is on the fraternity team; as for
working on the house homecoming display,
no, fraternities have the pledges working on

This is not to knock fraternity life, which
is indispensable for the large campus. But
the initial pledge tactics are questionable.
What the freshman discovers about life at
the big university is not through his own
eyes but through those of the fraternity.
There is a very simple solution that
would promote undergraduate and es-
pecially freshman solidarity, offering
greater social opportunities to students
who do not pledge a fraternity in their
first month. This would be the postpone-
ment of freshman rushing until the sopho-
more year.
First the burden is lessened for everyone
concerned during the first few weeks of
school. Secondly, no wrong-foot approach
to studies can ensue if no time is taken up
by rushing. Thirdly, the new student can
become acquainted with the others in his
house while at the same time becoming
slowly acquainted with fraternity life as
he sees it from the spectator's side.
He can leisurely visit the various fra-
ternities, thereby getting to more of them,
becoming more acute in his judgment of
who his college associates might be, and
getting to know the brothers in a more
natural way than the present rushing per-
iod permits. /
Thus by deferring the rushing period un-
til the sophomore year or at least until the
second semester, the freshman, as part of
a solid freshman class and not as a frater-
nity pledge attending college, will be able
to see what "life at Michigan" really is.
-Harry Strauss

WASHINGTON -U.S. Ambassador Chip
" Bohlen, considered one of the most as-
tute observers in Russia, has been sending
some highly significant reports to Wash-
ington. If true, they are more important
than what's doing on the farm front, the
business front, or the political front here at
It is Bohlen's view that Premier Mal-
enkov has not yet stabilized his position
inside Russia, that he's worried over un-
rest among the'Russian people, and that
another purge is in the works, possibly
against the No. 2 man in the onetime Rus-
sian triumvirate, Foreign Minister and
Vice-Premier Molotov.
Malenkov is reported worried over Mar-
shal Beria's rabid supporters, some of whom
are still lurking in Russia. He is also eas-
ing up the Kremlin's foot on the neck of the
farmers and letting the people have more
consumers goods-all a sign of weakness.
As a result, Bohlen has recommended an
extremely important policy change by the
Eisenhower administration. He advises that
this is the time to press our advantage with I
cur with Bohlen that the Kremlin to-
day is preoccupied with unrest inside its
own borders, with holding the satellite coun-
tries in line, and in raising the living stan-
dards of the Russian people. Furthermore
it's highly doubtful Russia would start any-
thing until her stockpile of atom bombs is
All this is why Ambassador Bohlen believes
that now is the time to press Moscow for
political advantage. Later it will be too late.
All this highlights one of the greatest
failures of the Eisenhower administra-
tioi-failure to formulate a constructive,
aggressive policy to put Russia on the de-
fensive and if possible end the cold war.
Never has a recent President had such
opportunities. First opportunity was Stalin's
death-bringing the long-awaited moment
when Allied diplomats said Communism
might be shaken to its foundation. That it
was shaken was indicated by the second
opportunity-the purging of secret' police
chief Beria-another piece of Eisenhower
Yet not one important move has been
made to take advantage of that luck.
Eisenhower was elected during a cam-
paign in which over and over again he
proposed to push propaganda behind the
Iron Curtain, to take the offensive in the
cold war, to, press the drive for peace.
John Foster Dulles, making the same
pledge, spelled it out in great detail, told
how the Eisenhower administration would
encourage "quiet revolution" behind the
Iron Curtain.
But when the big opportunities came in
Russia they were fumbled. Exiled leaders
from the satellite countries urged the Presi-
dent to call for free elections in Hungary,
Rumania, Poland, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia.
Under the Yalta Pact we could demand free
elections. But no demand was made.
The one move made by the White House
in this direction was highly successful--
food to East Germans. But the next move
fizzled, thanks to White House inertia
and carelessness.
The- State Department conceived the idea
of sending old clothes to East Germans as a
direct gift from the American people. To
spark this 'drive, Chancellor Adenauer was
asked to send a letter to President Eisen-
hower reminding the American people that
German winters are cold and asking if Am-
ericans could undertake to collect old

ADENAUER dutifully sent the letter. It
was received by the State Department
and relayed to Eisenhower, then relaxing
in Denver. There the letter also relaxed. It
collected dust in Denver for three weeks, lost
in the shuffle. When discovered, it was so
late that State Department officials were
ashamed to tell the German Chancellor
about the delay.
Finally, after a feeble White House an-
nouncement, the clothes drive for East
Germans was allowed to die.
Various proposals to take advantage of
unrest behind the Iron Curtain have been
discussed at lower levels. But when they
get to top levels, nothing happens. The chill
hand of inaction grasps them. They never
see the light of day.
This writer has worked with Harold
Stassen, now in the Eisenhower official
family, and with C.D. Jackson, now Eis-
enhower's top psychological expert, on the
German border, sending propaganda bal-
loons and freedom messages to Czecho-
slovakia-a move which electrified the
Czech people. The men around Eisenhow-
er are sold on the strategy of penetrating
the Iron Curtain. They really meant it
when they wrote speeches for Eisenhow-
er's campaign a year ago. But they have
been unable to secure action at the top.
Meanwhile the unrest that is so evident
in the satellite countries cannot continue
indefinitely. Meanwhile the lucky breaks
of Stalin's death and Beria's purge are not
likely to recur. Meanwhile the Reds keep
on harassing us in Korea, in Indo-China and
the Far East, but we do little to harass them


d.Jl llt lv. -7 ",-v lcl l M - s adeQ 1n . eu.y ,'u~,ll4. 111
vember 10, 1953, "How-Not What proposals Miss Myers had refer- Saint- Saens, Touremire, Langlais,
--To Teach," attacking the pro- ence to were part of a progress re- without charge.
posed ideas towards improvements port by a Sub-Committee of the
in curriculum requirements for State Advisory Committee. Six Exhibitions
teachers' certificates. Because months ago the report was re-
these . ideas especially concern ferred back to the Sub-Committee Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
those undergraduates planning on for revision in the light of various Hall, Framing - Right and Wrong,
through Nov. 20, Michigan Printmak-
making teaching a profession I criticisms. Incidentally, no mem- ers Society, through Nov. 18, Open 9-5
have become justifiably concerned eber of the faculty of the School on weekdays: 2-5 on Sundays. The pub-
with the content of your editorial. of Education sat with or was con- lic is invited.
First, Miss Myers, you either sulted by the Sub-Committee dur-
misunderstood the facts released ing the course of it$ deliberations. Events Today
to the press pertaining to the The editorials also misinterpre-J The Aeronautical Engineering De-
State Board of Education, or you ted the report by implying that partment of the School of Engineering
willfully misconstrued the facts to the School of Education was to be is sponsoring a seminar to be held
support your personal opinions. responsible for the recommended this afternoon at 4 p.m., 1504 East En-
The State Board of Education has 40 semester hours of general edu- gineering Building. Rheinold Rosen-
not proposed "10 hours in purely cation. No one who has read the bSpeak ofn "eAn Examplersity of a Non-Linear
educational courses to be added to report could properly make this Device." Anyone interested is cordially
the curriculum requirements for statement. invited to attend.

? ~lu., 1VrUG11 it1, -lll
to 12 a.m. and from 2 to 4 p.m., on
Fri., Nov. 13. Panel members include
Harry M. Casselman, K. Douglas Mann,
and Prof. Boaz Siegel, wayne Univer-
sity Law School. The luncheon meeting
at the Michigan Union will have as its
speaker George E. Bowles, Chairman
of the State Labor Mediation Board. His
subject will be "State Representation
Elections." There is a registration fee
for this workshop for non-members
of the Labor Relations Law Section.
Students and faculty of the Univer-
sity will be welcomed and admitted.
without charge.
Faculty Luncheon with Dr. Douglas
V. Steere, Michigan Union, Fri.,. Nov.
13, 12:15, Call Lane Hall for reserva-
Psychology Club. Our next field trip
will be to Eloise State Institution for
mental illnesses on Sat., Nov. 14. In
'preparation for the field trip, Dr..E. B.
Mnit il ~lrC heriddn Md

"Stick Around - Don't Go Yet"
r flfr t ... v rb . V r1
.- .
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
Edu o and Teacher Certification I should
like to relate that the State Board
To the Editor: of Education has made no propos-
al for ten more hours in purely
HAVE JUST finished reading education school courses as was
Dorothy Mvers' editorial of No- t t i,, Thin Tulesidcaw's ril. The
41± ~ L'~JttC&J'J

(Continued from Page 2) 5to 5:30 p.m. Freshman Group meet-
Ing at Guild House, 7-8 p.m.
The University Extension Service an- The Kaffee Stunde of the Deutscher
pounces: verein will meet today at 3:15 p.m.
Efficient Reading. Designed to help tap-room of the Michigan Union. Prof
the individual improve his reading F. X. Braum and Dr. M. Dufner 0f
rate, concentration, vocabulary, and the German Dept will be present. All
critical comprehension. Class discus- are invited to practice German conver-
sion, practice with visual aids, reading sation.
selections with comprehension checks. _ation.
This course is not open to University Graduate Record Concert. Tonight a'
freshmen since a program of remedial 8 p.m., Women's Lounge, Rackhan
reading is currently being offered under Bldg. Ibert's Three Short Pieces for
the direction of the Bureau of Psy- Wind Quintet, Bartok's Viola Concerto,
chological Services. Enrollment in each Hinde mth s Ilie Kam mermuslkeand
section is limited to twenty. Eight Beethoven's Symphony No. 7. All grad-
Section II. Instructor: James W. uate students welcome.
Downer. Tuesday evening, Nov. 17, 7 Kappa Phi: Meeting today at 5:1!
p.m., 306 Student Legislature Building, p.m., Methodist Church, Guest: Mrs
512Soth tae Sret.Donnenwirth, the National Sponsor.
Section III. Instructor: Alton L. Ray- Pledging will be held at 7 p.m. so plan
gor. Monday evening, Nov. 16, 7 p.m., to stay a little longer than usual.
306 Student Legislature Building, 512
South State Street. La p'tite causette will meet today at
Registration for the class may be 3:30 to 5tp m.,sente winofmeetort
ngUniversity office hours in room, Michigan Union cafeteria. Every
4501 Administration Building. one is invited to come and speal
Doctoral Examination for Arthur French!
Kinney Adams, Fisheries thesis: "Some International Center weekly Tea wii
Physico -Chemical Effects of Beaver be held this afternoon from 4:30 to6
Dams upon Michigan Trout Streams at the International Center.:
in the Watersmeet Area," Thurs., Nov.
12, 9 a.m., 2124 Natural Science Bldg. Christian Science Organization. Tea
Chaimn KF.Lge. timony meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m.
Fitesde Room, Lane Hall. All are
carillon Recital by Sidney Giles, As- Baha'i Students' Group. The regula
sistant University Carillonneur, 7:15 meeting will be held at the League to
p.m., Thurs., Nov. 12. Program: Pre- night at 8 p.m. Everyone is cordiall
ludium Three by van den Gheyn, Spin- invited to participate in this inter
ning Song by Ellmenreich, Menuet by racial and interreligious discussion
Bach, two compositions for carillon group. The topiO will be "A Pattern
by Fraussen and Nees, Sextette from for a Future World Society."
Lucia di Lammermoor; Home to our
rMountains by Verdi, My Heart at Thy
Sweet Voice by Saint-Saems, and The Com ing Events
Harmonius Blacksmith by Handel. The Labor Relations Law Section e
the State Bar of Michigan, in coopers.
Organ Recital. Andre Marchal, Guest tion with the University of Michiga
Organist, will be heard at 8:30 p.m., Law School, presents a Labor Relation
Thurs., Nov. 12, Hill Auditorium. Pro- Law workshop on the subject "Pro
gram: works by Sweelinek, Purcell, Ga- tected and Unprotected Concerted Ac
brieli, Couperin, Buxtehude, Bach, tivities" 100 Hutchins Hall from 1


teachers' certificates." An advisory
group to the State Board of Edu-
cation established a sub-commit-
tee which submitted a set of pro-
Secondly, you state that the "es-
sential ingredient of a good teach-
er is knowledge of the subject be-
ing taught." I have yet to meet the
individual who will argue with
subject matter as being important
in schooling needs.
No one wishes a substitute for
subject matter. But just as im-
portant as the subject being taught
is the ability to work with chil-
dren. This ability coupled with
thorough knowledge of the sub-
ject'is the essential ingrfdient of
Studies in elementary and sec-
ondary schools have produced,
time and again, evidence to refute
your statements that "he (the
child) cannot assimilate what he
reads, he cannot write a logical
essay, and more important, he
cannot think in an intelligent, ra-
tional manner." May I quote from
just one of these studies? This is
a report of a survey taken of the
Public Schools of Springfield, Mis-
souri, prepared by Illini Survey
Associates from the University of
Illinois in 1948: from page 99,
"The resulting scores of these two
groups of pupils show that in the
sclfools being studied, the average
sixth-grade pupil now in school is
a better reader than the average
sixth-grade pupil of 1931." And

It is unfortunate that the edi- Elizabeth the Queen, by Maxwell An- en Bdla'o r. o.1,a,31
tonial was used as an occasion forj derson, will be presented by the De- p.m., in 2429 Mason Hall. The details
indiscriminate denunciation, since partment of Speech tonight at 8 p.m. of the trip will be given at this meet-
practically all, if not all, of the in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. ing. All those interested are invited
membrs f th stff f th ScoolThe boa office will be open from 10 a~m. to attend,
of Education would join their col- Kappa Phi. Cabinet meeting Friday,
leagues responsible for the sub- The Women's Rifle Club will meet 4:30 p.m., in the Green Room. All Cab-
ject matter fields in opposition to tonight at 7 in the basement of the iniet members are requested to attend
the ropsal f i wee acualy ;Women's Athletic Building. All WO- this important meeting.
the ropoal i itwereactullymen interested are urged to come.
presented. It should be added Lane Hall Coffee Hour. Special guests
that the Undergraduate Commit- Linguistics Club. Special Meeting, are the faculty and students of the
tee of the School of Education Auditorium C, Angell Hall, 7:30 p.m. College of Engineering, Fri., Nov. 13.
Dr. R. W, Zandtvoort, Professor of Eng- 4:15-6:00 p.m.
considered it last spring and ex- lish at the University of Groningen,
pressed grave misgivings over the, Holland, and editor of English Studies, Episcopal Student Foundation. Tea
report as a whole and particularly { will speak on "Languages and Dialects from 4 to 6 at Canterbury House, Fri.,
over the part recommending addi- of Rolland." Nov. 13. Guest of Honor: Dr. Douglas
Eductio. Grduae Stden Coucil MeeingV. Steere, Professor of Philosophy at
tional hours in Euain rdaeSuetCucl etn Haverford College. All students invited.
-W. Robert Dixon! tonight at 7:30, East Conference Room,
Chairman, State AdvisoryC Rackham Building. Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
Comte nTeacher Lcueb r oga .Serr-terbury Club. Fri., Nov. 13, 7:30 p.m.
CommityDr Dula V teerere at Canterbury House. Professor George
Education and Teaicher Gently returned from several months in3 Mendenhall will discuss the question:
Certification South Africa. "Religion Challenges the "Is the New Testament a Hoax?"
I World," closing lecture in the Reli- Congregational-Disciples Guild. Sup-
gious Sympsium-153.Rackham Le- per Hik mee aGulHos,51





To the Editor:
JACK Richardson and the people
who have been arguing like'
him, it seems to me, have com-
pletely misunderstood the purpose
of the "Fair-play stickers." Cer-
tainly no one expected to wipe
out a psychological perversity with
a little paper sticker.
Publicity, not reform is the ob-
ject of the stickers. There is no4
reason why a good proportion of
our students need go inside a storej
to be humiliated. They might as
well know before they go in


gious Symposium-1953. Rackham Lec-4 per Hike meeting at Guild House, 5:15
ture Hall, 8 p.m. Reception following p.m., Fri., Nov. 13. Graduate-Profes-
in the Lane Hall Library. - sional Group meeting at Guild House
4___Fri., Nov. 13, 8 p.m.
Inter-cooperative council All-Mem- -
bership Meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m., Roger Williams Guild is host for the
Nakamura Co-operative House, 807 S. fall Interguild party, "I-Jinx," to be
State St. Important decision will be held in Fellowship Hall Friday evening
ma'de on the proposed purchase of a at 8 o'clock.
married couples' co-operative apart-
ment house. Married students inter- Interguild Party I-Jinx will be held
ested in participating in the project at the Baptist church on Friday eve,
are also invited. the 13th, beginning at 8 p.m. There

WASHINGTON-"The Russians will prob-
ably not start any new Koreas-at
least for the time being. But they will not
settle the old Koreas either." This about
sums up the conclusions reached by Secre-
tary of State John Foster Dulles and other
leading policy advisers of President Eisen-
hower, after a long, careful analysis of So-
viet intentions.
These conclusions are, naturally, based
in large part on the brilliant reports which
Ambassador Charles E. Bohlen has been
sending from Moscow. They are neces-
sarily tentative, since it is foolish to the
point of insanity to make categorical pre-
dictions about the Kremlin's future course.
Even so, the belief that the new regime
in the Kremlin is not going to start any-
thing new in the immediate future, and
is not going to settle anything old, is be-
coming a rather firm conviction in the
highest official circles.
This belief reflects a certain measure of
disillusionment. The illusion, it must be
said, was never very strong. But it is at least
true that Secretary Dulles and other policy
makers did believe a few months ago that
the Kremlin might actually' welcome at
least temporary and peripheral settlement
of outstanding areas of conflict.
Dulles is known to have believed, for ex-
ample, that there was at least an outside
chance for an agreed settlement in Korea.
Contrary to some reports, he never favored
a "neutralized" Korea, if that word is taken
to mean that South Korea should be totally
disarmed. But he did think it conceivable
that the Russians and the Chinese might
agree to a unified Korea, on certain condi-

lin regime might actually desire settlemens
in Europe-in Austria, for example-has al-
so been killed, by the tone of the Soviet res-
ponse to the western notes on a four-power
In short, it is now believed that the Krem-
lin not only does not want to negotiate set-
lements-it does not even want to talk about
negotiating settlements. On the other hand,
it is also believed that the Kremlin does not
want to run the risk of world war implicit
in such actions as the original Korean ag-
The Kremlin, it is believed, has a whole
series of internal problems which must
first be settled, before great risks can be
taken. The question of the succession to
Stalin has, to be sure, apparently already
been decided in favor of Malenkov. The
expectation of an "upheaval in the Krem-
lin," following on Stalin's death, which
once played so large a part in American
policy, no longer does so. Yet, although
the permanency of Malenkov seems to be
established, a delicate, difficult, and dan-
gerous process of filling the power vacuum
left by Stalin's death and the purge of
Beria is undoubtedly still going on in
There are pther internal problems which
are certainly occupying the Kremlin's
attention. Perhaps the most serious-al-
though it receives little attention except
from the small band of Soviet experts-is
the ancient peasant problem.
The Malenkov regime must also re-
habilitate the internal police apparatus,
disorganized by the Beria purge. And a
new policy for the satellites, whose total
unreliahility was fully demonstrated in



again from that same page, "the whether or not they will be wel-t
children attending school in 1948 comed.
were clearly superior to those in --Sue Messing C
the same grade seventeen years
earlier." This is just one of many j 1JBOIShI
such findings in every state of
the Union. To the Editor:
Research has exploded the ToteEdtr
myths concerning failinga child 1HE REPUBLICANS responsible f
in hopes that it will motivate his for the charge that a former±
learning. Out of a group of re- President of the United Statesj
peaters, about 20 per cent will do knowingly appointed a Russian
better than they did the preced- spy to an important government
ing term, about 40 per cent will position cannot be permitted to'
show no change, and about 40 per reap the political benefits of the
cent will actually do worse. If accusation without being sternly
doubtful cases are divided into two required to furnish clear andi.
groups appropriately matched on complete proof.I
essential items and one group is Failing such proof, they cannot
promoted and the other group is claim the excuse of over-zealous
held back to repeat the grade, sev- patriotism. If this charge is es-1
eral studies have shown that the sentially false, the Republicans,
achievement of the promoted 3 making it are responsible for as)
group, as measured by standard- genuine a subversion of the demo-#
ized tests, is equal to or greater cratic system as any that McCar-j
than the achievement of the group thy has charged to men like Mar-
held back. If the objective of the j shall, Acheson, Jessup and Latti-
school -is to promote the optimal more.

Hillel. First meeting of clsses in Jew-
ish Holiday Observance at 4 p.m. and
in Advanced Hebrew at 7:30 p.m. Music-
for-All, classical music on a Hi-Fi
Sound System, 8 p.m.
Social Seminar of the Michigan Chap-
ter of ASPA tonight at 7:30 p.m.,
Michigan League. See League Bulle-
tin Board for room number.
Prof. Leonard D. White, University
of Chicago. will speak on "Loyalty and
Security in the Federal Government."
All students and faculty and their
friends invited.
Arts chorale. The regular weekly re-
hearsal will be held this evening in
Auditorium 15, Angell Hall, from 7 to
8 p.m. All students are eligible to at-
Flint Folk Dance Festival. Cars will
leave Lane Hall at 6:45 p.m., this even-
ing. Call Lane Hall, ext. 2851 for de-
tails and reservations.
Industrial Relations Dinner Meeting.
Industrial Relations Club will meet
with the Industrial Relations Club of
Detroit for the annual banquet-meet-
ing of the two clubs at the Michigan
Union, 7:30 p.m.

is to be square dancing, entertainment,
fun, and refreshments. All are welcome.
Open House, sponsored by the New-
man Club, will be held Fri., Nov. 13,
from 8-12 at the Father Richard Cen-
ter. All 'are welcome to attend.
All those interested in making Christ-
mas Cards will work together in the
Recreation Room, Lane Hall, Saturday,
2 p.m. Some materials available. Be-
ginpers and experts welcome.
Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Boarcd in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn............Managing Editor
Eric Vetter .............City Editor
Virginia Voss........Editorial Director
Mike Wolff.......Associate City Editor

Alpha Phi Omega: Those members Dlice B. silver.. Assoc. Edite ditor
who signed up to work early on the Helne Simon . ...Associate Editor
ballot counting Thursday evening Hvlne ...........sorte Editor
should report to the Union ballroom at Ivan Kaye................Sports Editor
6:15 p.m. All other workers should re-PalGenrg...AscSptsEio
port to the baroom no later thanMarilyn Campbell. Women's Editor
7:15 pote alrm.n atrthn'Kathy Zeisler... .Assoc. Women's Editor
C 715 p.m. Don Campbell.......Head Photographer
The Congregational-Disciples Guild.
Mid-week Meditation in Douglas Chapel Business Staf
Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
fog as now threatens us, we could Harleanr Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr.
only wander alone and fearful, William Seiden........Finance Manager
wondering if the stranger we James Shgrp......Circulation Manager
stumble against is friend or foe,
and depending only on the scream- Telephone 23-24-1
ing voice of the demagogue to,


educational development of pu-
pils, non-promotion is not the wayj
to get it.1
As to the future, Miss Myers, I
sincerely hope you take the time
to read these articles mentioned.
I am confident you do not sup- I
port journalism based on false as-1

For it is a commonplace of to-
talitarian politics that you can
best justify the elimination of in-
convenient people by "proving"
their connivance with foreign
enemies. This happened to Beria,;
who promptly disappeared with-
out so much as a squeak.



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