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November 10, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-11-10

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How-Not What-To Teach


ALTHOUGH one might have thought that
education schools in general, and the
University's School of Education in particu-
lar, had already reached the nadir of real
value, apparently some education "experts"
think that still more damage can yet be
Under the quise of "improving the qual-
ity of teaching in Michigan" the State
Board of Education has proposed that 10
hours in purely education school courses
be added to the curriculum requirements
for teachers' certificates. Under the pro-
posed change, 40 hours would be required
for general courses under the education
The essential ingredient of a good teach-
er is knowledge of the subject being taught.
No amount of learning how to smile in a
manner that encourages little children, or
knowing how to crayon drawings, light a
room pleasantly, fix a bulletin board ac-
cording to the latest design techniques or
arrange chairs in perfect circles for discus-
sions will substitute for genuine and thor-
ough knowledge of the subject.
Already the child produced by the sort
of perverted' progressive education systems
where* methods are stressed above content
has begun to enter the nation's colleges and
universities. He cannot assimilate what he
reads, he cannot write a logical essay and
more important, he cannot think in an in-
telligent, rational manner.
Originally progressive education was
initiated so that any child might advance
as quickly in school as possible. The per-
version of this original intent has been
brought about partly because of a short-
age of teachers, but it is due also to efforts
of certain group dynamics experts, sociolo-
gists and psychologists who act on the
belief that flunking a child because he
cannot read or write will "hurt the child's
feelings and give him a complex or two."
As a result, children who learn nothing
in first grade are pushed on to second
grade, and the entire second grade class
is held back because the teacher must
spend all her time trying to teach the
backward child what he should have learn-
ed in first grade. And so on through high
school. 19
But instead of deploring the resulting
backwardness of the schools, education "ex-
perts have glorified the system which can

produce nothing but children who either
hold gack upper classes or are held back
themselves by below-average students.
Old-fashioned principles of reading, writ-
ing and arithmetic in some circles are no
longer even considered necessities. One Ohio
principal summed up the situation about a
year ago when speaking of the future child
educated in so-called "progressive schools";
"It is no more necessary that a boy learn
to read than it is for him to be a virtuoso
on the violin, and no more neeessary that
a girl learn to write than it is for her to be
an expert cook."
The principal neglected to say, however,
what the future of America would be if the
country's leaders remained illiterate.
Anyone will admit that it is necessary
for a teacher to be able to present his sub-
ject in such a manner that students will
be able to learn quickly. But the idea that
the method of teaching is more valuable
than the content of the course to be taught
has been promulgated so long that teach-
ers are often graduated barely knowing the
rudiments of the subject they will be em-
ployed to teach.
After graduation, teachers who them-
selves have been educated in this manner
will only hamper potentially-brilliant stu-
dents because they cannot offer the above-
average student the ready and profound
knowledge he needs to maintain interest
in a course. Indeed, such educational meth-
ods cannot produce anything but a common
child, fitted only for common tasts in a
world that needs unusually intelligent, bet-
ter-educated students than ever before.
If, in the future, able leaders are to be
developed from today's youth, it is neces-
sary that Boards of Education insist that
teachers receive as much dtailed know-
ledge of', their subject as possible and
that students must not only graduate, but
receive a master's degree, before.they can
obtain a teacher's certificate.
Only by rescinding the proposal to add
10 more hours of methodology courses and
40 hours of general courses under the edu-
cation school to the curriculum required for
teachers' cretificates can the State Board
of Education begin to reverse the trend in
education which has produced a constant
cycle of poorer students and poorer teachers.
-Dorothy Myers

Marcantonio Vs. the Narrow Path

V ITO MARCANTONIO, chairman of the
American Labor Party, has announced
his resignation from the party on the ground
that it is "a house divided against itself."
The divisive force, clearly, is the Communist
During the recent New York mayoralty
campaign The Daily Worker urged editor-
ially that citizens vote for Robert F. Wag-
ner, the victorious Democratic candidate,
rather than for the ALP man. The Work-
er did endorse the other ALP candidates.
This led up to Marcantonio's charge that
the ALP was becoming a mere "pressure
group" rather than a party. Since the dis-
misal showing the party made in last week's
elections, The New York Times has pro-
nounced it "dead, for all practical purposes."
Yet it was not always that way. Marcan-
tonio himself had considerable support for
Thus it seems that the Communists have
suffered another defection through their
own insensitivity to an aspect of political
reality. Only a hard-core Communist could

submit to a discipline which dictated the
death of his own party. Just last year the
Daily Worker proclaimed that all good Com-
munists should desert the Progressive Party
and infiltrate more firmly established politi-
cal organizations. In the case of the ALP,
the Reds seem to have deserted another of
their instruments.
It is only through such events as this
that one can separate the slaves of the
party line those who may have some spark
of independence. Marcantonio's defection
surprises us because it is very hard to
distinguish one from the other before
the break comes.
As still another name is added to the
list of alienated party-liners, the utter fu-
tility of the Communists as a political, as
opposed to a conspiratorial, force is con-
firmed. The agility required to tread the
narrow path the Communists set for them-
selves seems to be beyond the power of all
but the mindless.
--Carl Zimmerman

ONLY THREE orchestras appear repeat-
edly year after year in Ann Arbor. They
are the Boston and Philadelphia, whose
fame and excellence are a priori among
concert-goers, and the Cleveland Orchestra,
an ensemble technically as well equipped as
the other two, and equally if not superiorly
For this year's visit George Szell chose
a program of Berlioz' "Roman Carnival"
Overture, Debussy's "Prelude a l'apres-
midi d'un faune," Variations. for Orches-
tra on a Theme by Paganini by the con-
temporary German composer, Boris Blach-
er, and Schubert's Symphony No. 7 in C
major; a program not conspicuous for any
daring or ingenuity, but nonetheless pro-
viding ample musical interest caused
mainly by the inclusion of the Schubert
symphony, a work not heard here for
many years.
Both the Berlioz and Debussy were clear-
cut performances, orchestrally ludid, par-
ticularly the Berlioz where attacks, phras-
ing and intonation were a masterpiece of
precision, andN interpretively strict. Szell
is deceptive in that his conducting technic
shows a man given to the romantic ges-
ture, the conductor acting out the phrases
of the music. Just the opposite is true. He
is the craftsman maintaining complete con-
trol over his instrument; no sound can sur-
prise him, it must be exactly as he desired.
He knows how loud his orchestra can play,
and how soft.
Maintaining such a strict control over
the orchestra left the Debussy without the
spontaneous, almost effortless rhapsodic
flow a French conductor would have given
the piece, but Szell did have it moving grace-
fully. His approach is certainly valid. It
merely shows a different focus from the us-
ual. French interpretation which would have
the orchestral textures more diffuse and mel-
low rather than highly concentrated on
one exact sound.
The performance of the Blacher Varia-
tions on a Theme of Paganini was the
first in Ann Arbor. They use the same
theme of Paganini as do the Rachmani-
noff, but to a different purpose. Blacher
evidently has tried to give his variations
some humor. This was immediately point-
ed up by the first variation which was a
crescendo going nowhere but to a whisper
in the woodwinds. The effect was quite
startling, but on the whole the variations
suffer from two main faults. There was a
lack of melodic inventiveness, the theme
doesn't really offer much to start with,
and lack of mood change.
The evening's climax was the Schubert
symphony. Here is a very difficult work to
conduct. Its length brings problems similar
to Beethoven's Eroica. Most careful atten-.
tion must be paid to dynamics, climaxes,
atd tempi in order to avoid monotony.
Szell triumphed eminently. In the first
movement, where there are so many cli-
maxes at the end that each could easily
become anticlimatic, he carefully gauged
their intensity so they would flow naturally.
His choice of tempi throughout the work
left each movement with a fresh and vital
sound. He clearly defined all the inner parts
and subtle changes when sections were re-
peated thus giving the work variety and
negating any feeling of monotony its length
might cause. The symphony with its many
wonderful melodies, any other composer
would have written two symphones with the
melodic material in this work, sang from
beginning to end.
THE FIRST of the current season's Com-
position Forums got off to a splendid
start last night as seven works were played,
six written by students and one by a pro-
The professional work was Poem for Vio-
lin and Piano by the noted composer from
Royal Oak, Michigan, Clark Eastham. Influ-
enced by the nineteenth centry, its rhap'-
sodic lines were rewarding and elegantly
written for the violin. It was beautifully per-

formed by Morris Hochberg, assistant con-
certmaster 'of the Detroit Symphony Or-
chestra, and his wife, Sylvia Hochberg.
Of the student works played, three were
by newcomers to the local musical scene.
Bruce Wise was represented by Three
Songs to poetty of Stephen Spender, ex-
quisitely sung by Ruth Orr, and a Sonata,
for Flute and Piano, performed expres-
sively by Jacque Radant. Mr. Wise pro-
vided the piano accompaniments in both
cases. The other newcomer, Wayne Slaw-
son, was represented by Three Circles for
Piano, his first work. They were taste-
fully played by Phyllis Bentley.
Mr. Wise demonstrated considerable har-
monic and melodic ingenuity. His music
made a deep impression upon the audience.
Mr. Slawson's pieces achieved effective
moods and showed promise of more pro-
found efforts to come.
The remaining works were David Tice's
Trio for Oboe, Violin and Cello, respectively
played by Sylvia Sherman, George Papich
and Camilla Heller; Reginald Hall's Poems.
for Music on texts of Robert Hillyer, per-
formed by Leslie Bennett, tenor, and Jus-
tine Votypka, pianist; and Courtney Sher-
brooke Adams' Fantasy for Piano and Or-
chestra, with Lois Gauger playing the solo
part and David Tice playing the orchestral
accompaniment on a second piano. All three
works were expressive and musically effec-

"The Lamb Is Still There. It's Just Been Integrated"
v The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and willpublish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

(Continued from Page 3)
are available to permanent residents of
the United States or Canada. Applica-
tions may be secured by writing to the
Social ScienceResearch Council, 726
Jackson Place, N.W., Washington 6,
D.C. The closing date for receipt of ap-
plications is January 4, 1954.
Closing Hour for Social Events spon-
sored by student organizations on the
evenings of November 21 and December
12 may be extended to 1 a.m., provided
parties are so registered in the Office
of Student Affairs.
The Girl Scouts of America will have
a representative on the campus on Nov.
12 and 13 to talk with Feb. and June
women graduates in the fields of Social
Work, or the Social Sciences about:
positions in Girl Scout work. Both AB
and AM students are eligible to sched-
ule appointments.
TheFFord Motor Co. will visit the
Bureau of Appointments on Nov. 13 to
talk with Feb. men graduates in
LS&A about positions in Purchasing.
while primarily interested in AB, AM
or PhD LS&A students for Pur-
chasing opportunities, the company's
representative is also willing to talk
to other candidates regarding Ford's
College Training Program.
Students wishing to schedule ap-
pointments to see these companies list-
ed above should contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Administration
Bldg., Ext. 371.
The Detroit Police Department has
announced an examination for Police-
women which will be given on Dec.
5 to women students majoring in the
field of Social Science, particularly
those on a graduate level.
For applications and further infor-
mation concerning these and other em-
ployment opportunities, contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin-
istration Bldg., Ext. 371.
lHon. Trygve Lie to Speak Tomorrow.
"How To Meet the Challenge of Our
Times" is the subject which will be
discussed tomorrow night by the Hon-
orable Trygve Lie, first Secretary-Gen-
eral of the UN, when he appears in Hill
Auditorium as the third number on the
1953-54 Lecture Course. Mr. Lie's seven
years as head of the UN made him
sone of themost important figures in
world politics. Tickets for the lecture
may be purchased today and tomor-
row at the Auditorium box office which
is open today 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and to-
morrow from 10 a.m.-8:30 p.m.
Lecture by Prof. Sydney Chapman,
auspices Departments of Astronomy,
Aeronautical Engineering, Physics, and
Geology, Tues., Nov. 10, 4 p.m., 1400
Chemistry Building. Topic, "Geomag-
netic Disturbance: Its Morphology."
A cademic Notices
Seminar in Complex Variables will
meet Tuesday, November 10, at 3:30 in
3011 Angell Hall. Doctor Ernest Griffin
will speak on "Hausdorff Measures and

Student Exchange .. .
To the Editor:
REGARDING the recent letters
in the Daily urging a student
exchange program between the;
United States and the Soviet Un-
ion, I would like to take exception
to the remarks that the McCar-
ran-Walter Immigration Act rep-'
resents the major obstacle toward
the fulfillment of such a program.
Certainly, I cannot condone the
discriminatory features of the law
nor for that matter can I approveI
of it in toto. But in reference to

of evidence.
The prosecutor and his assist-
ant. Mr. Kaess and Mr. Huntley,
are men to watch. A conviction
will set them on their way to
fame and fortune; and they have
for their purposes that necessary
disregard of the implications for
democracy of putting a political
party on trial. It is not the con-
cern of ambition that the defend-
ants about whom they construct
their frame-up ar'e, after all, hu-
man beings.
--David R. Luce
A Final Point...


ts being a principal stumbling
block in the way of U.S.-Soviet Dear Sir,

student relations, I would like to
attempt to clarify some issues.
It is my belief that the absence'
of an exchange program between
ourselves and the Soviet Union
can be attributed in no small de-I
gree to the fact that given the
opportunity to partake of such
a program, it is highly question-1
able whether the Soviet Union
rnld h illinmttmni itl f

PLEASE allow me to make a!
brief-and for my part final
answer to Mr. John Leggett's let-
A constitution is not 'given to'
-I presume Mr. Leggett means
'imposed on'-a British colony. It
is a product of negotiation and
and the colonial representatives;
and the subject of constant



in 2084 East Engineering All engineers
interested in speaking are welcome.
Anthropology Club. Meeting 7:45 p.m.,
East Conference Room, Rackham Build-
ing. Dr. Albert Spaulding of the An-
thropology Department will speak on
"Facts and Tlieoi ies in Archeology. Re-
freshments will be served.
Museum Movie. "Live Teddy Bears"
(the Koala) and "Teddy Bears at Play."
Free movies shown at 3 p.m. daily, in-
ciuding Sat. and Sun. and at 12:30 .
Wed., 4th floor movie alcove Museums
Building, Nov. 10-17.
S.L. Academic Freedom Sub-Com-
mission. Meeting 4 p.m., Union. Last
meeting before Academic Freedom
Tau Beta Pi. Meeting 7:15 p.m. in
Room 3R, Union. Prof. Young will
speak. The 'Ensian picture will be
taken att 9 p.m. Refreshments.
Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office will
be, open today from 10 a.m. until 5
p.m. for tickets for the Department of
Speech production of Maxwell Ander-
day, Friday, Saturday and Monday. The
special student rate of any seat in the
house for 50c is in effect Thursday
night. All seats are reserved. Regular
rate is 60c-90c-$1.20. All performances
begin at 8 p.m.
Mathematics Club. Meet at 8 p.m.,
West Conference Room, Rackham
Bldg. Prof. Roger C. Lyndon will speak
on "Axioms, Algebras, and Truth Tab-
Congregational-Disciples Guild. 4:30-
6 p.m., Tea at Guild House.
Square and Folk Dancing. New rec-
ords and new calls. Everyone welcome.
LAtne Hall, 7:30-10 p.m.
S.R.A. Council meets at Lane Hall.
5:15 p.m.
Episcopal Student Foundation: Tea,
4 to 6, Canterbury House. Guest of
Honor: Dr. Kenneth Kantzer, Profes-
sor of Philosophy at Wheaton College.
All students invited.
Young Democrats. Meeting ;wil be
held at 7:30 p.m. in the StudentLegis-
lature Building and not in the Union
this week only. The chief topic of busi-
L-ess will be Academic Freedom.
Coming Events
Russky Chorus. Meet Wed., Nov. 11,
7:30 p.m., Auditorium D, Angell Hall.
All students interested in Russian are
urged to attend.

ONGKONG-The traveler leaving Hong-
kong for Saigon is also leaving the im-
mediate area of Chinese Communist pres-
sure in Asia for the area that is probably
next in line. This is a good time to take
stock, in a preliminary way, of American
policy in the Far East. But it may as well
be said that the results are both melancholy
and shocking.
Item by item, as one goes down the list
of activities that pass for American policy
here, one finds that thergoods in the stock-
room are'not as represented at home, or
simply are not there at all. A firm that
carried on its business with such a stock-
room would have trouble with the law.
A characteristic experience of the traveler
here was a discovery this reporter made on
Formosa. Back home, the State Depart-
ment is making loud, bold noises, in defer-
ence to such members of the Senate as Wil-
liam Knowland of California, about veto-
ing the entry of the Chinese Communists
into the United Nations. But this is strictly
a phony.
At the very beginning of the Eisenhower
administration, none other than the Chi-
nese Nationalist Foreign Minister, the able
George Yeh, put the real facts before Sec-
retary of State John Foster Dulles and our
UN representative, Henry Cabot Lodge Jr.
At the sixth session of the United Nations
General Assembly, the American delegation
went officially on record that the choice be-
tween rival governments-for example, be-
tween the Chinese Communists or Nation-
alists-as the proper representatives of their
country, was not subject to a UN veto. We
simply do not have the weapon our leaders

"We don't think it matters very much, and
we're quite ready to open formal diplomatic
relations with Peking providing Peking isn't
going to treat our representative as a 'Nego-
tiations'Commissioner,' which has happened
to the British. Again, if our allies really want
it and there is no interference with For-
mosa, we shan't even object very much to
seeing the Chinese Communists in the UN.
But there is just one little condition that
really has got to be met in full, before any-
body, including our allies, can consider these
steps. The Chinese Communists have got to
start acting like civilized members of the
world community, in Korea and Indo-China
for-instance. Let that test once be met, and
we'll go along."
Of course the test never will be met. Yet
such a speech will pull the rug out from
under the wool heads in London and the
appeasers elsewhere. Once we have taken
this irrefutable reasonable and non-political
stand, the other members of the UN will
have no alternative but to back us up. Hence,
instead of the ultimate admission of the
Chinese Communists to the UN being pretty
inevitable, they will almost certainly not be
admitted, which is what we want.
The big, empty talk to keep the Senate
sweet is just one of the frauds. Another
fraud is the portrayal of Japan as a bas-
tion of power out here, when Japanese re-
armament cannot possibly produce real
results for years to come. Still another
fraud is the situation on Formosa. What
we have done there is good as far as it
goes. But on the one hand, the Gener-
ralissimo's armies are aging. If we want
these armies to return to the mainland,
rx~ai~asn fn malr ttn mit-r~i" e ah A i.

VVuu De W VVlll..io avail 0.sV l O ;
the occasion and "expose" its stu- amendment as the latter gain Zoology Seminar. Dr. C. H. Mortimer
dents to American institutions. experience in governing. So was will speak on "The Exchange of Nu-
One has only to read some of the it with British Guiana-until the trient Salts between Mud and Water in
One as nly o rad ome f te ILakes," on Tues., Nov. 10, 8 p.m., 3126
answers to queries put to Russian PP.P. came to power. It was no Natural Science Building.
students by visiting Americans to mere amendment of the constitu-
ascertain the distorted views thattLon that Dr. Jagan proposed. He Fourth Sociology Colloquium. The
obtain among these students con- and his Party prepared its meth- Student-Faculty Committee of the So-
cerning conditions in the United Id.ical destruction. Mr. Leggett ciology Department will present Messrs.
Robert Blood, Robert Hamblin, and
States. It would therefore appear calls such a program 'radical. Robert Schulze in a panel discussion,
that the roots of the problem and That would seem to be one of the "An Assessment of the New Kinsey
its subsequent solution lie much few understatements he has mad6 Report," on Wed., Nov. 11, at 4 p.m.,
more deeply than the McCarn on this subject. Auditorium ,C" Mason Hall. Everyone
Act. He seeks evidence to support is invited.
As far as American students this charge and my statement of Doctoral Examination for Ezra Stot-
studying in the Soviet Union, I the Government's authoritarian land, Social Psychology; thesis: "Peer
think that would be a wonderful intentions. There is no lack of it. Groups and Reactions to Power Fig-
idea, but I'm slightly suspicious Mr. Leggett refers to the Gov- WCouncil Room, Rackham Building, at
that'being openly faced with the ernment's labor legislation. Dr. 3 p.m. Chairman, A. F. Zander.
prospect of; free trade in ideas Jagan certainly believed Labor
with this country, that nation should have the right to organize Engineering Mechanics Seminar. P. M.
and argan colecivel. HedidNaghdi will speak on "Graphostatics,
might renege on its "repeated ex- and bargain collectively. He did of Stress Function" at 3:45 p.m., Nov.
hortations." not, however, seek to extend this 11, 101 W. Engineering Bldg. Refresh-
The establishment of an ex Ifright to any Union other than his ments.
Theestblihmet o anex-Palrty-sponsored Guiana Indus-
change student program certainly trial Workers' Union-a pirate Preliminary Examinations in Ling-
would in my opinion go a long nistics. The examinations in Linguistic
way in determining how sincere Union led by the Minister of Science and in Comparative Indo-Eur-
the Soviet Union is on its pro- Health, Dr. Singh. The bill, which opean will be given on Fri., Nov. 13,
t Mr. Leggett compares with the 2 p.m., 2023 Angell Hall, the examina-
fessed pursuit of world peace. Wagner Act, empowered the Min- tion in the structure and History of,
With this last statement, I urge ister of Labor, himself a trade un-the English Language will be given
all Americans to join in the fight ion official, to decide which Un Sat., Nov. 14, 9 a.m., 2023 Angell
to amend if not to repeal the Mc- ions employers should recognise.
Cari'an Act and allow Russia to iosepoesshudrcgie
show her true colors to the rest Other noteworthy points: theCon t s
proposal for a volunteer force to
of the world. Program of Compositions by' Leslie
-Jay P. Katz, be drawn from Party adherents Bassett, Instructor in Theory and Com-
Class-56 who would form the nucleus of a position, School of Music, Sun., Nov.
* people's police; the abolition of 15, at 4:15 in Auditorium A, Angell
the Public Services Commission, Hal. Open to the public without
Smith Act Trail . . . after refusing appropriations; the charge. (This recital is erroneously list-
ed for Sat., Nov. 14, in the Weekly
To te Edtor-setting up of committees to super- Calendar.)
To the Editor: vise public works projects without
'HE slow pace and casual air power to negotiate on wages or STANLEY QUARTET, Gilbert Ross,
conditions; the general condoning, violin, Emil Raab, violin, Robert Courte,
prevailing in Judge Picard's if not inciting, of public disorder viola, and Oliver Edel, cello, will per-
courtroom in the Federal Build-.. form the first of two programs at 8:30
ing, Detroit, does not lend the trial by Ministers of the Crown. Tuesday evening, Nov. 10, in the Rack-
The confidence of the people in ham Lecture Hall. The concert will
of six Michigan Communists the their six month old Government include Beethoven's Quartet in A mi-
appearance of drama. It is essen-!
tallyearal of das,.f th bsodsy is shown by the run on the banks nor, Op. 18, No. 5, Bartok's Quartet No.
tially a trial of ideas, of the body -er4, and Mozart's Quartet in C major, K.
of social and political theory label- -over £1,500,000 in excess of cur- 465. The second program will be given
ed Marxism, and this leads to dull rent investment in a colony in the on Tues., Dec. 8, in the same place.
going. The day I attended the British Government's action has Both will be open to the general public
trial the prosecutor was concerned been shown in messages from the without charge.
with reading long excerpts from I1British Guiana League of Colored
withreaing ongexcrptsfro I Exhibitions
documents written twenty and Peoples, the Village Chairman's
thirty years ago, and the defense Conference; and in the recent Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
attorney with objecting to this on statements, Mr. Norman Manly of Hall, Framing - Right and Wrong,
the grounds (reasonable enough, it Jamaica and Mr. Grantly Adams, through Nov. 20, Michigan Printmak-
seems to me) that what Com- the Labor leader in Barbados. ers society, through Nov. 18. Open 9-5
on weekdays; 2-5 on Sundays. The pub-
munists may have believed so long -Alex A. Walker lic is invited.
ago, under such different histori- !-
cal conditions, is hardly relevant HE BUSINESS of an opposition Events Toda
to a conspiracy allegedly formed party is to oppose. After twen-
in 1945, in which the defendants ty consecutive years in office, most The University Choral Union will
were not alleged to have partici- Democratic leaders still seem to hold its regular full rehearsal at 7
pated until 1949. be trying to act like responsible o'clock sharp, in the Choral Union
Of the judge one might say that statesmen and administrators. rehearsal room in Angell Hall. All mem-
he is perhaps trying to be fair, It this a'ttitude continued, it promptly.
but is certainly not over-exerting would seriously endanger the val-
himself with the effort. In pre- ues of the two party system. Re- Faculty Luncheon with Dr. Kenneth
vious political cases brought be- sponsible statesmanship is the ob- Kantzer, Professor of Philosophy,
_ .. _ _ _- Whenan Cee.12:15, at the Unionn

Congregational-Disciples Guild. Wed.,
Nov.- 11, 7 p.m., Discussion' Group at
Guild House. "The Challenge of Our
Chess Club of the University of Mich-
igan will present the simultaneous
match scheduled for earlier this year
on Wed., Nov. 11, 7:30 p.m., Michigan
Union. Don Byrne, this year's winner
of the national open chess tourna-
ment, will play thirty members of the
Chess Club. Visitors are welcome.
Flint Folk Dance Festival. Ctrs will
leave Lane Hal at 6:45 p.m., Thursday,
Nov. 12. Call Lane Hall, ext. 2851 for
details and reservations.
Episcopal Student Foundation: Stu-
dent Breakfast following 7 a.m. ser-
vice of Holy Communion, Wed., Nov.
11, Canterbury House.
First Laboratory Bill of Plays for the
1953-54 season will be presented by the
Department of Speech Friday and Sat-
urday, November 20 and 21, at 8 p.m. in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. In-
cluded on the program will be Chris-
topher Fry's A PHOENIX TOO FRE-
NEIGHBORS; and Act II of Smetana's
sentedwith the School of Music. There
will be no admission charge.
Industrial Relations Dinner Meeting.
Industrial Relations Club will meet
with the Industrial Relations Club of
Detroit on Thurs., Nov. 12, for the an-
nual banquet-meeting of the two clubs
at the Michigan Union, 7:30 p.m.
Modern Dance and Ballet Clubs are
co-sponsoring a Dance Movie Night to
be held Wed., Nov. 11, at 8 p.m. in
the Dance Studio of Barbour Gym. The
movies will feature Jose Limon, Val-
erie Bettis, and others. The public is
Le Cercle Francals. Wed., Nov. 11, 8
p.m., Michigan League. Prof. Robert J.
Niess, of the French Department, will
speakon "Modern Trends in French
Literature." Dancing, singing and re-
freshments. All members are urged to
Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn............Managing Editor
Eric Vetter ..................City Editor
Virginia Voss;.,.......Editorial Director
Mike Wolff.......Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver. .Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane Decker.........,Associate Editor
Helene Simon..,....... .Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye.............Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell.......Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. women's Editor
Don Campbell.......Head Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden........Finance Manager
James Sharp......Circulation Manager
Tetej.hone 23-24-1



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