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'Monte Carlo' Dance
To Be Held Saturday
Hatchers To Meet Students
At Informal OpenHouse
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Gambling at its highest will
reign at the annual "Monte Carlo
Ball" to be presented from 8 p.m.
to midnight, Saturday in the Ball-
While some couples will dance
in an informal atmosphere to the
music of Paul McDonough's Or-
chestra, others will engage in
gambling for make-believe money.
ROULETTE, as well as other pet
Union Slates
Special Trips
Once again, under the sponsor-
ship of the Michigan Union, Uni-
versity students will have an op-
portunity to journey to Detroit
and Toledo to see the leading the-
atrical offerings presented during
the school year.
In cooperation with the Toledo
Sports Arena, the Union is spon-
soring its first trip of the school
year to see the 1954 production of
"Holiday on Ice." Sunday, Nov. 22.
BILLED AS "Toledo's Own All-
Star Ice Revue," the show will
make its first appearance of the
season the latter part of this
Featuring a cast of 125, in-
eluding 36 "glamour icers," the
two-hour show is based on the
music of George Gershwin's
"Rhapsody In Blue."
With a special reduction of seats
for Sunday night performance
and the advantage of using Uni-
versity busses, the charge has been
kept down to a minimum of $3.40
for transportation and show.
Reservations for the trip will
be taken from three to five p.m.
this week, through Friday, at the
Michigan Union Student Offices.
gambling games will be played by
all gambling enthusiasts at this
Casino Cafe affair, which is spon-
sored by the International Student
Representative acts from var-
ious countries will highlight the
"Salacot," a dance from the
Philippines, will be presented by
Liria Palafox and Arnulfo Decier-
do. Rupa Mehta, representing In-
dia, will dance one of that coun-
try's native dances.
* * *
FOLK dances by the Israeli
Dance Group arere also scheduled
on the program. In a cafe scene of
France, Lois Wasserman will sing
some French songs.
Accompanying herself on the
guitar, Jane Abelson will enter-
tain with an English folk song,
"Seeds of Love."
Two guitarists, Paul Romero and
Paul Vargas, will appear on the
program with Latin American
songs and music. Another number
on the entertainment list is a Mex-
ican Hat Dance to be done by
Paul Romero and Ann Bandler.
* * *
ACTING as emcee, Ron Wiff
will try to connect the show in an
imaginative search 2or a myster-
ious woman through all these
countries represented on the pro-
Tickets to this all-campus
dance are now on sale at the
International Center and the
Administration building. They
will also be hold on the Diag at
the price of $2 per couple and
can also be bought from any of-
ficer of the ISA or purchased at
the door before the dance.
Invitations to this event have
already been mailed to all foreign
students on campus.
President and Mrs. Harlan Hat-
cher will once again open their
home to students from 4 to 6 p.m.
tomorrow for the first of the se-
mester's monthly open houses.
Although freshmen and trans-
fer students have been issued a
special invitation to meet and chat
informally with the president and
his wife, all students are cordially
invited to attend.
*I * *
GUESTS will be able to enjoy a
cup of coffee or tea and fancy
cakes and cookies while attending
the open house.j
As was the custom in former
years faculty wives have been
asked to pour. Those presiding
at the tea table for this first
open house will be Miss Gertrude
1950 is credited as being one of
the oldest buildings on campus
and features many architectural
features characteristic of the
In 1935 the League Social Com-
mittee organized and took charge
of the open houses. At the pres-
ent both the League and the Union
are sponsoring them.
In charge of the open house
preparations for the League are
Ann Petrie, social chairman and
her committee consisting of Dawn
Maine, Donna Hoffman, Karen'
Oldberg, Carolyn Snyder and Jo
Craft. Working with the Union
Social Committee are Stan Leiken,
Union social chairman and his as-
sistant Gus Granakaris.
Washable, ribbed,
with the tailored
dress-up approach.
80% orlon, 20% wool
Just one of the many
dress specials in this
group --
Other groups at
10.00 and 14.95
Originally priced at 29.95
Sizes 9-15, 10-441
-Daily-Don Campbell
FREUDIAN FROLICS-Steve Martin, relaxing amid a bevy of"
women who cater to his every wish, depicts the costume he will
wear to the Lawyer's Club "Suppressed Desire" dance, to be held
from 9 p.m. to midnight Friday in the Lawyers Club. Open to
lawyers only, "come as you were" attire will be in vogue as Jim
Servis and his band provide the music. Tickets are $1.50 prior
to the dance, and $1.75 at the door.
Fashion Show WillIFeature
Designs of U' Faculty Wife
Most women get their clothes'
after many weary hours of shop-
ping in crowded stores and then
often still do not have exactly
what they want.
For Mrs. Mark Nickerson, wife
of a University associate profes-
sor of pharmacology, this is no
SHE FINDS a better way of
getting ari attire exactly fitting
her heart's desire-she designs
and makes her own clothes.
All sorts of clothes designed
by Mrs. Nickerson will be mod-
eled at the style show to be held
by the University of Michigan
Dames at 8 p.m. on Tuesday in
the Rackham Amphitheater.
Among the various creations
are various styles of dresses, toj
fit occasions like sports, office,
school, home, and also mlore for-
mal parties.
* ..*
COMBINATIONS of harmoniz-
ing dresses and coats are also
among her designs. Mrs. Nicker-
son has also made different suits,
stoles, and blouses.
Perhaps her specialties are
novel and colorful cocktail
skirts from silk, taffeta and felt.
These skirts usually feature
some design or aplique. All the
designs on these skirts are put
on by hand.
Quite frequently Mrs.-Nickerson
makes these designs from sequins
or embroiders them. Some of the
fanciest skirts, however, feature
stenciled designs from textile
* * *
ON ONE of these novel crea-
tions is a stenciled skyline of New
York City in true scale. All the
buildings are outlined in sequins.
Not only does Mrs. Nickerson
design different skirts, she also
makes them to fit various sea-
sons of the year. One of her
skirts displays a Christmas tree,
or to apply to the mood of win-
ter parties, she has made a skirt
with designs of snowflakes.
Aside from designing clothes for
women ,she also makes them for
little girls.
* * *
MEMBERS of the Michigan
Dames who will model various
clothes designed by Mrs. Nicker-
son for the style show are Pat El-
liot, Rosemary Roskopp, Jayne
Balgooyen and Jewell Dean. Oth-
ers modeling will be Joyce Elliot,
Mary Ann Finnegan and Marilyn
One of the local dress shops
will also show some of its new-
est styles in dresses at this style
show. Among the models for the
store are Marian Dodge, Doris
Mahler, Marylee Symmonds,
Conny Nagle, and Sylvia Stor-
While her husband was in med-
ical school, Mrs. Nickerson got
started on her creative work to
supplement the family income.
She made table linens and sold
them in a gift shop in Salt Lake
City, Utah.
* * *
WHILE SHE was teaching in a
private girls' high school, many of
the mothers expressed a desire for
something special and imagina-
tive in the line of their daughters'
wardrobes. Thus, to satisfy their
desires, Mrs. Nickerson got the
idea to design something new and
since then has been doing this
work continuously.
After the family moved to Ann
Arbor in the fall of 1952, Mrs.
Nickerson took a course in textile
painting to supplement her know-
ledge of this art which she had
taught herself.
Basketball Clinic
There will be a compulsory
basketball clinic for all basket-
ball team captains who did not
attend yesterday's clinic at 7:15
p.m. today at Barbour Gym.
Athletic managers and players
are also urged to attend and
learn of the new rule changes.
.., ...a.. , ass., t0s0 a4u*il wan tur
women; Mrs. Everett S. Brown,
Mrs. Russel Hussey, Mrs. S. E. I
Mrs. Maurice Rinkel, Mrs. Wil-
Egeton Ms. Bun L. Bakr This is the time to
liam Haber and Mrs. Stanley A. order practical gifts
Cain. for Christmas giving.
Entertainment will be provided f
by the 'Vaughn Shadows,' a wom-
en's trio which has appeared at
various campus functions, includ- Rings
ing Varsity Night. Jeweled Pins
* * *
HOSTS AND hostesses repre- Cuff Links, Tie Bars
senting every dorm, quad, sorority Leather Billfolds
and fraternity will be on hand to Let rBills
meet guests, show them through- Necklaces, Earrings
out the house and introduce them
to President and Mrs. Hatcher.
The entire Hatcher residence i A complete selection of
will be open and students will
be free to roam throughout. 2 crested gift ideas now on
There have been several recent i display ... visit our mod-
changes in interior decoration ern store today.
which will be of interest to
The president's home built in * L. G. BALFOUR CO.
1321 South University
Panel Will Discuss
Job Opportunities emmmmmmmmm
For Journalists
Job opportunities for women in
all fields of journalism will be thecal
subject of a panel discussion at 8
p.m. today in 1433 Mason Hall.
The panel speakers, all mem-
bers of Theta Sigma Phi, nation-
al professional fraternity for wo-
men in journalism, will speak on
such varied subjects as news, ad-
vertising and publicity.
Jean Day, free lance writer, will
speak on her experiences in daily
newspaper work. The field of pub-
lie relations will be covered by
Marion Taylor White, professional
Nancy Houston, news editor of
the Detroit Tool Engineer, will
speak on the opportunities for
women on house organs. Advertis-
ing will be the subject of Margaret
Williams, copy writer and account><
executive for Simm Michaelson
and Co.
Alice Beeman, editor of special
publications at the University, will
round out the discussion by talk- I
ing about College publicity.
S. Forest just off S. U.
Other Clearance
3.95, 5.00, 10.00
Velvets, Velours,
Beaver Pile, Felts
your major,
you can go on
to an
with Michigan Bell
You'll be able to use your college
education to full advantage in a
telephone career. Michigan Bell's
women's management training program
prepares you for an important
executive position with the telephone company.
You'll be earning a good salary from
the start and promotions to more responsible
and higher paid jobs are frequent.
There is every opportunity for bright
young women to advance rapidly to top positions.
Find out more about your onortunities
The Largest
Display of
in the city
40 for $1.75
and up
arcade jewelry
November 10, 1953
Dear Sir:
To you who are about to purchase your first gem.
In this letter I shall offer you facts and advice on how to select and purchase a
fine diamond. Some of you may not know how to choose a reputable jeweler because you
often lack the knowledge of how to select him.
Claims in diamond advertisements only tend to further confuse the buyer. The first
step to a successful purchase of your diamond ring is to select a jeweler you have confidence in.
To make that selection you must look for a jeweler with these three primary
qualifications: 1. knowledge.. 2. integrity. 3. experience.
By knowledge I mean the jeweler must be a trained and qualified gem expert.
Not one to simply give some convincing sales talk but to personally grade each and every stone
he offers for your consideration; to point out the merits of each stone; to offer explanation
as to why one stone is not of the same gem value as another.
As it has been said, "With knowledge we learn to appreciate." A qualified
iPWP1Pr will iV, frrPI, of i ti e ra l .. rwn. . -nt°- - a.ir-.m rr_,....